Beispiel #1
void _pusharray_wshape(lua_State *L, double *A, const int *shape, int Nd)
  int ntot=1;
  for (int i=0; i<Nd; ++i) ntot *= shape[i];
  lunum_pusharray2(L, A, ARRAY_TYPE_DOUBLE, ntot);
  struct Array *B = lunum_checkarray1(L, -1);
  array_resize(B, shape, Nd);
Beispiel #2
int luaC_array_shape(lua_State *L)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// If there is no argument, return the shape as a table. If the string 'array'
// is given, return it as an array.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  struct Array *A = lunum_checkarray1(L, 1);
  lunum_pusharray2(L, A->shape, ARRAY_TYPE_INT, A->ndims);

  if (lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
    if (strcmp(lua_tostring(L, 2), "array") == 0) {
      return 1;

  lunum_astable(L, 2);
  lua_replace(L, -2);
  return 1;
Beispiel #3
void _pusharray_i(lua_State *L, int *A, int N)
  lunum_pusharray2(L, A, ARRAY_TYPE_INT, N);
Beispiel #4
static int luaC_lunum_loadtxt(lua_State *L)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Opens the text file 'fname' for reading, and parses the data
// line-by-line. It is assumed that the data is all floating point, and that
// only a space is used as a separator. If there are multiple columns then a 2d
// array is created. All rows must have the same number of entries, otherwise an
// error is generated.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  const char *fname = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
  FILE *input = fopen(fname, "r");

  if (input == NULL) {
    return luaL_error(L, "no such file %s", fname);

  size_t nline = 0;
  size_t ncols = 0;
  size_t ntot = 0;
  double *data = NULL;

  char line[2048];

  while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), input)) {

    if (strlen(line) == 1) {

    size_t nvals = 0;
    double *vals = NULL;
    char *word = strtok(line, " \n");

    while (word) {
      vals = (double*) realloc(vals, ++nvals*sizeof(double));
      vals[nvals-1] = atof(word);
      word = strtok(NULL, " \n");

    if (ncols == 0) ncols = nvals;
    if (ncols != nvals) {
      return luaL_error(L, "wrong number of data on line %d of %s", nline, fname);

    data = (double*) realloc(data, (ntot+=nvals)*sizeof(double));
    memcpy(data+ntot-nvals, vals, nvals*sizeof(double));


  lunum_pusharray2(L, data, ARRAY_TYPE_DOUBLE, ntot);
  Array *A = lunum_checkarray1(L, -1);

  size_t shape[2] = { nline, ncols };
  array_resize_t(A, shape, ncols == 1 ? 1 : 2);

  return 1;