void QgsRelationEditorWidget::setRelationFeature( const QgsRelation& relation, const QgsFeature& feature ) { if ( mRelation.isValid() ) { disconnect( mRelation.referencingLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStarted() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); disconnect( mRelation.referencingLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStopped() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); } mRelation = relation; mFeature = feature; connect( mRelation.referencingLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStarted() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); connect( mRelation.referencingLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStopped() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); setTitle( relation.name() ); QgsVectorLayer* lyr = relation.referencingLayer(); bool canChangeAttributes = lyr->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues; if ( canChangeAttributes && !lyr->readOnly() ) { mToggleEditingButton->setEnabled( true ); updateButtons(); } else { mToggleEditingButton->setEnabled( false ); } setObjectName( mRelation.name() ); loadState(); // If not yet initialized, it is not (yet) visible, so we don't load it to be faster (lazy loading) // If it is already initialized, it has been set visible before and the currently shown feature is changing // and the widget needs updating if ( mVisible ) { QgsFeatureRequest myRequest = mRelation.getRelatedFeaturesRequest( mFeature ); mDualView->init( mRelation.referencingLayer(), nullptr, myRequest, mEditorContext ); } }
SearchTextBar::SearchTextBar(QWidget* const parent, const QString& name, const QString& msg) : QLineEdit(parent), StateSavingObject(this), d(new Private) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); setClearButtonEnabled(true); setPlaceholderText(msg); setObjectName(name + QLatin1String(" Search Text Tool")); d->completer = new ModelCompleter(this); setCompleter(d->completer); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum)); connect(this, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(slotTextChanged(QString))); loadState(); }
/*! * \brief Constructs the WaiterDialog. * \details Constructs the WaiterDialog, loads timers and starts updating * timers. * \param parent The widget's parent, used for Qt's memory management. * \param IconPath Where the icon for the GUI is located. */ WaiterDialog::WaiterDialog(QWidget *parent, QString IconPath) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::WaiterDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->EntryDate->setSelectedDate(QDate::currentDate()); currentTimeLabel = new QLabel(this); currentTimeLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); ui->TimerScrollerWidget->layout()->addWidget(currentTimeLabel); QVariant saveLocation = settings.value("QWaiter_Location"); if(!saveLocation.isNull()) { statePath = saveLocation.toString(); } loadState(); timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(notifyAll())); timer->setInterval(1000); timer->start(); setWindowIcon(QIcon(IconPath)); }
ossimGeneralRasterInfo::ossimGeneralRasterInfo(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix) : theImageFileList(), theInterleaveType(OSSIM_BIL), theRawImageRect(0,0,0,0), theValidImageRect(0,0,0,0), theImageRect(0,0,0,0), theSubImageOffset(0,0), theHeaderSize(0), theSetNullsMode(NONE), thePixelsToChop(0), theImageDataByteOrder(OSSIM_LITTLE_ENDIAN) { theRawImageRect.makeNan(); theValidImageRect.makeNan(); theImageRect.makeNan(); loadState(kwl, prefix); }
void QgsCollapsibleGroupBox::showEvent( QShowEvent * event ) { // initialise widget on first show event only if ( mShown ) { event->accept(); return; } // check if groupbox was set to flat in Designer or in code mInitFlat = isFlat(); // find parent QScrollArea - this might not work in complex layouts - should we look deeper? if ( parent() && parent()->parent() ) mParentScrollArea = dynamic_cast<QScrollArea*>( parent()->parent()->parent() ); else mParentScrollArea = 0; if ( mParentScrollArea ) QgsDebugMsg( "found a QScrollArea parent: " + mParentScrollArea->objectName() ); else QgsDebugMsg( "did not find a QScrollArea parent" ); loadState(); updateStyle(); // expand if needed - any calls to setCollapsed() before only set mCollapsed, but have UI effect if ( mCollapsed ) { setCollapsed( mCollapsed ); } else { // emit signal for connections using expanded state emit collapsedStateChanged( this ); } // set mShown after first setCollapsed call or expanded groupboxes // will scroll scroll areas when first shown mShown = true; event->accept(); }
void Game::updateKeysPressedTable() { debug(DBG_GAME, "Game::updateKeysPressedTable()"); _keysPressed[13] = _stub->_pi.enter ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[16] = _stub->_pi.shift ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[32] = _stub->_pi.space ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[37] = (_stub->_pi.dirMask & PlayerInput::DIR_LEFT) ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[38] = (_stub->_pi.dirMask & PlayerInput::DIR_UP) ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[39] = (_stub->_pi.dirMask & PlayerInput::DIR_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[40] = (_stub->_pi.dirMask & PlayerInput::DIR_DOWN) ? 1 : 0; if (_stub->_pi.tab) { _stub->_pi.tab = false; handleBagMenu(); } if (_stub->_pi.ctrl) { _stub->_pi.ctrl = false; _lifeBarDisplayed = !_lifeBarDisplayed; } if (_stub->_pi.stateSlot != 0) { int slot = _stateSlot + _stub->_pi.stateSlot; if (slot >= 1 && slot <= 999) { _stateSlot = slot; debug(DBG_INFO, "Current game state slot is %d", _stateSlot); } _stub->_pi.stateSlot = 0; } if (_stub->_pi.load) { _stub->_pi.load = false; loadState(_stateSlot, true); _loadState = _switchScene; // gamestate will get loaded on scene switch } if (_stub->_pi.save) { _stub->_pi.save = false; saveState(_stateSlot); } if (_gameOver) { if (_stub->_pi.enter) { _stub->_pi.enter = false; restart(); } } }
void TagFactory::loadTagOrState( QTreeWidgetItem * item , int column ) { Q_UNUSED( column ); if ( m_itemToState.contains( item ) ) { m_currentItemState = item; loadState( m_itemToState[item] ); m_appareanceGroupBox->setEnabled( true ); m_fontGroupBox->setEnabled( true ); } else if ( m_itemToTag.contains( item ) ) { m_currentItemTag = item; loadTag( m_itemToTag[item] ); m_appareanceGroupBox->setEnabled( false ); m_fontGroupBox->setEnabled( false ); } }
void drawAxiom(char* axiom, double angle) { int size; size = strlen(axiom); int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (axiom[i] == 'F') drawLine(); else if (axiom[i] == 'f') move(); else if (axiom[i] == '+') rotate(-1 * angle); else if (axiom[i] == '-') rotate(angle); else if (axiom[i] == '[') push(initState(currX, currY, currH)); else if (axiom[i] == ']') loadState(pop()); } }
AddNewTorrentDialog::AddNewTorrentDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) , ui(new Ui::AddNewTorrentDialog) , m_contentModel(0) , m_contentDelegate(0) , m_hasMetadata(false) , m_oldIndex(0) { ui->setupUi(this); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); ui->lblMetaLoading->setVisible(false); ui->progMetaLoading->setVisible(false); Preferences* const pref = Preferences::instance(); ui->start_torrent_cb->setChecked(!pref->addTorrentsInPause()); ui->save_path_combo->addItem(Utils::Fs::toNativePath(pref->getSavePath()), pref->getSavePath()); loadSavePathHistory(); connect(ui->save_path_combo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), SLOT(onSavePathChanged(int))); connect(ui->browse_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(browseButton_clicked())); ui->default_save_path_cb->setVisible(false); // Default path is selected by default // Load labels const QStringList customLabels = pref->getTorrentLabels(); ui->label_combo->addItem(""); foreach (const QString& label, customLabels) ui->label_combo->addItem(label); ui->label_combo->model()->sort(0); ui->content_tree->header()->setSortIndicator(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); loadState(); // Signal / slots connect(ui->adv_button, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(showAdvancedSettings(bool))); editHotkey = new QShortcut(QKeySequence("F2"), ui->content_tree, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(editHotkey, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(renameSelectedFile())); connect(ui->content_tree, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(renameSelectedFile())); ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setFocus(); }
void FiFider::begin(void) { if(!Memory::getInstance().isReady()) { _eta = HW_DEF_INTERVAL; _interval = HW_DEF_INTERVAL; _portion = HW_DEF_PORTION; FiFider::getInstance().saveState(); Memory::getInstance().initialize(); }else{ loadState(); } _feeder_state = FST_WAITING; _display_state = DST_ETA; Timer1.initialize(1000000); Timer1.attachInterrupt(FiFider::timerOverflow); _increase_btn.initialize(HW_BTN_INCR_PIN, 20, 800); _increase_btn.onUp(FiFider::increaseButton); _increase_btn.onHold(FiFider::holdIncreaseButton); _increase_btn.holdBlocksUp(false); _decrease_btn.initialize(HW_BTN_DECR_PIN, 20, 800); _decrease_btn.onUp(FiFider::decreaseButton); _decrease_btn.onHold(FiFider::holdDecreaseButton); _decrease_btn.holdBlocksUp(false); _select_btn.initialize(HW_BTN_SEL_PIN); _select_btn.onUp(FiFider::selectButton); _select_btn.onHold(FiFider::holdSelectButton); wdt_enable(WDTO_1S); Display::getInstance().initialize(); }
bool GB::loadState(const std::string &filepath) { return loadState(filepath, false); }
bool GB::loadState() { return loadState(statePath(p_->cpu.saveBasePath(), p_->stateNo), true); }
void LiteApp::load(bool bUseSession, IApplication *baseApp) { QSplashScreen *splash = 0; bool bSplash = m_settings->value(LITEAPP_SPLASHVISIBLE,true).toBool(); if (baseApp) { bSplash = false; } if (bSplash) { splash = new QSplashScreen(QPixmap::fromImage(makeSplashImage(this)),Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); } if (bSplash) { splash->show(); } if (bSplash) { splash->showMessage("Scanning plugins...",Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom); } qApp->processEvents(); loadMimeType(); loadPlugins(); if (bSplash) { splash->showMessage("Loading plugins...",Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom); } qApp->processEvents(); initPlugins(); if (bSplash) { splash->showMessage("Loading state...",Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom); } qApp->processEvents(); loadState(); if (baseApp) { if (baseApp->mainWindow()->isMaximized()) { m_mainwindow->resize(800,600); m_mainwindow->show(); } else { QRect rc = baseApp->mainWindow()->geometry(); rc.adjust(20,20,20,20); m_mainwindow->setGeometry(rc); m_mainwindow->show(); } } else { m_mainwindow->show(); } emit loaded(); m_projectManager->setCurrentProject(0); if (bSplash) { splash->showMessage("Loading session...",Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom); } qApp->processEvents(); bool b = m_settings->value(LITEAPP_AUTOLOADLASTSESSION,true).toBool(); if (b && bUseSession) { loadSession("default"); } if (bSplash) { m_mainwindow->raise(); splash->finish(m_mainwindow); splash->deleteLater(); } this->appendLog("HtmlWidgetFactory",m_htmlWidgetManager->classNameList().join(" ")); this->appendLog("DefaultHtmlWidgetFactory",m_htmlWidgetManager->defaultClassName()); m_goProxy->call("version"); appendLog("LiteApp","Finished loading"); }
//************************************************************************************************* // Creates clones of the original and pushes them onto the clone list. // // Need to consider the possibility that the original chain is a combiner with multiple image // handler inputs, and also the possibility that one handler is wired to multiple input chains // before the combiner. In order to handle this, we will save the connection information for each // input handler encountered so that we can later reproduce it using a shared handler (if requested) //************************************************************************************************* bool ossimImageChainMtAdaptor::replicate() { if ((m_clones.empty()) || (m_numThreads == 0)) return false; // Don't need to replicate if only one thread is being requested. This is not an error though: if (m_numThreads == 1) return true; // If the handlers are to be shared, need to isolate them from the original chain and replace // them with a "hollow adaptor" (i.e., a handler adaptor without the adaptee set yet: m_sharedHandlers.clear(); if (d_useSharedHandlers) { if (m_chainContainers.empty()) return false; // Collect all image handlers in original chain for possible sharing with all clones: ossimTypeNameVisitor visitor (ossimString("ossimImageHandler")); m_chainContainers[0]->accept(visitor); ossimRefPtr<ossimImageHandler> handler = 0; ossimRefPtr<ossimImageHandlerMtAdaptor> handler_adaptor = 0; ossimRefPtr<ossimConnectableObject> output_connection = 0; ossim_uint32 handler_idx = 0; // Loop over all image handlers found in the original chain. Each handler's connection info // is stored and the handler is removed temporarily from the original chain. while (1) { // Fetch a handler from the chain and wrap it with a handler adaptor: handler = visitor.getObjectAs<ossimImageHandler>(handler_idx++); if (handler == NULL) break; // Only exit point of while loop handler_adaptor = new ossimImageHandlerMtAdaptor(handler.get()); m_sharedHandlers.push_back(handler_adaptor); // Change ownership: m_chainContainers[0]->removeChild(handler.get()); handler->changeOwner(this); } // If no handler was found, we can't continue. if (m_sharedHandlers.empty()) return false; } // Fetch the state of this and the original chain. This KWL will be used for creating replicas // via the loadState. The saveState essentially bootstraps the replication task: ossimKeywordlist kwl; bool succeeded = saveState(kwl); // The original chain may have had the handlers temporarily removed for the saveState in support // of shared handlers. If so, need to restore them now: if (d_useSharedHandlers) succeeded = connectSharedHandlers(0); // Finally, initialize THIS chain with the original chain's state. This call will also create // the clones: if (succeeded) succeeded = loadState(kwl); return succeeded; }
SessionManagerServer::SessionManagerServer() : unique32(0), unique64(0), txnidfd(-1) { config::Config* conf; string stmp; const char* ctmp; conf = config::Config::makeConfig(); try { stmp = conf->getConfig("SessionManager", "MaxConcurrentTransactions"); } catch (const std::exception& e) { cout << e.what() << endl; stmp.empty(); } if (stmp != "") { int64_t tmp; ctmp = stmp.c_str(); tmp = config::Config::fromText(ctmp); if (tmp < 1) maxTxns = 1; else maxTxns = static_cast<int>(tmp); } else maxTxns = 1; txnidFilename = conf->getConfig("SessionManager", "TxnIDFile"); if (!IDBPolicy::useHdfs()) { txnidfd = open(txnidFilename.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, 0664); if (txnidfd < 0) { perror("SessionManagerServer(): open"); throw runtime_error("SessionManagerServer: Could not open the transaction ID file"); } //FIXME: do we need this on Win? #ifndef _MSC_VER else { fchmod(txnidfd, 0664); } #endif } semValue = maxTxns; _verID = 0; _sysCatVerID = 0; systemState = 0; try { loadState(); } catch (...) { // first-time run most likely, ignore the error } }
void Defrag::config() { ASSERT( param(m_state_file,"DEFRAG_STATE_FILE") ); if( m_last_poll==0 ) { loadState(); } int old_polling_interval = m_polling_interval; m_polling_interval = param_integer("DEFRAG_INTERVAL",600); if( m_polling_interval <= 0 ) { dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "DEFRAG_INTERVAL=%d, so no pool defragmentation " "will be done.\n", m_polling_interval); if( m_polling_timer != -1 ) { daemonCore->Cancel_Timer(m_polling_timer); m_polling_timer = -1; } } else if( m_polling_timer >= 0 ) { if( old_polling_interval != m_polling_interval ) { daemonCore->Reset_Timer_Period( m_polling_timer, m_polling_interval); } } else { time_t now = time(NULL); int first_time = 0; if( m_last_poll != 0 && now-m_last_poll < m_polling_interval && m_last_poll <= now ) { first_time = m_polling_interval - (now-m_last_poll); } m_polling_timer = daemonCore->Register_Timer( first_time, m_polling_interval, (TimerHandlercpp)&Defrag::poll, "Defrag::poll", this ); } if( old_polling_interval != m_polling_interval && m_polling_interval > 0 ) { dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "Will evaluate defragmentation policy every DEFRAG_INTERVAL=" "%d seconds.\n", m_polling_interval); } m_draining_per_hour = param_double("DEFRAG_DRAINING_MACHINES_PER_HOUR",0,0); double rate = m_draining_per_hour/3600.0*m_polling_interval; m_draining_per_poll = (int)floor(rate + 0.00001); if( m_draining_per_poll < 0 ) m_draining_per_poll = 0; double error_per_hour = (rate - m_draining_per_poll)/m_polling_interval*3600.0; m_draining_per_poll_hour = (int)floor(error_per_hour + 0.00001); if( m_draining_per_hour < 0 || m_polling_interval > 3600 ) { m_draining_per_hour = 0; } double error_per_day = (error_per_hour - m_draining_per_poll_hour)*24.0; m_draining_per_poll_day = (int)floor(error_per_day + 0.5); if( m_draining_per_poll_day < 0 || m_polling_interval > 3600*24 ) { m_draining_per_poll_day = 0; } dprintf(D_ALWAYS,"polling interval %ds, DEFRAG_DRAINING_MACHINES_PER_HOUR = %f/hour = %d/interval + %d/hour + %d/day\n", m_polling_interval,m_draining_per_hour,m_draining_per_poll, m_draining_per_poll_hour,m_draining_per_poll_day); m_max_draining = param_integer("DEFRAG_MAX_CONCURRENT_DRAINING",-1,-1); m_max_whole_machines = param_integer("DEFRAG_MAX_WHOLE_MACHINES",-1,-1); ASSERT( param(m_defrag_requirements,"DEFRAG_REQUIREMENTS") ); validateExpr( m_defrag_requirements.c_str(), "DEFRAG_REQUIREMENTS" ); ASSERT( param(m_whole_machine_expr,"DEFRAG_WHOLE_MACHINE_EXPR") ); validateExpr( m_whole_machine_expr.c_str(), "DEFRAG_WHOLE_MACHINE_EXPR" ); ASSERT( param(m_draining_schedule_str,"DEFRAG_DRAINING_SCHEDULE") ); if( m_draining_schedule_str.empty() ) { m_draining_schedule = DRAIN_GRACEFUL; m_draining_schedule_str = "graceful"; } else { m_draining_schedule = getDrainingScheduleNum(m_draining_schedule_str.c_str()); if( m_draining_schedule < 0 ) { EXCEPT("Invalid draining schedule: %s\n",m_draining_schedule_str.c_str()); } } MyString rank; param(rank,"DEFRAG_RANK"); if( rank.IsEmpty() ) { m_rank_ad.Delete(ATTR_RANK); } else { if( !m_rank_ad.AssignExpr(ATTR_RANK,rank.Value()) ) { EXCEPT("Invalid expression for DEFRAG_RANK: %s\n", rank.Value()); } } int update_interval = param_integer("DEFRAG_UPDATE_INTERVAL", 600); if(m_public_ad_update_interval != update_interval) { m_public_ad_update_interval = update_interval; dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG, "Setting update interval to %d\n", m_public_ad_update_interval); if(m_public_ad_update_timer >= 0) { daemonCore->Reset_Timer_Period( m_public_ad_update_timer, m_public_ad_update_interval); } else { m_public_ad_update_timer = daemonCore->Register_Timer( 0, m_public_ad_update_interval, (TimerHandlercpp)&Defrag::updateCollector, "Defrag::updateCollector", this); } } if (param(m_cancel_requirements, "DEFRAG_CANCEL_REQUIREMENTS")) { validateExpr( m_cancel_requirements.c_str(), "DEFRAG_CANCEL_REQUIREMENTS" ); } else { m_cancel_requirements = ""; } param(m_defrag_name,"DEFRAG_NAME"); int stats_quantum = m_polling_interval; int stats_window = 10*stats_quantum; m_stats.SetWindowSize(stats_window,stats_quantum); }
VesselSceneNode::VesselSceneNode(const VesselSceneNodeState& state, scene::ISceneNode* parent, scene::ISceneManager* mgr, s32 id) : VesselSceneNode(state.vesData,parent,mgr,id,state.uid) { loadState(state); }
/** * @brief BoardLeft::resetControls: vuelve al ultimo estado cargado. por defecto es APAGADO */ void BoardLeft::resetControls() { loadState(lastState); }
int levelTwo() { moving = 0; SDL_RenderClear(gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); ResetBuffer(); backOffset = ((int)camera.x+3200)%3200; offset = ((int)camera.x+1600)%1600; drawSprite(moonBack,0,vec2d(0,0),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); drawSprite(levelTwoBackTrees,0,vec2d(-backOffset,0),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); drawSprite(levelTwoFrontTrees,0,vec2d(-offset,0),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); drawSprite(levelTwoFloor,0,vec2d(-offset,0),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); drawSprite(levelTwoFrontTrees,0,vec2d(-offset+1600,0),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); drawSprite(levelTwoBackTrees,0,vec2d(-backOffset+1600,0),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); drawSprite(levelTwoFloor,0,vec2d(-offset+1600,0),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); entity_think_all(); entity_touch_all(); entity_update_all(); entity_draw_all(); if(player->position.x >= 300) { camera.x = player->position.x - 300; } if(player->position.x < 300) { camera.x = 0; } if(xDistance == 12000.00) { done = 1; } healthBar(); NextFrame(); SDL_PumpEvents(); diff = (gt_graphics_now - gt_graphics_then); if(playerData.shotTimer>0) { playerData.shotTimer -= diff; } keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE]) { done = 1; } else if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_W]) { moving = 1; moveCharacter(DIR_UP,player); yDistance = player->position.y; } else if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_A]) { moving = 1; moveCharacter(DIR_LEFT,player); xDistance = player->position.x; } else if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_D]) { moving = 1; moveCharacter(DIR_RIGHT,player); xDistance = player->position.x; } else if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_S]) { moving = 1; moveCharacter(DIR_DOWN,player); yDistance = player->position.y; } else if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_1]) { fire_Pistol(); } else if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_2]) { fire_Shotgun(); } else if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_3]) { fire_Machinegun(); } else if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_4]) { fire_Heavy_Machinegun(); } else if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_P]) { saveState(); } else if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_O]) { loadState(); } if(moving == 0) { resetAnimation(player, 0); } return 0; }
void LiteApp::load(bool bUseSession) { QSplashScreen *splash = 0; bool bSplash = m_settings->value(LITEAPP_SPLASHVISIBLE,true).toBool(); if (bSplash) { splash = new QSplashScreen(QPixmap::fromImage(makeSplashImage(this)),Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); } if (bSplash) { splash->show(); } if (bSplash) { splash->showMessage("liteide scan plugins ...",Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom); } qApp->processEvents(); loadMimeType(); loadPlugins(); if (bSplash) { splash->showMessage("liteide load plugins ...",Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom); } qApp->processEvents(); initPlugins(); if (bSplash) { splash->showMessage("liteide load state ...",Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom); } qApp->processEvents(); loadState(); m_mainwindow->show(); emit loaded(); m_projectManager->setCurrentProject(0); if (bSplash) { splash->showMessage("liteide load session ...",Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignBottom); } qApp->processEvents(); appendLog("LiteApp","loaded"); bool b = m_settings->value(LITEAPP_AUTOLOADLASTSESSION,true).toBool(); if (b && bUseSession) { loadSession("default"); } if (bSplash) { m_mainwindow->raise(); splash->finish(m_mainwindow); splash->deleteLater(); } this->appendLog("HtmlWidgetFactory",m_htmlWidgetManager->classNameList().join(" ")); this->appendLog("DefaultHtmlWidgetFactory",m_htmlWidgetManager->defaultClassName()); m_goProxy->call("version"); m_goProxy->call("cmdlist"); }
void Game::runObjectsScript() { debug(DBG_GAME, "Game::runObjectsScript()"); _objectScript.nextScene = -1; assert(_loadDataState != 3); // unneeded code if (_varsTable[309]) { memset(_keysPressed, 0, sizeof(_keysPressed)); } if (_loadDataState == 2) { int start = _workaroundRaftFlySceneBug ? 1 : 0; _workaroundRaftFlySceneBug = false; for (int i = start; i < _sceneObjectsCount; ++i) { SceneObject *so = &_sceneObjectsTable[i]; if (so->statePrev == 0 || so->statePrev == -1) { continue; } debug(DBG_GAME, "Game::runObjectsScript() currentObjectNum=%d", i); _objectScript.currentObjectNum = i; int anim = _sceneObjectMotionsTable[so->motionNum1].animNum; assert(anim >= 0 && anim < _animationsCount); _objectScript.data = _animationsTable[anim].scriptData; int endOfDataOffset = _animationsTable[anim].scriptSize; // endOfDataOffset2 _objectScript.dataOffset = 0; int statement = 0; while (_objectScript.dataOffset < endOfDataOffset) { _objectScript.statementNum = statement; int endOfStatementDataOffset = _objectScript.fetchNextWord(); // endOfDataOffset1 _objectScript.testObjectNum = -1; _objectScript.testDataOffset = endOfStatementDataOffset; bool loop = true; while (loop) { int op = _objectScript.fetchNextWord(); debug(DBG_OPCODES, "statement %d condition %d op %d", statement, i, op); if (op == 0) { break; } loop = executeConditionOpcode(op); } if (loop) { while (_objectScript.dataOffset < endOfStatementDataOffset) { int op = _objectScript.fetchNextWord(); debug(DBG_OPCODES, "statement %d operator %d op %d", statement, i, op); if (op == 100) { // &Game::oop_breakObjectScript endOfStatementDataOffset = _objectScript.dataOffset = endOfDataOffset; break; } executeOperatorOpcode(op); } } _objectScript.dataOffset = endOfStatementDataOffset; ++statement; } } _dialogueEndedFlag = 0; if (_objectScript.nextScene != -1 && _objectScript.nextScene < _sceneConditionsCount) { strcpy(_tempTextBuffer, _nextScenesTable[_objectScript.nextScene].name); _switchScene = true; _currentSceneSav[0] = 0; if (stringEndsWith(_tempTextBuffer, "SAV")) { // debug(DBG_GAME, "End of demo interactive part"); // strcpy(_tempTextBuffer, "A03.SCN"); FileHolder fh(_fs, _tempTextBuffer); if (!fh._fp) { warning("Unable to load game state from file '%s'", _tempTextBuffer); } else { strcpy(_currentSceneSav, _tempTextBuffer); loadState(fh._fp, kDemoSavSlot, true); _loadState = _switchScene; // load on scene switch } } } for (int i = 0; i < _sceneObjectsCount; ++i) { reinitializeObject(i); } if (kCheatNoHit) { _varsTable[0] = 0; } if (_varsTable[0] >= 10 && !_gameOver) { strcpy(_musicName, "..\\midi\\gameover.mid"); playMusic(_musicName); _gameOver = true; // _skipUpdateScreen = false; } if (_loadDataState == 2) { updateObjects(); } } // _skipUpdateScreen = false; if (_varsTable[241] == 1) { // _startEndingScene = true; stopMusic(); clearSceneData(-1); _varsTable[241] = 2; playVideo("DATA/FINAL.AVI"); strcpy(_tempTextBuffer, "END.SCN"); _switchScene = true; } }
void Game::updateKeysPressedTable() { debug(DBG_GAME, "Game::updateKeysPressedTable()"); _keysPressed[13] = _stub->_pi.enter ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[16] = _stub->_pi.shift ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[32] = _stub->_pi.space ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[37] = (_stub->_pi.dirMask & PlayerInput::DIR_LEFT) ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[38] = (_stub->_pi.dirMask & PlayerInput::DIR_UP) ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[39] = (_stub->_pi.dirMask & PlayerInput::DIR_RIGHT) ? 1 : 0; _keysPressed[40] = (_stub->_pi.dirMask & PlayerInput::DIR_DOWN) ? 1 : 0; if (_keyboardReplayData) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(_keysPressed) && _keyboardReplayOffset < _keyboardReplaySize; ++i) { _keysPressed[i] |= _keyboardReplayData[_keyboardReplayOffset]; ++_keyboardReplayOffset; } } if (_stub->_pi.tab) { _stub->_pi.tab = false; if (_varsTable[0] < 10 && _loadDataState == 2 && _sceneNumber > -1000) { _nextState = kStateBag; } } if (_stub->_pi.ctrl) { _stub->_pi.ctrl = false; _lifeBarDisplayed = !_lifeBarDisplayed; } if (_stub->_pi.stateSlot != 0) { int slot = _stateSlot + _stub->_pi.stateSlot; if (slot >= 1 && slot <= 999) { _stateSlot = slot; debug(DBG_INFO, "Current game state slot is %d", _stateSlot); } _stub->_pi.stateSlot = 0; } if (_stub->_pi.load) { _stub->_pi.load = false; char filePath[MAXPATHLEN]; snprintf(filePath, sizeof(filePath), kGameStateFileNameFormat, _savePath, _stateSlot); File f; if (!f.open(filePath, "rb")) { warning("Unable to load game state from file '%s'", filePath); } else { loadState(&f, _stateSlot, true); _loadState = _switchScene; // gamestate will get loaded on scene switch } } if (_stub->_pi.save) { _stub->_pi.save = false; char filePath[MAXPATHLEN]; snprintf(filePath, sizeof(filePath), kGameStateFileNameFormat, _savePath, _stateSlot); File f; if (!f.open(filePath, "wb")) { warning("Unable to save game state to file '%s'", filePath); } else { saveState(&f, _stateSlot); } } if (!_isDemo) { if (_stub->_pi.escape) { _stub->_pi.escape = false; _nextState = kStateMenu1; } } if (_gameOver) { if (_stub->_pi.enter) { _stub->_pi.enter = false; restart(); } } }
void Game::mainLoop() { if (_nextState != _state) { // fini switch (_state) { case kStateGame: break; case kStateDialogue: finiDialogue(); break; case kStateMenu1: case kStateMenu2: finiMenu(); break; } _state = _nextState; // init switch (_state) { case kStateGame: break; case kStateDialogue: initDialogue(); break; case kStateBitmap: displayTitleBitmap(); break; case kStateMenu1: case kStateMenu2: initMenu(1 + _state - kStateMenu1); break; } } switch (_state) { case kStateGame: while (_switchScene) { _switchScene = false; if (stringEndsWith(_tempTextBuffer, "SCN")) { win16_sndPlaySound(6); debug(DBG_GAME, "switch to scene '%s'", _tempTextBuffer); if (strcmp(_tempTextBuffer, "PIC4.SCN") == 0) { debug(DBG_INFO, "End of game"); break; } strcpy(_currentSceneScn, _tempTextBuffer); parseSCN(_tempTextBuffer); } else { debug(DBG_GAME, "load mov '%s'", _tempTextBuffer); loadMOV(_tempTextBuffer); } if (_loadState) { _loadState = false; if (_currentSceneSav[0]) { FileHolder fh(_fs, _currentSceneSav); if (!fh._fp) { warning("Unable to load game state from file '%s'", _tempTextBuffer); } else { warning("Loading game state from '%s'", _currentSceneSav); loadState(fh._fp, kDemoSavSlot, false); loadKBR(_currentSceneSav); } } else { char filePath[MAXPATHLEN]; snprintf(filePath, sizeof(filePath), kGameStateFileNameFormat, _savePath, _stateSlot); File f; if (!f.open(filePath, "rb")) { warning("Unable to load game state from file '%s'", filePath); } else { loadState(&f, _stateSlot, false); } } playMusic(_musicName); memset(_keysPressed, 0, sizeof(_keysPressed)); } assert(_sceneObjectsCount != 0); if (_currentBagObject == -1) { _currentBagObject = _bagObjectsCount - 1; if (_currentBagObject > 0) { _currentBagObject = 0; } } if (_loadDataState != 0) { _stub->setPalette(_bitmapBuffer0 + kOffsetBitmapPalette, 256); _stub->copyRectWidescreen(kGameScreenWidth, kGameScreenHeight, _bitmapBuffer1.bits, _bitmapBuffer1.pitch); } _gameOver = false; _workaroundRaftFlySceneBug = strncmp(_currentSceneScn, "FLY", 3) == 0; } updateKeysPressedTable(); updateMouseButtonsPressed(); runObjectsScript(); if (_startDialogue) { _startDialogue = false; _nextState = kStateDialogue; } break; case kStateBag: handleBagMenu(); break; case kStateDialogue: handleDialogue(); if (_dialogueEndedFlag) { _nextState = kStateGame; } break; case kStateBitmap: if (_stub->_pi.enter) { _stub->_pi.enter = false; playVideo("DATA/INTRO.AVI"); _nextState = kStateGame; } break; case kStateMenu1: handleMenu(); switch (_menuOption) { case kMenuOptionNewGame: restart(); _nextState = kStateGame; break; case kMenuOptionLoadGame: _stub->_pi.load = true; _nextState = kStateGame; break; case kMenuOptionSaveGame: _stub->_pi.save = true; _nextState = kStateGame; break; case kMenuOptionQuitGame: _nextState = kStateMenu2; break; } if (_stub->_pi.escape) { _stub->_pi.escape = false; _nextState = kStateGame; } break; case kStateMenu2: handleMenu(); switch (_menuOption) { case kMenuOptionExitGame: _stub->_quit = true; break; case kMenuOptionReturnGame: _nextState = kStateGame; break; } if (_stub->_pi.escape) { _stub->_pi.escape = false; _nextState = kStateGame; } break; } _stub->updateScreen(); }
void saverScene::loadPreState(){ whichState--; loadState(); }
void saverScene::loadNextState(){ whichState++; loadState(); }
AddNewTorrentDialog::AddNewTorrentDialog(const BitTorrent::AddTorrentParams &inParams, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) , m_ui(new Ui::AddNewTorrentDialog) , m_contentModel(nullptr) , m_contentDelegate(nullptr) , m_hasMetadata(false) , m_oldIndex(0) , m_torrentParams(inParams) { // TODO: set dialog file properties using m_torrentParams.filePriorities m_ui->setupUi(this); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); m_ui->lblMetaLoading->setVisible(false); m_ui->progMetaLoading->setVisible(false); m_ui->savePath->setMode(FileSystemPathEdit::Mode::DirectorySave); m_ui->savePath->setDialogCaption(tr("Choose save path")); m_ui->savePath->setMaxVisibleItems(20); auto session = BitTorrent::Session::instance(); if (m_torrentParams.addPaused == TriStateBool::True) m_ui->startTorrentCheckBox->setChecked(false); else if (m_torrentParams.addPaused == TriStateBool::False) m_ui->startTorrentCheckBox->setChecked(true); else m_ui->startTorrentCheckBox->setChecked(!session->isAddTorrentPaused()); m_ui->comboTTM->blockSignals(true); // the TreeView size isn't correct if the slot does it job at this point m_ui->comboTTM->setCurrentIndex(!session->isAutoTMMDisabledByDefault()); m_ui->comboTTM->blockSignals(false); populateSavePathComboBox(); connect(m_ui->savePath, &FileSystemPathEdit::selectedPathChanged, this, &AddNewTorrentDialog::onSavePathChanged); const bool rememberLastSavePath = settings()->loadValue(KEY_REMEMBERLASTSAVEPATH, false).toBool(); m_ui->checkBoxRememberLastSavePath->setChecked(rememberLastSavePath); if (m_torrentParams.createSubfolder == TriStateBool::True) m_ui->createSubfolderCheckBox->setChecked(true); else if (m_torrentParams.createSubfolder == TriStateBool::False) m_ui->createSubfolderCheckBox->setChecked(false); else m_ui->createSubfolderCheckBox->setChecked(session->isCreateTorrentSubfolder()); m_ui->skipCheckingCheckBox->setChecked(m_torrentParams.skipChecking); m_ui->doNotDeleteTorrentCheckBox->setVisible(TorrentFileGuard::autoDeleteMode() != TorrentFileGuard::Never); // Load categories QStringList categories = session->categories().keys(); std::sort(categories.begin(), categories.end(), Utils::String::naturalLessThan<Qt::CaseInsensitive>); QString defaultCategory = settings()->loadValue(KEY_DEFAULTCATEGORY).toString(); if (!m_torrentParams.category.isEmpty()) m_ui->categoryComboBox->addItem(m_torrentParams.category); if (!defaultCategory.isEmpty()) m_ui->categoryComboBox->addItem(defaultCategory); m_ui->categoryComboBox->addItem(""); foreach (const QString &category, categories) if (category != defaultCategory && category != m_torrentParams.category) m_ui->categoryComboBox->addItem(category); m_ui->contentTreeView->header()->setSortIndicator(0, Qt::AscendingOrder); loadState(); // Signal / slots connect(m_ui->toolButtonAdvanced, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &AddNewTorrentDialog::showAdvancedSettings); connect(m_ui->doNotDeleteTorrentCheckBox, &QCheckBox::clicked, this, &AddNewTorrentDialog::doNotDeleteTorrentClicked); QShortcut *editHotkey = new QShortcut(Qt::Key_F2, m_ui->contentTreeView, nullptr, nullptr, Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(editHotkey, &QShortcut::activated, this, &AddNewTorrentDialog::renameSelectedFile); connect(m_ui->contentTreeView, &QAbstractItemView::doubleClicked, this, &AddNewTorrentDialog::renameSelectedFile); m_ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setFocus(); }
void MySensor::saveState(uint8_t pos, uint8_t value) { if (loadState(pos) != value) { eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_LOCAL_CONFIG_ADDRESS+pos), value); } }
bool ossimGeneralRasterInfo::open( const ossimFilename& imageFile ) { static const char MODULE[] = "ossimGeneralRasterInfo::open"; if ( traceDebug() ) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << MODULE << " entered..." << "\nimageFile: " << imageFile << std::endl; } bool result = false; // Wipe any previous state slick. clear(); ossimFilename copyFile = imageFile; if ( !imageFile.exists() ) { copyFile = imageFile.expand(); } // Look for the headrer of omd file as they are written out by img2rr. ossimFilename hdr = copyFile; hdr.setExtension("hdr"); // image.hdr if ( !hdr.exists() ) { hdr = imageFile; hdr.string() += ".hdr"; // image.ras.hdr if ( ! hdr.exists() ) { hdr = imageFile; hdr.setExtension("xml"); // image.xml } } if ( hdr.exists() ) { if ( traceDebug() ) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "header file: " << hdr << std::endl; } ossimString ext = hdr.ext().downcase(); if ( ext == "hdr" ) { if ( ossimEnviHeader::isEnviHeader( hdr ) ) { result = initializeFromEnviHdr( hdr ); } else { result = initializeFromHdr( imageFile, hdr ); } if ( !result ) { // Could be an ossim meta data file: ossimKeywordlist kwl( hdr ); result = loadState( kwl, 0 ); } } else if ( ext == "xml" ) { result = initializeFromXml( imageFile, hdr ); } } //--- // Set the file name. Needed for ossimGeneralRasterTileSource::open. // Note set here above loadState call to stop loadState from returning // false if no image file found. //--- if ( theImageFileList.empty() ) { setImageFile( imageFile ); } ossimFilename omd = imageFile; omd.setExtension("omd"); // image.omd if ( !omd.exists() ) { omd.setExtension("kwl"); // image.kwl } if ( omd.exists() ) { if ( traceDebug() ) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "omd file: " << omd << std::endl; } ossimKeywordlist kwl( omd ); if ( result && theMetaData.getNumberOfBands() ) { //--- // Just update the band info in case it has min/max values from // a compute min/max scan. //--- theMetaData.updateMetaData( kwl, std::string("") ); } else { // We're not initialized yet so do a loadState: result = loadState( kwl, 0 ); } } if ( traceDebug() ) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << MODULE << " Exit status: " << (result?"true":"false") << std::endl; } return result; }
int main_menu() { static int i = 0; static int upHeld = 0; static int downHeld = 0; SDL_Renderer *render; render = gt_graphics_get_active_renderer(); SDL_RenderClear(gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); ResetBuffer(); mainScreen = loadSprite("images/opening_screen.png",800,600,1); selection = loadSprite("images/selection.png",149,53,1); printf("%i", i); if(i == 0) { drawSprite(mainScreen,0,vec2d(0,0),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); drawSprite(selection,0,vec2d(311,292),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); }else if(i == 1) { drawSprite(mainScreen,0,vec2d(0,0),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); drawSprite(selection,0,vec2d(275,376),vec2d(1.5,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); }else if(i == 2) { drawSprite(mainScreen,0,vec2d(0,0),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); drawSprite(selection,0,vec2d(311,460),vec2d(1,1),0,gt_graphics_get_active_renderer()); } NextFrame(); SDL_PumpEvents(); keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE]) { done = 1; } if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN]&&downHeld == 0) { i=(i+1)%3; downHeld = 1; }else if(!keys[SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN]) { downHeld = 0; } if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_UP]&&upHeld == 0) { if((i = i-1)<0) i = 2; upHeld = 1; }else if(!keys[SDL_SCANCODE_UP]) { upHeld = 0; } if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN]) { if(i == 0) { gameState = 1; init_lvl1(); } else if(i == 2) { done = 1; } else if(i == 1) { init_player(); loadState(); if(gameState == 1) { init_lvl1(); }else if(gameState == 2) { init_lvl2(); } } } return 1; }
void Game::mainLoop() { _stub->init(_gameWindowTitle, kGameScreenWidth, kGameScreenHeight); allocateTables(); loadCommonSprites(); _mixer->open(); restart(); if (_isDemo) { playBitmapSequenceDemo(); } else { playVideo("DATA/LOGO.AVI"); playVideo("DATA/INTRO.AVI"); } _lastFrameTimeStamp = _stub->getTimeStamp(); while (!_stub->_quit) { if (_switchScene) { _switchScene = false; if (stringEndsWith(_tempTextBuffer, "SCN")) { win16_sndPlaySound(6); debug(DBG_GAME, "switch to scene '%s'", _tempTextBuffer); if (strcmp(_tempTextBuffer, "PIC4.SCN") == 0) { debug(DBG_INFO, "End of game"); break; } strcpy(_currentSceneScn, _tempTextBuffer); parseSCN(_tempTextBuffer); } else if (stringEndsWith(_tempTextBuffer, "SAV")) { if (_isDemo && strcmp(_tempTextBuffer, "A16.SAV") == 0) { debug(DBG_GAME, "End of demo interactive part"); restart(); continue; } warning("Ignoring savestate load '%s'", _tempTextBuffer); // should work though, as the original savestates load fine // now, but this "feature" is only used in the demo AFAICT, // so no need to bother... } else { debug(DBG_GAME, "load mov '%s'", _tempTextBuffer); loadMOV(_tempTextBuffer); } if (_loadState) { _loadState = false; loadState(_stateSlot, false); playMusic(_musicName); memset(_keysPressed, 0, sizeof(_keysPressed)); } assert(_sceneObjectsCount != 0); if (_currentBagObject == -1) { _currentBagObject = _bagObjectsCount - 1; if (_currentBagObject > 0) { _currentBagObject = 0; } } if (_loadDataState != 0) { setupScreenPalette(_bitmapBuffer0 + kOffsetBitmapPalette); } _gameOver = false; _workaroundRaftFlySceneBug = strncmp(_currentSceneScn, "FLY", 3) == 0; } updateKeysPressedTable(); updateMouseButtonsPressed(); runObjectsScript(); if (!_switchScene) { _stub->updateScreen(); uint32 end = _lastFrameTimeStamp + kCycleDelay; do { _stub->sleep(10); _stub->processEvents(); } while (!_stub->_pi.fastMode && _stub->getTimeStamp() < end); _lastFrameTimeStamp = _stub->getTimeStamp(); } if (_startDialogue) { _startDialogue = false; handleDialogue(); } } clearSceneData(-1); deallocateTables(); unloadCommonSprites(); _mixer->close(); _stub->destroy(); }