Beispiel #1
/** Add a CL_MARK record to the changelog
 * \param mdd
 * \param markerflags - CLM_*
 * \retval 0 ok
int mdd_changelog_write_header(const struct lu_env *env,
			       struct mdd_device *mdd, int markerflags)
	struct obd_device		*obd = mdd2obd_dev(mdd);
	struct llog_changelog_rec	*rec;
	struct lu_buf			*buf;
	struct llog_ctxt		*ctxt;
	int				 reclen;
	int				 len = strlen(obd->obd_name);
	int				 rc;


	if (mdd->mdd_cl.mc_mask & (1 << CL_MARK)) {
		mdd->mdd_cl.mc_starttime = cfs_time_current_64();

	reclen = llog_data_len(sizeof(*rec) + len);
	buf = lu_buf_check_and_alloc(&mdd_env_info(env)->mti_big_buf, reclen);
	if (buf->lb_buf == NULL)
	rec = buf->lb_buf;

        rec->cr.cr_flags = CLF_VERSION;
        rec->cr.cr_type = CL_MARK;
        rec->cr.cr_namelen = len;
	memcpy(changelog_rec_name(&rec->cr), obd->obd_name, rec->cr.cr_namelen);
        /* Status and action flags */
	rec->cr.cr_markerflags = mdd->mdd_cl.mc_flags | markerflags;
	rec->cr_hdr.lrh_len = llog_data_len(changelog_rec_size(&rec->cr) +
	rec->cr_hdr.lrh_type = CHANGELOG_REC;
	rec->cr.cr_time = cl_time();
	rec->cr.cr_index = ++mdd->mdd_cl.mc_index;

	ctxt = llog_get_context(obd, LLOG_CHANGELOG_ORIG_CTXT);

	rc = llog_cat_add(env, ctxt->loc_handle, &rec->cr_hdr, NULL);
	if (rc > 0)
		rc = 0;

	/* assume on or off event; reset repeat-access time */
	mdd->mdd_cl.mc_starttime = cfs_time_current_64();
Beispiel #2
static int mdd_changelog_user_register(const struct lu_env *env,
				       struct mdd_device *mdd, int *id)
        struct llog_ctxt *ctxt;
        struct llog_changelog_user_rec *rec;
        int rc;

        ctxt = llog_get_context(mdd2obd_dev(mdd),
        if (ctxt == NULL)

        if (rec == NULL) {

        /* Assume we want it on since somebody registered */
        rc = mdd_changelog_on(env, mdd, 1);
        if (rc)
                GOTO(out, rc);

        rec->cur_hdr.lrh_len = sizeof(*rec);
        rec->cur_hdr.lrh_type = CHANGELOG_USER_REC;
	if (mdd->mdd_cl.mc_lastuser == (unsigned int)(-1)) {
		CERROR("Maximum number of changelog users exceeded!\n");
		GOTO(out, rc = -EOVERFLOW);
	*id = rec->cur_id = ++mdd->mdd_cl.mc_lastuser;
	rec->cur_endrec = mdd->mdd_cl.mc_index;

	rc = llog_cat_add(env, ctxt->loc_handle, &rec->cur_hdr, NULL);

        CDEBUG(D_IOCTL, "Registered changelog user %d\n", *id);
Beispiel #3
/* Test log and catalogue processing */
static int llog_test_5(const struct lu_env *env, struct obd_device *obd)
	struct llog_handle	*llh = NULL;
	char			 name[10];
	int			 rc, rc2;
	struct llog_mini_rec	 lmr;
	struct llog_ctxt	*ctxt;

	ctxt = llog_get_context(obd, LLOG_TEST_ORIG_CTXT);

	lmr.lmr_hdr.lrh_len = lmr.lmr_tail.lrt_len = LLOG_MIN_REC_SIZE;
	lmr.lmr_hdr.lrh_type = 0xf00f00;

	CWARN("5a: re-open catalog by id\n");
	rc = llog_open(env, ctxt, &llh, &cat_logid, NULL, LLOG_OPEN_EXISTS);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("5a: llog_create with logid failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out_put, rc);

	rc = llog_init_handle(env, llh, LLOG_F_IS_CAT, &uuid);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("5a: can't init llog handle: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);

	CWARN("5b: print the catalog entries.. we expect 2\n");
	cat_counter = 0;
	rc = llog_process(env, llh, cat_print_cb, "test 5", NULL);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("5b: process with cat_print_cb failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);
	if (cat_counter != 2) {
		CERROR("5b: %d entries in catalog\n", cat_counter);
		GOTO(out, rc = -EINVAL);

	CWARN("5c: Cancel %d records, see one log zapped\n", LLOG_TEST_RECNUM);
	cancel_count = 0;
	rc = llog_cat_process(env, llh, llog_cancel_rec_cb, "foobar", 0, 0);
	if (rc != -LLOG_EEMPTY) {
		CERROR("5c: process with cat_cancel_cb failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);

	CWARN("5c: print the catalog entries.. we expect 1\n");
	cat_counter = 0;
	rc = llog_process(env, llh, cat_print_cb, "test 5", NULL);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("5c: process with cat_print_cb failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);
	if (cat_counter != 1) {
		CERROR("5c: %d entries in catalog\n", cat_counter);
		GOTO(out, rc = -EINVAL);

	CWARN("5d: add 1 record to the log with many canceled empty pages\n");
	rc = llog_cat_add(env, llh, &lmr.lmr_hdr, NULL, NULL);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("5d: add record to the log with many canceled empty "
		       "pages failed\n");
		GOTO(out, rc);

	CWARN("5e: print plain log entries.. expect 6\n");
	plain_counter = 0;
	rc = llog_cat_process(env, llh, plain_print_cb, "foobar", 0, 0);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("5e: process with plain_print_cb failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);
	if (plain_counter != 6) {
		CERROR("5e: found %d records\n", plain_counter);
		GOTO(out, rc = -EINVAL);

	CWARN("5f: print plain log entries reversely.. expect 6\n");
	plain_counter = 0;
	rc = llog_cat_reverse_process(env, llh, plain_print_cb, "foobar");
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("5f: reversely process with plain_print_cb failed:"
		       "%d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);
	if (plain_counter != 6) {
		CERROR("5f: found %d records\n", plain_counter);
		GOTO(out, rc = -EINVAL);

	CWARN("5g: close re-opened catalog\n");
	rc2 = llog_cat_close(env, llh);
	if (rc2) {
		CERROR("5g: close log %s failed: %d\n", name, rc2);
		if (rc == 0)
			rc = rc2;

	return rc;
Beispiel #4
/* Test catalogue additions */
static int llog_test_4(const struct lu_env *env, struct obd_device *obd)
	struct llog_handle	*cath;
	char			 name[10];
	int			 rc, rc2, i, buflen;
	struct llog_mini_rec	 lmr;
	struct llog_cookie	 cookie;
	struct llog_ctxt	*ctxt;
	int			 num_recs = 0;
	char			*buf;
	struct llog_rec_hdr	 rec;

	ctxt = llog_get_context(obd, LLOG_TEST_ORIG_CTXT);

	lmr.lmr_hdr.lrh_len = lmr.lmr_tail.lrt_len = LLOG_MIN_REC_SIZE;
	lmr.lmr_hdr.lrh_type = 0xf00f00;

	sprintf(name, "%x", llog_test_rand + 1);
	CWARN("4a: create a catalog log with name: %s\n", name);
	rc = llog_open_create(env, ctxt, &cath, NULL, name);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("4a: llog_create with name %s failed: %d\n", name, rc);
		GOTO(ctxt_release, rc);
	rc = llog_init_handle(env, cath, LLOG_F_IS_CAT, &uuid);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("4a: can't init llog handle: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);

	cat_logid = cath->lgh_id;

	CWARN("4b: write 1 record into the catalog\n");
	rc = llog_cat_add(env, cath, &lmr.lmr_hdr, &cookie, NULL);
	if (rc != 1) {
		CERROR("4b: write 1 catalog record failed at: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);
	rc = verify_handle("4b", cath, 2);
	if (rc)
		GOTO(out, rc);

	rc = verify_handle("4b", cath->u.chd.chd_current_log, num_recs);
	if (rc)
		GOTO(out, rc);

	CWARN("4c: cancel 1 log record\n");
	rc = llog_cat_cancel_records(env, cath, 1, &cookie);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("4c: cancel 1 catalog based record failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);

	rc = verify_handle("4c", cath->u.chd.chd_current_log, num_recs);
	if (rc)
		GOTO(out, rc);

	CWARN("4d: write %d more log records\n", LLOG_TEST_RECNUM);
	for (i = 0; i < LLOG_TEST_RECNUM; i++) {
		rc = llog_cat_add(env, cath, &lmr.lmr_hdr, NULL, NULL);
		if (rc) {
			CERROR("4d: write %d records failed at #%d: %d\n",
			       LLOG_TEST_RECNUM, i + 1, rc);
			GOTO(out, rc);

	/* make sure new plain llog appears */
	rc = verify_handle("4d", cath, 3);
	if (rc)
		GOTO(out, rc);

	CWARN("4e: add 5 large records, one record per block\n");
	buflen = LLOG_CHUNK_SIZE - sizeof(struct llog_rec_hdr) -
		 sizeof(struct llog_rec_tail);
	OBD_ALLOC(buf, buflen);
	if (buf == NULL)
		GOTO(out, rc = -ENOMEM);
	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
		rec.lrh_len = buflen;
		rec.lrh_type = OBD_CFG_REC;
		rc = llog_cat_add(env, cath, &rec, NULL, buf);
		if (rc) {
			CERROR("4e: write 5 records failed at #%d: %d\n",
			       i + 1, rc);
			GOTO(out_free, rc);
	OBD_FREE(buf, buflen);
	CWARN("4f: put newly-created catalog\n");
	rc2 = llog_cat_close(env, cath);
	if (rc2) {
		CERROR("4: close log %s failed: %d\n", name, rc2);
		if (rc == 0)
			rc = rc2;
	return rc;
Beispiel #5
static int llog_test_8(const struct lu_env *env, struct obd_device *obd)
	struct llog_handle	*llh = NULL;
	char			 name[10];
	int			 rc, rc2, i;
	int			 orig_counter;
	struct llog_mini_rec	 lmr;
	struct llog_ctxt	*ctxt;
	struct dt_object	*obj = NULL;


	ctxt = llog_get_context(obd, LLOG_TEST_ORIG_CTXT);

	lmr.lmr_hdr.lrh_len = lmr.lmr_tail.lrt_len = LLOG_MIN_REC_SIZE;
	lmr.lmr_hdr.lrh_type = 0xf00f00;

	CWARN("8a: fill the first plain llog\n");
	rc = llog_open(env, ctxt, &llh, &cat_logid, NULL, LLOG_OPEN_EXISTS);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("8a: llog_create with logid failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out_put, rc);

	rc = llog_init_handle(env, llh, LLOG_F_IS_CAT, &uuid);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("8a: can't init llog handle: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);

	plain_counter = 0;
	rc = llog_cat_process(env, llh, test_8_cb, "foobar", 0, 0);
	if (rc != 0) {
		CERROR("5a: process with test_8_cb failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);
	orig_counter = plain_counter;

	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		rc = llog_cat_add(env, llh, &lmr.lmr_hdr, NULL);
		if (rc) {
			CERROR("5a: add record failed\n");
			GOTO(out, rc);

	/* grab the current plain llog, we'll corrupt it later */
	obj = llh->u.chd.chd_current_log->lgh_obj;
	CWARN("8a: pin llog "DFID"\n", PFID(lu_object_fid(&obj->do_lu)));

	rc2 = llog_cat_close(env, llh);
	if (rc2) {
		CERROR("8a: close log %s failed: %d\n", name, rc2);
		if (rc == 0)
			rc = rc2;
		GOTO(out_put, rc);

	CWARN("8b: fill the second plain llog\n");
	rc = llog_open(env, ctxt, &llh, &cat_logid, NULL, LLOG_OPEN_EXISTS);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("8b: llog_create with logid failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out_put, rc);

	rc = llog_init_handle(env, llh, LLOG_F_IS_CAT, &uuid);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("8b: can't init llog handle: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);

	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		rc = llog_cat_add(env, llh, &lmr.lmr_hdr, NULL);
		if (rc) {
			CERROR("8b: add record failed\n");
			GOTO(out, rc);
	CWARN("8b: second llog "DFID"\n",

	rc2 = llog_cat_close(env, llh);
	if (rc2) {
		CERROR("8b: close log %s failed: %d\n", name, rc2);
		if (rc == 0)
			rc = rc2;
		GOTO(out_put, rc);

	CWARN("8c: drop two records from the first plain llog\n");
	llog_truncate(env, obj);

	CWARN("8d: count survived records\n");
	rc = llog_open(env, ctxt, &llh, &cat_logid, NULL, LLOG_OPEN_EXISTS);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("8d: llog_create with logid failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out_put, rc);

	rc = llog_init_handle(env, llh, LLOG_F_IS_CAT, &uuid);
	if (rc) {
		CERROR("8d: can't init llog handle: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);

	plain_counter = 0;
	rc = llog_cat_process(env, llh, test_8_cb, "foobar", 0, 0);
	if (rc != 0) {
		CERROR("8d: process with test_8_cb failed: %d\n", rc);
		GOTO(out, rc);

	if (orig_counter + 200 - 2 != plain_counter) {
		CERROR("found %d records (expected %d)\n", plain_counter,
		       orig_counter + 200 - 2);
		rc = -EIO;

	CWARN("8d: close re-opened catalog\n");
	rc2 = llog_cat_close(env, llh);
	if (rc2) {
		CERROR("8d: close log %s failed: %d\n", name, rc2);
		if (rc == 0)
			rc = rc2;

	if (obj != NULL)
		lu_object_put(env, &obj->do_lu);
