Beispiel #1
 * Compute covariance array (m_V) for no autocorrelation case
 * This just sets m_V to an identity matrix + 1.
 * SJDM.  Appears to be working fine if eps = 0.
 *        If eps > 0, can have a larges m_sig2 depending on value of eps.
void logistic_normal::compute_covariance_matrix()
	int i,nb;
	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		nb = m_nB2(i);
		dmatrix I = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb-1);
		m_V(i) = 1 + I;

	// compute mle estimate of sigma
	// scale covariance matrix
	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		for(int j = m_b1; j < m_nB2(i); j++ )
			m_V(i)(j,j) *= m_sig2;
Beispiel #2
 * Compute the covvariance array for AR1 case
 * This is based on the parameter rho.
 * This is done in two steps:
 * 1) fist calculate the correlation matrix dCor given phi
 * 2) Get the mle estimate of m_sig2 given the correlation.
void logistic_normal::compute_covariance_matrix(const dvariable& phi)

	dvar3_array dCor(m_y1,m_y2,m_b1,m_nB2,m_b1,m_nB2);

	int i,j,k,nb;
	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		nb = m_nB2(i);
		dCor(i) = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb);

		// 2). Compute the vector of coefficients.
		dvar_vector drho(m_b1,nb);
		for( j = m_b1; j <= nb; j++ )
			drho(j) = pow(phi,j-m_b1+1);
		// 3). Compute correlation matrix dCor
		for( j = m_b1; j <= nb; j++ )
			for( k = m_b1; k <= nb; k++ )
				if( j != k ) dCor(i)(j,k) = drho(m_b1+abs(j-k));
		m_V(i) = trans(trans(dCor(i).sub(m_b1,nb-1)).sub(m_b1,nb-1));
	// compute mle estimate of sigma
	// cout<<"Got to here sigma = "<<m_sig<<endl;

	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		nb = m_nB2(i);
		for( j = m_b1; j <= nb; j++ )
			dCor(i).rowfill(j, extract_row(dCor(i),j)*m_sig );
		for( k = m_b1; k <= nb; k++ )
			dCor(i).colfill(k, extract_column(dCor(i),k)*m_sig );

		// Kmat
		dmatrix I = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb-1);
		dmatrix tKmat(m_b1,nb,m_b1,nb-1);
		tKmat.sub(m_b1,nb-1) = I;
		tKmat(nb) = -1;
		dmatrix Kmat = trans(tKmat);
		m_V(i) = Kmat * dCor(i) * tKmat;
Beispiel #3
MRF::EnergyVal TRWS::smoothnessEnergy()
    EnergyVal eng = (EnergyVal) 0;
    EnergyVal weight;
    int x,y,pix;

    if ( m_grid_graph )
	    if ( m_smoothType != FUNCTION  )
		    for ( y = 0; y < m_height; y++ )
			for ( x = 1; x < m_width; x++ )
				pix    = x+y*m_width;
				weight = m_varWeights ? m_horzWeights[pix-1] :  1;
				eng = eng + m_V(m_answer[pix],m_answer[pix-1])*weight;

		    for ( y = 1; y < m_height; y++ )
			for ( x = 0; x < m_width; x++ )
				pix = x+y*m_width;
				weight = m_varWeights ? m_vertWeights[pix-m_width] :  1;
				eng = eng + m_V(m_answer[pix],m_answer[pix-m_width])*weight;
		    for ( y = 0; y < m_height; y++ )
			for ( x = 1; x < m_width; x++ )
				pix = x+y*m_width;
				eng = eng + m_smoothFn(pix,pix-1,m_answer[pix],m_answer[pix-1]);

		    for ( y = 1; y < m_height; y++ )
			for ( x = 0; x < m_width; x++ )
				pix = x+y*m_width;
				eng = eng + m_smoothFn(pix,pix-m_width,m_answer[pix],m_answer[pix-m_width]);
	    // not implemented

Beispiel #4
 inline void operator()(value_type *x, value_type *Fx)
     std::copy(x, x + m_x.size(), m_x.begin());
     m_V(m_t, x, m_v);
     m_euler(m_t, x, m_v, m_dt);
     std::transform(m_x.begin(), m_x.end(), x, Fx, std::minus<value_type>());
Beispiel #5
 * Compute negative loglikelihood:
 *      nll  = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6; where:
 *      bym1 = sum_y(B_y-1);
 *      t1   = 0.5*log(2pi) * bym1;
 *      t2   = sum_{by} log(O_{by});
 *      t3   = log(sigma) * bym1;
 *      t4   = 0.5*sum_y log(det(V_y))
 *      t5   = sum_y (By-1)*log(W_y)
 *      t6   = 0.5*sigma^{-2}* sum_y (w'_y V_y^{-1} w_y)/W_y^2
void logistic_normal::compute_negative_loglikelihood()

	double bym1 = sum( dvector(m_nB2-m_b1) - 1.);
	double t1   = 0.5 * log(2. * PI) * bym1;
	double t2   = sum( log(m_Op) );
	dvariable t3   = log(m_sig) * bym1;
	dvariable t4   = 0;
	dvariable t5   = 0;
	dvariable t6   = 0;
	for(int i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		dvar_matrix Vinv = inv(m_V(i));

		t4 += 0.5*log( det(m_V(i)) );
		t5 += (m_nB2(i)-m_b1-1) * log(m_dWy(i));
		t6 += (0.5/(m_dWy(i)*m_dWy(i))) * m_w(i) * Vinv * m_w(i);

	m_nll = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6;
Beispiel #6
 * Compute standardized residuals.
 * res{_by} = [log(O_{by}/\tilde(O)) - log(E_{by}/\tilde(E))] / (W_y G_y^{0.5})
void logistic_normal::compute_standardized_residuals()

	// Assumed the covariance matrix (m_V) has already been calculated.
	// when the likelihood was called.

	int i,j,k;
	double n;
	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		n             = m_nB2(i);
		double gOmean = pow(prod(m_Op(i),n),1./n);
		dvector   t1  = log(m_Op(i)/gOmean);

		double gEmean = pow(prod(value(m_Ep(i)),n),1./n);
		dvector   t2  = log(value(m_Ep(i))/gEmean);

		dmatrix  I = identity_matrix(m_b1,n-1);

		dmatrix tF(m_b1,n,m_b1,n-1);
		tF.sub(m_b1,n-1) = I;
		tF(n)         = 1;

		dmatrix  Hinv    = inv(I + 1);
		dmatrix FHinv    = tF * Hinv;
		dmatrix     G    = FHinv * value(m_V(i)) * trans(FHinv);
		dvector sd    = sqrt(diagonal(G));
		for( j = m_b1; j <= m_nB2(i); j++ )
			k = m_nAgeIndex(i)(j);
			m_residual(i)(k) = (t1(j)-t2(j)) / (sd(j)*m_dWy(i));
Beispiel #7
bool WSDLSSolver::solve(const e_matrix& A, const e_vector& Wy, const e_vector& ydot, const e_matrix& Wq, e_vector& qdot, e_scalar& nlcoef)
	unsigned int i, j, l;
	e_scalar N, M;

	// Create the Weighted jacobian
    m_AWq = (A*Wq).lazy();
	for (i=0; i<m_nc; i++)
		m_WyAWq.row(i) = Wy(i)*m_AWq.row(i);

    // Compute the SVD of the weighted jacobian
	int ret;
	if (m_transpose) {
		m_WyAWqt = m_WyAWq.transpose();
		ret = KDL::svd_eigen_HH(m_WyAWqt,m_V,m_S,m_U,m_temp);
	} else {
		ret = KDL::svd_eigen_HH(m_WyAWq,m_U,m_S,m_V,m_temp);
        return false;

	m_Wy_ydot = Wy.cwise() * ydot;
    m_WqV = (Wq*m_V).lazy();
	e_scalar maxDeltaS = e_scalar(0.0);
	e_scalar prevS = e_scalar(0.0);
	e_scalar maxS = e_scalar(1.0);
	for(i=0;i<m_ns;++i) {
		e_scalar norm, mag, alpha, _qmax, Sinv, vmax, damp;
		e_scalar S = m_S(i);
		bool prev;
		if (S < KDL::epsilon)
		Sinv = e_scalar(1.)/S;
		if (i > 0) {
			if ((prevS-S) > maxDeltaS) {
				maxDeltaS = (prevS-S);
				maxS = prevS;
		N = M = e_scalar(0.);
		for (l=0, prev=m_ytask[0], norm=e_scalar(0.); l<m_nc; l++) {
			if (prev == m_ytask[l]) {
				norm += m_U(l,i)*m_U(l,i);
			} else {
				N += std::sqrt(norm);
				norm = m_U(l,i)*m_U(l,i);
			prev = m_ytask[l];
		N += std::sqrt(norm);
		for (j=0; j<m_nq; j++) {
			for (l=0, prev=m_ytask[0], norm=e_scalar(0.), mag=e_scalar(0.); l<m_nc; l++) {
				if (prev == m_ytask[l]) {
					norm += m_WyAWq(l,j)*m_WyAWq(l,j);
				} else {
					mag += std::sqrt(norm);
					norm = m_WyAWq(l,j)*m_WyAWq(l,j);
				prev = m_ytask[l];
			mag += std::sqrt(norm);
			M += fabs(m_V(j,i))*mag;
		M *= Sinv;
		alpha = m_U.col(i).dot(m_Wy_ydot);
		_qmax = (N < M) ? m_qmax*N/M : m_qmax;
		vmax = m_WqV.col(i).cwise().abs().maxCoeff();
		norm = fabs(Sinv*alpha*vmax);
		if (norm > _qmax) {
			damp = Sinv*alpha*_qmax/norm;
		} else {
			damp = Sinv*alpha;
		qdot += m_WqV.col(i)*damp;
		prevS = S;
	if (maxDeltaS == e_scalar(0.0))
		nlcoef = e_scalar(KDL::epsilon);
		nlcoef = (maxS-maxDeltaS)/maxS;
    return true;
Beispiel #8
 * Compute the covvariance array for AR2 case
 * This is based on the parameters rho and psi.
 * Note that phi1 is bounded (-1,1)
 * Then set  phi2 = -1 + (1 + |phi1|)*psi
 * and psi is bounded (0,1)
 * This implies the upper bound for phi2 is 1.0 when |phi1|= 1 and psi = 1
void logistic_normal::compute_covariance_matrix(const dvariable& phi1, const dvariable& psi)

	dvar3_array dCor(m_y1,m_y2,m_b1,m_nB2,m_b1,m_nB2);

	int i,j,k,nb;
	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		nb = m_nB2(i);
		// dmatrix I = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb-1);
		// m_V(i) = I;
		dCor(i) = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb);

		// 2). Compute the vector of coefficients.
		dvariable phi2 = -1. + (1. + sfabs(phi1)) * psi;
		dvar_vector drho(m_b1-1,nb-1);
		drho = 1.0;
		drho(m_b1) = phi1 / (1.0 - phi2);
		for( j = m_b1+1; j <= nb-1; j++ )
			drho(j) = phi1*drho(j-1) + phi2*drho(j-2);

		// 3). Compute correlation matrix m_V
		for( j = m_b1; j < nb; j++ )
			for( k = m_b1; k < nb; k++ )
				//if( j != k ) m_V(i)(j,k) = drho(m_b1+abs(j-k));
				if( j != k ) dCor(i)(j,k) = drho(m_b1+abs(j-k));
		m_V(i) = trans(trans(dCor(i).sub(m_b1,nb-1)).sub(m_b1,nb-1));

	// compute mle estimate of sigma

	for( i = m_y1; i <= m_y2; i++ )
		nb = m_nB2(i);
		for( j = m_b1; j < nb; j++ )
			m_V(i).rowfill(j, extract_row(m_V(i),j) * m_sig );

		for( k = m_b1; k < nb; k++ )
			m_V(i).colfill(k, extract_column( m_V(i),k ) * m_sig );

		// Kmat
		dmatrix I = identity_matrix(m_b1,nb-1);
		dmatrix tKmat(m_b1,nb,m_b1,nb-1);
		tKmat.sub(m_b1,nb-1) = I;
		tKmat(nb) = -1;
		dmatrix Kmat = trans(tKmat);
		m_V(i) = Kmat * dCor(i) * tKmat;