static void display_headers(struct packet_object *po)
   /* it is at least 26... rounding up */
   char time[28];
   char tmp1[MAX_ASCII_ADDR_LEN];
   char tmp2[MAX_ASCII_ADDR_LEN];
   char flags[8];
   char *p = flags;
   char proto[5];
   memset(flags, 0, sizeof(flags));
   memset(proto, 0, sizeof(proto));   

   fprintf(stdout, "\n\n");
   /* remove the final '\n' */
   strncpy(time, ctime((time_t *)&po->ts.tv_sec), 28);
   time[strlen(time)-1] = 0;
   /* displat the date */
   fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", time);
   //fprintf(stdout, "%x %x\n", (u_int)po->ts.tv_sec, (u_int)po->ts.tv_usec);
   if (GBL_OPTIONS->ext_headers) {
      /* display the mac addresses */
      mac_addr_ntoa(po->L2.src, tmp1);
      mac_addr_ntoa(po->L2.dst, tmp2);
      fprintf(stdout, "%17s --> %17s\n", tmp1, tmp2 );
   /* calculate the flags */
   if (po->L4.flags & TH_SYN) *p++ = 'S';
   if (po->L4.flags & TH_FIN) *p++ = 'F';
   if (po->L4.flags & TH_RST) *p++ = 'R';
   if (po->L4.flags & TH_ACK) *p++ = 'A';
   if (po->L4.flags & TH_PSH) *p++ = 'P';
   /* determine the proto */
   switch(po->L4.proto) {
      case NL_TYPE_TCP:
         strncpy(proto, "TCP", 3);
      case NL_TYPE_UDP:
         strncpy(proto, "UDP", 3);
   /* display the ip addresses */
   ip_addr_ntoa(&po->L3.src, tmp1);
   ip_addr_ntoa(&po->L3.dst, tmp2);
   fprintf(stdout, "%s  %s:%d --> %s:%d | %s\n", proto, tmp1, ntohs(po->L4.src), 
                                                        tmp2, ntohs(po->L4.dst),

   fprintf(stdout, "\n");
Beispiel #2
static void display_headers(struct packet_object *po)

   char tmp1[MAX_ASCII_ADDR_LEN];
   char tmp2[MAX_ASCII_ADDR_LEN];
   char flags[8];
   char *p = flags;
   char proto[5];
   memset(flags, 0, sizeof(flags));
   memset(proto, 0, sizeof(proto));   

   /* display the date. ec_ctime() has no newline at end. */
   fprintf(stdout, "\n\n%s [%lu]\n", ec_ctime(&po->ts), po->ts.tv_usec);

   if (GBL_OPTIONS->ext_headers) {
      /* display the mac addresses */
      mac_addr_ntoa(po->L2.src, tmp1);
      mac_addr_ntoa(po->L2.dst, tmp2);
      fprintf(stdout, "%17s --> %17s\n", tmp1, tmp2 );
   /* calculate the flags */
   if (po->L4.flags & TH_SYN) *p++ = 'S';
   if (po->L4.flags & TH_FIN) *p++ = 'F';
   if (po->L4.flags & TH_RST) *p++ = 'R';
   if (po->L4.flags & TH_ACK) *p++ = 'A';
   if (po->L4.flags & TH_PSH) *p++ = 'P';
   /* determine the proto */
   switch(po->L4.proto) {
      case NL_TYPE_TCP:
         strncpy(proto, "TCP", 3);
      case NL_TYPE_UDP:
         strncpy(proto, "UDP", 3);
   /* display the ip addresses */
   ip_addr_ntoa(&po->L3.src, tmp1);
   ip_addr_ntoa(&po->L3.dst, tmp2);
   fprintf(stdout, "%s  %s:%d --> %s:%d | %s\n", proto, tmp1, ntohs(po->L4.src), 
                                                        tmp2, ntohs(po->L4.dst),

   fprintf(stdout, "\n");
 * parses the discovery message and send the spoofed reply
static void dhcp_spoofing_disc(struct packet_object *po)
   char dhcp_hdr[LIBNET_DHCPV4_H];
   struct libnet_dhcpv4_hdr *dhcp;
   char tmp[MAX_ASCII_ADDR_LEN];


   /* no more ip available in the pool */
   if (dhcp_free_ip == SLIST_END(&dhcp_ip_pool.ips))
   /* get a local copy of the dhcp header */
   memcpy(dhcp_hdr, po->, LIBNET_DHCPV4_H);

   dhcp = (struct libnet_dhcpv4_hdr *)dhcp_hdr;

   /* use the same dhcp header, but change the type of the message */
   dhcp->dhcp_opcode = LIBNET_DHCP_REPLY;

   /* this is a dhcp OFFER */
   dhcp_options[2] = DHCP_OFFER;

   /* set the free ip from the pool */
   dhcp->dhcp_yip = ip_addr_to_int32(&dhcp_free_ip->ip.addr);
   /* set it in the header */
   dhcp->dhcp_sip = ip_addr_to_int32(&GBL_IFACE->ip.addr);

   /* set it in the options */
   ip_addr_cpy((u_char*)dhcp_options + 5, &GBL_IFACE->ip);
   /* send the packet */
   send_dhcp_reply(&GBL_IFACE->ip, dhcp_addr_reply(&po->L3.src), po->L2.src, (u_char*)dhcp_hdr, (u_char*)dhcp_options, dhcp_optlen);
   USER_MSG("DHCP spoofing: fake OFFER [%s] ", mac_addr_ntoa(po->L2.src, tmp));
   USER_MSG("offering %s \n", ip_addr_ntoa(&dhcp_free_ip->ip, tmp));

   /* move the pointer to the next ip */
   dhcp_free_ip = LIST_NEXT(dhcp_free_ip, next);
Beispiel #4
void get_hw_info(void)
   u_long ip;
   struct libnet_ether_addr *ea;
   bpf_u_int32 network, netmask;
   char pcap_errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
   /* dont touch the interface reading from file */
   if (!GBL_LNET->lnet || GBL_OPTIONS->read) {
      DEBUG_MSG("get_hw_info: skipping... (not initialized)");
   /* get the ip address */
   ip = libnet_get_ipaddr4(GBL_LNET->lnet);
   /* if ip is equal to -1 there was an error */
   if (ip != (u_long)~0) {

      /* the interface has an ip address */
      if (ip != 0)
         GBL_IFACE->configured = 1;
      /* save the ip address */
      ip_addr_init(&GBL_IFACE->ip, AF_INET, (char *)&ip);
      if (pcap_lookupnet(GBL_OPTIONS->iface, &network, &netmask, pcap_errbuf) == -1)
         ERROR_MSG("%s", pcap_errbuf);
      ip_addr_init(&GBL_IFACE->network, AF_INET, (char *)&network);

      /* the user has specified a different netmask, use it */
      if (GBL_OPTIONS->netmask) {
         struct in_addr net;
         /* sanity check */
         if (inet_aton(GBL_OPTIONS->netmask, &net) == 0)
            FATAL_ERROR("Invalid netmask %s", GBL_OPTIONS->netmask);

         ip_addr_init(&GBL_IFACE->netmask, AF_INET, (char *)&net);
      } else
         ip_addr_init(&GBL_IFACE->netmask, AF_INET, (char *)&netmask);
   } else
      DEBUG_MSG("get_hw_info: NO IP on %s", GBL_OPTIONS->iface);
   /* get the mac address */
   ea = libnet_get_hwaddr(GBL_LNET->lnet);

   if (ea != NULL)
      memcpy(GBL_IFACE->mac, ea->ether_addr_octet, MEDIA_ADDR_LEN);
      DEBUG_MSG("get_hw_info: NO MAC for %s", GBL_OPTIONS->iface);

   /* get the MTU */
   GBL_IFACE->mtu = get_iface_mtu(GBL_OPTIONS->iface);
   /* check the mtu */
   if (GBL_IFACE->mtu > INT16_MAX)
      FATAL_ERROR("MTU too large");

   USER_MSG("%6s ->\t%s  ",  GBL_OPTIONS->iface,
            mac_addr_ntoa(GBL_IFACE->mac, pcap_errbuf));
   USER_MSG("%16s  ", ip_addr_ntoa(&GBL_IFACE->ip, pcap_errbuf));
   USER_MSG("%16s\n\n", ip_addr_ntoa(&GBL_IFACE->netmask, pcap_errbuf) );
   /* if not in bridged sniffing, return */
   if (GBL_SNIFF->type != SM_BRIDGED)
   ip = libnet_get_ipaddr4(GBL_LNET->lnet_bridge);

   /* if ip is equal to -1 there was an error */
   if (ip != (u_long)~0) {
      ip_addr_init(&GBL_BRIDGE->ip, AF_INET, (char *)&ip);
      if (pcap_lookupnet(GBL_OPTIONS->iface_bridge, &network, &netmask, pcap_errbuf) == -1)
         ERROR_MSG("%s", pcap_errbuf);
      ip_addr_init(&GBL_BRIDGE->network, AF_INET, (char *)&network);
      ip_addr_init(&GBL_BRIDGE->netmask, AF_INET, (char *)&netmask);
   } else
      DEBUG_MSG("get_hw_info: NO IP on %s", GBL_OPTIONS->iface_bridge);
   ea = libnet_get_hwaddr(GBL_LNET->lnet_bridge);

   if (ea != NULL)
      memcpy(GBL_BRIDGE->mac, ea->ether_addr_octet, MEDIA_ADDR_LEN);
      DEBUG_MSG("get_hw_info: NO MAC for %s", GBL_OPTIONS->iface_bridge);
   /* get the MTU */
   GBL_BRIDGE->mtu = get_iface_mtu(GBL_OPTIONS->iface_bridge);
   if (GBL_BRIDGE->mtu > INT16_MAX)
      FATAL_ERROR("MTU too large");

   USER_MSG("%6s ->\t%s  ",  GBL_OPTIONS->iface_bridge,
            mac_addr_ntoa(GBL_BRIDGE->mac, pcap_errbuf));
   USER_MSG("%16s  ", ip_addr_ntoa(&GBL_BRIDGE->ip, pcap_errbuf));
   USER_MSG("%16s\n\n", ip_addr_ntoa(&GBL_BRIDGE->netmask, pcap_errbuf) );

   /* some sanity checks */
   if (GBL_BRIDGE->mtu != GBL_IFACE->mtu)
      FATAL_ERROR("The two interfaces must have the same MTU.");

   if (!memcmp(GBL_BRIDGE->mac, GBL_IFACE->mac, MEDIA_ADDR_LEN))
      FATAL_ERROR("The two bridged interfaces must be phisically different");
Beispiel #5
/* Parse the arp packets */
static void parse_arp(struct packet_object *po)
   char tmp[MAX_ASCII_ADDR_LEN];
   char tmp2[MAX_ASCII_ADDR_LEN];
   struct ip_list *t;

   /* if arp poisonin is not running, do nothing */
   if (!is_mitm_active("arp"))

   /* don't add our addresses */
   if (!ip_addr_cmp(&EC_GBL_IFACE->ip, &po->L3.src))
   if (!memcmp(&EC_GBL_IFACE->mac, &po->L2.src, MEDIA_ADDR_LEN))

   /* don't add undefined address */
   if (ip_addr_is_zero(&po->L3.src))
   /* search in target 1 */
   if (EC_GBL_TARGET1->all_ip) {
      if (add_to_victims(&arp_group_one, po) == E_SUCCESS)
         USER_MSG("autoadd: %s %s added to GROUP1\n", ip_addr_ntoa(&po->L3.src, tmp), mac_addr_ntoa(po->L2.src, tmp2));
   } else {
      LIST_FOREACH(t, &EC_GBL_TARGET1->ips, next) 
         if (!ip_addr_cmp(&t->ip, &po->L3.src)) 
            if (add_to_victims(&arp_group_one, po) == E_SUCCESS)
               USER_MSG("autoadd: %s %s added to GROUP1\n", ip_addr_ntoa(&po->L3.src, tmp), mac_addr_ntoa(po->L2.src, tmp2));
   /* search in target 2 */
   if (EC_GBL_TARGET2->all_ip) {
      if (add_to_victims(&arp_group_two, po) == E_SUCCESS)
         USER_MSG("autoadd: %s %s added to GROUP2\n", ip_addr_ntoa(&po->L3.src, tmp), mac_addr_ntoa(po->L2.src, tmp2));
   } else {
      LIST_FOREACH(t, &EC_GBL_TARGET2->ips, next) 
         if (!ip_addr_cmp(&t->ip, &po->L3.src)) 
            if (add_to_victims(&arp_group_two, po) == E_SUCCESS)
               USER_MSG("autoadd: %s %s added to GROUP2\n", ip_addr_ntoa(&po->L3.src, tmp), mac_addr_ntoa(po->L2.src, tmp2));
 * details for a connection
static void curses_connection_detail(void *conn)
   struct conn_tail *c = (struct conn_tail *)conn;
   char tmp[MAX_ASCII_ADDR_LEN];
   char *proto = "";
   char name[MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN];
   unsigned int row = 0;

   /* if the object already exist, set the focus to it */
   if (wdg_conn_detail) {
      wdg_conn_detail = NULL;
   wdg_create_object(&wdg_conn_detail, WDG_WINDOW, WDG_OBJ_WANT_FOCUS);
   wdg_set_title(wdg_conn_detail, "Connection detail:", WDG_ALIGN_LEFT);
   wdg_set_size(wdg_conn_detail, 1, 2, 75, 23);
   wdg_set_color(wdg_conn_detail, WDG_COLOR_SCREEN, EC_COLOR);
   wdg_set_color(wdg_conn_detail, WDG_COLOR_WINDOW, EC_COLOR);
   wdg_set_color(wdg_conn_detail, WDG_COLOR_BORDER, EC_COLOR_BORDER);
   wdg_set_color(wdg_conn_detail, WDG_COLOR_FOCUS, EC_COLOR_FOCUS);
   wdg_set_color(wdg_conn_detail, WDG_COLOR_TITLE, EC_COLOR_TITLE);
   /* add the destroy callback */
   wdg_add_destroy_key(wdg_conn_detail, CTRL('Q'), NULL);
   /* print the information */
   wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row,    "Source MAC address      :  %s", 
         mac_addr_ntoa(c->co->L2_addr1, tmp));
   wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row,    "Destination MAC address :  %s", 
         mac_addr_ntoa(c->co->L2_addr2, tmp));

   wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row,    "Source IP address       :  %s", 
         ip_addr_ntoa(&(c->co->L3_addr1), tmp));
   if (host_iptoa(&(c->co->L3_addr1), name) == E_SUCCESS)
      wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row, "Source hostname         :  %s", 
   if (GBL_CONF->geoip_support_enable)
      wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row, "Source location         :  %s", 
   wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row,    "Destination IP address  :  %s", 
         ip_addr_ntoa(&(c->co->L3_addr2), tmp));
   if (host_iptoa(&(c->co->L3_addr2), name) == E_SUCCESS)
      wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row, "Destination hostname    :  %s", name);
   if (GBL_CONF->geoip_support_enable)
      wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row, "Destination location    :  %s",

   switch (c->co->L4_proto) {
      case NL_TYPE_UDP:
         proto = "UDP";
      case NL_TYPE_TCP:
         proto = "TCP";
   wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row, "Protocol                :  %s", proto);
   wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row, "Source port             :  %-5d  %s", 
         ntohs(c->co->L4_addr1), service_search(c->co->L4_addr1, c->co->L4_proto));
   wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row, "Destination port        :  %-5d  %s", 
         ntohs(c->co->L4_addr2), service_search(c->co->L4_addr2, c->co->L4_proto));
   wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row, "--> %d    <-- %d   total: %d ", c->co->tx, c->co->rx, c->co->xferred);
   if (c->co->DISSECTOR.user) {
      wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row, "Account                 :  %s / %s", c->co->DISSECTOR.user, c->co->DISSECTOR.pass);
      if (c->co->
         wdg_window_print(wdg_conn_detail, 1, ++row, "Additional Info         :  %s", c->co->;
 * parses the request and send the spoofed reply
static void dhcp_spoofing_req(struct packet_object *po)
   char dhcp_hdr[LIBNET_DHCPV4_H];
   struct libnet_dhcpv4_hdr *dhcp;
   u_int8 *options, *opt, *end;
   struct ip_addr client, server;
   char tmp[MAX_ASCII_ADDR_LEN];

   /* get a local copy of the dhcp header */
   memcpy(dhcp_hdr, po->, LIBNET_DHCPV4_H);

   dhcp = (struct libnet_dhcpv4_hdr *)dhcp_hdr;

   /* get the pointers to options */
   options = po-> + LIBNET_DHCPV4_H;
   end = po-> + po->DATA.len;

   /* use the same dhcp header, but change the type of the message */
   dhcp->dhcp_opcode = LIBNET_DHCP_REPLY;

    * if the client is requesting a particular IP address,
    * release it. so we don't mess the network too much...
    * only change the router ip ;)

   /* get the requested ip */
   if ((opt = get_dhcp_option(DHCP_OPT_RQ_ADDR, options, end)) != NULL)
      ip_addr_init(&client, AF_INET, opt + 1);
   else {
      /* search if the client already has the ip address */
      if (dhcp->dhcp_cip != 0) {
         ip_addr_init(&client, AF_INET, (u_char *)&dhcp->dhcp_cip);
      } else
   /* set the requested ip */
   dhcp->dhcp_yip = ip_addr_to_int32(&client.addr);
   /* this is a dhcp ACK */
   dhcp_options[2] = DHCP_ACK;
    * if it is a request after an offer from a server,
    * spoof its ip to be stealth.
   if ((opt = get_dhcp_option(DHCP_OPT_SRV_ADDR, options, end)) != NULL) {
      /* get the server id */
      ip_addr_init(&server, AF_INET, opt + 1);
      /* set it in the header */
      dhcp->dhcp_sip = ip_addr_to_int32(&server.addr);

      /* set it in the options */
      ip_addr_cpy((u_char*)dhcp_options + 5, &server);
      send_dhcp_reply(&server, dhcp_addr_reply(&po->L3.src), po->L2.src, (u_char*)dhcp_hdr, (u_char*)dhcp_options, dhcp_optlen);
   } else {
       * the request does not contain an identifier,
       * use our ip address
      dhcp->dhcp_sip = ip_addr_to_int32(&GBL_IFACE->ip.addr);
      /* set it in the options */
      ip_addr_cpy((u_char*)dhcp_options + 5, &GBL_IFACE->ip);
      send_dhcp_reply(&GBL_IFACE->ip, dhcp_addr_reply(&po->L3.src), po->L2.src, (u_char*)dhcp_hdr, (u_char*)dhcp_options, dhcp_optlen);

   USER_MSG("DHCP spoofing: fake ACK [%s] ", mac_addr_ntoa(po->L2.src, tmp));
   USER_MSG("assigned to %s \n", ip_addr_ntoa(&client, tmp));
 * details for a connection
static void gtkui_connection_detail(void)
   GtkTreeIter iter;
   GtkTreeModel *model;
   GtkTextBuffer *textbuf;
   char line[200];
   struct conn_tail *c = NULL;
   char tmp[MAX_ASCII_ADDR_LEN];
   char *proto = "";
   char name[MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN];


   model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (ls_conns);

   if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (GTK_TREE_SELECTION (selection), &model, &iter)) {
      gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, 9, &c, -1);
   } else
      return; /* nothing is selected */

   if(!c || !c->co)

   textbuf = gtkui_details_window("Connection Details");

   snprintf(line, 200, "Source MAC address      :  %s\n", mac_addr_ntoa(c->co->L2_addr1, tmp));
   gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);

   snprintf(line, 200, "Destination MAC address :  %s\n\n", mac_addr_ntoa(c->co->L2_addr2, tmp));
   gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);

   snprintf(line, 200, "Source IP address      : \t%s\n", ip_addr_ntoa(&(c->co->L3_addr1), tmp));
   gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);
   if (host_iptoa(&(c->co->L3_addr1), name) == ESUCCESS) {
      snprintf(line, 200, "                           %s\n", name);
      gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);

   snprintf(line, 200, "Destination IP address : \t%s\n", ip_addr_ntoa(&(c->co->L3_addr2), tmp));
   gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);
   if (host_iptoa(&(c->co->L3_addr2), name) == ESUCCESS) {
      snprintf(line, 200, "                           %s\n", name);
      gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);

   gtkui_details_print(textbuf, "\n");

      /* Protocol */
   switch (c->co->L4_proto) {
      case NL_TYPE_UDP:
         proto = "UDP";
      case NL_TYPE_TCP:
         proto = "TCP";

   snprintf(line, 200, "Protocol: \t\t\t%s\n", proto);
   gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);

   snprintf(line, 200, "Source port: \t\t%-5d  %s\n", ntohs(c->co->L4_addr1), service_search(c->co->L4_addr1, c->co->L4_proto));
   gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);

   snprintf(line, 200, "Destination port: \t%-5d  %s\n\n", ntohs(c->co->L4_addr2), service_search(c->co->L4_addr2, c->co->L4_proto));
   gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);

   snprintf(line, 200, "Transferred bytes: %d\n\n", c->co->xferred);
   gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);

   /* Login Information */
   if (c->co->DISSECTOR.user) {
      snprintf(line, 200, "Account: \t%s / %s", c->co->DISSECTOR.user, c->co->DISSECTOR.pass);
      gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);

      if (c->co-> {
         snprintf(line, 200, "  Additional Info: %s\n", c->co->;
         gtkui_details_print(textbuf, line);