void FullModelComposition<Vec,Mat>::compute_values( const std::vector<double>& param_values,
                                                      std::vector<double>& model_output ) const
    // Each data set will compute the two outputs
    std::vector<double> local_values(2);
    _model_evaluator->compute_values( param_values, local_values );

    // Now gather the local_values from all evaluated datasets
    // to be able to insert into the model_output vector.
    // First, we gather from processor 0 from each set of workers
    queso_require_equal_to( model_output.size(), _observations->sizeGlobal() );

    // We can only call this if we're a member of inter_chain_0
    // By convention, inter0_rank is negative if this processor
    // is not in that communicator
    if( _comm_handler.get_inter0_rank() >= 0 )
      MPI_Gather( &local_values[0], 2, MPI_DOUBLE,
                  &model_output[0], 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0,
                  _comm_handler.get_inter_chain_0_comm() );

    // Now broadcast to the rest of the workers on the whole chain
    // We did the split, so processor 0 on inter_chain_0 is also
    // processor 0 on inter_chain
    MPI_Bcast( &model_output[0], _observations->sizeGlobal(), MPI_DOUBLE,
               0, _comm_handler.get_inter_chain_comm() );
Beispiel #2
void weights::write_proto(lbann_data::WeightsData* proto) const {

  // Set proto properties
  for (const auto& d : get_dims()) {

  // Write weight values to prototext on world master process
  CircMat<El::Device::CPU> values = *m_values; /// @todo What if weights are on GPU?
  values.SetRoot(0); /// @todo What if world master is not process 0?
  if (m_comm->am_world_master()) {
    const auto& local_values = values.LockedMatrix();
    const El::Int height = local_values.Height();
    const El::Int width = local_values.Width();
    /// @todo OpenMP parallelization
    /** @todo Our matrices are column-major while Numpy expects
     *  row-major matrices. This row-wise iteration is fine for
     *  matrices and column vectors, but it can mess up the order of
     *  the weights if a high-dimensional tensor is represented as a
     *  matrix. This is what we need for quantization on convolution
     *  kernel weights.
    for (El::Int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
      for (El::Int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {

Beispiel #3
void PetscVector<Real>::localize_to_one (std::vector<Real>& v_local,
					 const processor_id_type pid) const

  PetscErrorCode ierr=0;
  const PetscInt n  = size();
  const PetscInt nl = local_size();
  PetscScalar *values;


  // only one processor
  if (n == nl)
      ierr = VecGetArray (_vec, &values);

      for (PetscInt i=0; i<n; i++)
	v_local[i] = static_cast<Real>(values[i]);

      ierr = VecRestoreArray (_vec, &values);

  // otherwise multiple processors
      numeric_index_type ioff = this->first_local_index();
      std::vector<Real> local_values (n, 0.);

	ierr = VecGetArray (_vec, &values);

	for (PetscInt i=0; i<nl; i++)
	  local_values[i+ioff] = static_cast<Real>(values[i]);

	ierr = VecRestoreArray (_vec, &values);

      MPI_Reduce (&local_values[0], &v_local[0], n, MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM,
		  pid, libMesh::COMM_WORLD);
  void InterpolationSurrogateBuilder<V,M>::build_values()
    unsigned int n_begin, n_end;
    this->set_work_bounds( n_begin, n_end );

    // Cache each processors work, then we only need to do 1 Allgather
    std::vector<unsigned int> local_n(n_end-n_begin);

    // We need to cache (n_end-n_begin) values for each dataset,
    std::vector<std::vector<double> > local_values(this->m_data.size());
    for( std::vector<std::vector<double> >::iterator it = local_values.begin();
         it != local_values.end(); ++it )

    unsigned int count = 0;

    // vector to store current domain value
    V domain_vector(this->get_default_data().get_paramDomain().vectorSpace().zeroVector());

    // vector to store values evaluated at the current domain_vector
    std::vector<double> values(this->m_data.size());

    for( unsigned int n = n_begin; n < n_end; n++ )
        this->set_domain_vector( n, domain_vector );

        this->evaluate_model( domain_vector, values );

        local_n[count] = n;

        for( unsigned int s = 0; s < this->m_data.size(); s++ )
          local_values[s][count] = values[s];

        count += 1;

    /* Sync all the locally computed values between the subenvironments
       so all processes have all the computed values. We need to sync
       values for every data set. */
    for( unsigned int s = 0; s < this->m_data.size(); s++ )
      this->sync_data( local_n, local_values[s], this->m_data.get_dataset(s) );
  FullModelComposition<Vec,Mat>::FullModelComposition( int argc, char** argv,
                                                       const QUESO::BaseEnvironment& queso_env,
                                                       const GetPot& model_input )
    : _model(ModelBuilder<Vec,Mat>::build_model(queso_env,model_input)),
                    model_input.vector_variable_size("Likelihood/datasets") )
    // Grab the datasets we'll be working with
    unsigned int n_datasets = model_input.vector_variable_size("Likelihood/datasets");

    std::vector<std::string> datasets(n_datasets);
    for( unsigned int d = 0; d < n_datasets; d++ )
        datasets[d] = model_input( "Likelihood/datasets", "DIE!", d );

    // This is the dataset the current set of processors is going to work on
    int dataset_index = this->_comm_handler.get_dataset_index();

    // Input for this dataset
    _forward_run_input.reset( new GetPot(datasets[dataset_index]) );

    // Setup data space, 2 datapoints per dataset
    unsigned int n_datapoints = 2*n_datasets;
    QUESO::VectorSpace<Vec,Mat> data_space( queso_env, "data_", n_datapoints, NULL);

    _observations.reset( data_space.newVector() );
    _covariance.reset( data_space.newVector() );

    // Now parse data values and the corresponding covariances
    // Each processor parses its own dataset
    // Then we'll gather/broadcast to everyone
    std::vector<double> local_values(2);
    std::vector<double> all_values(n_datapoints);

    // Convention, mass_loss is first, then avg_N
    local_values[0] = (*_forward_run_input)("MassLossLikelihood/data_value", 0.0);
    local_values[1] = (*_forward_run_input)("AverageNLikelihood/data_value", 0.0);

    if( _comm_handler.get_inter0_rank() >= 0 )
      MPI_Gather( &local_values[0], 2, MPI_DOUBLE,
                  &all_values[0], 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0,
                  _comm_handler.get_inter_chain_0_comm() );

    MPI_Bcast( &all_values[0], n_datapoints, MPI_DOUBLE,
               0, _comm_handler.get_inter_chain_comm() );

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < n_datapoints; i++ )
      (*_observations)[i] = all_values[i];

    local_values[0] = (*_forward_run_input)("MassLossLikelihood/sigma", -1.0);
    local_values[1] = (*_forward_run_input)("AverageNLikelihood/sigma", -1.0);

    if( _comm_handler.get_inter0_rank() >= 0 )
      MPI_Gather( &local_values[0], 2, MPI_DOUBLE,
                  &all_values[0], 2, MPI_DOUBLE, 0,
                  _comm_handler.get_inter_chain_0_comm() );

    MPI_Bcast( &all_values[0], n_datapoints, MPI_DOUBLE,
               0, _comm_handler.get_inter_chain_comm() );

    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < n_datapoints; i++ )
      (*_covariance)[i] = all_values[i];

    // Now setup model to be evaluated on this set of processors
    // We do this last because of the UFO check in GRINS
    _model_evaluator.reset( new FullModelEvaluator<Vec,Mat>(argc,argv,
                                                            *(_model.get())) );