Beispiel #1
int PoissonGlm::EstIRLS(gsl_matrix *Y, gsl_matrix *X, gsl_matrix *O, gsl_matrix *B, double *a)
    initialGlm(Y, X, O, B);

    gsl_rng *rnd=gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
    unsigned int i, j;   
    int status;
    double yij, mij, vij, wij, tol, hii, uij, wei;
    gsl_vector_view Xwi, Xi, vj, hj, dj;

    gsl_matrix *WX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nParams);   
    gsl_matrix *TMP = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nParams);   
    gsl_matrix *XwX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nParams, nParams);   

    for (j=0; j<nVars; j++) {
       if ( a!=NULL ) theta[j]=a[j]; 
       // estimate mu and beta   
       iterconv[j] = betaEst(j, maxiter, &tol, theta[j]); 
       if ((mmRef->warning==TRUE)&(iterconv[j]==maxiter)) 
           printf("Warning: EstIRLS reached max iterations, may not converge in the %d-th variable (dev=%.4f, err=%.4f)!\n", j, dev[j], tol);
       gsl_matrix_memcpy (WX, X);
       for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
            mij = gsl_matrix_get(Mu, i, j);
            // get variance
            vij = varfunc( mij, theta[j] );
            gsl_matrix_set(Var, i, j, vij); 
            // get weight
            wij = sqrt(weifunc(mij, theta[j]));  
            gsl_matrix_set(wHalf, i, j, wij);             
            // get (Pearson) residuals
            yij = gsl_matrix_get(Y, i, j);
            gsl_matrix_set(Res, i, j, (yij-mij)/sqrt(vij));        
            // get PIT residuals for discrete data
            wei = gsl_rng_uniform_pos (rnd); // wei ~ U(0, 1)
            uij = wei*cdf(yij, mij, theta[j]);
            if (yij>0) uij=uij+(1-wei)*cdf((yij-1),mij,theta[j]);
            gsl_matrix_set(PitRes, i, j, uij);
            // get elementry log-likelihood    
            ll[j] = ll[j] + llfunc( yij, mij, theta[j]);
            // W^1/2 X
            Xwi = gsl_matrix_row (WX, i);
            gsl_vector_scale(&Xwi.vector, wij);            

       // X^T * W * X
       gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, WX, 0.0, XwX);
       status=gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (XwX);
       if (status==GSL_EDOM) {
          if (mmRef->warning==TRUE)
             printf("Warning: singular matrix in calculating pit-residuals. An eps*I is added to the singular matrix.\n");
          gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, WX, mintol, XwX);
          gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (XwX);
       gsl_linalg_cholesky_invert (XwX);

       // Calc varBeta
       dj = gsl_matrix_diagonal (XwX);
       vj = gsl_matrix_column (varBeta, j);       
       gsl_vector_memcpy (&vj.vector, &dj.vector);

       // hii is diagonal element of H=X*(X'WX)^-1*X'*W
       hj = gsl_matrix_column (sqrt1_Hii, j);
       gsl_blas_dsymm(CblasRight,CblasLower,1.0,XwX,Xref,0.0,TMP); // X*(X'WX)^-1
       for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
           Xwi=gsl_matrix_row(TMP, i);
           Xi=gsl_matrix_row(Xref, i);
           wij=gsl_matrix_get(wHalf, i, j);
           gsl_blas_ddot(&Xwi.vector, &Xi.vector, &hii);
           gsl_vector_set(&hj.vector, i, MAX(mintol, sqrt(MAX(0, 1-wij*wij*hii))));
   // standardize perason residuals by rp/sqrt(1-hii) 
//   gsl_matrix_div_elements (Res, sqrt1_Hii);
//   subtractMean(Res);  // have mean subtracted


   return SUCCESS;    
Beispiel #2
int NBinGlm::nbinfit(gsl_matrix *Y, gsl_matrix *X, gsl_matrix *O, gsl_matrix *B)

    initialGlm(Y, X, O, B);

    gsl_rng *rnd=gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
    unsigned int i, j; //, isConv;
    double yij, mij, vij, hii, uij, wij, wei;
    double th, tol, dev_th_b_old;
    int status;
 //   gsl_vector_view b0j, m0j, e0j, v0j;
    gsl_matrix *WX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nParams);   
    gsl_matrix *TMP = gsl_matrix_alloc(nRows, nParams);   
    gsl_matrix *XwX = gsl_matrix_alloc(nParams, nParams);   
    gsl_vector_view Xwi, Xi, vj, dj, hj;

    for (j=0; j<nVars; j++) {  
        betaEst(j, maxiter, &tol, maxtol); //poisson
        // Get initial theta estimates
        if (mmRef->estiMethod==CHI2) {
           th = getDisper(j, 1.0); 
           while ( iterconv[j]<maxiter ) {
//printf("th=%.2f, iterconv[%d]=%d\n", th, j, iterconv[j]);
               dev_th_b_old = dev[j];
               betaEst(j, 1.0, &tol, th);  // 1-step beta
               th = getDisper(j, th)/th; 
               tol = ABS((dev[j]-dev_th_b_old)/(ABS(dev[j])+0.1));
               if (tol<eps) break;
         }  }
        else if (mmRef->estiMethod==NEWTON) {
            th = thetaML(0.0, j, maxiter);
            while ( iterconv[j]<maxiter ) {
               dev_th_b_old = dev[j];
               th = thetaML(th, j, maxiter2);
               betaEst(j, maxiter2, &tol, th);  
               if (tol<eps) break;
        }  } 
       else {
           th = getfAfAdash(0.0, j, maxiter);
/*           lm=0;
           for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
               yij = gsl_matrix_get(Y, i, j);
               mij = gsl_matrix_get(Mu, i, j);
               lm = lm + llfunc( yij, mij, th);
           } */
           while ( iterconv[j]<maxiter ) {
               dev_th_b_old = dev[j];
               betaEst(j, maxiter2, &tol, th);  
               th = getfAfAdash(th, j, 1.0);
               if (tol<eps) break;
       if ((iterconv[j]==maxiter)&(mmRef->warning==TRUE)) 
           printf("Warning: reached maximum itrations - negative binomial may NOT converge in the %d-th variable (dev=%.4f, err=%.4f, theta=%.4f)!\n", j, dev[j], tol, th);

       // other properties based on mu and phi
       theta[j] = th;
       gsl_matrix_memcpy(WX, Xref);  
       for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
           yij = gsl_matrix_get(Y, i, j);
           mij = gsl_matrix_get(Mu, i, j);
           vij = varfunc( mij, th);
           gsl_matrix_set(Var, i, j, vij); 
           wij = sqrt(weifunc(mij, th));
           gsl_matrix_set(wHalf, i, j, wij); 
           gsl_matrix_set(Res, i, j, (yij-mij)/sqrt(vij));        
           ll[j] = ll[j] + llfunc( yij, mij, th);
           // get PIT residuals for discrete data
           wei = gsl_rng_uniform_pos (rnd); // wei ~ U(0, 1)
           uij=wei*cdf(yij, mij, th);
           if (yij>0) uij=uij+(1-wei)*cdf((yij-1),mij,th);
           gsl_matrix_set(PitRes, i, j, uij);
           // W^1/2 X
           Xwi = gsl_matrix_row (WX, i);
           gsl_vector_scale(&Xwi.vector, wij);

       // X^T * W * X
       gsl_matrix_set_identity (XwX);
       gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, WX, 0.0, XwX);
       status=gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (XwX);
       if (status==GSL_EDOM) {
          if (mmRef->warning==TRUE)
             printf("Warning: singular matrix in calculating pit-residuals. An eps*I is added to the singular matrix.\n");
          gsl_matrix_set_identity (XwX);
          gsl_blas_dsyrk (CblasLower, CblasTrans, 1.0, WX, mintol, XwX);
          gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp (XwX);
       gsl_linalg_cholesky_invert (XwX); // (X'WX)^-1

       // Calc varBeta
       vj = gsl_matrix_column (varBeta, j);
       dj = gsl_matrix_diagonal (XwX);
       gsl_vector_memcpy (&vj.vector, &dj.vector);

       // hii is diagonal element of H=X*(X'WX)^-1*X'*W
       hj = gsl_matrix_column (sqrt1_Hii, j);
       gsl_blas_dsymm(CblasRight,CblasLower,1.0,XwX,Xref,0.0,TMP); // X*(X'WX)^-1
       for (i=0; i<nRows; i++) {
           Xwi=gsl_matrix_row(TMP, i);
           Xi=gsl_matrix_row(Xref, i);
           wij=gsl_matrix_get(wHalf, i, j);
           gsl_blas_ddot(&Xwi.vector, &Xi.vector, &hii);
           gsl_vector_set(&hj.vector, i, MAX(mintol, sqrt(MAX(0, 1-wij*wij*hii))));
//printf("hii=%.4f, wij=%.4f, sqrt(1-wij*wij*hii)=%.4f\n", hii, wij, sqrt(1-wij*wij*hii));
   } // end nVar for j loop
//   gsl_matrix_div_elements (Res, sqrt1_Hii);
//   subtractMean(Res);


   return SUCCESS;    
void BayesUnfoldingExample641()

#ifdef __CINT__ // Avoid CINT badness
  Printf("Please compile this script (root BayesUnfoldingExample641.C+) "
         "or use ROOT 6.");

  if (!gROOT->IsBatch())
    Printf("Several canvases coming...adding -b flag.");


  if (gSystem->Getenv("TMPDIR"))

  TRandom3 ran;
  TStopwatch watch; // Watch starts here. A call to Start() would reset it.

  TObjArray *cList = new TObjArray(); // List of drawn canvases --> PDF file

  // Set up the problem
  double bins[Nt+1] = {0};
  for (int j=0; j<=Nt; j++)
    bins[j] = 500*TMath::Exp(0.15*j);

  TestProblem testprob = AtlasDiJetMass(Nt, Nr, bins, bins,
                                        apar, bpar, nevts, evtWeight);
  TH2D *hM   = testprob.Response;
  TH1D *hT   = testprob.xTruth;
  TH1D *hTmc = testprob.xTruthEst;
  TH1D *hMt  = testprob.xIni;
  TH1D *hD   = testprob.bNoisy;
  TH1D *heff = testprob.eff;

  TMatrixD M   = MatrixUtils::Hist2Matrix(hM);
  TVectorD T   = MatrixUtils::Hist2Vec(hT);   // \hat{T}
  TVectorD Tmc = MatrixUtils::Hist2Vec(hTmc); // \tilde{T}
  TVectorD D   = MatrixUtils::Hist2Vec(hD);
  TVectorD eff = MatrixUtils::Hist2Vec(heff);
  TVectorD Pt  = MatrixUtils::ElemDiv(MatrixUtils::Hist2Vec(hMt), eff); // P(t)
  TMatrixD Prt = MatrixUtils::DivRowsByVector(M, Pt);  // P(r|t)

  // Compute initial sampling volume and do MCMC sampling
  TGraphAsymmErrors *box = HyperBox(hTmc);
  SetGraphProps(box, kGreen+2, kNone, kSpring, kFullSquare, 1.0);

  // Likelihood functor
  LogPoissonLikeFn llfunc(Prt, D);

  // Curvature regularization.
  // Note that this is not directly penalizing curvature of the solution.
  // Instead it smooths the solution divided by the trial spectrum.
  std::vector<double> regpars;
  regpars.push_back(alpha);  // Regularization strength
  for (int i=0; i<box->GetN(); i++)

  CurvatureRegFn regfunc(regpars);

  TTree *tmcmc = SampleMH(nMcmcSamples, 1e4, 0.01, box, llfunc, regfunc);

  // Create marginal prob. distributions from MCMC
  std::cout << Form("Marginalizing parameters from Markov chain...")
            << std::flush;

  TH1D *hMCMC[Nt];
  for (int t=0; t<Nt; t++)
    double tlo = box->GetY()[t] - box->GetEYlow()[t];
    double thi = box->GetY()[t] + box->GetEYhigh()[t];
    hMCMC[t] = new TH1D(Form("hMCMC%d",t),"",nMcmcBins, tlo, thi);
    hMCMC[t]->SetTitle(Form("MCMC - point %d;"
                            "Marginal posterior probability",t));

    // Marginalize with unit weight when using MCMC, weight by
    // likelihood if sampling was uniform.
    tmcmc->Draw(Form("T%d >> hMCMC%d",t,t), "", "goff");
    hMCMC[t]->Scale(1./hMCMC[t]->Integral(1, nMcmcBins));
    SetHistProps(hMCMC[t], kBlack, kYellow, kBlack, kFullCircle, 1.0);
  Printf("Done marginalizing MCMC.");

  // Now compute reduced sampling volume, and do uniform sampling
  TGraphAsymmErrors *rbox = ReducedSamplingVolume(hMCMC, box);
  SetGraphProps(rbox, kBlack, kNone, kNone, kFullSquare, 1.0);
  TH1D *hFlat[Nt];
  if (doUniformSampling)
    TTree *tflat = SampleUniform(nFlatSamples, D, Prt, rbox);
    std::cout << Form("Marginalizing parameters from uniform volume...")
              << std::flush;

    for (int t=0; t<Nt; t++)
      double tlo = rbox->GetY()[t] - rbox->GetEYlow()[t];
      double thi = rbox->GetY()[t] + rbox->GetEYhigh()[t];
      hFlat[t] = new TH1D(Form("hFlat%d",t),"",nFlatBins, tlo, thi);
      hFlat[t]->SetTitle(Form("Uniform sampling - point %d;"
                              "dijet mass (GeV/c^{2});"
                              "Marginal posterior probability",t));

      tflat->Draw(Form("T%d >> hFlat%d",t,t), "L", "goff");
      SetHistProps(hFlat[t], kBlack, kOrange, kBlack, kFullCircle, 1.0);
    Printf("Done marginalizing uniform volume.");

  // Unfolded spectrum from MCMC
  TGraphErrors *unf1 = new TGraphErrors();
  SetGraphProps(unf1, kBlue, kNone, kBlue, kOpenSquare, 1.5);
  for (int t=0; t<Nt; t++)
    MaxDensityInterval mdi = GetMDI(hMCMC[t], 0.68);
    unf1->SetPoint(t, hD->GetBinCenter(t+1), mdi.u);
    unf1->SetPointError(t, 0.48*hD->GetBinWidth(t+1), mdi.du);

  // Unfolded spectrum from uniform sampling after volume reduction
  TGraphErrors *unf2 = 0;
  if (doUniformSampling)
    unf2 = new TGraphErrors();
    SetGraphProps(unf2, kRed, kNone, kRed, kOpenSquare, 1.5);

    for (int t=0; t<Nt; t++)
      MaxDensityInterval mdi = GetMDI(hFlat[t], 0.68);
      unf2->SetPoint(t, hD->GetBinCenter(t+1), mdi.u);
      unf2->SetPointError(t, 0.47*hD->GetBinWidth(t+1), mdi.du);

  Printf("Drawing results...");
  DrawObject(hM, "colz", "matrix", cList, 550, 500);
  gPad->SetLogx();  gPad->SetLogy();  gPad->SetLogz();

  DrawObject(heff, "", "efficiency", cList);

  // Draw marginal dists. from MCMC
  for (int t=0; t<Nt; t++)
    DrawObject(hMCMC[t], "", Form("post_%d", t), cList);

    if (doUniformSampling)
      hFlat[t]->Scale(1./hFlat[t]->Integral(1, nFlatBins,"width"));

    double ymin = hMCMC[t]->GetMinimum();
    double ymax = hMCMC[t]->GetMaximum();
    double yDraw = 0.25*(ymax-ymin);
    DataPoint(hD, hMCMC[t], t, 0.75*yDraw)->Draw("ep same");
    TruePoint(hT, hMCMC[t], t, yDraw)->Draw("p same");
    MD68Point(hMCMC[t], yDraw)->Draw("ep same");

  // Result!
  hT->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.002, 101*nevts*evtWeight);
  DrawObject(hT, "ep", "result", cList);
  box->Draw("e5 same");
  if (doUniformSampling || drawReducedVolume)
    rbox->Draw("e5 same");
  hD->Draw("ep same");
  unf1->Draw("ep same");
  if (unf2)
    unf2->Draw("ep same");

  if (printPDFs)
    PrintPDFs(cList, "pdfs"); // Print individuals into ./pdfs dir
    PrintPDF(cList, "pdfs/mcmc_unfold_example"); // Multipage PDF

  Printf("All done.");
