void *melp_rec(void)
    int length, frame,count, melp_file_count;
    int eof_reached = 0;
    //int num_frames = 0;

    //short speech_in[11];
    short speech_out[FRM];

    unsigned char enc_speech[11];

    FILE *fp_in, *fp_out;
    melp_file_count = 0;

    printf("\n1.2 kb/s Proposed Federal Standard MELP speech coder by Jawad\n");
    printf("  C simulation, version 1.0\n\n");
    while (1)

        melp_file_count = melp_file_count + 1;
        if(melp_file_count % 2 == 1)
            fp_in = fopen("out1.bit" ,"rb");
            fp_out = fopen("record0.raw","wb");
            fp_in = fopen("out2.bit" ,"rb");
            fp_out = fopen("record1.raw","wb");

        eof_reached = 0;

        while (eof_reached == 0)
            length = fread(&enc_speech,sizeof(char),11,fp_in);

            melpe_s(speech_out, enc_speech);


            ///if (length < FRAME)
            if (length < 11)
                eof_reached = 1;
                printf("eof reached \n");

        eof_reached = 0;

Beispiel #2
//receiving loop: grab 48KHz baseband samples from Line,
//demodulate, decrypt, decode, play 8KHz voice over Speaker
int rx(int typing)
 //input: -1 for no typing chars, 1 - exist some chars in input buffer
 //output: 0 - no any jobs doing, 1 - some jobs were doing
 int i;
 float f;
 int job=0; //flag of any job were doing 
 char lag_flag=0; //block lag is locked (modems synchronization complete)
 //char lock_flag=0; //phase of carrier (1333Hz, 6 samples per period) is locked
 //char sync_flag=0; //the difference of frequency transmitter-to-receiver sampling rate is locked
 //char current_lag=0;  //block lag (0-90, aligned to last bit position, the 6 samples for bit)

 char info[8]={0}; //call info

 //regularly play Speaker's buffer
 job=playjit(); //the first try to play a tail of samples in buffer
 //check for we have enough samples for demodulation
 if(cnt<180*6) //check we haven't enough of unprocessed samples
  //move tail to start of receiving buffer
  if(samples>speech) //check for tail
   for(i=0; i<cnt; i++) speech[i]=samples[i]; //move tail to start of buffer
   samples=speech; //set pointer to start of buffer
  i=_soundgrab((char*)(samples+cnt), 180*6);  //try to grab new 48KHZ samples from Line

  if((i>0)&&(i<=(180*6))) //some samples grabbed
   cnt+=i;  //add grabbed  samples to account
   job+=4;  //set job
 else //we have enough samples for processing
  i=Demodulate(samples, buf); //process samples: 36*6 (35-37)*6 samples
  samples+=i; //move pointer to next samples (with frequency adjusting)
  cnt-=i; //decrease the number of unprocessed samples
  if(0x80&buf[11]) //checks flag for output data block is ready
   //check for synck and averages BER
   lag_flag=!(!(buf[11]&0x40)); //block lag is locked (synchronization compleet)
   //lock_flag=!(!(buf[11]&0x20)); //phaze of carrier (1333Hz, 6 samples per period) is locked
   //sync_flag=!(!(buf[11]&0x10)); //the differency of frequency transmitter-to-receiver sampling rate is locked
   //current_lag=buf[10]>>1;  //block lag (0-90, aligned to last bit position, the 6 samples for bit)
   if(lag_flag) //check modem sync
    //averages BER
    i=(0x0F&buf[11]); //count symbols errors (only 1 error per 9-bit symbol can be detected)
    fber*=0.99; //fber in range 0-900
    fber+=i;  //in range 0-9 errored bits per 90 bits treceived
   //output statistics
   if(typing<0) //output call's info if no characters were typed by user
    f=Mute(0);   //get packets counter value
    i=State(0); //get current connection step * vad flag 
	//notification of state and voice output 
    if(!i) strcpy(info, (char*)"IDLE"); 
    else if(abs(i)<8) strcpy(info, (char*)"CALL");  
    else if(f<=0) strcpy(info, (char*)"MUTE");
    else if(i<0) strcpy(info, (char*)"PAUS");
    else strcpy(info, (char*)"TALK");

    if(f<0) f=-f; //absolute value
    i=f*0.0675; //computes total time of the call in sec: each packet 67,5 ms

    f=fau/4-100; //computes authentification level in %
    if(f<0) f=0; //only positive results have reason
    //current state notification
    if(lag_flag) printf("%s %dmin %dsec BER:%0.02f AU:%d%%\r", info, i/60, i%60, fber/90, (int)f);
    else printf("%s %dmin %dsec BER:---- AU:%d%%\r", info, i/60, i%60, (int)f); //lost of sync in modem

   //process received packet detects voice/silence type
   buf[11]=0xFE; //set flag default as for silence descriptor
   if(lag_flag) //check modem sync
    i=ProcessPkt(buf);  //decode received packet
    if(i>=0) //received packet is a control type
     fau*=0.99;  //fau in range 0-800 (400 for random data)
     fau+=i; //averages authentication level
    else if(i==-3) 
	 buf[11]=0xFF; //set flag for voice data received 
   } //end of sync ok, packets processing
  } //end of data block received
 } //end of a portion of sampless processing

 //check we have received data and output buffer is empty for decoding
  //decode voice data or set silency
  job+=16; //set job
  if(1&buf[11]) //this is a voice frame, decode it
   melpe_s(sp, buf); //decode 81 bits in 11 bytes to 540 8KHz samples 
  else memset(sp, 0, 1080); //or output 67.5 mS of silence
  buf[11]=0; //clears flag: data buffer is processed

  //computes average playing delay
  i=getdelay()+l_jit_buf; //total number of unplayed samples in buffers
  fdelay*=0.9; //averages
  //computes optimal resapling ratio for the optimum delay
  f=fabs(fdelay/10-720)/10000000; //correction rate due inconsistency
  if(i<360) qff-=f;  //adjust current ratio
  else if(i>1080) qff+=f;
  if(qff<0.888) qff=0.888; //restrictions
  else if(qff>1.142) qff=1.142;

  //resample and play to Headset
  if(l_jit_buf>180) l_jit_buf=0; //prevent overflow
  l_jit_buf+=resample(sp, jit_buf+l_jit_buf, qff); //resample buffer for playing
  playjit(); //immediately try to play buffer
 return job;