Beispiel #1
 * \brief Initialize SAM4E_XPRO board for low power test.
void init_specific_board(void)
	/* Disable all Extra functions in matrix except for SWD CLK/IO */

	/* Configure all PIOs as inputs to save power */
	pio_set_input(PIOA, 0xFFFFFFFF, PIO_PULLUP);
	pio_set_input(PIOB, 0xFFFFFFFF, PIO_PULLUP);
	pio_set_input(PIOC, 0xFFFFFFFF, PIO_PULLUP);
	pio_set_input(PIOD, 0xFFFFFFFF, PIO_PULLUP);
	pio_set_input(PIOE, 0xFFFFFFFF, PIO_PULLUP);

	/* Disable USB Clock */

	/* Disable pull-up on PHY */
	pio_pull_up(PIOD, PIO_PD0 | PIO_PD4 | PIO_PD5 | PIO_PD6 | PIO_PD7, 0);
	/* Hold PHY in reset to avoid the clock output switching */
	pio_set_output(PIOD, PIO_PD31, 0, 0, 0);

	/* Disable pull-up on VBUS */
	pio_pull_up(PIOE, PIO_PE2, 0);
	/* Disable PIO pull-up for PB10(USB_DDM), PB11(USB_DDP) */
	pio_pull_up(PIOB, PIO_PB10 | PIO_PB11, 0);

	/* Enable the PMC clocks of push button for wakeup */
	pio_handler_set_priority(PIOE, PIOE_IRQn, IRQ_PRIOR_PIO);
static unsigned long wait_mode_power_down_hook( unsigned long delay_ms )
    bool jtag_enabled       = ( ( CoreDebug ->DHCSR & CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk ) != 0 ) ? true : false;
    bool jtag_delay_elapsed = ( mico_get_time() > JTAG_DEBUG_SLEEP_DELAY_MS ) ? true : false;
    uint32_t     elapsed_cycles     = 0;

    /* Criteria to enter WAIT mode
     * 1. Clock needed counter is 0 and no JTAG debugging
     * 2. Clock needed counter is 0, in JTAG debugging session, and MiCO system tick has progressed over 3 seconds.
     *    This is to give OpenOCD enough time to poke the JTAG tap before the CPU enters WAIT mode.
    if ( ( samg5x_clock_needed_counter == 0 ) && ( ( jtag_enabled == false ) || ( ( jtag_enabled == true ) && ( jtag_delay_elapsed == true ) ) ) )
        uint32_t total_sleep_cycles;
        uint32_t total_delay_cycles;

        /* Start real-time timer */
        rtt_init( RTT, RTT_CLOCK_PRESCALER );

        /* Start atomic operation */

        /* Ensure deep sleep bit is enabled, otherwise system doesn't go into deep sleep */

        /* Disable SysTick */
        SysTick->CTRL &= ( ~( SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk | SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk ) );

        /* End atomic operation */

        /* Expected total time CPU executing in this function (including WAIT mode time) */
        total_sleep_cycles = MS_TO_CYCLES( delay_ms );

        /* Total cycles in WAIT mode loop */
        total_delay_cycles = ( total_sleep_cycles / RTT_MAX_CYCLES + 1 ) * RC_OSC_DELAY_CYCLES + WAIT_MODE_ENTER_DELAY_CYCLES + WAIT_MODE_EXIT_DELAY_CYCLES;

        if ( total_sleep_cycles > total_delay_cycles )
            /* Adjust total sleep cycle to exclude exit delay */
            total_sleep_cycles -= WAIT_MODE_EXIT_DELAY_CYCLES;

            /* Prepare platform specific settings before entering powersave */
//            platform_enter_powersave();

            ///* Prepare WLAN bus before entering powersave */

            /* Disable brownout detector */
            supc_disable_brownout_detector( SUPC );

            /* Backup system I/0 functions and set all to GPIO to save power */
            system_io_backup_value = matrix_get_system_io();
            matrix_set_system_io( 0x0CF0 );

            /* Switch Master Clock to Main Clock (internal fast RC oscillator) */
            pmc_switch_mck_to_mainck( PMC_PCK_PRES_CLK_1 );

            /* Switch on internal fast RC oscillator, switch Main Clock source to internal fast RC oscillator and disables external fast crystal */
            pmc_switch_mainck_to_fastrc( CKGR_MOR_MOSCRCF_8_MHz );

            /* Disable external fast crystal */
            pmc_osc_disable_xtal( 0 );

            /* Disable PLLA */
            pmc_disable_pllack( );

            /* This above process introduces certain delay. Add delay to the elapsed cycles */
            elapsed_cycles += rtt_read_timer_value( RTT );

            while ( wake_up_interrupt_triggered == false  && elapsed_cycles < total_sleep_cycles )
                uint32_t current_sleep_cycles = total_sleep_cycles - elapsed_cycles;

                /* Start real-time timer and alarm */
                rtt_init( RTT, RTT_CLOCK_PRESCALER );
                rtt_write_alarm_time( RTT, ( current_sleep_cycles > RTT_MAX_CYCLES ) ? RTT_MAX_CYCLES - RC_OSC_DELAY_CYCLES : current_sleep_cycles - RC_OSC_DELAY_CYCLES );

                /* Enter WAIT mode */

                /* Clear wake-up status */
                rtt_get_status( RTT );

                /* Add sleep time to the elapsed cycles */
                elapsed_cycles += rtt_read_timer_value( RTT );

            /* Re-enable real-time timer to time clock reinitialisation delay */
            rtt_init( RTT, RTT_CLOCK_PRESCALER );

            /* Reinit fast clock. This takes ~19ms, but the timing has been compensated */

            /* Disable unused clock to save power */

            /* Restore system I/O pins */
            matrix_set_system_io( system_io_backup_value );

            /* Restore WLAN bus */

//            /* Restore platform-specific settings */
//            platform_exit_powersave();

            /* Add clock reinitialisation delay to elapsed cycles */
            elapsed_cycles += rtt_read_timer_value( RTT );

            /* Disable RTT to save power */
            RTT->RTT_MR = (uint32_t)( 1 << 20 );

    /* Start atomic operation */

    /* Switch SysTick back on */
    SysTick->CTRL |= ( SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk | SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk );

    /* Clear flag indicating interrupt triggered by wake up pin */
    wake_up_interrupt_triggered = false;

    /* End atomic operation */

    /* Return total time in milliseconds */
    return CYCLES_TO_MS( elapsed_cycles );
Beispiel #3
// [main]
int main(void)
//! [main_step_sys_init]
	/* Initialize the SAM system */
//! [main_step_sys_init]

#if (SAMV71 || SAMV70 || SAMS70 || SAME70)
		matrix_set_system_io(matrix_get_system_io() | CCFG_SYSIO_SYSIO12);
	ioport_set_pin_dir(GPIO_PUSH_BUTTON_2, IOPORT_DIR_INPUT);
	ioport_set_pin_mode(GPIO_PUSH_BUTTON_2, GPIO_PUSH_BUTTON_2_FLAGS);
	ioport_set_pin_sense_mode(GPIO_PUSH_BUTTON_2, GPIO_PUSH_BUTTON_2_SENSE);
//! [main_step_console_init]
	/* Initialize the console uart */
//! [main_step_console_init]

	/* Output example information */

	/* Configure systick for 1 ms */
	puts("Configure system tick to get 1ms tick period.\r");
//! [main_step_systick_init]
	if (SysTick_Config(sysclk_get_cpu_hz() / 1000)) {
		puts("-F- Systick configuration error\r");
		while (1);
//! [main_step_systick_init]

#ifndef BOARD_NO_LED_1
	puts("Configure TC.\r");
//! [main_step_tc_init]
//! [main_step_tc_init]

	puts("Configure buttons with debouncing.\r");
//! [main_step_btn_init]
//! [main_step_btn_init]

	printf("Press %s to Start/Stop the %s blinking.\r\n",

	printf("Press %s to Start/Stop the %s blinking.\r\n",

//! [main_step_loop]
	while (1) {
		/* Wait for LED to be active */
		while (!g_b_led0_active);

		/* Toggle LED state if active */
		if (g_b_led0_active) {
			printf("1 ");

		/* Wait for 500ms */
//! [main_step_loop]
int main(void)
	uint32_t i;
	uint32_t ul_error;
	volatile uint32_t *p_test_page_data;
	uint32_t p_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
	/* Initialize the system. */

	/* Configure UART for debug message output. */

	/* Initialize flash: 6 wait states for flash writing. */

	/* Configure Push Button. */

	/* Output example information. */

	puts("-I- Unlocking the whole flash.\r\n");
	/* Unlock the whole flash. */
	ul_error = flash_unlock(IFLASH_ADDR, (IFLASH_ADDR + IFLASH_SIZE - 1), 0, 0);
	if (FLASH_RC_OK != ul_error) {
		puts("Unlock internal flash failed.\r\n");
		return 0;

	/* Perform tests on the test page. */
	p_test_page_data = (volatile uint32_t *)TEST_PAGE_ADDRESS;

	/* Write page with walking bit pattern (0x00000001, 0x00000002, ...). */
	puts("-I- Writing test page with walking bit pattern.\r\n");
	for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
		p_buffer[i] = 1 << (i % MAX_SHIFTING_NUMBER);
#if (SAM4E || SAM4C || SAMV71)
	 * The EWP command can only be used in 8 KBytes sector for SAM4E,
	 * so an erase command is requried before write operation.
	ul_error = flash_erase_sector(TEST_PAGE_ADDRESS);
	if (ul_error != FLASH_RC_OK) {
		printf("-F- Flash erase error %u\n\r", ul_error);
		return 0;

	ul_error = flash_write(TEST_PAGE_ADDRESS, p_buffer,
	ul_error = flash_write(TEST_PAGE_ADDRESS, p_buffer,
	if (FLASH_RC_OK != ul_error) {
		puts("Write the test page of internal flash failed.\r\n");
		return 0;

	/* Check page contents. */
	puts("-I- Checking page contents.\r\n");
	for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
		if (p_test_page_data[i] != (1u << (i % MAX_SHIFTING_NUMBER))) {
			puts("The content in the test page isn't written correctly");
			return 0;
	puts(" OK! \r\n");

	/* Configure Erase pin NOT in Erase mode. */
	puts("-I- Configure Erase pin in PIO mode.\r\n");

	 * Ask the user to close the erase jumper and then open it(200ms minimum).
	printf("-I- Please close the erase jumper and then open it ");
	printf("at least 200ms later.\r\n");

	printf("Then press button %s to go on!\r\n", BUTTON_STRING);
	/* Wait until Push Button is pressed. */
	while (!g_button_event) {
	 * Disable the PIO line interrupts to eliminate the wrong check of
	 * key press.
	pio_disable_interrupt(PUSH_BUTTON_PIO, PUSH_BUTTON_PIN_MSK);
	g_button_event = 0;
	/* Read the page again, it should be unchanged. */
	puts("-I- Reading the page\r\n");
	for (i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
		if (p_test_page_data[i] != (1u << (i % MAX_SHIFTING_NUMBER))) {
			puts("-F- Reading Error! \r\n");
			return 0;
	puts("Read OK! Erase is out of function!\r\n");
	/* Configure Erase pin as Erase function. */
	puts("-I- Configure Erase pin as Erase function\r\n");

	 * Ask the user to close the erase jumper and then open it(200ms minimum).
	printf("-I- Please close the erase jumper and then open it ");
	printf("at least 200ms later.\r\n");

	 * Remind the users that after closing the erase jumper and then opening
	 * it, codes are gone.
	printf("-I- As the internal flash has been erased and the code can't ");
	printf("be executed any more, users can press the reset button on EK ");
	printf("and will see there will be no output message any more.\r\n");

	while (1) {