Beispiel #1
// MenuManager::Quit
int GameEngine::Quit(void)
	char c='\0';

	BM.TypeString(63, 6, "               \0", m_color(R_BLUE,R_GREY,0,1));
	BM.TypeString(79, 6, "_", m_color(R_BLUE, R_BROWN, 1,1));
	BM.TypeString(64, 6, "End this game?\0", m_color(R_BLUE,R_GREY,0,1));

	// check answer
	while ( (c!='y') && (c!='Y') && (c!='n') && (c!='N') )
		// read a key from the keyboard buffer.

	// if yes was typed, pass the exit code to the calling loop.
	if (c=='y' || c=='Y')
		return 1;
		// otherwise, redraw the GAMNEMENU and return the exit code.
		return 0;
Beispiel #2
// toRGBA( colour );
SQInteger CUtilNatives::ToRGBA( SQVM * pVM )
	SQInteger iColour;
	sq_getinteger( pVM, -1, &iColour );

	CColor m_color( (unsigned long)iColour );
	CSquirrelArguments args;
	args.push( m_color.R );
	args.push( m_color.G );
	args.push( m_color.B );
	args.push( m_color.A );

	CSquirrelArgument arguments(args, true);
	arguments.push( pVM );
	return 1;
Beispiel #3
// fromRGB( r, g, b[, a = 255] );
SQInteger CUtilNatives::FromRGB( SQVM * pVM )
	// Get the stack top
	int iTop = sq_gettop( pVM ) - 1;

	if( iTop < 3 || iTop > 4 )
		CHECK_PARAMS( "fromRGB", 3 );

	SQInteger r, g, b;
	SQInteger a = 255;
	if( iTop > 3 )
		CHECK_TYPE( "fromRGB", 1, -4, OT_INTEGER );
		CHECK_TYPE( "fromRGB", 2, -3, OT_INTEGER );
		CHECK_TYPE( "fromRGB", 3, -2, OT_INTEGER );
		CHECK_TYPE( "fromRGB", 4, -1, OT_INTEGER );

		sq_getinteger( pVM, -4, &r );
		sq_getinteger( pVM, -3, &g );
		sq_getinteger( pVM, -2, &b );
		sq_getinteger( pVM, -1, &a );
		CHECK_TYPE( "fromRGB", 1, -3, OT_INTEGER );
		CHECK_TYPE( "fromRGB", 2, -2, OT_INTEGER );
		CHECK_TYPE( "fromRGB", 3, -1, OT_INTEGER );

		sq_getinteger( pVM, -3, &r );
		sq_getinteger( pVM, -2, &g );
		sq_getinteger( pVM, -1, &b );
	CColor m_color( r, g, b, a );
	sq_pushinteger( pVM, m_color.dwHexColor );
	return 1;
cvf::Color3f RimAnnotationLineAppearance::color() const
    return m_color();