template<> inline __host__ __device__ ushort3 _pixMakeZero<ushort3>() {return make_ushort3(0,0,0);}
static inline __host__ __device__ ushort3 _pixMake(Ncv16u x, Ncv16u y, Ncv16u z) {return make_ushort3(x,y,z);}
int ModelBase::load_model(const char* file_name) { const char *dot = strrchr(file_name, '.'); const char supported_ext[2][10] = {".raw", ".pvm"}; if (!dot || (strcmp(dot, supported_ext[0]) != 0 && strcmp(dot, supported_ext[1]) != 0)) { Logger::log("File error: Unsupported file extension (.raw|.pvm allowed)\n"); return 1; } unsigned char *loaded_data; unsigned int width, height, depth, size, components = 1; if (strcmp(dot, supported_ext[1]) == 0) { Logger::log("Reading PVM file...\n"); float scale_x, scale_y, scale_z; unsigned char *description, *courtesy, *parameters, *comment; loaded_data = readPVMvolume(file_name, &width, &height, &depth, &components, &scale_x, &scale_y, &scale_z, &description, &courtesy, ¶meters, &comment); if (loaded_data == NULL) { Logger::log("Error: File not found: %s\n", file_name); return 1; } Logger::log("PVM file volume metadata:\nDimensions: width = %d height = %d depth = %d components = %d\n", width, height, depth, components); if (scale_x!=1.0f || scale_y!=1.0f || scale_z!=1.0f) printf("Real dimensions: %g %g %g\n", scale_x, scale_y, scale_z); if (description!=NULL) printf("Object description:\n%s\n",description); if (courtesy!=NULL) printf("Courtesy information:\n%s\n",courtesy); if (parameters!=NULL) printf("Scan parameters:\n%s\n",parameters); if (comment!=NULL) printf("Additonal comments:\n%s\n",comment); printf("\n"); size = width * height * depth; //float max_scale = MAXIMUM(scale_x, MAXIMUM(scale_y, scale_z)); // scaling - if used indexing in model is: (pos.x*(1/bound.x)) //volume.bound = (-1) * make_float3(scale_x / max_scale, scale_y / max_scale, scale_z / max_scale); } if (strcmp(dot, supported_ext[0]) == 0) { Logger::log("Reading RAW file...\n"); loaded_data = readRAWfile(file_name, &size); if (loaded_data == NULL) { Logger::log("Error: File not found: %s\n", file_name); return 1; } printf("Enter RAW file volume dimensions (width, height, depth): "); scanf("%d %d %d",&width, &height, &depth); if (width * height * depth != size) { printf("Enter RAW file volume components (bytes per voxel): "); scanf("%d", &components); if (width * height * depth * components != size) { Logger::log("Error: Incorrect RAW file volume parameters\n"); free(loaded_data); return 1; } } } if (components > 2) { Logger::log("Error: Unsupported number of components (1|2 allowed)\n"); free(loaded_data); return 1; } if (components == 2) { Logger::log("Quantizing 16 bit volume to 8 bit using a non-linear mapping...\n"); loaded_data = quantize(loaded_data, width, height, depth); } if (volume.data != NULL) free(volume.data); volume.dims = make_ushort3(width, height, depth); volume.size = size; volume.data = loaded_data; strcpy(ModelBase::file_name, file_name); Logger::log("File loaded: %s, volume size: %.2f MB\n\n", file_name, volume.size / (float)(1024 * 1024)); compute_histogram(); return 0; }