Beispiel #1
void InputCommandTemplateUnitTests::run()
    assert( test1(L"", 1, L"") );
    assert( test1(L"aaaa;#bbbb dd ff gg;cccc", 3, L"aaaa", L"#bbbb dd ff gg", L"cccc") );
    assert( test1(L"  {aaaa \"fff;vvv\" {'':; }gg}", 1, L"  aaaa \"fff;vvv\" {'':; }gg" ) );
    assert( test1(L"#abc {asdasd};  def xxx;  #eee 'aaa' 'bbb' ", 3, L"#abc {asdasd}", L"  def xxx", L"#eee 'aaa' 'bbb' ") );
    assert( test1(L" #ddd {fff} 'f;f{f;f}f;f' {{fd;fd}f;f}", 1, L"#ddd {fff} 'f;f{f;f}f;f' {{fd;fd}f;f}") );
    assert( test1(L"#ddd {fff} ; {ffff 'f;f{f;f}f;f'}", 2, L"#ddd {fff} ", L" ffff 'f;f{f;f}f;f'") );
    assert( test1(L"#bbb '{};fff;\"aaa\"'", 1, L"#bbb '{};fff;\"aaa\"'") );

    InputCommands g1;
    g1.push_back(makecmd(false, L" ", L"", L" ", 0));
    assert(test2(L" ", 0, &g1));

    InputCommands g2;
    g2.push_back(makecmd(false, L"тест", L"  123 456  789", L"тест", 3, L"  123", L" 456", L"  789" ));
    assert(test2(L"тест  123 456  789", 3, &g2));

    InputCommands g3;
    g3.push_back(makecmd(false, L"тест2", L" aaa  bbb  ccc  ", L"тест2", 4, L" aaa", L"  bbb", L"  ccc", L"  "));
    assert(test2(L"тест2 aaa  bbb  ccc  ", 4, &g3));

    InputCommands t1;
    t1.push_back( makecmd(true, L"# wout", L" 1 test test2", L" wout", 3, L"1", L"test", L"test2") );
    assert( test2(L"# wout 1 test test2", 0, &t1) );

    InputCommands t2;
    t2.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#wout", L" 1 {red} blue", L"wout", 3, L"1", L"red", L"blue"));
    assert(test2(L"#wout 1 {red} blue", 0, &t2));

    InputCommands t3;
    t3.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#wout", L" 'a;b;c\"\"'", L"wout", 1, L"a;b;c\"\""));
    t3.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#ex", L" {v;d's}", L"ex", 1, L"v;d's"));
    assert(test2(L"#wout 'a;b;c\"\"';#ex {v;d's}", 0, &t3));

    InputCommands t4;
    t4.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#wout", L" %0", L"wout", 1, param0));
    assert(test2(L"#wout %0", 0, &t4));

    InputCommands t5;
    tstring p1p2(param1);
    t5.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#test", L" '%1%2' %3 %4 %0", L"test", 4, p1p2.c_str(), param3, param4, param0));
    assert(test2(L"#test '%1%2' %3 %4 %0", 4, &t5));

    InputCommands t6;
    t6.push_back(makecmd(true, L"#wait", L" 1.2 {#out {light red} {Время идти!};встать}", L"wait", 2, L"1.2", L"#out {light red} {Время идти!};встать"));
    assert(test2(L"#wait 1.2 {#out {light red} {Время идти!};встать}", 2, &t6));
 void client::lset(const client::string_type & key, 
                   client::int_type index, 
                   const client::string_type & value)
   send_(makecmd("LSET") << key << ' ' << index << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value);
 void client::smove(const client::string_type & srckey, 
                    const client::string_type & dstkey, 
                    const client::string_type & value)
   send_(makecmd("SMOVE") << srckey << ' ' << dstkey << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value);
 void client::ltrim(const client::string_type & key, 
                    client::int_type start, 
                    client::int_type end)
   send_(makecmd("LTRIM") << key << ' ' << start << ' ' << end);
 client::int_type client::keys(const client::string_type & pattern,
                                client::string_vector & out)
   send_(makecmd("KEYS") << pattern);
   string resp = recv_bulk_reply_();
   return split(resp, ' ', out);
 client::string_type client::get(const client::string_type & key)
   string cmd = makecmd("GET") << key;
   cout<<"get cmd:"<<cmd<<endl;
   return recv_bulk_reply_();
 client::int_type client::lrem(const client::string_type & key, 
                               client::int_type count, 
                               const client::string_type & value)
   send_(makecmd("LREM") << key << ' ' << count << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value);
   return recv_int_reply_();
 client::int_type client::lrange(const client::string_type & key, 
                                  client::int_type start, 
                                  client::int_type end,
                                  client::string_vector & out)
   send_(makecmd("LRANGE") << key << ' ' << start << ' ' << end);
   return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out);
 void client::set(const client::string_type & key, 
                  const client::string_type & value)
   string cmd = makecmd("SET") << key << ' ' << value;    
   //send_(makecmd("SET") << key << ' ' << value.size() << CRLF << value);
   cout<<"client::set cmd:"<<cmd<<endl;
  client::int_type client::sort(const client::string_type & key, 
                                client::string_vector & out,
                                client::sort_order order,
                                bool lexicographically)
    send_(makecmd("SORT") << key 
          << (order == sort_order_ascending ? " ASC" : " DESC")
          << (lexicographically ? " ALPHA" : ""));

    return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out);
  client::datatype client::type(const client::string_type & key)
    send_(makecmd("TYPE") << key);
    string response = recv_single_line_reply_();

    if (response == "none")   return datatype_none;
    if (response == "string") return datatype_string;
    if (response == "list")   return datatype_list;
    if (response == "set")    return datatype_set;

    return datatype_none;
  void client::info(server_info & out)
    send_(makecmd("INFO", true));
    string response = recv_bulk_reply_();

    if (response.empty())
      throw protocol_error("empty");

    string_vector lines;
    split_lines(response, lines);
    if (lines.empty())
      throw protocol_error("empty line for info");

    for (string_vector::const_iterator it = lines.begin();
         it != lines.end(); ++it)
      const string & line = *it;
      string_vector line_parts;
      split(line, ':', line_parts);
      if (line_parts.size() != 2)
        throw protocol_error("unexpected line format for info");

      const string & key = line_parts[0];
      const string & val = line_parts[1];

      if (key == server_info_key_version)
        out.version = val;
      else if (key == server_info_key_bgsave_in_progress)
        out.bgsave_in_progress = value_from_string<unsigned long>(val) == 1;
      else if (key == server_info_key_connected_clients)
        out.connected_clients = value_from_string<unsigned long>(val);
      else if (key == server_info_key_connected_slaves)
        out.connected_slaves = value_from_string<unsigned long>(val);
      else if (key == server_info_key_used_memory)
        out.used_memory = value_from_string<unsigned long>(val);
      else if (key == server_info_key_changes_since_last_save)
        out.changes_since_last_save = value_from_string<unsigned long>(val);
      else if (key == server_info_key_last_save_time)
        out.last_save_time = value_from_string<unsigned long>(val);
      else if (key == server_info_key_total_connections_received)
        out.total_connections_received = value_from_string<unsigned long>(val);
      else if (key == server_info_key_total_commands_processed)
        out.total_commands_processed = value_from_string<unsigned long>(val);
      else if (key == server_info_key_uptime_in_seconds)
        out.uptime_in_seconds = value_from_string<unsigned long>(val);
      else if (key == server_info_key_uptime_in_days)
        out.uptime_in_days = value_from_string<unsigned long>(val);
      else if (key == server_info_key_role)
        out.role = val == server_info_value_role_master ? role_master : role_slave;
        throw protocol_error(string("unexpected info key '") + key + "'");
  void client::shutdown()
    send_(makecmd("SHUTDOWN", true));

    // we expected to get a connection_error as redis closes the connection on shutdown command.

    catch (connection_error & e)
 time_t client::lastsave()
   send_(makecmd("LASTSAVE", true));
   return recv_int_reply_();
 void client::bgsave()
   send_(makecmd("BGSAVE", true));
 void client::lpush(const client::string_type & key, 
                    const client::string_type & value)
   send_(makecmd("LPUSH") << key << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value);
 void client::flushall()
   send_(makecmd("FLUSHALL", true));
 void client::flushdb()
   send_(makecmd("FLUSHDB", true));
 void client::move(const client::string_type & key, 
                   client::int_type dbindex)
   send_(makecmd("MOVE") << key << ' ' << dbindex);
 void client::srem(const client::string_type & key, 
                   const client::string_type & value)
   send_(makecmd("SREM") << key << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value);
 client::int_type client::smembers(const client::string_type & key, 
                                   client::string_set & out)
   send_(makecmd("SMEMBERS") << key);
   return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out);
 client::int_type client::sunionstore(const client::string_type & dstkey, 
                                      const client::string_vector & keys)
   send_(makecmd("SUNIONSTORE") << dstkey << ' ' << keys);
   return recv_int_reply_();
 client::int_type client::sunion(const client::string_vector & keys,
                                 client::string_set & out)
   send_(makecmd("SUNION") << keys);
   return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out);
 client::int_type client::sinter(const client::string_vector & keys, client::string_set & out)
   send_(makecmd("SINTER") << keys);
   return recv_multi_bulk_reply_(out);
 bool client::sismember(const client::string_type & key, 
                        const client::string_type & value)
   send_(makecmd("SISMEMBER") << key << ' ' << value.length() << CRLF << value);
   return recv_int_reply_() == 1;
 client::int_type client::llen(const client::string_type & key)
   send_(makecmd("LLEN") << key);
   return recv_int_reply_();
 client::string_type client::lindex(const client::string_type & key, 
                                    client::int_type index)
   send_(makecmd("LINDEX") << key << ' ' << index);
   return recv_bulk_reply_();
 void client::select(client::int_type dbindex)
   send_(makecmd("SELECT") << dbindex);
 client::int_type client::scard(const client::string_type & key)
   send_(makecmd("SCARD") << key);
   return recv_int_reply_();
 client::string_type client::rpop(const client::string_type & key)
   send_(makecmd("RPOP") << key);
   return recv_bulk_reply_();