void Parse::do_anewarray() {
  bool will_link;
  ciKlass* klass = iter().get_klass(will_link);

  // Uncommon Trap when class that array contains is not loaded
  // we need the loaded class for the rest of graph; do not
  // initialize the container class (see Java spec)!!!
  assert(will_link, "anewarray: typeflow responsibility");

  ciObjArrayKlass* array_klass = ciObjArrayKlass::make(klass);
  // Check that array_klass object is loaded
  if (!array_klass->is_loaded()) {
    // Generate uncommon_trap for unloaded array_class


  const TypeKlassPtr* array_klass_type = TypeKlassPtr::make(array_klass);
  Node* count_val = pop();
  Node* obj = new_array(makecon(array_klass_type), count_val, 1);
Beispiel #2
void Parse::do_new() {

  bool will_link;
  ciInstanceKlass* klass = iter().get_klass(will_link)->as_instance_klass();
  assert(will_link, "_new: typeflow responsibility");

  // Should initialize, or throw an InstantiationError?
  if (!klass->is_initialized() && !klass->is_being_initialized() ||
      klass->is_abstract() || klass->is_interface() ||
      klass->name() == ciSymbol::java_lang_Class() ||
      iter().is_unresolved_klass()) {
  if (klass->is_being_initialized()) {

  Node* kls = makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(klass));
  Node* obj = new_instance(kls);

  // Push resultant oop onto stack

  // Keep track of whether opportunities exist for StringBuilder
  // optimizations.
  if (OptimizeStringConcat &&
      (klass == C->env()->StringBuilder_klass() ||
       klass == C->env()->StringBuffer_klass())) {
Beispiel #3
void Parse::do_instanceof() {
  if (stopped())  return;
  // We would like to return false if class is not loaded, emitting a
  // dependency, but Java requires instanceof to load its operand.

  // Throw uncommon trap if class is not loaded
  bool will_link;
  ciKlass* klass = iter().get_klass(will_link);

  if (!will_link) {
    if (C->log() != NULL) {
      C->log()->elem("assert_null reason='instanceof' klass='%d'",
    assert( stopped() || _gvn.type(peek())->higher_equal(TypePtr::NULL_PTR), "what's left behind is null" );
    if (!stopped()) {
      // The object is now known to be null.
      // Shortcut the effect of gen_instanceof and return "false" directly.
      pop();                   // pop the null
      push(_gvn.intcon(0));    // push false answer

  // Push the bool result back on stack
  Node* res = gen_instanceof(peek(), makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(klass)));

  // Pop from stack AFTER gen_instanceof because it can uncommon trap.
Beispiel #4
void Parse::emit_guard_for_new(ciInstanceKlass* klass) {
  // Emit guarded new
  //   if (klass->_init_thread != current_thread ||
  //       klass->_init_state != being_initialized)
  //      uncommon_trap
  Node* cur_thread = _gvn.transform( new (C, 1) ThreadLocalNode() );
  Node* merge = new (C, 3) RegionNode(3);
  _gvn.set_type(merge, Type::CONTROL);
  Node* kls = makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(klass));

  Node* init_thread_offset = _gvn.MakeConX(instanceKlass::init_thread_offset_in_bytes() + klassOopDesc::klass_part_offset_in_bytes());
  Node* adr_node = basic_plus_adr(kls, kls, init_thread_offset);
  Node* init_thread = make_load(NULL, adr_node, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM, T_ADDRESS);
  Node *tst   = Bool( CmpP( init_thread, cur_thread), BoolTest::eq);
  IfNode* iff = create_and_map_if(control(), tst, PROB_ALWAYS, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
  merge->set_req(1, IfFalse(iff));

  Node* init_state_offset = _gvn.MakeConX(instanceKlass::init_state_offset_in_bytes() + klassOopDesc::klass_part_offset_in_bytes());
  adr_node = basic_plus_adr(kls, kls, init_state_offset);
  Node* init_state = make_load(NULL, adr_node, TypeInt::INT, T_INT);
  Node* being_init = _gvn.intcon(instanceKlass::being_initialized);
  tst   = Bool( CmpI( init_state, being_init), BoolTest::eq);
  iff = create_and_map_if(control(), tst, PROB_ALWAYS, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
  merge->set_req(2, IfFalse(iff));

  PreserveJVMState pjvms(this);

void Parse::do_newarray(BasicType elem_type) {

  Node*   count_val = pop();
  const TypeKlassPtr* array_klass = TypeKlassPtr::make(ciTypeArrayKlass::make(elem_type));
  Node*   obj = new_array(makecon(array_klass), count_val, 1);
  // Push resultant oop onto stack
bool Parse::push_constant(ciConstant constant, bool require_constant) {
  switch (constant.basic_type()) {
  case T_BOOLEAN:  push( intcon(constant.as_boolean()) ); break;
  case T_INT:      push( intcon(constant.as_int())     ); break;
  case T_CHAR:     push( intcon(constant.as_char())    ); break;
  case T_BYTE:     push( intcon(constant.as_byte())    ); break;
  case T_SHORT:    push( intcon(constant.as_short())   ); break;
  case T_FLOAT:    push( makecon(TypeF::make(constant.as_float())) );  break;
  case T_DOUBLE:   push_pair( makecon(TypeD::make(constant.as_double())) );  break;
  case T_LONG:     push_pair( longcon(constant.as_long()) ); break;
  case T_ARRAY:
  case T_OBJECT: {
    // cases:
    //   can_be_constant    = (oop not scavengable || ScavengeRootsInCode != 0)
    //   should_be_constant = (oop not scavengable || ScavengeRootsInCode >= 2)
    // An oop is not scavengable if it is in the perm gen.
    ciObject* oop_constant = constant.as_object();
    if (oop_constant->is_null_object()) {
      push( zerocon(T_OBJECT) );
    } else if (require_constant || oop_constant->should_be_constant()) {
      push( makecon(TypeOopPtr::make_from_constant(oop_constant, require_constant)) );
    } else {
      // we cannot inline the oop, but we can use it later to narrow a type
      return false;
  case T_ILLEGAL: {
    // Invalid ciConstant returned due to OutOfMemoryError in the CI
    assert(C->env()->failing(), "otherwise should not see this");
    // These always occur because of object types; we are going to
    // bail out anyway, so make the stack depths match up
    push( zerocon(T_OBJECT) );
    return false;
    return false;

  // success
  return true;
 // Helper for byte_map_base
 Node* byte_map_base_node() {
   // Get base of card map
   CardTableModRefBS* ct = (CardTableModRefBS*)(Universe::heap()->barrier_set());
   assert(sizeof(*ct->byte_map_base) == sizeof(jbyte), "adjust users of this code");
   if (ct->byte_map_base != NULL) {
     return makecon(TypeRawPtr::make((address)ct->byte_map_base));
   } else {
     return null();
Beispiel #8
//----------------------test_counter_against_threshold ------------------------
void Parse::test_counter_against_threshold(Node* cnt, int limit) {
  // Test the counter against the limit and uncommon trap if greater.

  // This code is largely copied from the range check code in
  // array_addressing()

  // Test invocation count vs threshold
  Node *threshold = makecon(TypeInt::make(limit));
  Node *chk   = _gvn.transform( new (C) CmpUNode( cnt, threshold) );
  BoolTest::mask btest = BoolTest::lt;
  Node *tst   = _gvn.transform( new (C) BoolNode( chk, btest) );
  // Branch to failure if threshold exceeded
  { BuildCutout unless(this, tst, PROB_ALWAYS);
Beispiel #9
void Parse::increment_and_test_invocation_counter(int limit) {
  if (!count_invocations()) return;

  // Get the Method* node.
  const TypePtr* adr_type = TypeMetadataPtr::make(method());
  Node *method_node = makecon(adr_type);

  // Load the interpreter_invocation_counter from the Method*.
  int offset = Method::interpreter_invocation_counter_offset_in_bytes();
  Node* adr_node = basic_plus_adr(method_node, method_node, offset);
  Node* cnt = make_load(NULL, adr_node, TypeInt::INT, T_INT, adr_type);

  test_counter_against_threshold(cnt, limit);

  // Add one to the counter and store
  Node* incr = _gvn.transform(new (C) AddINode(cnt, _gvn.intcon(1)));
  store_to_memory( NULL, adr_node, incr, T_INT, adr_type );
// Expand simple expressions like new int[3][5] and new Object[2][nonConLen].
// Also handle the degenerate 1-dimensional case of anewarray.
Node* Parse::expand_multianewarray(ciArrayKlass* array_klass, Node* *lengths, int ndimensions, int nargs) {
  Node* length = lengths[0];
  assert(length != NULL, "");
  Node* array = new_array(makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(array_klass)), length, nargs);
  if (ndimensions > 1) {
    jint length_con = find_int_con(length, -1);
    guarantee(length_con >= 0, "non-constant multianewarray");
    ciArrayKlass* array_klass_1 = array_klass->as_obj_array_klass()->element_klass()->as_array_klass();
    const TypePtr* adr_type = TypeAryPtr::OOPS;
    const TypeOopPtr*    elemtype = _gvn.type(array)->is_aryptr()->elem()->make_oopptr();
    const intptr_t header   = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT);
    for (jint i = 0; i < length_con; i++) {
      Node*    elem   = expand_multianewarray(array_klass_1, &lengths[1], ndimensions-1, nargs);
      intptr_t offset = header + ((intptr_t)i << LogBytesPerHeapOop);
      Node*    eaddr  = basic_plus_adr(array, offset);
      store_oop_to_array(control(), array, eaddr, adr_type, elem, elemtype, T_OBJECT);
  return array;
Beispiel #11
Node* Parse::method_data_addressing(ciMethodData* md, ciProfileData* data, ByteSize counter_offset, Node* idx, uint stride) {
  // Get offset within MethodData* of the data array
  ByteSize data_offset = MethodData::data_offset();

  // Get cell offset of the ProfileData within data array
  int cell_offset = md->dp_to_di(data->dp());

  // Add in counter_offset, the # of bytes into the ProfileData of counter or flag
  int offset = in_bytes(data_offset) + cell_offset + in_bytes(counter_offset);

  const TypePtr* adr_type = TypeMetadataPtr::make(md);
  Node* mdo = makecon(adr_type);
  Node* ptr = basic_plus_adr(mdo, mdo, offset);

  if (stride != 0) {
    Node* str = _gvn.MakeConX(stride);
    Node* scale = _gvn.transform( new (C) MulXNode( idx, str ) );
    ptr   = _gvn.transform( new (C) AddPNode( mdo, ptr, scale ) );

  return ptr;
Beispiel #12
void Parse::do_checkcast() {
  bool will_link;
  ciKlass* klass = iter().get_klass(will_link);

  Node *obj = peek();

  // Throw uncommon trap if class is not loaded or the value we are casting
  // _from_ is not loaded, and value is not null.  If the value _is_ NULL,
  // then the checkcast does nothing.
  const TypeOopPtr *tp = _gvn.type(obj)->isa_oopptr();
  if (!will_link || (tp && tp->klass() && !tp->klass()->is_loaded())) {
    if (C->log() != NULL) {
      if (!will_link) {
        C->log()->elem("assert_null reason='checkcast' klass='%d'",
      if (tp && tp->klass() && !tp->klass()->is_loaded()) {
        // %%% Cannot happen?
        C->log()->elem("assert_null reason='checkcast source' klass='%d'",
    assert( stopped() || _gvn.type(peek())->higher_equal(TypePtr::NULL_PTR), "what's left behind is null" );
    if (!stopped()) {

  Node *res = gen_checkcast(obj, makecon(TypeKlassPtr::make(klass)) );

  // Pop from stack AFTER gen_checkcast because it can uncommon trap and
  // the debug info has to be correct.
void Parse::increment_and_test_invocation_counter(int limit) {
  if (!count_invocations()) return;

  // Get the Method* node.
  ciMethod* m = method();
  MethodCounters* counters_adr = m->ensure_method_counters();
  if (counters_adr == NULL) {
    C->record_failure("method counters allocation failed");

  Node* ctrl = control();
  const TypePtr* adr_type = TypeRawPtr::make((address) counters_adr);
  Node *counters_node = makecon(adr_type);
  Node* adr_iic_node = basic_plus_adr(counters_node, counters_node,
  Node* cnt = make_load(ctrl, adr_iic_node, TypeInt::INT, T_INT, adr_type, MemNode::unordered);

  test_counter_against_threshold(cnt, limit);

  // Add one to the counter and store
  Node* incr = _gvn.transform(new AddINode(cnt, _gvn.intcon(1)));
  store_to_memory(ctrl, adr_iic_node, incr, T_INT, adr_type, MemNode::unordered);
Beispiel #14
// pull array from stack and check that the store is valid
void Parse::array_store_check() {

  // Shorthand access to array store elements without popping them.
  Node *obj = peek(0);
  Node *idx = peek(1);
  Node *ary = peek(2);

  if (_gvn.type(obj) == TypePtr::NULL_PTR) {
    // There's never a type check on null values.
    // This cutout lets us avoid the uncommon_trap(Reason_array_check)
    // below, which turns into a performance liability if the
    // gen_checkcast folds up completely.

  // Extract the array klass type
  int klass_offset = oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes();
  Node* p = basic_plus_adr( ary, ary, klass_offset );
  // p's type is array-of-OOPS plus klass_offset
  Node* array_klass = _gvn.transform( LoadKlassNode::make(_gvn, immutable_memory(), p, TypeInstPtr::KLASS) );
  // Get the array klass
  const TypeKlassPtr *tak = _gvn.type(array_klass)->is_klassptr();

  // array_klass's type is generally INexact array-of-oop.  Heroically
  // cast the array klass to EXACT array and uncommon-trap if the cast
  // fails.
  bool always_see_exact_class = false;
  if (MonomorphicArrayCheck
      && !too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_array_check)) {
    always_see_exact_class = true;
    // (If no MDO at all, hope for the best, until a trap actually occurs.)

  // Is the array klass is exactly its defined type?
  if (always_see_exact_class && !tak->klass_is_exact()) {
    // Make a constant out of the inexact array klass
    const TypeKlassPtr *extak = tak->cast_to_exactness(true)->is_klassptr();
    Node* con = makecon(extak);
    Node* cmp = _gvn.transform(new (C) CmpPNode( array_klass, con ));
    Node* bol = _gvn.transform(new (C) BoolNode( cmp, BoolTest::eq ));
    Node* ctrl= control();
    { BuildCutout unless(this, bol, PROB_MAX);
    if (stopped()) {          // MUST uncommon-trap?
      set_control(ctrl);      // Then Don't Do It, just fall into the normal checking
    } else {                  // Cast array klass to exactness:
      // Use the exact constant value we know it is.
      CompileLog* log = C->log();
      if (log != NULL) {
        log->elem("cast_up reason='monomorphic_array' from='%d' to='(exact)'",
      array_klass = con;      // Use cast value moving forward

  // Come here for polymorphic array klasses

  // Extract the array element class
  int element_klass_offset = in_bytes(ObjArrayKlass::element_klass_offset());
  Node *p2 = basic_plus_adr(array_klass, array_klass, element_klass_offset);
  Node *a_e_klass = _gvn.transform( LoadKlassNode::make(_gvn, immutable_memory(), p2, tak) );

  // Check (the hard way) and throw if not a subklass.
  // Result is ignored, we just need the CFG effects.
  gen_checkcast( obj, a_e_klass );
void GraphKit::gen_stub(address C_function,
                        const char *name,
                        int is_fancy_jump,
                        bool pass_tls,
                        bool return_pc) {
  ResourceMark rm;

  const TypeTuple *jdomain = C->tf()->domain();
  const TypeTuple *jrange  = C->tf()->range();

  // The procedure start
  StartNode* start = new (C) StartNode(root(), jdomain);

  // Make a map, with JVM state
  uint parm_cnt = jdomain->cnt();
  uint max_map = MAX2(2*parm_cnt+1, jrange->cnt());
  // %%% SynchronizationEntryBCI is redundant; use InvocationEntryBci in interfaces
  assert(SynchronizationEntryBCI == InvocationEntryBci, "");
  JVMState* jvms = new (C) JVMState(0);
    SafePointNode *map = new (C) SafePointNode( max_map, jvms );
    assert(map == this->map(), "kit.map is set");

  // Make up the parameters
  uint i;
  for( i = 0; i < parm_cnt; i++ )
    map()->init_req(i, _gvn.transform(new (C) ParmNode(start, i)));
  for( ; i<map()->req(); i++ )
    map()->init_req(i, top());      // For nicer debugging

  // GraphKit requires memory to be a MergeMemNode:

  // Get base of thread-local storage area
  Node* thread = _gvn.transform( new (C) ThreadLocalNode() );

  const int NoAlias = Compile::AliasIdxBot;

  Node* adr_last_Java_pc = basic_plus_adr(top(),
                                            in_bytes(JavaThread::frame_anchor_offset()) +
#if defined(SPARC)
  Node* adr_flags = basic_plus_adr(top(),
                                   in_bytes(JavaThread::frame_anchor_offset()) +
#endif /* defined(SPARC) */

  // Drop in the last_Java_sp.  last_Java_fp is not touched.
  // Always do this after the other "last_Java_frame" fields are set since
  // as soon as last_Java_sp != NULL the has_last_Java_frame is true and
  // users will look at the other fields.
  Node *adr_sp = basic_plus_adr(top(), thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::last_Java_sp_offset()));
  Node *last_sp = basic_plus_adr(top(), frameptr(), (intptr_t) STACK_BIAS);
  store_to_memory(NULL, adr_sp, last_sp, T_ADDRESS, NoAlias);

  // Set _thread_in_native
  // The order of stores into TLS is critical!  Setting _thread_in_native MUST
  // be last, because a GC is allowed at any time after setting it and the GC
  // will require last_Java_pc and last_Java_sp.
  Node* adr_state = basic_plus_adr(top(), thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::thread_state_offset()));

  // Compute signature for C call.  Varies from the Java signature!
  const Type **fields = TypeTuple::fields(2*parm_cnt+2);
  uint cnt = TypeFunc::Parms;
  // The C routines gets the base of thread-local storage passed in as an
  // extra argument.  Not all calls need it, but its cheap to add here.
  for( ; cnt<parm_cnt; cnt++ )
    fields[cnt] = jdomain->field_at(cnt);
  fields[cnt++] = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM; // Thread-local storage
  // Also pass in the caller's PC, if asked for.
  if( return_pc )
    fields[cnt++] = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM; // Return PC

  const TypeTuple* domain = TypeTuple::make(cnt,fields);
  // The C routine we are about to call cannot return an oop; it can block on
  // exit and a GC will trash the oop while it sits in C-land.  Instead, we
  // return the oop through TLS for runtime calls.
  // Also, C routines returning integer subword values leave the high
  // order bits dirty; these must be cleaned up by explicit sign extension.
  const Type* retval = (jrange->cnt() == TypeFunc::Parms) ? Type::TOP : jrange->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms);
  // Make a private copy of jrange->fields();
  const Type **rfields = TypeTuple::fields(jrange->cnt() - TypeFunc::Parms);
  // Fixup oop returns
  int retval_ptr = retval->isa_oop_ptr();
  if( retval_ptr ) {
    assert( pass_tls, "Oop must be returned thru TLS" );
    // Fancy-jumps return address; others return void
    rfields[TypeFunc::Parms] = is_fancy_jump ? TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM : Type::TOP;

  } else if( retval->isa_int() ) { // Returning any integer subtype?
    // "Fatten" byte, char & short return types to 'int' to show that
    // the native C code can return values with junk high order bits.
    // We'll sign-extend it below later.
    rfields[TypeFunc::Parms] = TypeInt::INT; // It's "dirty" and needs sign-ext

  } else if( jrange->cnt() >= TypeFunc::Parms+1 ) { // Else copy other types
    rfields[TypeFunc::Parms] = jrange->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms);
    if( jrange->cnt() == TypeFunc::Parms+2 )
      rfields[TypeFunc::Parms+1] = jrange->field_at(TypeFunc::Parms+1);
  const TypeTuple* range = TypeTuple::make(jrange->cnt(),rfields);

  // Final C signature
  const TypeFunc *c_sig = TypeFunc::make(domain,range);

  // Make the call node
  CallRuntimeNode *call = new (C)
    CallRuntimeNode(c_sig, C_function, name, TypePtr::BOTTOM);

  // Fix-up the debug info for the call
  call->set_jvms( new (C) JVMState(0) );

  // Set fixed predefined input arguments
  cnt = 0;
  for( i=0; i<TypeFunc::Parms; i++ )
    call->init_req( cnt++, map()->in(i) );
  // A little too aggressive on the parm copy; return address is not an input
  call->set_req(TypeFunc::ReturnAdr, top());
  for( ; i<parm_cnt; i++ )    // Regular input arguments
    call->init_req( cnt++, map()->in(i) );

  call->init_req( cnt++, thread );
  if( return_pc )             // Return PC, if asked for
    call->init_req( cnt++, returnadr() );

  // Now set up the return results
  set_control( _gvn.transform( new (C) ProjNode(call,TypeFunc::Control)) );
  set_i_o(     _gvn.transform( new (C) ProjNode(call,TypeFunc::I_O    )) );
  if (range->cnt() > TypeFunc::Parms) {
    Node* retnode = _gvn.transform( new (C) ProjNode(call,TypeFunc::Parms) );
    // C-land is allowed to return sub-word values.  Convert to integer type.
    assert( retval != Type::TOP, "" );
    if (retval == TypeInt::BOOL) {
      retnode = _gvn.transform( new (C) AndINode(retnode, intcon(0xFF)) );
    } else if (retval == TypeInt::CHAR) {
      retnode = _gvn.transform( new (C) AndINode(retnode, intcon(0xFFFF)) );
    } else if (retval == TypeInt::BYTE) {
      retnode = _gvn.transform( new (C) LShiftINode(retnode, intcon(24)) );
      retnode = _gvn.transform( new (C) RShiftINode(retnode, intcon(24)) );
    } else if (retval == TypeInt::SHORT) {
      retnode = _gvn.transform( new (C) LShiftINode(retnode, intcon(16)) );
      retnode = _gvn.transform( new (C) RShiftINode(retnode, intcon(16)) );
    map()->set_req( TypeFunc::Parms, retnode );


  // Clear last_Java_sp
  store_to_memory(NULL, adr_sp, null(), T_ADDRESS, NoAlias);
  // Clear last_Java_pc and (optionally)_flags
  store_to_memory(NULL, adr_last_Java_pc, null(), T_ADDRESS, NoAlias);
#if defined(SPARC)
  store_to_memory(NULL, adr_flags, intcon(0), T_INT, NoAlias);
#endif /* defined(SPARC) */
#ifdef IA64
  Node* adr_last_Java_fp = basic_plus_adr(top(), thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::last_Java_fp_offset()));
  if( os::is_MP() ) insert_mem_bar(Op_MemBarRelease);
  store_to_memory(NULL, adr_last_Java_fp,    null(),    T_ADDRESS, NoAlias);

  // For is-fancy-jump, the C-return value is also the branch target
  Node* target = map()->in(TypeFunc::Parms);
  // Runtime call returning oop in TLS?  Fetch it out
  if( pass_tls ) {
    Node* adr = basic_plus_adr(top(), thread, in_bytes(JavaThread::vm_result_offset()));
    Node* vm_result = make_load(NULL, adr, TypeOopPtr::BOTTOM, T_OBJECT, NoAlias, false);
    map()->set_req(TypeFunc::Parms, vm_result); // vm_result passed as result
    // clear thread-local-storage(tls)
    store_to_memory(NULL, adr, null(), T_ADDRESS, NoAlias);

  // check exception
  Node* adr = basic_plus_adr(top(), thread, in_bytes(Thread::pending_exception_offset()));
  Node* pending = make_load(NULL, adr, TypeOopPtr::BOTTOM, T_OBJECT, NoAlias, false);

  Node* exit_memory = reset_memory();

  Node* cmp = _gvn.transform( new (C) CmpPNode(pending, null()) );
  Node* bo  = _gvn.transform( new (C) BoolNode(cmp, BoolTest::ne) );
  IfNode   *iff = create_and_map_if(control(), bo, PROB_MIN, COUNT_UNKNOWN);

  Node* if_null     = _gvn.transform( new (C) IfFalseNode(iff) );
  Node* if_not_null = _gvn.transform( new (C) IfTrueNode(iff)  );

  assert (StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry() != NULL, "must be generated before");
  Node *exc_target = makecon(TypeRawPtr::make( StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry() ));
  Node *to_exc = new (C) TailCallNode(if_not_null,
                                      exc_target, null());
  root()->add_req(_gvn.transform(to_exc));  // bind to root to keep live

  // If this is a normal subroutine return, issue the return and be done.
  Node *ret;
  switch( is_fancy_jump ) {
  case 0:                       // Make a return instruction
    // Return to caller, free any space for return address
    ret = new (C) ReturnNode(TypeFunc::Parms, if_null,
    if (C->tf()->range()->cnt() > TypeFunc::Parms)
      ret->add_req( map()->in(TypeFunc::Parms) );
  case 1:    // This is a fancy tail-call jump.  Jump to computed address.
    // Jump to new callee; leave old return address alone.
    ret = new (C) TailCallNode(if_null,
                               target, map()->in(TypeFunc::Parms));
  case 2:                       // Pop return address & jump
    // Throw away old return address; jump to new computed address
    //assert(C_function == CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, OptoRuntime::rethrow_C), "fancy_jump==2 only for rethrow");
    ret = new (C) TailJumpNode(if_null,
                               target, map()->in(TypeFunc::Parms));
void Parse::do_multianewarray() {
  int ndimensions = iter().get_dimensions();

  // the m-dimensional array
  bool will_link;
  ciArrayKlass* array_klass = iter().get_klass(will_link)->as_array_klass();
  assert(will_link, "multianewarray: typeflow responsibility");

  // Note:  Array classes are always initialized; no is_initialized check.

  enum { MAX_DIMENSION = 5 };
  if (ndimensions > MAX_DIMENSION || ndimensions <= 0) {


  // get the lengths from the stack (first dimension is on top)
  Node* length[MAX_DIMENSION+1];
  length[ndimensions] = NULL;  // terminating null for make_runtime_call
  int j;
  for (j = ndimensions-1; j >= 0 ; j--) length[j] = pop();

  // The original expression was of this form: new T[length0][length1]...
  // It is often the case that the lengths are small (except the last).
  // If that happens, use the fast 1-d creator a constant number of times.
  const jint expand_limit = MIN2((juint)MultiArrayExpandLimit, (juint)100);
  jint expand_count = 1;        // count of allocations in the expansion
  jint expand_fanout = 1;       // running total fanout
  for (j = 0; j < ndimensions-1; j++) {
    jint dim_con = find_int_con(length[j], -1);
    expand_fanout *= dim_con;
    expand_count  += expand_fanout; // count the level-J sub-arrays
    if (dim_con <= 0
        || dim_con > expand_limit
        || expand_count > expand_limit) {
      expand_count = 0;

  // Can use multianewarray instead of [a]newarray if only one dimension,
  // or if all non-final dimensions are small constants.
  if (ndimensions == 1 || (1 <= expand_count && expand_count <= expand_limit)) {
    Node* obj = NULL;
    // Set the original stack and the reexecute bit for the interpreter
    // to reexecute the multianewarray bytecode if deoptimization happens.
    // Do it unconditionally even for one dimension multianewarray.
    // Note: the reexecute bit will be set in GraphKit::add_safepoint_edges()
    // when AllocateArray node for newarray is created.
    { PreserveReexecuteState preexecs(this);
      _sp += ndimensions;
      // Pass 0 as nargs since uncommon trap code does not need to restore stack.
      obj = expand_multianewarray(array_klass, &length[0], ndimensions, 0);
    } //original reexecute and sp are set back here

  address fun = NULL;
  switch (ndimensions) {
  //case 1: Actually, there is no case 1.  It's handled by new_array.
  case 2: fun = OptoRuntime::multianewarray2_Java(); break;
  case 3: fun = OptoRuntime::multianewarray3_Java(); break;
  case 4: fun = OptoRuntime::multianewarray4_Java(); break;
  case 5: fun = OptoRuntime::multianewarray5_Java(); break;
  default: ShouldNotReachHere();

  Node* c = make_runtime_call(RC_NO_LEAF | RC_NO_IO,
                              fun, NULL, TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM,
                              length[0], length[1], length[2],
                              length[3], length[4]);
  Node* res = _gvn.transform(new (C, 1) ProjNode(c, TypeFunc::Parms));

  const Type* type = TypeOopPtr::make_from_klass_raw(array_klass);

  // Improve the type:  We know it's not null, exact, and of a given length.
  type = type->is_ptr()->cast_to_ptr_type(TypePtr::NotNull);
  type = type->is_aryptr()->cast_to_exactness(true);

  const TypeInt* ltype = _gvn.find_int_type(length[0]);
  if (ltype != NULL)
    type = type->is_aryptr()->cast_to_size(ltype);

  // We cannot sharpen the nested sub-arrays, since the top level is mutable.

  Node* cast = _gvn.transform( new (C, 2) CheckCastPPNode(control(), res, type) );

  // Possible improvements:
  // - Make a fast path for small multi-arrays.  (W/ implicit init. loops.)
  // - Issue CastII against length[*] values, to TypeInt::POS.
// pull array from stack and check that the store is valid
void Parse::array_store_check() {

  // Shorthand access to array store elements without popping them.
  Node *obj = peek(0);
  Node *idx = peek(1);
  Node *ary = peek(2);

  if (_gvn.type(obj) == TypePtr::NULL_PTR) {
    // There's never a type check on null values.
    // This cutout lets us avoid the uncommon_trap(Reason_array_check)
    // below, which turns into a performance liability if the
    // gen_checkcast folds up completely.

  // Extract the array klass type
  int klass_offset = oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes();
  Node* p = basic_plus_adr( ary, ary, klass_offset );
  // p's type is array-of-OOPS plus klass_offset
  Node* array_klass = _gvn.transform(LoadKlassNode::make(_gvn, NULL, immutable_memory(), p, TypeInstPtr::KLASS));
  // Get the array klass
  const TypeKlassPtr *tak = _gvn.type(array_klass)->is_klassptr();

  // The type of array_klass is usually INexact array-of-oop.  Heroically
  // cast array_klass to EXACT array and uncommon-trap if the cast fails.
  // Make constant out of the inexact array klass, but use it only if the cast
  // succeeds.
  bool always_see_exact_class = false;
  if (MonomorphicArrayCheck
      && !too_many_traps(Deoptimization::Reason_array_check)
      && !tak->klass_is_exact()
      && tak != TypeKlassPtr::OBJECT) {
      // Regarding the fourth condition in the if-statement from above:
      // If the compiler has determined that the type of array 'ary' (represented
      // by 'array_klass') is java/lang/Object, the compiler must not assume that
      // the array 'ary' is monomorphic.
      // If 'ary' were of type java/lang/Object, this arraystore would have to fail,
      // because it is not possible to perform a arraystore into an object that is not
      // a "proper" array.
      // Therefore, let's obtain at runtime the type of 'ary' and check if we can still
      // successfully perform the store.
      // The implementation reasons for the condition are the following:
      // java/lang/Object is the superclass of all arrays, but it is represented by the VM
      // as an InstanceKlass. The checks generated by gen_checkcast() (see below) expect
      // 'array_klass' to be ObjArrayKlass, which can result in invalid memory accesses.
      // See issue JDK-8057622 for details.

    always_see_exact_class = true;
    // (If no MDO at all, hope for the best, until a trap actually occurs.)

    // Make a constant out of the inexact array klass
    const TypeKlassPtr *extak = tak->cast_to_exactness(true)->is_klassptr();
    Node* con = makecon(extak);
    Node* cmp = _gvn.transform(new CmpPNode( array_klass, con ));
    Node* bol = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode( cmp, BoolTest::eq ));
    Node* ctrl= control();
    { BuildCutout unless(this, bol, PROB_MAX);
    if (stopped()) {          // MUST uncommon-trap?
      set_control(ctrl);      // Then Don't Do It, just fall into the normal checking
    } else {                  // Cast array klass to exactness:
      // Use the exact constant value we know it is.
      CompileLog* log = C->log();
      if (log != NULL) {
        log->elem("cast_up reason='monomorphic_array' from='%d' to='(exact)'",
      array_klass = con;      // Use cast value moving forward

  // Come here for polymorphic array klasses

  // Extract the array element class
  int element_klass_offset = in_bytes(ObjArrayKlass::element_klass_offset());
  Node *p2 = basic_plus_adr(array_klass, array_klass, element_klass_offset);
  // We are allowed to use the constant type only if cast succeeded. If always_see_exact_class is true,
  // we must set a control edge from the IfTrue node created by the uncommon_trap above to the
  // LoadKlassNode.
  Node* a_e_klass = _gvn.transform(LoadKlassNode::make(_gvn, always_see_exact_class ? control() : NULL,
                                                       immutable_memory(), p2, tak));

  // Check (the hard way) and throw if not a subklass.
  // Result is ignored, we just need the CFG effects.
  gen_checkcast(obj, a_e_klass);