Bitonic<T>::Bitonic(std::string source_dir, CL *cli ) { this->cli = cli; /* this->cl_dstkey = dstkey; this->cl_dstval = dstval; this->cl_srckey = srckey; this->cl_srcval = srcval; */ loadKernels(source_dir); }
cl_int btocl_build_load_kernels(const char* options) { size_t log_size; char* program_log; cl_int err; BTOCL_RUNTIME* rt = btocl_getruntime(); //printf("creating program\n\n"); err = createProgramFromBuffers(rt->context,&rt->program,rt); if (err < 0) { printf("Error: Couldn't create OpenCL program\n"); //return err; exit(0); } // Program created, free proagram buffers freeProgramBuffers(rt); //printf(".....building program\n"); err = clBuildProgram(rt->program,1,&rt->device,options,NULL,NULL); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("Couldn't build program\n"); clGetProgramBuildInfo(rt->program,rt->device,CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG,0,NULL,&log_size); program_log= (char*)calloc(log_size+1,sizeof(char)); clGetProgramBuildInfo(rt->program,rt->device,CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG,log_size,program_log,NULL); printf("Program Log:\n%s\n",program_log); free(program_log); exit(1); } //printf("success...program built\n"); err = loadKernels(rt); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("Problem while loading kernel\n"); return err; } printf("OCL initialization successful\n"); return CL_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { //Local variables SpiceDouble et_0; SpiceDouble et_end; SpiceDouble *t = NULL; SpiceDouble **pos_hci = NULL; SpiceDouble **pos_iau = NULL; SpiceDouble **pos_hee = NULL; SpiceDouble *lon_iau = NULL; SpiceDouble *lat_iau = NULL; SpiceDouble *lon_hci = NULL; SpiceDouble *lat_hci = NULL; SpiceDouble *distance = NULL; SpiceInt n; SpiceInt i; char START_DATE[50]; char STOP_DATE[50]; char text_filename[50]; char nc_filename[50]; //Load specific kernels : leap years, planets and satellites objects, planetary constants and specific heliospheric frame (to use HCI frame) if (!loadKernels(KERNELS)) { printf("[ERROR] \"%s\" kernel list : no such file\n", KERNELS); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //Configure boundaries strcpy(START_DATE, argv[4]); strcpy(STOP_DATE, argv[5]); n = getBoundaries(START_DATE, &et_0, STOP_DATE, &et_end); if (n <= 0) { printf("[ERROR] Enable to get a date interval to compute Earth ephemeris.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //Memory allocation t = (SpiceDouble*) malloc(n*sizeof(SpiceDouble)); pos_hci = (SpiceDouble**) malloc(n*sizeof(SpiceDouble*)); pos_iau = (SpiceDouble**) malloc(n*sizeof(SpiceDouble*)); pos_hee = (SpiceDouble**) malloc(n*sizeof(SpiceDouble*)); distance = (SpiceDouble*) malloc(n*sizeof(SpiceDouble)); lon_hci = (SpiceDouble*) malloc(n*sizeof(SpiceDouble)); lat_hci = (SpiceDouble*) malloc(n*sizeof(SpiceDouble)); lon_iau = (SpiceDouble*) malloc(n*sizeof(SpiceDouble)); lat_iau = (SpiceDouble*) malloc(n*sizeof(SpiceDouble)); if ((t == NULL) || (pos_hci == NULL) || (distance == NULL) || (lon_hci == NULL) || (lat_hci == NULL) || (lon_iau == NULL) || (lat_iau == NULL) ) { printf("[ERROR] Memory allocation has failed. Not enough memory.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } else { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { pos_hci[i] = NULL; pos_hci[i] = (SpiceDouble*) malloc(3*sizeof(SpiceDouble)); pos_iau[i] = NULL; pos_iau[i] = (SpiceDouble*) malloc(3*sizeof(SpiceDouble)); pos_hee[i] = NULL; pos_hee[i] = (SpiceDouble*) malloc(3*sizeof(SpiceDouble)); if ((pos_hci[i] == NULL) || (pos_iau[i] == NULL) || (pos_hee[i] == NULL)) { printf("[ERROR] Position : Memory allocation has failed.\n"); } } } //Compute n positions of the celestial body wanted starting from et_0 epoch with a STEP step getPositions(TARGET, et_0, STEP, n, FRAME1, ABCORR, OBSERVER, t, pos_hci); getPositions(TARGET, et_0, STEP, n, FRAME2, ABCORR, OBSERVER, t, pos_iau); getPositions(TARGET, et_0, STEP, n, FRAME3, ABCORR, OBSERVER, t, pos_hee); //Compute longitudes and latitudes getLonLat(pos_hci, lon_hci, lat_hci, n); getLonLat(pos_iau, lon_iau, lat_iau, n); //Compute n distances of the celestial body wanted relatively with the Sun getDistance(n, pos_hci, distance); //Print celestial body positions for the time interval //printPositions(t, pos); //Get files name //getFilesName(BODY_NAME, START_DATE, ".txt", text_filename); getFilesName(BODY_NAME, START_DATE, ".nc", nc_filename); //Write celestial body positions into "earth.txt" file //createTextFile(text_filename, n, t, pos_hci, pos_iau, pos_hee, lon_hci, lat_hci, lon_iau, lat_iau, distance); //Write celestial body positions into "" file createNc(nc_filename, n, t, pos_hci, pos_iau, pos_hee, lon_hci, lat_hci, lon_iau, lat_iau, distance); //Free memory free(t); free(distance); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { free(pos_hci[i]); pos_hci[i] = NULL; free(pos_iau[i]); pos_iau[i] = NULL; free(pos_hee[i]); pos_hee[i] = NULL; } free(pos_hci); pos_hci = NULL; free(pos_iau); pos_iau = NULL; free(pos_hee); pos_hee = NULL; free(lon_hci); lon_hci = NULL; free(lat_hci); lat_hci = NULL; free(lon_iau); lon_iau = NULL; free(lat_iau); lat_iau = NULL; return 0; }