Beispiel #1
void KookaPrint::printFittingToPage(KookaImage *img)
    if( ! img || ! m_painter ) return;

    KookaImage   tmpImg;

    QString psMode = m_printer->option( OPT_RATIO );
    bool maintainAspect = (psMode == "1");

    QSize s = maxPageSize();

    double wAspect = double(s.width())  / double(img->width());
    double hAspect = double(s.height()) / double(img->height());

    // take the smaller one.
    double aspect = wAspect;
    if( hAspect < wAspect ) aspect = hAspect;

    // default: maintain aspect ratio.
    int newWidth  = int( double( img->width() ) * aspect );
    int newHeight = int( double( img->height()) * aspect );

    if( ! maintainAspect )
        newWidth  = int( double( img->width() )  * wAspect );
        newHeight = int( double( img->height() ) * hAspect );

    tmpImg = img->smoothScale(newWidth, newHeight, QImage::ScaleFree);

    m_painter->drawImage( 0,0, tmpImg );

Beispiel #2
QPoint KookaPrint::printPosBottomLeft(const QSize& imgSize) const
    QSize max = maxPageSize();
    int eMargin = extraMarginPix();
    /* take the half extra margin */
    return QPoint( eMargin+(max.width()  - imgSize.width())/2,
                   eMargin+(max.height() - imgSize.height())/2 + imgSize.height() );
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::Process_PageSettings( wxCommandEvent& event )
    FRAME_T smallSizeFrames[] =

    // Fix the max page size: it is MAX_PAGE_SIZE_EDITORS
    // or MAX_PAGE_SIZE_PCBNEW for Pcbnew draw frames, due to the small internal
    // units that do not allow too large draw areas

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < arrayDim( smallSizeFrames ); ii++ )
        if( IsType( smallSizeFrames[ii] ) )
            maxPageSize.x = maxPageSize.y = MAX_PAGE_SIZE_PCBNEW_MILS;

    DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS dlg( this, maxPageSize );
    dlg.SetWksFileName( BASE_SCREEN::m_PageLayoutDescrFileName );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
        RedrawScreen( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), false );
Beispiel #4
bool KookaPrint::printImage( KookaImage *img )
    bool result = true;
    if( ! m_printer || !img) return false;

    QString psMode = m_printer->option( OPT_PSGEN_DRAFT );
    kdDebug(28000) << "User setting for quality: " << psMode << endl;

#if 0
    if( psMode == "1" )
        m_printer->setResolution( 75 );
        m_printer->setResolution( 600 );

    /* Create painter _after_ setting Resolution */
    QPainter painter(m_printer);
    m_painter = &painter;
    KookaImage   tmpImg;
    QPoint   pt(0, 0);               // the top-left corner (image will be centered)

    // We use a QPaintDeviceMetrics to know the actual page size in pixel,
    // this gives the real painting area
    QPaintDeviceMetrics printermetrics( m_painter->device() );

    int screenRes  = m_printer->option( OPT_SCREEN_RES ).toInt();
    // int printerRes = printermetrics.logicalDpiX();
    int printerRes = m_printer->resolution();

    QString scale = m_printer->option( OPT_SCALING );

    int reso = screenRes;

    if( scale == "scan" )
        /* Scale to original size */
        reso = m_printer->option( OPT_SCAN_RES ).toInt();
    else if( scale == "custom" )
        // kdDebug(28000) << "Not yet implemented: Custom scale" << endl;
        double userWidthInch = (m_printer->option( OPT_WIDTH ).toDouble() / 25.4 );
        reso = int( double(img->width()) / userWidthInch );

        kdDebug(28000) << "Custom resolution: " << reso << endl;

    else if( scale == "fitpage" )
        kdDebug(28000) << "Printing using maximum space on page" << endl;
        printFittingToPage( img );
        reso = 0;  // to skip the printing on this page.

    /* Scale the image for printing */
    kdDebug(28000) << "Printer-Resolution: " << printerRes << " and scale-Reso: " << reso << endl;
    QSize margins = m_printer->margins();
    kdDebug(28000) << "Printer-Margins left: " << margins.width() << " and top " << margins.height()
                   << endl;
    if( reso > 0)
        double sizeInch = double(img->width()) / double(reso);
        int newWidth = int(sizeInch * printerRes);

        printerRes = printermetrics.logicalDpiY();
        sizeInch = double(img->height()) / double(reso);
        int newHeight = int(sizeInch * printerRes );

        kdDebug(28000) << "Scaling to printer size " << newWidth << " x " << newHeight << endl;

        tmpImg = img->smoothScale(newWidth, newHeight, QImage::ScaleFree);

        QSize   sz = tmpImg.size();        // the current image size
        QSize   maxOnPage = maxPageSize(); // the maximum space on one side

        int maxRows, maxCols;
        int subpagesCnt = tmpImg.cutToTiles( maxOnPage, maxRows, maxCols );

        kdDebug(28000) << "Subpages count: " << subpagesCnt <<
                       " Columns:" << maxCols << " Rows:" << maxRows << endl;

        int cnt = 0;

        for( int row = 0; row < maxRows; row++ )
            for( int col = 0; col < maxCols; col++ )
                const QRect part = tmpImg.getTileRect( row, col );
                const QSize imgSize = part.size();

                kdDebug(28000) << "Printing part from " << part.x() << "/" << part.y()
                               << " width:"<< part.width() << " and height " << part.height() << endl;
                QImage tileImg = tmpImg.copy( part );

                m_painter->drawImage( printPosTopLeft(imgSize), tileImg );
                drawCornerMarker( imgSize, row, col, maxRows, maxCols );
                if( cnt < subpagesCnt )

    m_painter = 0;  // no, this is not a memory leak.
    return result;
Beispiel #5
int KookaPrint::extraMarginPix() const
    QSize max = maxPageSize();
    /* take the half extra margin */
    return int(double(max.width())*double(m_extraMarginPercent) / 100.0 / 2.0);