btScalar btSphereBoxCollisionAlgorithm::getSpherePenetration( btCollisionObject* boxObj,btVector3& pointOnBox, btVector3& v3PointOnSphere, const btVector3& sphereCenter, btScalar fRadius, const btVector3& aabbMin, const btVector3& aabbMax) 

	btVector3 bounds[2];

	bounds[0] = aabbMin;
	bounds[1] = aabbMax;

	btVector3	p0, tmp, prel, n[6], normal;
	btScalar   fSep = btScalar(-10000000.0), fSepThis;

	// set p0 and normal to a default value to shup up GCC
	p0.setValue(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.));
	normal.setValue(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.));

	n[0].setValue( btScalar(-1.0),  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(0.0) );
	n[1].setValue(  btScalar(0.0), btScalar(-1.0),  btScalar(0.0) );
	n[2].setValue(  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(0.0), btScalar(-1.0) );
	n[3].setValue(  btScalar(1.0),  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(0.0) );
	n[4].setValue(  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(1.0),  btScalar(0.0) );
	n[5].setValue(  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(1.0) );

	const btTransform&	m44T = boxObj->getWorldTransform();

	// convert  point in local space
	prel = m44T.invXform( sphereCenter);


	for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
		int j = i<3 ? 0:1;
		if ( (fSepThis = ((prel-bounds[j]) .dot( n[i]))-fRadius) > btScalar(0.0) )	return btScalar(1.0);
		if ( fSepThis > fSep )
			p0 = bounds[j];	normal = (btVector3&)n[i];
			fSep = fSepThis;

	pointOnBox = prel - normal*(;
	v3PointOnSphere = pointOnBox + normal*fSep;

	// transform back in world space
	tmp  = m44T( pointOnBox);		
	pointOnBox    = tmp;
	tmp  = m44T( v3PointOnSphere);		v3PointOnSphere = tmp;
	normal = (pointOnBox-v3PointOnSphere).normalize();

	return fSep;

bool btSphereBoxCollisionAlgorithm::getSphereDistance(const btCollisionObjectWrapper* boxObjWrap, btVector3& pointOnBox, btVector3& normal, btScalar& penetrationDepth, const btVector3& sphereCenter, btScalar fRadius, btScalar maxContactDistance ) 
	const btBoxShape* boxShape= (const btBoxShape*)boxObjWrap->getCollisionShape();
	btVector3 const &boxHalfExtent = boxShape->getHalfExtentsWithoutMargin();
	btScalar boxMargin = boxShape->getMargin();
	penetrationDepth = 1.0f;

	// convert the sphere position to the box's local space
	btTransform const &m44T = boxObjWrap->getWorldTransform();
	btVector3 sphereRelPos = m44T.invXform(sphereCenter);

	// Determine the closest point to the sphere center in the box
	btVector3 closestPoint = sphereRelPos;
	closestPoint.setX( btMin(boxHalfExtent.getX(), closestPoint.getX()) );
	closestPoint.setX( btMax(-boxHalfExtent.getX(), closestPoint.getX()) );
	closestPoint.setY( btMin(boxHalfExtent.getY(), closestPoint.getY()) );
	closestPoint.setY( btMax(-boxHalfExtent.getY(), closestPoint.getY()) );
	closestPoint.setZ( btMin(boxHalfExtent.getZ(), closestPoint.getZ()) );
	closestPoint.setZ( btMax(-boxHalfExtent.getZ(), closestPoint.getZ()) );
	btScalar intersectionDist = fRadius + boxMargin;
	btScalar contactDist = intersectionDist + maxContactDistance;
	normal = sphereRelPos - closestPoint;

	//if there is no penetration, we are done
	btScalar dist2 = normal.length2();
	if (dist2 > contactDist * contactDist)
		return false;

	btScalar distance;

	//special case if the sphere center is inside the box
	if (dist2 == 0.0f)
		distance = -getSpherePenetration(boxHalfExtent, sphereRelPos, closestPoint, normal);
	else //compute the penetration details
		distance = normal.length();
		normal /= distance;

	pointOnBox = closestPoint + normal * boxMargin;
//	v3PointOnSphere = sphereRelPos - (normal * fRadius);	
	penetrationDepth = distance - intersectionDist;

	// transform back in world space
	btVector3 tmp = m44T(pointOnBox);
	pointOnBox = tmp;
//	tmp = m44T(v3PointOnSphere);
//	v3PointOnSphere = tmp;
	tmp = m44T.getBasis() * normal;
	normal = tmp;

	return true;
btScalar btSphereBoxCollisionAlgorithm::getSphereDistance(btCollisionObject* boxObj, btVector3& pointOnBox, btVector3& v3PointOnSphere, const btVector3& sphereCenter, btScalar fRadius ) 

	btScalar margins;
	btVector3 bounds[2];
	btBoxShape* boxShape= (btBoxShape*)boxObj->getCollisionShape();
	bounds[0] = -boxShape->getHalfExtentsWithoutMargin();
	bounds[1] = boxShape->getHalfExtentsWithoutMargin();

	margins = boxShape->getMargin();//also add sphereShape margin?

	const btTransform&	m44T = boxObj->getWorldTransform();

	btVector3	boundsVec[2];
	btScalar	fPenetration;

	boundsVec[0] = bounds[0];
	boundsVec[1] = bounds[1];

	btVector3	marginsVec( margins, margins, margins );

	// add margins
	bounds[0] += marginsVec;
	bounds[1] -= marginsVec;


	btVector3	tmp, prel, n[6], normal, v3P;
	btScalar   fSep = btScalar(10000000.0), fSepThis;

	n[0].setValue( btScalar(-1.0),  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(0.0) );
	n[1].setValue(  btScalar(0.0), btScalar(-1.0),  btScalar(0.0) );
	n[2].setValue(  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(0.0), btScalar(-1.0) );
	n[3].setValue(  btScalar(1.0),  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(0.0) );
	n[4].setValue(  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(1.0),  btScalar(0.0) );
	n[5].setValue(  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(0.0),  btScalar(1.0) );

	// convert  point in local space
	prel = m44T.invXform( sphereCenter);
	bool	bFound = false;

	v3P = prel;

	for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
		int j = i<3? 0:1;
		if ( (fSepThis = ((v3P-bounds[j]) .dot(n[i]))) > btScalar(0.0) )
			v3P = v3P - n[i]*fSepThis;		
			bFound = true;

	if ( bFound )
		bounds[0] = boundsVec[0];
		bounds[1] = boundsVec[1];

		normal = (prel - v3P).normalize();
		pointOnBox = v3P + normal*margins;
		v3PointOnSphere = prel - normal*fRadius;

		if ( ((v3PointOnSphere - pointOnBox) .dot (normal)) > btScalar(0.0) )
			return btScalar(1.0);

		// transform back in world space
		tmp = m44T( pointOnBox);
		pointOnBox    = tmp;
		tmp  = m44T( v3PointOnSphere);		
		v3PointOnSphere = tmp;
		btScalar fSeps2 = (pointOnBox-v3PointOnSphere).length2();
		//if this fails, fallback into deeper penetration case, below
		if (fSeps2 > SIMD_EPSILON)
			fSep = - btSqrt(fSeps2);
			normal = (pointOnBox-v3PointOnSphere);
			normal *= btScalar(1.)/fSep;

		return fSep;

	// Deep penetration case

	fPenetration = getSpherePenetration( boxObj,pointOnBox, v3PointOnSphere, sphereCenter, fRadius,bounds[0],bounds[1] );

	bounds[0] = boundsVec[0];
	bounds[1] = boundsVec[1];

	if ( fPenetration <= btScalar(0.0) )
		return (fPenetration-margins);
		return btScalar(1.0);