Beispiel #1
 :myChoice( Choice::rehearsal )
 ,myWedge( makeWedge() )
 ,myDashes( makeDashes() )
 ,myBracket( makeBracket() )
 ,myPedal( makePedal() )
 ,myMetronome( makeMetronome() )
 ,myOctaveShift( makeOctaveShift() )
 ,myHarpPedals( makeHarpPedals() )
 ,myDamp( makeDamp() )
 ,myDampAll( makeDampAll() )
 ,myEyeglasses( makeEyeglasses() )
 ,myStringMute( makeStringMute() )
 ,myScordatura( makeScordatura() )
 ,myImage( makeImage() )
 ,myPrincipalVoice( makePrincipalVoice() )
 ,myAccordionRegistration( makeAccordionRegistration() )
 ,myOtherDirection( makeOtherDirection() )
     myRehearsalSet.push_back( makeRehearsal() );
     mySegnoSet.push_back( makeSegno() );
     myWordsSet.push_back( makeWords() );
     myCodaSet.push_back( makeCoda() );
     myDynamicsSet.push_back( makeDynamics() );
     myPercussionSet.push_back( makePercussion() );
Beispiel #2
 void DirectionType::clearWordsSet()
     while( myWordsSet.size() < 1 )
         myWordsSet.push_back( makeWords() );
void HelloWorld::addRight(Ref * p,Widget::TouchEventType type)
    auto layoutParameter = LinearLayoutParameter::create();
    ScrollView * scrollView = (ScrollView *)rootNode->getChildByName("ScrollView_1");
    Widget * widget = makeWords();
// on "init" you need to initialize your instance
bool HelloWorld::init()
    // 1. super init first
    if ( !Layer::init() )
        return false;
    rootNode = CSLoader::createNode("MainScene.csb");
    Button * bt1 = dynamic_cast<Button *>(rootNode->getChildByName("Button_1"));

    bt1->addTouchEventListener([&](Ref * pSender,Widget::TouchEventType type){
        auto layoutParameter = LinearLayoutParameter::create();
        ScrollView * scrollView = (ScrollView *)rootNode->getChildByName("ScrollView_1");
        Widget * widget = makeWords();
        //    scrollView->cocos2d::ui::LayoutProtocol::doLayout();
    Button * bt2 = dynamic_cast<Button *>(rootNode->getChildByName("Button_2"));
    bt2->addTouchEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(HelloWorld::addRight, this));

    return true;
Beispiel #5
void Diff::DiffStrings(
  const wchar_t* destStr, const wchar_t* sourceStr,
  DiffResults& destDiffs, DiffResults& sourceDiffs) {
  int i,j;

  std::set<str_elem> elements;
  std::vector<str_elem> destArray, sourceArray;
  makeWords(destStr, destArray, elements);
  makeWords(sourceStr, sourceArray, elements);

  // Array 'V' described in the diff algorithm
  struct diff_hash* hashArray = (struct diff_hash*)
    alloca(sizeof (struct diff_hash) * (destArray.size()+1));

  // Hash all the destination elements
  for (j=1; j<=(int)destArray.size(); j++) {
    hashArray[j].serial = j;
    hashArray[j].hash = hash(destArray[j-1]);

  // Sort the array
  qsort(hashArray+1, destArray.size(), sizeof(struct diff_hash), hashCompare);

  // Array 'E' described in the diff algorithm
  struct diff_equivalence* equiv = (struct diff_equivalence*)
    alloca(sizeof (struct diff_equivalence) * (destArray.size()+1));

  equiv[0].serial = 0;
  equiv[0].last   = true;

  // Work out the equivalence classes
  for (j=1; j<(int)destArray.size(); j++) {
    equiv[j].serial = hashArray[j].serial;
    equiv[j].last   = hashArray[j].hash != hashArray[j+1].hash;

  equiv[j].serial = hashArray[j].serial;
  equiv[j].last   = true;

  // Array 'P' described in the diff algorithm. This points to the beginning
  // of the class of lines in the destination equivalent to lines in the source
  int* srcEquiv = (int*)alloca(sizeof (int) * (sourceArray.size()+1));

  for (i=1; i<=(int)sourceArray.size(); i++) {
    struct diff_hash searchHash;
    searchHash.serial = i;
    searchHash.hash = hash(sourceArray[i-1]);
    // Search for an item with the same hash
    struct diff_hash* diffItem = (struct diff_hash*)bsearch(&searchHash,
      hashArray+1, destArray.size(), sizeof(struct diff_hash), hashCompare2);
    if (diffItem == NULL) {
      srcEquiv[i] = 0;
    } else {
      j = (int)(diffItem - hashArray);
      while (!equiv[j-1].last) j--;
      srcEquiv[i] = j;

  // Array 'K' described in the diff algorithm
  int candidateSize = (int)
  struct diff_candidate* candidates = (struct diff_candidate*)
    alloca(sizeof (struct diff_candidate) * (candidateSize+2));

  candidates[0].srcItem = 0;
  candidates[0].destItem = 0;
  candidates[0].previous = NULL;

  candidates[1].srcItem = (int)sourceArray.size() + 2;
  candidates[1].destItem = (int)destArray.size() + 2;
  candidates[1].previous = NULL;

  int lastCandidate = 0;

  // Find the longest common subsequences
  for (i=1; i<=(int)sourceArray.size(); i++) {
    if (srcEquiv[i] != 0) {
      int p = srcEquiv[i];
      // 'Merge step': algorithm A.3 from the diff paper
      int candidateNum = 0;
      struct diff_candidate candidate = candidates[0];
      while (1) {
        int serial = equiv[p].serial;
        int s;
        for (s=candidateNum; s<=lastCandidate; s++) {
          if (candidates[s].destItem < serial && candidates[s+1].destItem > serial) break;
        if (s <= lastCandidate) {
          // (Step 4)
          if (candidates[s+1].destItem > serial) {
            candidates[candidateNum] = candidate;
            candidateNum = s+1;

            candidate.srcItem = i;
            candidate.destItem = serial;
            candidate.previous = candidates + s;
          // (Step 5)
          if (s == lastCandidate) {
            candidates[lastCandidate+2] = candidates[lastCandidate+1];
        if (equiv[p].last) break;
      candidates[candidateNum] = candidate;

  // Array of Longest Common Subsequences
  int* subsequence = (int*)alloca(sizeof (int) * (sourceArray.size()+1));

  for (i=0; i<=(int)sourceArray.size(); i++) subsequence[i] = 0;

  struct diff_candidate* candidate = candidates + lastCandidate;
  while (candidate) {
    subsequence[candidate->srcItem] = candidate->destItem;
    candidate = candidate->previous;

  int* subsequence2 = (int*)alloca(sizeof (int) * (destArray.size()+1));
  for (i=1; i<=(int)destArray.size(); i++) subsequence2[i] = 0;

  // Finally: produce a result
  for (i=1; i<=(int)sourceArray.size(); i++) {
    if (subsequence[i] == 0) {
      DiffResult result;
      result.start = (int)(sourceArray[i-1].str - sourceStr);
      result.length = sourceArray[i-1].len;
    } else {
      subsequence2[subsequence[i]] = i;
  for (i=1; i<=(int)destArray.size(); i++) {
    if (subsequence2[i] == 0) {
      DiffResult result;
      result.start = (int)(destArray[i-1].str - destStr);
      result.length = destArray[i-1].len;
        DirectionTypePtr Direction::createDirectionType( std::ostream& message, xml::XElementIterator& subIter, xml::XElementIterator& subIterEnd, bool& isSuccess )
            auto directionType = makeDirectionType();
            if( subIter == subIterEnd )
                message << "Direction: well thats weird - should not get here" << std::endl;
                isSuccess = false;
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "wedge" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::wedge );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getWedge()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "dashes" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::dashes );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getDashes()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "bracket" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::bracket );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getBracket()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "pedal" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::pedal );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getPedal()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "metronome" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::metronome );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getMetronome()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "octave-shift" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::octaveShift );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getOctaveShift()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "harp-pedals" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::harpPedals );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getHarpPedals()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "damp" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::damp );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getDamp()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "damp-all" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::dampAll );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getDampAll()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "eyeglasses" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::eyeglasses );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getEyeglasses()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "string-mute" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::stringMute );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getStringMute()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "scordatura" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::scordatura );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getScordatura()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "image" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::image );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getImage()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "principal-voice" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::principalVoice );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getPrincipalVoice()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "accordion-registration" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::accordionRegistration );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getAccordionRegistration()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            if( subIter->getName() == "other-direction" )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::otherDirection );
                isSuccess &= directionType->getOtherDirection()->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                return directionType;
            std::string name = "rehearsal";
            if( subIter->getName() == name )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::rehearsal );
                bool isFirstSubItemAdded = false;
                while( subIter != subIterEnd )
                    if( subIter->getName() != name )
                        message << "Direction: createDirectionType encountered an unexpected element '" << subIter->getName() << "' while parsing a collection of '" << name << "' elements" << std::endl;
                        isSuccess = false;
                        return directionType;
                    auto itemToAdd = makeRehearsal();
                    isSuccess &= itemToAdd->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                    if( !isFirstSubItemAdded && directionType->getRehearsalSet().size() == 1 )
                        directionType->addRehearsal( itemToAdd );
                        directionType->removeRehearsal( directionType->getRehearsalSet().cbegin() );
                        directionType->addRehearsal( itemToAdd );
                    isFirstSubItemAdded = true;
                } // end loop
                return directionType;
            } // end rehearsal
            name = "segno";
            if( subIter->getName() == name )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::segno );
                bool isFirstSubItemAdded = false;
                while( subIter != subIterEnd )
                    if( subIter->getName() != name )
                        message << "Direction: createDirectionType encountered an unexpected element '" << subIter->getName() << "' while parsing a collection of '" << name << "' elements" << std::endl;
                        isSuccess = false;
                        return directionType;
                    auto itemToAdd = makeSegno();
                    isSuccess &= itemToAdd->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                    if( !isFirstSubItemAdded && directionType->getSegnoSet().size() == 1 )
                        directionType->addSegno( itemToAdd );
                        directionType->removeSegno( directionType->getSegnoSet().cbegin() );
                        directionType->addSegno( itemToAdd );
                    isFirstSubItemAdded = true;
                } // end loop
                return directionType;
            } // end segno
            name = "words";
            if( subIter->getName() == name )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::words );
                bool isFirstSubItemAdded = false;
                while( subIter != subIterEnd )
                    if( subIter->getName() != name )
                        message << "Direction: createDirectionType encountered an unexpected element '" << subIter->getName() << "' while parsing a collection of '" << name << "' elements" << std::endl;
                        isSuccess = false;
                        return directionType;
                    auto itemToAdd = makeWords();
                    isSuccess &= itemToAdd->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                    if( !isFirstSubItemAdded && directionType->getWordsSet().size() == 1 )
                        directionType->addWords( itemToAdd );
                        directionType->removeWords( directionType->getWordsSet().cbegin() );
                        directionType->addWords( itemToAdd );
                    isFirstSubItemAdded = true;
                } // end loop
                return directionType;
            } // end words
            name = "coda";
            if( subIter->getName() == name )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::coda );
                bool isFirstSubItemAdded = false;
                while( subIter != subIterEnd )
                    if( subIter->getName() != name )
                        message << "Direction: createDirectionType encountered an unexpected element '" << subIter->getName() << "' while parsing a collection of '" << name << "' elements" << std::endl;
                        isSuccess = false;
                        return directionType;
                    auto itemToAdd = makeCoda();
                    isSuccess &= itemToAdd->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                    if( !isFirstSubItemAdded && directionType->getCodaSet().size() == 1 )
                        directionType->addCoda( itemToAdd );
                        directionType->removeCoda( directionType->getCodaSet().cbegin() );
                        directionType->addCoda( itemToAdd );
                    isFirstSubItemAdded = true;
                } // end loop
                return directionType;
            } // end coda
            name = "dynamics";
            if( subIter->getName() == name )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::dynamics );
                bool isFirstSubItemAdded = false;
                while( subIter != subIterEnd )
                    if( subIter->getName() != name )
                        message << "Direction: createDirectionType encountered an unexpected element '" << subIter->getName() << "' while parsing a collection of '" << name << "' elements" << std::endl;
                        isSuccess = false;
                        return directionType;
                    auto itemToAdd = makeDynamics();
                    isSuccess &= itemToAdd->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                    if( !isFirstSubItemAdded && directionType->getDynamicsSet().size() == 1 )
                        directionType->addDynamics( itemToAdd );
                        directionType->removeDynamics( directionType->getDynamicsSet().cbegin() );
                        directionType->addDynamics( itemToAdd );
                    isFirstSubItemAdded = true;
                } // end loop
                return directionType;
            } // end dynamics
            name = "percussion";
            if( subIter->getName() == name )
                directionType->setChoice( DirectionType::Choice::percussion );
                bool isFirstSubItemAdded = false;
                while( subIter != subIterEnd )
                    if( subIter->getName() != name )
                        message << "Direction: createDirectionType encountered an unexpected element '" << subIter->getName() << "' while parsing a collection of '" << name << "' elements" << std::endl;
                        isSuccess = false;
                        return directionType;
                    auto itemToAdd = makePercussion();
                    isSuccess &= itemToAdd->fromXElement( message, *subIter );
                    if( !isFirstSubItemAdded && directionType->getPercussionSet().size() == 1 )
                        directionType->addPercussion( itemToAdd );
                        directionType->removePercussion( directionType->getPercussionSet().cbegin() );
                        directionType->addPercussion( itemToAdd );
                    isFirstSubItemAdded = true;
                } // end loop
                return directionType;
            } // end percussion

            return directionType;