Beispiel #1
static gboolean
mc_config_new_or_override_file (mc_config_t * mc_config, const gchar * ini_path, GError ** mcerror)
    gchar *data, *written_data;
    gsize len, total_written;
    gboolean ret;
    int fd;
    ssize_t cur_written;
    vfs_path_t *ini_vpath;

    mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE);

    data = g_key_file_to_data (mc_config->handle, &len, NULL);
    if (!exist_file (ini_path))
        ret = g_file_set_contents (ini_path, data, len, mcerror);
        g_free (data);
        return ret;

    mc_util_make_backup_if_possible (ini_path, "~");

    ini_vpath = vfs_path_from_str (ini_path);
    fd = mc_open (ini_vpath, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0);
    vfs_path_free (ini_vpath);

    if (fd == -1)
        mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", unix_error_string (errno));
        g_free (data);
        return FALSE;

    for (written_data = data, total_written = len;
         (cur_written = mc_write (fd, (const void *) written_data, total_written)) > 0;
         written_data += cur_written, total_written -= cur_written)
    mc_close (fd);
    g_free (data);

    if (cur_written == -1)
        mc_util_restore_from_backup_if_possible (ini_path, "~");
        mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s", unix_error_string (errno));
        return FALSE;

    mc_util_unlink_backup_if_possible (ini_path, "~");
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
mc_skin_init (const gchar * skin_override, GError ** mcerror)
    gboolean is_good_init = TRUE;

    mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE);

    mc_skin__default.have_256_colors = FALSE; =
        skin_override != NULL ? g_strdup (skin_override) : mc_skin_get_default_name ();

    mc_skin__default.colors = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                                     g_free, mc_skin_hash_destroy_value);
    if (!mc_skin_ini_file_load (&mc_skin__default))
        mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0,
                            _("Unable to load '%s' skin.\nDefault skin has been loaded"),
        mc_skin_try_to_load_default ();
        is_good_init = FALSE;
    mc_skin_colors_old_configure (&mc_skin__default);

    if (!mc_skin_ini_file_parse (&mc_skin__default))
        mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0,
                            _("Unable to parse '%s' skin.\nDefault skin has been loaded"),

        mc_skin_try_to_load_default ();
        mc_skin_colors_old_configure (&mc_skin__default);
        (void) mc_skin_ini_file_parse (&mc_skin__default);
        is_good_init = FALSE;
    if (is_good_init && !tty_use_256colors () && mc_skin__default.have_256_colors)
        mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0,
                            ("Unable to use '%s' skin with 256 colors support\non non-256 colors terminal.\nDefault skin has been loaded"),
        mc_skin_try_to_load_default ();
        mc_skin_colors_old_configure (&mc_skin__default);
        (void) mc_skin_ini_file_parse (&mc_skin__default);
        is_good_init = FALSE;
    mc_skin_is_init = TRUE;
    return is_good_init;
Beispiel #3
mc_pread (mc_pipe_t * p, GError ** error)
    gboolean read_out, read_err;
    fd_set fds;
    int maxfd = 0;
    int res;

    if (error != NULL)
        *error = NULL;

    read_out = p->out.fd >= 0 && p->out.len > 0;
    read_err = p->err.fd >= 0 && p->err.len > 0;

    if (!read_out && !read_err)
        p->out.len = MC_PIPE_STREAM_UNREAD;
        p->err.len = MC_PIPE_STREAM_UNREAD;

    FD_ZERO (&fds);
    if (read_out)
        FD_SET (p->out.fd, &fds);
        maxfd = p->out.fd;

    if (read_err)
        FD_SET (p->err.fd, &fds);
        maxfd = max (maxfd, p->err.fd);

    /* no timeout */
    res = select (maxfd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (res < 0 && errno != EINTR)
        mc_propagate_error (error, MC_PIPE_ERROR_READ,
                            ("Unexpected error in select() reading data from a child process:\n%s"),
                            unix_error_string (errno));

    if (read_out)
        mc_pread_stream (&p->out, &fds);
        p->out.len = MC_PIPE_STREAM_UNREAD;

    if (read_err)
        mc_pread_stream (&p->err, &fds);
        p->err.len = MC_PIPE_STREAM_UNREAD;
Beispiel #4
sftpfs_ssherror_to_gliberror (sftpfs_super_data_t * super_data, int libssh_errno, GError ** mcerror)
    char *err = NULL;
    int err_len;

    mc_return_if_error (mcerror);

    libssh2_session_last_error (super_data->session, &err, &err_len, 1);
    mc_propagate_error (mcerror, libssh_errno, "%s", err);
    g_free (err);
Beispiel #5
mc_event_init (GError ** mcerror)
    mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE);

    if (mc_event_grouplist != NULL)
        mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 1, "%s", _("Event system already initialized"));
        return FALSE;

    mc_event_grouplist =
        g_tree_new_full ((GCompareDataFunc) g_ascii_strcasecmp,
                         NULL, (GDestroyNotify) g_free, (GDestroyNotify) g_tree_destroy);

    if (mc_event_grouplist == NULL)
        mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 2, "%s", _("Failed to initialize event system"));
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #6
mc_event_deinit (GError ** mcerror)
    mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE);

    if (mc_event_grouplist == NULL)
        mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 3, "%s", _("Event system not initialized"));
        return FALSE;

    g_tree_destroy (mc_event_grouplist);
    mc_event_grouplist = NULL;
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #7
sftpfs_read_file (vfs_file_handler_t * file_handler, char *buffer, size_t count, GError ** mcerror)
    ssize_t rc;
    sftpfs_file_handler_data_t *file_handler_data;
    sftpfs_super_data_t *super_data;

    mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, -1);

    if (file_handler == NULL || file_handler->data == NULL)
        mc_propagate_error (mcerror, -1, "%s",
                            _("sftp: No file handler data present for reading file"));
        return -1;

    file_handler_data = file_handler->data;
    super_data = (sftpfs_super_data_t *) file_handler->ino->super->data;

        rc = libssh2_sftp_read (file_handler_data->handle, buffer, count);
        if (rc >= 0)

        if (rc != LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN)
            sftpfs_ssherror_to_gliberror (super_data, rc, mcerror);
            return -1;

        sftpfs_waitsocket (super_data, mcerror);
        mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, -1);
    while (rc == LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN);

    file_handler->pos = (off_t) libssh2_sftp_tell64 (file_handler_data->handle);

    return rc;
Beispiel #8
mc_setup_by_args (int argc, char **argv, GError ** mcerror)
    const char *base;
    char *tmp;

    mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE);

    if (mc_args__force_colors)
        mc_global.tty.disable_colors = FALSE;

    if (mc_args__nouse_subshell)
        mc_global.tty.use_subshell = FALSE;
#endif /* ENABLE_SUBSHELL */

    if (mc_args__debug_level != 0)
        smbfs_set_debug (mc_args__debug_level);
#endif /* ENABLE_VFS_SMB */

    if (mc_args__netfs_logfile != NULL)
        vfs_path_t *vpath;
        vpath = vfs_path_from_str ("ftp://");
        mc_setctl (vpath, VFS_SETCTL_LOGFILE, (void *) mc_args__netfs_logfile);
        vfs_path_free (vpath);
#endif /* ENABLE_VFS_FTP */
        vpath = vfs_path_from_str ("smb://");
        mc_setctl (vpath, VFS_SETCTL_LOGFILE, (void *) mc_args__netfs_logfile);
        vfs_path_free (vpath);
#endif /* ENABLE_VFS_SMB */
        (void) vpath;

    base = x_basename (argv[0]);
    tmp = (argc > 0) ? argv[1] : NULL;

    if (strncmp (base, "mce", 3) == 0 || strcmp (base, "vi") == 0)
        /* mce* or vi is link to mc */
        mc_global.mc_run_mode = MC_RUN_EDITOR;
    else if (strncmp (base, "mcv", 3) == 0 || strcmp (base, "view") == 0)
        /* mcv* or view is link to mc */
        mc_global.mc_run_mode = MC_RUN_VIEWER;
    else if (strncmp (base, "mcd", 3) == 0 || strcmp (base, "diff") == 0)
        /* mcd* or diff is link to mc */
        mc_global.mc_run_mode = MC_RUN_DIFFVIEWER;
#endif /* USE_DIFF_VIEW */

    switch (mc_global.mc_run_mode)
    case MC_RUN_EDITOR:
        mc_run_param0 = parse_mcedit_arguments (argc - 1, &argv[1]);

    case MC_RUN_VIEWER:
        if (tmp == NULL)
            mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s\n", _("No arguments given to the viewer."));
            return FALSE;

        mc_run_param0 = g_strdup (tmp);

        if (argc < 3)
            mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s\n",
                                _("Two files are required to envoke the diffviewer."));
            return FALSE;
        /* fallthrough */
#endif /* USE_DIFF_VIEW */

    case MC_RUN_FULL:
        /* set the current dir and the other dir for filemanager,
           or two files for diff viewer */
        if (tmp != NULL)
            mc_run_param0 = g_strdup (tmp);
            tmp = (argc > 1) ? argv[2] : NULL;
            if (tmp != NULL)
                mc_run_param1 = g_strdup (tmp);

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #9
mc_args_parse (int *argc, char ***argv, const char *translation_domain, GError ** mcerror)
    const gchar *_system_codepage;
    gboolean ok = TRUE;

    mc_return_val_if_error (mcerror, FALSE);

    _system_codepage = str_detect_termencoding ();

    if (!str_isutf8 (_system_codepage))
        bind_textdomain_codeset ("mc", "UTF-8");

    context = g_option_context_new (mc_args_add_usage_info ());

    g_option_context_set_ignore_unknown_options (context, FALSE);

    mc_args_add_extended_info_to_help ();

    main_group = g_option_group_new ("main", _("Main options"), _("Main options"), NULL, NULL);

    g_option_group_add_entries (main_group, argument_main_table);
    g_option_context_set_main_group (context, main_group);
    g_option_group_set_translation_domain (main_group, translation_domain);

    terminal_group = g_option_group_new ("terminal", _("Terminal options"),
                                         _("Terminal options"), NULL, NULL);

    g_option_group_add_entries (terminal_group, argument_terminal_table);
    g_option_context_add_group (context, terminal_group);
    g_option_group_set_translation_domain (terminal_group, translation_domain);

    color_group = mc_args_new_color_group ();

    g_option_group_add_entries (color_group, argument_color_table);
    g_option_context_add_group (context, color_group);
    g_option_group_set_translation_domain (color_group, translation_domain);

    if (!g_option_context_parse (context, argc, argv, mcerror))
        if (*mcerror == NULL)
            mc_propagate_error (mcerror, 0, "%s\n", _("Arguments parse error!"));
            gchar *help_str;

            help_str = g_option_context_get_help (context, TRUE, NULL);

            if (str_isutf8 (_system_codepage))
                mc_replace_error (mcerror, (*mcerror)->code, "%s\n\n%s\n", (*mcerror)->message,
                gchar *full_help_str;

                full_help_str =
                    mc_args__convert_help_to_syscharset (_system_codepage, (*mcerror)->message,
                mc_replace_error (mcerror, (*mcerror)->code, "%s", full_help_str);
                g_free (full_help_str);
            g_free (help_str);

        ok = FALSE;

    g_option_context_free (context);
    mc_args_clean_temp_help_strings ();

    if (!str_isutf8 (_system_codepage))
        bind_textdomain_codeset ("mc", _system_codepage);

    return ok;
Beispiel #10
Datei: main.c Projekt: V07D/mc
main (int argc, char *argv[])
    GError *mcerror = NULL;
    gboolean config_migrated = FALSE;
    char *config_migrate_msg;
    int exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;

    mc_global.timer = mc_timer_new ();

    /* We had LC_CTYPE before, LC_ALL includs LC_TYPE as well */
    (void) setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
    (void) bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
    (void) textdomain (PACKAGE);

    /* do this before args parsing */
    str_init_strings (NULL);

    if (!mc_args_parse (&argc, &argv, "mc", &mcerror))
        fprintf (stderr, _("Failed to run:\n%s\n"), mcerror->message);
        g_error_free (mcerror);
        g_free (;
        str_uninit_strings ();
        mc_timer_destroy (mc_global.timer);
        return exit_code;

    /* do this before mc_args_show_info () to view paths in the --datadir-info output */
    OS_Setup ();

    if (!g_path_is_absolute (mc_config_get_home_dir ()))
        mc_propagate_error (&mcerror, 0, "%s: %s", _("Home directory path is not absolute"),
                            mc_config_get_home_dir ());
        mc_event_deinit (NULL);
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    if (!mc_args_show_info ())
        exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        goto startup_exit_ok;

    if (!events_init (&mcerror))
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    mc_config_init_config_paths (&mcerror);
    config_migrated = mc_config_migrate_from_old_place (&mcerror, &config_migrate_msg);
    if (mcerror != NULL)
        mc_event_deinit (NULL);
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    vfs_init ();
    vfs_plugins_init ();

    load_setup ();

    /* Must be done after load_setup because depends on mc_global.vfs.cd_symlinks */
    vfs_setup_work_dir ();

    /* Resolve the other_dir panel option. Must be done after vfs_setup_work_dir */
        char *buffer;
        vfs_path_t *vpath;

        buffer = mc_config_get_string (mc_panels_config, "Dirs", "other_dir", ".");
        vpath = vfs_path_from_str (buffer);
        if (vfs_file_is_local (vpath))
            saved_other_dir = buffer;
            g_free (buffer);
        vfs_path_free (vpath);

    /* Set up temporary directory after VFS initialization */
    mc_tmpdir ();

    /* do this after vfs initialization and vfs working directory setup
       due to mc_setctl() and mcedit_arg_vpath_new() calls in mc_setup_by_args() */
    if (!mc_setup_by_args (argc, argv, &mcerror))
        vfs_shut ();
        done_setup ();
        g_free (saved_other_dir);
        mc_event_deinit (NULL);
        goto startup_exit_falure;

    /* check terminal type
     * $TEMR must be set and not empty
     * mc_global.tty.xterm_flag is used in init_key() and tty_init()
     * Do this after mc_args_handle() where mc_args__force_xterm is set up.
    mc_global.tty.xterm_flag = tty_check_term (mc_args__force_xterm);

    /* NOTE: This has to be called before tty_init or whatever routine
       calls any define_sequence */
    init_key ();

    /* Must be done before installing the SIGCHLD handler [[FIXME]] */
    handle_console (CONSOLE_INIT);

    /* Don't use subshell when invoked as viewer or editor */
    if (mc_global.mc_run_mode != MC_RUN_FULL)
        mc_global.tty.use_subshell = FALSE;

    if (mc_global.tty.use_subshell)
        subshell_get_console_attributes ();
#endif /* ENABLE_SUBSHELL */

    /* Install the SIGCHLD handler; must be done before init_subshell() */
    init_sigchld ();

    /* We need this, since ncurses endwin () doesn't restore the signals */
    save_stop_handler ();

    /* Must be done before init_subshell, to set up the terminal size: */
    /* FIXME: Should be removed and LINES and COLS computed on subshell */
    tty_init (!mc_args__nomouse, mc_global.tty.xterm_flag);

    /* start check mc_global.display_codepage and mc_global.source_codepage */
    check_codeset ();

    /* Removing this from the X code let's us type C-c */
    load_key_defs ();

    load_keymap_defs (!mc_args__nokeymap);

    macros_list = g_array_new (TRUE, FALSE, sizeof (macros_t));

    tty_init_colors (mc_global.tty.disable_colors, mc_args__force_colors);

    mc_skin_init (NULL, &mcerror);
    dlg_set_default_colors ();
    input_set_default_colors ();
    if (mc_global.mc_run_mode == MC_RUN_FULL)
        command_set_default_colors ();

    mc_error_message (&mcerror);

    /* Done here to ensure that the subshell doesn't  */
    /* inherit the file descriptors opened below, etc */
    if (mc_global.tty.use_subshell)
        init_subshell ();
#endif /* ENABLE_SUBSHELL */

    /* Also done after init_subshell, to save any shell init file messages */
    if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0')
        handle_console (CONSOLE_SAVE);

    if (mc_global.tty.alternate_plus_minus)
        application_keypad_mode ();

    /* Done after subshell initialization to allow select and paste text by mouse
       w/o Shift button in subshell in the native console */
    init_mouse ();

    /* Done after do_enter_ca_mode (tty_init) because in VTE bracketed mode is
       separate for the normal and alternate screens */
    enable_bracketed_paste ();

    /* subshell_prompt is NULL here */
    mc_prompt = (geteuid () == 0) ? "# " : "$ ";

    if (config_migrated)
        message (D_ERROR, _("Warning"), "%s", config_migrate_msg);
        g_free (config_migrate_msg);

    /* Program main loop */
    if (mc_global.midnight_shutdown)
        exit_code = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        exit_code = do_nc ()? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;

    /* Save the tree store */
    (void) tree_store_save ();

    free_keymap_defs ();

    /* Virtual File System shutdown */
    vfs_shut ();

    flush_extension_file ();    /* does only free memory */

    mc_skin_deinit ();
    tty_colors_done ();

    tty_shutdown ();

    done_setup ();

    if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0' && (quit & SUBSHELL_EXIT) == 0)
        handle_console (CONSOLE_RESTORE);
    if (mc_global.tty.alternate_plus_minus)
        numeric_keypad_mode ();

    (void) signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);   /* Disable the SIGCHLD handler */

    if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0')
        handle_console (CONSOLE_DONE);

    if (mc_global.mc_run_mode == MC_RUN_FULL && mc_args__last_wd_file != NULL
        && last_wd_string != NULL && !print_last_revert)
        int last_wd_fd;

        last_wd_fd = open (mc_args__last_wd_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL,
                           S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
        if (last_wd_fd != -1)
            ssize_t ret1;
            int ret2;
            ret1 = write (last_wd_fd, last_wd_string, strlen (last_wd_string));
            ret2 = close (last_wd_fd);
            (void) ret1;
            (void) ret2;
    g_free (last_wd_string);

    g_free (;

    done_key ();

    if (macros_list != NULL)
        guint i;
        for (i = 0; i < macros_list->len; i++)
            macros_t *macros;

            macros = &g_array_index (macros_list, struct macros_t, i);
            if (macros != NULL && macros->macro != NULL)
                (void) g_array_free (macros->macro, FALSE);
        (void) g_array_free (macros_list, TRUE);