void RenderSVGRoot::mapLocalToContainer(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, bool fixed , bool useTransforms, TransformState& transformState) const
    ASSERT(!fixed); // We should have no fixed content in the SVG rendering tree.
    ASSERT(useTransforms); // mapping a point through SVG w/o respecting trasnforms is useless.

    // Transform to our border box and let RenderBox transform the rest of the way.
    RenderBox::mapLocalToContainer(repaintContainer, fixed, useTransforms, transformState);
const AffineTransform& RenderSVGRoot::localToParentTransform() const
    IntSize parentToBorderBoxOffset = parentOriginToBorderBox();

    AffineTransform borderBoxOriginToParentOrigin(localToBorderBoxTransform());
    borderBoxOriginToParentOrigin.translateRight(parentToBorderBoxOffset.width(), parentToBorderBoxOffset.height());

    m_localToParentTransform = borderBoxOriginToParentOrigin;
    return m_localToParentTransform;
void RenderSVGRoot::computeRectForRepaint(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, IntRect& repaintRect, bool fixed)
    // Apply our local transforms (except for x/y translation), then our shadow, 
    // and then call RenderBox's method to handle all the normal CSS Box model bits
    repaintRect = localToBorderBoxTransform().mapRect(repaintRect);

    // Apply initial viewport clip - not affected by overflow settings    
    repaintRect.intersect(enclosingIntRect(FloatRect(FloatPoint(), m_viewportSize)));

    RenderBox::computeRectForRepaint(repaintContainer, repaintRect, fixed);
Beispiel #4
void RenderSVGRoot::computeFloatRectForRepaint(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, FloatRect& repaintRect, bool fixed) const
    // Apply our local transforms (except for x/y translation), then our shadow, 
    // and then call RenderBox's method to handle all the normal CSS Box model bits
    repaintRect = localToBorderBoxTransform().mapRect(repaintRect);

    // Apply initial viewport clip - not affected by overflow settings    

    const SVGRenderStyle* svgStyle = style()->svgStyle();
    if (const ShadowData* shadow = svgStyle->shadow())

    LayoutRect rect = enclosingIntRect(repaintRect);
    RenderBox::computeRectForRepaint(repaintContainer, rect, fixed);
    repaintRect = rect;
Beispiel #5
void RenderSVGRoot::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // An empty viewport disables rendering.
    if (pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().isEmpty())

    // Don't paint, if the context explicitly disabled it.
    if (paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())

    // An empty viewBox also disables rendering.
    // (http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#ViewBoxAttribute)
    if (svgSVGElement().hasEmptyViewBox())

    Page* page = frame().page();

    // Don't paint if we don't have kids, except if we have filters we should paint those.
    if (!firstChild()) {
        SVGResources* resources = SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForRenderObject(this);
        if (!resources || !resources->filter()) {
            if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
                page->addRelevantUnpaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    if (page && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground)
        page->addRelevantRepaintedObject(this, visualOverflowRect());

    // Make a copy of the PaintInfo because applyTransform will modify the damage rect.
    PaintInfo childPaintInfo(paintInfo);

    // Apply initial viewport clip - not affected by overflow handling
    childPaintInfo.context->clip(pixelSnappedIntRect(overflowClipRect(paintOffset, paintInfo.renderRegion)));

    // Convert from container offsets (html renderers) to a relative transform (svg renderers).
    // Transform from our paint container's coordinate system to our local coords.
    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset);
    childPaintInfo.applyTransform(AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()) * localToBorderBoxTransform());

    // SVGRenderingContext must be destroyed before we restore the childPaintInfo.context, because a filter may have
    // changed the context and it is only reverted when the SVGRenderingContext destructor finishes applying the filter.
        SVGRenderingContext renderingContext;
        bool continueRendering = true;
        if (childPaintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
            renderingContext.prepareToRenderSVGContent(*this, childPaintInfo);
            continueRendering = renderingContext.isRenderingPrepared();

        if (continueRendering) {
            for (RenderObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
                // FIXME: Can this ever have RenderText children?
                if (!child->isRenderElement())
                toRenderElement(child)->paint(childPaintInfo, location());

Beispiel #6
const AffineTransform& RenderSVGRoot::localToParentTransform() const
    IntSize parentToBorderBoxOffset = parentOriginToBorderBox();

    m_localToParentTransform = AffineTransform::translation(parentToBorderBoxOffset.width(), parentToBorderBoxOffset.height()) * localToBorderBoxTransform();

    return m_localToParentTransform;
void RenderSVGRoot::paintReplaced(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    // An empty viewport disables rendering.
    if (pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect().isEmpty())

    // Don't paint, if the context explicitly disabled it.
    if (paintInfo.context->paintingDisabled())

    // SVG outlines are painted during PaintPhaseForeground.
    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline)

    // An empty viewBox also disables rendering.
    // (http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/coords.html#ViewBoxAttribute)
    SVGSVGElement* svg = toSVGSVGElement(node());
    if (svg->hasEmptyViewBox())

    // Don't paint if we don't have kids, except if we have filters we should paint those.
    if (!firstChild()) {
        SVGResources* resources = SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForRenderObject(this);
        if (!resources || !resources->filter())

    // Make a copy of the PaintInfo because applyTransform will modify the damage rect.
    PaintInfo childPaintInfo(paintInfo);

    // Apply initial viewport clip
    if (shouldApplyViewportClip())

    // Convert from container offsets (html renderers) to a relative transform (svg renderers).
    // Transform from our paint container's coordinate system to our local coords.
    IntPoint adjustedPaintOffset = roundedIntPoint(paintOffset);
    childPaintInfo.applyTransform(AffineTransform::translation(adjustedPaintOffset.x(), adjustedPaintOffset.y()) * localToBorderBoxTransform());

    // SVGRenderingContext must be destroyed before we restore the childPaintInfo.context, because a filter may have
    // changed the context and it is only reverted when the SVGRenderingContext destructor finishes applying the filter.
        SVGRenderingContext renderingContext;
        bool continueRendering = true;
        if (childPaintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
            renderingContext.prepareToRenderSVGContent(this, childPaintInfo);
            continueRendering = renderingContext.isRenderingPrepared();

        if (continueRendering)
            RenderBox::paint(childPaintInfo, LayoutPoint());
