Beispiel #1
Nuria::ArgumentManager::ArgumentManager (QObject *parent)
	: QObject (parent)
	g_data = new Nuria::ArgumentManagerPrivate;
	QStringList args = qApp->arguments ();
	QString configPath = qApp->applicationDirPath () + "/settings.cfg";
	// Has the user passed a different path to the settings file?
	for (int i = 1; i < args.length (); i++) {
		const QString &cur = (i);
		if (cur.startsWith (QLatin1String ("nuria.settings="), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
			configPath = cur.mid (cur.indexOf ('=') + 1);
	// Load additional settings from settings.cfg
	QFile config (configPath);
	if ( (QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
		while (!config.atEnd ()) {
			QString line = config.readLine ();
			if (line.indexOf ('#') != -1)
				line = line.left (line.indexOf ('#'));
			else if (line.endsWith (QLatin1Char ('\n')))
				line.chop (1);
			else if (line.endsWith (QLatin1String ("\r\n")))
				line.chop (2);
			if (!line.isEmpty ())
				matchArgument (line);
	// Parse command line arguments
	for (int i = 1; i < args.length (); i++)
		matchArgument ( (i));
Beispiel #2
int performCommandLine (const String& commandLine)
    StringArray args;
    args.addTokens (commandLine, true);

    String command (args[0]);

    if (matchArgument (command, "help"))                return showHelp();
    if (matchArgument (command, "h"))                   return showHelp();
    if (matchArgument (command, "resave"))              return resaveProject (args, false);
    if (matchArgument (command, "resave-resources"))    return resaveProject (args, true);
    if (matchArgument (command, "set-version"))         return setVersion (args);
    if (matchArgument (command, "bump-version"))        return bumpVersion (args);
    if (matchArgument (command, "git-tag-version"))     return gitTag (args);
    if (matchArgument (command, "buildmodule"))         return buildModules (args, false);
    if (matchArgument (command, "buildallmodules"))     return buildModules (args, true);
    if (matchArgument (command, "status"))              return showStatus (args);

    return commandLineNotPerformed;
Beispiel #3
int performCommandLine (const String& commandLine)
    StringArray args;
    args.addTokens (commandLine, true);

    if (matchArgument (args[0], "help"))                return showHelp();
    if (matchArgument (args[0], "resave"))              return resaveProject (args, false);
    if (matchArgument (args[0], "resave-resources"))    return resaveProject (args, true);
    if (matchArgument (args[0], "buildmodule"))         return buildModules (args, false);
    if (matchArgument (args[0], "buildallmodules"))     return buildModules (args, true);
    if (matchArgument (args[0], "listmodules"))         return listModules();
    if (matchArgument (args[0], "status"))              return showStatus (args);

    return commandLineNotPerformed;
int performCommandLine (const String& commandLine)
    StringArray args;
    args.addTokens (commandLine, true);

    String command (args[0]);

        if (matchArgument (command, "help"))                     { showHelp(); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "h"))                        { showHelp(); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "resave"))                   { resaveProject (args, false); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "resave-resources"))         { resaveProject (args, true); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "set-version"))              { setVersion (args); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "bump-version"))             { bumpVersion (args); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "git-tag-version"))          { gitTag (args); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "buildmodule"))              { buildModules (args, false); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "buildallmodules"))          { buildModules (args, true); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "status"))                   { showStatus (args); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "trim-whitespace"))          { cleanWhitespace (args, false); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "remove-tabs"))              { cleanWhitespace (args, true); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "tidy-divider-comments"))    { tidyDividerComments (args); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "fix-broken-include-paths")) { fixRelativeIncludePaths (args); return 0; }
    catch (const CommandLineError& error)
        std::cout << error.message << std::endl << std::endl;
        return 1;

    return commandLineNotPerformed;
Beispiel #5
int performCommandLine (const String& commandLine)
    StringArray args;
    args.addTokens (commandLine, true);

    String command (args[0]);

        if (matchArgument (command, "help"))                     { showHelp();                            return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "h"))                        { showHelp();                            return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "resave"))                   { resaveProject (args, false);           return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "resave-resources"))         { resaveProject (args, true);            return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "get-version"))              { getVersion (args);                     return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "set-version"))              { setVersion (args);                     return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "bump-version"))             { bumpVersion (args);                    return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "git-tag-version"))          { gitTag (args);                         return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "buildmodule"))              { buildModules (args, false);            return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "buildallmodules"))          { buildModules (args, true);             return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "status"))                   { showStatus (args);                     return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "trim-whitespace"))          { cleanWhitespace (args, false);         return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "remove-tabs"))              { cleanWhitespace (args, true);          return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "tidy-divider-comments"))    { tidyDividerComments (args);            return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "fix-broken-include-paths")) { fixRelativeIncludePaths (args);        return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "obfuscated-string-code"))   { generateObfuscatedStringCode (args);   return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "encode-binary"))            { encodeBinary (args);                   return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "trans"))                    { scanFoldersForTranslationFiles (args); return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "trans-finish"))             { createFinishedTranslationFile (args);  return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "set-global-search-path"))   { setGlobalPath (args);                  return 0; }
        if (matchArgument (command, "create-project-from-pip"))  { createProjectFromPIP (args);           return 0; }
    catch (const CommandLineError& error)
        std::cout << error.message << std::endl << std::endl;
        return 1;

    return commandLineNotPerformed;