Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  float x = 0.0;
  if (argv) x = lrintf((float) argc);
  return 0;
Beispiel #2
static int avi_write_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    AVIContext *avi = s->priv_data;
    ByteIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    int bitrate, n, i, nb_frames, au_byterate, au_ssize, au_scale;
    AVCodecContext *stream, *video_enc;
    offset_t list1, list2, strh, strf;

    /* header list */
    avi->riff_id = 0;
    list1 = avi_start_new_riff(avi, pb, "AVI ", "hdrl");

    /* avi header */
    put_tag(pb, "avih");
    put_le32(pb, 14 * 4);
    bitrate = 0;

    video_enc = NULL;
    for(n=0;n<s->nb_streams;n++) {
        stream = s->streams[n]->codec;
        bitrate += stream->bit_rate;
        if (stream->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO)
            video_enc = stream;

    nb_frames = 0;

        put_le32(pb, (uint32_t)(INT64_C(1000000) * video_enc->time_base.num / video_enc->time_base.den));
    } else {
        put_le32(pb, 0);
    put_le32(pb, bitrate / 8); /* XXX: not quite exact */
    put_le32(pb, 0); /* padding */
    if (url_is_streamed(pb))
        put_le32(pb, AVIF_TRUSTCKTYPE | AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED); /* flags */
        put_le32(pb, AVIF_TRUSTCKTYPE | AVIF_HASINDEX | AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED); /* flags */
    avi->frames_hdr_all = url_ftell(pb); /* remember this offset to fill later */
    put_le32(pb, nb_frames); /* nb frames, filled later */
    put_le32(pb, 0); /* initial frame */
    put_le32(pb, s->nb_streams); /* nb streams */
    put_le32(pb, 1024 * 1024); /* suggested buffer size */
        put_le32(pb, video_enc->width);
        put_le32(pb, video_enc->height);
    } else {
        put_le32(pb, 0);
        put_le32(pb, 0);
    put_le32(pb, 0); /* reserved */
    put_le32(pb, 0); /* reserved */
    put_le32(pb, 0); /* reserved */
    put_le32(pb, 0); /* reserved */

    /* stream list */
    for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
        list2 = start_tag(pb, "LIST");
        put_tag(pb, "strl");

        stream = s->streams[i]->codec;

        /* stream generic header */
        strh = start_tag(pb, "strh");
        switch(stream->codec_type) {
        case CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO: put_tag(pb, "vids"); break;
        case CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO: put_tag(pb, "auds"); break;
//        case CODEC_TYPE_TEXT : put_tag(pb, "txts"); break;
        case CODEC_TYPE_DATA : put_tag(pb, "dats"); break;
        if(stream->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO)
            put_le32(pb, stream->codec_tag);
            put_le32(pb, 1);
        put_le32(pb, 0); /* flags */
        put_le16(pb, 0); /* priority */
        put_le16(pb, 0); /* language */
        put_le32(pb, 0); /* initial frame */

        ff_parse_specific_params(stream, &au_byterate, &au_ssize, &au_scale);

        put_le32(pb, au_scale); /* scale */
        put_le32(pb, au_byterate); /* rate */
        av_set_pts_info(s->streams[i], 64, au_scale, au_byterate);

        put_le32(pb, 0); /* start */
        avi->frames_hdr_strm[i] = url_ftell(pb); /* remember this offset to fill later */
        if (url_is_streamed(pb))
            put_le32(pb, AVI_MAX_RIFF_SIZE); /* FIXME: this may be broken, but who cares */
            put_le32(pb, 0); /* length, XXX: filled later */

        /* suggested buffer size */ //FIXME set at the end to largest chunk
        if(stream->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO)
            put_le32(pb, 1024 * 1024);
        else if(stream->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
            put_le32(pb, 12 * 1024);
            put_le32(pb, 0);
        put_le32(pb, -1); /* quality */
        put_le32(pb, au_ssize); /* sample size */
        put_le32(pb, 0);
        put_le16(pb, stream->width);
        put_le16(pb, stream->height);
        end_tag(pb, strh);

      if(stream->codec_type != CODEC_TYPE_DATA){
        strf = start_tag(pb, "strf");
        switch(stream->codec_type) {
        case CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO:
            put_bmp_header(pb, stream, codec_bmp_tags, 0);
        case CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO:
            if (put_wav_header(pb, stream) < 0) {
                return -1;
            return -1;
        end_tag(pb, strf);

        if (!url_is_streamed(pb)) {
            unsigned char tag[5];
            int j;

            /* Starting to lay out AVI OpenDML master index.
             * We want to make it JUNK entry for now, since we'd
             * like to get away without making AVI an OpenDML one
             * for compatibility reasons.
            avi->indexes[i].entry = avi->indexes[i].ents_allocated = 0;
            avi->indexes[i].indx_start = start_tag(pb, "JUNK");
            put_le16(pb, 4);        /* wLongsPerEntry */
            put_byte(pb, 0);        /* bIndexSubType (0 == frame index) */
            put_byte(pb, 0);        /* bIndexType (0 == AVI_INDEX_OF_INDEXES) */
            put_le32(pb, 0);        /* nEntriesInUse (will fill out later on) */
            put_tag(pb, avi_stream2fourcc(&tag[0], i, stream->codec_type));
                                    /* dwChunkId */
            put_le64(pb, 0);        /* dwReserved[3]
            put_le32(pb, 0);           Must be 0.    */
            for (j=0; j < AVI_MASTER_INDEX_SIZE * 2; j++)
                 put_le64(pb, 0);
            end_tag(pb, avi->indexes[i].indx_start);

        if(   stream->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO
           && stream->sample_aspect_ratio.num>0
           && stream->sample_aspect_ratio.den>0){
            int vprp= start_tag(pb, "vprp");
            AVRational dar = av_mul_q(stream->sample_aspect_ratio,
                                      (AVRational){stream->width, stream->height});
            int num, den;
            av_reduce(&num, &den, dar.num, dar.den, 0xFFFF);

            put_le32(pb, 0); //video format  = unknown
            put_le32(pb, 0); //video standard= unknown
            put_le32(pb, lrintf(1.0/av_q2d(stream->time_base)));
            put_le32(pb, stream->width );
            put_le32(pb, stream->height);
            put_le16(pb, den);
            put_le16(pb, num);
            put_le32(pb, stream->width );
            put_le32(pb, stream->height);
            put_le32(pb, 1); //progressive FIXME

            put_le32(pb, stream->height);
            put_le32(pb, stream->width );
            put_le32(pb, stream->height);
            put_le32(pb, stream->width );
            put_le32(pb, 0);
            put_le32(pb, 0);

            put_le32(pb, 0);
            put_le32(pb, 0);
            end_tag(pb, vprp);

        end_tag(pb, list2);

    if (!url_is_streamed(pb)) {
        /* AVI could become an OpenDML one, if it grows beyond 2Gb range */
        avi->odml_list = start_tag(pb, "JUNK");
        put_tag(pb, "odml");
        put_tag(pb, "dmlh");
        put_le32(pb, 248);
        for (i = 0; i < 248; i+= 4)
             put_le32(pb, 0);
        end_tag(pb, avi->odml_list);

    end_tag(pb, list1);

    list2 = start_tag(pb, "LIST");
    put_tag(pb, "INFO");
    avi_write_info_tag(pb, "INAM", s->title);
    avi_write_info_tag(pb, "IART", s->author);
    avi_write_info_tag(pb, "ICOP", s->copyright);
    avi_write_info_tag(pb, "ICMT", s->comment);
    avi_write_info_tag(pb, "IPRD", s->album);
    avi_write_info_tag(pb, "IGNR", s->genre);
    if (s->track) {
        char str_track[4];
        snprintf(str_track, 4, "%d", s->track);
        avi_write_info_tag(pb, "IPRT", str_track);
    if(!(s->streams[0]->codec->flags & CODEC_FLAG_BITEXACT))
        avi_write_info_tag(pb, "ISFT", LIBAVFORMAT_IDENT);
    end_tag(pb, list2);

    /* some padding for easier tag editing */
    list2 = start_tag(pb, "JUNK");
    for (i = 0; i < 1016; i += 4)
        put_le32(pb, 0);
    end_tag(pb, list2);

    avi->movi_list = start_tag(pb, "LIST");
    put_tag(pb, "movi");


    return 0;
Beispiel #3
static int dm5_dive(void *param, int columns, char **data, char **column)
	int i;
	int tempformat = 0;
	int interval, retval = 0, block_size;
	struct parser_state *state = (struct parser_state *)param;
	sqlite3 *handle = state->sql_handle;
	unsigned const char *sampleBlob;
	char *err = NULL;
	char get_events_template[] = "select * from Mark where DiveId = %d";
	char get_tags_template[] = "select Text from DiveTag where DiveId = %d";
	char get_cylinders_template[] = "select * from DiveMixture where DiveId = %d";
	char get_gaschange_template[] = "select GasChangeTime,Oxygen,Helium from DiveGasChange join DiveMixture on DiveGasChange.DiveMixtureId=DiveMixture.DiveMixtureId where DiveId = %d";
	char get_events[512];

	state->cur_dive->number = atoi(data[0]);

	state->cur_dive->when = (time_t)(atol(data[1]));
	if (data[2])
		utf8_string(data[2], &state->cur_dive->notes);

	if (data[3])
		state->cur_dive->duration.seconds = atoi(data[3]);
	if (data[15])
		state->cur_dive->dc.duration.seconds = atoi(data[15]);

	 * TODO: the deviceid hash should be calculated here.
	if (data[4]) {
		utf8_string(data[4], &state->cur_settings.dc.serial_nr);
		state->cur_settings.dc.deviceid = atoi(data[4]);
	if (data[5])
		utf8_string(data[5], &state->cur_settings.dc.model);


	if (data[6])
		state->cur_dive-> = lrint(strtod_flags(data[6], NULL, 0) * 1000);
	if (data[8])
		state->cur_dive->dc.airtemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(atoi(data[8]));
	if (data[9])
		state->cur_dive->dc.watertemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(atoi(data[9]));

	if (data[4]) {
		state->cur_dive->dc.deviceid = atoi(data[4]);
	if (data[5])
		utf8_string(data[5], &state->cur_dive->dc.model);

	snprintf(get_events, sizeof(get_events) - 1, get_cylinders_template, state->cur_dive->number);
	retval = sqlite3_exec(handle, get_events, &dm5_cylinders, state, &err);
	if (retval != SQLITE_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Database query dm5_cylinders failed.\n");
		return 1;

	if (data[14])
		state->cur_dive->dc.surface_pressure.mbar = (atoi(data[14]) / 100);

	interval = data[16] ? atoi(data[16]) : 0;

	 * sampleBlob[0]	version number, indicates the size of one sample
	 * Following ones describe single sample, bugs in interpretation of the binary blob are likely:
	 * sampleBlob[3]	depth
	 * sampleBlob[7-9]	pressure
	 * sampleBlob[11]	temperature - either full Celsius or float, might be different field for some version of DM

	sampleBlob = (unsigned const char *)data[24];

	if (sampleBlob) {
		switch (sampleBlob[0]) {
			case 1:
				// Log is converted from DM4 to DM5
				block_size = 16;
			case 2:
				block_size = 19;
			case 3:
				block_size = 23;
			case 4:
				// Temperature is stored in float
				tempformat = 1;
				block_size = 26;
			case 5:
				// Temperature is stored in float
				tempformat = 1;
				block_size = 30;
				block_size = 16;

	for (i = 0; interval && sampleBlob && i * interval < state->cur_dive->duration.seconds; i++) {
		float *depth = (float *)&sampleBlob[i * block_size + 3];
		int32_t pressure = (sampleBlob[i * block_size + 9] << 16) + (sampleBlob[i * block_size + 8] << 8) + sampleBlob[i * block_size + 7];

		state->cur_sample->time.seconds = i * interval;
		state->cur_sample-> = lrintf(depth[0] * 1000.0f);

		if (tempformat == 1) {
			float *temp = (float *)&(sampleBlob[i * block_size + 11]);
			state->cur_sample->temperature.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(*temp);
		} else {
			if ((sampleBlob[i * block_size + 11]) != 0x7F) {
				state->cur_sample->temperature.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(sampleBlob[i * block_size + 11]);

		 * Limit cylinder pressures to somewhat sensible values
		if (pressure >= 0 && pressure < 350000)
			state->cur_sample->pressure[0].mbar = pressure;

	 * Log was converted from DM4, thus we need to parse the profile
	 * from DM4 format

	if (i == 0) {
		float *profileBlob;
		unsigned char *tempBlob;
		int *pressureBlob;

		profileBlob = (float *)data[17];
		tempBlob = (unsigned char *)data[18];
		pressureBlob = (int *)data[19];
		for (i = 0; interval && i * interval < state->cur_dive->duration.seconds; i++) {
			state->cur_sample->time.seconds = i * interval;
			if (profileBlob)
				state->cur_sample-> = lrintf(profileBlob[i] * 1000.0f);
				state->cur_sample-> = state->cur_dive->;

			if (data[18] && data[18][0])
				state->cur_sample->temperature.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(tempBlob[i]);
			if (data[19] && data[19][0])
				state->cur_sample->pressure[0].mbar = pressureBlob[i];

	snprintf(get_events, sizeof(get_events) - 1, get_gaschange_template, state->cur_dive->number);
	retval = sqlite3_exec(handle, get_events, &dm5_gaschange, state, &err);
	if (retval != SQLITE_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Database query dm5_gaschange failed.\n");
		return 1;

	snprintf(get_events, sizeof(get_events) - 1, get_events_template, state->cur_dive->number);
	retval = sqlite3_exec(handle, get_events, &dm4_events, state, &err);
	if (retval != SQLITE_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Database query dm4_events failed.\n");
		return 1;

	snprintf(get_events, sizeof(get_events) - 1, get_tags_template, state->cur_dive->number);
	retval = sqlite3_exec(handle, get_events, &dm4_tags, state, &err);
	if (retval != SQLITE_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Database query dm4_tags failed.\n");
		return 1;


	return SQLITE_OK;
Beispiel #4
av_cold int swri_rematrix_init(SwrContext *s){
    int i, j;
    int nb_in  = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(s->in_ch_layout);
    int nb_out = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(s->out_ch_layout);

    s->mix_any_f = NULL;

    if (!s->rematrix_custom) {
        int r = auto_matrix(s);
        if (r)
            return r;
    if (s->midbuf.fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P){
        s->native_matrix = av_calloc(nb_in * nb_out, sizeof(int));
        s->native_one    = av_mallocz(sizeof(int));
        for (i = 0; i < nb_out; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < nb_in; j++)
                ((int*)s->native_matrix)[i * nb_in + j] = lrintf(s->matrix[i][j] * 32768);
        *((int*)s->native_one) = 32768;
        s->mix_1_1_f = (mix_1_1_func_type*)copy_s16;
        s->mix_2_1_f = (mix_2_1_func_type*)sum2_s16;
        s->mix_any_f = (mix_any_func_type*)get_mix_any_func_s16(s);
    }else if(s->midbuf.fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP){
        s->native_matrix = av_calloc(nb_in * nb_out, sizeof(float));
        s->native_one    = av_mallocz(sizeof(float));
        for (i = 0; i < nb_out; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < nb_in; j++)
                ((float*)s->native_matrix)[i * nb_in + j] = s->matrix[i][j];
        *((float*)s->native_one) = 1.0;
        s->mix_1_1_f = (mix_1_1_func_type*)copy_float;
        s->mix_2_1_f = (mix_2_1_func_type*)sum2_float;
        s->mix_any_f = (mix_any_func_type*)get_mix_any_func_float(s);
    }else if(s->midbuf.fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBLP){
        s->native_matrix = av_calloc(nb_in * nb_out, sizeof(double));
        s->native_one    = av_mallocz(sizeof(double));
        for (i = 0; i < nb_out; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < nb_in; j++)
                ((double*)s->native_matrix)[i * nb_in + j] = s->matrix[i][j];
        *((double*)s->native_one) = 1.0;
        s->mix_1_1_f = (mix_1_1_func_type*)copy_double;
        s->mix_2_1_f = (mix_2_1_func_type*)sum2_double;
        s->mix_any_f = (mix_any_func_type*)get_mix_any_func_double(s);
    }else if(s->midbuf.fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32P){
        // Only for dithering currently
//         s->native_matrix = av_calloc(nb_in * nb_out, sizeof(double));
        s->native_one    = av_mallocz(sizeof(int));
//         for (i = 0; i < nb_out; i++)
//             for (j = 0; j < nb_in; j++)
//                 ((double*)s->native_matrix)[i * nb_in + j] = s->matrix[i][j];
        *((int*)s->native_one) = 32768;
        s->mix_1_1_f = (mix_1_1_func_type*)copy_s32;
        s->mix_2_1_f = (mix_2_1_func_type*)sum2_s32;
        s->mix_any_f = (mix_any_func_type*)get_mix_any_func_s32(s);
    //FIXME quantize for integeres
    for (i = 0; i < SWR_CH_MAX; i++) {
        int ch_in=0;
        for (j = 0; j < SWR_CH_MAX; j++) {
            s->matrix32[i][j]= lrintf(s->matrix[i][j] * 32768);
                s->matrix_ch[i][++ch_in]= j;
        s->matrix_ch[i][0]= ch_in;

    if(HAVE_YASM && HAVE_MMX) swri_rematrix_init_x86(s);

    return 0;
Beispiel #5
| Software IEC/IEEE single-precision conversion routines.
int float32_to_int32( float32 a STATUS_PARAM)
    return long_to_int32(lrintf(a));
Beispiel #6
void* seam_progress(void *arg) {
	const int n = labs(*(int*)arg);
	const float fn = n;
	char progBuf[500];
	JNIEnv *env;
	jmethodID updateProgMID;
	(*cachedJvm)->AttachCurrentThread(cachedJvm, &env, NULL);
	jstring progStr;
	jclass mainActivityClass = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, cachedMainActObj);
	updateProgMID = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, mainActivityClass, "updateProgress", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V");
	if (NULL == updateProgMID) {
		LOGE(1, "error finding method updateProgress at seam_progress");
//	printf("Fugensuche: ges. erm.   %% Fu/s    Dauer  verstr.   verbl.\n            %4d ", n);
	sprintf(progBuf, "%s\n", MSG[I_COMPUTING_TABLE]);
	progStr = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, progBuf);
	(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, cachedMainActObj, updateProgMID, progStr, 0);
	printf("            %4d ", n);
	int i = 0,
		s = 0;
	bool goon = true;
	do {
		s = sc_seam_progress();
		goon = (s < n);

		const int ela = i >> 1;
		const float rate = ela? (float)(s) / (float)(ela): 1;
		const int lrate = lrintf(rate),
					 pc = (float)(s * 100) / fn;

		if ((i++ & 1) && goon) {
			printf("%4d %3d %4d\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b ", s, pc, lrate);
		} else {
			const int ttl = lrintf(n / rate);
			struct hms_s tela, trem, tttl;
			ftime(ela, &tela);
			ftime(ttl - ela, &trem);
			ftime(ttl, &tttl);
			sprintf(progBuf, "%4d %4d %3d %4d "
				"%02d:%02d:%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
				n, s, pc, lrate,
				tttl.h, tttl.m, tttl.s, tela.h, tela.m, tela.s, trem.h, trem.m, trem.s
			progStr = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, progBuf);
			(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, cachedMainActObj, updateProgMID, progStr, 1);
				"%4d %3d %4d "
				"%02d:%02d:%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"
				s, pc, lrate,
				tttl.h, tttl.m, tttl.s, tela.h, tela.m, tela.s, trem.h, trem.m, trem.s
	} while (goon);
Beispiel #7
static void to_PCM_16bit(NeAACDecHandle hDecoder, real_t **input,
                         uint8_t channels, uint16_t frame_len,
                         int16_t **sample_buffer)
    uint8_t ch, ch1;
    uint16_t i;

    switch (CONV(channels,hDecoder->downMatrix))
    case CONV(1,0):
    case CONV(1,1):
        for(i = 0; i < frame_len; i++)
            real_t inp = input[hDecoder->internal_channel[0]][i];

            CLIP(inp, 32767.0f, -32768.0f);

            (*sample_buffer)[i] = (int16_t)lrintf(inp);
    case CONV(2,0):
        if (hDecoder->upMatrix)
            ch  = hDecoder->internal_channel[0];
            for(i = 0; i < frame_len; i++)
                real_t inp0 = input[ch][i];

                CLIP(inp0, 32767.0f, -32768.0f);

                (*sample_buffer)[(i*2)+0] = (int16_t)lrintf(inp0);
                (*sample_buffer)[(i*2)+1] = (int16_t)lrintf(inp0);
        } else {
            ch  = hDecoder->internal_channel[0];
            ch1 = hDecoder->internal_channel[1];
            for(i = 0; i < frame_len; i++)
                real_t inp0 = input[ch ][i];
                real_t inp1 = input[ch1][i];

                CLIP(inp0, 32767.0f, -32768.0f);
                CLIP(inp1, 32767.0f, -32768.0f);

                (*sample_buffer)[(i*2)+0] = (int16_t)lrintf(inp0);
                (*sample_buffer)[(i*2)+1] = (int16_t)lrintf(inp1);
        for (ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++)
            for(i = 0; i < frame_len; i++)
                real_t inp = get_sample(input, ch, i, hDecoder->downMatrix, hDecoder->internal_channel);

                CLIP(inp, 32767.0f, -32768.0f);

                (*sample_buffer)[(i*channels)+ch] = (int16_t)lrintf(inp);
int RageSoundReader_Preload::GetNextSourceFrame() const
	return lrintf(m_iPosition * m_fRate);
bool RageSoundReader_Preload::Open( RageSoundReader *pSource )
	ASSERT( pSource != NULL );
	m_iSampleRate = pSource->GetSampleRate();
	m_iChannels = pSource->GetNumChannels();
	m_fRate = pSource->GetStreamToSourceRatio();

	int iMaxSamples = g_iSoundPreloadMaxSamples.Get();
	/* Check the length, and see if we think it'll fit in the buffer. */
	int iLen = pSource->GetLength_Fast();
	if( iLen != -1 )
		float fSecs = iLen / 1000.f;

		int iFrames = lrintf( fSecs * m_iSampleRate ); /* seconds -> frames */
		int iSamples = unsigned( iFrames * m_iChannels ); /* frames -> samples */
		if( iSamples > iMaxSamples )
			return false; /* Don't bother trying to preload it. */

		int iBytes = unsigned( iSamples * samplesize ); /* samples -> bytes */
		m_Buffer.Get()->reserve( iBytes );

		/* If the rate changes, we won't preload it. */
		if( pSource->GetStreamToSourceRatio() != m_fRate )
			return false; /* Don't bother trying to preload it. */
		float buffer[1024];
		int iCnt = pSource->Read( buffer, ARRAYLEN(buffer) / m_iChannels );

		if( iCnt == END_OF_FILE )
		if( iCnt < 0 )
			return false;
		/* Add the buffer. */
		if( m_bBufferIs16Bit )
			int16_t buffer16[1024];
			RageSoundUtil::ConvertFloatToNativeInt16( buffer, buffer16, iCnt*m_iChannels );
			m_Buffer.Get()->append( (char *) buffer16, (char *) (buffer16+iCnt*m_iChannels) );
			m_Buffer.Get()->append( (char *) buffer, (char *) (buffer+iCnt*m_iChannels) );

		if( m_Buffer.Get()->size() > iMaxSamples * samplesize )
			return false; /* too big */

	m_iPosition = 0;
	delete pSource;
	return true;
Beispiel #10
void mixTable(void)
    uint32_t i;

    bool isFailsafeActive = failsafeIsActive();

    if (motorCount >= 4 && mixerConfig()->yaw_jump_prevention_limit < YAW_JUMP_PREVENTION_LIMIT_HIGH) {
        // prevent "yaw jump" during yaw correction
        axisPID[FD_YAW] = constrain(axisPID[FD_YAW], -mixerConfig()->yaw_jump_prevention_limit - ABS(rcCommand[YAW]), mixerConfig()->yaw_jump_prevention_limit + ABS(rcCommand[YAW]));

    if (rcModeIsActive(BOXAIRMODE)) {
        // Initial mixer concept by bdoiron74 reused and optimized for Air Mode
        int16_t rollPitchYawMix[MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS];
        int16_t rollPitchYawMixMax = 0; // assumption: symetrical about zero.
        int16_t rollPitchYawMixMin = 0;

        // Find roll/pitch/yaw desired output
        for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
            rollPitchYawMix[i] =
                axisPID[FD_PITCH] * currentMixer[i].pitch +
                axisPID[FD_ROLL] * currentMixer[i].roll +
                -mixerConfig()->yaw_motor_direction * axisPID[FD_YAW] * currentMixer[i].yaw;

            if (rollPitchYawMix[i] > rollPitchYawMixMax) rollPitchYawMixMax = rollPitchYawMix[i];
            if (rollPitchYawMix[i] < rollPitchYawMixMin) rollPitchYawMixMin = rollPitchYawMix[i];

        // Scale roll/pitch/yaw uniformly to fit within throttle range
        int16_t rollPitchYawMixRange = rollPitchYawMixMax - rollPitchYawMixMin;
        int16_t throttleRange, throttle;
        int16_t throttleMin, throttleMax;
        static int16_t throttlePrevious = 0;   // Store the last throttle direction for deadband transitions in 3D.

        // Find min and max throttle based on condition. Use rcData for 3D to prevent loss of power due to min_check
        if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) {
            if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) throttlePrevious = rxConfig()->midrc; // When disarmed set to mid_rc. It always results in positive direction after arming.

            if ((rcData[THROTTLE] <= (rxConfig()->midrc - rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle))) { // Out of band handling
                throttleMax = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_low;
                throttleMin = motorAndServoConfig()->minthrottle;
                throttlePrevious = throttle = rcData[THROTTLE];
            } else if (rcData[THROTTLE] >= (rxConfig()->midrc + rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle)) { // Positive handling
                throttleMax = motorAndServoConfig()->maxthrottle;
                throttleMin = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_high;
                throttlePrevious = throttle = rcData[THROTTLE];
            } else if ((throttlePrevious <= (rxConfig()->midrc - rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle)))  { // Deadband handling from negative to positive
                throttle = throttleMax = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_low;
                throttleMin = motorAndServoConfig()->minthrottle;
            } else {  // Deadband handling from positive to negative
                throttleMax = motorAndServoConfig()->maxthrottle;
                throttle = throttleMin = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_high;
        } else {
            throttle = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
            throttleMin = motorAndServoConfig()->minthrottle;
            throttleMax = motorAndServoConfig()->maxthrottle;

        throttleRange = throttleMax - throttleMin;

        if (rollPitchYawMixRange > throttleRange) {
            motorLimitReached = true;
            float mixReduction = (float) throttleRange / rollPitchYawMixRange;
            for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
                rollPitchYawMix[i] =  lrintf((float) rollPitchYawMix[i] * mixReduction);
            // Get the maximum correction by setting throttle offset to center.
            throttleMin = throttleMax = throttleMin + (throttleRange / 2);
        } else {
            motorLimitReached = false;
            throttleMin = throttleMin + (rollPitchYawMixRange / 2);
            throttleMax = throttleMax - (rollPitchYawMixRange / 2);

        // Now add in the desired throttle, but keep in a range that doesn't clip adjusted
        // roll/pitch/yaw. This could move throttle down, but also up for those low throttle flips.
        for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
            motor[i] = rollPitchYawMix[i] + constrain(throttle * currentMixer[i].throttle, throttleMin, throttleMax);

            if (isFailsafeActive) {
                motor[i] = mixConstrainMotorForFailsafeCondition(i);
            } else if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) {
                if (throttlePrevious <= (rxConfig()->midrc - rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle)) {
                    motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motorAndServoConfig()->minthrottle, motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_low);
                } else {
                    motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_high, motorAndServoConfig()->maxthrottle);
            } else {
                motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motorAndServoConfig()->minthrottle, motorAndServoConfig()->maxthrottle);
    } else {
        // motors for non-servo mixes
        for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
            motor[i] =
                rcCommand[THROTTLE] * currentMixer[i].throttle +
                axisPID[FD_PITCH] * currentMixer[i].pitch +
                axisPID[FD_ROLL] * currentMixer[i].roll +
                -mixerConfig()->yaw_motor_direction * axisPID[FD_YAW] * currentMixer[i].yaw;

        // Find the maximum motor output.
        int16_t maxMotor = motor[0];
        for (i = 1; i < motorCount; i++) {
            // If one motor is above the maxthrottle threshold, we reduce the value
            // of all motors by the amount of overshoot.  That way, only one motor
            // is at max and the relative power of each motor is preserved.
            if (motor[i] > maxMotor) {
                maxMotor = motor[i];

        int16_t maxThrottleDifference = 0;
        if (maxMotor > motorAndServoConfig()->maxthrottle) {
            maxThrottleDifference = maxMotor - motorAndServoConfig()->maxthrottle;

        for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
            // this is a way to still have good gyro corrections if at least one motor reaches its max.
            motor[i] -= maxThrottleDifference;

            if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) {
                if (mixerConfig()->pid_at_min_throttle
                        || rcData[THROTTLE] <= rxConfig()->midrc - rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle
                        || rcData[THROTTLE] >= rxConfig()->midrc + rcControlsConfig()->deadband3d_throttle) {
                    if (rcData[THROTTLE] > rxConfig()->midrc) {
                        motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_high, motorAndServoConfig()->maxthrottle);
                    } else {
                        motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motorAndServoConfig()->mincommand, motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_low);
                } else {
                    if (rcData[THROTTLE] > rxConfig()->midrc) {
                        motor[i] = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_high;
                    } else {
                        motor[i] = motor3DConfig()->deadband3d_low;
            } else {
                if (isFailsafeActive) {
                    motor[i] = mixConstrainMotorForFailsafeCondition(i);
                } else {
                    // If we're at minimum throttle and FEATURE_MOTOR_STOP enabled,
                    // do not spin the motors.
                    motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motorAndServoConfig()->minthrottle, motorAndServoConfig()->maxthrottle);
                    if ((rcData[THROTTLE]) < rxConfig()->mincheck) {
                        if (feature(FEATURE_MOTOR_STOP)) {
                            motor[i] = motorAndServoConfig()->mincommand;
                        } else if (mixerConfig()->pid_at_min_throttle == 0) {
                            motor[i] = motorAndServoConfig()->minthrottle;

    /* Disarmed for all mixers */
    if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) {
        for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
            motor[i] = motor_disarmed[i];

    // motor outputs are used as sources for servo mixing, so motors must be calculated before servos.

#if !defined(USE_QUAD_MIXER_ONLY) && defined(USE_SERVOS)
Beispiel #11
int swr_rematrix_init(SwrContext *s){
    int i, j, out_i;
    double matrix[64][64]={{0}};
    int64_t unaccounted= s->in_ch_layout & ~s->out_ch_layout;
    double maxcoef=0;

    for(i=0; i<64; i++){
        if(s->in_ch_layout & s->out_ch_layout & (1LL<<i))
            matrix[i][i]= 1.0;

        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Input channel layout isnt supported\n");
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Output channel layout isnt supported\n");
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

//FIXME implement dolby surround
//FIXME implement full ac3

    if(unaccounted & AV_CH_FRONT_CENTER){
        if((s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO) == AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO){
            matrix[ FRONT_LEFT][FRONT_CENTER]+= M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[FRONT_RIGHT][FRONT_CENTER]+= M_SQRT1_2;
    if(unaccounted & AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO){
        if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_FRONT_CENTER){
            matrix[FRONT_CENTER][ FRONT_LEFT]+= M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[FRONT_CENTER][FRONT_RIGHT]+= M_SQRT1_2;
            if(s->in_ch_layout & AV_CH_FRONT_CENTER)
                matrix[FRONT_CENTER][ FRONT_CENTER] = s->clev*sqrt(2);

    if(unaccounted & AV_CH_BACK_CENTER){
        if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_BACK_LEFT){
            matrix[ BACK_LEFT][BACK_CENTER]+= M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[BACK_RIGHT][BACK_CENTER]+= M_SQRT1_2;
        }else if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_SIDE_LEFT){
            matrix[ SIDE_LEFT][BACK_CENTER]+= M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[SIDE_RIGHT][BACK_CENTER]+= M_SQRT1_2;
        }else if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_FRONT_LEFT){
            matrix[ FRONT_LEFT][BACK_CENTER]+= s->slev*M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[FRONT_RIGHT][BACK_CENTER]+= s->slev*M_SQRT1_2;
        }else if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_FRONT_CENTER){
            matrix[ FRONT_CENTER][BACK_CENTER]+= s->slev*M_SQRT1_2;
    if(unaccounted & AV_CH_BACK_LEFT){
        if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_BACK_CENTER){
            matrix[BACK_CENTER][ BACK_LEFT]+= M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[BACK_CENTER][BACK_RIGHT]+= M_SQRT1_2;
        }else if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_SIDE_LEFT){
            if(s->in_ch_layout & AV_CH_SIDE_LEFT){
                matrix[ SIDE_LEFT][ BACK_LEFT]+= M_SQRT1_2;
                matrix[SIDE_RIGHT][BACK_RIGHT]+= M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[ SIDE_LEFT][ BACK_LEFT]+= 1.0;
            matrix[SIDE_RIGHT][BACK_RIGHT]+= 1.0;
        }else if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_FRONT_LEFT){
            matrix[ FRONT_LEFT][ BACK_LEFT]+= s->slev;
            matrix[FRONT_RIGHT][BACK_RIGHT]+= s->slev;
        }else if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_FRONT_CENTER){
            matrix[ FRONT_CENTER][BACK_LEFT ]+= s->slev*M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[ FRONT_CENTER][BACK_RIGHT]+= s->slev*M_SQRT1_2;

    if(unaccounted & AV_CH_SIDE_LEFT){
        if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_BACK_LEFT){
            matrix[ BACK_LEFT][ SIDE_LEFT]+= 1.0;
            matrix[BACK_RIGHT][SIDE_RIGHT]+= 1.0;
        }else if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_BACK_CENTER){
            matrix[BACK_CENTER][ SIDE_LEFT]+= M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[BACK_CENTER][SIDE_RIGHT]+= M_SQRT1_2;
        }else if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_FRONT_LEFT){
            matrix[ FRONT_LEFT][ SIDE_LEFT]+= s->slev;
            matrix[FRONT_RIGHT][SIDE_RIGHT]+= s->slev;
        }else if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_FRONT_CENTER){
            matrix[ FRONT_CENTER][SIDE_LEFT ]+= s->slev*M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[ FRONT_CENTER][SIDE_RIGHT]+= s->slev*M_SQRT1_2;

    if(unaccounted & AV_CH_FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER){
        if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_FRONT_LEFT){
            matrix[ FRONT_LEFT][ FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER]+= 1.0;
            matrix[FRONT_RIGHT][FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER]+= 1.0;
        }else if(s->out_ch_layout & AV_CH_FRONT_CENTER){
            matrix[ FRONT_CENTER][ FRONT_LEFT_OF_CENTER]+= M_SQRT1_2;
            matrix[ FRONT_CENTER][FRONT_RIGHT_OF_CENTER]+= M_SQRT1_2;

    //FIXME quantize for integeres
    for(out_i=i=0; i<64; i++){
        double sum=0;
        int in_i=0;
        int ch_in=0;
        for(j=0; j<64; j++){
            s->matrix[out_i][in_i]= matrix[i][j];
            s->matrix32[out_i][in_i]= lrintf(matrix[i][j] * 32768);
                s->matrix_ch[out_i][++ch_in]= in_i;
                sum += fabs(matrix[i][j]);
            if(s->in_ch_layout & (1ULL<<j))
        s->matrix_ch[out_i][0]= ch_in;
        maxcoef= FFMAX(maxcoef, sum);
        if(s->out_ch_layout & (1ULL<<i))
    if(s->rematrix_volume  < 0)
        maxcoef = -s->rematrix_volume;

    if((   s->out_sample_fmt < AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT
        || s->int_sample_fmt < AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT) && maxcoef > 1.0){
        for(i=0; i<SWR_CH_MAX; i++)
            for(j=0; j<SWR_CH_MAX; j++){
                s->matrix[i][j] /= maxcoef;
                s->matrix32[i][j]= lrintf(s->matrix[i][j] * 32768);

    if(s->rematrix_volume > 0){
        for(i=0; i<SWR_CH_MAX; i++)
            for(j=0; j<SWR_CH_MAX; j++){
                s->matrix[i][j] *= s->rematrix_volume;
                s->matrix32[i][j]= lrintf(s->matrix[i][j] * 32768);

    for(i=0; i<av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(s->out_ch_layout); i++){
        for(j=0; j<av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(s->in_ch_layout); j++){
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "%f ", s->matrix[i][j]);
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "\n");
    return 0;
Beispiel #12
__global__ void FloatMathPrecise() {
    int iX;
    float fX, fY;

    atan2f(0.0f, 1.0f);
    fX = ceilf(0.0f);
    fX = copysignf(1.0f, -2.0f);
    fX = fabsf(1.0f);
    fdimf(1.0f, 0.0f);
    fdividef(0.0f, 1.0f);
    fX = floorf(0.0f);
    fmaf(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
    fX = fmaxf(0.0f, 0.0f);
    fX = fminf(0.0f, 0.0f);
    fmodf(0.0f, 1.0f);
    frexpf(0.0f, &iX);
    hypotf(1.0f, 0.0f);
    fX = isinf(0.0f);
    fX = isnan(0.0f);
    jnf(-1.0f, 1.0f);
    ldexpf(0.0f, 0);
    modff(0.0f, &fX);
    fX = nanf("1");
    fX = nearbyintf(0.0f);
    nextafterf(0.0f, 0.0f);
    norm3df(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    norm4df(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    fX = 1.0f;
    normf(1, &fX);
    powf(1.0f, 0.0f);
    remainderf(2.0f, 1.0f);
    remquof(1.0f, 2.0f, &iX);
    rhypotf(0.0f, 1.0f);
    fY = rintf(1.0f);
    rnorm3df(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    rnorm4df(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    fX = 1.0f;
    rnormf(1, &fX);
    fY = roundf(0.0f);
    scalblnf(0.0f, 1);
    scalbnf(0.0f, 1);
    sincosf(0.0f, &fX, &fY);
    sincospif(0.0f, &fX, &fY);
    fY = truncf(0.0f);
    ynf(1, 1.0f);
Beispiel #13
static void pidLuxFloat(pidProfile_t *pidProfile, controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig,
        uint16_t max_angle_inclination, rollAndPitchTrims_t *angleTrim, rxConfig_t *rxConfig)
    float RateError, errorAngle, AngleRate, gyroRate;
    float ITerm,PTerm,DTerm;
    int32_t stickPosAil, stickPosEle, mostDeflectedPos;
    static float lastGyroRate[3];
    static float delta1[3], delta2[3];
    float delta, deltaSum;
    float dT;
    int axis;
    float horizonLevelStrength = 1;

    dT = (float)cycleTime * 0.000001f;


        // Figure out the raw stick positions
        stickPosAil = getRcStickDeflection(FD_ROLL, rxConfig->midrc);
        stickPosEle = getRcStickDeflection(FD_PITCH, rxConfig->midrc);

        if(ABS(stickPosAil) > ABS(stickPosEle)){
            mostDeflectedPos = ABS(stickPosAil);
        else {
            mostDeflectedPos = ABS(stickPosEle);

        // Progressively turn off the horizon self level strength as the stick is banged over
        horizonLevelStrength = (float)(500 - mostDeflectedPos) / 500;  // 1 at centre stick, 0 = max stick deflection
        if(pidProfile->H_sensitivity == 0){
            horizonLevelStrength = 0;
        } else {
            horizonLevelStrength = constrainf(((horizonLevelStrength - 1) * (100 / pidProfile->H_sensitivity)) + 1, 0, 1);

    // ----------PID controller----------
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        // -----Get the desired angle rate depending on flight mode
        uint8_t rate = controlRateConfig->rates[axis];

        if (axis == FD_YAW) {
            // YAW is always gyro-controlled (MAG correction is applied to rcCommand) 100dps to 1100dps max yaw rate
            AngleRate = (float)((rate + 10) * rcCommand[YAW]) / 50.0f;
         } else {
            // calculate error and limit the angle to the max inclination
#ifdef GPS
            errorAngle = (constrain(rcCommand[axis] + GPS_angle[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination),
                    +max_angle_inclination) - inclination.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here
            errorAngle = (constrain(rcCommand[axis], -((int) max_angle_inclination),
                    +max_angle_inclination) - inclination.raw[axis] + angleTrim->raw[axis]) / 10.0f; // 16 bits is ok here

            if (shouldAutotune()) {
                errorAngle = autotune(rcAliasToAngleIndexMap[axis], &inclination, errorAngle);

            if (FLIGHT_MODE(ANGLE_MODE)) {
                // it's the ANGLE mode - control is angle based, so control loop is needed
                AngleRate = errorAngle * pidProfile->A_level;
            } else {
                //control is GYRO based (ACRO and HORIZON - direct sticks control is applied to rate PID
                AngleRate = (float)((rate + 20) * rcCommand[axis]) / 50.0f; // 200dps to 1200dps max yaw rate
                if (FLIGHT_MODE(HORIZON_MODE)) {
                    // mix up angle error to desired AngleRate to add a little auto-level feel
                    AngleRate += errorAngle * pidProfile->H_level * horizonLevelStrength;

        gyroRate = gyroData[axis] * gyro.scale; // gyro output scaled to dps

        // --------low-level gyro-based PID. ----------
        // Used in stand-alone mode for ACRO, controlled by higher level regulators in other modes
        // -----calculate scaled error.AngleRates
        // multiplication of rcCommand corresponds to changing the sticks scaling here
        RateError = AngleRate - gyroRate;

        // -----calculate P component
        PTerm = RateError * pidProfile->P_f[axis];
        // -----calculate I component
        errorGyroIf[axis] = constrainf(errorGyroIf[axis] + RateError * dT * pidProfile->I_f[axis], -250.0f, 250.0f);

        // limit maximum integrator value to prevent WindUp - accumulating extreme values when system is saturated.
        // I coefficient (I8) moved before integration to make limiting independent from PID settings
        ITerm = errorGyroIf[axis];

        //-----calculate D-term
        delta = gyroRate - lastGyroRate[axis];  // 16 bits is ok here, the dif between 2 consecutive gyro reads is limited to 800
        lastGyroRate[axis] = gyroRate;

        // Correct difference by cycle time. Cycle time is jittery (can be different 2 times), so calculated difference
        // would be scaled by different dt each time. Division by dT fixes that.
        delta *= (1.0f / dT);
        // add moving average here to reduce noise
        deltaSum = delta1[axis] + delta2[axis] + delta;
        delta2[axis] = delta1[axis];
        delta1[axis] = delta;
        DTerm = constrainf((deltaSum / 3.0f) * pidProfile->D_f[axis], -300.0f, 300.0f);

        // -----calculate total PID output
        axisPID[axis] = constrain(lrintf(PTerm + ITerm - DTerm), -1000, 1000);

        axisPID_P[axis] = PTerm;
        axisPID_I[axis] = ITerm;
        axisPID_D[axis] = -DTerm;
Beispiel #14
static int avi_write_header(AVFormatContext *s)
    AVIContext *avi = s->priv_data;
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    int bitrate, n, i, nb_frames, au_byterate, au_ssize, au_scale;
    AVCodecContext *stream, *video_enc;
    int64_t list1, list2, strh, strf;
    AVDictionaryEntry *t = NULL;

    if (s->nb_streams > AVI_MAX_STREAM_COUNT) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "AVI does not support >%d streams\n",
        return -1;

    for(n=0;n<s->nb_streams;n++) {
        s->streams[n]->priv_data= av_mallocz(sizeof(AVIStream));
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    /* header list */
    avi->riff_id = 0;
    list1 = avi_start_new_riff(s, pb, "AVI ", "hdrl");

    /* avi header */
    ffio_wfourcc(pb, "avih");
    avio_wl32(pb, 14 * 4);
    bitrate = 0;

    video_enc = NULL;
    for(n=0;n<s->nb_streams;n++) {
        stream = s->streams[n]->codec;
        bitrate += stream->bit_rate;
        if (stream->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
            video_enc = stream;

    nb_frames = 0;

        avio_wl32(pb, (uint32_t)(INT64_C(1000000) * video_enc->time_base.num / video_enc->time_base.den));
    } else {
        avio_wl32(pb, 0);
    avio_wl32(pb, bitrate / 8); /* XXX: not quite exact */
    avio_wl32(pb, 0); /* padding */
    if (!pb->seekable)
        avio_wl32(pb, AVIF_TRUSTCKTYPE | AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED); /* flags */
        avio_wl32(pb, AVIF_TRUSTCKTYPE | AVIF_HASINDEX | AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED); /* flags */
    avi->frames_hdr_all = avio_tell(pb); /* remember this offset to fill later */
    avio_wl32(pb, nb_frames); /* nb frames, filled later */
    avio_wl32(pb, 0); /* initial frame */
    avio_wl32(pb, s->nb_streams); /* nb streams */
    avio_wl32(pb, 1024 * 1024); /* suggested buffer size */
        avio_wl32(pb, video_enc->width);
        avio_wl32(pb, video_enc->height);
    } else {
        avio_wl32(pb, 0);
        avio_wl32(pb, 0);
    avio_wl32(pb, 0); /* reserved */
    avio_wl32(pb, 0); /* reserved */
    avio_wl32(pb, 0); /* reserved */
    avio_wl32(pb, 0); /* reserved */

    /* stream list */
    for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
        AVIStream *avist= s->streams[i]->priv_data;
        list2 = ff_start_tag(pb, "LIST");
        ffio_wfourcc(pb, "strl");

        stream = s->streams[i]->codec;

        /* stream generic header */
        strh = ff_start_tag(pb, "strh");
        switch(stream->codec_type) {
            // XSUB subtitles behave like video tracks, other subtitles
            // are not (yet) supported.
            if (stream->codec_id != CODEC_ID_XSUB) {
                av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Subtitle streams other than DivX XSUB are not supported by the AVI muxer.\n");
                return AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;
        case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: ffio_wfourcc(pb, "vids"); break;
        case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO: ffio_wfourcc(pb, "auds"); break;
//      case AVMEDIA_TYPE_TEXT : ffio_wfourcc(pb, "txts"); break;
        case AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA : ffio_wfourcc(pb, "dats"); break;
        if(stream->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ||
           stream->codec_id == CODEC_ID_XSUB)
            avio_wl32(pb, stream->codec_tag);
            avio_wl32(pb, 1);
        avio_wl32(pb, 0); /* flags */
        avio_wl16(pb, 0); /* priority */
        avio_wl16(pb, 0); /* language */
        avio_wl32(pb, 0); /* initial frame */

        ff_parse_specific_params(stream, &au_byterate, &au_ssize, &au_scale);

        avio_wl32(pb, au_scale); /* scale */
        avio_wl32(pb, au_byterate); /* rate */
        avpriv_set_pts_info(s->streams[i], 64, au_scale, au_byterate);

        avio_wl32(pb, 0); /* start */
        avist->frames_hdr_strm = avio_tell(pb); /* remember this offset to fill later */
        if (!pb->seekable)
            avio_wl32(pb, AVI_MAX_RIFF_SIZE); /* FIXME: this may be broken, but who cares */
            avio_wl32(pb, 0); /* length, XXX: filled later */

        /* suggested buffer size */ //FIXME set at the end to largest chunk
        if(stream->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)
            avio_wl32(pb, 1024 * 1024);
        else if(stream->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)
            avio_wl32(pb, 12 * 1024);
            avio_wl32(pb, 0);
        avio_wl32(pb, -1); /* quality */
        avio_wl32(pb, au_ssize); /* sample size */
        avio_wl32(pb, 0);
        avio_wl16(pb, stream->width);
        avio_wl16(pb, stream->height);
        ff_end_tag(pb, strh);

      if(stream->codec_type != AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA){
        strf = ff_start_tag(pb, "strf");
        switch(stream->codec_type) {
            // XSUB subtitles behave like video tracks, other subtitles
            // are not (yet) supported.
            if (stream->codec_id != CODEC_ID_XSUB) break;
        case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO:
            ff_put_bmp_header(pb, stream, ff_codec_bmp_tags, 0);
        case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO:
            if (ff_put_wav_header(pb, stream) < 0) {
                return -1;
            return -1;
        ff_end_tag(pb, strf);
        if ((t = av_dict_get(s->streams[i]->metadata, "title", NULL, 0))) {
            avi_write_info_tag(s->pb, "strn", t->value);
            t = NULL;

        if (pb->seekable) {
            unsigned char tag[5];
            int j;

            /* Starting to lay out AVI OpenDML master index.
             * We want to make it JUNK entry for now, since we'd
             * like to get away without making AVI an OpenDML one
             * for compatibility reasons.
            avist->indexes.entry = avist->indexes.ents_allocated = 0;
            avist->indexes.indx_start = ff_start_tag(pb, "JUNK");
            avio_wl16(pb, 4);        /* wLongsPerEntry */
            avio_w8(pb, 0);          /* bIndexSubType (0 == frame index) */
            avio_w8(pb, 0);          /* bIndexType (0 == AVI_INDEX_OF_INDEXES) */
            avio_wl32(pb, 0);        /* nEntriesInUse (will fill out later on) */
            ffio_wfourcc(pb, avi_stream2fourcc(tag, i, stream->codec_type));
                                    /* dwChunkId */
            avio_wl64(pb, 0);        /* dwReserved[3]
            avio_wl32(pb, 0);           Must be 0.    */
            for (j=0; j < AVI_MASTER_INDEX_SIZE * 2; j++)
                 avio_wl64(pb, 0);
            ff_end_tag(pb, avist->indexes.indx_start);

        if(   stream->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO
           && s->streams[i]->sample_aspect_ratio.num>0
           && s->streams[i]->sample_aspect_ratio.den>0){
            int vprp= ff_start_tag(pb, "vprp");
            AVRational dar = av_mul_q(s->streams[i]->sample_aspect_ratio,
                                      (AVRational){stream->width, stream->height});
            int num, den;
            av_reduce(&num, &den, dar.num, dar.den, 0xFFFF);

            avio_wl32(pb, 0); //video format  = unknown
            avio_wl32(pb, 0); //video standard= unknown
            avio_wl32(pb, lrintf(1.0/av_q2d(stream->time_base)));
            avio_wl32(pb, stream->width );
            avio_wl32(pb, stream->height);
            avio_wl16(pb, den);
            avio_wl16(pb, num);
            avio_wl32(pb, stream->width );
            avio_wl32(pb, stream->height);
            avio_wl32(pb, 1); //progressive FIXME

            avio_wl32(pb, stream->height);
            avio_wl32(pb, stream->width );
            avio_wl32(pb, stream->height);
            avio_wl32(pb, stream->width );
            avio_wl32(pb, 0);
            avio_wl32(pb, 0);

            avio_wl32(pb, 0);
            avio_wl32(pb, 0);
            ff_end_tag(pb, vprp);

        ff_end_tag(pb, list2);

    if (pb->seekable) {
        /* AVI could become an OpenDML one, if it grows beyond 2Gb range */
        avi->odml_list = ff_start_tag(pb, "JUNK");
        ffio_wfourcc(pb, "odml");
        ffio_wfourcc(pb, "dmlh");
        avio_wl32(pb, 248);
        for (i = 0; i < 248; i+= 4)
             avio_wl32(pb, 0);
        ff_end_tag(pb, avi->odml_list);

    ff_end_tag(pb, list1);

    list2 = ff_start_tag(pb, "LIST");
    ffio_wfourcc(pb, "INFO");
    ff_metadata_conv(&s->metadata, ff_riff_info_conv, NULL);
    for (i = 0; *ff_riff_tags[i]; i++) {
        if ((t = av_dict_get(s->metadata, ff_riff_tags[i], NULL, AV_DICT_MATCH_CASE)))
            avi_write_info_tag(s->pb, t->key, t->value);
    ff_end_tag(pb, list2);

    /* some padding for easier tag editing */
    list2 = ff_start_tag(pb, "JUNK");
    for (i = 0; i < 1016; i += 4)
        avio_wl32(pb, 0);
    ff_end_tag(pb, list2);

    avi->movi_list = ff_start_tag(pb, "LIST");
    ffio_wfourcc(pb, "movi");


    return 0;
Beispiel #15
static inline void p8idct(DCTELEM data[64], FLOAT temp[64], uint8_t *dest, int stride, int x, int y, int type){
    int i;
    FLOAT av_unused tmp0;
    FLOAT s04, d04, s17, d17, s26, d26, s53, d53;
    FLOAT os07, os16, os25, os34;
    FLOAT od07, od16, od25, od34;

    for(i=0; i<y*8; i+=y){
        s17= temp[1*x + i] + temp[7*x + i];
        d17= temp[1*x + i] - temp[7*x + i];
        s53= temp[5*x + i] + temp[3*x + i];
        d53= temp[5*x + i] - temp[3*x + i];

        od07=  s17 + s53;
        od25= (s17 - s53)*(2*A4);

#if 0 //these 2 are equivalent
        tmp0= (d17 + d53)*(2*A2);
        od34=  d17*( 2*B6) - tmp0;
        od16=  d53*(-2*B2) + tmp0;
        od34=  d17*(2*(B6-A2)) - d53*(2*A2);
        od16=  d53*(2*(A2-B2)) + d17*(2*A2);

        od16 -= od07;
        od25 -= od16;
        od34 += od25;

        s26 = temp[2*x + i] + temp[6*x + i];
        d26 = temp[2*x + i] - temp[6*x + i];
        d26*= 2*A4;
        d26-= s26;

        s04= temp[0*x + i] + temp[4*x + i];
        d04= temp[0*x + i] - temp[4*x + i];

        os07= s04 + s26;
        os34= s04 - s26;
        os16= d04 + d26;
        os25= d04 - d26;

            temp[0*x + i]= os07 + od07;
            temp[7*x + i]= os07 - od07;
            temp[1*x + i]= os16 + od16;
            temp[6*x + i]= os16 - od16;
            temp[2*x + i]= os25 + od25;
            temp[5*x + i]= os25 - od25;
            temp[3*x + i]= os34 - od34;
            temp[4*x + i]= os34 + od34;
        }else if(type==1){
            data[0*x + i]= lrintf(os07 + od07);
            data[7*x + i]= lrintf(os07 - od07);
            data[1*x + i]= lrintf(os16 + od16);
            data[6*x + i]= lrintf(os16 - od16);
            data[2*x + i]= lrintf(os25 + od25);
            data[5*x + i]= lrintf(os25 - od25);
            data[3*x + i]= lrintf(os34 - od34);
            data[4*x + i]= lrintf(os34 + od34);
        }else if(type==2){
            dest[0*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(((int)dest[0*stride + i]) + lrintf(os07 + od07));
            dest[7*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(((int)dest[7*stride + i]) + lrintf(os07 - od07));
            dest[1*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(((int)dest[1*stride + i]) + lrintf(os16 + od16));
            dest[6*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(((int)dest[6*stride + i]) + lrintf(os16 - od16));
            dest[2*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(((int)dest[2*stride + i]) + lrintf(os25 + od25));
            dest[5*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(((int)dest[5*stride + i]) + lrintf(os25 - od25));
            dest[3*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(((int)dest[3*stride + i]) + lrintf(os34 - od34));
            dest[4*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(((int)dest[4*stride + i]) + lrintf(os34 + od34));
            dest[0*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(lrintf(os07 + od07));
            dest[7*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(lrintf(os07 - od07));
            dest[1*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(lrintf(os16 + od16));
            dest[6*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(lrintf(os16 - od16));
            dest[2*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(lrintf(os25 + od25));
            dest[5*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(lrintf(os25 - od25));
            dest[3*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(lrintf(os34 - od34));
            dest[4*stride + i]= av_clip_uint8(lrintf(os34 + od34));
Beispiel #16
/* main loop */
int main (void) {
	/* can packet parameters */
	sion_entry entry;
	char dbfilename[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
	struct timeval tstamp;

	/* set up signals */
	signal(SIGINT, shutdown_cleanly);
	signal(SIGINT, shutdown_cleanly);
	/* set up sqlite db */
	makedbfile(dbfilename, ACCURACY_DAY);
	FILE *textlog = fopen("../canlog/scandal.log", "a");

	if (checkdbfile(dbfilename)){
		init_sqlite3(&db, dbfilename, OLDDB);
		init_sqlite3(&dbsync, dbfilename, OLDDB);
		printf("CIEL: opening previous database....\n");
	else {
		init_sqlite3(&db, dbfilename, NEWDB);
		init_sqlite3(&dbsync, dbfilename, OLDDB);
		printf("CIEL: creating new database...\n");

	/* Set up sockets */
	int numbytes;
	int loopcounter;
	char receivequeue[MAX_SOCKET_BLOCK_LENGTH];

	//select() stuff
	fd_set master;
	fd_set read_fds;
	int fdmax;
	int fdcount;

	//socket for receiving SION data
	socket_init(&sockfd_sion, &sioninfo,
	//socket for sending sync requests and receiving their reply
	socket_init(&sockfd_sync, &syncinfo,
	//socket for receiving Seven data.
	socket_init(&sockfd_seven, &seveninfo, 
	//socket for sending these to something else eg scanalysis
	socket_init(&sockfd_telemout, &telemoutinfo,
	//socket for sending packed telemetry to something else eg sunswift live
	socket_init(&sockfd_telemout2, &telemoutinfo2,

	//more select() stuff
	FD_SET(sockfd_sion, &master);
	FD_SET(sockfd_seven, &master);
	FD_SET(sockfd_sync, &master);
	fdmax = sockfd_sync;
	if (fdmax < sockfd_seven) //checking to make sure fdmax is the largest
		fdmax = sockfd_seven;
	if (fdmax < sockfd_sion)
		fdmax = sockfd_sion;
	fdmax++; //+1 as required by select()

	/* Set up threads */

	printf("CIEL: Setting up threads...\n ");
	pthread_t out_thread,  sync_thread_handler;
	int rc;
	rc = pthread_create(&out_thread, NULL, output_thread, NULL);
	if (rc) {
		printf("CIEL: ERROR: Return code from pthread_create for output thread is %d\n", rc);
	rc = pthread_create(&sync_thread_handler, NULL, sync_thread, NULL);
	if (rc) {
		printf("CIEL: ERROR: Return code from pthread_create for sync thread is %d\n", rc);

	int date_is_set=0;
	int number_of_seconds_since_epoch = 0;
	int delay = 0;

	printf("CIEL: Entering main receiver loop..\n");
	while ( loop ) {
		read_fds = master;
		if (select(fdmax, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) {

		for(fdcount = 0; fdcount <=fdmax; fdcount++ ) { //for all the socket descriptors....
			if(FD_ISSET(fdcount, &read_fds)) {
				if (fdcount == sockfd_sion ) {
					/* Receiving live telemetry stream */
					numbytes = socket_recv(&sockfd_sion, receivequeue, 
					gettimeofday(&tstamp, NULL); //hurry, grab the timestamp!
				else if (fdcount == sockfd_seven) {
					/* Receiving live control car stream */
					numbytes = socket_recv(&sockfd_seven, receivequeue,
					gettimeofday(&tstamp, NULL); //hurry, grab the timestamp!
				else if (fdcount == sockfd_sync) {
					/* Receiving solar car retransmission */
					numbytes = socket_recv(&sockfd_sync, receivequeue, 
					gettimeofday(&tstamp, NULL); //hurry, grab the timestamp!

		/* Send packed frames to something else. Used in 2011 for sunswift live */
		socket_send(&sockfd_telemout2, receivequeue, SCANDALLONGSTRINGSIZE * SOCKET_BLOCK_LENGTH, telemoutinfo2);

		Since each ethernet packet contains multiple CAN packets, we unpack them
		one by one and process them individually.
		for (loopcounter=0; loopcounter < SOCKET_BLOCK_LENGTH; loopcounter++) {
			//extract an individual packet
			memmove(string, &receivequeue[(SCANDALLONGSTRINGSIZE*loopcounter)], SCANDALLONGSTRINGSIZE);

			//TODO: Fix the Scandal Channel messages etc timestamps to full 64-bit.

			longstringtoentry(string, &entry);
			entry.ciel_timestamp = (((uint64_t) tstamp.tv_sec) * 1000) +
				( (uint64_t) lrintf( ((float) tstamp.tv_usec) / 1000 ) ); 

			entrytostring(&entry, string); //we don't send everything to scanalysis
			socket_send(&sockfd_telemout, string, SCANDALSTRINGSIZE, telemoutinfo); //to scanalysis
			//FIXME: plaintext log, not needed

			queue_can_packet(db, &entry, SQLITE_BLOCKLEN); //duplicate packets are ignored by sqlite

			/* Debug function. Do not print too much UART or you'll slow everything down. */
			#define SION_DEBUG
			#ifdef SION_DEBUG
				printf("%llu\t%u\n\r", entry.scandal_timestamp, entry.pkt_id); 
		} //end processing individual packets
	}// end infinite loop
	shutdown_sqlite3(db);//why is this even here
	return 0; //makes compiler happy
Beispiel #17
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 , uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 ,  *(const uint8_t*)pi)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 , (*(const uint8_t*)pi - 0x80U)<<8)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 , (*(const uint8_t*)pi - 0x80U)<<24)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float  , AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 , (*(const uint8_t*)pi - 0x80)*(1.0f/ (1<<7)))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double , AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 , (*(const uint8_t*)pi - 0x80)*(1.0 / (1<<7)))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 , uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, (*(const int16_t*)pi>>8) + 0x80)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,  *(const int16_t*)pi)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,  *(const int16_t*)pi<<16)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float  , AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,  *(const int16_t*)pi*(1.0f/ (1<<15)))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double , AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16,  *(const int16_t*)pi*(1.0 / (1<<15)))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 , uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, (*(const int32_t*)pi>>24) + 0x80)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32,  *(const int32_t*)pi>>16)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32,  *(const int32_t*)pi)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float  , AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32,  *(const int32_t*)pi*(1.0f/ (1U<<31)))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double , AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32,  *(const int32_t*)pi*(1.0 / (1U<<31)))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 , uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, av_clip_uint8(  lrintf(*(const float*)pi * (1<<7)) + 0x80))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, av_clip_int16(  lrintf(*(const float*)pi * (1<<15))))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, av_clipl_int32(llrintf(*(const float*)pi * (1U<<31))))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float  , AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, *(const float*)pi)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double , AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, *(const float*)pi)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8 , uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, av_clip_uint8(  lrint(*(const double*)pi * (1<<7)) + 0x80))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, av_clip_int16(  lrint(*(const double*)pi * (1<<15))))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, av_clipl_int32(llrint(*(const double*)pi * (1U<<31))))
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float  , AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, *(const double*)pi)
CONV_FUNC(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double , AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, *(const double*)pi)

#define FMT_PAIR_FUNC(out, in) [(out) + AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NB*(in)] = CONV_FUNC_NAME(out, in)

static conv_func_type * const fmt_pair_to_conv_functions[AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NB*AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NB] = {
Beispiel #18
void imuInit()
    smallAngle = lrintf(acc_1G * cos_approx(degreesToRadians(imuRuntimeConfig->small_angle)));
    accVelScale = 9.80665f / acc_1G / 10000.0f;
    gyroScaleRad = gyro.scale * (M_PIf / 180.0f) * 0.000001f;
Beispiel #19
 * builds a polyphase filterbank.
 * @param factor resampling factor
 * @param scale wanted sum of coefficients for each filter
 * @param filter_type  filter type
 * @param kaiser_beta  kaiser window beta
 * @return 0 on success, negative on error
static int build_filter(ResampleContext *c, void *filter, double factor, int tap_count, int alloc, int phase_count, int scale,
                        int filter_type, double kaiser_beta){
    int ph, i;
    int ph_nb = phase_count % 2 ? phase_count : phase_count / 2 + 1;
    double x, y, w, t, s;
    double *tab = av_malloc_array(tap_count+1,  sizeof(*tab));
    double *sin_lut = av_malloc_array(ph_nb, sizeof(*sin_lut));
    const int center= (tap_count-1)/2;
    int ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    if (!tab || !sin_lut)
        goto fail;

    /* if upsampling, only need to interpolate, no filter */
    if (factor > 1.0)
        factor = 1.0;

    if (factor == 1.0) {
        for (ph = 0; ph < ph_nb; ph++)
            sin_lut[ph] = sin(M_PI * ph / phase_count);
    for(ph = 0; ph < ph_nb; ph++) {
        double norm = 0;
        s = sin_lut[ph];
        for(i=0;i<=tap_count;i++) {
            x = M_PI * ((double)(i - center) - (double)ph / phase_count) * factor;
            if (x == 0) y = 1.0;
            else if (factor == 1.0)
                y = s / x;
                y = sin(x) / x;
            case SWR_FILTER_TYPE_CUBIC:{
                const float d= -0.5; //first order derivative = -0.5
                x = fabs(((double)(i - center) - (double)ph / phase_count) * factor);
                if(x<1.0) y= 1 - 3*x*x + 2*x*x*x + d*(            -x*x + x*x*x);
                else      y=                       d*(-4 + 8*x - 5*x*x + x*x*x);
                w = 2.0*x / (factor*tap_count);
                t = -cos(w);
                y *= 0.3635819 - 0.4891775 * t + 0.1365995 * (2*t*t-1) - 0.0106411 * (4*t*t*t - 3*t);
            case SWR_FILTER_TYPE_KAISER:
                w = 2.0*x / (factor*tap_count*M_PI);
                y *= bessel(kaiser_beta*sqrt(FFMAX(1-w*w, 0)));

            tab[i] = y;
            s = -s;
            if (i < tap_count)
                norm += y;

        /* normalize so that an uniform color remains the same */
        case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P:
                ((int16_t*)filter)[ph * alloc + i] = av_clip_int16(lrintf(tab[i] * scale / norm));
            if (phase_count % 2) break;
            if (tap_count % 2 == 0 || tap_count == 1) {
                for (i = 0; i < tap_count; i++)
                    ((int16_t*)filter)[(phase_count-ph) * alloc + tap_count-1-i] = ((int16_t*)filter)[ph * alloc + i];
            else {
                for (i = 1; i <= tap_count; i++)
                    ((int16_t*)filter)[(phase_count-ph) * alloc + tap_count-i] =
                        av_clip_int16(lrintf(tab[i] * scale / (norm - tab[0] + tab[tap_count])));
        case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32P:
                ((int32_t*)filter)[ph * alloc + i] = av_clipl_int32(llrint(tab[i] * scale / norm));
            if (phase_count % 2) break;
            if (tap_count % 2 == 0 || tap_count == 1) {
                for (i = 0; i < tap_count; i++)
                    ((int32_t*)filter)[(phase_count-ph) * alloc + tap_count-1-i] = ((int32_t*)filter)[ph * alloc + i];
            else {
                for (i = 1; i <= tap_count; i++)
                    ((int32_t*)filter)[(phase_count-ph) * alloc + tap_count-i] =
                        av_clipl_int32(llrint(tab[i] * scale / (norm - tab[0] + tab[tap_count])));
        case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP:
                ((float*)filter)[ph * alloc + i] = tab[i] * scale / norm;
            if (phase_count % 2) break;
            if (tap_count % 2 == 0 || tap_count == 1) {
                for (i = 0; i < tap_count; i++)
                    ((float*)filter)[(phase_count-ph) * alloc + tap_count-1-i] = ((float*)filter)[ph * alloc + i];
            else {
                for (i = 1; i <= tap_count; i++)
                    ((float*)filter)[(phase_count-ph) * alloc + tap_count-i] = tab[i] * scale / (norm - tab[0] + tab[tap_count]);
        case AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBLP:
                ((double*)filter)[ph * alloc + i] = tab[i] * scale / norm;
            if (phase_count % 2) break;
            if (tap_count % 2 == 0 || tap_count == 1) {
                for (i = 0; i < tap_count; i++)
                    ((double*)filter)[(phase_count-ph) * alloc + tap_count-1-i] = ((double*)filter)[ph * alloc + i];
            else {
                for (i = 1; i <= tap_count; i++)
                    ((double*)filter)[(phase_count-ph) * alloc + tap_count-i] = tab[i] * scale / (norm - tab[0] + tab[tap_count]);
#if 0
#define LEN 1024
        int j,k;
        double sine[LEN + tap_count];
        double filtered[LEN];
        double maxff=-2, minff=2, maxsf=-2, minsf=2;
        for(i=0; i<LEN; i++){
            double ss=0, sf=0, ff=0;
            for(j=0; j<LEN+tap_count; j++)
                sine[j]= cos(i*j*M_PI/LEN);
            for(j=0; j<LEN; j++){
                double sum=0;
                for(k=0; k<tap_count; k++)
                    sum += filter[ph * tap_count + k] * sine[k+j];
                filtered[j]= sum / (1<<FILTER_SHIFT);
                ss+= sine[j + center] * sine[j + center];
                ff+= filtered[j] * filtered[j];
                sf+= sine[j + center] * filtered[j];
            ss= sqrt(2*ss/LEN);
            ff= sqrt(2*ff/LEN);
            sf= 2*sf/LEN;
            maxff= FFMAX(maxff, ff);
            minff= FFMIN(minff, ff);
            maxsf= FFMAX(maxsf, sf);
            minsf= FFMIN(minsf, sf);
                av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "i:%4d ss:%f ff:%13.6e-%13.6e sf:%13.6e-%13.6e\n", i, ss, maxff, minff, maxsf, minsf);
                minff=minsf= 2;
                maxff=maxsf= -2;

    ret = 0;
    return ret;
Beispiel #20
static void showSensorsPage(void)
    uint8_t rowIndex = PAGE_TITLE_LINE_COUNT;
    static const char *format = "%s %5d %5d %5d";

    i2c_OLED_set_line(bus, rowIndex++);
    i2c_OLED_send_string(bus, "        X     Y     Z");

    if (sensors(SENSOR_ACC)) {
        tfp_sprintf(lineBuffer, format, "ACC", lrintf(acc.accADC[X]), lrintf(acc.accADC[Y]), lrintf(acc.accADC[Z]));
        i2c_OLED_set_line(bus, rowIndex++);
        i2c_OLED_send_string(bus, lineBuffer);

    if (sensors(SENSOR_GYRO)) {
        tfp_sprintf(lineBuffer, format, "GYR", lrintf(gyro.gyroADCf[X]), lrintf(gyro.gyroADCf[Y]), lrintf(gyro.gyroADCf[Z]));
        i2c_OLED_set_line(bus, rowIndex++);
        i2c_OLED_send_string(bus, lineBuffer);

#ifdef USE_MAG
    if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG)) {
        tfp_sprintf(lineBuffer, format, "MAG", lrintf(mag.magADC[X]), lrintf(mag.magADC[Y]), lrintf(mag.magADC[Z]));
        i2c_OLED_set_line(bus, rowIndex++);
        i2c_OLED_send_string(bus, lineBuffer);

    tfp_sprintf(lineBuffer, format, "I&H", attitude.values.roll, attitude.values.pitch, DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw));
    i2c_OLED_set_line(bus, rowIndex++);
    i2c_OLED_send_string(bus, lineBuffer);

    uint8_t length;

    ftoa(EstG.A[X], lineBuffer);
    length = strlen(lineBuffer);
        lineBuffer[length++] = ' ';
        lineBuffer[length+1] = 0;
    ftoa(EstG.A[Y], lineBuffer + length);
    i2c_OLED_set_line(bus, rowIndex++);
    i2c_OLED_send_string(bus, lineBuffer);

    ftoa(EstG.A[Z], lineBuffer);
    length = strlen(lineBuffer);
        lineBuffer[length++] = ' ';
        lineBuffer[length+1] = 0;
    ftoa(smallAngle, lineBuffer + length);
    i2c_OLED_set_line(bus, rowIndex++);
    i2c_OLED_send_string(bus, lineBuffer);

Beispiel #21
 * builds a polyphase filterbank.
 * @param factor resampling factor
 * @param scale wanted sum of coefficients for each filter
 * @param type 0->cubic, 1->blackman nuttall windowed sinc, 2..16->kaiser windowed sinc beta=2..16
void av_build_filter(FELEM *filter, double factor, int tap_count, int phase_count, int scale, int type){
    int ph, i, v;
    double x, y, w, tab[tap_count];
    const int center= (tap_count-1)/2;

    /* if upsampling, only need to interpolate, no filter */
    if (factor > 1.0)
        factor = 1.0;

    for(ph=0;ph<phase_count;ph++) {
        double norm = 0;
        for(i=0;i<tap_count;i++) {
            x = M_PI * ((double)(i - center) - (double)ph / phase_count) * factor;
            if (x == 0) y = 1.0;
            else        y = sin(x) / x;
            case 0:{
                const float d= -0.5; //first order derivative = -0.5
                x = fabs(((double)(i - center) - (double)ph / phase_count) * factor);
                if(x<1.0) y= 1 - 3*x*x + 2*x*x*x + d*(            -x*x + x*x*x);
                else      y=                       d*(-4 + 8*x - 5*x*x + x*x*x);
            case 1:
                w = 2.0*x / (factor*tap_count) + M_PI;
                y *= 0.3635819 - 0.4891775 * cos(w) + 0.1365995 * cos(2*w) - 0.0106411 * cos(3*w);
                w = 2.0*x / (factor*tap_count*M_PI);
                y *= bessel(type*sqrt(FFMAX(1-w*w, 0)));

            tab[i] = y;
            norm += y;

        /* normalize so that an uniform color remains the same */
        for(i=0;i<tap_count;i++) {
            filter[ph * tap_count + i] = tab[i] / norm;
            filter[ph * tap_count + i] = av_clip(lrintf(tab[i] * scale / norm), FELEM_MIN, FELEM_MAX);
#if 0
#define LEN 1024
        int j,k;
        double sine[LEN + tap_count];
        double filtered[LEN];
        double maxff=-2, minff=2, maxsf=-2, minsf=2;
        for(i=0; i<LEN; i++){
            double ss=0, sf=0, ff=0;
            for(j=0; j<LEN+tap_count; j++)
                sine[j]= cos(i*j*M_PI/LEN);
            for(j=0; j<LEN; j++){
                double sum=0;
                for(k=0; k<tap_count; k++)
                    sum += filter[ph * tap_count + k] * sine[k+j];
                filtered[j]= sum / (1<<FILTER_SHIFT);
                ss+= sine[j + center] * sine[j + center];
                ff+= filtered[j] * filtered[j];
                sf+= sine[j + center] * filtered[j];
            ss= sqrt(2*ss/LEN);
            ff= sqrt(2*ff/LEN);
            sf= 2*sf/LEN;
            maxff= FFMAX(maxff, ff);
            minff= FFMIN(minff, ff);
            maxsf= FFMAX(maxsf, sf);
            minsf= FFMIN(minsf, sf);
                av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "i:%4d ss:%f ff:%13.6e-%13.6e sf:%13.6e-%13.6e\n", i, ss, maxff, minff, maxsf, minsf);
                minff=minsf= 2;
                maxff=maxsf= -2;
Beispiel #22
void calculateEstimatedAltitude(uint32_t currentTime)
    static uint32_t previousTime;
    uint32_t dTime;
    int32_t baroVel;
    float dt;
    float vel_acc;
    int32_t vel_tmp;
    float accZ_tmp;
    static float accZ_old = 0.0f;
    static float vel = 0.0f;
    static float accAlt = 0.0f;
    static int32_t lastBaroAlt;

    static int32_t baroAlt_offset = 0;
    float sonarTransition;

#ifdef SONAR
    int16_t tiltAngle;

    dTime = currentTime - previousTime;
    previousTime = currentTime;

    if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) {
        vel = 0;
        accAlt = 0;

    BaroAlt = baroCalculateAltitude();

#ifdef SONAR
    tiltAngle = calculateTiltAngle(&inclination);
    sonarAlt = sonarCalculateAltitude(sonarAlt, tiltAngle);

    if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) {
        baroAlt_offset = BaroAlt - sonarAlt;
        BaroAlt = sonarAlt;
    } else {
        BaroAlt -= baroAlt_offset;
        if (sonarAlt > 0) {
            sonarTransition = (300 - sonarAlt) / 100.0f;
            BaroAlt = sonarAlt * sonarTransition + BaroAlt * (1.0f - sonarTransition);

    dt = accTimeSum * 1e-6f; // delta acc reading time in seconds

    // Integrator - velocity, cm/sec
    accZ_tmp = (float)accSum[2] / (float)accSumCount;
    vel_acc = accZ_tmp * accVelScale * (float)accTimeSum;

    // Integrator - Altitude in cm
    accAlt += (vel_acc * 0.5f) * dt + vel * dt;                                                                 // integrate velocity to get distance (x= a/2 * t^2)
    accAlt = accAlt * barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt + (float)BaroAlt * (1.0f - barometerConfig->baro_cf_alt);    // complementary filter for altitude estimation (baro & acc)
    vel += vel_acc;

#if 0
    debug[1] = accSum[2] / accSumCount; // acceleration
    debug[2] = vel;                     // velocity
    debug[3] = accAlt;                  // height


    if (!isBaroCalibrationComplete()) {

    if (sonarAlt > 0 && sonarAlt < 200) {
        // the sonar has the best range
        EstAlt = BaroAlt;
    } else {
        EstAlt = accAlt;

    baroVel = (BaroAlt - lastBaroAlt) * 1000000.0f / dTime;
    lastBaroAlt = BaroAlt;

    baroVel = constrain(baroVel, -1500, 1500);  // constrain baro velocity +/- 1500cm/s
    baroVel = applyDeadband(baroVel, 10);       // to reduce noise near zero

    // apply Complimentary Filter to keep the calculated velocity based on baro velocity (i.e. near real velocity).
    // By using CF it's possible to correct the drift of integrated accZ (velocity) without loosing the phase, i.e without delay
    vel = vel * barometerConfig->baro_cf_vel + baroVel * (1.0f - barometerConfig->baro_cf_vel);
    vel_tmp = lrintf(vel);

    // set vario
    vario = applyDeadband(vel_tmp, 5);

    BaroPID = calculateBaroPid(vel_tmp, accZ_tmp, accZ_old);

    accZ_old = accZ_tmp;
Beispiel #23
int tone_gen(tone_gen_state_t *s, int16_t amp[], int max_samples)
    int samples;
    int limit;
    float xamp;
    int i;

    if (s->current_section < 0)
        return  0;

    for (samples = 0;  samples < max_samples;  )
        limit = samples + s->duration[s->current_section] - s->current_position;
        if (limit > max_samples)
            limit = max_samples;
        s->current_position += (limit - samples);
        if (s->current_section & 1)
            /* A silent section */
            for (  ;  samples < limit;  samples++)
                amp[samples] = 0;
            if (s->tone[0].phase_rate < 0)
                for (  ;  samples < limit;  samples++)
                    /* There must be two, and only two tones */
                    xamp = dds_modf(&s->phase[0], -s->tone[0].phase_rate, s->tone[0].gain, 0)
                         *(1.0f + dds_modf(&s->phase[1], s->tone[1].phase_rate, s->tone[1].gain, 0));
                    amp[samples] = (int16_t) lrintf(xamp);
                for (  ;  samples < limit;  samples++)
                    xamp = 0.0f;
                    for (i = 0;  i < 4;  i++)
                        if (s->tone[i].phase_rate == 0)
                        xamp += dds_modf(&s->phase[i], s->tone[i].phase_rate, s->tone[i].gain, 0);
                    /* Saturation of the answer is the right thing at this point.
                       However, we are normally generating well controlled tones,
                       that cannot clip. So, the overhead of doing saturation is
                       a waste of valuable time. */
                    amp[samples] = (int16_t) lrintf(xamp);
        if (s->current_position >= s->duration[s->current_section])
            s->current_position = 0;
            if (++s->current_section > 3  ||  s->duration[s->current_section] == 0)
                if (!s->repeat)
                    /* Force a quick exit */
                    s->current_section = -1;
                s->current_section = 0;
    return samples;
Beispiel #24
void imuInit()
    smallAngle = lrintf(acc_1G * cosf(RAD * imuRuntimeConfig->small_angle));
    accVelScale = 9.80665f / acc_1G / 10000.0f;
    gyroScaleRad = gyro.scale * (M_PI / 180.0f) * 0.000001f;
Beispiel #25
void ff_faandct(int16_t *data)
    FLOAT tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7;
    FLOAT tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13;
    FLOAT z2, z4, z11, z13;
    FLOAT temp[64];
    int i;


    row_fdct(temp, data);

    for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
        tmp0= temp[8*0 + i] + temp[8*7 + i];
        tmp7= temp[8*0 + i] - temp[8*7 + i];
        tmp1= temp[8*1 + i] + temp[8*6 + i];
        tmp6= temp[8*1 + i] - temp[8*6 + i];
        tmp2= temp[8*2 + i] + temp[8*5 + i];
        tmp5= temp[8*2 + i] - temp[8*5 + i];
        tmp3= temp[8*3 + i] + temp[8*4 + i];
        tmp4= temp[8*3 + i] - temp[8*4 + i];

        tmp10= tmp0 + tmp3;
        tmp13= tmp0 - tmp3;
        tmp11= tmp1 + tmp2;
        tmp12= tmp1 - tmp2;

        data[8*0 + i]= lrintf(postscale[8*0 + i] * (tmp10 + tmp11));
        data[8*4 + i]= lrintf(postscale[8*4 + i] * (tmp10 - tmp11));

        tmp12 += tmp13;
        tmp12 *= A1;
        data[8*2 + i]= lrintf(postscale[8*2 + i] * (tmp13 + tmp12));
        data[8*6 + i]= lrintf(postscale[8*6 + i] * (tmp13 - tmp12));

        tmp4 += tmp5;
        tmp5 += tmp6;
        tmp6 += tmp7;

#if 0
            FLOAT z5;
            z5 = (tmp4 - tmp6) * A5;
            z2 =  tmp4         * A2 + z5;
            z4 =  tmp6         * A4 + z5;
        z2= tmp4*(A2+A5) - tmp6*A5;
        z4= tmp6*(A4-A5) + tmp4*A5;

        z11= tmp7 + tmp5;
        z13= tmp7 - tmp5;

        data[8*5 + i]= lrintf(postscale[8*5 + i] * (z13 + z2));
        data[8*3 + i]= lrintf(postscale[8*3 + i] * (z13 - z2));
        data[8*1 + i]= lrintf(postscale[8*1 + i] * (z11 + z4));
        data[8*7 + i]= lrintf(postscale[8*7 + i] * (z11 - z4));
Beispiel #26
long int test11f(float x)
  return lrintf(x);
Beispiel #27
static void imuCalculateEstimatedAttitude(void)
    int32_t axis;
    int32_t accMag = 0;
    static t_fp_vector EstM;
    static t_fp_vector EstN = { .A = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f } };
    static float accLPF[3];
    static uint32_t previousT;
    uint32_t currentT = micros();
    uint32_t deltaT;
    float scale;
    fp_angles_t deltaGyroAngle;
    deltaT = currentT - previousT;
    scale = deltaT * gyroScaleRad;
    previousT = currentT;

    // Initialization
    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        deltaGyroAngle.raw[axis] = gyroADC[axis] * scale;
        if (imuRuntimeConfig->acc_lpf_factor > 0) {
            accLPF[axis] = accLPF[axis] * (1.0f - (1.0f / imuRuntimeConfig->acc_lpf_factor)) + accADC[axis] * (1.0f / imuRuntimeConfig->acc_lpf_factor);
            accSmooth[axis] = accLPF[axis];
        } else {
            accSmooth[axis] = accADC[axis];
        accMag += (int32_t)accSmooth[axis] * accSmooth[axis];
    accMag = accMag * 100 / ((int32_t)acc_1G * acc_1G);

    rotateV(&EstG.V, &deltaGyroAngle);

    // Apply complimentary filter (Gyro drift correction)
    // If accel magnitude >1.15G or <0.85G and ACC vector outside of the limit range => we neutralize the effect of accelerometers in the angle estimation.
    // To do that, we just skip filter, as EstV already rotated by Gyro

    float invGyroComplimentaryFilterFactor = (1.0f / (imuRuntimeConfig->gyro_cmpf_factor + 1.0f));

    if (72 < (uint16_t)accMag && (uint16_t)accMag < 133) {
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
            EstG.A[axis] = (EstG.A[axis] * imuRuntimeConfig->gyro_cmpf_factor + accSmooth[axis]) * invGyroComplimentaryFilterFactor;

    if (EstG.A[Z] > smallAngle) {
    } else {

    // Attitude of the estimated vector
    anglerad[AI_ROLL] = atan2f(EstG.V.Y, EstG.V.Z);
    anglerad[AI_PITCH] = atan2f(-EstG.V.X, sqrtf(EstG.V.Y * EstG.V.Y + EstG.V.Z * EstG.V.Z));
    inclination.values.rollDeciDegrees = lrintf(anglerad[AI_ROLL] * (1800.0f / M_PIf));
    inclination.values.pitchDeciDegrees = lrintf(anglerad[AI_PITCH] * (1800.0f / M_PIf));

    if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG)) {
        rotateV(&EstM.V, &deltaGyroAngle);
        // FIXME what does the _M_ mean?
        float invGyroComplimentaryFilter_M_Factor = (1.0f / (imuRuntimeConfig->gyro_cmpfm_factor + 1.0f));
        for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
            EstM.A[axis] = (EstM.A[axis] * imuRuntimeConfig->gyro_cmpfm_factor + magADC[axis]) * invGyroComplimentaryFilter_M_Factor;
        heading = imuCalculateHeading(&EstM);
    } else {
        rotateV(&EstN.V, &deltaGyroAngle);
        normalizeV(&EstN.V, &EstN.V);
        heading = imuCalculateHeading(&EstN);

    imuCalculateAcceleration(deltaT); // rotate acc vector into earth frame
Beispiel #28
static int dm4_dive(void *param, int columns, char **data, char **column)
	int i;
	int interval, retval = 0;
	struct parser_state *state = (struct parser_state *)param;
	sqlite3 *handle = state->sql_handle;
	float *profileBlob;
	unsigned char *tempBlob;
	int *pressureBlob;
	char *err = NULL;
	char get_events_template[] = "select * from Mark where DiveId = %d";
	char get_tags_template[] = "select Text from DiveTag where DiveId = %d";
	char get_events[64];

	state->cur_dive->number = atoi(data[0]);

	state->cur_dive->when = (time_t)(atol(data[1]));
	if (data[2])
		utf8_string(data[2], &state->cur_dive->notes);

	 * DM4 stores Duration and DiveTime. It looks like DiveTime is
	 * 10 to 60 seconds shorter than Duration. However, I have no
	 * idea what is the difference and which one should be used.
	 * Duration = data[3]
	 * DiveTime = data[15]
	if (data[3])
		state->cur_dive->duration.seconds = atoi(data[3]);
	if (data[15])
		state->cur_dive->dc.duration.seconds = atoi(data[15]);

	 * TODO: the deviceid hash should be calculated here.
	if (data[4])
		utf8_string(data[4], &state->cur_settings.dc.serial_nr);
	if (data[5])
		utf8_string(data[5], &state->cur_settings.dc.model);

	state->cur_settings.dc.deviceid = 0xffffffff;

	if (data[6])
		state->cur_dive-> = lrint(strtod_flags(data[6], NULL, 0) * 1000);
	if (data[8])
		state->cur_dive->dc.airtemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(atoi(data[8]));
	if (data[9])
		state->cur_dive->dc.watertemp.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(atoi(data[9]));

	 * TODO: handle multiple cylinders
	if (data[22] && atoi(data[22]) > 0)
		state->cur_dive->cylinder[state->cur_cylinder_index].start.mbar = atoi(data[22]);
	else if (data[10] && atoi(data[10]) > 0)
		state->cur_dive->cylinder[state->cur_cylinder_index].start.mbar = atoi(data[10]);
	if (data[23] && atoi(data[23]) > 0)
		state->cur_dive->cylinder[state->cur_cylinder_index].end.mbar = (atoi(data[23]));
	if (data[11] && atoi(data[11]) > 0)
		state->cur_dive->cylinder[state->cur_cylinder_index].end.mbar = (atoi(data[11]));
	if (data[12])
		state->cur_dive->cylinder[state->cur_cylinder_index].type.size.mliter = lrint((strtod_flags(data[12], NULL, 0)) * 1000);
	if (data[13])
		state->cur_dive->cylinder[state->cur_cylinder_index].type.workingpressure.mbar = (atoi(data[13]));
	if (data[20])
		state->cur_dive->cylinder[state->cur_cylinder_index].gasmix.o2.permille = atoi(data[20]) * 10;
	if (data[21])
		state->cur_dive->cylinder[state->cur_cylinder_index].gasmix.he.permille = atoi(data[21]) * 10;

	if (data[14])
		state->cur_dive->dc.surface_pressure.mbar = (atoi(data[14]) * 1000);

	interval = data[16] ? atoi(data[16]) : 0;
	profileBlob = (float *)data[17];
	tempBlob = (unsigned char *)data[18];
	pressureBlob = (int *)data[19];
	for (i = 0; interval && i * interval < state->cur_dive->duration.seconds; i++) {
		state->cur_sample->time.seconds = i * interval;
		if (profileBlob)
			state->cur_sample-> = lrintf(profileBlob[i] * 1000.0f);
			state->cur_sample-> = state->cur_dive->;

		if (data[18] && data[18][0])
			state->cur_sample->temperature.mkelvin = C_to_mkelvin(tempBlob[i]);
		if (data[19] && data[19][0])
			state->cur_sample->pressure[0].mbar = pressureBlob[i];

	snprintf(get_events, sizeof(get_events) - 1, get_events_template, state->cur_dive->number);
	retval = sqlite3_exec(handle, get_events, &dm4_events, state, &err);
	if (retval != SQLITE_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Database query dm4_events failed.\n");
		return 1;

	snprintf(get_events, sizeof(get_events) - 1, get_tags_template, state->cur_dive->number);
	retval = sqlite3_exec(handle, get_events, &dm4_tags, state, &err);
	if (retval != SQLITE_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Database query dm4_tags failed.\n");
		return 1;


	for (i=0; i<columns;++i) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s\t", column[i]);
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	for (i=0; i<columns;++i) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s\t", data[i]);
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	return SQLITE_OK;