Beispiel #1
  // initialize the adaptor using the preferences, return false to
  // cancel adaptor loading
  bool adaptor::init(saga::impl::session *session,
          saga::ini::ini const& glob_ini, saga::ini::ini const& adap_ini)
    if (adap_ini.has_section("cli")) {
      saga::ini::section s = adap_ini.get_section("cli");

      if (s.has_entry("binary_path")) {
    	  binary_path = s.get_entry("binary_path");
    	  std::cout << "binary_path = " << binary_path << std::endl;

      if (s.has_section("description")) {
		saga::ini::section ss = s.get_section("description");

		std::string v = ss.get_entry(sja::description_job_contact);
		saga::url mailto(v);
		if (mailto.get_scheme() != "mailto" ||
			mailto.get_path().empty()  )
			// TODO mail address format check.
		  return false;
		job_contact = v;
    return true;
Beispiel #2
// Ensures that both ASCII and UTF-8 canonical URLs are handled properly and we
// get the correct string object out.
    const char asciiURL[] = "http://foo/bar#baz";
    KURL asciiKURL(ParsedURLString, asciiURL);
    EXPECT_TRUE(asciiKURL.string() == String(asciiURL));

    // When the result is ASCII, we should get an ASCII String. Some
    // code depends on being able to compare the result of the .string()
    // getter with another String, and the isASCIIness of the two
    // strings must match for these functions (like equalIgnoringCase).
    EXPECT_TRUE(equalIgnoringCase(asciiKURL, String(asciiURL)));

    // Reproduce code path in FrameLoader.cpp -- equalIgnoringCase implicitly
    // expects gkurl.protocol() to have been created as ascii.
    KURL mailto(ParsedURLString, "mailto:[email protected]");
    EXPECT_TRUE(equalIgnoringCase(mailto.protocol(), "mailto"));

    const char utf8URL[] = "http://foo/bar#\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd";
    KURL utf8KURL(ParsedURLString, utf8URL);

    EXPECT_TRUE(utf8KURL.string() == String::fromUTF8(utf8URL));
Beispiel #3
QString XmlParser::textToHtml( QString newText )
    QString networkUrl = m_serviceUrl.replace( QRegExp( "/api$" ), "" );
    newText.replace( "<", "&lt;" );
    newText.replace( ">", "&gt;" );

    // recognize web/ftp links
    QRegExp ahref( "((https?|ftp)://[^ ]+)( ?)", Qt::CaseInsensitive );
    newText.replace( ahref, "<a href='\\1'>\\1</a>\\3" );

    // recognize @mentions (letters, numbers are allowed in nicks)
    // for Twitter, also allow _ in nicks and @user/list;
    // the list name can only contain letters, numbers and dashes (-)
    newText.replace( m_serviceUrl == TwitterAPI::UrlTwitter ?
                     QRegExp( "(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])@([\\w\\d_]+(/[\\w\\d-]+)?)" ) :
                     QRegExp( "(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])@([\\w\\d]+)" ),
                     QString( "\\1<a href='%1/\\2'>@\\2</a>").arg( networkUrl ) );

    // recognize e-mail addresses
    QRegExp mailto( "([a-z0-9\\._%-]+@[a-z0-9\\.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,4})", Qt::CaseInsensitive );
    newText.replace( mailto, "<a href='mailto:\\1'>\\1</a>" );

    // recognize #hashtags
    QRegExp tag( "#([\\w\\d-]+)( ?)", Qt::CaseInsensitive );
    newText.replace( tag, m_serviceUrl == TwitterAPI::UrlTwitter ?
                     "<a href='\\1'>#\\1</a>\\2" :
                     QString( "<a href='%1/tag/\\1'>#\\1</a>\\2" ).arg(networkUrl) );

    // recognize !groups
    if ( m_serviceUrl != TwitterAPI::UrlTwitter ) {
        QRegExp group( "!([\\w\\d-]+)( ?)", Qt::CaseInsensitive );
        newText.replace( group, QString( "<a href='%1/group/\\1'>!\\1</a>\\2" ).arg(networkUrl) );
    return newText;
Beispiel #4
void sender::sendtic(){emit mailto();};
Beispiel #5
void sender::addconnect(Widget &w){
connect(this, SIGNAL(mailto()), &w, SLOT(getmail()));
Beispiel #6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	return 0;