Beispiel #1

  Make a mosaic with the objects in their original relative positions.

static rc_t mosaic_org(gras_t *gr, const objl_t *ol, 
		       unsigned bg, unsigned fg, int mflags,
		       const gras_t *gr_o) {

  pixl_t org ;
  int o,nx,ny,x,y,xo,yo ;
  rc_t check ;
  const char *me = "mosaic_org" ;

  pixl_init(&org,ORG_CHUNK) ;
  if (gr_o) {
    nx = gr_o->nx ; ny = gr_o->ny ; xo = yo = 0 ;
  } else {
    xo = yo = INT_MAX ; nx = ny = 0 ;
    for(o=0;o<ol->n;o++) {
      xo = MIN(xo,ol->obj[o]->xorg) ;
      yo = MIN(yo,ol->obj[o]->yorg) ;
      nx = MAX(nx,ol->obj[o]->xorg + ol->obj[o]->nx) ;
      ny = MAX(ny,ol->obj[o]->yorg + ol->obj[o]->ny) ;
    } ;
    nx -= xo ; ny -= yo ;
    xo += BORDER ; yo += BORDER ; nx += 2*BORDER ; ny += 2*BORDER ;
  } ;
  for(o=0;o<ol->n;o++) {
    x = ol->obj[o]->xorg - xo ; 
    y = ol->obj[o]->yorg - yo ; 
    if (pixl_add(&org,y,x) != OK) return(memfail(__FILE__,__LINE__,me)) ;
  } ;
  check = mosaic(gr,ol,&org,ny,nx,bg,fg,mflags) ;
  pixl_free(&org) ;
  return(check) ;
Beispiel #2

  The basic mosaic maker.

  org   = list of origins for the objects.
  ny,nx = size of the mosaic raster.
  bg    = color of pixels not part of any object.
  fg    = color of object pixels when (flags & MOSAIC_SILH).

static rc_t mosaic(gras_t *gr, const objl_t *ol, const pixl_t *org,
		   int ny, int nx, unsigned bg, unsigned fg, int flags) {

  int i,j,nx_y,x,y,o ;
  double xcom,ycom ;
  obj_t *ob ;
  const char *me = "mosaic" ;

  if (gras_chksz(gr,ny,nx) != OK) return(memfail(__FILE__,__LINE__,me)) ;
  for(i=0;i<ny;i++) for(j=0;j<nx;j++) gr->ras[i][j] = bg ;
  if (flags & MOSAIC_GRID) gras_paint_grid(gr,0,0,100,100,255) ;
  if (flags & MOSAIC_OBJ_VLINE)
    for(o=0;o<ol->n;o++) gras_paint_vline(gr,org->x[o] - BORDER/2,255) ;
  for(o=0;o<ol->n;o++) {
    ob = ol->obj[o] ;
    for(i=0;i<ob->ny;i++) {
      nx_y = ob->nx_y[i] ;
      for(j=0;j<nx_y;j++) {
	y = org->y[o] + ob->yras[i][j] ;
	x = org->x[o] + ob->xras[i][j] ;
	gr->ras[y][x] = ((flags & MOSAIC_SILH) ? fg : ob->gras[i][j]) ;
      } ;
    } ;
    if (flags & MOSAIC_ID) {
      geo_com_rel(ob,&ycom,&xcom) ;
      y = org->y[o] + (int)floor(ycom) ;
      x = org->x[o] + (int)floor(xcom) ;
      gras_paint_number(gr,y,x,o) ;
    } ;
  } ;
  gras_maxmin(gr) ;
  return(OK) ;
Beispiel #3

  Sort objects in an object list by floating point property prop.
  If plist != 0 copy into it the sorted list of the values of the property.
static rc_t geo_sort_f(objl_t *ol, geo_t prop, double *plist) {
  double *crit ;
  int o ;
  const char *me = "geo_sort_f" ;

  if (prop == GEO_NONE) return(OK) ;

  if (!(crit = (double *)malloc(ol->n * sizeof(double))))
    return(memfail(__FILE__,__LINE__,me)) ;
  switch (prop) {
  case GEO_ASPECT :
    for(o=0;o<ol->n;o++) crit[o] = geo_aspect(ol->obj[o]) ;
    break ;
  case GEO_RG :
    for(o=0;o<ol->n;o++) crit[o] = geo_rg2(ol->obj[o]) ;
    break ;
  case GEO_RRG :
    for(o=0;o<ol->n;o++) crit[o] = geo_rrg2(ol->obj[o]) ;
    break ;
  default :
    return(punt(__FILE__,__LINE__,me,"bad property specified.")) ;
  } ;
  sort_dx_desc(ol->n,crit,(void **)ol->obj) ;
  if (plist && memcpy(plist,crit,ol->n * sizeof(double))) ;
  free(crit) ;
  return(OK) ;
Beispiel #4
static remset_t *
  ( int tbl_entries,    /* size of hash table, 0=default */
    int pool_entries,   /* size of remset, 0 = default */
    int major_id,       /* for stats */
    int minor_id,       /* for stats */
    unsigned owner_attrib
  word *heapptr;
  remset_t *rs;
  remset_data_t *data;
  pool_t *p;

  assert( tbl_entries >= 0 && (tbl_entries == 0 || ilog2( tbl_entries ) != -1));
  assert( pool_entries >= 0 );

  if (pool_entries == 0) pool_entries = DEFAULT_REMSET_POOLSIZE;
  if (tbl_entries == 0) tbl_entries = DEFAULT_REMSET_TBLSIZE;

  annoyingmsg( "Allocated remembered set\n  hash=%d pool=%d",
	       tbl_entries, pool_entries );

  rs   = (remset_t*)must_malloc( sizeof( remset_t ) );
  data = (remset_data_t*)must_malloc( sizeof( remset_data_t ) );

  while(1) {
    heapptr = gclib_alloc_rts( tbl_entries*sizeof(word), 
			       owner_attrib );
    if (heapptr != 0) break;
    memfail( MF_RTS, "Can't allocate table and SSB for remembered set." );

  /* Hash table */
  data->tbl_bot = heapptr;
  heapptr += tbl_entries;
  data->tbl_lim = heapptr;

  /* Node pool */
  p = allocate_pool_segment( pool_entries, data->mem_attribute ); /* XXX */
  data->first_pool = data->curr_pool = p;
  assert( data->curr_pool != 0 );
  data->numpools = 1;

  /* Misc */
  memset( &data->stats, 0, sizeof( data->stats ));
  data->pool_entries = pool_entries;
  data->self = stats_new_remembered_set( major_id, minor_id );
  data->mem_attribute = owner_attrib;

  rs->live = 0;
  rs->has_overflowed = FALSE;
  rs->data = data;

  rs_clear( rs );

  return rs;
Beispiel #5

  Allocate memory.

static int check_memory(int o, int n) {

  static double *udat = 0 ;
  static double *vdat = 0 ;
  static double *cvmdat = 0 ;
  static int osz = 0 ;
  static int nsz = 0 ;
  int ow,nw,i ;
  const char *me = "check_memory" ;

  ow = osz ;
  if (o > osz) {
    ow = MAX(o,osz + O_CHUNK) ;
    if (!(vdat   = (double * )realloc(vdat,ow*ow * sizeof(double  ))) ||
	!(v      = (double **)realloc(v,ow * sizeof(double *))) ||
	!(w      = (double * )realloc(w,ow * sizeof(double  ))) ||
	!(f      = (double * )realloc(f,ow * sizeof(double  ))) ||
	!(cvmdat = (double * )realloc(cvmdat,ow*ow * sizeof(double  ))) ||
	!(cvm    = (double **)realloc(cvm,ow * sizeof(double *))) )
      return(memfail(__LINE__,me)) ;
    for(i=0;i<ow;i++) v[i] = vdat + i*ow ;
    for(i=0;i<ow;i++) cvm[i] = cvmdat + i*ow ;
  } ;
  nw = nsz ;
  if (n > nsz) {
    nw = MAX(n,nsz + N_CHUNK) ;
    if (!(b = (double * )realloc(b,nw * sizeof(double  ))) ||
	!(u = (double **)realloc(u,nw * sizeof(double *))) )
      return(memfail(__LINE__,me)) ;
  } ;
  if ((ow != osz) || (nw != nsz)) {
    if (!(udat   = (double * )malloc(nw*ow * sizeof(double))))
      return(memfail(__LINE__,me)) ;
    for(i=0;i<nw;i++) u[i] = udat + i*ow ;
  } ;
  osz = ow ; nsz = nw ;
  return(OK) ;
void *osdep_alloc_aligned( int bytes )
  byte *p, *q;

  p = (byte*)malloc( bytes+4096 );
  if (p == 0) {
    memfail( MF_MALLOC, "Failed to allocate %d bytes heap memory.", bytes );
    goto again;
  q = (byte*)roundup( (word)p, 4096 );
  fragmentation += 4096;
  register_pointer( q, p );
  return q;
Beispiel #7
void *must_realloc( void *ptr, unsigned bytes )
  void *p;

  p = realloc( ptr, bytes );
#if 0
  supremely_annoyingmsg( "Re-allocating %u bytes", bytes);
  if (p == 0) {
    memfail( MF_REALLOC, "Could not allocate RTS-internal data." );
    goto again;
  return p;
Beispiel #8

  General linear least squares fit routine 
  from section 15.4 of Numerical Recipes.

  yfit(x) = function which fills f[i],i=0..o-1 with the o 
            fitting functions evaluated at x.
  fom = if nonzero figure-of-merit is returned here.	    
  a  = fitting parameters
  av = if (av) error variances for the fitting parameters returned here.
  x  = n abscissas
  y  = n ordinates
  ys = if (ys) = n error standard deviations for y values
  tol = smallest fraction of maximum singular value (eigenvalues, roughly) 
        which a small singular value can equal -- smaller values are
        set to zero, assumed to indicate redundancy.  NR suggests
        of order 10^-6
  n = number of abscissas.
  o = number of fitting parameters.

static fit_rc fit_lsq(void (*yfit)(), double *fom, double *a, double *av,
		      const double *x, const double *y, const double *ys,
		      double tol, int n, int o) {

  double wmax,wmin,xsq,sum ;
  int i,j ;
  const char *me = "fit_lsq" ;

  if (check_memory(o,n) != OK) return(memfail(__LINE__,me)) ;

  for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
    yfit(x[i]) ;
    for(j=0;j<o;j++) u[i][j] = f[j] * (ys ? 1.0/ys[i] : 1.0) ;
  } ;
  memcpy(b,y,n*sizeof(double)) ;
  if (ys) for(i=0;i<n;i++) b[i] /= ys[i] ;

  if (svdcmp(u,n,o) != OK)
    return(punt(__LINE__,me,"singular value decomposition failed.")) ;

  wmax = 0.0 ;
  for(wmax=0.0,j=0;j<o;j++) if (w[j] > wmax) wmax = w[j] ;
  wmin = tol * wmax ;
  for(j=0;j<o;j++) if (w[j] < wmin) w[j] = 0.0 ;
  if (svbksb(a,n,o) != OK) 
    return(punt(__LINE__,me,"back substitution failed.")) ;

  if (av) {
    if (svdvar(o) != OK)
      return(punt(__LINE__,me,"variance calculation failed.")) ;
    for(i=0;i<o;i++) av[i] = cvm[i][i] ;
  } ;
  if (fom) {
    xsq = 0.0 ;
    for(i=0;i<o;i++) {
      yfit(x[i]) ;
      sum = 0.0 ;
      for(j=0;j<o;j++) sum += a[j] * f[j] ;
      sum = (y[i] - sum)/(ys ? ys[i]*ys[i] : 1.0) ;
      xsq += sum*sum ;
    } ;
    *fom = xsq ;
  } ;
  return(OK) ;
Beispiel #9

  Prune objects from a list which have floating point properties >min, <max.

rc_t geo_prune_f(objl_t *ol, geo_t prop, double min, double max) {

  double *crit ;
  int omin,omax ;
  const char *me = "geo_prune_f" ;

  if (prop == GEO_NONE) return(OK) ;
  if (!(crit = (double *)malloc(ol->n * sizeof(double))))
    return(memfail(__FILE__,__LINE__,me)) ;
  if (geo_sort_f(ol,prop,crit) != OK) return(subfail(__FILE__,__LINE__,me)) ;
  for(omin=0;(omin<ol->n) && (crit[omin] > max);omin++) ;
  for(omax=omin;(omax<ol->n) && (crit[omax] > min);omax++) ;
  memmove(ol->obj,ol->obj+omin,(omax-omin)*sizeof(obj_t *)) ;
  ol->n = (omax-omin) ;
  free(crit) ;
  return(OK) ;
Beispiel #10
young_heap_t *
create_nursery( int gen_no,
	        gc_t *gc,	        /* the owning GC */
	        nursery_info_t *info,   /* creation parameters */
	        word *globals           /* the globals array (not in heap) */
  int size_bytes = info->size_bytes;
  young_data_t *data;
  young_heap_t *heap;

  heap = allocate_nursery( gen_no, gc );
  data = heap->data;

  assert( size_bytes >= GC_LARGE_OBJECT_LIMIT + MAX_STACK_FRAME );
  size_bytes = roundup_page( size_bytes );

  data->globals = globals;
  data->heapsize = size_bytes;

  data->heapbot = (word*)gclib_alloc_heap( size_bytes, data->gen_no );
  if (data->heapbot == 0) {
    memfail( MF_HEAP, "young-heap: Could not allocate heap data area." );
    goto again2;
  data->heaplim = data->heapbot + bytes2words(size_bytes);

  /* Setup heap pointers needed by RTS */
  globals[ G_EBOT ] = (word)(data->heapbot);
  globals[ G_ETOP ] = (word)(data->heapbot);
  globals[ G_ELIM ] = (word)(data->heaplim);

  /* Must be set up before stack can be initialized */
  globals[ G_STKP ] = globals[ G_ELIM ];
  globals[ G_STKUFLOW ] = 0;

  heap->maximum = DATA(heap)->heapsize;
  heap->allocated = 0;

  return heap;
Beispiel #11

  Make one long strip mosaic.

static rc_t mosaic_strip(gras_t *gr, const objl_t *ol, 
			 unsigned bg, unsigned fg, int mflags) {

  pixl_t org ;
  int o,nx,ny,x,y ;
  rc_t check ;
  const char *me = "mosaic_strip" ;

  pixl_init(&org,ORG_CHUNK) ;
  nx = 0 ; ny = 0 ;
  for(o=0;o<ol->n;o++) {
    x = (nx += BORDER) ; y = BORDER ;
    if (pixl_add(&org,y,x) != OK) return(memfail(__FILE__,__LINE__,me)) ;
    ny = MAX(ny,ol->obj[o]->ny) ; 
    nx += ol->obj[o]->nx ; 
  } ;
  ny += 2*BORDER ;
  check = mosaic(gr,ol,&org,ny,nx,bg,fg,mflags) ;
  pixl_free(&org) ;
  return(check) ;
Beispiel #12

  Sort objects in an object list by integer property prop.
  If plist != 0 copy into it the sorted list of the values of the property.
static rc_t geo_sort_i(objl_t *ol, geo_t prop, int *plist) {

  int *crit ;
  int o ;
  const char *me = "geo_sort_i" ;

  if (prop == GEO_NONE) return(OK) ;

  if (!(crit = (int *)malloc(ol->n * sizeof(int))))
    return(memfail(__FILE__,__LINE__,me)) ;
  switch (prop) {
  case GEO_AREA :
    for(o=0;o<ol->n;o++) crit[o] = ol->obj[o]->n ;
    break ;
  default :
    return(punt(__FILE__,__LINE__,me,"bad property specified.")) ;
  } ;
  sort_ix_desc(ol->n,crit,(void **)ol->obj) ;
  if (plist) memcpy(plist,crit,ol->n * sizeof(int)) ;
  free(crit) ;
  return(OK) ;
Beispiel #13
void *must_malloc( unsigned bytes )
  void *p;

#ifdef __MWERKS__
  /* Default CodeWarrior behavior is to return NULL if malloc is
     called with 0.  (Not ANSI compliant; stupid; etc.) */
  bytes = max( bytes, 1 );
#endif /* __MWERKS__ */

  p = malloc( bytes );
  bytes_allocated_by_malloc += bytes;
#if 0
  supremely_annoyingmsg( "Allocating %u bytes; total = %u bytes",
                         bytes, bytes_allocated_by_malloc);
  if (p == 0) {
    memfail( MF_MALLOC, "Could not allocate RTS-internal data." );
    goto again;
  return p;