Beispiel #1
//---------- Begin of function Firm::process_repair --------//
void Firm::process_repair()
	if( repair_flag && hit_points < max_hit_points()
		&& info.game_date > last_attack_date+1	)			// can only do construction when the firm is not under attack //
		if( nation_recno )
			Nation* nationPtr = nation_array[nation_recno];

			float repairCost = (float) firm_res[firm_id]->setup_cost
									 * REPAIR_POINTS_PER_DAY / max_hit_points();

			float repairLiveCost = (float) firm_res[firm_id]->setup_live_points_cost
										  * REPAIR_POINTS_PER_DAY / max_hit_points();

			if( nationPtr->cash < repairCost || nationPtr->live_points < repairLiveCost )

			nationPtr->add_expense( EXPENSE_CONSTRUCTION, repairCost, 1 );
			nationPtr->change_live_points( -repairLiveCost );

		hit_points += REPAIR_POINTS_PER_DAY;

		if( hit_points >= max_hit_points() )
			hit_points = (float) max_hit_points();
			set_repair_flag( 0, COMMAND_AUTO );
Beispiel #2
//---------- Begin of function Firm::process_construction --------//
void Firm::process_construction()
	if( !under_construction )

	//--- can only do construction when the firm is not under attack ---//

	if( info.game_date <= last_attack_date+1 )

	if( sys.frame_count%2!=0 )		// one build every 2 frames

	//------ increase the construction progress ------//

	Unit *unitPtr = NULL;		// builder may be missing if built by scenario editor
	if( builder_recno )
		unitPtr = unit_array[builder_recno];


		if( config.fast_build && nation_recno==nation_array.player_recno )
			hit_points += 10;

	//------- when the construction is complete ----------//

	if( hit_points >= max_hit_points() )     // finished construction
		hit_points = (float) max_hit_points();

		under_construction = 0;
		setup_date = info.game_date;

		// ##### begin Gilbert 15/10 ######//
		if( unitPtr && nation_recno == nation_array.player_recno )
			se_res.far_sound(center_x, center_y, 1, 'S', unitPtr->sprite_id,
				"FINS", 'F',  firm_id);
		// ##### end Gilbert 15/10 ######//

		err_when(builder_recno<=0 || unit_array.is_deleted(builder_recno));


		// ##### begin Gilbert 15/10 ######//
		if( builder_recno && builder_stay_after_construction() )	// attempt to assign the unit into the firm. return 1 if assigned successfully
		// ##### end Gilbert 15/10 ######//
			builder_recno = 0;
			set_builder(0);		// if cannot assign it to the firm, mobilize it.

	err_when (hit_points < 0 || hit_points > max_hit_points() );
Beispiel #3
//--------- Begin of function Unit::change_hit_points ---------//
void Unit::change_hit_points(float changePoints)
   hit_points += changePoints;

   if( hit_points < 0 )
      hit_points = (float) 0;

	if( hit_points > max_hit_points() )
      hit_points = (float) max_hit_points();
Beispiel #4
//--------- Begin of function Unit::set_combat_level ---------//
// <int> combatLevel   new combat level or -1 for current combat level
//                     so as to update unit attribute of that combat level
void Unit::set_combat_level(int combatLevel)
	// ##### begin Gilbert 4/11 ######//
	if( combatLevel == -1 )		// update unit attribute of that combat level
		combatLevel = skill.actual_combat_level(NULL);		// get original combat
	// ##### end Gilbert 4/11 ######//

	err_when( combatLevel<=0 || combatLevel>1000 );

	int oldMaxHitPoints = max_hit_points();

	skill.set_combat_level(combatLevel);		// it will affect max_hit_points()

	hit_points = hit_points * max_hit_points() / oldMaxHitPoints;
	hit_points = min(hit_points, max_hit_points());

	// --------- update can_guard_flag -------//

	// ##### begin Gilbert 4/11 #######//
	if( combat_level() >= unit_res[unit_id]->guard_combat_level)
	// ##### end Gilbert 4/11 #######//
		can_guard_flag = sprite_info->can_guard_flag;
		can_guard_flag = 0;

	if( combat_level() <= MAX_COMBAT_TRAIN )
		max_power = combat_level() + 50;
		max_power = combat_level() / 10 + ( MAX_COMBAT_TRAIN + 50 - MAX_COMBAT_TRAIN / 10 );

	// ###### patch begin Gilbert 17/2 #####//
//	if( race_id == RACE_VIKING && nation_recno 
//		&& god_res[GOD_VIKING]->nation_prayer_count(nation_recno) > 0 )
	if( nation_recno && god_res[GOD_VIKING]->nation_prayer_count(nation_recno) > 0 )
		// max_power += 20;
		max_power += 25;
	// ###### patch end Gilbert 17/2 #####//

	cur_power = min(cur_power, max_power);
Beispiel #5
//------- Begin of function Firm::complete_construction -----------//
// Complete construction instantly.
void Firm::complete_construction()
	if( under_construction )
		hit_points = (float) max_hit_points();
		under_construction = 0;

		setup_date = info.game_date;
Beispiel #6
//------- Begin of function Firm::being_killed ------//
// <BaseObj*> attackerObj - this can be NULL if the attacker no longer
//									 exists (the damage is caused by a bullet.)
void Firm::being_killed(BaseObj* attackerObj)
	se_res.sound(center_x, center_y, 1, 'F', firm_id, "DIE" );

	if( nation_recno == nation_array.player_recno && attackerObj )		//BUGHERE
		news_array.firm_destroyed(firm_recno, attackerObj);

	// ######## begin Gilbert 17/6 ########//
	if( nation_recno == 0 && firm_id == FIRM_LAIR && is_monster() )
		news_array.monster_firm_destroyed( monster_id(), center_x, center_y );
	// ######## end Gilbert 17/6 ########//

	if( nation_recno )
		if( attackerObj && attackerObj->nation_recno )

		if( nation_recno )


	if( attackerObj && attackerObj->nation_recno )
		Nation* attackerNation = nation_array[attackerObj->nation_recno];

		//-- destroying a monster firm raise the attacking nation's reputation --//

		if( is_monster() )
			float repIncrease = (float) max_hit_points() / 600;

			//-- if the lair is enslaving the towns, increase the reputation bonus --//

			if( cast_to_FirmLair() )
				int tributeAmount = cast_to_FirmLair()->collect_town_tribute(0);

				repIncrease += (float) tributeAmount / 600;


			//--- when destroying an enslaving Fryhtan lair, the independent towns enslaved by it will reduce its resistance towards you by 30 points ---//

			if( cast_to_FirmLair() )
				int   i;
				Town* townPtr;

				for( i=0 ; i<linked_town_count ; i++ )

					townPtr = town_array[linked_town_array[i]];

					//--- if it is a linked independent town ---//

					if( townPtr->nation_recno == 0 &&
						 // ####### begin Gilbert 9/3 ########//
						 nation_recno &&
						 // ####### end Gilbert 9/3 ########//
						 townPtr->resistance(nation_recno) < MONSTER_COLLECT_TOWN_TRIBUTE_LOYALTY )
						townPtr->change_resistance(attackerObj->nation_recno, -30);

		//------ destroyng a building gives money ------//

		float killMoney = (float) (firm_res[firm_id]->setup_cost + firm_recno%100) / 3;		// add some randomness

		attackerNation->add_income( INCOME_TREASURE, killMoney );
		attackerNation->increased_cash = killMoney;

Beispiel #7
void FirmOffensive2::put_info(int refreshFlag)
    if( !should_show_info() )

    vga.active_buf->put_bitmap( INFO_X1, INFO_Y1,"MISSBASE") );

    int hitPoints;
    String str;
    int offsetX = 0;
    int offsetY = 0;

    if( hit_points > (float)0 && hit_points < (float)1 )
        hitPoints = 1;		// display 1 for value between 0 and 1
        hitPoints = (int) hit_points;

    if ( max_hit_points() )
        offsetX = -35;
        offsetY = -14;
        short*	hitPointBitmap =NULL;
        int ratio = hitPoints *40 / (int)max_hit_points();
        int size = hitPoints *76 / (int)max_hit_points();

        //106 x 35 --- 15 to 90 ie. 0 to 40
        hitPointBitmap = (short *)mem_add( BitmapW::size(15 +size, 35) );
        if (ratio <11)
            vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY,"MTR_B2"));
        else if (ratio <40)
            vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY,"MTR_B3"));
            vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY,"MTR_B4"));

        vga.active_buf->read_bitmapW( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY, INFO_X1 +94 +20 +size +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +80 +offsetY, hitPointBitmap );
        vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_trans( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY,"MTR_B1"));
        vga.active_buf->put_bitmapW( INFO_X1 +80 +20 +offsetX, INFO_Y1 +49 +offsetY, hitPointBitmap );
        mem_del( hitPointBitmap );

        font_whbl.center_put( INFO_X1 +43, INFO_Y1 +45, INFO_X1 +65, INFO_Y1 +57, m.format((int)hitPoints,4));
        font_whbl.center_put( INFO_X1 +169, INFO_Y1 +45, INFO_X1 +191, INFO_Y1 +57, m.format((int)max_hit_points(),4) );

    // font_whbl.center_put( INFO_X1 +12, INFO_Y1 +9, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1 +21, "Offensive Building 3", 0, 1 );
    font_whbl.center_put( INFO_X1 +12, INFO_Y1 +9, INFO_X2, INFO_Y1 +21, firm_name(), 0, 1 );

    FirmBuild* firmBuild = firm_res.get_build(firm_build_id);
    short *colorRemapTable = firmBuild->get_color_remap_table(nation_recno, firm_array.selected_recno == firm_recno);
    colorRemapTable = firm_res.calc_color_remap_table( colorRemapTable, 1.0f );

    FirmBitmap* firmBitmap = firm_res.get_bitmap(firmBuild->first_bitmap(1));
    if( firmBitmap )
        Bitmap* bitmapPtr = (Bitmap *) firmBuild->res_bitmap.read_imported(firmBitmap->bitmap_ptr);

        int x1;
        int y1;
        int srcX2;
        int srcY2;

        if (config.building_size == 1)
            x1 = INFO_X1 +130;
            y1 = INFO_Y1 +140;
            x1 = INFO_X1 +120;
            y1 = INFO_Y1 +142;

        x1 += firmBitmap->offset_x;
        y1 += firmBitmap->offset_y;
        int x2 = x1 + bitmapPtr->get_width() -1;
        int y2 = y1 + bitmapPtr->get_height() -1;
        int srcX1 = max(x1, INFO_X1+15)-x1;
        int srcY1 = 0;

        if (config.building_size == 1)
            srcX2 = min(x2, INFO_X2)-x1;
            srcY2 = min(y2, INFO_Y1+227)-y1;
            srcX2 = min(x2, INFO_X2)-x1;
            srcY2 = min(y2, INFO_Y2)-y1;

        vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_area_trans_remap_decompress(x1, y1, (char *) bitmapPtr, srcX1, srcY1, srcX2, srcY2, colorRemapTable);
    	if (config.building_size == 1)

    	firmBitmap = firm_res.get_bitmap(firmBuild->first_bitmap(firm_cur_frame[0]));
    	if( firmBitmap && firmBitmap->display_layer == 1 )
    		Bitmap* bitmapPtr = (Bitmap *) firmBuild->res_bitmap.read_imported(firmBitmap->bitmap_ptr);

    		int x1 = INFO_X1 +120 +firmBitmap->offset_x;
    		int y1 = INFO_Y1 +142 +firmBitmap->offset_y;
    		int x2 = x1 + bitmapPtr->get_width() -1;
    		int y2 = y1 + bitmapPtr->get_height() -1;
    		int srcX1 = max(x1, INFO_X1+15)-x1;
    		int srcY1 = 0;
    		int srcX2 = min(x2, INFO_X2)-x1;
    		int srcY2 = min(y2, INFO_Y2)-y1;

    		vga.active_buf->put_bitmap_area_trans_remap_decompress(x1, y1, (char *) bitmapPtr, srcX1, srcY1, srcX2, srcY2, colorRemapTable);

    	//	vga_back.put_bitmap_trans_remap_decompress(INFO_X1 +113 +firmBitmap->offset_x,
    	//		INFO_Y1 +158 +firmBitmap->offset_y, bitmapPtr, colorRemapTable);
Beispiel #8
//--------- Begin of function Unit::next_day ---------//
void Unit::next_day()
	int unitRecno = sprite_recno;

   err_when( unit_array.is_deleted(unitRecno) );

	err_when( race_id && !is_visible() && unit_mode==0 );

	err_when( team_info && !mem.get_mem_size(team_info) );

	// ##### begin Gilbert 2/3 #####//
	err_when( race_id && unit_id != UNIT_WAGON && !name_id );
	// ##### end Gilbert 2/3 #####//

	//------- functions for non-independent nations only ------//

   if( nation_recno )

		if( unit_array.is_deleted(unitRecno) )		// if its hit points go down to 0, is_deleted() will return 1.

		//------- update loyalty -------------//

		if( info.game_date%30 == sprite_recno%30 )
		   err_when( unit_array.is_deleted(unitRecno) );

		//------- think about rebeling -------------//

		if( info.game_date%15 == sprite_recno%15 )
			if( think_betray() )

	//------- recover from damage -------//

	if( info.game_date%4 == sprite_recno%4 )   // recover points per 4 days 
		err_when( unit_array.is_deleted(unitRecno) );

   //------- restore cur_power --------//

	cur_power += 5;

	if( cur_power > max_power)
		cur_power = max_power;

	// ------ process magic effect ---------//

	if( invulnerable_day_count > 0 )

   //------- king undie flag (for testing games only) --------//

   if( config.king_undie_flag && rank_id == RANK_KING &&
       nation_recno && !nation_array[nation_recno]->is_ai() )
		hit_points = (float) max_hit_points();
		// ####### begin Gilbert 27/1 ######//
		if( invulnerable_day_count == 0 )
		// ####### end Gilbert 27/1 ######//

	//-------- if aggresive_mode is 1 --------//

	if( is_visible() )

	// --------- process item -------//

	//---------- debug ------------//

#ifdef DEBUG
   err_when( race_id &&
		unit_res[unit_id]->unit_class != UNIT_CLASS_HUMAN && 
		unit_res[unit_id]->unit_class != UNIT_CLASS_MONSTER && 
		unit_res[unit_id]->unit_class != UNIT_CLASS_WAGON );

	if( unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_CONSTRUCT_TOWN )
		err_when( town_array[unit_mode_para]->builder_recno != sprite_recno );

	err_when( unit_mode==UNIT_MODE_REBEL && nation_recno );		// rebels must be independent

	//------ debug: spy ----------//

	if( spy_recno )
		err_when( spy_array.is_deleted(spy_recno) );

		Spy* spyPtr = spy_array[spy_recno];

		err_when( nation_recno != spyPtr->cloaked_nation_recno );

		if( unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_OVERSEE )
			err_when( spyPtr->spy_place != SPY_FIRM );
			err_when( spyPtr->spy_place_para != unit_mode_para );
			err_when( spyPtr->spy_place != SPY_MOBILE );
			err_when( spyPtr->spy_place_para != sprite_recno );

		// ####### begin Gilbert 24/2 ########//
		err_when( unique_id != spyPtr->unique_id );
		// ####### end Gilbert 24/2 ########//

	//------ debug: team ----------//

	if( leader_unit_recno )
      Unit* unitPtr = unit_array[leader_unit_recno];

		err_when( unitPtr->rank_id != RANK_GENERAL && unitPtr->rank_id != RANK_KING );

	err_when( (rank_id == RANK_GENERAL || rank_id == RANK_KING) &&
				 !team_info );

	if( team_info )
		for( int i=0 ; i<team_info->member_count ; i++ )
			Unit* unitPtr = unit_array[team_info->member_unit_array[i]];

			if( unitPtr->sprite_recno == sprite_recno )		// the same unit

			err_when( unitPtr->leader_unit_recno != sprite_recno );

	if( leader_unit_recno && unit_mode != UNIT_MODE_REBEL )		// in rebel mode, the leader_unit_recno is not linked to team_info
		Unit* leaderUnit = unit_array[leader_unit_recno];

		err_when( !leaderUnit->team_info );

		for( int i=0 ; i<leaderUnit->team_info->member_count ; i++ )
			if( leaderUnit->team_info->member_unit_array[i] == sprite_recno )

		err_when( i==leaderUnit->team_info->member_count );		// not found

		err_when( unit_array.is_truly_deleted(leader_unit_recno) );
		err_when( unit_array[leader_unit_recno]->nation_recno != nation_recno );
//		err_when( unit_array[leader_unit_recno]->team_id != team_id );

	//------ debug: AI action ----------//

	if( cur_order.ai_action_id )
		Nation* nationPtr = nation_array[nation_recno];

		for( int actionRecno=nationPtr->action_count() ; actionRecno>0 ; actionRecno-- )
			if( nationPtr->is_action_deleted(actionRecno) )

			ActionNode* actionNode = nationPtr->get_action(actionRecno);

			if( cur_order.ai_action_id == actionNode->action_id )
				err_when( actionNode->processing_instance_count<1 );


	err_when( hit_points > max_hit_points() );
	err_when( max_hit_points() == 0 );

   err_when( combat_level()<0 );
	err_when( combat_level()>1000 );

	err_when( unit_mode==UNIT_MODE_REBEL && spy_recno );			// no rebel spies
	err_when( unit_mode==UNIT_MODE_REBEL && nation_recno );		// all rebels must be independent units

	err_when( unit_mode==UNIT_MODE_TOWN_DEFENDER && spy_recno );			// no rebel spies

	err_when( loyalty < 0 || loyalty > 100 );

	err_when( nation_contribution < 0 );
	err_when( nation_contribution > MAX_NATION_CONTRIBUTION );

	err_when( is_ai && ( !nation_recno || !nation_array[nation_recno]->is_ai() ) );

#else		// fix bug on fly in the release version

	// ######## begin Gilbert 5/2 #####//
//	if( combat_level() > skill.max_combat_level )
//		combat_level() = skill.max_combat_level;
	if( skill.actual_combat_level(NULL) > skill.max_combat_level )		// raw combat level
		set_combat_level( skill.max_combat_level );
	// ######## end Gilbert 5/2 #####//

Beispiel #9
//--------- Begin of function Unit::process_recover ---------//
void Unit::process_recover()
	if( hit_points==0.0f || hit_points == max_hit_points() )      // this unit is dead already

	err_when( hit_points > max_hit_points() );

#define RECOVER_SLOW_DOWN 0.5f

	//---- overseers in firms and ships in harbors recover faster ----//

	float hitPointsInc = 0.0f;

	if( unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_OVERSEE ||
		 unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_IN_HARBOR )
		hitPointsInc = 2.0f * RECOVER_SLOW_DOWN;

	//------ for units on ships --------//

	else if( unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_ON_SHIP )
		//--- if the ship where the unit is on is in the harbor, the unit recovers faster ---//

		if( unit_array[unit_mode_para]->unit_mode == UNIT_MODE_IN_HARBOR )
			hitPointsInc = 2.0f * RECOVER_SLOW_DOWN;
			hitPointsInc = 1.0f * RECOVER_SLOW_DOWN;

	//----- only recover when the unit is not moving -----//

	else if( cur_action == SPRITE_IDLE )
		hitPointsInc = 1.0f * RECOVER_SLOW_DOWN;
		hitPointsInc = 0;

	// --------- recovery bonus --------//

	if( hitPointsInc > 0.0f )
		// high max_hit_points recover faster

		hitPointsInc += RECOVER_SLOW_DOWN * max_hit_points() / 200;

	// ------- bonus from item  ---------//

	hitPointsInc += RECOVER_SLOW_DOWN * item.ability(ITEM_ABILITY_RECOVERY);

	//---------- recover now -----------//

	if( hitPointsInc > 0 )
		hit_points += hitPointsInc;

		if( hit_points > max_hit_points() )
	      hit_points = (float) max_hit_points();
Beispiel #10
//---------- Begin of function Firm::next_day --------//
void Firm::next_day()
	if( !nation_recno )

#ifdef DEBUG			//BUGHERE

	err_when( is_human() == (firm_id >= FIRM_LAIR && firm_id <= FIRM_MAGIC) );		// error when a human attempts to build a monster firm or a mosnter attempts to build a human firm

	//------ validate linked towns ------//

	int lastLinkedTown=0;

	for( int i=0 ; i<linked_town_count ; i++ )
		Town* townPtr = town_array[linked_town_array[i]];

		err_when( townPtr->town_recno == lastLinkedTown );

		lastLinkedTown = townPtr->town_recno;

		int j;
		for( j=0; j<townPtr->linked_firm_count ; j++ )
			if( townPtr->linked_firm_array[j] == firm_recno )

		err_when( j==townPtr->linked_firm_count );		// the link is brokwn, only one side has it


	//------ think about updating link status -------//
	// This part must be done here instead of in
	// process_ai() because it will be too late to do
	// it in process_ai() as the next_day() will call
	// first and some wrong goods may be input to markets.

	if( is_ai )
		if( info.game_date%30==firm_recno%30 || !ai_link_checked )	// once 30 days or when the link has been changed.
			ai_link_checked = 1;

	//-------- pay expenses ----------//


	//--------- repairing ----------//


	//------ catching spies -------//

	if( info.game_date%30 == firm_recno%30 )
		spy_array.catch_spy(SPY_FIRM, firm_recno);

	//--- recheck no_neighbor_space after a period, there may be new space available now ---//

	if( no_neighbor_space && info.game_date%180 == firm_recno%180 )
		short buildXLoc, buildYLoc;

		if( nation_array[nation_recno]->find_best_place_loc(FIRM_INN, loc_x1, loc_y1, buildXLoc, buildYLoc) )		// whether it's FIRM_INN or not really doesn't matter, just any firm type will do
			no_neighbor_space = 0;

	// ##### begin Gilbert 16/11 #######//
	// ------ reset active_link_town_recno if deleted --------//

	if( town_array.is_deleted(active_link_town_recno) )
		active_link_town_recno = 0;
	// ##### end Gilbert 16/11 #######//

	// ####### begin Gilbert 4/3 ########//

	// ------ clear rally destination if deleted -------//

	if( rally_enable_flag && rally_dest_base_obj_recno
		&& base_obj_array.is_deleted(rally_dest_base_obj_recno) )

	// ####### end Gilbert 4/3 ########//

	if( hit_points < (max_hit_points() * 0.1))
		if (misc.random(100) > 20)
			FirmDie firmDieFire1;
			firmDieFire1.init(this, 3, misc.random(100));
		if (misc.random(100) > 40)
			FirmDie firmDieFire2;
			firmDieFire2.init(this, 3, misc.random(100));
	//	if (misc.random(100) > 30)
	//		bullet_array.add_bullet(this, this);
	if( hit_points < (max_hit_points() * 0.3))
		if (misc.random(100) > 30)
			FirmDie firmDieFire3;
			firmDieFire3.init(this, 3, misc.random(100));
	//	if (misc.random(100) > 20)
	//		bullet_array.add_bullet(this, this);
Beispiel #11
//---------- Begin of function Firm::process_animation --------//
void Firm::process_animation()
   //-------- process animation ----------//

   FirmBuild* firmBuild  = firm_res.get_build(firm_build_id);
	FirmBitmap* firmBitmap;
   int frameCount = firmBuild->frame_count;
	int firstBitmap;
	int bitmapCount;

	if( hit_points < (max_hit_points() * 0.1))
		if (misc.random(100) > 65)
			int effectId = sprite_res.search_sprite( "FIRMDIE" );
			if( effectId )
					(loc_x1 + misc.random(20)%(loc_x2 -loc_x1 +1)) *LOCATE_WIDTH,
					(loc_y1 + misc.random(20)%(loc_y2 -loc_y1 +1)) *LOCATE_HEIGHT,
					SPRITE_DIE, 1, 2, 0); 
	if( hit_points < (max_hit_points() * 0.3))
		if (misc.random(100) > 80)
			int effectId = sprite_res.search_sprite( "FIRMDIE" );
			if( effectId )
					(loc_x1 + misc.random(20)%(loc_x2 -loc_x1 +1)) *LOCATE_WIDTH,
					(loc_y1 + misc.random(20)%(loc_y2 -loc_y1 +1)) *LOCATE_HEIGHT,
					SPRITE_DIE, 1, 2, 0);

   if( frameCount==1 )     // no animation for this firm

   //---------- next frame -----------//
	int aniPartCount = firmBuild->ani_part_count;
	for (int i = 0; i < aniPartCount ; i++)
		firm_remain_frame_delay[i] --;
		if (firm_remain_frame_delay[i] < 0)
			// animate_full_size only supports animation of looping
			// it does not support random animation and in fact
			// it is now only used for no animation buildings
			// but it support different frame different delay

			if( firmBuild->animate_full_size )
				if( ++firm_cur_frame[i] > frameCount )
					firm_cur_frame[i] = 1;
				firm_remain_frame_delay[i] = (char) firmBuild->frame_delay(firm_cur_frame[i]);
			// not animate_full_size supports animation of looping and
			// random animation and partial animation
			// however different frames of each parts must has same delay
				for ( int k=1; k <frameCount; k++ )
					firstBitmap = firmBuild->first_bitmap(k+1);
					bitmapCount = firmBuild->bitmap_count(k+1);

					int j;
					for ( j=0; j <bitmapCount; j++ )
						firmBitmap = firm_res.get_bitmap(firstBitmap + j);
						if( firmBitmap )
							if (firmBitmap->ani_part == (i + 1))
								// unlike the animate_full_size animation, it search starting
								// from the 2nd frame for bitmaps (since now 1 frame may has more 
								// than 1 bitmap) with same animation part no. of the currently
								// searching part no., i. This has no relationship with the 
								// current_frame. Then restore this animation part's delay and 
								// set its current_frame either randomly or sequentially
								firm_remain_frame_delay[i] = firmBitmap->delay;
								if (firmBitmap->random_flag)
									firm_cur_frame[i] = misc.random(100) % frameCount +1;
								if( ++firm_cur_frame[i] > frameCount )
									firm_cur_frame[i] = 1;
								if((firm_cur_frame[i] == 1) && !( firmBuild->use_first_frame ))
									firm_cur_frame[i] = 2;
					if (j < bitmapCount)
Beispiel #12
void Firm::sell_firm(char remoteAction)
	if( !remoteAction && remote.is_enable() )
		// packet structure : <firm recno>
		short *shortPtr = (short *)remote.new_send_queue_msg(MSG_FIRM_SELL, sizeof(short));
		*shortPtr = firm_recno;
	//------- sell at 50% of the original cost -------//

	Nation* nationPtr = nation_array[nation_recno];

	float sellIncome = (float) firm_res[firm_id]->setup_cost / 2 * (int) hit_points / (int) max_hit_points();
	float sellLiveIncome = (float) firm_res[firm_id]->setup_live_points_cost / 2 * (int) hit_points / (int) max_hit_points();

	nationPtr->add_income(INCOME_SELL_FIRM, sellIncome);

	if( nationPtr->is_monster() )
		nationPtr->change_live_points( sellLiveIncome );

	se_res.sound(center_x, center_y, 1, 'F', firm_id, "SELL" );

Beispiel #13
int Unit::think_general_flee()
	if( force_move_flag && cur_action != SPRITE_IDLE )		// the general is already fleeing now
		return 1;

	//------- if the general is alone --------//

	Nation* ownNation = nation_array[nation_recno];

	// When the general is alone and there is no assigned action OR
	// when the general is injured, the general will flee
	// back to its camp.

	if( ( team_info->member_count==0 && !cur_order.ai_action_id ) ||
		 hit_points < max_hit_points() * (75+ownNation->pref_military_courage/2) / 200 )		// 75 to 125 / 200
		// If the general is currently under attack, flee
		// to the nearest camp with the maximum protection.

		FirmCamp *firmCamp, *bestCamp=NULL;
		int	curRating, bestRating=0;
		int	curXLoc = next_x_loc(), curYLoc = next_y_loc();
		int	curRegionId = world.get_region_id( curXLoc, curYLoc );

		if( cur_action == SPRITE_ATTACK )
			for( int i=ownNation->ai_camp_count-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- )
				firmCamp = firm_array[ ownNation->ai_camp_array[i] ]->cast_to_FirmCamp();

				if( firmCamp->region_id != curRegionId )

				curRating = world.distance_rating( curXLoc, curYLoc,
								 firmCamp->center_x, firmCamp->center_y );

				if( curRating > bestRating )
					bestRating = curRating;
					bestCamp   = firmCamp;

		else if( home_camp_firm_recno )	// if there is a home for the general
			bestCamp = firm_array[home_camp_firm_recno]->cast_to_FirmCamp();


		if( bestCamp )
			if( bestCamp->overseer_recno )		// if there is already an overseer there, just move close to the camp for protection
				move( bestCamp->loc_x1, bestCamp->loc_y1 );

				if( config.ai_aggressiveness > OPTION_LOW )
					force_move_flag = 1;
				assign( bestCamp->loc_x1, bestCamp->loc_y1 );
		else	// if the general is neither under attack or has a home camp, then call the standard think_leader_action()

		return cur_action != SPRITE_IDLE;

	return 0;
Beispiel #14
//--------- Begin of function Unit::init ---------//
// <int> unitId               - the id. of the unit
// <int> nationRecno          - the recno of nation
// [int] rankId               - rank id. of the unit (none for non-human unit)
// [int] unitLoyalty          - loyalty of the unit  (none for non-human unit)
// [int] startXLoc, startYLoc - the starting location of the unit
//                              (if startXLoc < 0, this is a unit for hire, and is not a unit of the game yet. init_sprite() won't be called for this unit)
//                              (default: -1, -1)
// Note: sprite_recno must be initialized first before calling Unit::init()
void Unit::init(int unitId, int nationRecno, int rankId, int unitLoyalty, int startXLoc, int startYLoc)
	//------------ set basic vars -------------//

	nation_recno  = (char) nationRecno;
	rank_id       = rankId;       // rank_id must be initialized before init_unit_id() as init_unit_id() may overwrite it

	if( rank_id == RANK_GENERAL || rank_id == RANK_KING )
		err_when( team_info );
		team_info = (TeamInfo*) mem_add( sizeof(TeamInfo) );
		memset( team_info, 0, sizeof(TeamInfo) );


	race_id = (char) unit_res[unit_id]->race_id;

	//------- init unit name ---------//

	if( is_human() && unit_id != UNIT_WAGON )
		name_id = race_res[race_id]->get_new_name_id();
	else if( is_monster() )
		name_id = monster_res.get_new_name_id();
	else  //---- init non-human unit series no. ----//
		if( nation_recno )
			name_id = ++nation_array[nation_recno]->last_unit_name_id_array[unit_id-1];
			name_id = 0;

	// ###### begin Gilbert 23/2 ######//
	unique_id = misc.rand_long();
	// ###### end Gilbert 23/2 ######//

	//---------- init other vars ----------//

	err_when( unitLoyalty < 0 || unitLoyalty > 100 );

	loyalty = unitLoyalty;

	// ##### begin Gilbert 29/5 ########//
	if( is_die_after_attack() )
		// behavior_mode = UNIT_STAND_GROUND;		// bee die after attack, so don't waste his life
		behavior_mode = UNIT_DEFENSIVE;		// bee die after attack, so don't waste his life
		behavior_mode = UNIT_AGGRESSIVE;		// the default mode is aggressive
	// ##### end Gilbert 29/5 ########//

	//--------- init skill, and skill potential ---------//

	skill.init(unit_id, 100);

	hit_points = (float) max_hit_points();

	//------ initialize the base Sprite class -------//

	if( startXLoc >= 0 )
		init_sprite( startXLoc, startYLoc );
		cur_x = -1;

	//-------------- update loyalty -------------//


	//--------------- init AI info -------------//


	//----------- init derived class ----------//

