Beispiel #1
/* run_pipe_real() starts all the jobs, but doesn't wait for anything
 * to finish.  See checkjobs().
 * return code is normally -1, when the caller has to wait for children
 * to finish to determine the exit status of the pipe.  If the pipe
 * is a simple builtin command, however, the action is done by the
 * time run_pipe_real returns, and the exit code is provided as the
 * return value.
 * The input of the pipe is always stdin, the output is always
 * stdout.  The outpipe[] mechanism in BusyBox-0.48 lash is bogus,
 * because it tries to avoid running the command substitution in
 * subshell, when that is in fact necessary.  The subshell process
 * now has its stdout directed to the input of the appropriate pipe,
 * so this routine is noticeably simpler.
static int run_pipe_real(struct pipe *pi) {
	int i;
	int nextin;
	int flag = do_repeat ? CMD_FLAG_REPEAT : 0;
	struct child_prog *child;
	cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp;
	char *p;
# if __GNUC__
	/* Avoid longjmp clobbering */
	(void) &i;
	(void) &nextin;
	(void) &child;
# endif

	nextin = 0;

	/* Check if this is a simple builtin (not part of a pipe).
	 * Builtins within pipes have to fork anyway, and are handled in
	 * pseudo_exec.  "echo foo | read bar" doesn't work on bash, either.
	if (pi->num_progs == 1)
		child = &(pi->progs[0]);
	if (pi->num_progs == 1 && child->group) {
		int rcode;
		debug_printf("non-subshell grouping\n");
		rcode = run_list_real(child->group);
		return rcode;
	} else if (pi->num_progs == 1 && pi->progs[0].argv != NULL) {
		for (i = 0; is_assignment(child->argv[i]); i++) { /* nothing */
		if (i != 0 && child->argv[i] == NULL) {
			/* assignments, but no command: set the local environment */
			for (i = 0; child->argv[i] != NULL; i++) {

				/* Ok, this case is tricky.  We have to decide if this is a
				 * local variable, or an already exported variable.  If it is
				 * already exported, we have to export the new value.  If it is
				 * not exported, we need only set this as a local variable.
				 * This junk is all to decide whether or not to export this
				 * variable. */
				int export_me = 0;
				char *name, *value;
				name = xstrdup(child->argv[i]);
				debug_printf("Local environment set: %s\n", name);
				value = strchr(name, '=');
				if (value)
					*value = 0;
				p = insert_var_value(child->argv[i]);
				set_local_var(p, export_me);
				if (p != child->argv[i])
			return EXIT_SUCCESS; /* don't worry about errors in set_local_var() yet */
		for (i = 0; is_assignment(child->argv[i]); i++) {
			p = insert_var_value(child->argv[i]);
			set_local_var(p, 0);
			if (p != child->argv[i]) {
		if (child->sp) {
			char * str = NULL;

			str = make_string((child->argv + i));
			parse_string_outer(str, FLAG_EXIT_FROM_LOOP | FLAG_REPARSING);
			return last_return_code;

		/* check ";", because ,example , argv consist from
		 * "help;flinfo" must not execute
		if (strchr(child->argv[i], ';')) {
			printf("## Error: unknown command '%s' - try 'help' or use 'run' command\n", child->argv[i]);
			return -1;

		/* Look up command in command table */
		if ((cmdtp = find_cmd(child->argv[i])) == NULL) {
			printf("## Error: unknown command '%s' - try 'help'\n", child->argv[i]);
			return -1; /* give up after bad command */
		} else {
			int rcode;
#if defined(CONFIG_CMD_BOOTD)
			extern int do_bootd (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[]);

			/* avoid "bootd" recursion */
			if (cmdtp->cmd == do_bootd) {
				if (flag & CMD_FLAG_BOOTD) {
					printf ("## Error: 'bootd' recursion detected!\n");
					return -1;
				} else {
					flag |= CMD_FLAG_BOOTD;
#endif /* CONFIG_CMD_BOOTD */
			/* found - check max args */
			if ((child->argc - i) > cmdtp->maxargs) {
				return -1;
			child->argv += i; /* XXX horrible hack */
			/* OK - call function to do the command */
			rcode = (cmdtp->cmd)(cmdtp, flag, child->argc - i, &child->argv[i]);

			if (!cmdtp->repeatable)
				flag_repeat = 0;

			child->argv -= i; /* XXX restore hack so free() can work right */

			return rcode;
	return -1;
Beispiel #2
main ()
  struct ss  ss;
  struct ss  ssa[2];
  struct arraystruct arraystruct;
  string x = make_string ("this is x");
  zzz_type c = make_container ("container");
  zzz_type c2 = make_container ("container2");
  const struct string_repr cstring = { { "const string" } };
  /* Clearing by being `static' could invoke an other GDB C++ bug.  */
  struct nullstr nullstr;
  nostring_type nstype, nstype2;
  struct memory_error me;
  struct ns ns, ns2;
  struct lazystring estring, estring2;
  struct hint_error hint_error;
  struct children_as_list children_as_list;

  nstype.elements = narray;
  nstype.len = 0;

  me.s = "blah";

  init_ss(&ss, 1, 2);
  init_ss(ssa+0, 3, 4);
  init_ss(ssa+1, 5, 6);
  memset (&nullstr, 0, sizeof nullstr);

  arraystruct.y = 7;
  init_s (&arraystruct.x[0], 23);
  init_s (&arraystruct.x[1], 24);

  ns.null_str = "embedded\0null\0string";
  ns.length = 20;

  /* Make a "corrupted" string.  */
  ns2.null_str = NULL;
  ns2.length = 20;

  estring.lazy_str = "embedded x\201\202\203\204" ;

  /* Incomplete UTF-8, but ok Latin-1.  */
  estring2.lazy_str = "embedded x\302";

#ifdef __cplusplus
  S cps;

  cps.zs = 7;
  init_s(&cps, 8);

  SS cpss;
  cpss.zss = 9;
  init_s(&cpss.s, 10);

  SS cpssa[2];
  cpssa[0].zss = 11;
  init_s(&cpssa[0].s, 12);
  cpssa[1].zss = 13;
  init_s(&cpssa[1].s, 14);

  SSS sss(15, cps);

  SSS& ref (sss);

  Derived derived;
  Fake fake (42);

  add_item (&c, 23);		/* MI breakpoint here */
  add_item (&c, 72);

#ifdef MI
  add_item (&c, 1011);
  c.elements[0] = 1023;
  c.elements[0] = 2323;

  add_item (&c2, 2222);
  add_item (&c2, 3333);

  substruct_test ();
  do_nothing ();

  nstype.elements[0] = 7;
  nstype.elements[1] = 42;
  nstype.len = 2;
  nstype2 = nstype;

  eval_sub ();

  bug_14741();      /* break to inspect struct and union */
  return 0;
Beispiel #3
static Lisp_Object
xftfont_open (struct frame *f, Lisp_Object entity, int pixel_size)
  FcResult result;
  Display *display = FRAME_X_DISPLAY (f);
  Lisp_Object val, filename, idx, font_object;
  FcPattern *pat = NULL, *match;
  struct xftfont_info *xftfont_info = NULL;
  struct font *font;
  double size = 0;
  XftFont *xftfont = NULL;
  int spacing;
  char name[256];
  int len, i;
  XGlyphInfo extents;
  FT_Face ft_face;
  FcMatrix *matrix;

  val = assq_no_quit (QCfont_entity, AREF (entity, FONT_EXTRA_INDEX));
  if (! CONSP (val))
    return Qnil;
  val = XCDR (val);
  filename = XCAR (val);
  idx = XCDR (val);
  size = XINT (AREF (entity, FONT_SIZE_INDEX));
  if (size == 0)
    size = pixel_size;
  pat = FcPatternCreate ();
  FcPatternAddInteger (pat, FC_WEIGHT, FONT_WEIGHT_NUMERIC (entity));
  i = FONT_SLANT_NUMERIC (entity) - 100;
  if (i < 0) i = 0;
  FcPatternAddInteger (pat, FC_SLANT, i);
  FcPatternAddInteger (pat, FC_WIDTH, FONT_WIDTH_NUMERIC (entity));
  FcPatternAddDouble (pat, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, pixel_size);
  val = AREF (entity, FONT_FAMILY_INDEX);
  if (! NILP (val))
    FcPatternAddString (pat, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8 *) SDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (val)));
  val = AREF (entity, FONT_FOUNDRY_INDEX);
  if (! NILP (val))
    FcPatternAddString (pat, FC_FOUNDRY, (FcChar8 *) SDATA (SYMBOL_NAME (val)));
  val = AREF (entity, FONT_SPACING_INDEX);
  if (! NILP (val))
    FcPatternAddInteger (pat, FC_SPACING, XINT (val));
  val = AREF (entity, FONT_DPI_INDEX);
  if (! NILP (val))
      double dbl = XINT (val);

      FcPatternAddDouble (pat, FC_DPI, dbl);
  val = AREF (entity, FONT_AVGWIDTH_INDEX);
  if (INTEGERP (val) && XINT (val) == 0)
    FcPatternAddBool (pat, FC_SCALABLE, FcTrue);
  /* This is necessary to identify the exact font (e.g. 10x20.pcf.gz
     over 10x20-ISO8859-1.pcf.gz).  */
  FcPatternAddCharSet (pat, FC_CHARSET, ftfont_get_fc_charset (entity));

  xftfont_add_rendering_parameters (pat, entity);

  FcPatternAddString (pat, FC_FILE, (FcChar8 *) SDATA (filename));
  FcPatternAddInteger (pat, FC_INDEX, XINT (idx));

  block_input ();
  /* Make sure that the Xrender extension is added before the Xft one.
     Otherwise, the close-display hook set by Xft is called after the
     one for Xrender, and the former tries to re-add the latter.  This
     results in inconsistency of internal states and leads to X
     protocol error when one reconnects to the same X server.
     (Bug#1696)  */
    int event_base, error_base;
    XRenderQueryExtension (display, &event_base, &error_base);

  /* Substitute in values from X resources and XftDefaultSet.  */
  XftDefaultSubstitute (display, FRAME_X_SCREEN_NUMBER (f), pat);
  match = XftFontMatch (display, FRAME_X_SCREEN_NUMBER (f), pat, &result);
  xftfont_fix_match (pat, match);

  FcPatternDestroy (pat);
  xftfont = XftFontOpenPattern (display, match);
  if (!xftfont)
      unblock_input ();
      XftPatternDestroy (match);
      return Qnil;
  ft_face = XftLockFace (xftfont);
  unblock_input ();

  /* We should not destroy PAT here because it is kept in XFTFONT and
     destroyed automatically when XFTFONT is closed.  */
  font_object = font_make_object (VECSIZE (struct xftfont_info), entity, size);
  ASET (font_object, FONT_TYPE_INDEX, Qxft);
  len = font_unparse_xlfd (entity, size, name, 256);
  if (len > 0)
    ASET (font_object, FONT_NAME_INDEX, make_string (name, len));
  len = font_unparse_fcname (entity, size, name, 256);
  if (len > 0)
    ASET (font_object, FONT_FULLNAME_INDEX, make_string (name, len));
    ASET (font_object, FONT_FULLNAME_INDEX,
	  AREF (font_object, FONT_NAME_INDEX));
  ASET (font_object, FONT_FILE_INDEX, filename);
  ASET (font_object, FONT_FORMAT_INDEX,
	ftfont_font_format (xftfont->pattern, filename));
  font = XFONT_OBJECT (font_object);
  font->pixel_size = size;
  font->driver = &xftfont_driver;
  font->encoding_charset = font->repertory_charset = -1;

  xftfont_info = (struct xftfont_info *) font;
  xftfont_info->display = display;
  xftfont_info->xftfont = xftfont;
  /* This means that there's no need of transformation.  */
  xftfont_info->matrix.xx = 0;
  if (FcPatternGetMatrix (xftfont->pattern, FC_MATRIX, 0, &matrix)
      == FcResultMatch)
      xftfont_info->matrix.xx = 0x10000L * matrix->xx;
      xftfont_info->matrix.yy = 0x10000L * matrix->yy;
      xftfont_info->matrix.xy = 0x10000L * matrix->xy;
      xftfont_info->matrix.yx = 0x10000L * matrix->yx;
    spacing = XINT (AREF (entity, FONT_SPACING_INDEX));
    spacing = FC_PROPORTIONAL;
  if (! ascii_printable[0])
      int ch;
      for (ch = 0; ch < 95; ch++)
	ascii_printable[ch] = ' ' + ch;
  block_input ();

  /* Unfortunately Xft doesn't provide a way to get minimum char
     width.  So, we set min_width to space_width.  */

  if (spacing != FC_PROPORTIONAL
#ifdef FC_DUAL
      && spacing != FC_DUAL
#endif	/* FC_DUAL */
      font->min_width = font->max_width = font->average_width
	= font->space_width = xftfont->max_advance_width;
      XftTextExtents8 (display, xftfont, ascii_printable + 1, 94, &extents);
      XftTextExtents8 (display, xftfont, ascii_printable, 1, &extents);
      font->min_width = font->max_width = font->space_width
	= extents.xOff;
      if (font->space_width <= 0)
	/* dirty workaround */
	font->space_width = pixel_size;
      XftTextExtents8 (display, xftfont, ascii_printable + 1, 94, &extents);
      font->average_width = (font->space_width + extents.xOff) / 95;
  unblock_input ();

  font->ascent = xftfont->ascent;
  font->descent = xftfont->descent;
  if (pixel_size >= 5)
      /* The above condition is a dirty workaround because
	 XftTextExtents8 behaves strangely for some fonts
	 (e.g. "Dejavu Sans Mono") when pixel_size is less than 5. */
      if (font->ascent < extents.y)
	font->ascent = extents.y;
      if (font->descent < extents.height - extents.y)
	font->descent = extents.height - extents.y;
  font->height = font->ascent + font->descent;

  if (XINT (AREF (entity, FONT_SIZE_INDEX)) == 0)
      int upEM = ft_face->units_per_EM;

      font->underline_position = -ft_face->underline_position * size / upEM;
      font->underline_thickness = ft_face->underline_thickness * size / upEM;
      if (font->underline_thickness > 2)
	font->underline_position -= font->underline_thickness / 2;
      font->underline_position = -1;
      font->underline_thickness = 0;
  xftfont_info->maybe_otf = (ft_face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT) != 0;
  xftfont_info->otf = NULL;
#endif	/* HAVE_LIBOTF */
  xftfont_info->ft_size = ft_face->size;

  font->baseline_offset = 0;
  font->relative_compose = 0;
  font->default_ascent = 0;
  font->vertical_centering = 0;
#ifdef FT_BDF_H
  if (! (ft_face->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SFNT))
      BDF_PropertyRec rec;

      if (FT_Get_BDF_Property (ft_face, "_MULE_BASELINE_OFFSET", &rec) == 0
	  && rec.type == BDF_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER)
	font->baseline_offset = rec.u.integer;
      if (FT_Get_BDF_Property (ft_face, "_MULE_RELATIVE_COMPOSE", &rec) == 0
	  && rec.type == BDF_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER)
	font->relative_compose = rec.u.integer;
      if (FT_Get_BDF_Property (ft_face, "_MULE_DEFAULT_ASCENT", &rec) == 0
	  && rec.type == BDF_PROPERTY_TYPE_INTEGER)
	font->default_ascent = rec.u.integer;

  return font_object;
void CSE_ALifeInventoryItem::UPDATE_Read	(NET_Packet &tNetPacket)
	tNetPacket.r_u8					(m_u8NumItems);
	if (!m_u8NumItems) {
		//Msg("* Object [%d] has no sync items", this->cast_abstract()->ID);

	mask_num_items					num_items;
	num_items.common				= m_u8NumItems;
	m_u8NumItems					= num_items.num_items;

	R_ASSERT2						(
		m_u8NumItems < (u8(1) << 5),
	/*if (check(num_items.mask,animated))

		tNetPacket.r_vec3				(State.force);
		tNetPacket.r_vec3				(State.torque);

		tNetPacket.r_vec3				(State.position);
		base()->o_Position.set			(State.position); //this is very important because many functions use this o_Position..

		tNetPacket.r_float			(State.quaternion.x);
		tNetPacket.r_float			(State.quaternion.y);
		tNetPacket.r_float			(State.quaternion.z);
		tNetPacket.r_float			(State.quaternion.w);	

		State.enabled					= check(num_items.mask,inventory_item_state_enabled);

		if (!check(num_items.mask,inventory_item_angular_null)) {
			tNetPacket.r_float		(State.angular_vel.x);
			tNetPacket.r_float		(State.angular_vel.y);
			tNetPacket.r_float		(State.angular_vel.z);
			State.angular_vel.set		(0.f,0.f,0.f);

		if (!check(num_items.mask,inventory_item_linear_null)) {
			tNetPacket.r_float		(State.linear_vel.x);
			tNetPacket.r_float		(State.linear_vel.y);
			tNetPacket.r_float		(State.linear_vel.z);
			State.linear_vel.set		(0.f,0.f,0.f);

		/*if (check(num_items.mask,animated))
	prev_freezed = freezed;
	if (tNetPacket.r_eof())		// in case spawn + update 
		freezed = false;
	if (tNetPacket.r_u8())
		freezed = false;
	else {
		if (!freezed)
			m_freeze_time	= Device.dwTimeGlobal;
			m_freeze_time	= 0;
		freezed = true;
void imotion_position::state_start( )
	VERIFY( shell );
	inherited::state_start( );
	IKinematics			*K	= shell->PKinematics();
	saved_visual_callback = K->GetUpdateCallback();
	K->SetUpdateCallback( 0 );
	IKinematicsAnimated	*KA = smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>( shell->PKinematics() );
	KA->SetUpdateTracksCalback( &update_callback );
	update_callback.motion = this;
	struct get_controled_blend: 
		public IterateBlendsCallback,
		private boost::noncopyable
		CBlend					*blend;
		const	PlayCallback	cb;
		get_controled_blend(const	PlayCallback	_cb):blend( 0 ),cb(_cb){}
		virtual	void	operator () ( CBlend &B )
			if( cb == B.Callback && B.bone_or_part == 0 )
				blend = &B;
	} get_blend(anim_callback);
	KA->LL_IterateBlends( get_blend );
#ifdef DEBUG
		Msg( "bad animation params : %p", anim_callback );
	VERIFY( get_blend.blend );
	const CBlend &B = *get_blend.blend;

	blend = get_blend.blend;

	VERIFY2( B.stop_at_end, 
		make_string( "can not use cyclic anim in death animth motion: %s", 
		KA->LL_MotionDefName_dbg( B.motionID ).first ) 
	time_to_end = B.timeTotal - (SAMPLE_SPF+EPS) - B.timeCurrent;
	shell->add_ObjectContactCallback( get_depth );
	if( flags.test( fl_switch_dm_toragdoll ) )
		flags.assign( 0 );
		shell->remove_ObjectContactCallback( get_depth );
	if( !is_enabled( ) )
	CPhysicsShellHolder *obj= static_cast<CPhysicsShellHolder*>( shell->get_ElementByStoreOrder( 0 )->PhysicsRefObject() );
	VERIFY( obj );
	shell->Disable( );
	//K->LL_SetBoneRoot( 0 );
	shell->EnabledCallbacks( FALSE );

	shell->mXFORM.set( obj->XFORM() );
	disable_update( true );
	disable_bone_calculation( *K, true );
	collide_not_move( *KA );
		interactive_motion_diagnostic("stoped immediately");
		switch_to_free	( );
	move( float( Device.dwTimeDelta )/1000, *KA );
			switch_to_free	( );
Beispiel #6
void CPhysicObject::RunStartupAnim(CSE_Abstract *D)
		//		CSE_PHSkeleton	*po	= smart_cast<CSE_PHSkeleton*>(D);
		IKinematicsAnimated*	PKinematicsAnimated=NULL;
		R_ASSERT			(Visual()&&smart_cast<IKinematics*>(Visual()));
		PKinematicsAnimated	=smart_cast<IKinematicsAnimated*>(Visual());
			CSE_Visual					*visual = smart_cast<CSE_Visual*>(D);
			R_ASSERT					(visual);
			R_ASSERT2					(*visual->startup_animation,"no startup animation");
			VERIFY2( (!!PKinematicsAnimated->LL_MotionID( visual->startup_animation.c_str() ) .valid() ) , ( make_string(" animation %s not faund ",visual->startup_animation.c_str() ) + dbg_object_base_dump_string( this )).c_str() );
			m_anim_blend				= m_anim_script_callback.play_cycle( PKinematicsAnimated, visual->startup_animation );
		smart_cast<IKinematics*>(Visual())->CalculateBones	(TRUE);
Beispiel #7
stringOop stringTable::basic_add(const char *name, int32 len, int32 hashValue,
                                 bool mustAllocate) {
  stringOop str= make_string(name, len, mustAllocate);
  if (oop(str) != failedAllocationOop) basic_add(str, hashValue);
  return str; }
Beispiel #8
object *number_to_string_proc(object *arguments) {
    char buffer[100];

    sprintf(buffer, "%ld", (car(arguments))->data.fixnum.value);
    return make_string(buffer);
Beispiel #9
object *symbol_to_string_proc(object *arguments) {
    return make_string((car(arguments))->data.symbol.value);
Beispiel #10
Datei: dev9.c Projekt: kyuba/dev9
static void on_netlink_read(struct io *io, void *fsv)
    struct dfs *fs = (struct dfs *)fsv;
    char *b = io->buffer,
         *fragment_header = b,
         *is = b,
         *ms = b,
         *i = b,
         *max = (b + io->length),
         frag_boundary = 0;
    sexpr attributes = sx_end_of_list;

    while (i < max)
        frag_boundary = 0;

        switch (*i)
            case 0:
                if (i == (max - 1)) /* definitely a fragment end */
                    frag_boundary = 1;

                if (is == ms) /* fragment header */
                    if (is != b) /* first fragment header: nothing to examine */
                        attributes = cons(make_symbol (fragment_header), attributes);
                        dev9_rules_apply (attributes, fs);
                    fragment_header = is;
                    attributes = sx_end_of_list;
                else /* key/value pair */
                    *ms = 0;
                    attributes = cons (cons(make_symbol(is),
                    *ms = '=';

                is = ms = i;
            case '=':
                if (ms == is) ms = i;


    if (frag_boundary)
        attributes = cons(make_symbol (fragment_header), attributes);
        dev9_rules_apply (attributes, fs);
        io->position += io->length;
        io->position += (int_pointer)(max - fragment_header);

    io_flush (io);
 * Do the actual output.  Take a va_list so that we can be called from
 * multiple different places, even functions that took "..." as input
 * arguments.
static int output(int output_id, const char *format, va_list arglist)
    int rc = PMIX_SUCCESS;
    char *str, *out = NULL;
    output_desc_t *ldi;

    /* Setup */

    if (!initialized) {

    /* If it's valid, used, and enabled, output */

    if (output_id >= 0 && output_id < PMIX_OUTPUT_MAX_STREAMS &&
        info[output_id].ldi_used && info[output_id].ldi_enabled) {
        ldi = &info[output_id];

        /* Make the strings */
        if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = make_string(&str, ldi, format, arglist))) {
            return rc;

        /* Syslog output -- does not use the newline-appended string */
#if defined(HAVE_SYSLOG)
        if (ldi->ldi_syslog) {
            syslog(ldi->ldi_syslog_priority, "%s", str);

        /* All others (stdout, stderr, file) use temp_str, potentially
           with a newline appended */

        out = temp_str;

        /* stdout output */
        if (ldi->ldi_stdout) {
            write(fileno(stdout), out, (int)strlen(out));

        /* stderr output */
        if (ldi->ldi_stderr) {
            write((-1 == default_stderr_fd) ?
                  fileno(stderr) : default_stderr_fd,
                  out, (int)strlen(out));

        /* File output -- first check to see if the file opening was
         * delayed.  If so, try to open it.  If we failed to open it,
         * then just discard (there are big warnings in the
         * pmix_output.h docs about this!). */

        if (ldi->ldi_file) {
            if (ldi->ldi_fd == -1) {
                if (PMIX_SUCCESS != open_file(output_id)) {
                } else if (ldi->ldi_file_num_lines_lost > 0 && 0 <= ldi->ldi_fd) {
                    char buffer[BUFSIZ];
                    char *out = buffer;
                    memset(buffer, 0, BUFSIZ);
                    snprintf(buffer, BUFSIZ - 1,
                             "[WARNING: %d lines lost because the PMIx process session directory did\n not exist when pmix_output() was invoked]\n",
                    write(ldi->ldi_fd, buffer, (int)strlen(buffer));
                    ldi->ldi_file_num_lines_lost = 0;
                    if (out != buffer) {
            if (ldi->ldi_fd != -1) {
                write(ldi->ldi_fd, out, (int)strlen(out));

    return rc;
Beispiel #12
obj os_errormsg( int err_code )
  return make_string( strerror(err_code) );
Beispiel #13
x_session_initialize (struct x_display_info *dpyinfo)
  char errorstring[SM_ERRORSTRING_LEN];
  char* previous_id = NULL;
  SmcCallbacks callbacks;
  int  name_len = 0;

  ice_fd = -1;
  doing_interact = False;

  /* Check if we where started by the session manager.  If so, we will
     have a previous id.  */
  if (! EQ (Vx_session_previous_id, Qnil) && STRINGP (Vx_session_previous_id))
    previous_id = SSDATA (Vx_session_previous_id);

  /* Construct the path to the Emacs program.  */
  if (! EQ (Vinvocation_directory, Qnil))
    name_len += strlen (SSDATA (Vinvocation_directory));
  name_len += strlen (SSDATA (Vinvocation_name));

  /* This malloc will not be freed, but it is only done once, and hopefully
     not very large   */
  emacs_program = xmalloc (name_len + 1);
  emacs_program[0] = '\0';

  if (! EQ (Vinvocation_directory, Qnil))
    strcpy (emacs_program, SSDATA (Vinvocation_directory));
  strcat (emacs_program, SSDATA (Vinvocation_name));

  /* The SM protocol says all callbacks are mandatory, so set up all
     here and in the mask passed to SmcOpenConnection.  */
  callbacks.save_yourself.callback = smc_save_yourself_CB;
  callbacks.save_yourself.client_data = 0;
  callbacks.die.callback = smc_die_CB;
  callbacks.die.client_data = 0;
  callbacks.save_complete.callback = smc_save_complete_CB;
  callbacks.save_complete.client_data = 0;
  callbacks.shutdown_cancelled.callback = smc_shutdown_cancelled_CB;
  callbacks.shutdown_cancelled.client_data = 0;

  /* Set error handlers.  */
  SmcSetErrorHandler (smc_error_handler);
  IceSetErrorHandler (ice_error_handler);
  IceSetIOErrorHandler (ice_io_error_handler);

  /* Install callback for when connection status changes.  */
  IceAddConnectionWatch (ice_conn_watch_CB, 0);

  /* Open the connection to the session manager.  A failure is not
     critical, it usually means that no session manager is running.
     The errorstring is here for debugging.  */
  smc_conn = SmcOpenConnection (NULL, NULL, 1, 0,

  if (smc_conn != 0)
      Vx_session_id = make_string (client_id, strlen (client_id));

#ifdef USE_GTK
      /* GTK creats a leader window by itself, but we need to tell
         it about our client_id.  */
      gdk_set_sm_client_id (client_id);
      create_client_leader_window (dpyinfo, client_id);
Beispiel #14
sooty::lexing::lexeme_t::lexeme_t( id_t id, const input_iterator& begin, const input_iterator& end, const position_t& position )
	: id_(id), begin_(begin), end_(end), position_(position)
	text_ = make_string(begin_, end_);
Beispiel #15
  str->value  = MALLOC_TN(char, str->length);

  if (str->value != NULL) {
    memcpy(str->value, ptr, realsize);
    strcat(str->value, "\0");

    fprintf(stderr, "RECIEVED: %ld bytes\n", realsize);
    fprintf(stderr, "[USER STREAM] received -> %s\n", str->value);

  return realsize;

int main() {
  T4C t4c = {
    .consumerKey       = make_string("Your Consumer Key"),
    .consumerSecret    = make_string("Your Consumer Secret"),
    .accessToken       = make_string("Your AccessToken"),
    .accessTokenSecret = make_string("Your AccessTokenSecret")

  Parameters* params = new_parameters();

  add_parameter(params, make_string("status"), make_string("Hello World!"));

  string result  = request(&t4c, POST, make_string("/statuses/update.json"), params);
  printf("RESULT for Tweet: %s\n", string_get_value(result));

Beispiel #16
static void dequeue_is_empty( char *op )
  scheme_error( "~a: <dequeue> is empty", 1, make_string(op) );
Beispiel #17
init_editfns ()
  char *user_name;
  register unsigned char *p, *q;
  struct passwd *pw;		/* password entry for the current user */
  Lisp_Object tem;
  extern char *index ();

  /* Turn off polling so the SIGALRM won't bother getpwuid.  */
  stop_polling ();

  /* Set up system_name even when dumping.  */

  Vsystem_name = build_string (get_system_name ());
  p = XSTRING (Vsystem_name)->data;
  while (*p)
      if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
	*p = '-';

  /* Don't bother with this on initial start when just dumping out */
  if (!initialized)
#endif				/* not CANNOT_DUMP */

  pw = (struct passwd *) getpwuid (getuid ());
#ifndef OS2
  Vuser_real_name = build_string (pw ? pw->pw_name : "unknown");

  /* Get the effective user name, by consulting environment variables,
     or the effective uid if those are unset.  */
  user_name = (char *) getenv ("USER");
  if (!user_name)
    user_name = (char *) getenv ("LOGNAME"); /* USG equivalent */
  if (!user_name)
      pw = (struct passwd *) getpwuid (geteuid ());
      user_name = pw ? pw->pw_name : "unknown";
  Vuser_name = build_string (user_name);
#ifdef OS2
  Vuser_real_name = build_string (user_name);

  /* If the user name claimed in the environment vars differs from
     the real uid, use the claimed name to find the full name.  */
  tem = Fstring_equal (Vuser_name, Vuser_real_name);
  if (NULL (tem))
    pw = (struct passwd *) getpwnam (XSTRING (Vuser_name)->data);

  p = (unsigned char *) getenv("USERFULLNAME");
  if (p==0)
    p = (unsigned char *) (pw ? USER_FULL_NAME : "unknown");
  q = (unsigned char *) index (p, ',');
  Vuser_full_name = make_string (p, q ? q - p : strlen (p));

  p = XSTRING (Vuser_full_name)->data;
  q = (unsigned char *) index (p, '&');
  /* Substitute the login name for the &, upcasing the first character.  */
  if (q)
      char *r
	= (char *) alloca (strlen (p) + XSTRING (Vuser_name)->size + 1);
      bcopy (p, r, q - p);
      r[q - p] = 0;
      strcat (r, XSTRING (Vuser_real_name)->data);
      r[q - p] = UPCASE (r[q - p]);
      strcat (r, q + 1);
      Vuser_full_name = build_string (r);
#endif				/* AMPERSAND_FULL_NAME */

  start_polling ();
Beispiel #18
void	CInifile::Load(IReader* F, LPCSTR path)
    Sect		*Current = 0;
    string4096	str;
    string4096	str2;

    BOOL bInsideSTR = FALSE;

    while (!F->eof())
        F->r_string		(str,sizeof(str));
        _Trim			(str);
        LPSTR comm		= strchr(str,';');
        LPSTR comm_1	= strchr(str,'/');

        if(comm_1 && (*(comm_1+1)=='/') && ((!comm) || (comm && (comm_1<comm) )) )
            comm = comm_1;

#ifdef DEBUG
        LPSTR comment	= 0;
        if (comm)
            char quot = '"';
            bool in_quot = false;

            LPCSTR q1		= strchr(str,quot);
            if(q1 && q1<comm)
                LPCSTR q2 = strchr(++q1,quot);
                if(q2 && q2>comm)
                    in_quot = true;

                *comm		= 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
                comment		= comm+1;

        if (str[0] && (str[0]=='#') && strstr(str,"#include")) //handle includes
            string_path		inc_name;
            R_ASSERT		(path&&path[0]);
            if (_GetItem	(str,1,inc_name,'"'))
                string_path	fn,inc_path,folder;
                strconcat	(sizeof(fn),fn,path,inc_name);
                _splitpath	(fn,inc_path,folder, 0, 0 );
                strcat		(inc_path,folder);
                IReader* I 	= FS.r_open(fn);
                R_ASSERT3(I,"Can't find include file:", inc_name);
                Load		(I,inc_path);
                FS.r_close	(I);
        else if (str[0] && (str[0]=='[')) //new section ?
            // insert previous filled section
            if (Current)
                //store previous section
                RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
                if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
                    xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO, "Duplicate section '%s' found.", *Current->Name);
                DATA.insert		(I,Current);
            Current				= new Sect();
            Current->Name		= 0;
            // start new section
            R_ASSERT3(strchr(str,']'),"Bad ini section found: ",str);
            LPCSTR inherited_names = strstr(str,"]:");
            if (0!=inherited_names)
                VERIFY2				(m_flags.test(eReadOnly),"Allow for readonly mode only.");
                inherited_names		+= 2;
                int cnt				= _GetItemCount(inherited_names);

                for (int k=0; k<cnt; ++k)
                    xr_string	tmp;
                    _GetItem	(inherited_names,k,tmp);
                    Sect& inherited_section = r_section(tmp.c_str());
                    for (SectIt_ it =inherited_section.Data.begin(); it!=inherited_section.Data.end(); it++)
                        insert_item	(Current,*it);
            *strchr(str,']') 	= 0;
            Current->Name 		= strlwr(str+1);
        else // name = value
            if (Current)
                string4096			value_raw;
                char*		name	= str;
                char*		t		= strchr(name,'=');
                if (t)
                    *t				= 0;
                    _Trim			(name);
                    strcpy_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw), t);
                    bInsideSTR		= _parse(str2, value_raw);
                    if(bInsideSTR)//multiline str value
                            strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),"\r\n");
                            string4096		str_add_raw;
                            F->r_string		(str_add_raw, sizeof(str_add_raw));
                            R_ASSERT2		(
                                xr_strlen(value_raw) + xr_strlen(str_add_raw) < sizeof(value_raw),
                                    "Incorrect inifile format: section[%s], variable[%s]. Odd number of quotes (\") found, but should be even.",
                            strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),str_add_raw);
                            bInsideSTR		= _parse(str2, value_raw);
                                if( is_empty_line_now(F) )
                                    strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),"\r\n");
                } else
                    _Trim	(name);
                    str2[0]	= 0;

                Item		I;
                I.first		= (name[0]?name:NULL);
                I.second	= (str2[0]?str2:NULL);
#ifdef DEBUG
                I.comment	= m_flags.test(eReadOnly)?0:comment;

                if (m_flags.test(eReadOnly))
                    if (*I.first)							insert_item	(Current,I);
                } else
                    if	(
                        || *I.second
#ifdef DEBUG
                        || *I.comment
                        insert_item	(Current,I);
    if (Current)
        RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
        if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
            xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO, "Duplicate section '%s' found.", *Current->Name);
        DATA.insert		(I,Current);
Beispiel #19
expandargv (arg_parser const& ap, int *argcp, char ***argvp)
  /* The argument we are currently processing.  */
  int i = 0;
  /* Non-zero if ***argvp has been dynamically allocated.  */
  int argv_dynamic = 0;
  /* Limit the number of response files that we parse in order
     to prevent infinite recursion.  */
  unsigned int iteration_limit = 2000;
  /* Loop over the arguments, handling response files.  We always skip
     ARGVP[0], as that is the name of the program being run.  */
  while (++i < *argcp)
      /* The name of the response file.  */
      const char *filename;
      /* The response file.  */
      FILE *f;
      /* An upper bound on the number of characters in the response
	 file.  */
      long pos;
      /* The number of characters in the response file, when actually
	 read.  */
      size_t len;
      /* A dynamically allocated buffer used to hold options read from a
	 response file.  */
      char *buffer;
      /* Dynamically allocated storage for the options read from the
	 response file.  */
      char **file_argv;
      /* The number of options read from the response file, if any.  */
      size_t file_argc;
      /* We are only interested in options of the form "@file".  */
      filename = (*argvp)[i];
      if (filename[0] != '@')
      /* If we have iterated too many times then stop.  */
      if (-- iteration_limit == 0)
          ap.error( make_string() << "Too many @-files encountered: "
                    "possible infinite recursion in " << (*argvp)[0] );
	  exit (1);
      /* Read the contents of the file.  */
      f = fopen (++filename, "r");
      if (!f) {
        ap.error( make_string() << "Unable to open @file " << filename );
	exit (1);
      if (fseek (f, 0L, SEEK_END) == -1)
	goto error;
      pos = ftell (f);
      if (pos == -1)
	goto error;
      if (fseek (f, 0L, SEEK_SET) == -1)
	goto error;
      buffer = (char *) malloc (pos * sizeof (char) + 1);
      if (!buffer) throw std::bad_alloc();
      len = fread (buffer, sizeof (char), pos, f);
      if (len != (size_t) pos
	  /* On Windows, fread may return a value smaller than POS,
	     due to CR/LF->CR translation when reading text files.
	     That does not in-and-of itself indicate failure.  */
	  && ferror (f))
	goto error;
      /* Add a NUL terminator.  */
      buffer[len] = '\0';
      /* If the file is empty or contains only whitespace, buildargv would
	 return a single empty argument.  In this context we want no arguments,
	 instead.  */
      if (only_whitespace (buffer))
	  file_argv = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *));
          if (!file_argv) throw std::bad_alloc();
	  file_argv[0] = NULL;
	/* Parse the string.  */
	file_argv = buildargv (ap, buffer);
      /* If *ARGVP is not already dynamically allocated, copy it.  */
      if (!argv_dynamic)
	  *argvp = dupargv (ap, *argvp);
	  if (!*argvp) throw std::bad_alloc();
      /* Count the number of arguments.  */
      file_argc = 0;
      while (file_argv[file_argc])
      /* Now, insert FILE_ARGV into ARGV.  The "+1" below handles the
	 NULL terminator at the end of ARGV.  */ 
      *argvp = ((char **) 
		realloc (*argvp, 
			  (*argcp + file_argc + 1) * sizeof (char *)));
      memmove (*argvp + i + file_argc, *argvp + i + 1, 
	       (*argcp - i) * sizeof (char *));
      memcpy (*argvp + i, file_argv, file_argc * sizeof (char *));
      /* The original option has been replaced by all the new
	 options.  */
      *argcp += file_argc - 1;
      /* Free up memory allocated to process the response file.  We do
	 not use freeargv because the individual options in FILE_ARGV
	 are now in the main ARGV.  */
      free (file_argv);
      free (buffer);
      /* Rescan all of the arguments just read to support response
	 files that include other response files.  */
      /* We're all done with the file now.  */
      fclose (f);
  return argv_dynamic;
Beispiel #20
std::string get_string(const Fbox &box)
	return make_string( "[ min: %s - max: %s ]", get_string( box.min ).c_str(), get_string( box.max ).c_str() );
Beispiel #21
static Statement *ParseFunctionBody(SYM *sp)
	std::string lbl;
	char *p;
	Statement *stmt;
	Statement *plg;
	Statement *eplg;

  dfs.printf("<Parse function body>:%s|\n", (char *)sp->name->c_str());

	lbl[0] = 0;
	if (sp->storage_class == sc_static)
//		strcpy(lbl,sp->name);
    lbl = *sp->mangledName;
	//	put_label((unsigned int) sp->value.i);
	else {
		if (sp->storage_class == sc_global)
			lbl = "public code ";
//		strcat(lbl,sp->name);
		lbl += *sp->mangledName;
  p = my_strdup((char *)lbl.c_str());
	currentFn = sp;
	currentFn->IsLeaf = TRUE;
	currentFn->DoesThrow = FALSE;
	currentFn->UsesPredicate = FALSE;
	regmask = 0;
	bregmask = 0;
	currentStmt = (Statement *)NULL;
	stmt = ParseCompoundStatement();
//	stmt->stype = st_funcbody;
	if (isThor)
		GenerateFunction(sp, stmt);
	else if (isTable888)
		GenerateTable888Function(sp, stmt);
	else if (isRaptor64)
		GenerateRaptor64Function(sp, stmt);
	else if (is816)
		Generate816Function(sp, stmt);
	else if (isFISA64)
		GenerateFISA64Function(sp, stmt);

	if (sp->storage_class == sc_global) {
	ofs.printf("%sSTKSIZE_ EQU %d\r\n", (char *)sp->mangledName->c_str(), tmpVarSpace() + lc_auto);
	isFuncBody = false;
	return stmt;
Beispiel #22
std::string get_string( const Fvector& v )
	return make_string	("( %f, %f, %f )", v.x, v.y, v.z );
Beispiel #23
 * Parse a "value" from the remainder of the expression in infoPtr.
 * Results:
 *	Normally TCL_OK is returned.  The value of the expression is
 *	returned in *valuePtr.  If an error occurred, then interp->result
 *	contains an error message and TCL_ERROR is returned.
 *	InfoPtr->token will be left pointing to the token AFTER the
 *	expression, and infoPtr->expr will point to the character just
 *	after the terminating token.
 * Side effects:
 *	None.
static unsigned char
get_value (Tcl_Interp *interp,	/* Interpreter to use for error reporting. */
	Expr_info_t *infoPtr,	/* Describes the state of the parse just
				 * before the value (i.e. get_lex will be
				 * called to get first token of value). */
	int prec,		/* Treat any un-parenthesized operator
				 * with precedence <= this as the end
				 * of the expression. */
	Value_t *valuePtr)	/* Where to store the value of the
				 * expression.  Caller must have
				 * initialized pv field. */
    Interp *iPtr = (Interp *) interp;
    Value_t value2;			/* Second operand for current
					 * operator.  */
    int operator;			/* Current operator (either unary
					 * or binary). */
    int badType;			/* Type of offending argument;  used
					 * for error messages. */
    int gotOp;				/* Non-zero means already lexed the
					 * operator (while picking up value
					 * for unary operator).  Don't lex
					 * again. */
    unsigned char result;

     * There are two phases to this procedure.  First, pick off an initial
     * value.  Then, parse (binary operator, value) pairs until done.

    gotOp = 0;
    value2.pv.buffer = = value2.static_space;
    value2.pv.end = value2.pv.buffer + STATIC_STRING_SPACE - 1;
    value2.pv.expandProc = TclExpandParseValue;
    value2.pv.clientData = (void*) 0;
    result = get_lex(interp, infoPtr, valuePtr);
    if (result != TCL_OK) {
	goto done;
    if (infoPtr->token == OPEN_PAREN) {

	 * Parenthesized sub-expression.

	result = get_value(interp, infoPtr, -1, valuePtr);
	if (result != TCL_OK) {
	    goto done;
	if (infoPtr->token != CLOSE_PAREN) {
		    "unmatched parentheses in expression \"",
		    infoPtr->original_expr, "\"", 0);
	    result = TCL_ERROR;
	    goto done;
    } else {
	if (infoPtr->token == MINUS) {
	    infoPtr->token = UNARY_MINUS;
	if (infoPtr->token >= UNARY_MINUS) {

	     * Process unary operators.

	    operator = infoPtr->token;
	    result = get_value(interp, infoPtr, prec_table[infoPtr->token],
	    if (result != TCL_OK) {
		goto done;
	    switch (operator) {
		    if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
			valuePtr->int_value = -valuePtr->int_value;
		    } else {
			badType = valuePtr->type;
			goto illegalType;
		case NOT:
		    if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
			valuePtr->int_value = !valuePtr->int_value;
		    } else {
			badType = valuePtr->type;
			goto illegalType;
		case BIT_NOT:
		    if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
			valuePtr->int_value = ~valuePtr->int_value;
		    } else {
			badType  = valuePtr->type;
			goto illegalType;
	    gotOp = 1;
	} else if (infoPtr->token != VALUE) {
	    goto syntaxError;

     * Got the first operand.  Now fetch (operator, operand) pairs.

    if (!gotOp) {
	result = get_lex(interp, infoPtr, &value2);
	if (result != TCL_OK) {
	    goto done;
    while (1) {
	operator = infoPtr->token; = value2.pv.buffer;
	if ((operator < MULT) || (operator >= UNARY_MINUS)) {
	    if ((operator == END) || (operator == CLOSE_PAREN)) {
		result = TCL_OK;
		goto done;
	    } else {
		goto syntaxError;
	if (prec_table[operator] <= prec) {
	    result = TCL_OK;
	    goto done;

	 * If we're doing an AND or OR and the first operand already
	 * determines the result, don't execute anything in the
	 * second operand:  just parse.  Same style for ?: pairs.

	if ((operator == AND) || (operator == OR) || (operator == QUESTY)) {
	    if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_STRING) {
		badType = TYPE_STRING;
		goto illegalType;
	    if (((operator == AND) && !valuePtr->int_value)
		    || ((operator == OR) && valuePtr->int_value)) {
		result = get_value(interp, infoPtr, prec_table[operator],
	    } else if (operator == QUESTY) {
		if (valuePtr->int_value != 0) {
		    valuePtr-> = valuePtr->pv.buffer;
		    result = get_value(interp, infoPtr, prec_table[operator],
		    if (result != TCL_OK) {
			goto done;
		    if (infoPtr->token != COLON) {
			goto syntaxError;
		    } = value2.pv.buffer;
		    result = get_value(interp, infoPtr, prec_table[operator],
		} else {
		    result = get_value(interp, infoPtr, prec_table[operator],
		    if (result != TCL_OK) {
			goto done;
		    if (infoPtr->token != COLON) {
			goto syntaxError;
		    valuePtr-> = valuePtr->pv.buffer;
		    result = get_value(interp, infoPtr, prec_table[operator],
	    } else {
		result = get_value(interp, infoPtr, prec_table[operator],
	} else {
	    result = get_value(interp, infoPtr, prec_table[operator],
	if (result != TCL_OK) {
	    goto done;
	if ((infoPtr->token < MULT) && (infoPtr->token != VALUE)
		&& (infoPtr->token != END)
		&& (infoPtr->token != CLOSE_PAREN)) {
	    goto syntaxError;

	 * At this point we've got two values and an operator.  Check
	 * to make sure that the particular data types are appropriate
	 * for the particular operator, and perform type conversion
	 * if necessary.

	switch (operator) {

	     * For the operators below, no strings are allowed and
	     * ints get converted to floats if necessary.

	    case MULT: case DIVIDE: case PLUS: case MINUS:
		if ((valuePtr->type == TYPE_STRING)
			|| (value2.type == TYPE_STRING)) {
		    badType = TYPE_STRING;
		    goto illegalType;

	     * For the operators below, only integers are allowed.

	    case MOD: case LEFT_SHIFT: case RIGHT_SHIFT:
	    case BIT_AND: case BIT_XOR: case BIT_OR:
		 if (valuePtr->type != TYPE_INT) {
		     badType = valuePtr->type;
		     goto illegalType;
		 } else if (value2.type != TYPE_INT) {
		     badType = value2.type;
		     goto illegalType;

	     * For the operators below, any type is allowed but the
	     * two operands must have the same type.  Convert integers
	     * to floats and either to strings, if necessary.

	    case LESS: case GREATER: case LEQ: case GEQ:
	    case EQUAL: case NEQ:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_STRING) {
		    if (value2.type != TYPE_STRING) {
			make_string (interp->pool, &value2);
		} else if (value2.type == TYPE_STRING) {
		    if (valuePtr->type != TYPE_STRING) {
			make_string (interp->pool, valuePtr);

	     * For the operators below, no strings are allowed.
	    case AND: case OR:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_STRING) {
		    badType = valuePtr->type;
		    goto illegalType;
		if (value2.type == TYPE_STRING) {
		    badType = value2.type;
		    goto illegalType;

	     * For the operators below, type and conversions are
	     * irrelevant:  they're handled elsewhere.

	    case QUESTY: case COLON:

	     * Any other operator is an error.

		interp->result = (unsigned char*) "unknown operator in expression";
		result = TCL_ERROR;
		goto done;

	 * If necessary, convert one of the operands to the type
	 * of the other.  If the operands are incompatible with
	 * the operator (e.g. "+" on strings) then return an
	 * error.

	switch (operator) {
	    case MULT:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
		    valuePtr->int_value *= value2.int_value;
	    case DIVIDE:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
		    if (value2.int_value == 0) {
			interp->result = (unsigned char*) "divide by zero";
			result = TCL_ERROR;
			goto done;
		    valuePtr->int_value /= value2.int_value;
	    case MOD:
		if (value2.int_value == 0) {
		    goto divideByZero;
		valuePtr->int_value %= value2.int_value;
	    case PLUS:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
		    valuePtr->int_value += value2.int_value;
	    case MINUS:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
		    valuePtr->int_value -= value2.int_value;
	    case LEFT_SHIFT:
		valuePtr->int_value <<= value2.int_value;
	    case RIGHT_SHIFT:
		 * The following code is a bit tricky:  it ensures that
		 * right shifts propagate the sign bit even on machines
		 * where ">>" won't do it by default.

		if (valuePtr->int_value < 0) {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			    ~((~valuePtr->int_value) >> value2.int_value);
		} else {
		    valuePtr->int_value >>= value2.int_value;
	    case LESS:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			valuePtr->int_value < value2.int_value;
		} else {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			    strcmp(valuePtr->pv.buffer, value2.pv.buffer) < 0;
		valuePtr->type = TYPE_INT;
	    case GREATER:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			valuePtr->int_value > value2.int_value;
		} else {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			    strcmp(valuePtr->pv.buffer, value2.pv.buffer) > 0;
		valuePtr->type = TYPE_INT;
	    case LEQ:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			valuePtr->int_value <= value2.int_value;
		} else {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			    strcmp(valuePtr->pv.buffer, value2.pv.buffer) <= 0;
		valuePtr->type = TYPE_INT;
	    case GEQ:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			valuePtr->int_value >= value2.int_value;
		} else {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			    strcmp(valuePtr->pv.buffer, value2.pv.buffer) >= 0;
		valuePtr->type = TYPE_INT;
	    case EQUAL:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			valuePtr->int_value == value2.int_value;
		} else {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			    strcmp(valuePtr->pv.buffer, value2.pv.buffer) == 0;
		valuePtr->type = TYPE_INT;
	    case NEQ:
		if (valuePtr->type == TYPE_INT) {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			valuePtr->int_value != value2.int_value;
		} else {
		    valuePtr->int_value =
			    strcmp(valuePtr->pv.buffer, value2.pv.buffer) != 0;
		valuePtr->type = TYPE_INT;
	    case BIT_AND:
		valuePtr->int_value &= value2.int_value;
	    case BIT_XOR:
		valuePtr->int_value ^= value2.int_value;
	    case BIT_OR:
		valuePtr->int_value |= value2.int_value;

	    case AND:
		valuePtr->int_value = valuePtr->int_value && value2.int_value;
	    case OR:
		valuePtr->int_value = valuePtr->int_value || value2.int_value;

	    case COLON:
		interp->result = (unsigned char*) "can't have : operator without ? first";
		result = TCL_ERROR;
		goto done;
Beispiel #24
std::string dump_string( LPCSTR name, const Fvector &v )
	return make_string( "%s : (%f,%f,%f) ", name, v.x, v.y, v.z );
float imotion_position::motion_collide( float dt, IKinematicsAnimated& KA )
	VERIFY( shell );

	float advance_time = collide_animation( dt, KA );

	if( time_to_end <  ( max_collide_timedelta + end_delta ) )
		interactive_motion_diagnostic( make_string( "motion_collide 0: stoped: time out, time delta %f", dt ).c_str() );
		flags.set( fl_switch_dm_toragdoll, TRUE );			
		return advance_time;
	if( depth > depth_resolve )

#ifdef DEBUG
		if( dbg_imotion_collide_debug )
			//interactive_motion_diagnostic( make_string( " motion_collide collided0: deppth= %f", depth ).c_str() );
			interactive_motion_diagnostic( make_string( "motion_collide 1: stoped: colide: %s, depth %f", collide_diag().c_str(), depth ).c_str() );
			shell->dbg_draw_geometry( 0.02, D3DCOLOR_ARGB( 255, 0, 255, 0 )  );
			DBG_ClosedCashedDraw( 50000 );
		u32	sv_blends_num = blends_num( KA );
		buffer_vector<sblend_save> saved_blends( _alloca( sv_blends_num*sizeof( sblend_save ) ), sv_blends_num );
		save_blends( saved_blends, KA ); //		sv1
		float depth0 =	depth;
		advance_time += collide_animation( collide_adwance_delta, KA );

#ifdef DEBUG
		if( dbg_imotion_collide_debug )
			interactive_motion_diagnostic( make_string( " motion_collide collided1: deppth= %f", depth ).c_str() );
			shell->dbg_draw_geometry( 0.02, D3DCOLOR_ARGB( 255, 0, 255, 255 )  );
			DBG_ClosedCashedDraw( 50000 );

		if( depth > depth0  )
			interactive_motion_diagnostic( make_string( "motion_collide 1: stoped: colide: %s, depth %f", collide_diag().c_str(), depth ).c_str() );
			flags.set( fl_switch_dm_toragdoll, TRUE );
			depth0= depth;
			advance_time += collide_animation( collide_adwance_delta, KA );

#ifdef DEBUG
		if( dbg_imotion_collide_debug )
			interactive_motion_diagnostic( make_string( " motion_collide collided2: deppth= %f", depth ).c_str() );
			shell->dbg_draw_geometry( 0.02, D3DCOLOR_ARGB( 255, 0, 255, 0 )  );
			DBG_ClosedCashedDraw( 50000 );
			if( depth > depth_resolve  )
				interactive_motion_diagnostic( make_string( "motion_collide 2: stoped: colide: %s, depth %f", collide_diag().c_str(), depth ).c_str() );
				flags.set( fl_switch_dm_toragdoll, TRUE );
		restore_blends( saved_blends );// rs1
		//advance_time += advance_animation( dt-advance_time, KA );
		time_to_end += (dt-advance_time);
		advance_time += (dt-advance_time);
		force_calculate_bones( KA );
		shell->ToAnimBonesPositions( shell_motion_has_history ? mh_clear : mh_unspecified );

#ifdef DEBUG
		if( dbg_imotion_collide_debug )
			depth = 0;
			interactive_motion_diagnostic( make_string(  " motion_collide restore: %f ", depth  ).c_str() );
			shell->dbg_draw_geometry( 0.02, D3DCOLOR_ARGB( 255, 255, 0, 0 )  );
			DBG_ClosedCashedDraw( 50000 );
	return advance_time;
Beispiel #26
void image_dump_to_fits(image_str *image, char *filename)
    fitsfile *fits;
    int status;
    long naxis = 2;
    long naxes[2] = {image->width, image->height};
    char *filename_exclam = make_string("!%s", filename);



    status = 0;
    fits_create_file(&fits, filename_exclam, &status);

    /* Creating 3-dimensional FITS file of necessary type. */
    if(image->type == IMAGE_DOUBLE){
        fits_create_img(fits, DOUBLE_IMG, naxis, naxes, &status);
        fits_write_2d_dbl(fits, 0, image->width, image->width, image->height,
                          image->double_data, &status);
    } else {
        fits_create_img(fits, USHORT_IMG, naxis, naxes, &status);
        fits_write_2d_usht(fits, 0, image->width, image->width, image->height,
                           image->data, &status);

        image_keyword_add_coords(image, image->coords);

    /* Write keywords */
    image_keywords_to_fits(image, fits);

    /* Write header */
        double ra = image->coords.ra0;
        double dec = image->coords.dec0;
        char *ra_string = NULL;
        char *dec_string = NULL;
        char *time_string = time_str_get_date_time(image->time);
        char *date_obs_string = make_string("%04d-%02d-%02d", image->time.year, image->time.month, image->;
        char *time_obs_string = make_string("%02d:%02d:%04.2lf", image->time.hour, image->time.minute, image->time.second + 1e-6*image->time.microsecond);
        double jd = time_str_get_JD(image->time);

            coords_get_ra_dec(&image->coords, 0.5*image->width, 0.5*image->height, &ra, &dec);

        ra_string = make_ra_string(ra);
        dec_string = make_dec_string(dec);

        fits_update_key(fits, TSTRING, "RA", ra_string, "Rough center coordinates", &status);
        fits_update_key(fits, TSTRING, "DEC", dec_string, "Rough center coordinates", &status);
        fits_update_key(fits, TSTRING, "TIME", time_string, "Date and time", &status);
        fits_update_key(fits, TSTRING, "DATE-OBS", date_obs_string, NULL, &status);
        fits_update_key(fits, TSTRING, "TIME-OBS", time_obs_string, NULL, &status);

        fits_update_key(fits, TDOUBLE, "JD", &jd, "Julianic date, millisecond precision", &status);


    fits_close_file(fits, &status);

    /* Print out error messages if any */
    fits_report_error(stderr, status);

Beispiel #27
Datei: ngs.c Projekt: Wingie/ngs
	// printf("parse_ok %d\n", parse_ok);
	if(!parse_ok) {
		fprintf(stderr, "NGS: Failed to parse at position %d (%s), rule %s. Exiting.\n", yyctx.fail_pos, sprintf_position(&yyctx, yyctx.fail_pos), yyctx.fail_rule);

	tree = yyctx.__;
	IF_DEBUG(COMPILER, print_ast(tree, 0);)


	// TODO: use native_... methods to load and run the code
	bytecode = compile(tree, source_file_name, &len);
	vm_init(&vm, argc, argv);
	set_global(&vm, "BOOTSTRAP_FILE", make_string(bootstrap_file_name));
	ip = vm_load_bytecode(&vm, bytecode);
	closure = make_closure_obj(ip, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
	mr = vm_call(&vm, &ctx, &result, closure, 0, NULL);
	if(mr == METHOD_OK) {
		return 0;
		if(obj_is_of_type(result, vm.Exception)) {
			printf("========= Uncaught exception of type '%s' =========\n", obj_to_cstring(NGS_TYPE_NAME(NORMAL_TYPE_INSTANCE_TYPE(result))));
			print_exception(&vm, result);
		} else {
			dump_titled("Uncaught exception", result);
		return 1;
Beispiel #28
 * mangled ieee80211_status()
get_nwinfo(char *ifname, char *str, int str_len, int type)
	char tmp[128];
	int ifs, len, i, nwkey_verbose;

	ifs = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
	if (ifs < 0) {
		printf("%% get_nwinfo: socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));

	memset(str, 0, str_len);

	switch(type) {
	case NWID:
		struct ieee80211_nwid nwid;
		struct ifreq ifr;

		memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
		ifr.ifr_data = (caddr_t)&nwid;
		(void) strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
		if (ioctl(ifs, SIOCG80211NWID, (caddr_t) & ifr) == 0) {
			/* nwid.i_nwid is not NUL terminated. */
			len = nwid.i_len;
			if (len > IEEE80211_NWID_LEN)
				len = IEEE80211_NWID_LEN;
			make_string(str, str_len, nwid.i_nwid, len);
	case TXPOWER:
		struct ieee80211_txpower txpower;

		memset(&txpower, 0, sizeof(txpower));
		(void) strlcpy(txpower.i_name, ifname, sizeof(txpower.i_name));
		if (ioctl(ifs, SIOCG80211TXPOWER, (caddr_t) &txpower) == 0) {
			/* XXX FIXED is always set? For now, check for == 100,
			   txpower is totally broken in the kernel anyways */
			if (txpower.i_mode == IEEE80211_TXPOWER_MODE_FIXED &&
			    txpower.i_val != 100)
				snprintf(str, str_len, "%d", txpower.i_val);
		} else {
			if (errno != EINVAL) {
				printf("%% get_nwinfo: SIOCG80211TXPOWER: %s\n",
		struct ieee80211_power power;

		memset(&power, 0, sizeof(power));
		strlcpy(power.i_name, ifname, sizeof(power.i_name));

		if (ioctl(ifs, SIOCG80211POWER, &power) == 0) {
			if (power.i_enabled &&
			    power.i_maxsleep != DEFAULT_POWERSAVE)
				snprintf(str, str_len, "%d", power.i_maxsleep);
			else if (power.i_enabled)
				memset(&str, '\0', str_len); /* "powersave " */
		} else {
			printf("%% get_nwinfo: SIOCG80211POWER: %s\n",
	case BSSID:
		struct ieee80211_bssid bssid;
		struct ether_addr ea;
		u_int8_t zero_bssid[IEEE80211_ADDR_LEN];

		memset(&zero_bssid, 0, sizeof(zero_bssid));
		strlcpy(bssid.i_name, ifname, sizeof(bssid.i_name));

		if (ioctl(ifs, SIOCG80211BSSID, &bssid) == 0) {
			if (memcmp(bssid.i_bssid, zero_bssid,
			    IEEE80211_ADDR_LEN) != 0) {
				memcpy(&ea.ether_addr_octet, bssid.i_bssid,
				snprintf(str, str_len, "%s", ether_ntoa(&ea));
		} else {
			printf("%% get_nwinfo: SIOCG80211BSSID: %s\n",
	case NWKEY:
		struct ieee80211_nwkey nwkey;
		u_int8_t keybuf[IEEE80211_WEP_NKID][16];

		memset(&nwkey, 0, sizeof(nwkey));
		(void) strlcpy(nwkey.i_name, ifname, sizeof(nwkey.i_name));
		if (ioctl(ifs, SIOCG80211NWKEY, (caddr_t) & nwkey) == 0 &&
		    nwkey.i_wepon > 0) {
			/* try to retrieve WEP keys */
			for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_WEP_NKID; i++) {
				nwkey.i_key[i].i_keydat = keybuf[i];
				nwkey.i_key[i].i_keylen = sizeof(keybuf[i]);
			if (ioctl(ifs, SIOCG80211NWKEY, (caddr_t) & nwkey)
			    == -1) {
				strlcat(str, "*****", str_len);
			} else {
				nwkey_verbose = 0;
				 * check to see non default key or multiple keys
				 * defined
				if (nwkey.i_defkid != 1) {
					nwkey_verbose = 1;
				} else {
					for (i = 1; i < IEEE80211_WEP_NKID; i++)
						if (nwkey.i_key[i].i_keylen !=
						    0) {
							nwkey_verbose = 1;
				/* check extra ambiguity with keywords */
				if (!nwkey_verbose) {
					if (nwkey.i_key[0].i_keylen >= 2 &&
					    && nwkey.i_key[0].i_keydat[1] ==
						nwkey_verbose = 1;
					else if (nwkey.i_key[0].i_keylen >= 7 &&
						nwkey_verbose = 1;
				if (nwkey_verbose) {
					snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d:",
					strlcat(str, tmp, str_len);
				for (i = 0; i < IEEE80211_WEP_NKID; i++) {
					if (i > 0)
						strlcat(str, ",", str_len);
					if (nwkey.i_key[i].i_keylen < 0) {
						strlcat(str, "persist",
					} else {
						 * XXX - sanity check
						 * nwkey.i_key[i].i_keylen
						make_string(str, str_len,
					if (!nwkey_verbose)
	} /* switch {} */

Beispiel #29
int main()
    auto x = make_string(concat("Hello "_s, "World!"_s));
    std::cout << x << std::endl;
Beispiel #30
// Generate a function body.
void GenerateFunction(SYM *sym, Statement *stmt)
	char buf[20];
	char *bl;
	int cnt, nn;
	AMODE *ap;
	ENODE *ep;

	throwlab = retlab = contlab = breaklab = -1;
	lastsph = 0;
	throwlab = nextlabel++;
	while( lc_auto & 7 )	/* round frame size to word */
	if (sym->IsInterrupt) {
		//GenerateDiadic(op_sm,0,make_indirect(30), make_mask(0x9FFFFFFE));
	if (!sym->IsNocall) {
		if (lc_auto || sym->NumParms > 0)
//		if (sym->UsesPredicate)
			GenerateDiadic(op_sws, 0, make_string("pregs"), make_indexed(24,SP));
		// For a leaf routine don't bother to store the link register or exception link register.
		if (!sym->IsLeaf) {
			if (exceptions)
				GenerateDiadic(op_sws, 0, makebreg(XLR), make_indexed(8,SP));
			GenerateDiadic(op_sws, 0, makebreg(LR), make_indexed(16,SP));
			if (exceptions) {
				ep = xalloc(sizeof(struct enode));
				ep->nodetype = en_clabcon;
				ep->i = throwlab;
				ap = allocAmode();
				ap->mode = am_immed;
				ap->offset = ep;
				GenerateDiadic(op_ldis,0, makebreg(XLR), ap);
		if (lc_auto || sym->NumParms > 0) {
			if (lc_auto)

		// Save registers used as register variables.
		// **** Done in Analyze.c ****
		//if( save_mask != 0 ) {
		//	GenerateTriadic(op_subui,0,makereg(SP),makereg(SP),make_immed(popcnt(save_mask)*8));
		//	cnt = (bitsset(save_mask)-1)*8;
		//	for (nn = 31; nn >=1 ; nn--) {
		//		if (save_mask & (1 << nn)) {
		//			GenerateTriadic(op_sw,0,makereg(nn),make_indexed(cnt,SP),NULL);
		//			cnt -= 8;
		//		}
		//	}
	if (optimize)
		sym->NumRegisterVars = opt1(stmt);
	// Generate code for the hidden default catch
	if (exceptions) {
		if (sym->IsLeaf){
			if (sym->DoesThrow) {
				ap = GetTempRegister();
				GenerateDiadic(op_bra,0,make_clabel(retlab),NULL);				// goto regular return cleanup code
		else {
			GenerateDiadic(op_lws,0,makebreg(LR),make_indexed(8,BP));		// load throw return address from stack into LR
			GenerateDiadic(op_sws,0,makebreg(LR),make_indexed(16,BP));		// and store it back (so it can be loaded with the lm)
			GenerateDiadic(op_bra,0,make_clabel(retlab),NULL);				// goto regular return cleanup code