Beispiel #1
int loom_net_initialize()
    // Platform-specific init.
    WSADATA wsaData;
    WORD    wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 0);
    int     err = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData);
    if (err != 0)
        lmLogError(netLogGroup, "Failed WinSock initalization with error %d", err);
        return 0;

    if (((LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2) || (HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 0)) &&
        ((LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 1) || (HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 1)))
        lmLogError(netLogGroup, "Failed WinSock initalization due to version mismatch.");
        return 0;

    // Sanity checks.
    lmAssert(sizeof(SOCKET) <= sizeof(loom_socketId_t), "Can't pack a SOCKET into loom_socketId_t");

    lmLogError(netLogGroup, "WinSock initialized.");
    return 1;

    // Ignore sigpipe.
    lmLogInfo(netLogGroup, "Disabling signal SIGPIPE");
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
    return 1;
Beispiel #2
void *loom_asset_lock(const char *name, unsigned int type, int block)
    const char *namePtr = stringtable_insert(name);


    // Look it up.
    loom_asset_t *asset = loom_asset_getAssetByName(namePtr, 1);
    lmAssert(asset != NULL, "Didn't get asset even though we should have!");

    // If not loaded, and we aren't ready to block, return NULL.
    if ((block == 0) && (asset->state != loom_asset_t::Loaded))
        lmLogDebug(gAssetLogGroup, "Not blocking and not loaded yet; lock of '%s' failed.", namePtr);
        return NULL;

    // Otherwise, let's force it to load now.
    if (asset->state != loom_asset_t::Loaded)
        lmLogDebug(gAssetLogGroup, "Blocking so forcing load of '%s'.", namePtr);


        lmAssert(loom_asset_isOnTrackToLoad(asset), "Preloaded but wasn't on track to load!");

        while (loom_asset_checkLoadedPercentage(namePtr) != 1.f && loom_asset_isOnTrackToLoad(asset))
            lmLogDebug(gAssetLogGroup, "Pumping load of '%s'...", namePtr);

        if (asset->state != loom_asset_t::Loaded)
            lmLogError(gAssetLogGroup, "Unable to load asset '%s'!", name);
            return NULL;

    // Check type.
    if (asset->type != type)
        lmLogError(gAssetLogGroup, "Tried to lock asset '%s' with wrong type, assetType=%x, requestedType=%x", name, asset->type, type);
        return NULL;

    // Inc count.


    lmLogInfo(gAssetLogGroup, "Locked asset '%s'...", namePtr);

    // Return ptr.
    return asset->blob->bits;
Beispiel #3
static void loom_net_setSocketReuseAddress(loom_socketId_t s, int reuse)
    int reuseTmp = reuse;
    int status   = setsockopt((SOCKET)s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &reuseTmp, sizeof(reuseTmp));
    lmAssert(status == 0, "Failed trying to set socket reuse address status due to %d", status);
    // If you get issues where the socket stays bound after a listening process (like the assetAgent)
    // terminates you may need to set SO_REUSEADDR or SO_REUSEPORT or equivalent on your platform.
    lmLogInfo(netLogGroup, "Note: this platform doesn't support reusing port, but it probably doesn't matter.");
Beispiel #4
int loom_net_writeTCPSocket(loom_socketId_t s, void *buffer, int bytesToWrite)
    int winsockErrorCode;

    int bytesLeft = bytesToWrite;
    for ( ; ; )
        int result = send((SOCKET)s, buffer, bytesLeft, MSG_NOSIGNAL);

        if (result >= 0)
            bytesLeft -= result;
            if (bytesLeft != 0)
                lmLogInfo(netLogGroup, "Partial write on socket %d, expected %d but wrote %d! Retrying...", s, bytesToWrite, result);

                // Set up to try again by advancing into the buffer.
                buffer = (void *)((char *)buffer + result);

            return bytesToWrite - bytesLeft;

        winsockErrorCode = WSAGetLastError();
        if (winsockErrorCode != WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
        if (errno != EAGAIN)

        if (loom_net_isSocketDead(s))


    return -1;
Beispiel #5
// Helper to recognize an asset's type from its path/name.
static int loom_asset_recognizeAssetTypeFromPath(utString& path)
    // Easy out - empty strings are no good!
    if (path.length() == 0)
        return 0;

    // Walk backwards to first dot.
    size_t firstDotPos = path.size() - 1;
    for (size_t pos = path.size() - 1; pos > 0; pos--)
        if ( != '.')

        firstDotPos = pos;

    // Split out the extension.
    utString pathExt = path.substr(firstDotPos + 1);

    // See if we can get a type out of any of the recognizers.
    int type = 0;
    for (UTsize i = 0; i < gRecognizerList.size(); i++)
        type = gRecognizerList[i](pathExt.c_str());
        if (type)

    // No match, so let's use text.
    if (type == 0)
        lmLogInfo(gAssetLogGroup, "Couldn't recognize '%s', defaulting to LATText...", path.c_str());
        type = LATText;

    return type;
Beispiel #6
void QuadRenderer::initializeGraphicsResources()

    lmLogInfo(gGFXQuadRendererLogGroup, "Initializing Graphics Resources");

    GL_Context* ctx = Graphics::context();

    // create the single initial vertex buffer
    ctx->glGenBuffers(1, &vertexBufferId);
    ctx->glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBufferId);
    ctx->glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, MAXBATCHQUADS * 4 * sizeof(VertexPosColorTex), 0, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
    ctx->glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

    // create the single, reused index buffer
    ctx->glGenBuffers(1, &indexBufferId);
    ctx->glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBufferId);
    uint16_t *pIndex = (uint16_t*)lmAlloc(gQuadMemoryAllocator, sizeof(unsigned short) * 6 * MAXBATCHQUADS);
    uint16_t *pStart = pIndex;

    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 6 * MAXBATCHQUADS; i += 6, j += 4, pIndex += 6)
        pIndex[0] = j;
        pIndex[1] = j + 2;
        pIndex[2] = j + 1;
        pIndex[3] = j + 1;
        pIndex[4] = j + 2;
        pIndex[5] = j + 3;

    ctx->glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, MAXBATCHQUADS * 6 * sizeof(uint16_t), pStart, GL_STREAM_DRAW);
    ctx->glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

    lmFree(gQuadMemoryAllocator, pStart);

    // Create the system memory buffer for quads.
    batchedVertices = static_cast<VertexPosColorTex*>(lmAlloc(gQuadMemoryAllocator, MAXBATCHQUADS * 4 * sizeof(VertexPosColorTex)));
Beispiel #7
void *loom_asset_soundDeserializer( void *buffer, size_t bufferLen, LoomAssetCleanupCallback *dtor )
    loom_asset_sound_t *sound = (loom_asset_sound_t*)lmAlloc(gAssetAllocator, sizeof(loom_asset_sound_t));
    memset(sound, 0, sizeof(loom_asset_sound_t));
    unsigned char *charBuff = (unsigned char *)buffer;

    // Look for magic header in buffer.
    if(charBuff[0] == 0x4f 
        && charBuff[1] == 0x67
        && charBuff[2] == 0x67
        && charBuff[3] == 0x53)
        // It's an Ogg, assume vorbis and throw it to stb_vorbis.
        int channels = 0;
        short *outputBuffer = NULL;
        int sampleCount = stb_vorbis_decode_memory(charBuff, bufferLen, &channels, &outputBuffer);
        if(sampleCount < 0)
            lmLogError(gSoundAssetGroup, "Failed to decode Ogg Vorbis!");
            return NULL;

        sound->channels = channels;
        sound->bytesPerSample = 2;
        sound->sampleCount = sampleCount;
        sound->bufferSize = sampleCount * channels * 2;
        sound->sampleRate = 44100; // TODO: This should be variable

        // We can skip this if we get clever about allocations in stbv.
        sound->buffer = lmAlloc(gAssetAllocator, sound->bufferSize);
        memcpy(sound->buffer, outputBuffer, sound->bufferSize);

    else if((charBuff[0] == 0x49 // ID3
        &&   charBuff[1] == 0x44
        &&   charBuff[2] == 0x33)
        ||  (charBuff[0] == 0xff // Missing ID3 Tag
        &&   charBuff[1] == 0xfb))
        // It's an MP3, y'all!
        short *outBuffer = (short*)lmAlloc(gAssetAllocator, MP3_MAX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME * 2);
        mp3_info_t mp3Info;

        // Decode once to get total size.
        int totalBytes = 0;
        int bytesRead = 0, bytesLeft = bufferLen;

        mp3_decoder_t decmp3 = mp3_create();
            int bytesDecoded = mp3_decode(decmp3, charBuff + bytesRead, bytesLeft, outBuffer, &mp3Info);
            bytesRead += bytesDecoded;
            bytesLeft -= bytesDecoded;
            totalBytes += mp3Info.audio_bytes;
            if(bytesDecoded > 0)

            // Clean up.

        // Great, set up the sound asset.
        // TODO: Warn about non 44.1khz mp3s.
        sound->channels = mp3Info.channels;
        sound->bytesPerSample = 2;
        sound->sampleCount = totalBytes / sound->bytesPerSample;
        sound->bufferSize = sound->channels * sound->bytesPerSample * sound->sampleCount;
        sound->sampleRate = 44100; // TODO: This should be variable
        sound->buffer = lmAlloc(gAssetAllocator, sound->bufferSize);

        // Decode again to get real samples.        
        decmp3 = mp3_create();
        bytesRead = 0; bytesLeft = bufferLen;
        int curBufferOffset = 0;
            int bytesDecoded = mp3_decode(decmp3, charBuff + bytesRead, bytesLeft, outBuffer, &mp3Info);
            bytesRead += bytesDecoded;
            bytesLeft -= bytesDecoded;

            memcpy(((unsigned char*)sound->buffer) + curBufferOffset, outBuffer, mp3Info.audio_bytes);
            curBufferOffset += mp3Info.audio_bytes;

            if(bytesDecoded > 0)

            // Clean up.

        // Awesome, all set!
        lmFree(gAssetAllocator, outBuffer);
    else if(charBuff[0] == 0x52 // 'RIFF'
         && charBuff[1] == 0x49
         && charBuff[2] == 0x46
         && charBuff[3] == 0x46)
        // We've got a wav file
        wav_info wav;
        bool wavLoadSuccess = load_wav(charBuff, bufferLen, NULL, &wav);
        if (!wavLoadSuccess)
            lmLogError(gSoundAssetGroup, "Failed to load wav format info");
            return 0;
        sound->channels = wav.numChannels;
        sound->bytesPerSample = wav.sampleSize / 8; // wav sample size is in bits
        if (sound->bytesPerSample != 1 && sound->bytesPerSample != 2)
            lmLogError(gSoundAssetGroup, "Unsupported wav format. Currently only 8-bit or 16-bit PCM are supported");
            return 0;
        sound->bufferSize = wav.sampleDataSize;
        sound->sampleCount = sound->bufferSize / sound->bytesPerSample;
        sound->sampleRate = wav.samplesPerSecond;
        sound->buffer = lmAlloc(gAssetAllocator, sound->bufferSize);
        bool dataCopySuccess = load_wav(charBuff, bufferLen, (uint8_t*)sound->buffer, NULL);
        if (!dataCopySuccess)
            lmLogError(gSoundAssetGroup, "Failed to copy wav data");
            return 0;
        lmLogError(gSoundAssetGroup, "Failed to identify sound buffer by magic number!");
        return 0;

   *dtor = loom_asset_soundDtor;
      lmLogError(gSoundAssetGroup, "Sound load failed due to this cryptic reason: %s", "(unknown)");
      lmFree(gAssetAllocator, sound);
      return 0;

    lmLogInfo(gSoundAssetGroup, "Allocated %d bytes for a sound!", sound->bufferSize);
    return sound;
Beispiel #8
void QuadRenderer::initializeGraphicsResources()
    lmLogInfo(gGFXQuadRendererLogGroup, "Initializing Graphics Resources");

    //lmLogInfo(gGFXQuadRendererLogGroup, "OpenGL error %d", Graphics::context()->glGetError());

    // Create the quad shader.
    GLuint vertShader      = Graphics::context()->glCreateShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
    //GLuint fragShader      = Graphics::context()->glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
    GLuint fragShaderColor = Graphics::context()->glCreateShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
    GLuint quadProg        = Graphics::context()->glCreateProgram();
    GLuint quadProgColor   = Graphics::context()->glCreateProgram();

    char vertShaderSrc[] =
    "attribute vec4 a_position;\n"
    "attribute vec4 a_color0;\n"
    "attribute vec2 a_texcoord0;\n"
    "varying vec2 v_texcoord0;\n"
    "varying vec4 v_color0;\n"
    "uniform vec4 screenSize;\n"
    "void main()\n"
    "    gl_Position = a_position / vec4(screenSize.x / 2.0, -screenSize.y / 2.0, 1.0, 1.0) + vec4(-1, 1, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
    "    v_color0 = a_color0;\n"
    "    v_texcoord0 = a_texcoord0;\n"
    const int vertShaderLen = sizeof(vertShaderSrc);
    GLchar *vertShaderPtr = &vertShaderSrc[0];


    char fragShaderColorSrc[] =
        "precision mediump float;\n"
        "uniform sampler2D u_texture;\n"
        "varying vec2 v_texcoord0;\n"
        "varying vec4 v_color0\n;"
        "void main()\n"
        "    gl_FragColor = v_color0 * texture2D(u_texture, v_texcoord0);\n"
    const int fragShaderColorLen = sizeof(fragShaderColorSrc);
    GLchar *fragShaderColorPtr = &fragShaderColorSrc[0];
    Graphics::context()->glShaderSource(vertShader, 1, &vertShaderPtr, &vertShaderLen);
    char error[4096];
    GLsizei outLen = 0;
    Graphics::context()->glGetShaderInfoLog(vertShader, 4096, &outLen, error);

    lmLogInfo(gGFXQuadRendererLogGroup, "Program info log %s", error);
    Graphics::context()->glShaderSource(fragShaderColor, 1, &fragShaderColorPtr, &fragShaderColorLen);
    Graphics::context()->glGetShaderInfoLog(fragShaderColor, 4096, &outLen, error);
    lmLogInfo(gGFXQuadRendererLogGroup, "Program info log %s", error);

    Graphics::context()->glAttachShader(quadProgColor, fragShaderColor);
    Graphics::context()->glAttachShader(quadProgColor, vertShader);
    Graphics::context()->glGetProgramInfoLog(quadProgColor, 4096, &outLen, error);

    lmLogInfo(gGFXQuadRendererLogGroup, "Program info log %s", error);
    char fragShaderSrc[] =
        "precision mediump float;\n"
        "uniform sampler2D u_texture;\n"
        "varying vec2 v_texcoord0;\n"
        "void main()\n"
        "    gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, v_texcoord0);\n"
    const int fragShaderLen = sizeof(fragShaderSrc);
    GLchar *fragShaderPtr = &fragShaderSrc[0];

    Graphics::context()->glShaderSource(fragShader, 1, &fragShaderPtr, &fragShaderLen);
    Graphics::context()->glGetShaderInfoLog(fragShader, 4096, &outLen, error);

    lmLogInfo(gGFXQuadRendererLogGroup, "Program info log %s", error);
    Graphics::context()->glAttachShader(quadProg, fragShader);
    Graphics::context()->glAttachShader(quadProg, vertShader);
    Graphics::context()->glGetProgramInfoLog(quadProg, 4096, &outLen, error);

    lmLogInfo(gGFXQuadRendererLogGroup, "Program info log %s", error);

    // Get attributes and uniforms.
    sProgram_posAttribLoc = Graphics::context()->glGetAttribLocation(quadProgColor, "a_position");
    sProgram_posColorLoc = Graphics::context()->glGetAttribLocation(quadProgColor, "a_color0");
    sProgram_posTexCoordLoc = Graphics::context()->glGetAttribLocation(quadProgColor, "a_texcoord0");
    sProgram_texUniform = Graphics::context()->glGetUniformLocation(quadProgColor, "u_texture");
    sProgram_screenSize = Graphics::context()->glGetUniformLocation(quadProgColor, "screenSize");

    // Save program for later!
    sProgramPosColorTex = sProgramPosTex = quadProgColor;

    // create the single initial vertex buffer
    numVertexBuffers = 0;

    // create the single, reused index buffer
    Graphics::context()->glGenBuffers(1, &sIndexBufferHandle);
    Graphics::context()->glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, sIndexBufferHandle);
    uint16_t *pIndex = (uint16_t*)lmAlloc(gQuadMemoryAllocator, sizeof(unsigned short) * 6 * MAXBATCHQUADS);
    uint16_t *pStart = pIndex;

    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 6 * MAXBATCHQUADS; i += 6, j += 4, pIndex += 6)
        pIndex[0] = j;
        pIndex[1] = j + 2;
        pIndex[2] = j + 1;
        pIndex[3] = j + 1;
        pIndex[4] = j + 2;
        pIndex[5] = j + 3;

    Graphics::context()->glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, MAXBATCHQUADS * 6 * sizeof(uint16_t), pStart, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
    Graphics::context()->glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

    lmFree(gQuadMemoryAllocator, pStart);

    // Create the system memory buffer for quads.
    vertexDataMemory = lmAlloc(gQuadMemoryAllocator, MAXVERTEXBUFFERS * MAXBATCHQUADS * 4 * sizeof(VertexPosColorTex));
    for(int i=0; i<MAXVERTEXBUFFERS; i++)
        vertexData[i] = ((VertexPosColorTex*)vertexDataMemory) + (MAXBATCHQUADS * 4) * i;
Beispiel #9
void QuadRenderer::initializeGraphicsResources()
    const bgfx::Memory *mem = NULL;

    lmLogInfo(gGFXQuadRendererLogGroup, "Initializing Graphics Resources");

    // Create texture sampler uniforms.
    sUniformTexColor           = bgfx::createUniform("u_texColor", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1iv);
    sUniformNodeMatrixRemoveMe = bgfx::createUniform("u_nodeMatrix", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4x4fv);

    int           sz;
    const uint8_t *pshader;

    // Load vertex shader.
    bgfx::VertexShaderHandle vsh_pct;
    pshader = GetVertexShaderPosColorTex(sz);
    mem     = bgfx::makeRef(pshader, sz);
    vsh_pct = bgfx::createVertexShader(mem);

    bgfx::VertexShaderHandle vsh_pt;
    pshader = GetVertexShaderPosTex(sz);
    mem     = bgfx::makeRef(pshader, sz);
    vsh_pt  = bgfx::createVertexShader(mem);

    // Load fragment shaders.
    bgfx::FragmentShaderHandle fsh_pct;
    pshader = GetFragmentShaderPosColorTex(sz);
    mem     = bgfx::makeRef(pshader, sz);
    fsh_pct = bgfx::createFragmentShader(mem);

    bgfx::FragmentShaderHandle fsh_pt;
    pshader = GetFragmentShaderPosTex(sz);
    mem     = bgfx::makeRef(pshader, sz);
    fsh_pt  = bgfx::createFragmentShader(mem);

    // Create program from shaders.
    sProgramPosColorTex = bgfx::createProgram(vsh_pct, fsh_pct);
    sProgramPosTex = bgfx::createProgram(vsh_pt, fsh_pt);

    // We can destroy vertex and fragment shader here since
    // their reference is kept inside bgfx after calling createProgram.
    // Vertex and fragment shader will be destroyed once program is
    // destroyed.

    // create the vertex stream
    sVertexPosColorTexDecl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Float);
    sVertexPosColorTexDecl.add(bgfx::Attrib::Color0, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Uint8, true);
    sVertexPosColorTexDecl.add(bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, 2, bgfx::AttribType::Float);

    // create the single, reused quad index buffer
    numVertexBuffers = 0;
    vertexBuffers[numVertexBuffers++] = bgfx::createDynamicVertexBuffer(MAXBATCHQUADS * 4, sVertexPosColorTexDecl);

    mem = bgfx::alloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * 6 * MAXBATCHQUADS);
    uint16_t *pindice = (uint16_t *)mem->data;

    int j = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 6 * MAXBATCHQUADS; i += 6, j += 4, pindice += 6)
        pindice[0] = j;
        pindice[1] = j + 2;
        pindice[2] = j + 1;
        pindice[3] = j + 1;
        pindice[4] = j + 2;
        pindice[5] = j + 3;

    sIndexBufferHandle = bgfx::createIndexBuffer(mem);

    size_t bufferSize = MAXVERTEXBUFFERS * sizeof(VertexPosColorTex) * MAXBATCHQUADS * 4;

    vertexDataMemory = lmAlloc(gQuadMemoryAllocator, bufferSize);

    lmAssert(vertexDataMemory, "Unable to allocate buffer for quad vertex data");

    VertexPosColorTex* p = (VertexPosColorTex*) vertexDataMemory; 

    for (int i = 0; i < MAXVERTEXBUFFERS; i++)
        // setup buffer pointer
        vertexData[i] = p;

        p += MAXBATCHQUADS * 4;
Beispiel #10
    virtual bool handleMessage(int fourcc, AssetProtocolHandler *handler, NetworkBuffer& buffer)
        switch (fourcc)
        case LOOM_FOURCC('F', 'I', 'L', 'E'):
               // How many pending files?
               gPendingFiles = buffer.readInt();

               // Read the filename.
               char *path;
               int  fileStringLength;
               buffer.readString(&path, &fileStringLength);

               // And the file length.
               int bitsLength = buffer.readInt();

               // Checkpoint at end!

               // Prepare the buffer!
               if (pendingFile != NULL)
                   lmLogError(gAssetLogGroup, "Got a new FILE '%s' while still processing existing file '%s'!", path, pendingFilePath.c_str());

               // Update the pending file state.
               pendingFilePath = path;
               lmFree(NULL, path);
               path = NULL;

               pendingFileLength = bitsLength;
               pendingFile       = (const char *)lmAlloc(gAssetAllocator, pendingFileLength);

               // Log it.
               lmLogDebug(gAssetLogGroup, "FILE '%s' %d bytes incoming.", pendingFilePath.c_str(), bitsLength);

               // Awesome, sit back and wait for chunks to come in.
               return true;

        case LOOM_FOURCC('F', 'C', 'H', 'K'):
               // How many pending files?
               gPendingFiles = buffer.readInt();

               // Get the offset.
               int chunkOffset = buffer.readInt();

               // Read bits into the buffer.
               char *fileBits;
               int  fileBitsLength;
               buffer.readString(&fileBits, &fileBitsLength);
               memcpy((void *)(pendingFile + chunkOffset), (void *)fileBits, fileBitsLength);
               lmFree(NULL, fileBits);

               // Checkpoint at end!

               int lastByteOffset = chunkOffset + fileBitsLength;

               // Log it.
               lmLogInfo(gAssetLogGroup, "FILE '%s' %d of %d bytes!", pendingFilePath.c_str(), lastByteOffset, pendingFileLength);

               // If it's the last one, instate it and wipe our buffer.
               if (lastByteOffset == pendingFileLength)
                   // And this resolves a file so decrement the pending count. This way
                   // we will get to zero.

                   // Instate the new asset data.
                   loom_asset_t *asset    = loom_asset_getAssetByName(pendingFilePath.c_str(), 1);
                   int          assetType = loom_asset_recognizeAssetTypeFromPath(pendingFilePath);
                   if (assetType == 0)
                       lmLogDebug(gAssetLogGroup, "Couldn't infer file type for '%s', ignoring.", pendingFilePath.c_str());
                       return true;

                   lmLogWarn(gAssetLogGroup, "Applying new version of '%s', %d bytes.", pendingFilePath.c_str(), pendingFileLength);
                   LoomAssetCleanupCallback dtor = NULL;
                   void *assetBits = loom_asset_deserializeAsset(pendingFilePath.c_str(), assetType, pendingFileLength, (void *)pendingFile, &dtor);
                   asset->instate(assetType, assetBits, dtor);

                   // And wipe the pending date.

         return true;

    return false;