Beispiel #1
/* Limit of MCode reservation reached. */
void lj_mcode_limiterr(jit_State *J, size_t need)
  size_t sizemcode, maxmcode;
  sizemcode = (size_t)J->param[JIT_P_sizemcode] << 10;
  sizemcode = (sizemcode + LJ_PAGESIZE-1) & ~(size_t)(LJ_PAGESIZE - 1);
  maxmcode = (size_t)J->param[JIT_P_maxmcode] << 10;
  if ((size_t)need > sizemcode)
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_MCODEOV);  /* Too long for any area. */
  if (J->szallmcarea + sizemcode > maxmcode)
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_MCODEAL);
  lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_MCODELM);  /* Retry with new area. */
Beispiel #2
/* Narrowing of power operator or math.pow. */
TRef lj_opt_narrow_pow(jit_State *J, TRef rb, TRef rc, TValue *vc)
  lua_Number n;
  if (tvisstr(vc) && !lj_str_tonum(strV(vc), vc))
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);
  n = numV(vc);
  /* Limit narrowing for pow to small exponents (or for two constants). */
  if ((tref_isk(rc) && tref_isint(rc) && tref_isk(rb)) ||
      ((J->flags & JIT_F_OPT_NARROW) &&
       (numisint(n) && n >= -65536.0 && n <= 65536.0))) {
    TRef tmp;
    if (!tref_isinteger(rc)) {
      if (tref_isstr(rc))
	rc = emitir(IRTG(IR_STRTO, IRT_NUM), rc, 0);
      rc = emitir(IRTGI(IR_TOINT), rc, IRTOINT_CHECK); /* Guarded TOINT! */
    if (!tref_isk(rc)) {  /* Range guard: -65536 <= i <= 65536 */
      tmp = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), rc, lj_ir_kint(J, 65536-2147483647-1));
      emitir(IRTGI(IR_LE), tmp, lj_ir_kint(J, 2*65536-2147483647-1));
    return emitir(IRTN(IR_POWI), rb, rc);
  /* FOLD covers most cases, but some are easier to do here. */
  if (tref_isk(rb) && tvispone(ir_knum(IR(tref_ref(rb)))))
    return rb;  /* 1 ^ x ==> 1 */
  rc = lj_ir_tonum(J, rc);
  if (tref_isk(rc) && ir_knum(IR(tref_ref(rc)))->n == 0.5)
    return emitir(IRTN(IR_FPMATH), rb, IRFPM_SQRT);  /* x ^ 0.5 ==> sqrt(x) */
  /* Split up b^c into exp2(c*log2(b)). Assembler may rejoin later. */
  rb = emitir(IRTN(IR_FPMATH), rb, IRFPM_LOG2);
  rc = emitir(IRTN(IR_MUL), rb, rc);
  return emitir(IRTN(IR_FPMATH), rc, IRFPM_EXP2);
Beispiel #3
static LJ_AINLINE void *mcode_alloc(jit_State *J, size_t sz, int prot)
  void *p = mmap(NULL, sz, prot, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
  if (p == MAP_FAILED)
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_MCODEAL);
  return p;
Beispiel #4
static LJ_AINLINE void *mcode_alloc(jit_State *J, size_t sz, DWORD prot)
  void *p = VirtualAlloc(NULL, sz, MEM_RESERVE|MEM_COMMIT|MEM_TOP_DOWN, prot);
  if (!p)
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_MCODEAL);
  return p;
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_math_pow(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  TRef tr = lj_ir_tonum(J, J->base[0]);
  if (!tref_isnumber_str(J->base[1]))
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);
  J->base[0] = lj_opt_narrow_pow(J, tr, J->base[1], &rd->argv[1]);
Beispiel #6
static void *mcode_alloc_at(jit_State *J, uintptr_t hint, size_t sz, DWORD prot)
  void *p = VirtualAlloc((void *)hint, sz,
  if (!p && !hint)
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_MCODEAL);
  return p;
Beispiel #7
/* Grow snapshot buffer. */
void lj_snap_grow_buf_(jit_State *J, MSize need)
  MSize maxsnap = (MSize)J->param[JIT_P_maxsnap];
  if (need > maxsnap)
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_SNAPOV);
  lj_mem_growvec(J->L, J->snapbuf, J->sizesnap, maxsnap, SnapShot);
  J->cur.snap = J->snapbuf;
Beispiel #8
/* Emit or eliminate collected PHIs. */
static void loop_emit_phi(jit_State *J, IRRef1 *subst, IRRef1 *phi, IRRef nphi)
  int pass2 = 0;
  IRRef i, nslots;
  IRRef invar = J->chain[IR_LOOP];
  /* Pass #1: mark redundant and potentially redundant PHIs. */
  for (i = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
    IRRef lref = phi[i];
    IRRef rref = subst[lref];
    if (lref == rref || rref == REF_DROP) {  /* Invariants are redundant. */
    } else if (!(IR(rref)->op1 == lref || IR(rref)->op2 == lref)) {
      /* Quick check for simple recurrences failed, need pass2. */
      pass2 = 1;
  /* Pass #2: traverse variant part and clear marks of non-redundant PHIs. */
  if (pass2) {
    for (i = J->cur.nins-1; i > invar; i--) {
      IRIns *ir = IR(i);
      if (!irref_isk(ir->op1)) irt_clearmark(IR(ir->op1)->t);
      if (!irref_isk(ir->op2)) irt_clearmark(IR(ir->op2)->t);
  /* Pass #3: add PHIs for variant slots without a corresponding SLOAD. */
  nslots = J->baseslot+J->maxslot;
  for (i = 1; i < nslots; i++) {
    IRRef ref = tref_ref(J->slot[i]);
    while (!irref_isk(ref) && ref != subst[ref]) {
      IRIns *ir = IR(ref);
      irt_clearmark(ir->t);  /* Unmark potential uses, too. */
      if (irt_isphi(ir->t) || irt_ispri(ir->t))
      if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
	lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
      phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
      ref = subst[ref];
      if (ref > invar)
  /* Pass #4: emit PHI instructions or eliminate PHIs. */
  for (i = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
    IRRef lref = phi[i];
    IRIns *ir = IR(lref);
    if (!irt_ismarked(ir->t)) {  /* Emit PHI if not marked. */
      IRRef rref = subst[lref];
      if (rref > invar)
      emitir_raw(IRT(IR_PHI, irt_type(ir->t)), lref, rref);
    } else {  /* Otherwise eliminate PHI. */
Beispiel #9
static void *mcode_alloc_at(jit_State *J, uintptr_t hint, size_t sz, int prot)
  void *p = mmap((void *)hint, sz, prot, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
  if (p == MAP_FAILED) {
    if (!hint) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_MCODEAL);
    p = NULL;
  return p;
Beispiel #10
static GCcdata *argv2cdata(jit_State *J, TRef tr, cTValue *o)
  GCcdata *cd;
  TRef trtypeid;
  if (!tref_iscdata(tr))
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);
  cd = cdataV(o);
  /* Specialize to the CTypeID. */
  trtypeid = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_U16), tr, IRFL_CDATA_TYPEID);
  emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_INT), trtypeid, lj_ir_kint(J, (int32_t)cd->typeid));
  return cd;
/* Get runtime value of string argument. */
static GCstr *argv2str(jit_State *J, TValue *o)
  if (LJ_LIKELY(tvisstr(o))) {
    return strV(o);
  } else {
    GCstr *s;
    if (!tvisnumber(o))
      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);
    if (tvisint(o))
      s = lj_str_fromint(J->L, intV(o));
      s = lj_str_fromnum(J->L, &o->n);
    setstrV(J->L, o, s);
    return s;
static void LJ_FASTCALL recff_ipairs_aux(jit_State *J, RecordFFData *rd)
  RecordIndex ix; = J->base[0];
  if (tref_istab( {
    if (!tvisnumber(&rd->argv[1]))  /* No support for string coercion. */
      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);
    setintV(&ix.keyv, numberVint(&rd->argv[1])+1);
    settabV(J->L, &ix.tabv, tabV(&rd->argv[0]));
    ix.val = 0; ix.idxchain = 0;
    ix.key = lj_opt_narrow_toint(J, J->base[1]);
    J->base[0] = ix.key = emitir(IRTI(IR_ADD), ix.key, lj_ir_kint(J, 1));
    J->base[1] = lj_record_idx(J, &ix);
    rd->nres = tref_isnil(J->base[1]) ? 0 : 2;
  }  /* else: Interpreter will throw. */
/* Get FILE* for I/O function. Any I/O error aborts recording, so there's
** no need to encode the alternate cases for any of the guards.
static TRef recff_io_fp(jit_State *J, uint32_t id)
  TRef tr, ud, fp;
  if (id) {  /* io.func() */
    tr = lj_ir_kptr(J, &J2G(J)->gcroot[id]);
    ud = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, IRT_UDATA), tr, 0);
  } else {  /* fp:method() */
    ud = J->base[0];
    if (!tref_isudata(ud))
      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);
    tr = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_U8), ud, IRFL_UDATA_UDTYPE);
    emitir(IRTGI(IR_EQ), tr, lj_ir_kint(J, UDTYPE_IO_FILE));
  fp = emitir(IRT(IR_FLOAD, IRT_PTR), ud, IRFL_UDATA_FILE);
  emitir(IRTG(IR_NE, IRT_PTR), fp, lj_ir_knull(J, IRT_PTR));
  return fp;
/* Determine mode of select() call. */
int32_t lj_ffrecord_select_mode(jit_State *J, TRef tr, TValue *tv)
  if (tref_isstr(tr) && *strVdata(tv) == '#') {  /* select('#', ...) */
    if (strV(tv)->len == 1) {
      emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_STR), tr, lj_ir_kstr(J, strV(tv)));
    } else {
      TRef trptr = emitir(IRT(IR_STRREF, IRT_P32), tr, lj_ir_kint(J, 0));
      TRef trchar = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, IRT_U8), trptr, IRXLOAD_READONLY);
      emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_INT), trchar, lj_ir_kint(J, '#'));
    return 0;
  } else {  /* select(n, ...) */
    int32_t start = argv2int(J, tv);
    if (start == 0) lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);  /* A bit misleading. */
    return start;
Beispiel #15
static CTypeID argv2ctype(jit_State *J, TRef tr, cTValue *o)
  if (tref_isstr(tr)) {
    GCstr *s = strV(o);
    CPState cp;
    CTypeID oldtop;
    /* Specialize to the string containing the C type declaration. */
    emitir(IRTG(IR_EQ, IRT_STR), tr, lj_ir_kstr(J, s));
    cp.L = J->L;
    cp.cts = ctype_ctsG(J2G(J));
    oldtop = cp.cts->top;
    cp.srcname = strdata(s);
    cp.p = strdata(s);
    if (lj_cparse(&cp) || cp.cts->top > oldtop)  /* Avoid new struct defs. */
      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);
  } else {
    GCcdata *cd = argv2cdata(J, tr, o);
    return cd->typeid == CTID_CTYPEID ? *(CTypeID *)cdataptr(cd) : cd->typeid;
Beispiel #16
/* Add or merge a snapshot. */
void lj_snap_add(jit_State *J)
  MSize nsnap = J->cur.nsnap;
  MSize nsnapmap = J->cur.nsnapmap;
  /* Merge if no ins. inbetween or if requested and no guard inbetween. */
  if (J->mergesnap ? !irt_isguard(J->guardemit) :
      (nsnap > 0 && J->cur.snap[nsnap-1].ref == J->cur.nins)) {
    nsnapmap = J->cur.snap[--nsnap].mapofs;
  } else {
    /* Need to grow snapshot buffer? */
    if (LJ_UNLIKELY(nsnap >= J->sizesnap)) {
      MSize maxsnap = (MSize)J->param[JIT_P_maxsnap];
      if (nsnap >= maxsnap)
	lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_SNAPOV);
      lj_mem_growvec(J->L, J->snapbuf, J->sizesnap, maxsnap, SnapShot);
      J->cur.snap = J->snapbuf;
    J->cur.nsnap = (uint16_t)(nsnap+1);
  J->mergesnap = 0;
  J->guardemit.irt = 0;
  snapshot_stack(J, &J->cur.snap[nsnap], nsnapmap);
Beispiel #17
/* Get memory within relative jump distance of our code in 64 bit mode. */
static void *mcode_alloc(jit_State *J, size_t sz)
  /* Target an address in the static assembler code (64K aligned).
  ** Try addresses within a distance of target-range/
  ** Use half the jump range so every address in the range can reach any other.
  /* Use the middle of the 256MB-aligned region. */
  uintptr_t target = ((uintptr_t)(void *)lj_vm_exit_handler & 0xf0000000u) +
  uintptr_t target = (uintptr_t)(void *)lj_vm_exit_handler & ~(uintptr_t)0xffff;
  const uintptr_t range = (1u << (LJ_TARGET_JUMPRANGE-1)) - (1u << 21);
  /* First try a contiguous area below the last one. */
  uintptr_t hint = J->mcarea ? (uintptr_t)J->mcarea - sz : 0;
  int i;
  /* Limit probing iterations, depending on the available pool size. */
  for (i = 0; i < LJ_TARGET_JUMPRANGE; i++) {
    if (mcode_validptr(hint)) {
      void *p = mcode_alloc_at(J, hint, sz, MCPROT_GEN);

      if (mcode_validptr(p) &&
	  ((uintptr_t)p + sz - target < range || target - (uintptr_t)p < range))
	return p;
      if (p) mcode_free(J, p, sz);  /* Free badly placed area. */
    /* Next try probing 64K-aligned pseudo-random addresses. */
    do {
      hint = LJ_PRNG_BITS(J, LJ_TARGET_JUMPRANGE-16) << 16;
    } while (!(hint + sz < range+range));
    hint = target + hint - range;
  lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_MCODEAL);  /* Give up. OS probably ignores hints? */
  return NULL;
Beispiel #18
static void crec_ct_ct(jit_State *J, CType *d, CType *s, TRef dp, TRef sp,
		       void *svisnz)
  CTSize dsize = d->size, ssize = s->size;
  CTInfo dinfo = d->info, sinfo = s->info;
  IRType dt = crec_ct2irt(d);
  IRType st = crec_ct2irt(s);

  if (ctype_type(dinfo) > CT_MAYCONVERT || ctype_type(sinfo) > CT_MAYCONVERT)
    goto err_conv;

  ** Note: Unlike lj_cconv_ct_ct(), sp holds the _value_ of pointers and
  ** numbers up to 8 bytes. Otherwise sp holds a pointer.

  switch (cconv_idx2(dinfo, sinfo)) {
  /* Destination is a bool. */
  case CCX(B, B):
    goto xstore;  /* Source operand is already normalized. */
  case CCX(B, I):
  case CCX(B, F):
    if (st != IRT_CDATA) {
      /* Specialize to the result of a comparison against 0. */
      TRef zero = (st == IRT_NUM  || st == IRT_FLOAT) ? lj_ir_knum(J, 0) :
		  (st == IRT_I64 || st == IRT_U64) ? lj_ir_kint64(J, 0) :
		  lj_ir_kint(J, 0);
      int isnz = crec_isnonzero(s, svisnz);
      emitir(IRTG(isnz ? IR_NE : IR_EQ, st), sp, zero);
      sp = lj_ir_kint(J, isnz);
      goto xstore;
    goto err_nyi;

  /* Destination is an integer. */
  case CCX(I, B):
  case CCX(I, I):
    if (dt == IRT_CDATA || st == IRT_CDATA) goto err_nyi;
#if LJ_64
    /* Sign-extend 32 to 64 bit integer. */
    if (dsize == 8 && ssize < 8 && !(sinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED))
      sp = emitconv(sp, dt, IRT_INT, IRCONV_SEXT);
    /* All other conversions are no-ops on x64. */
    if (dsize == 8 && ssize < 8)  /* Extend to 64 bit integer. */
      sp = emitconv(sp, dt, ssize < 4 ? IRT_INT : st,
		    (sinfo & CTF_UNSIGNED) ? 0 : IRCONV_SEXT);
    else if (dsize < 8 && ssize == 8)  /* Truncate from 64 bit integer. */
      sp = emitconv(sp, dsize < 4 ? IRT_INT : dt, st, 0);
    emitir(IRT(IR_XSTORE, dt), dp, sp);
  case CCX(I, C):
    sp = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, st), sp, 0);  /* Load re. */
    /* fallthrough */
  case CCX(I, F):
    if (dt == IRT_CDATA || st == IRT_CDATA) goto err_nyi;
    sp = emitconv(sp, dsize < 4 ? IRT_INT : dt, st, IRCONV_TRUNC|IRCONV_ANY);
    goto xstore;
  case CCX(I, P):
  case CCX(I, A):
    ssize = CTSIZE_PTR;
    st = IRT_UINTP;
    goto conv_I_I;

  /* Destination is a floating-point number. */
  case CCX(F, B):
  case CCX(F, I):
    if (dt == IRT_CDATA || st == IRT_CDATA) goto err_nyi;
    sp = emitconv(sp, dt, ssize < 4 ? IRT_INT : st, 0);
    goto xstore;
  case CCX(F, C):
    sp = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, st), sp, 0);  /* Load re. */
    /* fallthrough */
  case CCX(F, F):
    if (dt == IRT_CDATA || st == IRT_CDATA) goto err_nyi;
    if (dt != st) sp = emitconv(sp, dt, st, 0);
    goto xstore;

  /* Destination is a complex number. */
  case CCX(C, I):
  case CCX(C, F):
    {  /* Clear im. */
      TRef ptr = emitir(IRT(IR_ADD, IRT_PTR), dp, lj_ir_kintp(J, (dsize >> 1)));
      emitir(IRT(IR_XSTORE, dt), ptr, lj_ir_knum(J, 0));
    /* Convert to re. */
    if ((sinfo & CTF_FP)) goto conv_F_F; else goto conv_F_I;

  case CCX(C, C):
    if (dt == IRT_CDATA || st == IRT_CDATA) goto err_nyi;
      TRef re, im, ptr;
      re = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, st), sp, 0);
      ptr = emitir(IRT(IR_ADD, IRT_PTR), sp, lj_ir_kintp(J, (ssize >> 1)));
      im = emitir(IRT(IR_XLOAD, st), ptr, 0);
      if (dt != st) {
	re = emitconv(re, dt, st, 0);
	im = emitconv(im, dt, st, 0);
      emitir(IRT(IR_XSTORE, dt), dp, re);
      ptr = emitir(IRT(IR_ADD, IRT_PTR), dp, lj_ir_kintp(J, (dsize >> 1)));
      emitir(IRT(IR_XSTORE, dt), ptr, im);

  /* Destination is a vector. */
  case CCX(V, I):
  case CCX(V, F):
  case CCX(V, C):
  case CCX(V, V):
    goto err_nyi;

  /* Destination is a pointer. */
  case CCX(P, P):
  case CCX(P, A):
  case CCX(P, S):
    /* There are only 32 bit pointers/addresses on 32 bit machines.
    ** Also ok on x64, since all 32 bit ops clear the upper part of the reg.
    goto xstore;
  case CCX(P, I):
    if (st == IRT_CDATA) goto err_nyi;
    if (!LJ_64 && ssize == 8)  /* Truncate from 64 bit integer. */
      sp = emitconv(sp, IRT_U32, st, 0);
    goto xstore;
  case CCX(P, F):
    if (st == IRT_CDATA) goto err_nyi;
    /* The signed conversion is cheaper. x64 really has 47 bit pointers. */
    sp = emitconv(sp, (LJ_64 && dsize == 8) ? IRT_I64 : IRT_U32,
    goto xstore;

  /* Destination is an array. */
  case CCX(A, A):
    goto err_nyi;

  /* Destination is a struct/union. */
  case CCX(S, S):
    goto err_nyi;

    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_NYICONV);
/* Get runtime value of int argument. */
static int32_t argv2int(jit_State *J, TValue *o)
  if (!tvisnumber(o) && !(tvisstr(o) && lj_str_tonumber(strV(o), o)))
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);
  return tvisint(o) ? intV(o) : lj_num2int(numV(o));
Beispiel #20
/* Emit or eliminate collected PHIs. */
static void loop_emit_phi(jit_State *J, IRRef1 *subst, IRRef1 *phi, IRRef nphi,
			  SnapNo onsnap)
  int passx = 0;
  IRRef i, j, nslots;
  IRRef invar = J->chain[IR_LOOP];
  /* Pass #1: mark redundant and potentially redundant PHIs. */
  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
    IRRef lref = phi[i];
    IRRef rref = subst[lref];
    if (lref == rref || rref == REF_DROP) {  /* Invariants are redundant. */
    } else {
      phi[j++] = (IRRef1)lref;
      if (!(IR(rref)->op1 == lref || IR(rref)->op2 == lref)) {
	/* Quick check for simple recurrences failed, need pass2. */
	passx = 1;
  nphi = j;
  /* Pass #2: traverse variant part and clear marks of non-redundant PHIs. */
  if (passx) {
    SnapNo s;
    for (i = J->cur.nins-1; i > invar; i--) {
      IRIns *ir = IR(i);
      if (!irref_isk(ir->op2)) irt_clearmark(IR(ir->op2)->t);
      if (!irref_isk(ir->op1)) {
	if (ir->op1 < invar &&
	    ir->o >= IR_CALLN && ir->o <= IR_CARG) {  /* ORDER IR */
	  ir = IR(ir->op1);
	  while (ir->o == IR_CARG) {
	    if (!irref_isk(ir->op2)) irt_clearmark(IR(ir->op2)->t);
	    if (irref_isk(ir->op1)) break;
	    ir = IR(ir->op1);
    for (s = J->cur.nsnap-1; s >= onsnap; s--) {
      SnapShot *snap = &J->cur.snap[s];
      SnapEntry *map = &J->cur.snapmap[snap->mapofs];
      MSize n, nent = snap->nent;
      for (n = 0; n < nent; n++) {
	IRRef ref = snap_ref(map[n]);
	if (!irref_isk(ref)) irt_clearmark(IR(ref)->t);
  /* Pass #3: add PHIs for variant slots without a corresponding SLOAD. */
  nslots = J->baseslot+J->maxslot;
  for (i = 1; i < nslots; i++) {
    IRRef ref = tref_ref(J->slot[i]);
    while (!irref_isk(ref) && ref != subst[ref]) {
      IRIns *ir = IR(ref);
      irt_clearmark(ir->t);  /* Unmark potential uses, too. */
      if (irt_isphi(ir->t) || irt_ispri(ir->t))
      if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
	lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
      phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
      ref = subst[ref];
      if (ref > invar)
  /* Pass #4: propagate non-redundant PHIs. */
  while (passx) {
    passx = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
      IRRef lref = phi[i];
      IRIns *ir = IR(lref);
      if (!irt_ismarked(ir->t)) {  /* Propagate only from unmarked PHIs. */
	IRIns *irr = IR(subst[lref]);
	if (irt_ismarked(irr->t)) {  /* Right ref points to other PHI? */
	  irt_clearmark(irr->t);  /* Mark that PHI as non-redundant. */
	  passx = 1;  /* Retry. */
  /* Pass #5: emit PHI instructions or eliminate PHIs. */
  for (i = 0; i < nphi; i++) {
    IRRef lref = phi[i];
    IRIns *ir = IR(lref);
    if (!irt_ismarked(ir->t)) {  /* Emit PHI if not marked. */
      IRRef rref = subst[lref];
      if (rref > invar)
      emitir_raw(IRT(IR_PHI, irt_type(ir->t)), lref, rref);
    } else {  /* Otherwise eliminate PHI. */
Beispiel #21
/* Unroll loop. */
static void loop_unroll(jit_State *J)
  IRRef1 phi[LJ_MAX_PHI];
  uint32_t nphi = 0;
  IRRef1 *subst;
  SnapNo onsnap;
  SnapShot *osnap, *loopsnap;
  SnapEntry *loopmap, *psentinel;
  IRRef ins, invar;

  /* Use temp buffer for substitution table.
  ** Only non-constant refs in [REF_BIAS,invar) are valid indexes.
  ** Caveat: don't call into the VM or run the GC or the buffer may be gone.
  invar = J->cur.nins;
  subst = (IRRef1 *)lj_str_needbuf(J->L, &G(J->L)->tmpbuf,
				   (invar-REF_BIAS)*sizeof(IRRef1)) - REF_BIAS;
  subst[REF_BASE] = REF_BASE;

  /* LOOP separates the pre-roll from the loop body. */
  emitir_raw(IRTG(IR_LOOP, IRT_NIL), 0, 0);

  /* Grow snapshot buffer and map for copy-substituted snapshots.
  ** Need up to twice the number of snapshots minus #0 and loop snapshot.
  ** Need up to twice the number of entries plus fallback substitutions
  ** from the loop snapshot entries for each new snapshot.
  ** Caveat: both calls may reallocate J->cur.snap and J->cur.snapmap!
  onsnap = J->cur.nsnap;
  lj_snap_grow_buf(J, 2*onsnap-2);
  lj_snap_grow_map(J, J->cur.nsnapmap*2+(onsnap-2)*J->cur.snap[onsnap-1].nent);

  /* The loop snapshot is used for fallback substitutions. */
  loopsnap = &J->cur.snap[onsnap-1];
  loopmap = &J->cur.snapmap[loopsnap->mapofs];
  /* The PC of snapshot #0 and the loop snapshot must match. */
  psentinel = &loopmap[loopsnap->nent];
  lua_assert(*psentinel == J->cur.snapmap[J->cur.snap[0].nent]);
  *psentinel = SNAP(255, 0, 0);  /* Replace PC with temporary sentinel. */

  /* Start substitution with snapshot #1 (#0 is empty for root traces). */
  osnap = &J->cur.snap[1];

  /* Copy and substitute all recorded instructions and snapshots. */
  for (ins = REF_FIRST; ins < invar; ins++) {
    IRIns *ir;
    IRRef op1, op2;

    if (ins >= osnap->ref)  /* Instruction belongs to next snapshot? */
      loop_subst_snap(J, osnap++, loopmap, subst);  /* Copy-substitute it. */

    /* Substitute instruction operands. */
    ir = IR(ins);
    op1 = ir->op1;
    if (!irref_isk(op1)) op1 = subst[op1];
    op2 = ir->op2;
    if (!irref_isk(op2)) op2 = subst[op2];
    if (irm_kind(lj_ir_mode[ir->o]) == IRM_N &&
	op1 == ir->op1 && op2 == ir->op2) {  /* Regular invariant ins? */
      subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ins;  /* Shortcut. */
    } else {
      /* Re-emit substituted instruction to the FOLD/CSE/etc. pipeline. */
      IRType1 t = ir->t;  /* Get this first, since emitir may invalidate ir. */
      IRRef ref = tref_ref(emitir(ir->ot & ~IRT_ISPHI, op1, op2));
      subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ref;
      if (ref != ins) {
	IRIns *irr = IR(ref);
	if (ref < invar) {  /* Loop-carried dependency? */
	  /* Potential PHI? */
	  if (!irref_isk(ref) && !irt_isphi(irr->t) && !irt_ispri(irr->t)) {
	    if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
	      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
	    phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
	  /* Check all loop-carried dependencies for type instability. */
	  if (!irt_sametype(t, irr->t)) {
	    if (irt_isinteger(t) && irt_isinteger(irr->t))
	    else if (irt_isnum(t) && irt_isinteger(irr->t))  /* Fix int->num. */
	      ref = tref_ref(emitir(IRTN(IR_CONV), ref, IRCONV_NUM_INT));
	    else if (irt_isnum(irr->t) && irt_isinteger(t))  /* Fix num->int. */
	      ref = tref_ref(emitir(IRTGI(IR_CONV), ref,
	      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_TYPEINS);
	    subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ref;
	    irr = IR(ref);
	    goto phiconv;
	} else if (ref != REF_DROP && irr->o == IR_CONV &&
		   ref > invar && irr->op1 < invar) {
	  /* May need an extra PHI for a CONV. */
	  ref = irr->op1;
	  irr = IR(ref);
	  if (ref < invar && !irref_isk(ref) && !irt_isphi(irr->t)) {
	    if (nphi >= LJ_MAX_PHI)
	      lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_PHIOV);
	    phi[nphi++] = (IRRef1)ref;
  if (!irt_isguard(J->guardemit))  /* Drop redundant snapshot. */
    J->cur.nsnapmap = (uint16_t)J->cur.snap[--J->cur.nsnap].mapofs;
  lua_assert(J->cur.nsnapmap <= J->sizesnapmap);
  *psentinel = J->cur.snapmap[J->cur.snap[0].nent];  /* Restore PC. */

  loop_emit_phi(J, subst, phi, nphi, onsnap);
Beispiel #22
/* Get runtime value of int argument. */
static int32_t argv2int(jit_State *J, TValue *o)
  if (!lj_strscan_numberobj(o))
    lj_trace_err(J, LJ_TRERR_BADTYPE);
  return tvisint(o) ? intV(o) : lj_num2int(numV(o));