int minDistance(int height, int width, vector<int>& tree, vector<int>& squirrel, vector<vector<int>>& nuts) {
     vector<int> tree_nuts, squirrel_nuts;
     for (auto nut : nuts) {
         tree_nuts.push_back(manhattan(nut, tree));
         squirrel_nuts.push_back(manhattan(nut, squirrel));
     int max_diff = INT_MIN;
     for (int i = 0; i < nuts.size(); ++i) {
         max_diff = max(max_diff, tree_nuts[i]-squirrel_nuts[i]);
     return 2*accumulate(tree_nuts.begin(), tree_nuts.end(), 0) - max_diff;
Beispiel #2
vector<MoveCommand> SoulFind::getCommand(int playerId, const Status& status) {
	vector<MoveCommand> command;

	auto soulPoints = status.getSoulPoints();
	if (soulPoints.empty()) return command;

	const Point point = status.getNinjas()[playerId].point;

	int num = 0;
	int range = manhattan(point, soulPoints[0]);

	for (int i = 1; i < int(soulPoints.size()); i++)
		int r = manhattan(point, soulPoints[i]);

		if (range > r)
			range = r;
			num = i;
	const Point d = soulPoints[num] - point;

	command = move(playerId, status, d);

	if (command.empty())
		auto stage = status.getStage();
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			Stage stage01(stage.getStage());
			const Point p1 = stage.moveSimulation(point, MoveCommand(i), stage01);
			if (p1 != point)
				for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
					Stage stage02(stage01.getStage());
					const Point p2 = stage.moveSimulation(p1, MoveCommand(j), stage02);
					if (p2 != p1)
						command[0] = MoveCommand(i);
						command[1] = MoveCommand(j);

	return command;
Beispiel #3
void CombatLogic::simpleCombatAI() {
	Creature* currCreature = getActiveCreature();
	intp currPos = currCreature->combatPos;
	float bestDist = oo;
	int bestMove = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)creatures.size(); i++) {
		if (creatures[i]->getFactionId() != currCreature->getFactionId()  && creatures[i]->count > 0) {
			intp enemyPos = creatures[i]->combatPos;
			for (int j = 0; j < (int)validMoves.size(); j++) {
				intp nextPos = validMoves[j];

				// TODO ranged
				if (abs(nextPos.x - enemyPos.x) <= 1 + eps && abs(nextPos.y - enemyPos.y) <= 1 + eps) {
					move(validMoves[j], enemyPos - nextPos);
				else {
					float manDist = manhattan(nextPos, enemyPos);
					if (manDist < bestDist) {
						bestMove = j;
						bestDist = manDist;

	move(validMoves[bestMove], 0);
Beispiel #4
void Pathfinder::search()

	BinaryHeap openHeap;

	mStart->g = 0;
	mStart->h = manhattan(mStart, mGoal);
	mStart->opened = true;


	while (openHeap.size() > 0)
		// Pop the node with the smallest f value
		Node* currentNode = openHeap.pop();

		// Check if we hit the target
		if (currentNode == mGoal)
			// Compute the path and exit

		currentNode->closed = true;

		std::vector<Node*> neighbors = getNeighborsAdjacentTo(currentNode);
		for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); i++)
			Node* neighbor = neighbors[i];
			if (neighbor->closed || neighbor->worldRef->getMaterial()->isCollidable())

			int gScore = currentNode->g + 1;

			if(!neighbor->opened || gScore < neighbor->g)
				neighbor->g = currentNode->g + 1;
				neighbor->h = manhattan(currentNode, neighbor);
				neighbor->parent = currentNode;
				neighbor->opened = true;
Beispiel #5
 void print()
     std::cout << toString();
     std::cout << "Dimension "<< dimension()<< '\n';
     std::cout << "is Goal "<< isGoal() << '\n';
     std::cout << "hamming "<< hamming() << '\n';
     std::cout << "manhattan " << manhattan() << '\n';
Beispiel #6
void _identifySuccessors(struct grid *gd, struct node *activeNode, struct open_list *current, struct node *endNode)
	int endX = endNode->x;
	int endY = endNode->y;
	int *jumpPoint;
	struct neighbor_xy_list *neighbors_head = _findNeighbors(gd, activeNode);
	struct neighbor_xy_list *neighbors_current = neighbors_head;
	while (neighbors_head != (neighbors_current = neighbors_current->right)) {
		if (DEBUG) {
			if (isWalkableAt(gd, neighbors_current->x, neighbors_current->y))
				printf("Neighbor x:%d/y:%d is walkable!\n", neighbors_current->x, neighbors_current->y);
				printf("Neighbor x:%d/y:%d is NOT walkable!\n", neighbors_current->x, neighbors_current->y);

		jumpPoint = _jump(gd, neighbors_current->x, neighbors_current->y, activeNode->x, activeNode->y, endNode);
		if (DEBUG)
			printf("Jump point not set!\n\n");
		if (jumpPoint != NULL) {
			int jx, jy, d, ng;
			struct node *jumpNode;
			if (DEBUG)
				printf("Jump point set!\n\n");
			jx = jumpPoint[0];
			jy = jumpPoint[1];

			malloc_count--; /* [ Malloc Count ] */

			jumpNode = getNodeAt(gd, jx, jy);
			if (jumpNode->closed) {

			d = euclidean(abs(jx - activeNode->x), abs(jy - activeNode->y));
			ng = activeNode->g + d;
			if (!jumpNode->opened || ng < jumpNode->g) {
				jumpNode->g = ng;
				if (!jumpNode->h)
					jumpNode->h = manhattan(abs(jx - endX), abs(jy - endY));
				/* jumpNode->h = jumpNode->h || manhattan(abs(jx - endX), abs(jy - endY)); // ASK FIDELIS !! */
				jumpNode->f = jumpNode->g + jumpNode->h;
				if (DEBUG)
					printf("Node g:%d h:%d f:%d\n", jumpNode->g, jumpNode->h, jumpNode->f);
				jumpNode->parent = activeNode;

				if (!jumpNode->opened) {
					current = ol_insert_right(current, jumpNode);
					jumpNode->opened = true;
				} else {
Beispiel #7
std::vector<Coord> AStar( std::vector< std::vector< int > > grid, Point start, Point end )

	//The current 'focal' point.
	Point *cur;

	//The open and closed lists.
	std::vector< Point* > closed;
	std::vector< Point* > open;

	//Start by adding the starting position to the list.
	open.push_back( &start );

	//Just so it knows whether or not to try and reconstruct a path.
	bool error = true;

	while( open.size() > 0 )

		//The current point is the first entry in the open list.
		cur =;

		if( cur->getPos() == end.getPos() )

			error = false;


		//Add in all the neighbors of the current point.
		for( int y = -1; y <= 1; y++ )

			for( int x = -1; x <= 1; x++ )

				int curX = cur->getPos().x+x;
				int curY = cur->getPos().y+y;

				int movCost = 10;

				//If it is a diagonal, make it cost 14 instead of 10.
				if( (y == -1 && x == -1)||
					(y ==  1 && x == -1)||
					(y == -1 && x ==  1)||
					(y ==  1 && x ==  1))

					movCost = 14;


				Coord temp( curX, curY );
				bool make = true;

				//If it is outside the range of the map, continue.
				if( curY >= grid.size() || 
					curX >= grid.size() )



				These two loops are to check whether or not the point's neighbors already exist.
				This feels really sloppy to me. Please tell me if there is a better way.

				for( int i = 0; i < open.size(); i++ )

					if( temp ==>getPos() )

						make = false;



				for( int i = 0; i < closed.size(); i++ )

					if( temp ==>getPos() )

						make = false;



				//If the point in the map is a zero, then it is a wall. Continue.
				if( ( == 0 ) ||
					( temp.x<0 || temp.y < 0 ) )



				//If it is allowed to make a new point, it adds it to the open list.
				if( make )

					int gScore = cur->getCost();
					int hScore = manhattan( end.getPos(), Coord( curX, curY ) );
					int tileCost = grid[curX][curY];
					int fScore = gScore+hScore+tileCost+movCost;

					open.push_back( new Point( curX, curY, fScore, cur ) );



		//It then pushes back the current into the closed set as well as erasing it from the open set.
		closed.push_back( cur );
		open.erase( open.begin() );

		//Heapsort works, guranteed. Not sure if it's a stable sort, though. From what I can tell that shouldn't matter, though.
		open = heapsort( open );


	std::vector<Coord> path;

	if( error )

		return path;


	//Reconstruct a path by tracing through the parents.
	while( cur->getParent() != nullptr )

		path.push_back( cur->getPos() );
		cur = cur->getParent();

	path.push_back( cur->getPos() );

	return path;

Beispiel #8
 * @brief Résout un puzzle
 * @param[in,out] p le puzzle à résoudre
 * @param[in] t le damier initial
 * @param[in,out] os flux de sortie
void jouer(Puzzle& p, const Tab2D& t, std::ostream& os) {
	Etat etatInitial;
	Etat etatCourant;
	Tab2D damierFinal;
	Etat etatDerive;

	double tempsDebutRecherche = getTime();

	but(damierFinal, t.nbL, t.nbC);
	initialiser(etatInitial.damier, t.nbL, t.nbC);
	etatInitial.mouvement = FIXE;
	etatInitial.precedent = 0;
	etatInitial.g = 0;

	//Copie du damier inititial dans etatInitial
	for (unsigned int l = 0; l < t.nbL; ++l) {
		for (unsigned int c = 0; c < t.nbC; ++c) {[l][c] =[l][c];
	etatInitial.h = manhattan(etatInitial.damier, damierFinal);

	initialiser(etatDerive.damier, t.nbL, t.nbC);

	inserer(p.lEAE, 0, etatInitial); //étatInitial dans LEAE

	bool solutionTrouvee = false;
	bool mvtPossible;
	unsigned int pos;

	while (p.lEAE.nb != 0) {
		pos = minimal(p.lEAE);
		etatCourant = lire(p.lEAE, pos); //on prend le 1er état à explorer
		//insérer étatCourant dans LEE
		inserer(p.lEE, longueur(p.lEE), etatCourant);
		supprimer(p.lEAE, pos); //supprimer étatCourant de LEAE

		if (etatCourant.h == 0) { // le damier de étatCourant est le damier but
			solutionTrouvee = true;
			break; //sortir de la boucle while

		/*pour_tout (mouvement possible associé à étatCourant)
		mouvement possible relatif à damier de étatCourant (etatCourant.damier)
		ordre d'exploration (obligatoire) NORD, EST, SUD, OUEST */
		//initialiser un étatDérivé // d'après le mouvement

		for(int m = OUEST; m >= NORD; --m) {
			mvtPossible = deriver(etatCourant, (Mouvement) m, etatDerive);
			if (mvtPossible && !rechercher(etatDerive, p.lEAE)\
				&& !rechercher(etatDerive, p.lEE)) {
				etatDerive.precedent = longueur(p.lEE) - 1;
				etatDerive.h = manhattan(etatDerive.damier, damierFinal);
				etatDerive.g = etatCourant.g + 1;
				//insérer étatDérivé dans LEAE
				inserer(p.lEAE, longueur(p.lEAE), etatDerive);

	double tempsFinRecherche = getTime();
	cout << "Durée de recherche : " << tempsFinRecherche - tempsDebutRecherche
		<<" seconde(s)."<< endl;

	if (solutionTrouvee) {
		Pile sol;
		Etat etatSol;
		initialiser(sol, 3, 2);
		initialiser(etatSol.damier, t.nbL, t.nbC);

		//Stockage de la solution
		etatSol = lire(p.lEE, longueur(p.lEE)-1);
		empiler(sol, etatSol);
		while (etatSol.precedent != 0) {
			etatSol = lire(p.lEE, etatSol.precedent);
			empiler(sol, etatSol);
		empiler(sol, etatInitial);

		//Affichage de la solution
		os << "Damier : " << t.nbL << " lignes " << t.nbC << " colonnes"
			<< endl;
		os << "Solution en " << sol.sommet << " mouvements" << endl;
		while (!estVide(sol)) {
			afficher(sommet(sol), os);
			os << endl;
	else {
		os << "Solution non trouvée" << endl;
Beispiel #9
Datei: astar.c Projekt: yzzyx/adv
 * pathfinder(info,monster, x1, y1, x2, y2)
 * Get path between x1,y1 and x2,y2.
 * Uses info->is_walkable to determine if monster can
 * walk on grid position (x,y). Passes monster to this function
node_t *
pathfinder(pathfinder_info *info, void *monster, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)// int *x2_ptr, int *y2_ptr)
	node_t *start_node;
	node_t *node;
	node_t *neighbour;
	int steps;

	unsigned char temp_g_score;

	start_node = node_new_pos(info, x1, y1);

	bin_heap_add(info->open_heap, start_node);

	/* Set all scores to 0 */
	memset(info->g_score, 0, info->grid_width*info->grid_height);
	memset(info->h_score, 0, info->grid_width*info->grid_height);

	/* Set all nodetypes to 0 */
	memset(info->node_type, 0, info->grid_width*info->grid_height);

	#define P(node) node->x + node->y*info->grid_width

	info->g_score[P(start_node)] = 0;
	info->h_score[P(start_node)] =
		manhattan(x1, y1, x2, y2);

	/* cost = f_score */
	start_node->cost = info->g_score[P(start_node)] + info->h_score[P(start_node)];

	steps = 0;

	while (info->open_heap->heap_size) {
		node = bin_heap_get_min(info->open_heap);
		steps ++;

		if (node->x == x2 &&
			node->y == y2) {

			/* Reverse path, and remove path
			 * from node-list
			node = reconstruct_path(info, node);

			/* clear up open-heap */
			return node;


		/* Set type to CLOSED */
		info->node_type[P(node)] = TYPE_CLOSED;

		int direction;

		/* Look at node's neighbours */
		for (direction=0;direction<4;direction++) {
			int x,y;

			x = node->x + mod_x[direction];
			y = node->y + mod_y[direction];

			/* Don't walk off map */
			if (x < 0 || y < 0 ||
				x > info->grid_width - 1 ||
				y > info->grid_height - 1)

			/* Don't go back */
			if (node->parent &&
				 node->parent->x == x && node->parent->y == y)

			/* check if we can walk that way */
			if (!info->is_walkable(x, y, monster))

			temp_g_score = info->g_score[P(node)] + 1;

			char added = 0;
			char type;
			int neighbour_idx = 0;
			int curr_score;

			/* If neighbour in OPEN-set and cost is lower */
			type = info->node_type[x + y*info->grid_width];
			curr_score = info->g_score[x + y*info->grid_width];
			if (type != TYPE_CLOSED &&
				(curr_score == 0 ||
				temp_g_score < curr_score)) {

				/* Neighbour not in OPEN and not in CLOSED */
				if (type != TYPE_OPEN) {
					added = 1;
					neighbour = node_new_pos(info, x, y);
					neighbour_idx = find_node(info->open_heap, x, y);
					neighbour = info->open_heap->data[neighbour_idx];

				info->g_score[P(neighbour)] = temp_g_score;
				info->h_score[P(neighbour)] = manhattan(x, y, x2, y2);

				neighbour->cost =
					info->g_score[P(neighbour)] + info->h_score[P(neighbour)];
				neighbour->parent = node;

				/* We've just changed the cost for this node,
				   so update the binheap
				if (! added)
					bin_heap_bubble_up(info->open_heap, neighbour_idx);
				else {
					bin_heap_add(info->open_heap, neighbour);
					info->node_type[P(neighbour)] = TYPE_OPEN;

	return NULL;
Beispiel #10
 double heuristic(Util::Point s, Util::Point g){
         return euclidean(s, g);
         return manhattan(s, g);
Beispiel #11
int linearConflict(Node n1,Node n2){
    int conflict  = manhattan(n1,n2);
    int count1 =0;
    vector<int> state =;
    for(int i =0;i<3;i++){
        if(state[i] ==1 || state[i] ==2 || state[i] ==3 ){

    if(count1 >=2){
        //  common pairs
       for(int i =0;i<3;i++){
            for(int j=i+1;j<3;j++){
                if((state[i] ==1 || state[i] ==2 || state[i] ==3))
                    if((state[j] ==1 || state[j] ==2 || state[j] ==3))
                        if(state[i] > state[j]){
                            conflict +=2;
    count1 =0;
    for(int i =3;i<6;i++){
        if(state[i] ==4 || state[i] ==5 || state[i] ==6 ){

    if(count1 >=2){
        //  common pairs
       for(int i =3;i<6;i++){
            for(int j=i+1;j<6;j++){
                if((state[i] ==4 || state[i] ==5 || state[i] ==6))
                    if((state[j] ==4 || state[j] ==5 || state[j] ==6))
                        if(state[i] > state[j]){
                            conflict +=2;
    count1 =0;
    for(int i =6;i<9;i++){

        if(state[i] ==7 || state[i] ==8){

    if(count1 >=2){
        //  common pairs
       for(int i =6;i<9;i++){
            for(int j=i+1;j<9;j++){
                if(state[i] ==7 || state[i] ==8)
                    if((state[j] ==7 || state[j] ==8))
                        if(state[i] > state[j]){
                            conflict +=2;
    return conflict;

Beispiel #12
int heuristic(char state[3][3]) {
	return manhattan(state);