void ompl::geometric::LazyPRM::uniteComponents(Vertex a, Vertex b)
    unsigned long int componentA = vertexComponentProperty_[a];
    unsigned long int componentB = vertexComponentProperty_[b];
    if (componentA == componentB) return;
    if (componentSize_[componentA] > componentSize_[componentB])
        std::swap(componentA, componentB);
        std::swap(a, b);
    markComponent(a, componentB);
void StatusTracker::markComponentActive(int id) {
    markComponent(id, ACTIVE, Fence::NO_FENCE);
void StatusTracker::markComponentIdle(int id, const sp<Fence>& componentFence) {
    markComponent(id, IDLE, componentFence);
ompl::base::PathPtr ompl::geometric::LazyPRM::constructSolution(const Vertex &start, const Vertex &goal)
    // Need to update the index map here, becuse nodes may have been removed and
    // the numbering will not be 0 .. N-1 otherwise.
    unsigned long int index = 0;
    boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vi, vend;
    for(boost::tie(vi, vend) = boost::vertices(g_); vi != vend; ++vi, ++index)
        indexProperty_[*vi] = index;

    boost::property_map<Graph, boost::vertex_predecessor_t>::type prev;
        // Consider using a persistent distance_map if it's slow
        boost::astar_search(g_, start,
                            boost::bind(&LazyPRM::costHeuristic, this, _1, goal),
                                                         isCostBetterThan, opt_.get(), _1, _2)).
                                                         combineCosts, opt_.get(), _1, _2)).
    catch (AStarFoundGoal&)
    if (prev[goal] == goal)
        throw Exception(name_, "Could not find solution path");

    // First, get the solution states without copying them, and check them for validity.
    // We do all the node validity checks for the vertices, as this may remove a larger
    // part of the graph (compared to removing an edge).
    std::vector<const base::State*> states(1, stateProperty_[goal]);
    std::set<Vertex> milestonesToRemove;
    for (Vertex pos = prev[goal]; prev[pos] != pos; pos = prev[pos])
        const base::State *st = stateProperty_[pos];
        unsigned int &vd = vertexValidityProperty_[pos];
        if ((vd & VALIDITY_TRUE) == 0)
            if (si_->isValid(st))
                vd |= VALIDITY_TRUE;
        if ((vd & VALIDITY_TRUE) == 0)
        if (milestonesToRemove.empty())

    // We remove *all* invalid vertices. This is not entirely as described in the original LazyPRM
    // paper, as the paper suggest removing the first vertex only, and then recomputing the
    // shortest path. Howeve, the paper says the focus is on efficient vertex & edge removal,
    // rather than collision checking, so this modification is in the spirit of the paper.
    if (!milestonesToRemove.empty())
        unsigned long int comp = vertexComponentProperty_[start];
        // Remember the current neighbors.
        std::set<Vertex> neighbors;
        for (std::set<Vertex>::iterator it = milestonesToRemove.begin() ; it != milestonesToRemove.end() ; ++it)
            boost::graph_traits<Graph>::adjacency_iterator nbh, last;
            for (boost::tie(nbh, last) = boost::adjacent_vertices(*it, g_) ; nbh != last ; ++nbh)
                if (milestonesToRemove.find(*nbh) == milestonesToRemove.end())
            // Remove vertex from nearest neighbors data structure.
            // Free vertex state.
            // Remove all edges.
            boost::clear_vertex(*it, g_);
            // Remove the vertex.
            boost::remove_vertex(*it, g_);
        // Update the connected component ID for neighbors.
        for (std::set<Vertex>::iterator it = neighbors.begin() ; it != neighbors.end() ; ++it)
            if (comp == vertexComponentProperty_[*it])
                unsigned long int newComponent = componentCount_++;
                componentSize_[newComponent] = 0;
                markComponent(*it, newComponent);
        return base::PathPtr();

    // start is checked for validity already

    // Check the edges too, if the vertices were valid. Remove the first invalid edge only.
    std::vector<const base::State*>::const_iterator prevState = states.begin(), state = prevState + 1;
    Vertex prevVertex = goal, pos = prev[goal];
        Edge e = boost::lookup_edge(pos, prevVertex, g_).first;
        unsigned int &evd = edgeValidityProperty_[e];
        if ((evd & VALIDITY_TRUE) == 0)
            if (si_->checkMotion(*state, *prevState))
                evd |= VALIDITY_TRUE;
        if ((evd & VALIDITY_TRUE) == 0)
            boost::remove_edge(e, g_);
            unsigned long int newComponent = componentCount_++;
            componentSize_[newComponent] = 0;
            markComponent(pos, newComponent);
            return base::PathPtr();
        prevState = state;
        prevVertex = pos;
        pos = prev[pos];
    while (prevVertex != pos);

    PathGeometric *p = new PathGeometric(si_);
    for (std::vector<const base::State*>::const_reverse_iterator st = states.rbegin(); st != states.rend(); ++st)
    return base::PathPtr(p);