Beispiel #1
void lpx_get_col_info(glp_prob *lp, int j, int *tagx, double *vx,
      double *dx)
{     /* obtain column solution information */
      if (tagx != NULL) *tagx = lpx_get_col_stat(lp, j);
      if (vx != NULL) *vx = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, j);
      if (dx != NULL) *dx = lpx_get_col_dual(lp, j);
Beispiel #2
int main(void)
{     LPX *lp;
      int ia[1+1000], ja[1+1000];
      double ar[1+1000], Z, x1, x2, x3;
s1:   lp = lpx_create_prob();
s2:   lpx_set_prob_name(lp, "sample");
s3:   lpx_set_obj_dir(lp, LPX_MAX);
s4:   lpx_add_rows(lp, 3);
s5:   lpx_set_row_name(lp, 1, "p");
s6:   lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, 1, LPX_UP, 0.0, 100.0);
s7:   lpx_set_row_name(lp, 2, "q");
s8:   lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, 2, LPX_UP, 0.0, 600.0);
s9:   lpx_set_row_name(lp, 3, "r");
s10:  lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, 3, LPX_UP, 0.0, 300.0);
s11:  lpx_add_cols(lp, 3);
s12:  lpx_set_col_name(lp, 1, "x1");
s13:  lpx_set_col_bnds(lp, 1, LPX_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
s14:  lpx_set_obj_coef(lp, 1, 10.0);
s15:  lpx_set_col_name(lp, 2, "x2");
s16:  lpx_set_col_bnds(lp, 2, LPX_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
s17:  lpx_set_obj_coef(lp, 2, 6.0);
s18:  lpx_set_col_name(lp, 3, "x3");
s19:  lpx_set_col_bnds(lp, 3, LPX_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
s20:  lpx_set_obj_coef(lp, 3, 4.0);
s21:  ia[1] = 1, ja[1] = 1, ar[1] =  1.0; /* a[1,1] =  1 */
s22:  ia[2] = 1, ja[2] = 2, ar[2] =  1.0; /* a[1,2] =  1 */
s23:  ia[3] = 1, ja[3] = 3, ar[3] =  1.0; /* a[1,3] =  1 */
s24:  ia[4] = 2, ja[4] = 1, ar[4] = 10.0; /* a[2,1] = 10 */
s25:  ia[5] = 3, ja[5] = 1, ar[5] =  2.0; /* a[3,1] =  2 */
s26:  ia[6] = 2, ja[6] = 2, ar[6] =  4.0; /* a[2,2] =  4 */
s27:  ia[7] = 3, ja[7] = 2, ar[7] =  2.0; /* a[3,2] =  2 */
s28:  ia[8] = 2, ja[8] = 3, ar[8] =  5.0; /* a[2,3] =  5 */
s29:  ia[9] = 3, ja[9] = 3, ar[9] =  6.0; /* a[3,3] =  6 */
s30:  lpx_load_matrix(lp, 9, ia, ja, ar);
s31:  lpx_simplex(lp);
s32:  Z = lpx_get_obj_val(lp);
s33:  x1 = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, 1);
s34:  x2 = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, 2);
s35:  x3 = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, 3);
s36:  printf("\nZ = %g; x1 = %g; x2 = %g; x3 = %g\n", Z, x1, x2, x3);
s37:  lpx_delete_prob(lp);
      return 0;
Beispiel #3
double lpx_eval_row(LPX *lp, int len, int ind[], double val[])
{     int n = lpx_get_num_cols(lp);
      int j, k;
      double sum = 0.0;
      if (len < 0)
         fault("lpx_eval_row: len = %d; invalid row length", len);
      for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
      {  j = ind[k];
         if (!(1 <= j && j <= n))
            fault("lpx_eval_row: j = %d; column number out of range",
         sum += val[k] * lpx_get_col_prim(lp, j);
      return sum;
Beispiel #4
static void show_status(LPX *prob, int prob_m, int prob_nz)
{     int n, j, count;
      double x, tol_int;
      /* determine the number of structural variables of integer kind
         whose current values are still fractional */
      n = lpx_get_num_cols(prob);
      tol_int = lpx_get_real_parm(prob, LPX_K_TOLINT);
      count = 0;
      for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
      {  if (lpx_get_col_kind(prob, j) != LPX_IV) continue;
         x = lpx_get_col_prim(prob, j);
         if (fabs(x - floor(x + 0.5)) <= tol_int) continue;
      print("&%6d: obj = %17.9e   frac = %5d   cuts = %5d (%d)",
         lpx_get_int_parm(prob, LPX_K_ITCNT),
         lpx_get_obj_val(prob), count,
         lpx_get_num_rows(prob) - prob_m,
         lpx_get_num_nz(prob) - prob_nz);
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{     LPX *lp;
      MPL *mpl = NULL;
      int ret;
      double start;
      /* parse command line parameters */
      parse_cmdline(argc, argv);
      /* remove all output files specified in the command line */
      if (display != NULL) remove(display);
      if (out_sol != NULL) remove(out_sol);
      if (out_bnds != NULL) remove(out_bnds);
      if (out_mps != NULL) remove(out_mps);
      if (out_lpt != NULL) remove(out_lpt);
      if (out_txt != NULL) remove(out_txt);
      if (out_glp != NULL) remove(out_glp);
      /* read problem from the input file */
      if (in_file == NULL)
      {  print("No input file specified; try %s --help", argv[0]);
      switch (format)
      {  case 0:
            lp = lpx_read_mps(in_file);
            if (lp == NULL)
            {  print("MPS file processing error");
         case 1:
            lp = lpx_read_lpt(in_file);
            if (lp == NULL)
            {  print("CPLEX LP file processing error");
         case 2:
#if 0 /* 01/VIII-2004 */
            lp = lpx_read_model(in_file, in_data, display);
            if (lp == NULL)
            {  print("Model processing error");
            /* initialize the translator database */
            mpl = mpl_initialize();
            /* read model section and optional data section */
            ret = mpl_read_model(mpl, in_file, in_data != NULL);
            if (ret == 4)
err:        {  print("Model processing error");
            insist(ret == 1 || ret == 2);
            /* read data section, if necessary */
            if (in_data != NULL)
            {  insist(ret == 1);
               ret = mpl_read_data(mpl, in_data);
               if (ret == 4) goto err;
               insist(ret == 2);
            /* generate model */
            ret = mpl_generate(mpl, display);
            if (ret == 4) goto err;
            /* extract problem instance */
            lp = lpx_extract_prob(mpl);
            insist(lp != NULL);
            if (lpx_get_num_rows(lp) == 0)
            {  print("Problem has no rows");
            if (lpx_get_num_cols(lp) == 0)
            {  print("Problem has no columns");
         case 3:
            lp = lpx_read_prob(in_file);
            if (lp == NULL)
            {  print("GNU LP file processing error");
            insist(format != format);
      /* change problem name (if required) */
      if (newname != NULL) lpx_set_prob_name(lp, newname);
      /* change optimization direction (if required) */
      if (dir != 0) lpx_set_obj_dir(lp, dir);
      /* write problem in MPS format (if required) */
      if (out_mps != NULL)
      {  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_MPSORIG, orig);
         ret = lpx_write_mps(lp, out_mps);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem in MPS format");
      /* write problem in CPLEX LP format (if required) */
      if (out_lpt != NULL)
      {  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_LPTORIG, orig);
         ret = lpx_write_lpt(lp, out_lpt);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem in CPLEX LP format");
      /* write problem in plain text format (if required) */
      if (out_txt != NULL)
      {  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_LPTORIG, orig);
         ret = lpx_print_prob(lp, out_txt);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem in plain text format");
      /* write problem in GNU LP format (if required) */
      if (out_glp != NULL)
      {  ret = lpx_write_prob(lp, out_glp);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem in GNU LP format");
      /* if only data check is required, skip computations */
      if (check) goto skip;
      /* scale the problem data (if required) */
      if (scale && (!presol || method == 1)) lpx_scale_prob(lp);
      /* build advanced initial basis (if required) */
      if (method == 0 && basis && !presol) lpx_adv_basis(lp);
      /* set some control parameters, which might be changed in the
         command line */
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_PRICE, price);
      if (!relax) lpx_set_real_parm(lp, LPX_K_RELAX, 0.0);
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_PRESOL, presol);
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_BRANCH, branch);
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_BTRACK, btrack);
      lpx_set_real_parm(lp, LPX_K_TMLIM, (double)tmlim);
      /* solve the problem */
      start = utime();
      switch (method)
      {  case 0:
            if (nomip || lpx_get_class(lp) == LPX_LP)
            {  ret = lpx_simplex(lp);
               if (presol && ret != LPX_E_OK && out_sol != NULL)
                  print("If you need actual output for non-optimal solu"
                     "tion, use --nopresol");
            {  method = 2;
               if (!intopt)
         case 1:
            if (nomip || lpx_get_class(lp) == LPX_LP)
            {  print("Interior point method is not able to solve MIP pr"
                  "oblem; use --simplex");
            insist(method != method);
      /* display statistics */
      print("Time used:   %.1f secs", utime() - start);
      print("Memory used: %.1fM (%d bytes)",
         (double)lib_env_ptr()->mem_tpeak / (double)(1024 * 1024),
#if 1 /* 01/VIII-2004 */
      if (mpl != NULL && mpl_has_solve_stmt(mpl))
      {  int n, j, round;
         /* store the solution to the translator database */
         n = lpx_get_num_cols(lp);
         round = lpx_get_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_ROUND);
         lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_ROUND, 1);
         switch (method)
         {  case 0:
               for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                  mpl_put_col_value(mpl, j, lpx_get_col_prim(lp, j));
            case 1:
               for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                  mpl_put_col_value(mpl, j, lpx_ipt_col_prim(lp, j));
            case 2:
               for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                  mpl_put_col_value(mpl, j, lpx_mip_col_val(lp, j));
               insist(method != method);
         lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_ROUND, round);
         /* perform postsolving */
         ret = mpl_postsolve(mpl, display);
         if (ret == 4)
         {  print("Model postsolving error");
         insist(ret == 3);
      /* write problem solution found by the solver (if required) */
      if (out_sol != NULL)
      {  switch (method)
         {  case 0:
               ret = lpx_print_sol(lp, out_sol);
            case 1:
               ret = lpx_print_ips(lp, out_sol);
            case 2:
               ret = lpx_print_mip(lp, out_sol);
               insist(method != method);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem solution");
      /* write sensitivity bounds information (if required) */
      if (out_bnds != NULL)
      {  if (method != 0)
         {  print("Cannot write sensitivity bounds information for inte"
               "rior-point or MIP solution");
         ret = lpx_print_sens_bnds(lp, out_bnds);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write sensitivity bounds information");
skip: /* delete the problem object */
#if 1 /* 01/VIII-2004 */
      /* if the translator database exists, destroy it */
      if (mpl != NULL) mpl_terminate(mpl);
      /* check that no memory blocks are still allocated */
      insist(lib_env_ptr()->mem_total == 0);
      insist(lib_env_ptr()->mem_count == 0);
      /* return to the control program */
      return 0;
Beispiel #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{     LPX *lp;
      MPL *mpl = NULL;
      int ret;
      ulong_t start;
      /* parse command line parameters */
      parse_cmdline(argc, argv);
      /* set available memory limit */
      if (memlim >= 0)
         lib_mem_limit(ulmul(ulset(0, 1048576), ulset(0, memlim)));
      /* remove all output files specified in the command line */
      if (display != NULL) remove(display);
      if (out_bas != NULL) remove(out_bas);
      if (out_sol != NULL) remove(out_sol);
      if (out_bnds != NULL) remove(out_bnds);
      if (out_mps != NULL) remove(out_mps);
      if (out_freemps != NULL) remove(out_freemps);
      if (out_cpxlp != NULL) remove(out_cpxlp);
      if (out_txt != NULL) remove(out_txt);
      if (out_glp != NULL) remove(out_glp);
      if (log_file != NULL) remove(log_file);
      /* open hardcopy file, if necessary */
      if (log_file != NULL)
      {  if (lib_open_log(log_file))
         {  print("Unable to create log file");
      /* read problem data from the input file */
      if (in_file == NULL)
      {  print("No input file specified; try %s --help", argv[0]);
      switch (format)
      {  case 0:
            lp = lpx_read_mps(in_file);
            if (lp == NULL)
            {  print("MPS file processing error");
            orig = 1;
         case 1:
            lp = lpx_read_cpxlp(in_file);
            if (lp == NULL)
            {  print("CPLEX LP file processing error");
         case 2:
            /* initialize the translator database */
            mpl = mpl_initialize();
            /* read model section and optional data section */
            ret = mpl_read_model(mpl, in_file, in_data != NULL);
            if (ret == 4)
err:        {  print("Model processing error");
            xassert(ret == 1 || ret == 2);
            /* read data section, if necessary */
            if (in_data != NULL)
            {  xassert(ret == 1);
               ret = mpl_read_data(mpl, in_data);
               if (ret == 4) goto err;
               xassert(ret == 2);
            /* generate model */
            ret = mpl_generate(mpl, display);
            if (ret == 4) goto err;
            /* extract problem instance */
            lp = lpx_extract_prob(mpl);
            xassert(lp != NULL);
         case 3:
            lp = lpx_read_prob(in_file);
            if (lp == NULL)
            {  print("GNU LP file processing error");
         case 4:
            lp = lpx_read_freemps(in_file);
            if (lp == NULL)
            {  print("MPS file processing error");
            xassert(format != format);
      /* order rows and columns of the constraint matrix */
      /* change problem name (if required) */
      if (newname != NULL) lpx_set_prob_name(lp, newname);
      /* change optimization direction (if required) */
      if (dir != 0) lpx_set_obj_dir(lp, dir);
      /* write problem in fixed MPS format (if required) */
      if (out_mps != NULL)
      {  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_MPSORIG, orig);
         ret = lpx_write_mps(lp, out_mps);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem in fixed MPS format");
      /* write problem in free MPS format (if required) */
      if (out_freemps != NULL)
      {  ret = lpx_write_freemps(lp, out_freemps);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem in free MPS format");
      /* write problem in CPLEX LP format (if required) */
      if (out_cpxlp != NULL)
      {  ret = lpx_write_cpxlp(lp, out_cpxlp);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem in CPLEX LP format");
      /* write problem in plain text format (if required) */
      if (out_txt != NULL)
      {  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_LPTORIG, orig);
         ret = lpx_print_prob(lp, out_txt);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem in plain text format");
      /* write problem in GNU LP format (if required) */
      if (out_glp != NULL)
      {  ret = lpx_write_prob(lp, out_glp);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem in GNU LP format");
      /* if only data check is required, skip computations */
      if (check) goto skip;
      /* scale the problem data (if required) */
      if (scale && (!presol || method == 1)) lpx_scale_prob(lp);
      /* build initial LP basis */
      if (method == 0 && !presol && in_bas == NULL)
      {  switch (basis)
         {  case 0:
            case 1:
               if (lpx_get_num_rows(lp) > 0 && lpx_get_num_cols(lp) > 0)
            case 2:
               if (lpx_get_num_rows(lp) > 0 && lpx_get_num_cols(lp) > 0)
               xassert(basis != basis);
      /* or read initial basis from input text file in MPS format */
      if (in_bas != NULL)
      {  if (method != 0)
         {  print("Initial LP basis is useless for interior-point solve"
               "r and therefore ignored");
            goto nobs;
         lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_MPSORIG, orig);
         ret = lpx_read_bas(lp, in_bas);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to read initial LP basis");
         if (presol)
         {  presol = 0;
            print("LP presolver disabled because initial LP basis has b"
               "een provided");
nobs:    ;
      /* set some control parameters, which might be changed in the
         command line */
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_BFTYPE, bf_type);
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_PRICE, price);
      if (!relax) lpx_set_real_parm(lp, LPX_K_RELAX, 0.0);
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_PRESOL, presol);
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_BRANCH, branch);
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_BTRACK, btrack);
      lpx_set_real_parm(lp, LPX_K_TMLIM, (double)tmlim);
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_BINARIZE, binarize);
      lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_USECUTS, use_cuts);
      /* solve the problem */
      start = xtime();
      switch (method)
      {  case 0:
            if (nomip || lpx_get_class(lp) == LPX_LP)
            {  ret = (!exact ? lpx_simplex(lp) : lpx_exact(lp));
               if (xcheck)
               {  if (!presol || ret == LPX_E_OK)
                     print("If you need checking final basis for non-op"
                        "timal solution, use --nopresol");
               if (presol && ret != LPX_E_OK && (out_bas != NULL ||
                  out_sol != NULL))
                  print("If you need actual output for non-optimal solu"
                     "tion, use --nopresol");
            {  method = 2;
               if (!intopt)
               {  ret = (!exact ? lpx_simplex(lp) : lpx_exact(lp));
                  if (xcheck && (!presol || ret == LPX_E_OK))
         case 1:
            if (nomip || lpx_get_class(lp) == LPX_LP)
            {  print("Interior-point method is not able to solve MIP pr"
                  "oblem; use --simplex");
            xassert(method != method);
      /* display statistics */
      print("Time used:   %.1f secs", xdifftime(xtime(), start));
      {  ulong_t tpeak;
         char buf[50];
         lib_mem_usage(NULL, NULL, NULL, &tpeak);
         print("Memory used: %.1f Mb (%s bytes)",
            (4294967296.0 * tpeak.hi + tpeak.lo) / 1048576.0,
            ultoa(tpeak, buf, 10));
      if (mpl != NULL && mpl_has_solve_stmt(mpl))
      {  int n, j, round;
         /* store the solution to the translator database */
         n = lpx_get_num_cols(lp);
         round = lpx_get_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_ROUND);
         lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_ROUND, 1);
         switch (method)
         {  case 0:
               for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                  mpl_put_col_value(mpl, j, lpx_get_col_prim(lp, j));
            case 1:
               for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                  mpl_put_col_value(mpl, j, lpx_ipt_col_prim(lp, j));
            case 2:
               for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
                  mpl_put_col_value(mpl, j, lpx_mip_col_val(lp, j));
               xassert(method != method);
         lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_ROUND, round);
         /* perform postsolving */
         ret = mpl_postsolve(mpl);
         if (ret == 4)
         {  print("Model postsolving error");
         xassert(ret == 3);
      /* write final LP basis (if required) */
      if (out_bas != NULL)
      {  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_MPSORIG, orig);
         ret = lpx_write_bas(lp, out_bas);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write final LP basis");
      /* write problem solution found by the solver (if required) */
      if (out_sol != NULL)
      {  switch (method)
         {  case 0:
               ret = lpx_print_sol(lp, out_sol);
            case 1:
               ret = lpx_print_ips(lp, out_sol);
            case 2:
               ret = lpx_print_mip(lp, out_sol);
               xassert(method != method);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write problem solution");
      /* write sensitivity bounds information (if required) */
      if (out_bnds != NULL)
      {  if (method != 0)
         {  print("Cannot write sensitivity bounds information for inte"
               "rior-point or MIP solution");
         ret = lpx_print_sens_bnds(lp, out_bnds);
         if (ret != 0)
         {  print("Unable to write sensitivity bounds information");
skip: /* delete the problem object */
      /* if the translator database exists, destroy it */
      if (mpl != NULL) mpl_terminate(mpl);
      xassert(gmp_pool_count() == 0);
      /* close the hardcopy file */
      if (log_file != NULL) lib_close_log();
      /* check that no memory blocks are still allocated */
      {  int count;
         ulong_t total;
         lib_mem_usage(&count, NULL, &total, NULL);
         xassert(count == 0);
         xassert(total.lo == 0 && total.hi == 0);
      /* free the library environment */
      /* return to the control program */
      return 0;
int lpx_clique_cut(LPX *lp, void *_cog, int ind[], double val[])
{     struct COG *cog = _cog;
      int n = lpx_get_num_cols(lp);
      int j, t, v, card, temp, len = 0, *w, *sol;
      double x, sum, b, *vec;
      /* allocate working arrays */
      w = xcalloc(1 + 2 * cog->nb, sizeof(int));
      sol = xcalloc(1 + 2 * cog->nb, sizeof(int));
      vec = xcalloc(1+n, sizeof(double));
      /* assign weights to vertices of the conflict graph */
      for (t = 1; t <= cog->nb; t++)
      {  j = cog->orig[t];
         x = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, j);
         temp = (int)(100.0 * x + 0.5);
         if (temp < 0) temp = 0;
         if (temp > 100) temp = 100;
         w[t] = temp;
         w[cog->nb + t] = 100 - temp;
      /* find a clique of maximum weight */
      card = wclique(2 * cog->nb, w, cog->a, sol);
      /* compute the clique weight for unscaled values */
      sum = 0.0;
      for ( t = 1; t <= card; t++)
      {  v = sol[t];
         xassert(1 <= v && v <= 2 * cog->nb);
         if (v <= cog->nb)
         {  /* vertex v corresponds to binary variable x[j] */
            j = cog->orig[v];
            x = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, j);
            sum += x;
         {  /* vertex v corresponds to the complement of x[j] */
            j = cog->orig[v - cog->nb];
            x = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, j);
            sum += 1.0 - x;
      /* if the sum of binary variables and their complements in the
         clique greater than 1, the clique cut is violated */
      if (sum >= 1.01)
      {  /* construct the inquality */
         for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) vec[j] = 0;
         b = 1.0;
         for (t = 1; t <= card; t++)
         {  v = sol[t];
            if (v <= cog->nb)
            {  /* vertex v corresponds to binary variable x[j] */
               j = cog->orig[v];
               xassert(1 <= j && j <= n);
               vec[j] += 1.0;
            {  /* vertex v corresponds to the complement of x[j] */
               j = cog->orig[v - cog->nb];
               xassert(1 <= j && j <= n);
               vec[j] -= 1.0;
               b -= 1.0;
         xassert(len == 0);
         for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
         {  if (vec[j] != 0.0)
            {  len++;
               ind[len] = j, val[len] = vec[j];
         ind[0] = 0, val[0] = b;
      /* free working arrays */
      /* return to the calling program */
      return len;
Beispiel #8
int TankBlendOptimiser::go()
  lp = lpx_create_prob();

  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_MSGLEV, 0); // 0 = no output
  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_SCALE, 3); // 3 = geometric mean scaling, then equilibration scaling
  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_DUAL, 1); // 1 = if initial basic solution is dual feasible, use the dual simplex
  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_ROUND, 1); // 1 = replace tiny primal and dual values by exact zero

  lpx_set_int_parm(lp, LPX_K_PRESOL, 1); // 1 = use the built-in presolver.

  lpx_set_prob_name(lp, "Blend Optimiser");
  lpx_set_obj_dir(lp, LPX_MIN);

  // Columns...
  lpx_add_cols(lp, cols);

  for (int i=0; i<tanks; i++) // 0.0 < x < tankMax
    if (tankMax[i]>0.0)
      lpx_set_col_bnds(lp, col, LPX_DB, 0.0, tankMax[i]);
      lpx_set_col_bnds(lp, col, LPX_FX, 0.0, 0.0);

  for (int i=0; i<tanks; i++) // 0.0 < slackTankLow
    lpx_set_col_bnds(lp,  col, LPX_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
    lpx_set_obj_coef(lp,  col, tankLowPenalty[i]); // penalty weight.

  for (int i=0; i<tanks; i++) // 0.0 < slackTankHigh
    lpx_set_col_bnds(lp,  col, LPX_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
    lpx_set_obj_coef(lp,  col, tankHighPenalty[i]); // penalty weight.

  for (int i=0; i<assays; i++) // 0.0 < slackAssayLow
    lpx_set_col_bnds(lp,  col, LPX_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
    lpx_set_obj_coef(lp,  col, assayLowPenalty[i]); // penalty weight.

  for (int i=0; i<assays; i++) // 0.0 < slackAssayHigh
    lpx_set_col_bnds(lp,  col, LPX_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
    lpx_set_obj_coef(lp,  col, assayHighPenalty[i]); // penalty weight.

  for (int i=0; i<assays; i++) // 0.0 < slackAssayRatioLow
    for (int j=0; j<assays; j++)
      lpx_set_col_bnds(lp,  col, LPX_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
      lpx_set_obj_coef(lp,  col, assayRatioLowPenalty[i][j]); // penalty weight.

  for (int i=0; i<assays; i++) // 0.0 < slackAssayRatioHigh
    for (int j=0; j<assays; j++)
      lpx_set_col_bnds(lp,  col, LPX_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
      lpx_set_obj_coef(lp,  col, assayRatioHighPenalty[i][j]); // penalty weight.

  // Rows...

  lpx_add_rows(lp, rows);

  { // x1 + ... + xn = 1.0
  lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, row, LPX_FX, 1.0, 1.0);
  for (int i=0; i<tanks; i++)
    ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+i, ar[constraint++] =  1.0;

  for (int i=0; i<tanks; i++) // tankLow < tank + slackTankLow
    lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, row, LPX_LO, tankLow[i], 0.0);
    ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+i, ar[constraint++] = 1.0;
    ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+i+tanks, ar[constraint++] = 1.0;

  for (int i=0; i<tanks; i++) // tank - slackTankHigh < tankHigh
    lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, row, LPX_UP, 0.0, tankHigh[i]);
    ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+i, ar[constraint++] = 1.0;
    ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+i+2*tanks, ar[constraint++] = -1.0;

  for (int i=0; i<assays; i++) // assayLow < assay + slackAssayLow
    lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, row, LPX_LO, assayLow[i], 0.0);
    for (int j=0; j<tanks; j++)
      if (assayConc[i][j]>0.0)
        ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+j, ar[constraint++] = assayConc[i][j];
    ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+i+3*tanks, ar[constraint++] = 1.0;

  for (int i=0; i<assays; i++) // assay - slackAssayHigh < assayHigh
    lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, row, LPX_UP, 0.0, assayHigh[i]);
    for (int j=0; j<tanks; j++)
      if (assayConc[i][j]>0.0)
        ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+j, ar[constraint++] = assayConc[i][j];
    ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+i+3*tanks+assays, ar[constraint++] = -1.0;

  for (int i=0; i<assays; i++) // 0 < assayNum - assayRatioLow*assayDen + slackAssayLow
    for (int j=0; j<assays; j++)
      if (assayRatioLowEnabled[i][j])
        lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, row, LPX_LO, 0.0, 0.0);
        lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, row, LPX_FR, 0.0, 0.0);
      for (int k=0; k<tanks; k++)
        if (assayConc[i][k] - assayRatioLow[i][j]*assayConc[j][k]!=0.0)
          ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+k, ar[constraint++] = assayConc[i][k] - assayRatioLow[i][j]*assayConc[j][k];
      ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+i*assays+j+3*tanks+2*assays, ar[constraint++] = 1.0;

  for (int i=0; i<assays; i++) // assayNum - assayRatioHigh*assayDen - slackAssayHigh < 0
    for (int j=0; j<assays; j++)
      if (assayRatioHighEnabled[i][j])
        lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, row, LPX_UP, 0.0, 0.0);
        lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, row, LPX_FR, 0.0, 0.0);
      for (int k=0; k<tanks; k++)
        if (assayConc[i][k] - assayRatioHigh[i][j]*assayConc[j][k]!=0.0)
          ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+k, ar[constraint++] = assayConc[i][k] - assayRatioHigh[i][j]*assayConc[j][k];
      ia[constraint] = row, ja[constraint] = 1+i*assays+j+3*tanks+2*assays+assays*assays, ar[constraint++] = -1.0;

  lpx_load_matrix(lp, constraint-1, ia, ja, ar);
  int exitCode = lpx_simplex(lp);

  for (int i=0; i<tanks; i++)    
    tank[i] = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, 1+i);

  for (int i=0; i<assays; i++)
    assay[i] = 0.0;
    for (int j=0; j<tanks; j++)
      assay[i] += lpx_get_col_prim(lp, 1+j)*assayConc[i][j];

  return exitCode;

  // LPX_E_OK        200   /* success */
  // LPX_E_FAULT     204   /* unable to start the search */
  // LPX_E_ITLIM     207   /* iterations limit exhausted */
  // LPX_E_TMLIM     208   /* time limit exhausted */
  // LPX_E_SING      211   /* problems with basis matrix */
  // LPX_E_NOPFS     213   /* no primal feas. sol. (LP presolver) */
  // LPX_E_NODFS     214   /* no dual feas. sol. (LP presolver) */

  // Usually:
  // LPX_E_OK = Solution found.
  // LPX_E_NOPFS = Sum-to-1.0 or tank-max constraints not met.
  // Others = Some major fault has occurred.
Beispiel #9
OptSolutionData* GLPKRunSolver(int ProbType) {
	OptSolutionData* NewSolution = NULL;

	int NumVariables = lpx_get_num_cols(GLPKModel);

	int Status = 0;
	if (ProbType == MILP) {
		Status = lpx_simplex(GLPKModel);
		if (Status != LPX_E_OK) {
			FErrorFile() << "Failed to optimize problem." << endl;
			return NULL;
		Status = lpx_integer(GLPKModel);
		if (Status != LPX_E_OK) {
			FErrorFile() << "Failed to optimize problem." << endl;
			return NULL;
		NewSolution = new OptSolutionData;

		Status = lpx_mip_status(GLPKModel);
		if (Status == LPX_I_UNDEF || Status == LPX_I_NOFEAS) {
			NewSolution->Status = INFEASIBLE;
			return NewSolution;
		} else if (Status == LPX_I_FEAS) {
			NewSolution->Status = UNBOUNDED;
			return NewSolution;
		} else if (Status == LPX_I_OPT) {
			NewSolution->Status = SUCCESS;
		} else {
			delete NewSolution;
			FErrorFile() << "Problem status unrecognized." << endl;
			return NULL;

		NewSolution->Objective = lpx_mip_obj_val(GLPKModel);
		for (int i=0; i < NumVariables; i++) {
			NewSolution->SolutionData[i] = lpx_mip_col_val(GLPKModel, i+1);
	} else if (ProbType == LP) {
		//First we check the basis matrix to ensure it is not sigular
		if (lpx_warm_up(GLPKModel) != LPX_E_OK) {
		Status = lpx_simplex(GLPKModel);
		if (Status == LPX_E_FAULT) {
			Status = lpx_warm_up(GLPKModel);
			if (Status == LPX_E_BADB) {  /* the basis is invalid; build some valid basis */
				Status = lpx_simplex(GLPKModel);
		if (Status != LPX_E_OK) {
			FErrorFile() << "Failed to optimize problem." << endl;
			return NULL;
		NewSolution = new OptSolutionData;

		Status = lpx_get_status(GLPKModel);
		if (Status == LPX_INFEAS || Status == LPX_NOFEAS || Status == LPX_UNDEF) {
			cout << "Model is infeasible" << endl;
			FErrorFile() << "Model is infeasible" << endl;
			NewSolution->Status = INFEASIBLE;
			return NewSolution;
		} else if (Status == LPX_FEAS || Status == LPX_UNBND) {
			cout << "Model is unbounded" << endl;
			FErrorFile() << "Model is unbounded" << endl;
			NewSolution->Status = UNBOUNDED;
			return NewSolution;
		} else if (Status == LPX_OPT) {
			NewSolution->Status = SUCCESS;
		} else {
			delete NewSolution;
			FErrorFile() << "Problem status unrecognized." << endl;
			return NULL;

		NewSolution->Objective = lpx_get_obj_val(GLPKModel);
		for (int i=0; i < NumVariables; i++) {
			NewSolution->SolutionData[i] = lpx_get_col_prim(GLPKModel, i+1);
	} else {
		FErrorFile() << "Optimization problem type cannot be handled by GLPK solver." << endl;
		return NULL;

	return NewSolution;
int lpx_prim_ratio_test(LPX *lp, int len, const int ind[],
      const double val[], int how, double tol)
{     int i, k, m, n, p, t, typx, tagx;
      double alfa_i, abs_alfa_i, big, eps, bbar_i, lb_i, ub_i, temp,
      if (!lpx_is_b_avail(lp))
         xfault("lpx_prim_ratio_test: LP basis is not available\n");
      if (lpx_get_prim_stat(lp) != LPX_P_FEAS)
         xfault("lpx_prim_ratio_test: current basic solution is not pri"
            "mal feasible\n");
      if (!(how == +1 || how == -1))
         xfault("lpx_prim_ratio_test: how = %d; invalid parameter\n",
      m = lpx_get_num_rows(lp);
      n = lpx_get_num_cols(lp);
      /* compute the largest absolute value of the specified influence
         coefficients */
      big = 0.0;
      for (t = 1; t <= len; t++)
      {  temp = val[t];
         if (temp < 0.0) temp = - temp;
         if (big < temp) big = temp;
      /* compute the absolute tolerance eps used to skip small entries
         of the column */
      if (!(0.0 < tol && tol < 1.0))
         xfault("lpx_prim_ratio_test: tol = %g; invalid tolerance\n",
      eps = tol * (1.0 + big);
      /* initial settings */
      p = 0, teta = DBL_MAX, big = 0.0;
      /* walk through the entries of the specified column */
      for (t = 1; t <= len; t++)
      {  /* get the ordinal number of basic variable */
         k = ind[t];
         if (!(1 <= k && k <= m+n))
            xfault("lpx_prim_ratio_test: ind[%d] = %d; variable number "
               "out of range\n", t, k);
         if (k <= m)
            tagx = lpx_get_row_stat(lp, k);
            tagx = lpx_get_col_stat(lp, k-m);
         if (tagx != LPX_BS)
            xfault("lpx_prim_ratio_test: ind[%d] = %d; non-basic variab"
               "le not allowed\n", t, k);
         /* determine index of the variable x[k] in the vector xB */
         if (k <= m)
            i = lpx_get_row_b_ind(lp, k);
            i = lpx_get_col_b_ind(lp, k-m);
         xassert(1 <= i && i <= m);
         /* determine unscaled bounds and value of the basic variable
            xB[i] in the current basic solution */
         if (k <= m)
         {  typx = lpx_get_row_type(lp, k);
            lb_i = lpx_get_row_lb(lp, k);
            ub_i = lpx_get_row_ub(lp, k);
            bbar_i = lpx_get_row_prim(lp, k);
         {  typx = lpx_get_col_type(lp, k-m);
            lb_i = lpx_get_col_lb(lp, k-m);
            ub_i = lpx_get_col_ub(lp, k-m);
            bbar_i = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, k-m);
         /* determine influence coefficient for the basic variable
            x[k] = xB[i] in the explicitly specified column and turn to
            the case of increasing the variable y in order to simplify
            the program logic */
         alfa_i = (how > 0 ? +val[t] : -val[t]);
         abs_alfa_i = (alfa_i > 0.0 ? +alfa_i : -alfa_i);
         /* analyze main cases */
         switch (typx)
         {  case LPX_FR:
               /* xB[i] is free variable */
            case LPX_LO:
lo:            /* xB[i] has an lower bound */
               if (alfa_i > - eps) continue;
               temp = (lb_i - bbar_i) / alfa_i;
            case LPX_UP:
up:            /* xB[i] has an upper bound */
               if (alfa_i < + eps) continue;
               temp = (ub_i - bbar_i) / alfa_i;
            case LPX_DB:
               /* xB[i] has both lower and upper bounds */
               if (alfa_i < 0.0) goto lo; else goto up;
            case LPX_FX:
               /* xB[i] is fixed variable */
               if (abs_alfa_i < eps) continue;
               temp = 0.0;
               xassert(typx != typx);
         /* if the value of the variable xB[i] violates its lower or
            upper bound (slightly, because the current basis is assumed
            to be primal feasible), temp is negative; we can think this
            happens due to round-off errors and the value is exactly on
            the bound; this allows replacing temp by zero */
         if (temp < 0.0) temp = 0.0;
         /* apply the minimal ratio test */
         if (teta > temp || teta == temp && big < abs_alfa_i)
            p = k, teta = temp, big = abs_alfa_i;
      /* return the ordinal number of the chosen basic variable */
      return p;
void Gspan::lpboost(){
  std::cout << "in lpboost" << std::endl;
  const char *out = "model";
  unsigned int gnum = gdata.size(); 
  for(unsigned int gid=0;gid<gnum;++gid){
  Hypothesis model;
  need_to_cooc = false;
  cooc_is_opt = false;
  //Initialize GLPK

  int* index = new int[gnum+2]; double* value = new double[gnum+2];
  LPX* lp = lpx_create_prob();
  lpx_add_cols(lp, gnum+1); // set u_1,...u_l, beta
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gnum; ++i){
    lpx_set_col_bnds(lp, COL(i), LPX_DB, 0.0, 1/(nu*gnum));
    lpx_set_obj_coef(lp, COL(i), 0); // u
  lpx_set_col_bnds(lp, COL(gnum), LPX_FR, 0.0, 0.0);
  lpx_set_obj_coef(lp, COL(gnum), 1); // beta
  lpx_set_obj_dir(lp, LPX_MIN); //optimization direction: min objective
  lpx_add_rows(lp,1); // Add one row constraint s.t. sum_u == 1
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gnum; ++i){
    index[i+1] = COL(i);
    value[i+1] = 1;
  lpx_set_mat_row(lp, ROW(0), gnum, index, value);
  lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, ROW(0), LPX_FX, 1, 1);
  double beta = 0.0;
  double margin = 0.0;
  //main loop
  for(unsigned int itr=0;itr < max_itr;++itr){
    std::cout <<"itrator : "<<itr+1<<std::endl;
    if(itr==coocitr) need_to_cooc=true;
    opt_pat.gain=0.0;//gain init
    //std::cout<<opt_pat.gain<<"  :"<<opt_pat.dfscode<<std::endl;
    std::vector <int>     result (gnum);
    int _y;
    vector<int> locvec;
    std::string dfscode;
    if(cooc_is_opt == false){
      _y = opt_pat.gain > 0 ? +1 :-1;
      locvec =opt_pat.locsup;
      _y = opt_pat_cooc.gain > 0 ? +1 :-1;
      locvec =opt_pat_cooc.locsup;

    std::fill (result.begin (), result.end(), -_y);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < locvec.size(); ++i) result[locvec[i]] = _y;
    double uyh = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gnum;  ++i) { // summarizing hypotheses
      uyh += weight[i]*corlab[i]*result[i];
    std::cout << "Stopping criterion: " << uyh << "<=?" << beta << " + " << conv_epsilon << std::endl;

    if( (uyh <= beta + conv_epsilon ) ){
      std::cout << "*********************************" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Convergence ! at iteration: " << itr+1 << std::endl;
      std::cout << "*********************************" << std::endl;
      if(!end_of_cooc || need_to_cooc == true) break;
      need_to_cooc = true;
    lpx_add_rows(lp,1); // Add one row constraint s.t. sum( uyh - beta ) <= 0
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gnum; ++i){
      index[i+1] = COL(i);
      value[i+1] = result[i] * corlab[i];
    index[gnum+1] = COL(gnum);
    value[gnum+1] = -1;
    lpx_set_mat_row(lp, ROW(itr+1), gnum+1, index, value);
    lpx_set_row_bnds(lp, ROW(itr+1), LPX_UP, 0.0, 0.0);

    beta = lpx_get_obj_val(lp);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gnum; ++i){
      double new_weight;
      new_weight = lpx_get_col_prim(lp, COL(i));
      if(new_weight < 0) new_weight = 0; // weight > 0
      weight[i] = new_weight;
    margin = lpx_get_row_dual(lp, ROW(0));
    double margin_error = 0.0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gnum;  ++i) { // summarizing hypotheses
      if (corlab[i]*result[i] < margin){
    margin_error /= gnum;

    //next rule is estimated
    wbias = 0.0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gnum; ++i){
      wbias += corlab[i] * weight[i];
    std::ofstream os (out);
    if (! os) {
      std::cerr << "FATAL: Cannot open output file: " << out << std::endl;
    for (unsigned int r = 0; r < itr; ++r){
      model.weight[r] = - lpx_get_row_dual(lp, ROW(r+1));
      if(model.weight[r] < 0) model.weight[r] = 0; // alpha > 0
      os << model.flag[r] * model.weight[r] << "\t" << model.dfs_vector[r] << std::endl;
      std::cout << model.flag[r] * model.weight[r] << "\t" << model.dfs_vector[r] << std::endl;
    std::cout << "After iteration " << itr+1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Margin: " << margin << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Margin Error: " << margin_error << std::endl;
  std::cout << "end lpboost" << std::endl;

Beispiel #12
static void gen_gomory_cut(LPX *prob, int maxlen)
{     int m = lpx_get_num_rows(prob);
      int n = lpx_get_num_cols(prob);
      int i, j, k, len, cut_j, *ind;
      double x, d, r, temp, cut_d, cut_r, *val, *work;
      insist(lpx_get_status(prob) == LPX_OPT);
      /* allocate working arrays */
      ind = ucalloc(1+n, sizeof(int));
      val = ucalloc(1+n, sizeof(double));
      work = ucalloc(1+m+n, sizeof(double));
      /* nothing is chosen so far */
      cut_j = 0; cut_d = 0.0; cut_r = 0.0;
      /* look through all structural variables */
      for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
      {  /* if the variable is continuous, skip it */
         if (lpx_get_col_kind(prob, j) != LPX_IV) continue;
         /* if the variable is non-basic, skip it */
         if (lpx_get_col_stat(prob, j) != LPX_BS) continue;
         /* if the variable is fixed, skip it */
         if (lpx_get_col_type(prob, j) == LPX_FX) continue;
         /* obtain current primal value of the variable */
         x = lpx_get_col_prim(prob, j);
         /* if the value is close enough to nearest integer, skip the
            variable */
         if (fabs(x - floor(x + 0.5)) < 1e-4) continue;
         /* compute the row of the simplex table corresponding to the
            variable */
         len = lpx_eval_tab_row(prob, m+j, ind, val);
         len = lpx_remove_tiny(len, ind, NULL, val, 1e-10);
         /* generate Gomory's mixed integer cut:
            a[1]*x[1] + ... + a[n]*x[n] >= b */
         len = lpx_gomory_cut(prob, len, ind, val, work);
         if (len < 0) continue;
         insist(0 <= len && len <= n);
         len = lpx_remove_tiny(len, ind, NULL, val, 1e-10);
         if (fabs(val[0]) < 1e-10) val[0] = 0.0;
         /* if the cut is too long, skip it */
         if (len > maxlen) continue;
         /* if the cut contains coefficients with too large magnitude,
            do not use it to prevent numeric instability */
         for (k = 0; k <= len; k++) /* including rhs */
            if (fabs(val[k]) > 1e+6) break;
         if (k <= len) continue;
         /* at the current point the cut inequality is violated, i.e.
            the residual b - (a[1]*x[1] + ... + a[n]*x[n]) > 0; note
            that for Gomory's cut the residual is less than 1.0 */
         /* in order not to depend on the magnitude of coefficients we
            use scaled residual:
            r = [b - (a[1]*x[1] + ... + a[n]*x[n])] / max(1, |a[j]|) */
         temp = 1.0;
         for (k = 1; k <= len; k++)
            if (temp < fabs(val[k])) temp = fabs(val[k]);
         r = (val[0] - lpx_eval_row(prob, len, ind, val)) / temp;
         if (r < 1e-5) continue;
         /* estimate degradation (worsening) of the objective function
            by one dual simplex step if the cut row would be introduced
            in the problem */
         d = lpx_eval_degrad(prob, len, ind, val, LPX_LO, val[0]);
         /* ignore the sign of degradation */
         d = fabs(d);
         /* which cut should be used? there are two basic cases:
            1) if the degradation is non-zero, we are interested in a
               cut providing maximal degradation;
            2) if the degradation is zero (i.e. a non-basic variable
               which would enter the basis in the adjacent vertex has
               zero reduced cost), we are interested in a cut providing
               maximal scaled residual;
            in both cases it is desired that the cut length (the number
            of inequality coefficients) is possibly short */
         /* if both degradation and scaled residual are small, skip the
            cut */
         if (d < 0.001 && r < 0.001)
         /* if there is no cut chosen, choose this cut */
         else if (cut_j == 0)
         /* if this cut provides stronger degradation and has shorter
            length, choose it */
         else if (cut_d != 0.0 && cut_d < d)
         /* if this cut provides larger scaled residual and has shorter
            length, choose it */
         else if (cut_d == 0.0 && cut_r < r)
         /* otherwise skip the cut */
         /* save attributes of the cut choosen */
         cut_j = j, cut_r = r, cut_d = d;
      /* if a cut has been chosen, include it to the problem */
      if (cut_j != 0)
      {  j = cut_j;
         /* compute the row of the simplex table */
         len = lpx_eval_tab_row(prob, m+j, ind, val);
         len = lpx_remove_tiny(len, ind, NULL, val, 1e-10);
         /* generate the cut */
         len = lpx_gomory_cut(prob, len, ind, val, work);
         insist(0 <= len && len <= n);
         len = lpx_remove_tiny(len, ind, NULL, val, 1e-10);
         if (fabs(val[0]) < 1e-10) val[0] = 0.0;
         /* include the corresponding row in the problem */
         i = lpx_add_rows(prob, 1);
         lpx_set_row_bnds(prob, i, LPX_LO, val[0], 0.0);
         lpx_set_mat_row(prob, i, len, ind, val);
      /* free working arrays */