Beispiel #1
template<typename MatrixType> void matrixRedux(const MatrixType& m)
  typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index;
  typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
  typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;

  Index rows = m.rows();
  Index cols = m.cols();

  MatrixType m1 = MatrixType::Random(rows, cols);

  // The entries of m1 are uniformly distributed in [0,1], so is very small. This may lead to test
  // failures if we underflow into denormals. Thus, we scale so that entires are close to 1.
  MatrixType m1_for_prod = MatrixType::Ones(rows, cols) + Scalar(0.2) * m1;

  VERIFY_IS_MUCH_SMALLER_THAN(MatrixType::Zero(rows, cols).sum(), Scalar(1));
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(MatrixType::Ones(rows, cols).sum(), Scalar(float(rows*cols))); // the float() here to shut up excessive MSVC warning about int->complex conversion being lossy
  Scalar s(0), p(1), minc(internal::real(m1.coeff(0))), maxc(internal::real(m1.coeff(0)));
  for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
  for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
    s += m1(i,j);
    p *= m1_for_prod(i,j);
    minc = (std::min)(internal::real(minc), internal::real(m1(i,j)));
    maxc = (std::max)(internal::real(maxc), internal::real(m1(i,j)));
  const Scalar mean = s/Scalar(RealScalar(rows*cols));

  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.sum(), s);
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.mean(), mean);
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.real().minCoeff(), internal::real(minc));
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.real().maxCoeff(), internal::real(maxc));

  // test slice vectorization assuming assign is ok
  Index r0 = internal::random<Index>(0,rows-1);
  Index c0 = internal::random<Index>(0,cols-1);
  Index r1 = internal::random<Index>(r0+1,rows)-r0;
  Index c1 = internal::random<Index>(c0+1,cols)-c0;
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1).sum(), m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1).eval().sum());
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1).mean(), m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1).eval().mean());
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1_for_prod.block(r0,c0,r1,c1).prod(), m1_for_prod.block(r0,c0,r1,c1).eval().prod());
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1).real().minCoeff(), m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1).real().eval().minCoeff());
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1).real().maxCoeff(), m1.block(r0,c0,r1,c1).real().eval().maxCoeff());
  // test empty objects
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.block(r0,c0,0,0).sum(),   Scalar(0));
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.block(r0,c0,0,0).prod(),  Scalar(1));
Beispiel #2
cv::Mat performSuperpixelSegmentation_VariableSandM(std::vector<std::vector<double> > &kseeds, std::vector<double> &kseedsx, std::vector<double> &kseedsy, const std::vector<cv::Mat> &vec, const cv::Size &size, const int &STEP, const int &NUMITR = 10) {
    int sz = size.width*size.height;
	const int numk = (int) kseedsx.size();
	int numitr = 0;
	int offset = (STEP < 10) ? STEP*1.5 : STEP;
    cv::Mat klabels = cv::Mat(size, cv::DataType<int>::type);
    klabels = -1;
    std::vector<std::vector<double> > sigmac(0);
    for (int c = 0; c < vec.size(); c++) {
        sigmac.push_back(std::vector<double>(numk, 0));
    std::vector<double> sigmax(numk, 0);
    std::vector<double> sigmay(numk, 0);
    std::vector<int> clustersize(numk, 0);
    std::vector<double> inv(numk, 0);//to store 1/clustersize[k] values
    std::vector<double> distxy(sz, DBL_MAX);
    std::vector<double> distc(sz, DBL_MAX);
    std::vector<double> distvec(sz, DBL_MAX);
    std::vector<double> maxc(numk, 10*10);//THIS IS THE VARIABLE VALUE OF M, just start with 10
    std::vector<double> maxxy(numk, STEP*STEP);//THIS IS THE VARIABLE VALUE OF M, just start with 10
	double invxywt = 1.0/(STEP*STEP);//NOTE: this is different from how usual SLIC/LKM works
	while( numitr < NUMITR )
		//cumerr = 0;
		distvec.assign(sz, DBL_MAX);
		for( int n = 0; n < numk; n++ )
			int y1 = std::max(double(0), kseedsy[n]-offset);
			int y2 = std::min(double(size.height),	kseedsy[n]+offset);
			int x1 = std::max(double(0), kseedsx[n]-offset);
			int x2 = std::min(double(size.width),	kseedsx[n]+offset);
			for( int y = y1; y < y2; y++ )
				for( int x = x1; x < x2; x++ )
					int i = y*size.width + x;
					if( !(y < size.height && x < size.width && y >= 0 && x >= 0) ) {
                        throw cv::Exception();
					distc[i] =	0;
                    for (int c = 0; c < vec.size(); c++) {
                        distc[i] += (vec[c].ptr<double>()[i] - kseeds[c][n]) * (vec[c].ptr<double>()[i] - kseeds[c][n]);
					distxy[i] =		(x - kseedsx[n])*(x - kseedsx[n]) + (y - kseedsy[n])*(y - kseedsy[n]);
					double dist = distc[i]/maxc[n] + distxy[i]*invxywt;//only varying m, prettier superpixels
					if( dist < distvec[i] )
						distvec[i] = dist;
						klabels.ptr<int>()[i]  = n;
		// Assign the max color distance for a cluster
		if(0 == numitr)
		{for( int i = 0; i < sz; i++ )
			if(maxc[klabels.ptr<int>()[i]] < distc[i]) maxc[klabels.ptr<int>()[i]] = distc[i];
			if(maxxy[klabels.ptr<int>()[i]] < distxy[i]) maxxy[klabels.ptr<int>()[i]] = distxy[i];
		// Recalculate the centroid and store in the seed values
        for (int c = 0; c < sigmac.size(); c++) {
            sigmac[c].assign(numk, 0);
		sigmax.assign(numk, 0);
		sigmay.assign(numk, 0);
		clustersize.assign(numk, 0);
		for( int j = 0; j < sz; j++ )
			if(!(klabels.ptr<int>()[j] >= 0))
                throw cv::Exception();
            for (int c = 0; c < sigmac.size(); c++) {
                sigmac[c][klabels.ptr<int>()[j]] += vec[c].ptr<double>()[j];
			sigmax[klabels.ptr<int>()[j]] += (j%size.width);
			sigmay[klabels.ptr<int>()[j]] += (j/size.width);
		{for( int k = 0; k < numk; k++ )
			if( clustersize[k] <= 0 ) clustersize[k] = 1;
			inv[k] = 1.0/double(clustersize[k]);//computing inverse now to multiply, than divide later
		{for( int k = 0; k < numk; k++ )
            for (int c = 0; c < kseeds.size(); c++) {
                kseeds[c][k] = sigmac[c][k] * inv[k];
			kseedsx[k] = sigmax[k]*inv[k];
			kseedsy[k] = sigmay[k]*inv[k];
    return klabels;
TEST(AggregateTests, SortedSumMaxGroupByTest) {
   * SELECT a, SUM(b), MAX(c) from table GROUP BY a;
  const int tuple_count = TESTS_TUPLES_PER_TILEGROUP;

  // Create a table and wrap it in logical tiles
  auto &txn_manager = concurrency::TransactionManager::GetInstance();
  auto txn = txn_manager.BeginTransaction();
  auto txn_id = txn->GetTransactionId();
  std::unique_ptr<storage::DataTable> data_table(
      ExecutorTestsUtil::CreateTable(tuple_count, false));

  ExecutorTestsUtil::PopulateTable(txn, data_table.get(), 2 * tuple_count, false,
                                   false, true);

  std::unique_ptr<executor::LogicalTile> source_logical_tile1(

  std::unique_ptr<executor::LogicalTile> source_logical_tile2(

  // (1-5) Setup plan node

  // 1) Set up group-by columns
  std::vector<oid_t> group_by_columns = {0};

  // 2) Set up project info
  planner::ProjectInfo::DirectMapList direct_map_list = {
      {0, {0, 0}}, {1, {1, 0}}, {2, {1, 1}}};

  auto proj_info = new planner::ProjectInfo(planner::ProjectInfo::TargetList(),

  // 3) Set up unique aggregates
  std::vector<planner::AggregatePlan::AggTerm> agg_terms;
  planner::AggregatePlan::AggTerm sumb(EXPRESSION_TYPE_AGGREGATE_SUM,
                                       expression::TupleValueFactory(0, 1));
  planner::AggregatePlan::AggTerm maxc(EXPRESSION_TYPE_AGGREGATE_MAX,
                                       expression::TupleValueFactory(0, 2));

  // 4) Set up predicate (empty)
  expression::AbstractExpression* predicate = nullptr;

  // 5) Create output table schema
  auto data_table_schema = data_table.get()->GetSchema();
  std::vector<oid_t> set = {0, 1, 2};
  std::vector<catalog::Column> columns;
  for (auto column_index : set) {
  auto output_table_schema = new catalog::Schema(columns);

  // OK) Create the plan node
  planner::AggregatePlan node(proj_info, predicate, std::move(agg_terms),
                              std::move(group_by_columns), output_table_schema,

  // Create and set up executor
  auto txn2 = txn_manager.BeginTransaction();
  std::unique_ptr<executor::ExecutorContext> context(
      new executor::ExecutorContext(txn2));

  executor::AggregateExecutor executor(&node, context.get());
  MockExecutor child_executor;

  EXPECT_CALL(child_executor, DInit()).WillOnce(Return(true));

  EXPECT_CALL(child_executor, DExecute())

  EXPECT_CALL(child_executor, GetOutput())




  /* Verify result */
  std::unique_ptr<executor::LogicalTile> result_tile(executor.GetOutput());
  EXPECT_TRUE(result_tile.get() != nullptr);
  EXPECT_TRUE(result_tile->GetValue(0, 0)
  EXPECT_TRUE(result_tile->GetValue(0, 1)
  EXPECT_TRUE(result_tile->GetValue(0, 2)

  EXPECT_TRUE(result_tile->GetValue(1, 0)
Beispiel #4
template<typename VectorType> void vectorRedux(const VectorType& w)
  typedef typename VectorType::Index Index;
  typedef typename VectorType::Scalar Scalar;
  typedef typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real RealScalar;
  Index size = w.size();

  VectorType v = VectorType::Random(size);
  VectorType v_for_prod = VectorType::Ones(size) + Scalar(0.2) * v; // see comment above declaration of m1_for_prod

  for(int i = 1; i < size; i++)
    Scalar s(0), p(1);
    RealScalar minc(internal::real(v.coeff(0))), maxc(internal::real(v.coeff(0)));
    for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
      s += v[j];
      p *= v_for_prod[j];
      minc = (std::min)(minc, internal::real(v[j]));
      maxc = (std::max)(maxc, internal::real(v[j]));
    VERIFY_IS_MUCH_SMALLER_THAN(internal::abs(s - v.head(i).sum()), Scalar(1));
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(p, v_for_prod.head(i).prod());
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, v.real().head(i).minCoeff());
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, v.real().head(i).maxCoeff());

  for(int i = 0; i < size-1; i++)
    Scalar s(0), p(1);
    RealScalar minc(internal::real(v.coeff(i))), maxc(internal::real(v.coeff(i)));
    for(int j = i; j < size; j++)
      s += v[j];
      p *= v_for_prod[j];
      minc = (std::min)(minc, internal::real(v[j]));
      maxc = (std::max)(maxc, internal::real(v[j]));
    VERIFY_IS_MUCH_SMALLER_THAN(internal::abs(s - v.tail(size-i).sum()), Scalar(1));
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(p, v_for_prod.tail(size-i).prod());
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, v.real().tail(size-i).minCoeff());
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, v.real().tail(size-i).maxCoeff());

  for(int i = 0; i < size/2; i++)
    Scalar s(0), p(1);
    RealScalar minc(internal::real(v.coeff(i))), maxc(internal::real(v.coeff(i)));
    for(int j = i; j < size-i; j++)
      s += v[j];
      p *= v_for_prod[j];
      minc = (std::min)(minc, internal::real(v[j]));
      maxc = (std::max)(maxc, internal::real(v[j]));
    VERIFY_IS_MUCH_SMALLER_THAN(internal::abs(s - v.segment(i, size-2*i).sum()), Scalar(1));
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(p, v_for_prod.segment(i, size-2*i).prod());
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(minc, v.real().segment(i, size-2*i).minCoeff());
    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(maxc, v.real().segment(i, size-2*i).maxCoeff());
  // test empty objects
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(v.head(0).sum(),   Scalar(0));
  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(v.tail(0).prod(),  Scalar(1));