EarthquakeSet::EarthquakeSet(const char* earthquakeFileName,double scaleFactor) :treePointIndices(0), pointRadius(1.0f),highlightTime(1.0),currentTime(0.0) { /* Check the earthquake file name's extension: */ if(Misc::hasCaseExtension(earthquakeFileName,".anss")) { /* Read an earthquake database snapshot in "readable" ANSS format: */ loadANSSFile(earthquakeFileName,scaleFactor); } else { /* Read an earthquake event file in space- or comma-separated format: */ loadCSVFile(earthquakeFileName,scaleFactor); } /* Create a temporary kd-tree to sort the events for back-to-front traversal: */ Geometry::ArrayKdTree<Geometry::ValuedPoint<Point,int> > sortTree(events.size()); Geometry::ValuedPoint<Point,int>* stPtr=sortTree.accessPoints(); int i=0; for(std::vector<Event>::const_iterator eIt=events.begin();eIt!=events.end();++eIt,++stPtr,++i) { *stPtr=eIt->position; stPtr->value=i; } sortTree.releasePoints(8); /* Retrieve the sorted event indices: */ treePointIndices=new int[events.size()]; stPtr=sortTree.accessPoints(); for(int i=0;i<sortTree.getNumNodes();++i,++stPtr) treePointIndices[i]=stPtr->value; }
QList<QStringList> Util::loadCSVFiles(const QList<QFile*> &files, QChar seperator) { QList<QStringList> dataMatrix; for(QFile* file : files) dataMatrix.append(loadCSVFile(file->fileName(), seperator)); return dataMatrix; }
QList<QStringList> Util::loadCSVFiles(const QList<QString> &filenames, QChar separator) { QList<QStringList> dataMatrix; for(QString filename : filenames) dataMatrix.append(loadCSVFile(filename, separator)); return dataMatrix; }
void kata04_1(unsigned int & smallestSpreadDay) { CSVOutput_t csvOutput; if (false == loadCSVFile(KATA04_1_FILE, csvOutput, true, ' ')) { /* cannot do what the user asked. Throw something so we fail loudly */ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to load or process input file"); } //TODO Why didn't numeric limits work here? signed int smallestSpreadFound = 300; /* iterate over each row in the CSV Output*/ for (CSVOutput_t::const_iterator it = csvOutput.begin(); it != csvOutput.end(); ++it) { /* If the record contains less than 3 fields, there's nothing we can do about it */ if (it->size() < 3) { /* Insufficient number of fields in this record */ continue; } try { signed int const dayNumber = std::stoi(it->at(0), nullptr); signed int const dailyHighTemperature = std::stoi(it->at(1),nullptr); signed int const dailyLowTemperature = std::stoi(it->at(2),nullptr); if ((dailyHighTemperature - dailyLowTemperature) < smallestSpreadFound) { smallestSpreadFound = dailyHighTemperature - dailyLowTemperature; smallestSpreadDay = dayNumber; } } catch(std::invalid_argument e) { /* Could not convert from string to integer... */ std::cerr << "Could not convert from string to integer:" << it->at(0) << "|" << it->at(1) << "|" << it->at(2) << std::endl; continue; } } }
void kata04_2(std::string & teamWithSmallestGoalDifference) { CSVOutput_t csvOutput; /* Don't skip first row. We need the headers. Told to parse looking for F & A */ if (false == loadCSVFile(KATA04_2_FILE, csvOutput, false, ' ')) { /* cannot do what the user asked. Throw something so we fail loudly */ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to load or process input file"); } if (csvOutput.size() < 1) { /* Somehow we think we parsed the file, but returned no records... */ throw std::runtime_error("Unable to load or process input file"); } /* This kata expects us to find the fields labeled 'F' and 'A', so find them */ /* This kata has an illegal CSV... have to work around it. */ ssize_t FFieldIndex = -1; ssize_t AFieldIndex = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i <; i++) { if ("F") == 0) { if (FFieldIndex != -1) { /* We thought we already had it? */ throw std::logic_error("Found multiple fields with 'F' column header!"); } /* Because this CSV has a #. text field that doesn't have a column header... */ FFieldIndex = i + 1; } if ("A") == 0) { if (AFieldIndex != -1) { /* We thought we already had it? */ throw std::logic_error("Found multiple fields with 'A' column header!"); } /* Because this CSV has a #. and '-' text field that don't have a column header... */ AFieldIndex = i + 2; } } if ((FFieldIndex == -1) || (AFieldIndex == -1)) { throw std::logic_error("Could not identify fields for 'For' or 'Against'"); } /* We know what fields we're looking for, so start parsing the file vectors */ size_t const minimumRequiredFieldCount = std::max(AFieldIndex, FFieldIndex); //TODO Why didn't numeric limits work here? signed int smallestSpreadFound = 300; CSVOutput_t::const_iterator it = csvOutput.begin(); it++; /* Skip the first row since we know it's field headers */ for (; it != csvOutput.end(); ++it) { if (it->size() < minimumRequiredFieldCount) { /* Insufficient number of fields in this record */ std::cerr << "Too few fields in CSV record" << std::endl; continue; } try { std::string const teamName = it->at(1); unsigned int const FGoalCount = std::stoi(it->at(FFieldIndex),nullptr); unsigned int const AGoalCount = std::stoi(it->at(AFieldIndex),nullptr); if ((FGoalCount - AGoalCount) < smallestSpreadFound) { smallestSpreadFound = FGoalCount - AGoalCount; teamWithSmallestGoalDifference = teamName; } } catch(std::invalid_argument e) { /* Could not convert from string to integer... */ std::cerr << "Could not convert from string to integer:" << it->at(1) << "|" << it->at(FFieldIndex) << "|" << it->at(AFieldIndex) << std::endl; continue; } } }