Beispiel #1
/* Will return false when we've hit the edge of the grid */
static bool getTileHeightCallback(Vector2i pos, int32_t dist, void *data)
	HeightCallbackHelp_t *help = (HeightCallbackHelp_t *)data;
#ifdef TEST_RAY
	Vector3i effect;

	/* Are we still on the grid? */
	if (clipXY(pos.x, pos.y))
		bool HasTallStructure = blockTile(map_coord(pos.x), map_coord(pos.y), AUX_MAP) & AIR_BLOCKED;

		if (dist > TILE_UNITS || HasTallStructure)
			// Only do it the current tile is > TILE_UNITS away from the starting tile. Or..
			// there is a tall structure  on the current tile and the current tile is not the starting tile.
			/* Get height at this intersection point */
			int height = map_Height(pos.x, pos.y), heightDiff;
			uint16_t newPitch;

			if (HasTallStructure)
				height += TALLOBJECT_ADJUST;

			if (height <= help->height)
				heightDiff = 0;
				heightDiff = height - help->height;

			/* Work out the angle to this point from start point */
			newPitch = iAtan2(heightDiff, dist);

			/* Is this the steepest we've found? */
			if (angleDelta(newPitch - help->pitch) > 0)
				/* Yes, then keep a record of it */
				help->pitch = newPitch;

#ifdef TEST_RAY
			effect.x = pos.x;
			effect.y = height;
			effect.z = pos.y;
			addEffect(&effect, EFFECT_EXPLOSION, EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMALL, false, NULL, 0);

		/* Not at edge yet - so exit */
		return true;

	/* We've hit edge of grid - so exit!! */
	return false;
Beispiel #2
void getBestPitchToEdgeOfGrid(UDWORD x, UDWORD y, uint16_t direction, uint16_t *pitch)
	HeightCallbackHelp_t help = {map_Height(x,y), 0};

	rayCast(Vector3i(x, y, 0), direction, 5430, getTileHeightCallback, &help); // FIXME Magic value

	*pitch = help.pitch;
Beispiel #3
// free up a feature with no visual effects
bool removeFeature(FEATURE *psDel)
	MESSAGE		*psMessage;
	Vector3i	pos;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, !psDel->died, "Feature already dead");

	//remove from the map data
	StructureBounds b = getStructureBounds(psDel);
	for (int breadth = 0; breadth < b.size.y; ++breadth)
		for (int width = 0; width < b.size.x; ++width)
			if (tileOnMap( + width, + breadth))
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile( + width, + breadth);
				if (psTile->psObject == psDel)
					psTile->psObject = NULL;
					auxClearBlocking( + width, + breadth, FEATURE_BLOCKED | AIR_BLOCKED);

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE || psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_OIL_DRUM)
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x, pos.z) + 30;
		addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_EXPLOSION, EXPLOSION_TYPE_DISCOVERY, false, NULL, 0, gameTime - deltaGameTime + 1);
		if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE)

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE || psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_OIL_RESOURCE)
		for (unsigned player = 0; player < MAX_PLAYERS; ++player)
			psMessage = findMessage((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psDel, MSG_PROXIMITY, player);
			while (psMessage)
				removeMessage(psMessage, player);
				psMessage = findMessage((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psDel, MSG_PROXIMITY, player);

	debug(LOG_DEATH, "Killing off feature %s id %d (%p)", objInfo(psDel), psDel->id, psDel);

	return true;
Beispiel #4
void getBestPitchToEdgeOfGrid(UDWORD x, UDWORD y, uint16_t direction, uint16_t *pitch)
	HeightCallbackHelp_t help = {map_Height(x, y), 0};

	Vector3i src(x, y, 0);
	Vector3i delta(iSinCosR(direction, 5430), 0);
	rayCast(src.xy, (src + delta).xy, getTileHeightCallback, &help); // FIXME Magic value

	*pitch = help.pitch;
Beispiel #5
/* Sets up the dummy target for the camera */
static void setUpRadarTarget(SDWORD x, SDWORD y)
	radarTarget.pos.x = x;
	radarTarget.pos.y = y;

	if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x > world_coord(mapWidth - 1))
	    || (y > world_coord(mapHeight - 1)))
		radarTarget.pos.z = world_coord(1) * ELEVATION_SCALE + CAMERA_PIVOT_HEIGHT;
		radarTarget.pos.z = map_Height(x,y) + CAMERA_PIVOT_HEIGHT;
	radarTarget.rot.direction = calcDirection(player.p.x, player.p.z, x, y);
	radarTarget.rot.pitch = 0;
	radarTarget.rot.roll = 0;
Beispiel #6
/* Sets up the dummy target for the camera */
static void setUpRadarTarget(SDWORD x, SDWORD y)
    radarTarget.pos.x = x;
    radarTarget.pos.y = y;

    if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x > (SDWORD)((mapWidth - 1) * TILE_UNITS))
            || (y > (SDWORD)((mapHeight - 1) * TILE_UNITS)))
        radarTarget.pos.z = 128 * ELEVATION_SCALE + CAMERA_PIVOT_HEIGHT;
        radarTarget.pos.z = map_Height(x,y) + CAMERA_PIVOT_HEIGHT;
    radarTarget.rot.direction = calcDirection(player.p.x, player.p.z, x, y);
    radarTarget.rot.pitch = 0;
    radarTarget.rot.roll = 0;
    radarTarget.type = OBJ_TARGET;
    radarTarget.died = 0;
Beispiel #7
void	doBuildingLights( void )
	STRUCTURE	*psStructure;
	LIGHT	light;

	for(i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		for(psStructure = apsStructLists[i]; psStructure; psStructure = psStructure->psNext)
			light.range = psStructure->pStructureType->baseWidth * TILE_UNITS;
			light.position.x = psStructure->pos.x;
			light.position.z = psStructure->pos.y;
			light.position.y = map_Height(light.position.x,light.position.z);
			light.range = psStructure->pStructureType->baseWidth * TILE_UNITS;
			light.colour = LIGHT_WHITE;
Beispiel #8
/* Remove a Feature and free it's memory */
bool destroyFeature(FEATURE *psDel)
	UDWORD			widthScatter,breadthScatter,heightScatter, i;
	EFFECT_TYPE		explosionSize;
	Vector3i pos;
	UDWORD			width,breadth;
	UDWORD			mapX,mapY;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");

 	/* Only add if visible and damageable*/
	if(psDel->visible[selectedPlayer] && psDel->psStats->damageable)
		/* Set off a destruction effect */
		/* First Explosions */
		widthScatter = TILE_UNITS/2;
		breadthScatter = TILE_UNITS/2;
		heightScatter = TILE_UNITS/4;
		//set which explosion to use based on size of feature
		if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 2 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 2)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMALL;
		else if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 3 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 3)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_MEDIUM;
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_LARGE;
		for(i=0; i<4; i++)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x + widthScatter - rand()%(2*widthScatter);
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y + breadthScatter - rand()%(2*breadthScatter);
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z + 32 + rand()%heightScatter;

		if(psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z;
			initPerimeterSmoke(psDel->sDisplay.imd, pos);


		/* Then a sequence of effects */
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x,pos.z);

		//play sound
		// ffs gj
		if(psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			audio_PlayStaticTrack( psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_BUILDING_FALL );
			audio_PlayStaticTrack( psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_EXPLOSION );

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
		// ----- Flip all the tiles under the skyscraper to a rubble tile
		// smoke effect should disguise this happening
		mapX = map_coord(psDel->pos.x) - psDel->psStats->baseWidth/2;
		mapY = map_coord(psDel->pos.y) - psDel->psStats->baseBreadth/2;
		for (width = 0; width < psDel->psStats->baseWidth; width++)
			for (breadth = 0; breadth < psDel->psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX+width,mapY+breadth);
				// stops water texture chnaging for underwateer festures
				if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_WATER)
					if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_CLIFFFACE)
						/* Clear feature bits */
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | RUBBLE_TILE;
						/* This remains a blocking tile */
						psTile->psObject = NULL;
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | BLOCKING_RUBBLE_TILE;

	return true;
Beispiel #9
// free up a feature with no visual effects
bool removeFeature(FEATURE *psDel)
	int		mapX, mapY, width, breadth, player;
	MESSAGE		*psMessage;
	Vector3i	pos;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, !psDel->died, "Feature already dead");

	if(bMultiMessages && !ingame.localJoiningInProgress)
		SendDestroyFeature(psDel);	// inform other players of destruction
		return true;  // Wait for our message before really destroying the feature.

	//remove from the map data
	mapX = map_coord(psDel->pos.x) - psDel->psStats->baseWidth/2;
	mapY = map_coord(psDel->pos.y) - psDel->psStats->baseBreadth/2;
	for (width = 0; width < psDel->psStats->baseWidth; width++)
		for (breadth = 0; breadth < psDel->psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
			if (tileOnMap(mapX + width, mapY + breadth))
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX + width, mapY + breadth);
				if (psTile->psObject == (BASE_OBJECT *)psDel)
					psTile->psObject = NULL;
					auxClearBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, FEATURE_BLOCKED | AIR_BLOCKED);

	if(psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE)
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x,pos.z);

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE || psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_OIL_RESOURCE)
		for (player = 0; player < MAX_PLAYERS; player++)
			psMessage = findMessage((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psDel, MSG_PROXIMITY, player);
			while (psMessage)
				removeMessage(psMessage, player);
				psMessage = findMessage((MSG_VIEWDATA *)psDel, MSG_PROXIMITY, player);


	return true;
Beispiel #10
/* Calculate the acceleration that the camera spins around at */
static void updateCameraRotationAcceleration( UBYTE update )
	SDWORD	worldAngle;
	float	separation;
	SDWORD	xConcern, yConcern, zConcern;
	bool	bTooLow;
	bool	bGotFlying = false;
	SDWORD	xPos = 0, yPos = 0, zPos = 0;

	bTooLow = false;
	if(>type == OBJ_DROID)
		DROID *psDroid = (DROID*);
		psPropStats = asPropulsionStats + psDroid->asBits[COMP_PROPULSION].nStat;
		if(psPropStats->propulsionType == PROPULSION_TYPE_LIFT)
			int droidHeight, difHeight, droidMapHeight;

			bGotFlying = true;
			droidHeight = psDroid->pos.z;
			droidMapHeight = map_Height(psDroid->pos.x, psDroid->pos.y);
			difHeight = abs(droidHeight - droidMapHeight);
			if(difHeight < MIN_TRACK_HEIGHT)
				bTooLow = true;

	if(update & Y_UPDATE)
		/* Presently only y rotation being calculated - but same idea for other axes */
		/* Check what we're tracking */
		if(getNumDroidsSelected()>2 &&>type == OBJ_DROID)
			unsigned group =>selected ? GROUP_SELECTED :>group;
			yConcern = getAverageTrackAngle(group, false);
			yConcern =>rot.direction;
		yConcern += DEG(180);

  		while(trackingCamera.rotation.y < 0)
			trackingCamera.rotation.y += DEG(360);

		/* Which way are we facing? */
		worldAngle = trackingCamera.rotation.y;
		separation = angleDelta(yConcern - worldAngle);

		/* Make new acceleration */
		trackingCamera.rotAccel.y = ROT_ACCEL_CONSTANT * separation - ROT_VELOCITY_CONSTANT * trackingCamera.rotVel.y;

	if(update & X_UPDATE)
		if(>type == OBJ_DROID && !bGotFlying)
			uint16_t pitch;
			unsigned group =>selected ? GROUP_SELECTED :>group;
			getTrackingConcerns(&xPos, &yPos, &zPos, GROUP_SELECTED, true);  // FIXME Should this be group instead of GROUP_SELECTED?
			getBestPitchToEdgeOfGrid(xPos, zPos, DEG(180) - getAverageTrackAngle(group, true), &pitch);
			pitch = MAX(angleDelta(pitch), DEG(14));
			xConcern = -pitch;
			xConcern =>rot.pitch;
			xConcern += DEG(-16);
			trackingCamera.rotation.x += DEG(360);
		worldAngle =  trackingCamera.rotation.x;
		separation = angleDelta(xConcern - worldAngle);

		/* Make new acceleration */
		trackingCamera.rotAccel.x =
			/* Make this really slow */
			((ROT_ACCEL_CONSTANT)*separation - ROT_VELOCITY_CONSTANT*(float)trackingCamera.rotVel.x);

	/* This looks a bit arse - looks like a flight sim */
	if(update & Z_UPDATE)
			zConcern = 0;
			zConcern =>rot.roll;
		worldAngle =  trackingCamera.rotation.z;
		separation = (float) ((zConcern - worldAngle));
		else if(separation>DEG(180))

		/* Make new acceleration */
		trackingCamera.rotAccel.z =
			/* Make this really slow */
			((ROT_ACCEL_CONSTANT/1)*separation - ROT_VELOCITY_CONSTANT*(float)trackingCamera.rotVel.z);

Beispiel #11
/* Fire a weapon at something */
bool combFire(WEAPON *psWeap, BASE_OBJECT *psAttacker, BASE_OBJECT *psTarget, int weapon_slot)
	UDWORD			firePause;
	SDWORD			longRange;
	int				compIndex;

	ASSERT(psWeap != NULL, "Invalid weapon pointer");

	/* Watermelon:dont shoot if the weapon_slot of a vtol is empty */
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && isVtolDroid(((DROID *)psAttacker)))
		if (psWeap->usedAmmo >= getNumAttackRuns(((DROID *)psAttacker), weapon_slot))
			objTrace(psAttacker->id, "VTOL slot %d is empty", weapon_slot);
			return false;

	/* Get the stats for the weapon */
	compIndex = psWeap->nStat;
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN( false , compIndex < numWeaponStats, "Invalid range referenced for numWeaponStats, %d > %d", compIndex, numWeaponStats);
	psStats = asWeaponStats + compIndex;

	// check valid weapon/prop combination
	if (!validTarget(psAttacker, psTarget, weapon_slot))
		return false;

	unsigned fireTime = gameTime - deltaGameTime + 1;  // Can fire earliest at the start of the tick.

	// See if reloadable weapon.
	if (psStats->reloadTime)
		unsigned reloadTime = psWeap->lastFired + weaponReloadTime(psStats, psAttacker->player);
		if (psWeap->ammo == 0)  // Out of ammo?
			fireTime = std::max(fireTime, reloadTime);  // Have to wait for weapon to reload before firing.
			if (gameTime < fireTime)
				return false;

		if (reloadTime <= fireTime)
			//reset the ammo level
			psWeap->ammo = psStats->numRounds;

	/* See when the weapon last fired to control it's rate of fire */
	firePause = weaponFirePause(psStats, psAttacker->player);
	firePause = std::max(firePause, 1u);  // Don't shoot infinitely many shots at once.
	fireTime = std::max(fireTime, psWeap->lastFired + firePause);

	if (gameTime < fireTime)
		/* Too soon to fire again */
		return false;

	if (psTarget->visible[psAttacker->player] != UBYTE_MAX)
		// Can't see it - can't hit it
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Object has no indirect sight of target", psAttacker->id, psStats->pName, psTarget->id);
		return false;

	/* Check we can hit the target */
	bool tall = (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && isVtolDroid((DROID *)psAttacker))
		    || (psAttacker->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE && ((STRUCTURE *)psAttacker)->pStructureType->height > 1);
	if (proj_Direct(psStats) && !lineOfFire(psAttacker, psTarget, weapon_slot, tall))
		// Can't see the target - can't hit it with direct fire
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): No direct line of sight to target",
		         psAttacker->id, objInfo(psAttacker), psTarget->id);
		return false;

	Vector3i deltaPos = psTarget->pos - psAttacker->pos;

	// if the turret doesn't turn, check if the attacker is in alignment with the target
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && !psStats->rotate)
		uint16_t targetDir = iAtan2(removeZ(deltaPos));
		int dirDiff = abs(angleDelta(targetDir - psAttacker->rot.direction));
		if (dirDiff > FIXED_TURRET_DIR)
			return false;

	/* Now see if the target is in range  - also check not too near */
	int dist = iHypot(removeZ(deltaPos));
	longRange = proj_GetLongRange(psStats);

	int min_angle = 0;
	// Calculate angle for indirect shots
	if (!proj_Direct(psStats) && dist > 0)
		min_angle = arcOfFire(psAttacker,psTarget,weapon_slot,true);

		// prevent extremely steep shots
		min_angle = std::min(min_angle, DEG(PROJ_ULTIMATE_PITCH));

		// adjust maximum range of unit if forced to shoot very steep
		if (min_angle > DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH))
			//do not allow increase of max range though
			if (iSin(2*min_angle) < iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH)))  // If PROJ_MAX_PITCH == 45, then always iSin(2*min_angle) <= iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH)), and the test is redundant.
				longRange = longRange * iSin(2*min_angle) / iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH));

	int baseHitChance = 0;
	if (dist <= longRange && dist >= psStats->minRange)
		// get weapon chance to hit in the long range
		baseHitChance = weaponLongHit(psStats,psAttacker->player);

		// adapt for height adjusted artillery shots
		if (min_angle > DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH))
			baseHitChance = baseHitChance * iCos(min_angle) / iCos(DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH));
		/* Out of range */
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Out of range", psAttacker->id, psStats->pName, psTarget->id);
		return false;

	// apply experience accuracy modifiers to the base
	//hit chance, not to the final hit chance
	int resultHitChance = baseHitChance;

	// add the attacker's experience
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID)
		SDWORD	level = getDroidEffectiveLevel((DROID *) psAttacker);

		// increase total accuracy by EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS % for each experience level
		resultHitChance += EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS * level * baseHitChance / 100;

	// subtract the defender's experience
	if (psTarget->type == OBJ_DROID)
		SDWORD	level = getDroidEffectiveLevel((DROID *) psTarget);

		// decrease weapon accuracy by EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS % for each experience level
		resultHitChance -= EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS * level * baseHitChance / 100;


	// fire while moving modifiers
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID &&
		((DROID *)psAttacker)->sMove.Status != MOVEINACTIVE)
		switch (psStats->fireOnMove)
		case FOM_NO:
			// Can't fire while moving
			return false;
			resultHitChance = FOM_PARTIAL_ACCURACY_PENALTY * resultHitChance / 100;
		case FOM_YES:
			// can fire while moving

	/* -------!!! From that point we are sure that we are firing !!!------- */

	// Add a random delay to the next shot.
	// TODO Add deltaFireTime to the time it takes to fire next. If just adding to psWeap->lastFired, it might put it in the future, causing assertions. And if not sometimes putting it in the future, the fire rate would be lower than advertised.
	//int fireJitter = firePause/100;  // ±1% variation in fire rate.
	//int deltaFireTime = gameRand(fireJitter*2 + 1) - fireJitter;

	/* note when the weapon fired */
	psWeap->lastFired = fireTime;

	/* reduce ammo if salvo */
	if (psStats->reloadTime)

	// increment the shots counter

	// predicted X,Y offset per sec
	Vector3i predict = psTarget->pos;

	//Watermelon:Target prediction
	if (isDroid(psTarget) && castDroid(psTarget)->sMove.bumpTime == 0)
		DROID *psDroid = castDroid(psTarget);

		int32_t flightTime;
		if (proj_Direct(psStats) || dist <= psStats->minRange)
			flightTime = dist * GAME_TICKS_PER_SEC / psStats->flightSpeed;
			int32_t vXY, vZ;  // Unused, we just want the flight time.
			flightTime = projCalcIndirectVelocities(dist, deltaPos.z, psStats->flightSpeed, &vXY, &vZ, min_angle);

		if (psTarget->lastHitWeapon == WSC_EMP)
			int playerEmpTime = getEmpDisableTime(psTarget->player);
			int empTime = playerEmpTime - (gameTime - psTarget->timeLastHit);
			CLIP(empTime, 0, playerEmpTime);
			if (empTime >= playerEmpTime * 9/10)
				flightTime = 0;  /* Just hit.  Assume they'll get hit again */
				flightTime = MAX(0, flightTime - empTime);

		predict += Vector3i(iSinCosR(psDroid->sMove.moveDir, psDroid->sMove.speed*flightTime / GAME_TICKS_PER_SEC), 0);
		if (!isFlying(psDroid))
			predict.z = map_Height(removeZ(predict));  // Predict that the object will be on the ground.

	/* Fire off the bullet to the miss location. The miss is only visible if the player owns the target. (Why? - Per) */
	// What bVisible really does is to make the projectile audible even if it misses you. Since the target is NULL, proj_SendProjectile can't check if it was fired at you.
	bool bVisibleAnyway = psTarget->player == selectedPlayer;

	// see if we were lucky to hit the target
	bool isHit = gameRand(100) <= resultHitChance;
	if (isHit)
		/* Kerrrbaaang !!!!! a hit */
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire: [%s]->%u: resultHitChance=%d, visibility=%d", psStats->pName, psTarget->id, resultHitChance, (int)psTarget->visible[psAttacker->player]);
		syncDebug("hit=(%d,%d,%d)", predict.x, predict.y, predict.z);
	else /* Deal with a missed shot */
		const int minOffset = 5;

		int missDist = 2 * (100 - resultHitChance) + minOffset;
		Vector3i miss = Vector3i(iSinCosR(gameRand(DEG(360)), missDist), 0);
		predict += miss;

		psTarget = NULL;  // Missed the target, so don't expect to hit it.

		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire: Missed shot by (%4d,%4d)", miss.x, miss.y);
		syncDebug("miss=(%d,%d,%d)", predict.x, predict.y, predict.z);

	// Make sure we don't pass any negative or out of bounds numbers to proj_SendProjectile
	CLIP(predict.x, 0, world_coord(mapWidth - 1));
	CLIP(predict.y, 0, world_coord(mapHeight - 1));

	proj_SendProjectileAngled(psWeap, psAttacker, psAttacker->player, predict, psTarget, bVisibleAnyway, weapon_slot, min_angle, fireTime);
	return true;
Beispiel #12
/* Moves one of the particles */
static void processParticle(ATPART *psPart)
	SDWORD	groundHeight;
	Vector3i pos;
	UDWORD	x, y;
	MAPTILE	*psTile;

	/* Only move if the game isn't paused */
	if (!gamePaused())
		/* Move the particle - frame rate controlled */
		psPart->position.x += graphicsTimeAdjustedIncrement(psPart->velocity.x);
		psPart->position.y += graphicsTimeAdjustedIncrement(psPart->velocity.y);
		psPart->position.z += graphicsTimeAdjustedIncrement(psPart->velocity.z);

		/* Wrap it around if it's gone off grid... */

		/* If it's gone off the WORLD... */
		if (psPart->position.x < 0 || psPart->position.z < 0 ||
		    psPart->position.x > ((mapWidth - 1)*TILE_UNITS) ||
		    psPart->position.z > ((mapHeight - 1)*TILE_UNITS))
			/* The kill it */
			psPart->status = APS_INACTIVE;

		/* What height is the ground under it? Only do if low enough...*/
		if (psPart->position.y < 255 * ELEVATION_SCALE)
			/* Get ground height */
			groundHeight = map_Height(psPart->position.x, psPart->position.z);

			/* Are we below ground? */
			if ((int)psPart->position.y < groundHeight
			    || psPart->position.y < 0.f)
				/* Kill it and return */
				psPart->status = APS_INACTIVE;
				if (psPart->type == AP_RAIN)
					x = map_coord(psPart->position.x);
					y = map_coord(psPart->position.z);
					psTile = mapTile(x, y);
					if (terrainType(psTile) == TER_WATER && TEST_TILE_VISIBLE(selectedPlayer, psTile))
						pos.x = psPart->position.x;
						pos.z = psPart->position.z;
						pos.y = groundHeight;
						addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_EXPLOSION, EXPLOSION_TYPE_SPECIFIED, true, getImdFromIndex(MI_SPLASH), 0);
		if (psPart->type == AP_SNOW)
			if (rand() % 30 == 1)
				psPart->velocity.z = (float)SNOW_SPEED_DRIFT;
			if (rand() % 30 == 1)
				psPart->velocity.x = (float)SNOW_SPEED_DRIFT;
Beispiel #13
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// receive a check and update the local world state accordingly
BOOL recvDroidCheck(NETQUEUE queue)
	uint8_t		count;
	int		i;
	uint32_t        synchTime;

	NETbeginDecode(queue, GAME_CHECK_DROID);

		// Get the number of droids to expect
		NETuint32_t(&synchTime);  // Get game time.

		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
			DROID *         pD;
			PACKAGED_CHECK  pc, pc2;
			Position        precPos;


			// Find the droid in question
			if (!IdToDroid(pc.droidID, pc.player, &pD))
				NETlogEntry("Recvd Unknown droid info. val=player", SYNC_FLAG, pc.player);
				debug(LOG_SYNC, "Received checking info for an unknown (as yet) droid. player:%d ref:%d", pc.player, pc.droidID);

			syncDebugDroid(pD, '<');

			if (pD->gameCheckDroid == NULL)
				debug(LOG_SYNC, "We got a droid %u synch, but we couldn't find the droid!", pc.droidID);
				continue;  // Can't synch, since we didn't save data to be able to calculate a delta.

			pc2 = *(PACKAGED_CHECK *)pD->gameCheckDroid;  // pc2 should be declared here, as const.

			if (pc2.gameTime != synchTime + MIN_DELAY_BETWEEN_DROID_SYNCHS)
				debug(LOG_SYNC, "We got a droid %u synch, but we didn't choose the same droid to synch.", pc.droidID);
				((PACKAGED_CHECK *)pD->gameCheckDroid)->gameTime = synchTime + MIN_DELAY_BETWEEN_DROID_SYNCHS;  // Get droid synch time back in synch.
				continue;  // Can't synch, since we didn't save data to be able to calculate a delta.

#define MERGECOPY(x, y, z)  if (pc.y != pc2.y) { debug(LOG_SYNC, "Droid %u out of synch, changing "#x" from %"z" to %"z".", pc.droidID, x, pc.y);             x = pc.y; }
#define MERGEDELTA(x, y, z) if (pc.y != pc2.y) { debug(LOG_SYNC, "Droid %u out of synch, changing "#x" from %"z" to %"z".", pc.droidID, x, x + pc.y - pc2.y); x += pc.y - pc2.y; }
			// player not synched here...
			precPos = droidGetPrecisePosition(pD);
			MERGEDELTA(precPos.x, pos.x, "d");
			MERGEDELTA(precPos.y, pos.y, "d");
			MERGEDELTA(precPos.z, pos.z, "d");
			droidSetPrecisePosition(pD, precPos);
			MERGEDELTA(pD->rot.direction, rot.direction, "d");
			MERGEDELTA(pD->rot.pitch, rot.pitch, "d");
			MERGEDELTA(pD->rot.roll, rot.roll, "d");
			MERGEDELTA(pD->body, body, "u");
			if (pD->body > pD->originalBody)
				pD->body = pD->originalBody;
				debug(LOG_SYNC, "Droid %u body was too high after synch, reducing to %u.", pc.droidID, pD->body);
			MERGEDELTA(pD->experience, experience, "u");

			if (pc.pos.x != pc2.pos.x || pc.pos.y != pc2.pos.y)
				// snap droid(if on ground) to terrain level at x,y.
				if ((asPropulsionStats + pD->asBits[COMP_PROPULSION].nStat)->propulsionType != PROPULSION_TYPE_LIFT)  // if not airborne.
					pD->pos.z = map_Height(pD->pos.x, pD->pos.y);

			// Doesn't cover all cases, but at least doesn't actively break stuff randomly.
			switch (pc.order)
				case DORDER_MOVE:
					if (pc.order != pc2.order || pc.orderX != pc2.orderX || pc.orderY != pc2.orderY)
						debug(LOG_SYNC, "Droid %u out of synch, changing order from %s to %s(%d, %d).", pc.droidID, getDroidOrderName(pc2.order), getDroidOrderName(pc.order), pc.orderX, pc.orderY);
						// reroute the droid.
						orderDroidLoc(pD, pc.order, pc.orderX, pc.orderY, ModeImmediate);
					if (pc.order != pc2.order || pc.targetID != pc2.targetID)
						BASE_OBJECT *obj = IdToPointer(pc.targetID, ANYPLAYER);
						if (obj != NULL)
							debug(LOG_SYNC, "Droid %u out of synch, changing order from %s to %s(%u).", pc.droidID, getDroidOrderName(pc2.order), getDroidOrderName(pc.order), pc.targetID);
							// remote droid is attacking, not here tho!
							orderDroidObj(pD, pc.order, IdToPointer(pc.targetID, ANYPLAYER), ModeImmediate);
							debug(LOG_SYNC, "Droid %u out of synch, would change order from %s to %s(%u), but can't find target.", pc.droidID, getDroidOrderName(pc2.order), getDroidOrderName(pc.order), pc.targetID);
				case DORDER_NONE:
				case DORDER_GUARD:
					if (pc.order != pc2.order)
						DROID_ORDER_DATA sOrder;
						memset(&sOrder, 0, sizeof(DROID_ORDER_DATA));
						sOrder.order = pc.order;

						debug(LOG_SYNC, "Droid %u out of synch, changing order from %s to %s.", pc.droidID, getDroidOrderName(pc2.order), getDroidOrderName(pc.order));
						orderDroidBase(pD, &sOrder);
					break;  // Don't know what to do, but at least won't be actively breaking anything.

			MERGECOPY(pD->secondaryOrder, secondaryOrder, "u");  // The old code set this after changing orders, so doing that in case.

			syncDebugDroid(pD, '>');

			// ...and repeat!


	return true;
Beispiel #14
/* Remove a Feature and free it's memory */
bool destroyFeature(FEATURE *psDel, unsigned impactTime)
	UDWORD			widthScatter, breadthScatter, heightScatter, i;
	EFFECT_TYPE		explosionSize;
	Vector3i pos;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");
	ASSERT(gameTime - deltaGameTime < impactTime, "Expected %u < %u, gameTime = %u, bad impactTime", gameTime - deltaGameTime, impactTime, gameTime);

	/* Only add if visible and damageable*/
	if (psDel->visible[selectedPlayer] && psDel->psStats->damageable)
		/* Set off a destruction effect */
		/* First Explosions */
		widthScatter = TILE_UNITS / 2;
		breadthScatter = TILE_UNITS / 2;
		heightScatter = TILE_UNITS / 4;
		//set which explosion to use based on size of feature
		if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 2 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 2)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMALL;
		else if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 3 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 3)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_MEDIUM;
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_LARGE;
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x + widthScatter - rand() % (2 * widthScatter);
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y + breadthScatter - rand() % (2 * breadthScatter);
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z + 32 + rand() % heightScatter;
			addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_EXPLOSION, explosionSize, false, NULL, 0, impactTime);

		if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z;
			addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_DESTRUCTION, DESTRUCTION_TYPE_SKYSCRAPER, true, psDel->sDisplay.imd, 0, impactTime);
			initPerimeterSmoke(psDel->sDisplay.imd, pos);

			shakeStart(250);	// small shake

		/* Then a sequence of effects */
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x, pos.z);
		addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_DESTRUCTION, DESTRUCTION_TYPE_FEATURE, false, NULL, 0, impactTime);

		//play sound
		// ffs gj
		if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			audio_PlayStaticTrack(psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_BUILDING_FALL);
			audio_PlayStaticTrack(psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_EXPLOSION);

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
		// ----- Flip all the tiles under the skyscraper to a rubble tile
		// smoke effect should disguise this happening
		StructureBounds b = getStructureBounds(psDel);
		for (int breadth = 0; breadth < b.size.y; ++breadth)
			for (int width = 0; width < b.size.x; ++width)
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile( + width, + breadth);
				// stops water texture changing for underwater features
				if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_WATER)
					if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_CLIFFFACE)
						/* Clear feature bits */
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | RUBBLE_TILE;
						auxClearBlocking( + width, + breadth, AUXBITS_ALL);
						/* This remains a blocking tile */
						psTile->psObject = NULL;
						auxClearBlocking( + width, + breadth, AIR_BLOCKED);  // Shouldn't remain blocking for air units, however.
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | BLOCKING_RUBBLE_TILE;

	psDel->died = impactTime;
	return true;