// Software_Create                          //
// Description: Function used to create     //
// software threads only. Used if creating  //
// a hardware thread fails.                 //
Huint software_create (
        hthread_t * tid,
        hthread_attr_t * attr,
        Huint func_id,
        void * arg)
    void * func;

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Make sure tables are setup
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if (!table_initialized_flag) {
        // Assert flag
        table_initialized_flag = 1;

        // Init thread table

        // Load entries with app-specific data

        // Init function-to-accelerator table

        #ifdef ICAP
        // Initialize mutexes, ICAP, and bitfiles
        // for Partial Reconfiguration.

    printf("Software thread\n");

    // Create a native/software thread on the host processor
    func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, TYPE_HOST);
    // Increment thread counter
    return (hthread_create(tid, attr, func, arg));
Beispiel #2
 *  copy_handle
 * Copies a handle. Increments the reference count of the object referenced
 * by the handle.
 *  lpTable [I] Pointer to the handle table, which holds the handle to be copied.
 *  handle  [I] The handle to be copied.
 *  copy    [O] Pointer to a handle variable, where the copied handle is put.
 *  non zero,  if successful
 *  zero,      if not successful (invalid handle or out of memory)
int copy_handle(HANDLETABLE *lpTable, unsigned int handle, DWORD dwType, unsigned int *copy)
    OBJECTHDR *pObject;
    int ret;
    TRACE("(lpTable=%p, handle=%d, copy=%p)\n", lpTable, handle, copy);

    if (!lookup_handle(lpTable, handle, dwType, &pObject)) 
        *copy = (unsigned int)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
        return 0;

    ret = alloc_handle(lpTable, pObject, copy);
    return ret;
Beispiel #3
 *  copy_handle
 * Copies a handle. Increments the reference count of the object referenced
 * by the handle.
 *  lpTable [I] Pointer to the handle table, which holds the handle to be copied.
 *  handle  [I] The handle to be copied.
 *  copy    [O] Pointer to a handle variable, where the copied handle is put.
 *  non zero,  if successful
 *  zero,      if not successful (invalid handle or out of memory)
int copy_handle(struct handle_table *lpTable, HCRYPTKEY handle, DWORD dwType, HCRYPTKEY *copy)
    OBJECTHDR *pObject;
    int ret;
    TRACE("(lpTable=%p, handle=%ld, copy=%p)\n", lpTable, handle, copy);

    if (!lookup_handle(lpTable, handle, dwType, &pObject)) 
        return 0;

    ret = alloc_handle(lpTable, pObject, copy);
    return ret;
Huint microblaze_create(
        hthread_t * tid,
        hthread_attr_t * attr,
        Huint func_id,
        void * arg,
        Huint ublaze)

    Huint ret;
    void * func;

    assert(attr!=NULL); // Efficient NULL pointer check
    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Make sure tables are initialized
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if (table_initialized_flag == 0) {
        // Assert flag
        table_initialized_flag = 1;

        // Init thread table

        // Load entries with app-specific data

        // Init function-to-accelerator table

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Check if that specific MB is free
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if( !get_utilized_flags((void *) hwti_array[ublaze])) 
        // Create a native thread
        printf("Microblaze %d is either not Free or does not exist!\n",ublaze);
        func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, TYPE_HOST);
        if (func == (void*)TABLE_INIT)
            ret =  TABLE_INIT;
            // Ignore passed in attribute
            printf("Creating Native Thread!\n");
            ret = hthread_create(tid, NULL, func, arg);

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Otherwise create a hetero thread
    // ---------------------------------------------
        // Create a heterogeneous thread
        func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, slave_table[ublaze].processor_type);
        if (func == (void*)TABLE_INIT)
            ret =  TABLE_INIT;
            // Create thread hetero using V-HWTI[found]
            printf("Creating Hetero Thread (CPU#%d)!\n",ublaze);
            hthread_attr_sethardware( attr, (void*)hwti_array[ublaze] );
            ret = hthread_create(tid, attr, func, arg);

    return ret;
// (SMART) Dynamic thread creation function
Huint dynamic_create_smart(
        hthread_t * tid,
        hthread_attr_t * attr,
        Huint func_id,
        void * arg)

    Huint ret;
    void * func;
    // Efficient NULL pointer check

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Make sure tables are initialized
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if (table_initialized_flag == 0) {
        // Assert flag
        table_initialized_flag = 1;

        // Init thread table

        // Load entries with app-specific data

        // Init function-to-accelerator table

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Look for any free heterogeneous processors
    // ---------------------------------------------
    int i = 0;
    int found = NOT_FOUND;
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_AVAILABLE_HETERO_CPUS; i++)
       if( get_utilized_flags((void *) &i))
            // Mark CPU that was found, and break out of loop
           found = i;

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Create a native thread if no hetero CPUs are free
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if (found == NOT_FOUND)
        // Create a native/software thread on MB
        func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, TYPE_HOST);
        if (func == (void*)TABLE_INIT)
            ret =  TABLE_INIT;
            // Ignore passed in attribute
            printf("Creating Native Thread!\n");
            ret = hthread_create(tid, NULL, func, arg);
    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Otherwise create a hetero thread
    // ---------------------------------------------
        // Create a heterogeneous thread
        func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, slave_table[found].processor_type);
        if (func == (void*)TABLE_INIT)
            ret =  TABLE_INIT;
            // Create thread hetero using V-HWTI[found]
            printf("Creating Hetero Thread (CPU#%d)!\n",found);
            hthread_attr_sethardware( attr, (void*)hwti_array[found] );
            ret = hthread_create(tid, attr, func, arg);
    return ret;
//  Thread Create 
//  Description: This function encapsulates all of the thread create functions (i.e. dynamic
//      create smart, microblaze create, hthread create, etc.
//  Arguments:
//      1) Thread ID - Thread ID returned by the OS. Assigned during hthread_setup().
//      2) Thread Attribute - Attribute structure for the thread
//      3) Function ID - The function number the thread will execute
//      4) Argument - Argument to be passed to the function
//      5) Type - The type of thread you want to be created. (i.e. Software, dynamic_hw, etc.
//      6) Dma Length - the length of the parameter, arg. Passing a zero indicates no DMA'ing
Huint thread_create(
        hthread_t * tid,        
        hthread_attr_t * attr,  
        Huint func_id,   
        void * arg,             
        Huint type,      
        Huint dma_length)

    Huint ret;
    void * func;

    assert(attr!=NULL); // Efficient NULL pointer check

    // ---------------------------------------------
    // Make sure tables are initialized
    // ---------------------------------------------
    if (!table_initialized_flag) {
        // Assert flag
        table_initialized_flag = 1;

        // Init thread table

        // Load entries with app-specific data

        // Init function-to-accelerator table
        // Initialize mutexes, ICAP, and bitfiles
        // for Partial Reconfiguration.

    // Check if we have not passed our threshold
    // TODO: Remove?
    //while( (NUM_AVAILABLE_HETERO_CPUS - get_num_free_slaves() + thread_counter) >  (NUM_AVAILABLE_HETERO_CPUS + SW_THREAD_COUNT))

    // Is this a software thread?
    if (type == SOFTWARE_THREAD) {
        // Create a native/software thread on the host processor
        // Make sure user didn't call  hthread_attr_sethardware()
        if (attr->hardware) {
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("Your thread attribute is set for hardware but");
            printf(" you are creating a software thread!\n");
            ret = FAILURE;
        } else
            ret = software_create(tid, attr, func_id, arg);
    // For hardware threads, should we dynamically schedule them?
    } else if(type == DYNAMIC_HW) {

        // Identify a slave processor the best fits our needs (i.e., is 
        // available, is available and has an accelerator we want, etc.)
        Hint slave_num = find_best_match(func_id);

        // If we did not find any processors available.
        if (slave_num == MAGIC_NUMBER) {
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("No Free Slaves:Creating software thread\n");
            ret = software_create(tid, NULL, func_id, arg);
        } else {
            // Grab the function handle according to the processor type.
            func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, slave_table[slave_num].processor_type);
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("Creating Hetero Thread (CPU#%d)!\n",slave_num);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            //         Write extra parameters for PR functionality            //
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            // Write pointer for first_used_accelerator so slave can update the table.
            // This assumes that for a particular function (id), slaves will also have 
            // the same first accelerator used.
            _hwti_set_first_accelerator_ptr( (Huint) hwti_array[slave_num], (Huint) &func_2_acc_table[func_id]);

            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            //         Create the hardware thread using better target         //
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            hthread_attr_sethardware( attr, (void*)hwti_array[slave_num] );
            ret =  hthread_create(tid, attr, func, arg);
    // For hardware threads, we will statically schedule them
    } else { 
        // Determine the exact slave processor number 
        Huint slave_num = type + STATIC_HW_OFFSET;

        // Check if valid slave number. Since 'slave_num' is 
        // and unsigned int, it cannot be negative, right?
        if (slave_num >= NUM_AVAILABLE_HETERO_CPUS) {
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("Invalid slave number: %d\n", slave_num);
            printf("Creating a software thread instead\n");
            ret = software_create(tid, NULL, func_id, arg);

        // If that slave number exists, is it Free?
        if (_hwti_get_utilized_flag(hwti_array[slave_num]) == FLAG_HWTI_UTILIZED) { 
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("Slave number %d is busy! Creating software thread\n", slave_num);
            ret = software_create(tid, NULL, func_id, arg);
        else {
            #ifdef DEBUG_DISPATCH
            printf("Creating Hetero Thread (CPU#%d)!\n",slave_num);
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            //         Write extra parameters for PR functionality            //
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            // Write pointer for first_used_accelerator so slave can update the table.
            // This assumes that for a particular function (id), slaves will also have 
            // the same first accelerator used.
            _hwti_set_first_accelerator_ptr( (Huint) hwti_array[slave_num], (Huint) &func_2_acc_table[func_id]);

            // Grab the function according to the processor type
            func = lookup_handle(&global_thread_table, func_id, slave_table[slave_num].processor_type);
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            //         Create the hardware thread using slave num             //
            // -------------------------------------------------------------- //
            hthread_attr_sethardware( attr, (void*)hwti_array[slave_num] );
            ret = hthread_create(tid, attr, func, arg);
    return ret;