/*! Connect to Romeo robot, grab, display images using ViSP and start face detection with Okao library running on the robot. By default, this example connect to a robot with ip address: */ int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { try { std::string opt_ip = "";; if (argc == 3) { if (std::string(argv[1]) == "--ip") opt_ip = argv[2]; } vpNaoqiGrabber g; if (! opt_ip.empty()) g.setRobotIp(opt_ip); g.setCamera(0); g.open(); vpImage<unsigned char> I(g.getHeight(), g.getWidth()); vpDisplayX d(I); vpDisplay::setTitle(I, "ViSP viewer"); // Open Proxy for the speech AL::ALTextToSpeechProxy tts(opt_ip, 9559); tts.setLanguage("English"); std::string phraseToSay = "Hi!"; // int id = tts.post.say(phraseToSay); // tts.wait(id,2000); // Open Face detection proxy AL::ALFaceDetectionProxy df(opt_ip, 9559); // Start the face recognition engine const int period = 1; df.subscribe("Face", period, 0.0); AL::ALMemoryProxy memProxy(opt_ip, 9559); float mImageHeight = g.getHeight(); float mImageWidth = g.getWidth(); std::vector<std::string> names; while (1) { g.acquire(I); vpDisplay::display(I); AL::ALValue result = memProxy.getData("FaceDetected"); if (result.getSize() >=2) { //std::cout << "face" << std::endl; AL::ALValue info_face_array = result[1]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < info_face_array.getSize()-1; i++ ) { // AL::ALValue info_face = info_face_array[i]; //Extract face info //AL::ALValue shape_face =info_face[0]; //std::cout << "alpha "<< shape_face[1] <<". Beta:" << shape_face[1] << std::endl; // Face Detected [1]/ First face [0]/ Shape Info [0]/ Alpha [1] float alpha = result[1][i][0][1]; float beta = result[1][i][0][2]; float sx = result[1][i][0][3]; float sy = result[1][i][0][4]; std::string name = result[1][i][1][2]; float score = result[1][i][1][1]; // sizeX / sizeY are the face size in relation to the image float sizeX = mImageHeight * sx; float sizeY = mImageWidth * sy; // Centre of face into the image float x = mImageWidth / 2 - mImageWidth * alpha; float y = mImageHeight / 2 + mImageHeight * beta; vpDisplay::displayCross(I, y, x, 10, vpColor::red); vpDisplay::displayRectangle(I,y,x,0.0,sizeX,sizeY,vpColor::cyan,1); std::cout << i << "- size: " << sizeX*sizeY << std::endl; if (score >= 0.4) { std::cout << i << "- Name: " << name <<" score " << score << std::endl; // std::cout << "NAMES: " << names << std::endl; // std::cout << "Esite: " << in_array(name, names) << std::endl; // std::cout << "==================================== " << std::endl; if (!in_array(name, names) && sizeX*sizeY > 4000) { std::string phraseToSay = "\\emph=2\\ Hi \\wait=200\\ \\emph=2\\" + name; std::cout << phraseToSay << std::endl; tts.post.say(phraseToSay); names.push_back(name); } } else std::cout << i << "- Face not recognized. " << std::endl; // cv::Point p1(x - (sizeX / 2), y - (sizeY / 2)); // cv::Point p2(x + (sizeX / 2), y + (sizeY / 2)); // cv::rectangle(I, p1, p2, cv::Scalar(255,255,255)); } } //vpTime::sleepMs(60); vpDisplay::flush(I); if (vpDisplay::getClick(I, false)) break; } df.unsubscribe("Face"); } catch (const vpException &e) { std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } catch (const AL::ALError &e) { std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
/*! Connect to Pepper robot, and apply some motion. By default, this example connect to a robot with ip address: If you want to connect on an other robot, run: ./motion --ip <robot ip address> Example: ./motion --ip */ int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { try { std::string opt_ip = "";; if (argc == 3) { if (std::string(argv[1]) == "--ip") opt_ip = argv[2]; } vpNaoqiRobot robot; if (! opt_ip.empty()) { std::cout << "Connect to robot with ip address: " << opt_ip << std::endl; robot.setRobotIp(opt_ip); } robot.open(); std::vector<std::string> names = robot.getBodyNames("Body"); std::vector<float> values(names.size(),0.0); robot.getProxy()->setMoveArmsEnabled(false,false); robot.getPosition(names,values,false); bool servoing = true; // Define values float y = 1.0; // float ell1 = 2.0; // float ell2 = 2.0; // float ell = 2.0; float d = 0.7; // float x = 0.0; vpMatrix L(1,6); L = 0.0; //float lambda = 0.03; float lambda = 0.1;//0.09; // 0.050; vpColVector s(1); vpColVector s_star(1); s_star[0] = 3.;// 1.; vpColVector vel(6); vpColVector vel_(3); // vpMatrix J (6,6); // J =0.0; // j[] AL::ALMemoryProxy memProxy(opt_ip, 9559); bool start = false; vpImage<unsigned char> I(320, 320); vpDisplayX dd(I); vpDisplay::setTitle(I, "ViSP viewer"); vpDisplay::setWindowPosition(I,1200,900); vpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation kalman; double rho=0.3; vpColVector sigma_state; vpColVector sigma_measure(1); int signal = 1; kalman.setStateModel(vpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation::stateConstAccWithColoredNoise_MeasureVel); //kf.init(nbSrc,nbSrc,nbSrc); int state_size = kalman.getStateSize(); sigma_state.resize(2); sigma_state= 0.00001; // Same variance for all the signals sigma_measure = 0.05; // Same measure variance for all the signals double dt = 0.172; kalman.initFilter(signal, sigma_state , sigma_measure, rho, dt ); kalman.verbose(true); vpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation kalman1; kalman1.setStateModel(vpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation::stateConstAccWithColoredNoise_MeasureVel); //kf.init(nbSrc,nbSrc,nbSrc); sigma_state.resize(2); sigma_state= 0.00001; // Same variance for all the signals sigma_measure = 0.05; // Same measure variance for all the signals kalman1.initFilter(signal, sigma_state , sigma_measure, rho, dt ); kalman1.verbose(true); vpPlot plotter (2); plotter.initGraph(0, 1); plotter.initGraph(1, 2); //plotter_eyes.initGraph(2, 1); //plotter_eyes.initGraph(3, 1); plotter.setTitle(0, "Ratio"); plotter.setTitle(1, "Error"); //plotter_eyes.setTitle(2, "REyeYaw"); //plotter_eyes.setTitle(3, "REyePitch"); vpPlot plotter_kal (1); plotter_kal.initGraph(0, 2); //plotter_eyes.initGraph(2, 1); //plotter_eyes.initGraph(3, 1); plotter_kal.setTitle(0, "Ratio"); plotter_kal.setLegend(0, 0, "Ratio"); plotter_kal.setLegend(0, 1, "Ratio kal"); // vpPlot plotter_e (1); // plotter_e.initGraph(0, 2); // plotter_e.setLegend(0, 0, "Right"); // plotter_e.setLegend(0, 1, "Left"); // plotter_e.setTitle(0, "Energy"); vpPlot plotter_vel (1); plotter_vel.initGraph(0, 3); plotter_vel.setTitle(0, "Velocity"); plotter_vel.setLegend(0, 0, "vx"); plotter_vel.setLegend(0, 1, "vy"); plotter_vel.setLegend(0, 2, "wz"); unsigned long loop_iter = 0; while (1) { std::cout << "----------------------------------" << std::endl; double t = vpTime::measureTimeMs(); float ratio = memProxy.getData("ALSoundProcessing/ratioRightLeft"); float sound_detected = memProxy.getData("ALSoundProcessing/soundDetectedEnergy"); std::cout << "SoundDetected:" << sound_detected << std::endl; if ( (sound_detected > 0.5) && !start) start = true; if (start) { float E1 = memProxy.getData("ALSoundProcessing/rightMicEnergy"); float E2= memProxy.getData("ALSoundProcessing/leftMicEnergy"); E1 = E1/1e9; E2 = E2/1e9; // plotter_e.plot(0, 0,loop_iter, float( memProxy.getData("ALSoundProcessing/rightMicEnergy"))); // plotter_e.plot(0, 1,loop_iter, float( memProxy.getData("ALSoundProcessing/leftMicEnergy"))); // plotter.plot(0, 1, loop_iter,ratio); float c_x=d/2.*(E1+E2)/(E1-E2); float c_r=std::abs((d*(sqrt(E1*E2)/(E1-E2)))) ; ell=2.;//sqrt(sqrt(sqr(d*c_x))-d*d/4.+1); ell1=sqrt((c_x-d/2)*(c_x-d/2) + c_r * c_r); ell2=sqrt((c_x+d/2)*(c_x+d/2) + c_r * c_r); //float Em=4.*E1*ell1*ell1/(2*ell1*ell1+2*ell2*ell2-d*d); c_x=c_x/abs(c_x); //x=c_x; if (ratio >= 1.) x = 2; else x = -2; y=1;//c_r; std::cout<<"ell:"<<ell<<std::endl; vpColVector ratio_v(1); ratio_v[0] = ratio; //ratio_v[1] = Em; kalman.filter(ratio_v); std::cout << "Estimated x velocity: kalman.Xest[0]" << kalman.Xest[0]<< std::endl; std::cout << "Estimated x velocity: kalman.Xest[1]" << kalman.Xest[1]<< std::endl; plotter_kal.plot(0, 0, loop_iter, ratio); ratio = (4*ratio + 3*kalman.Xest[0])/7; plotter_kal.plot(0, 1, loop_iter, ratio); // Compute Interaction matrix L[0][0]= (2*x*(ratio-1)-d*(1+ratio))/(ell*ell-d*x+d*d/4.); L[0][1]=(2*y*(ratio-1))/(ell*ell-d*x+d*d/4.); L[0][5]=(y*d*(ratio+1))/(ell*ell-d*x+d*d/4.); s[0] = ratio; std::cout << "L: " << L << std::endl; //lambda = 0.0216404* log(1+abs(ratio - s_star)); //Compute joint velocity NeckYaw vpColVector e = (s-s_star); vel =-lambda*L.pseudoInverse()*e;/* Compute V_m*/ std::cout << "e :" << e << std::endl; vel_[0] = vel[1]; vel_[1] = -vel[0]; vel_[2] = vel[5]; plotter_vel.plot(0, 0, loop_iter, vel_[0]); plotter_vel.plot(0, 1, loop_iter, vel_[1]); plotter_vel.plot(0, 2, loop_iter, vel_[2]); plotter.plot(0, 0, loop_iter,ratio); plotter.plot(1, 0, loop_iter,e[0]); std::cout << "vel: " << vel << std::endl; if (servoing) { robot.getProxy()->move(vel_[0],vel_[1],vel_[2]); robot.getProxy()->setAngles(names,values,1.0); } } // Save current values loop_iter ++; vpTime::sleepMs(170); std::cout << "Loop time: " << vpTime::measureTimeMs() - t << " ms" << std::endl; if (vpDisplay::getClick(I, false)) break; } robot.getProxy()->move(0.0,0.0,0.0); // plotter->saveData(0, "ratio.dat"); vpDisplay::getClick(I, true); plotter_kal.saveData(0, "ratio.dat"); // plotter_kal.saveData(1,"em.dat"); plotter_vel.saveData(0, "vel.dat"); } catch (const vpException &e) { std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } catch (const AL::ALError &e) { std::cerr << "Caught exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }