ChastePoint<DIM>::ChastePoint(std::vector<double> coords) { for (unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++) { mLocation(i) =; } }
double ChastePoint<DIM>::GetWithDefault(unsigned i, double def) const { if (i<DIM) { return mLocation(i); } else { return def; } }
double ChastePoint<DIM>::operator[] (unsigned i) const { assert(i<DIM); return mLocation(i); }
void ChastePoint<DIM>::SetCoordinate(unsigned i, double value) { assert(i < DIM); mLocation(i) = value; }
void compare3( std::string var="h_mh_parton", bool logScale=false, float xmin=-9999.0, float xmax=-9999.0 ) { setTDRStyle(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); const int NHISTOS=3; TH1D* h[NHISTOS]; TFile *fmc[NHISTOS]; std::string mcfile[NHISTOS]={ "dijetmass_study_20120913/studymjj_ak5_GluGluToHToZZTo2L2Q_M-300_8TeV-powheg-pythia6.root", "dijetmass_study_20120913/studymjj_ak5_GluGluToHToZZTo2L2Q_M-600_8TeV-powheg-pythia6.root", "dijetmass_study_20120913/studymjj_ak5_GluGluToHToZZTo2L2Q_M-900_8TeV-powheg-pythia6.root" }; std::string mcName[NHISTOS]={ "M_{H}=300 GeV", "M_{H}=600 GeV", "M_{H}=900 GeV" }; for(int i=0; i<NHISTOS; i++){ fmc[i] = TFile::Open(mcfile[i].data()); h[i] = (TH1D*)(fmc[i]->Get(; cout << "Opening " << fmc[i]->GetName() << endl; } int COLOR[NHISTOS]={4,1, 2}; int MARKERSTYLE[NHISTOS]={24,21,29}; for(int i=0; i < NHISTOS; i++){ // h[i]->SetTitle(""); h[i]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(5); h[i]->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(5); // h[i]->GetYaxis()->SetDecimals(); h[i]->SetLineColor(COLOR[i]); h[i]->SetMarkerColor(COLOR[i]); h[i]->SetMarkerSize(1); h[i]->SetMarkerStyle(MARKERSTYLE[i]); h[i]->SetTitleOffset(1.0,"Y"); } // if normalizing to the same area, set the scale int binLo = -1; int binHi = -1; int nbins = h[0]->GetNbinsX(); if(xmin>-9999.0 && xmax>-9999.0) { binLo = h[0]->FindBin(xmin); binHi = h[0]->FindBin(xmax)-1; } else { binLo = 1; binHi = nbins; xmin = h[0]->GetBinLowEdge(1); xmax = h[0]->GetBinLowEdge(nbins+1); } float scaleFactor[NHISTOS]={1}; for(int ih=0; ih < NHISTOS; ih++){ float integral = h[ih]->Integral(binLo,binHi); scaleFactor[ih] = integral > 0? 1.0/integral: 1; h[ih]->Sumw2(); h[ih]->Scale(scaleFactor[ih]); } for(int ih=0; ih < NHISTOS; ih++) cout << "histogram " << ih << " integral = " << h[ih]->Integral() << endl; for(int ih=0; ih < NHISTOS; ih++) cout << "histogram " << ih << " integral = " << h[ih]->Integral(binLo, binHi) << endl; vector<float> maxArray; maxArray.clear(); for(int ih=0; ih < NHISTOS; ih++){ h[ih]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xmin,xmax); float max_this = h[ih]->GetBinError(h[ih]->GetMaximumBin()) + h[ih]->GetMaximum(); maxArray.push_back(max_this); } float max = *max_element(maxArray.begin(),maxArray.end()); cout << "Max = " << max << endl; for(int ih=0; ih < NHISTOS; ih++){ h[ih]->SetMaximum(1.1*max); } cout << "here" << endl; TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("c1","",600,500); if(logScale) gPad->SetLogy(1); gStyle->SetTitleX(0.1); h[0]->Draw("e"); for(int ih=0; ih < NHISTOS-1; ih++) h[ih]->Draw("esame"); h[NHISTOS-1]->Draw("hesame"); TLine mLocation(MZ_PDG,0.0,MZ_PDG,h[0]->GetMaximum()); mLocation.SetLineStyle(2); mLocation.SetLineColor(kMagenta-6); mLocation.SetLineWidth(3); if(var.find("mjj")!=std::string::npos || var.find("mll")!=std::string::npos) mLocation.Draw("same"); float x1NDC = 0.669355; float y1NDC = 0.708475; float x2NDC = 0.889113; float y2NDC = 0.925847; std::string headertitle = "H^{0}#rightarrow ZZ#rightarrow 2l2q"; TLegend* leg = new TLegend(x1NDC,y1NDC,x2NDC,y2NDC); leg->SetFillColor(0); leg->SetFillStyle(0); leg->SetTextSize(0.04); leg->SetBorderSize(0); leg->SetHeader("anti-kt05"); for(int i=0; i < NHISTOS; i++) leg->AddEntry(h[i], mcName[i].data()); leg->Draw("same"); string dirName = "20120913_3histograms"; gSystem->mkdir(; std::string filename; std::string psname = dirName + "/ak5" + var; if(logScale) psname += "_log"; filename = psname + ".eps"; c1->Print(; filename = psname + ".gif"; c1->Print(; filename = psname + ".pdf"; c1->Print(; // c1->Close(); }