Beispiel #1
hypot(double x, double y)
	static double const zero=0;
	static double const one=1;
	static double const small=1.0E-18;	/* fl(1+small)==1 */
	static int const ibig=30;	/* fl(1+2**(2*ibig))==1 */
	double t;
	double r;
	int exp;

	if(finite(x)) {
	    if(finite(y)) {
		if(y > x) {
		    t=x; x=y; y=t;
		if(x == zero) return(zero);
		if(y == zero) return(x);
		exp= logb(x);
		if(exp-(int)logb(y) > ibig ) {
		    /* raise inexact flag and return |x| */
		    (void volatile)(one+small);

	    /* start computing sqrt(x^2 + y^2) */
		if(r>y) { 	/* x/y > 2 */
		} else {		/* 1 <= x/y <= 2 */
		    r/=y; t=r*(r+2.0);
		    r+=r2p1lo; r+=r2p1hi;



	    else if(y==y)   	   /* y is +-INF */
		     return(y);	   /* y is NaN and x is finite */

	} else if(x==x) {
	    return (copysign(x,one)); /* x is +-INF */
	} else if(finite(y)) {
	    return(x);		   /* x is NaN, y is finite */
#if !defined(vax)&&!defined(tahoe)
	} else if(y!=y) {
	    return(y);  /* x and y is NaN */
#endif	/* !defined(vax)&&!defined(tahoe) */
	} else {
	    return(copysign(y,one));   /* y is INF */
Beispiel #2
void test_fp_exp( void )
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
    printf( "Testing C99 exponential/logarithm functions...\n" );

    /* Small test values taken from SPECFUN tests */
    VERIFY( CompDbl( expm1( 0.0 ), 0.0 ) );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( expm1( 1.0 ), E-1.0 ) );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( expm1( 1.0E-3 ), 1.00050016670834166E-3 ) );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( expm1( 1.0E-9 ), 1.00000000050000000e-9 ) );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( expm1( -1.0E-3 ), -9.9950016662500833194E-4 ) );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( expm1( -1.0E-9 ), -9.9999999950000000016e-10 ) );

    VERIFY( CompDbl( log1p( 0.02 ), 0.019803 ) );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( log1p( 0.03 ), 0.029559 ) );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( log1p( 0.10 ), 0.095310 ) );
    /* logb/ilogb tests */
    VERIFY( logb( 0.0 ) == INFINITY );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( logb( 1024.0 ), 10.0 ) );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( logb( 1025.0 ), 10.0 ) );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( logb( 1.0/1024.0 ), -10.0 ) );
    VERIFY( CompDbl( logb( -1025.0 ), 10.0 ) );
    VERIFY( ilogb( 0.0 ) == FP_ILOGB0 );
    VERIFY( ilogb( NAN ) == FP_ILOGBNAN );
    VERIFY( ilogb( 1024.0 ) == 10 );
    VERIFY( ilogb( 1025.0 ) == 10 );
    VERIFY( ilogb( 1.0/1024.0 ) == -10 );
    VERIFY( ilogb( -1025.0 ) == 10 );
Beispiel #3
void test_logb()
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(logb((double)0)), double>::value), "");
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(logbf(0)), float>::value), "");
    static_assert((std::is_same<decltype(logbl(0)), long double>::value), "");
    assert(logb(1) == 0);
Beispiel #4
double bitand(double x, double y) {
    if(logb(x) > 31 || logb(y) > 31) {
        return NAN;
    } else {
        return (double) ( (unsigned int) x & (unsigned int ) y ) ;
TEST(math, logb) {
  ASSERT_EQ(-HUGE_VAL, logb(0.0));
  ASSERT_EQ(0.0, logb(1.0));
  ASSERT_EQ(3.0, logb(10.0));
Beispiel #6
 * Extra precision variant, returning struct {double a, b;};
 * log(x) = a+b to 63 bits, with a is rounded to 26 bits.
struct Double
__log__D(double x)
	int m;
	int j;
	double F;
	double f;
	double g;
	double q;
	double u;
	double v;
	double u2;
	static double const one = 1.0;
	volatile double u1;
	struct Double r;

	/* Argument reduction: 1 <= g < 2; x/2^m = g;	*/
	/* y = F*(1 + f/F) for |f| <= 2^-8		*/

	m = logb(x);
	g = ldexp(x, -m);
	if (_IEEE && m == -1022) {
		j = logb(g), m += j;
		g = ldexp(g, -j);
	j = N*(g-1) + .5;
	F = (1.0/N) * j + 1;
	f = g - F;

	g = 1/(2*F+f);
	u = 2*f*g;
	v = u*u;
	q = u*v*(A1 + v*(A2 + v*(A3 + v*A4)));
	if (m | j)
		u1 = u + 513, u1 -= 513;
		u1 = u, TRUNC(u1);
	u2 = (2.0*(f - F*u1) - u1*f) * g;

	u1 += m*logF_head[N] + logF_head[j];

	u2 +=  logF_tail[j]; u2 += q;
	u2 += logF_tail[N]*m;
	r.a = u1 + u2;			/* Only difference is here */
	r.b = (u1 - r.a) + u2;
	return (r);
Beispiel #7
// Проверяет, можно ли считать таблицей нечто с адресом p и шириной элементов N
static bool slow_check_for_data_table (int N, byte *p, uint32 &type, BYTE *&table_start, BYTE *&table_end, byte *bufstart, byte *bufend, byte *buf, uint64 &offset, Buffer &ReorderingBuffer)
    // Сначала сканируем назад, начиная с p, в поисках начала таблицы
    int useless;
    table_start = search_for_table_boundary (-N, p,           bufstart, bufend, useless);
    // Затем сканируем вперёд, начиная с table_start, в поисках конца таблицы
    table_end   = search_for_table_boundary (N,  table_start, bufstart, bufend, useless);

    // +разрешить таблицы с широкими столбцами и небольшим числом строк (sqrt(N)*rows >= X)
    // +учитывать расстояние до предыдущей таблицы для оптимизации конечного уровня сжатия
    // улучшать оценку для столбцов с фиксированной разницей между элементами (типа 8,16,24,32...)
    // считать количество байтов, энтропия которых уменьшилась от вычитания [как минимум на два бита]

    // Теперь выясняем, достаточно ли хороша эта таблица для того, чтобы её стоило закодировать
    int rows   = (table_end-table_start)/N;
    int useful = rows - useless;  // количество полезных строк таблицы
    double skipBits = logb(mymax(table_start-bufstart,1));  // сколько бит придётся потратить на кодирование поля skip
    stat ((slow_checks++, verbose>1 && printf ("Slow check  %08x-%08x (%d*%d+%d)\n", int(table_start-buf+offset), int(table_end-buf+offset), N, useful, useless)));
    if (useful*sqrt((double)N) > 30+4*skipBits) {
        stat ((table_count++,  table_sumlen += N*rows, table_skipBits+=skipBits));
        stat (verbose>0 && printf("%08x-%08x %d*%d   ", int(table_start-buf+offset), int(table_end-buf+offset), N, rows));

        // Определить какие столбцы нужно вычесть, а какие являются иммутабельными.
        // Вычесть вычитаемое и собрать иммутабельные столбцы в начале таблицы (для удобства работы lz77)
        bool doDiff[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE], immutable[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE];
        analyze_table (N, table_start, rows, doDiff, immutable);
        diff_table    (N, table_start, rows, doDiff);
        reorder_table (N, table_start, rows, immutable, ReorderingBuffer);
        type = encode_type (N, doDiff, immutable);
        stat (verbose>0 && printf("\n"));
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Beispiel #8
	void recursive_treewrite(std::ostream &out, radix_tree_node<std::string, std::unordered_set<zsr::filecount>> *n, zsr::offset treestart)
		static int nwritten = 0;
		treesize nval = 0;
		if (n->m_children.count("") && n->m_children[""]->m_value) nval = n->m_children[""]->m_value->second.size();
		treesize nchild = 0;
		for (const std::pair<const std::string, radix_tree_node<std::string, std::unordered_set<zsr::filecount>> *> child : n->m_children) if (child.first != "" && child.second) nchild++; // TODO Probably a faster way?
		zsr::serialize(out, nchild);
		std::deque<zsr::offset> childpos{};
		for (const std::pair<const std::string, radix_tree_node<std::string, std::unordered_set<zsr::filecount>> *> child : n->m_children)
			if (child.first == "" || ! child.second) continue;
			uint16_t namelen = child.first.size();
			zsr::serialize(out, namelen);
			out.write(&child.first[0], namelen);
			zsr::serialize(out, ptrfill);
		zsr::serialize(out, nval);
		if (n->m_children.count("") && n->m_children[""]->m_value)
			for (const zsr::filecount &i : n->m_children[""]->m_value->second) zsr::serialize(out, i);
		for (const std::pair<const std::string, radix_tree_node<std::string, std::unordered_set<zsr::filecount>> *> child : n->m_children)
			if (child.first == "" || ! child.second) continue;
			zsr::offset childstart = static_cast<zsr::offset>(out.tellp()) - treestart;
			zsr::serialize(out, childstart);
			out.seekp(0, std::ios_base::end);
			recursive_treewrite(out, child.second, treestart);
int main() {
    double x = 1.0;
    double y = 1.0;
    int i = 1;
#   ifdef _THREAD_SAFE
#   else
#   endif
    return 0;
Beispiel #10
log1p(double x)
	static const double zero=0.0, negone= -1.0, one=1.0,
		      half=1.0/2.0, small=1.0E-20;   /* 1+small == 1 */
	double z,s,t,c;
	int k;

#if !defined(__vax__)&&!defined(tahoe)
	if(x!=x) return(x);	/* x is NaN */
#endif	/* !defined(__vax__)&&!defined(tahoe) */

	if(finite(x)) {
	   if( x > negone ) {

	   /* argument reduction */
	      if(copysign(x,one)<small) return(x);
	      k=logb(one+x); z=scalb(x,-k); t=scalb(one,-k);
	      if(z+t >= sqrt2 )
		  { k += 1 ; z *= half; t *= half; }
	      t += negone; x = z + t;
	      c = (t-x)+z ;		/* correction term for x */

 	   /* compute log(1+x)  */
              s = x/(2+x); t = x*x*half;
	      c += (k*ln2lo-c*x);
	      z = c+s*(t+__log__L(s*s));
	      x += (z - t) ;

	/* end of if (x > negone) */

	    else {
#if defined(__vax__)||defined(tahoe)
		if ( x == negone )
		    return (infnan(-ERANGE));	/* -INF */
		    return (infnan(EDOM));	/* NaN */
#else	/* defined(__vax__)||defined(tahoe) */
		/* x = -1, return -INF with signal */
		if ( x == negone ) return( negone/zero );

		/* negative argument for log, return NaN with signal */
	        else return ( zero / zero );
#endif	/* defined(__vax__)||defined(tahoe) */
    /* end of if (finite(x)) */

    /* log(-INF) is NaN */
	else if(x<0)

    /* log(+INF) is INF */
	else return(x);
Beispiel #11
int ilogb(double x)
  if (x == 0.0)
    return FP_ILOGB0;
  if (isinf(x))
    return INT_MAX;
  if (isnan(x))
    return FP_ILOGBNAN;
  return (int) logb(x);
Beispiel #12
static double sc(basis_s *v,simplex *s, int k, int j) {
/* amount by which to scale up vector, for reduce_inner */

	double		labound;
	static int	lscale;
	static double	max_scale,

	if (j<10) {
		labound = logb(v->sqa)/2;
		max_scale = exact_bits - labound - 0.66*(k-2)-1  -DELIFT;
		if (max_scale<1) {
			warning(-10, overshot exact arithmetic);
			max_scale = 1;


		if (j==0) {
			int	i;
			neighbor *sni;
			basis_s *snib;

			ldetbound = DELIFT;

			Sb = 0;
			for (i=k-1,sni=s->neigh+k-1;i>0;i--,sni--) {
				snib = sni->basis;
				Sb += snib->sqb;
				ldetbound += logb(snib->sqb)/2 + 1;
				ldetbound -= snib->lscale;
	if (ldetbound - v->lscale + logb(v->sqb)/2 + 1 < 0) {
			DEBTR(-2) DEBEXP(-2, ldetbound)
			print_simplex_f(s, DFILE, &print_neighbor_full);
		return 0;					
	} else {
Beispiel #13
static void BM_math_logb(int iters) {

  d = 0.0;
  v = 1234.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < iters; ++i) {
    d += logb(v);

Beispiel #14
ilogb(double x)
	if (x == 0)
		return FP_ILOGB0;
	if (x != x)
		return FP_ILOGBNAN;
	if (!finite(x))
		return INT_MAX;
	return (int)logb(x);
Beispiel #15
double entropy(float a[], int n)
	float ent=0;
	int i=0;

		if (a[i] == 0){
			ent += 0;
			ent -= a[i] * logb(a[i],2);
	return ent;
Beispiel #16
	bitwise complement for use with .Call to bitFlip masked to bitWidth
SEXP bitFlip(SEXP a, SEXP bitWidth )
    PROTECT (a = AS_NUMERIC(a) ) ;
    PROTECT (bitWidth = AS_INTEGER(bitWidth) ) ;
    int n = LENGTH(a);
    int *xbitWidth = INTEGER_POINTER(bitWidth);
    double *xa  = NUMERIC_POINTER(a);
    unsigned int mask = ( unsigned int ) -1 >> (32 - *xbitWidth);
    double *xaflip = NUMERIC_POINTER(aflip);

    for (int i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
	if ( !R_FINITE(xa[i]) || logb(xa[i])>31 )
	    xaflip[i]=NA_REAL ;
	else {
	    // in case of a negative, cast twice;
	    unsigned int tmp = xa[i] < 0 ? (int) xa[i] : (unsigned) xa[i];
	    xaflip[i]=(double) ( ~tmp & mask ) ;
    UNPROTECT(3) ;
    return (aflip) ;
static void
F(compile_test) (void)
  TYPE a, b, c = 1.0;
  complex TYPE d;
  int i;
  int saved_count;
  long int j;
  long long int k;

  a = cos (cos (x));
  b = acos (acos (a));
  a = sin (sin (x));
  b = asin (asin (a));
  a = tan (tan (x));
  b = atan (atan (a));
  c = atan2 (atan2 (a, c), atan2 (b, x));
  a = cosh (cosh (x));
  b = acosh (acosh (a));
  a = sinh (sinh (x));
  b = asinh (asinh (a));
  a = tanh (tanh (x));
  b = atanh (atanh (a));
  a = exp (exp (x));
  b = log (log (a));
  a = log10 (log10 (x));
  b = ldexp (ldexp (a, 1), 5);
  a = frexp (frexp (x, &i), &i);
  b = expm1 (expm1 (a));
  a = log1p (log1p (x));
  b = logb (logb (a));
  a = exp2 (exp2 (x));
  b = log2 (log2 (a));
  a = pow (pow (x, a), pow (c, b));
  b = sqrt (sqrt (a));
  a = hypot (hypot (x, b), hypot (c, a));
  b = cbrt (cbrt (a));
  a = ceil (ceil (x));
  b = fabs (fabs (a));
  a = floor (floor (x));
  b = fmod (fmod (a, b), fmod (c, x));
  a = nearbyint (nearbyint (x));
  b = round (round (a));
  a = trunc (trunc (x));
  b = remquo (remquo (a, b, &i), remquo (c, x, &i), &i);
  j = lrint (x) + lround (a);
  k = llrint (b) + llround (c);
  a = erf (erf (x));
  b = erfc (erfc (a));
  a = tgamma (tgamma (x));
  b = lgamma (lgamma (a));
  a = rint (rint (x));
  b = nextafter (nextafter (a, b), nextafter (c, x));
  a = nextdown (nextdown (a));
  b = nexttoward (nexttoward (x, a), c);
  a = nextup (nextup (a));
  b = remainder (remainder (a, b), remainder (c, x));
  a = scalb (scalb (x, a), (TYPE) (6));
  k = scalbn (a, 7) + scalbln (c, 10l);
  i = ilogb (x);
  j = llogb (x);
  a = fdim (fdim (x, a), fdim (c, b));
  b = fmax (fmax (a, x), fmax (c, b));
  a = fmin (fmin (x, a), fmin (c, b));
  b = fma (sin (a), sin (x), sin (c));
  a = totalorder (totalorder (x, b), totalorder (c, x));
  b = totalordermag (totalordermag (x, a), totalordermag (c, x));

#ifdef TEST_INT
  a = atan2 (i, b);
  b = remquo (i, a, &i);
  c = fma (i, b, i);
  a = pow (i, c);
  x = a + b + c + i + j + k;

  saved_count = count;
  if (ccount != 0)
    ccount = -10000;

  d = cos (cos (z));
  z = acos (acos (d));
  d = sin (sin (z));
  z = asin (asin (d));
  d = tan (tan (z));
  z = atan (atan (d));
  d = cosh (cosh (z));
  z = acosh (acosh (d));
  d = sinh (sinh (z));
  z = asinh (asinh (d));
  d = tanh (tanh (z));
  z = atanh (atanh (d));
  d = exp (exp (z));
  z = log (log (d));
  d = sqrt (sqrt (z));
  z = conj (conj (d));
  d = fabs (conj (a));
  z = pow (pow (a, d), pow (b, z));
  d = cproj (cproj (z));
  z += fabs (cproj (a));
  a = carg (carg (z));
  b = creal (creal (d));
  c = cimag (cimag (z));
  x += a + b + c + i + j + k;
  z += d;

  if (saved_count != count)
    count = -10000;

  if (0)
      a = cos (y);
      a = acos (y);
      a = sin (y);
      a = asin (y);
      a = tan (y);
      a = atan (y);
      a = atan2 (y, y);
      a = cosh (y);
      a = acosh (y);
      a = sinh (y);
      a = asinh (y);
      a = tanh (y);
      a = atanh (y);
      a = exp (y);
      a = log (y);
      a = log10 (y);
      a = ldexp (y, 5);
      a = frexp (y, &i);
      a = expm1 (y);
      a = log1p (y);
      a = logb (y);
      a = exp2 (y);
      a = log2 (y);
      a = pow (y, y);
      a = sqrt (y);
      a = hypot (y, y);
      a = cbrt (y);
      a = ceil (y);
      a = fabs (y);
      a = floor (y);
      a = fmod (y, y);
      a = nearbyint (y);
      a = round (y);
      a = trunc (y);
      a = remquo (y, y, &i);
      j = lrint (y) + lround (y);
      k = llrint (y) + llround (y);
      a = erf (y);
      a = erfc (y);
      a = tgamma (y);
      a = lgamma (y);
      a = rint (y);
      a = nextafter (y, y);
      a = nexttoward (y, y);
      a = remainder (y, y);
      a = scalb (y, (const TYPE) (6));
      k = scalbn (y, 7) + scalbln (y, 10l);
      i = ilogb (y);
      j = llogb (y);
      a = fdim (y, y);
      a = fmax (y, y);
      a = fmin (y, y);
      a = fma (y, y, y);
      a = totalorder (y, y);
      a = totalordermag (y, y);

#ifdef TEST_INT
      a = atan2 (i, y);
      a = remquo (i, y, &i);
      a = fma (i, y, i);
      a = pow (i, y);

      d = cos ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = acos ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = sin ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = asin ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = tan ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = atan ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = cosh ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = acosh ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = sinh ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = asinh ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = tanh ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = atanh ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = exp ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = log ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = sqrt ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = pow ((const complex TYPE) z, (const complex TYPE) z);
      d = fabs ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = carg ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = creal ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = cimag ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = conj ((const complex TYPE) z);
      d = cproj ((const complex TYPE) z);
Beispiel #18
double fmod ( double x, double y )
    int			  iclx,icly;                           /* classify results of x,y */
    int32_t		  iscx,iscy,idiff;                     /* logb values and difference */
    int			  i;                                   /* loop variable */
    double        absy,x1,y1,z;                        /* local floating-point variables */
    double        rslt;
    fenv_t        OldEnv;
    hexdouble     OldEnvironment;
    int           newexc;
    FEGETENVD( OldEnvironment.d );
    FESETENVD( 0.0 );

    OldEnv = OldEnvironment.i.lo;
    iclx = __fpclassifyd(x);
    icly = __fpclassifyd(y);
    if (likely((iclx & icly) >= FP_NORMAL))    {      /* x,y both nonzero finite case */
         x1 = __FABS(x);                              /* work with absolute values */
         absy = __FABS(y);
         if (absy > x1) {
              rslt = x;                               /* trivial case */
                  goto ret;
         else {                                       /* nontrivial case requires reduction */
              iscx = (int32_t) logb(x1);             /* get binary exponents of |x| and |y| */
              iscy = (int32_t) logb(absy);
              idiff = iscx - iscy;                    /* exponent difference */
              if (idiff != 0) {                       /* exponent of x1 > exponent of y1 */
                   y1 = scalbn(absy,-iscy);            /* scale |y| to unit binade */
                   x1 = scalbn(x1,-iscx);              /* ditto for |x| */
                   for (i = idiff; i != 0; i--) {     /* begin remainder loop */
                        if ((z = x1 - y1) >= 0) {     /* nonzero remainder step result */
                            x1 = z;                   /*   update remainder (x1) */
                        x1 += x1;                     /* shift (by doubling) remainder */
                   }                                  /* end of remainder loop */
                   x1 = scalbn(x1,iscy);               /* scale result to binade of |y| */
              }                                       /* remainder exponent >= exponent of y */
              if (x1 >= absy) {                       /* last step to obtain modulus */
                   x1 -= absy;
         }                                            /* x1 is |result| */
         if (x < 0.0)
              x1 = -x1;                               /* modulus if x is negative */
         rslt = x1;
         goto ret;
    }                                                 /* end of x,y both nonzero finite case */
    else if ((iclx <= FP_QNAN) || (icly <= FP_QNAN)) {
         rslt = x+y;                                  /* at least one NaN operand */
         goto ret;
    else if ((iclx == FP_INFINITE)||(icly == FP_ZERO)) {    /* invalid result */
         rslt = nan(REM_NAN);
            OldEnvironment.i.lo |= SET_INVALID;
            FESETENVD_GRP ( OldEnvironment.d );
         goto ret;
    else                                              /* trivial cases (finite MOD infinite   */
         rslt = x;                                    /*  or  zero REM nonzero) with *quo = 0 */
    FEGETENVD_GRP (OldEnvironment.d );
    newexc = OldEnvironment.i.lo & FE_ALL_EXCEPT;
    OldEnvironment.i.lo = OldEnv;
    if ((newexc & FE_INVALID) != 0)
          OldEnvironment.i.lo |= SET_INVALID;
    OldEnvironment.i.lo |=  newexc & ( FE_INEXACT | FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_UNDERFLOW | FE_OVERFLOW );
    FESETENVD_GRP (OldEnvironment.d );
    return rslt;
Beispiel #19
__attribute__((weak)) long double logbl(long double x) { return logb((double)x); }
Beispiel #20
CAMLprim value math_logb(value x) {
Beispiel #21
math (double d, int *ex, double *dp)
  acos (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 8 } */
  acosh (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 10 } */
  asin (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 12 } */
  asinh (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 14 } */
  atan (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 16 } */
  atanh (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 18 } */
  atan2 (d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 20 } */
  cbrt (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 22 } */
  ceil (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 24 } */
  copysign (d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 26 } */
  cos (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 28 } */
  cosh (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 30 } */
  erf (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 32 } */
  erfc (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 34 } */
  exp (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 36 } */
  exp2 (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 38 } */
  expm1 (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 40 } */
  fabs (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 42 } */
  fdim (d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 44 } */
  floor (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 46 } */
  fma (d, d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 48 } */
  fmax (d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 50 } */
  fmin (d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 52 } */
  fmod (d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 54 } */
  frexp (d, ex); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 56 } */
  hypot (d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 58 } */
  /* We don't generate the warning for ilogb.  */
  ilogb (d);
  ldexp (d, *ex); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 62 } */
  lgamma (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 64 } */
  llrint (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 66 } */
  llround (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 68 } */
  log (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 70 } */
  log10 (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 72 } */
  log1p (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 74 } */
  log2 (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 76 } */
  logb (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 78 } */
  lrint (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 80 } */
  lround (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 82 } */
  modf (d, dp); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 84 } */
  nan (""); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 86 } */
  nearbyint (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 88 } */
  nextafter (d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 90 } */
  nexttoward (d, 20.0L); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 92 } */
  pow (d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 94 } */
  remainder (d, d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 96 } */
  remquo (d, d, ex); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 98 } */
  rint (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 100 } */
  round (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 102 } */
  scalbln (d, 100L); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 104 } */
  scalbn (d, 100); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 106 } */
  sin (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 108 } */
  sinh (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 110 } */
  sincos (d, dp, dp); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 112 } */
  sqrt (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 114 } */
  tan (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 116 } */
  tanh (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 118 } */
  tgamma (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 120 } */
  trunc (d); /* { dg-warning "incompatible implicit" } */
  /* { dg-message "include ..math.h.." "" { target *-*-* } 122 } */
__device__ void double_precision_math_functions() {
    int iX;
    double fX, fY;

    atan2(0.0, 1.0);
    copysign(1.0, -2.0);
    fdim(1.0, 0.0);
    fma(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
    fmax(0.0, 0.0);
    fmin(0.0, 0.0);
    fmod(0.0, 1.0);
    frexp(0.0, &iX);
    hypot(1.0, 0.0);
    jn(-1.0, 1.0);
    ldexp(0.0, 0);
    modf(0.0, &fX);
    nextafter(0.0, 0.0);
    fX = 1.0;
    norm(1, &fX);
    norm3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    norm4d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    pow(1.0, 0.0);
    remainder(2.0, 1.0);
    remquo(1.0, 2.0, &iX);
    rhypot(0.0, 1.0);
    fX = 1.0;
    rnorm(1, &fX);
    rnorm3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    rnorm4d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
    scalbln(0.0, 1);
    scalbn(0.0, 1);
    sincos(0.0, &fX, &fY);
    sincospi(0.0, &fX, &fY);
    yn(1, 1.0);
Beispiel #23
double logbl( double x )				{
    return (double)logb((double) x);
Beispiel #24
log(double x)
	int m, j;
	double F;
	double f;
	double g;
	double q;
	double u;
	double u2;
	double v;
	static double const zero = 0.0;
	static double const one = 1.0;
	volatile double u1;

	/* Catch special cases */
	if (x <= 0) {
		if (_IEEE && x == zero)	/* log(0) = -Inf */
			return (-one/zero);
		else if (_IEEE)		/* log(neg) = NaN */
			return (zero/zero);
		else if (x == zero)	/* NOT REACHED IF _IEEE */
			return (infnan(-ERANGE));
			return (infnan(EDOM));
	} else if (!finite(x)) {
		if (_IEEE)		/* x = NaN, Inf */
			return (x+x);
			return (infnan(ERANGE));

	/* Argument reduction: 1 <= g < 2; x/2^m = g;	*/
	/* y = F*(1 + f/F) for |f| <= 2^-8		*/

	m = logb(x);
	g = ldexp(x, -m);
	if (_IEEE && m == -1022) {
		j = logb(g), m += j;
		g = ldexp(g, -j);
	j = N*(g-1) + .5;
	F = (1.0/N) * j + 1;	/* F*128 is an integer in [128, 512] */
	f = g - F;

	/* Approximate expansion for log(1+f/F) ~= u + q */
	g = 1/(2*F+f);
	u = 2*f*g;
	v = u*u;
	q = u*v*(A1 + v*(A2 + v*(A3 + v*A4)));

    /* case 1: u1 = u rounded to 2^-43 absolute.  Since u < 2^-8,
     * 	       u1 has at most 35 bits, and F*u1 is exact, as F has < 8 bits.
     *         It also adds exactly to |m*log2_hi + log_F_head[j] | < 750
	if (m | j)
		u1 = u + 513, u1 -= 513;

    /* case 2:	|1-x| < 1/256. The m- and j- dependent terms are zero;
     * 		u1 = u to 24 bits.
		u1 = u, TRUNC(u1);
	u2 = (2.0*(f - F*u1) - u1*f) * g;
			/* u1 + u2 = 2f/(2F+f) to extra precision.	*/

	/* log(x) = log(2^m*F*(1+f/F)) =				*/
	/* (m*log2_hi+logF_head[j]+u1) + (m*log2_lo+logF_tail[j]+q);	*/
	/* (exact) + (tiny)						*/

	u1 += m*logF_head[N] + logF_head[j];		/* exact */
	u2 = (u2 + logF_tail[j]) + q;			/* tiny */
	u2 += logF_tail[N]*m;
	return (u1 + u2);
Beispiel #25
long double
logbl (long double x)
  return logb (x);
long double logbl(long double x) { return logb((double)x); }
Beispiel #27
float logbf (float x)
	return (float) logb( (double)x );
Beispiel #28
atan2(double y, double x)
	static const double zero=0, one=1, small=1.0E-9, big=1.0E18;
	double t,z,signy,signx,hi,lo;
	int k,m;

#if !defined(__vax__)&&!defined(tahoe)
    /* if x or y is NAN */
	if(x!=x) return(x); if(y!=y) return(y);
#endif	/* !defined(__vax__)&&!defined(tahoe) */

    /* copy down the sign of y and x */
	signy = copysign(one,y) ;
	signx = copysign(one,x) ;

    /* if x is 1.0, goto begin */
	if(x==1) { y=copysign(y,one); t=y; if(finite(t)) goto begin;}

    /* when y = 0 */
	if(y==zero) return((signx==one)?y:copysign(PI,signy));

    /* when x = 0 */
	if(x==zero) return(copysign(PIo2,signy));

    /* when x is INF */

    /* when y is INF */
	if(!finite(y)) return(copysign(PIo2,signy));

    /* compute y/x */
	if((m=(k=logb(y))-logb(x)) > 60) t=big+big;
	    else if(m < -80 ) t=y/x;
	    else { t = y/x ; y = scalb(y,-k); x=scalb(x,-k); }

    /* begin argument reduction */
	if (t < 2.4375) {

	/* truncate 4(t+1/16) to integer for branching */
	    k = 4 * (t+0.0625);
	    switch (k) {

	    /* t is in [0,7/16] */
	    case 0:
	    case 1:
		if (t < small)
		    { big + small ;  /* raise inexact flag */
		      return (copysign((signx>zero)?t:PI-t,signy)); }

		hi = zero;  lo = zero;  break;

	    /* t is in [7/16,11/16] */
	    case 2:
		hi = athfhi; lo = athflo;
		z = x+x;
		t = ( (y+y) - x ) / ( z +  y ); break;

	    /* t is in [11/16,19/16] */
	    case 3:
	    case 4:
		hi = PIo4; lo = zero;
		t = ( y - x ) / ( x + y ); break;

	    /* t is in [19/16,39/16] */
		hi = at1fhi; lo = at1flo;
		z = y-x; y=y+y+y; t = x+x;
		t = ( (z+z)-x ) / ( t + y ); break;
	/* end of if (t < 2.4375) */

	    hi = PIo2; lo = zero;

	    /* t is in [2.4375, big] */
	    if (t <= big)  t = - x / y;

	    /* t is in [big, INF] */
	      { big+small;	/* raise inexact flag */
		t = zero; }
    /* end of argument reduction */

    /* compute atan(t) for t in [-.4375, .4375] */
	z = t*t;
#if defined(__vax__)||defined(tahoe)
	z = t*(z*(a1+z*(a2+z*(a3+z*(a4+z*(a5+z*(a6+z*(a7+z*(a8+
#else	/* defined(__vax__)||defined(tahoe) */
	z = t*(z*(a1+z*(a2+z*(a3+z*(a4+z*(a5+z*(a6+z*(a7+z*(a8+
#endif	/* defined(__vax__)||defined(tahoe) */
	z = lo - z; z += t; z += hi;

Beispiel #29
 * SMPcDProd()
SMPcDProd(SMPmatrix *Matrix, SPcomplex *pMantissa, int *pExponent)
    double	re, im, x, y, z;
    int		p;

    spDeterminant( (void *)Matrix, &p, &re, &im);

#ifndef M_LN2
#define M_LN2   0.69314718055994530942
#ifndef M_LN10
#define M_LN10  2.30258509299404568402

#ifdef debug_print
    printf("Determinant 10: (%20g,%20g)^%d\n", re, im, p);

    /* Convert base 10 numbers to base 2 numbers, for comparison */
    y = p * M_LN10 / M_LN2;
    x = (int) y;
    y -= x;

    /* ASSERT
     *	x = integral part of exponent, y = fraction part of exponent

    /* Fold in the fractional part */
#ifdef debug_print
    printf(" ** base10 -> base2 int =  %g, frac = %20g\n", x, y);
    z = pow(2.0, y);
    re *= z;
    im *= z;
#ifdef debug_print
    printf(" ** multiplier = %20g\n", z);

    /* Re-normalize (re or im may be > 2.0 or both < 1.0 */
    if (re != 0.0) {
	y = logb(re);
	if (im != 0.0)
	    z = logb(im);
	    z = 0;
    } else if (im != 0.0) {
	z = logb(im);
	y = 0;
    } else {
	/* Singular */
	/*printf("10 -> singular\n");*/
	y = 0;
	z = 0;

#ifdef debug_print
    printf(" ** renormalize changes = %g,%g\n", y, z);
    if (y < z)
	y = z;

    *pExponent = x + y;
    x = scalbn(re, (int) -y);
    z = scalbn(im, (int) -y);
#ifdef debug_print
    printf(" ** values are: re %g, im %g, y %g, re' %g, im' %g\n",
	    re, im, y, x, z);
    pMantissa->real = scalbn(re, (int) -y);
    pMantissa->imag = scalbn(im, (int) -y);

#ifdef debug_print
    printf("Determinant 10->2: (%20g,%20g)^%d\n", pMantissa->real,
	pMantissa->imag, *pExponent);
    return spError( (void *)Matrix );
domath  (void)
#ifndef NO_DOUBLE
  double f1;
  double f2;

  int i1;

  f1 = acos (0.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "acos           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = acosh (0.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "acosh          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = asin (1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "asin           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = asinh (1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "asinh          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = atan (M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "atan           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = atan2 (2.3, 2.3);
  fprintf( stdout, "atan2          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = atanh (1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "atanh          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = cbrt (27.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "cbrt           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = ceil (3.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "ceil           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = copysign (3.5, -2.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "copysign       : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = cos (M_PI_2);
  fprintf( stdout, "cos            : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = cosh (M_PI_2);
  fprintf( stdout, "cosh           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = erf (42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "erf            : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = erfc (42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "erfc           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = exp (0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "exp            : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = exp2 (0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "exp2           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = expm1 (0.00042);
  fprintf( stdout, "expm1          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = fabs (-1.123);
  fprintf( stdout, "fabs           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = fdim (1.123, 2.123);
  fprintf( stdout, "fdim           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = floor (0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "floor          : %f\n", f1);
  f1 = floor (-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "floor          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = fma (2.1, 2.2, 3.01);
  fprintf( stdout, "fma            : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = fmax (-0.42, 0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "fmax           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = fmin (-0.42, 0.42);
  fprintf( stdout, "fmin           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = fmod (42.0, 3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "fmod           : %f\n", f1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = fpclassify(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "fpclassify     : %d\n", i1);

  f1 = frexp (42.0, &i1);
  fprintf( stdout, "frexp          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = hypot (42.0, 42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "hypot          : %f\n", f1);

  i1 = ilogb (42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "ilogb          : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isfinite(3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isfinite       : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isgreater(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "isgreater      : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isgreaterequal(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "isgreaterequal : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isinf(3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isinf          : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isless(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "isless         : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = islessequal(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "islessequal    : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = islessgreater(3.0, 3.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "islessgreater  : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isnan(0.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isnan          : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = isnormal(3.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isnormal       : %d\n", i1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  f1 = isunordered(1.0, 2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "isunordered    : %d\n", i1);

  f1 = j0 (1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "j0             : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = j1 (1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "j1             : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = jn (2,1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "jn             : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = ldexp (1.2,3);
  fprintf( stdout, "ldexp          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = lgamma (42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "lgamma         : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = llrint (-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "llrint         : %f\n", f1);
  f1 = llrint (0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "llrint         : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = llround (-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lround         : %f\n", f1);
  f1 = llround (0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lround         : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = log (42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "log            : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = log10 (42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "log10          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = log1p (42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "log1p          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = log2 (42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "log2           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = logb (42.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "logb           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = lrint (-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lrint          : %f\n", f1);
  f1 = lrint (0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lrint          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = lround (-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lround         : %f\n", f1);
  f1 = lround (0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "lround         : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = modf (42.0,&f2);
  fprintf( stdout, "lmodf          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = nan ("");
  fprintf( stdout, "nan            : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = nearbyint (1.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "nearbyint      : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = nextafter (1.5,2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "nextafter      : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = pow (3.01, 2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "pow            : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = remainder (3.01,2.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "remainder      : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = remquo (29.0,3.0,&i1);
  fprintf( stdout, "remquo         : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = rint (0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "rint           : %f\n", f1);
  f1 = rint (-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "rint           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = round (0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "round          : %f\n", f1);
  f1 = round (-0.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "round          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = scalbln (1.2,3);
  fprintf( stdout, "scalbln        : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = scalbn (1.2,3);
  fprintf( stdout, "scalbn         : %f\n", f1);

  /* no type-specific variant */
  i1 = signbit(1.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "signbit        : %i\n", i1);

  f1 = sin (M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "sin            : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = sinh (M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "sinh           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = sqrt (9.0);
  fprintf( stdout, "sqrt           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = tan (M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "tan            : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = tanh (M_PI_4);
  fprintf( stdout, "tanh           : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = tgamma (2.1);
  fprintf( stdout, "tgamma         : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = trunc (3.5);
  fprintf( stdout, "trunc          : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = y0 (1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "y0             : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = y1 (1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "y1             : %f\n", f1);

  f1 = yn (3,1.2);
  fprintf( stdout, "yn             : %f\n", f1);