Beispiel #1
static void wikiTrackMapItem(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, void *item,
	char *itemName, char *mapItemName, int start, int end, int x, int y, int width, int height)
/* create a special map box item with different i=hgcClickName and
 * pop-up statusLine with the item name
char *userName;

/* already been determined to be enabled by getting here, need to verify
 *	userName vs editors and vs owner
(void) wikiTrackEnabled(database, &userName);
char *hgcClickName = tg->mapItemName(tg, item);
char *statusLine = tg->itemName(tg, item);
boolean editor = isWikiEditor(userName);
struct wikiTrack *wikiItem = NULL;
boolean enableHgcClick = FALSE;

/* allow hgc click (i.e. delete privs) if the following are true
    1. this is the item 0 "add new item"
    2. logged into the wiki
    3. user is an editor or user is the owner

if (differentWord("0", hgcClickName))
    wikiItem = findWikiItemId(hgcClickName);
    enableHgcClick = TRUE;	/* item 0 "add new item" must go to hgc */

if (wikiItem)
    if (isNotEmpty(userName) && sameWord(userName, wikiItem->owner))
	enableHgcClick = TRUE;	/* owner has delete privls */
    if (editor)
	enableHgcClick = TRUE;	/* editors have delete privls */

if (enableHgcClick)
    mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, start, end, x, y, width, height, tg->track, 
                  hgcClickName, statusLine, NULL, FALSE, NULL         );
    {	/* go directly to the wiki description */
    char *directUrl = wikiUrl(wikiItem);
    mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, start, end, x, y, width, height, tg->track, 
                  hgcClickName, statusLine, directUrl, FALSE, NULL);
static void multiWigDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
        MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
/* Draw items in multiWig container. */
struct track *subtrack;
char *aggregate = cartOrTdbString(cart, tg->tdb, "aggregate", NULL);
boolean overlay = isOverlayTypeAggregate(aggregate);
int y = yOff;
for (subtrack = tg->subtracks; subtrack != NULL; subtrack = subtrack->next)
    if (isSubtrackVisible(subtrack))
	int height = subtrack->totalHeight(subtrack, vis);
	hvGfxSetClip(hvg, xOff, y, width, height);
        if (sameString(WIG_AGGREGATE_TRANSPARENT, aggregate))
            hvGfxSetWriteMode(hvg, MG_WRITE_MODE_MULTIPLY);
	if (overlay)
	    subtrack->lineHeight = tg->lineHeight;
	subtrack->drawItems(subtrack, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, y, width, font, color, vis);
	if (!overlay)
	    y += height + 1;
        hvGfxSetWriteMode(hvg, MG_WRITE_MODE_NORMAL);
char *url = trackUrl(tg->track, chromName);
		//fprintf(stderr, "mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(id: %s;) in multiWigDraw\n", 
		//	tg->track);
mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, seqStart, seqEnd, xOff, y, width, tg->height, tg->track, tg->track, NULL,
	      url, TRUE, NULL);
Beispiel #3
void mapBoxForCenterVariant(struct vcfRecord *rec, struct hvGfx *hvg, struct track *tg,
			    int xOff, int yOff, int width)
/* Special mouseover for center variant */
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
unsigned int chromStartMap = vcfRecordTrimIndelLeftBase(rec);
unsigned int chromEndMap = vcfRecordTrimAllelesRight(rec);
gtSummaryString(rec, dy);
dyStringAppend(dy, "   Haplotypes sorted on ");
char *centerChrom = cartOptionalStringClosestToHome(cart, tg->tdb, FALSE, "centerVariantChrom");
if (centerChrom == NULL || !sameString(chromName, centerChrom))
    dyStringAppend(dy, "middle variant by default. ");
    dyStringAppend(dy, "this variant. ");
dyStringAppend(dy, "To anchor sorting to a different variant, click on that variant and "
	       "then click on the 'Use this variant' button below the variant name.");
const double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
int x1 = round((double)(rec->chromStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
int x2 = round((double)(rec->chromEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
int w = x2-x1;
if (w <= 1)
    w = 3;
mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, chromStartMap, chromEndMap, x1, yOff, w, tg->height, tg->track,
		  rec->name, dy->string, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
Beispiel #4
static void cgapSageMapItem(struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, void *item, char *itemName, char *mapItemName, int start, int end,
			    int x, int y, int width, int height)
struct linkedFeatures *lf = item;
mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, start, end, x, y, width, height, 
                  tg->track, itemName, NULL, NULL, TRUE,
                  (char *)lf->extra);
Beispiel #5
static void drawOneRec(struct vcfRecord *rec, unsigned short *gtHapOrder, unsigned short gtHapCount,
		       struct track *tg, struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
		       boolean isClustered, boolean isCenter, enum hapColorMode colorMode)
/* Draw a stack of genotype bars for this record */
unsigned int chromStartMap = vcfRecordTrimIndelLeftBase(rec);
unsigned int chromEndMap = vcfRecordTrimAllelesRight(rec);
const double scale = scaleForPixels(width);
int x1 = round((double)(rec->chromStart-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
int x2 = round((double)(rec->chromEnd-winStart)*scale) + xOff;
int w = x2-x1;
if (w <= 1)
    w = 3;
// When coloring mode is altOnly, we draw one extra pixel row at the top & one at bottom
// to show the locations of variants, since the reference alleles are invisible:
int extraPixel = 0;
int hapHeight = tg->height - CLIP_PAD;
if (colorMode == altOnlyMode)
    hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, yOff, x2, yOff, (isClustered ? purple : shadesOfGray[5]));
    extraPixel = 1;
    hapHeight -= extraPixel*2;
double hapsPerPix = (double)gtHapCount / hapHeight;
int pixIx;
for (pixIx = 0;  pixIx < hapHeight;  pixIx++)
    int gtHapOrderIxStart = (int)(hapsPerPix * pixIx);
    int gtHapOrderIxEnd = round(hapsPerPix * (pixIx + 1));
    if (gtHapOrderIxEnd == gtHapOrderIxStart)
    int unks = 0, refs = 0, alts = 0;
    int gtHapOrderIx;
    for (gtHapOrderIx = gtHapOrderIxStart;  gtHapOrderIx < gtHapOrderIxEnd;  gtHapOrderIx++)
	int gtHapIx = gtHapOrder[gtHapOrderIx];
	int hapIx = gtHapIx & 1;
	int gtIx = gtHapIx >>1;
	struct vcfGenotype *gt = &(rec->genotypes[gtIx]);
	if (gt->isPhased || gt->isHaploid || (gt->hapIxA == gt->hapIxB))
	    int alIx = hapIx ? gt->hapIxB : gt->hapIxA;
	    if (alIx < 0)
	    else if (alIx > 0)
    int y = yOff + extraPixel + pixIx;
    Color col;
    if (colorMode == baseMode)
	col = colorByBase(refs, alts, unks, rec->alleles[0], rec->alleles[1]);
    else if (colorMode == refAltMode)
	col = colorByRefAlt(refs, alts, unks);
	col = colorByAltOnly(refs, alts, unks);
    if (col != MG_WHITE)
	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, y, x2, y, col);
int yBot = yOff + tg->height - CLIP_PAD - 1;
if (isCenter)
    if (colorMode == altOnlyMode)
	// Colorful outline to distinguish this variant:
	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1-1, yOff, x1-1, yBot, purple);
	hvGfxLine(hvg, x2+1, yOff, x2+1, yBot, purple);
	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1-1, yOff, x2+1, yOff, purple);
	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1-1, yBot, x2+1, yBot, purple);
	// Thick black lines to distinguish this variant:
	hvGfxBox(hvg, x1-3, yOff, 3, tg->height, MG_BLACK);
	hvGfxBox(hvg, x2, yOff, 3, tg->height, MG_BLACK);
	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1-2, yOff, x2+2, yOff, MG_BLACK);
	hvGfxLine(hvg, x1-2, yBot, x2+2, yBot, MG_BLACK);
    // Mouseover was handled already by mapBoxForCenterVariant
    struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
    gtSummaryString(rec, dy);
    mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, chromStartMap, chromEndMap, x1, yOff, w, tg->height, tg->track,
		      rec->name, dy->string, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
if (colorMode == altOnlyMode)
    hvGfxLine(hvg, x1, yBot, x2, yBot, (isClustered ? purple : shadesOfGray[5]));
Beispiel #6
static void multiWigDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
        MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
/* Draw items in multiWig container. */
struct track *subtrack;
boolean errMsgShown = FALSE;
int y = yOff;
boolean errMsgFound = FALSE;
int numTracks = 0;
// determine if any subtracks had errors and count them up
for (subtrack = tg->subtracks; subtrack != NULL; subtrack = subtrack->next)
    if (isSubtrackVisible(subtrack) )
	if (subtrack->networkErrMsg)
	    errMsgFound = TRUE;

if (errMsgFound)
    Color yellow = hvGfxFindRgb(hvg, &undefinedYellowColor);
    hvGfxBox(hvg, xOff, yOff, width, tg->height, yellow);

struct wigCartOptions *wigCart = tg->wigCartData;
struct wigGraphOutput *wgo = setUpWgo(xOff, yOff, width, tg->height, numTracks, wigCart, hvg);

// we want to the order to be the same in all the modes 
if (wigCart->aggregateFunction == wiggleAggregateStacked)

/* Cope with autoScale and stacked bars - we do it here rather than in the child tracks, so that
 * all children can be on same scale. */
double minVal, maxVal;

/* Force load of all predraw arrays so can do calcs. Build up list, and then
 * figure out max/min.  No worries about multiple loading, the loaders protect
 * themselves. */
struct slRef *refList = NULL;
for (subtrack = tg->subtracks; subtrack != NULL; subtrack = subtrack->next)
    if (isSubtrackVisible(subtrack))
	struct preDrawContainer *pre = subtrack->loadPreDraw(subtrack, seqStart, seqEnd, width);

	if (pre != NULL)  // pre maybe null if the load fails
	    preDrawWindowFunction(pre->preDraw, pre->preDrawSize, wigCart->windowingFunction,
		    wigCart->transformFunc, wigCart->doNegative);
	    preDrawSmoothing(pre->preDraw, pre->preDrawSize, wigCart->smoothingWindow);
	    pre->smoothingDone = TRUE;
	    refAdd(&refList, pre);
minMaxVals(refList, &minVal, &maxVal, wigCart->windowingFunction,  wigCart->alwaysZero, wgo->yOffsets);

if (!wigCart->autoScale)
    minVal = wigCart->minY;
    maxVal = wigCart->maxY;

/* Loop through again setting up the wigCarts of the children to have minY/maxY for
 * our limits and autoScale off. */
for (subtrack = tg->subtracks; subtrack != NULL; subtrack = subtrack->next)
    if (!isSubtrackVisible(subtrack))

    struct wigCartOptions *wigCart = subtrack->wigCartData;
    wigCart->minY = minVal;
    wigCart->maxY = maxVal;
    wigCart->autoScale = wiggleScaleManual;
    struct preDrawContainer *pre = subtrack->preDrawContainer;

    if (pre != NULL)  // pre maybe null if the load fails
	pre->graphUpperLimit = maxVal;
	pre->graphLowerLimit = minVal;

int numTrack = 0;
for (subtrack = tg->subtracks; subtrack != NULL; subtrack = subtrack->next)
    if (isSubtrackVisible(subtrack))
        if (!subtrack->networkErrMsg || !errMsgShown)
	    if (subtrack->networkErrMsg)
	       errMsgShown = TRUE;
	    wgo->numTrack = numTrack++;
	    subtrack->wigGraphOutput = wgo;
	    int height = subtrack->totalHeight(subtrack, vis);
	    hvGfxSetClip(hvg, xOff, y, width, height);
	    if (wigCart->aggregateFunction != wiggleAggregateNone)
		subtrack->lineHeight = tg->lineHeight;
	    subtrack->drawItems(subtrack, seqStart, seqEnd, hvg, xOff, y, width, font, color, vis);
	    if (wigCart->aggregateFunction == wiggleAggregateNone)
		y += height + 1;
		wgo->yOff = y;

if (wigCart->aggregateFunction == wiggleAggregateTransparent)
   floatPicIntoHvg(wgo->image, xOff, yOff, hvg);
   floatPicFree((struct floatPic **)&wgo->image);

char *url = trackUrl(tg->track, chromName);
mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, seqStart, seqEnd, xOff, yOff, width, tg->height, tg->track, tg->track, NULL,
	      url, TRUE, NULL);
Beispiel #7
static void longRangeDraw(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
        struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width, 
        MgFont *font, Color color, enum trackVisibility vis)
/* Draw a list of longTabix structures. */
double scale = scaleForWindow(width, seqStart, seqEnd);
struct bed *beds = tg->items;
unsigned int maxWidth;
struct longRange *longRange;
char buffer[1024];
char itemBuf[2048];
char statusBuf[2048];

safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s.%s", tg->tdb->track, LONG_MINSCORE);
double minScore = sqlDouble(cartUsualString(cart, buffer, LONG_DEFMINSCORE));
struct longRange *longRangeList = parseLongTabix(beds, &maxWidth, minScore);

for(longRange=longRangeList; longRange; longRange=longRange->next)
    safef(itemBuf, sizeof itemBuf, "%d", longRange->id);
    safef(statusBuf, sizeof statusBuf, "%g %s:%d %s:%d", longRange->score, longRange->sChrom, longRange->s, longRange->eChrom, longRange->e);

    boolean sOnScreen = (longRange->s >= seqStart) && (longRange->s < seqEnd);
    unsigned sx = 0, ex = 0;
    if (sOnScreen)
        sx = (longRange->s - seqStart) * scale + xOff;

    if (differentString(longRange->sChrom, longRange->eChrom))
        if (!sOnScreen)

        // draw the foot
        int footWidth = scale * (longRange->sw / 2);
        hvGfxLine(hvg, sx - footWidth, yOff, sx + footWidth, yOff, MG_BLUE);

        int height = tg->height/2;
        if (tg->visibility == tvDense)
            height = tg->height;
        unsigned yPos = yOff + height;
        hvGfxLine(hvg, sx, yOff, sx, yPos, MG_BLUE);
        if (tg->visibility == tvFull)
            mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, longRange->s, longRange->s, sx - 2, yOff, 4, tg->height/2,
                                   tg->track, itemBuf, statusBuf, NULL, TRUE, NULL);

            safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s:%d",  longRange->eChrom, longRange->e);
            hvGfxTextCentered(hvg, sx, yPos + 2, 4, 4, MG_BLUE, font, buffer);
            int width = vgGetFontStringWidth(hvg->vg, font, buffer);
            int height = vgGetFontPixelHeight(hvg->vg, font);
            mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, longRange->s, longRange->s, sx - width/2, yPos, width, height,
                                   tg->track, itemBuf, statusBuf, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
        boolean eOnScreen = (longRange->e >= seqStart) && (longRange->e < seqEnd);
        if (!(sOnScreen || eOnScreen))

        if (eOnScreen)
            ex = (longRange->e - seqStart) * scale + xOff;

        double longRangeWidth = longRange->e - longRange->s;
        int peak = (tg->height - 15) * ((double)longRangeWidth / maxWidth) + yOff + 10;
        if (tg->visibility == tvDense)
            peak = yOff + tg->height;
        if (sOnScreen)
            int footWidth = scale * (longRange->sw / 2);
            hvGfxLine(hvg, sx - footWidth, yOff, sx + footWidth, yOff, color);
            hvGfxLine(hvg, sx, yOff, sx, peak, color);
        if (eOnScreen)
            int footWidth = scale * (longRange->ew / 2);
            hvGfxLine(hvg, ex - footWidth, yOff, ex + footWidth, yOff, color);
            hvGfxLine(hvg, ex, yOff, ex, peak, color);

        if (tg->visibility == tvFull)
            unsigned sPeak = sOnScreen ? sx : xOff;
            unsigned ePeak = eOnScreen ? ex : xOff + width;

            hvGfxLine(hvg, sPeak, peak, ePeak, peak, color);
            safef(statusBuf, sizeof statusBuf, "%g %s:%d %s:%d", longRange->score, longRange->sChrom, longRange->s, longRange->eChrom, longRange->e);

            if (sOnScreen)
                mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, longRange->s, longRange->e, sx - 2, yOff, 4, peak - yOff,
                                       tg->track, itemBuf, statusBuf, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
            if (eOnScreen)
                mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, longRange->s, longRange->e, ex - 2, yOff, 4, peak - yOff,
                                       tg->track, itemBuf, statusBuf, NULL, TRUE, NULL);

            mapBoxHgcOrHgGene(hvg, longRange->s, longRange->e, sPeak, peak-2, ePeak - sPeak, 4,
                                   tg->track, itemBuf, statusBuf, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
