Beispiel #1
void vSerialControlCentreTask( void * pvParameters){
int ii = 0;

static char brewStarted = FALSE;

      xQueueReceive(xCommandQueue, &buf, portMAX_DELAY);
      char * input = (char *)pvPortMalloc(strlen(buf)+1);
      strcpy (input, buf);
      result = (strcmp(input, "command\r\0"));
      vConsolePrint("got something\r\n");
      if (result == 0)
          printf("command received\r\n");
      if(strcmp(input, "sb\r\0") == 0)
          printf("Command to start brew!\r\n");
          if (!brewStarted){
          printf("Brew Applet entered\r\n");
          brewStarted = TRUE;
          else {
              printf("Already Started\r\n");

Beispiel #2
void set_options(void)

 int i, anykey = 0;

 int option_select = 0;

 while (TRUE)

 rectfill(display, 200, 240, 400, 510, COL_OUTLINE);
 rect(display, 201, 241, 399, 509, COL_COL1);

 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 300, 257, -1, -1, "options");

 rectfill(display, 202, 300 + option_select * 20, 398, 318 + option_select * 20, TRANS_GREEN3);
 hline(display, 202, 298 + option_select * 20, 398, TRANS_GREEN2);
 hline(display, 202, 320 + option_select * 20, 398, TRANS_GREEN2);

 textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 300, -1, -1, "effects volume - %i", options.sfx_volume);
 textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 320, -1, -1, "music volume - %i", options.ambience_volume);

 if (options.windowed == 0)
  textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 340, -1, -1, "mode - fullscreen");
    textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 340, -1, -1, "mode - windowed");

 if (options.run_vsync == 0)
  textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 360, -1, -1, "vsync - off");
    textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 360, -1, -1, "vsync - on");

 if (options.joystick)
  textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 380, -1, -1, "fire 1 - joystick %i", options.joy_button [0] + 1);
  textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 400, -1, -1, "fire 2 - joystick %i", options.joy_button [1] + 1);
  textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 420, -1, -1, "fire 3 - joystick %i", options.joy_button [3] + 1);
  textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 440, -1, -1, "slow move - joystick %i", options.joy_button [2] + 1);

   textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 400, -1, -1, "no joystick");


  textprintf_ex(display, font, 220, 460, -1, -1, "exit");

 blit(display, screen, 0, 0, 100, 0, 600, 600);

 anykey = 0;

  for (i = KEY_A; i < KEY_CAPSLOCK + 1; i ++)
   if (key [i])
    anykey = 1;

  if (anykey == 0 && (options.joystick == 0 || any_joystick_input() == 0))
   key_wait = 0;

 if (key_wait <= 0)
  if (menu_command(MC_UP))
   option_select --;
   if (option_select < 0)
    option_select = OPT_EXIT;
   if (option_select == OPT_JOYSLOW && options.joystick == 0)
    option_select = OPT_VSYNC;
   key_wait = 7;
  if (menu_command(MC_DOWN))
   option_select ++;
   if (option_select > OPT_EXIT)
    option_select = 0;
   if (option_select == OPT_JOY1 && options.joystick == 0)
    option_select = OPT_EXIT;
   key_wait = 7;

  if (menu_command(MC_LEFT))
   if (option_select == OPT_SFX_VOLUME)
    options.sfx_volume -= 10;
    if (options.sfx_volume < 0)
     options.sfx_volume = 0;
   if (option_select == OPT_MUSIC_VOLUME)
    options.ambience_volume -= 10;
    if (options.ambience_volume < 0)
     options.ambience_volume = 0;

   if (option_select == OPT_JOY1)
    if (options.joy_button [0] == 0)
     options.joy_button [0] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1;
       options.joy_button [0] --;
   if (option_select == OPT_JOY2)
    if (options.joy_button [1] == 0)
     options.joy_button [1] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1;
       options.joy_button [1] --;
   if (option_select == OPT_JOYSLOW)
    if (options.joy_button [2] == 0)
     options.joy_button [2] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1;
       options.joy_button [2] --;
   if (option_select == OPT_JOY3)
    if (options.joy_button [3] == 0)
     options.joy_button [3] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1;
       options.joy_button [3] --;
   key_wait = 7;

  if (menu_command(MC_RIGHT))
   if (option_select == OPT_SFX_VOLUME)
    options.sfx_volume += 10;
    if (options.sfx_volume > 100)
     options.sfx_volume = 100;
   if (option_select == OPT_MUSIC_VOLUME)
    options.ambience_volume += 10;
    if (options.ambience_volume > 100)
     options.ambience_volume = 100;

   if (option_select == OPT_JOY1)
    if (options.joy_button [0] >= joy[0].num_buttons - 1)
     options.joy_button [0] = 0;
       options.joy_button [0] ++;
   if (option_select == OPT_JOY2)
    if (options.joy_button [1] >= joy[0].num_buttons - 1)
     options.joy_button [1] = 0;
       options.joy_button [1] ++;
   if (option_select == OPT_JOY3)
    if (options.joy_button [3] >= joy[0].num_buttons - 1)
     options.joy_button [3] = 0;
       options.joy_button [3] ++;
   if (option_select == OPT_JOYSLOW)
    if (options.joy_button [2] >= joy[0].num_buttons - 1)
     options.joy_button [2] = 0;
       options.joy_button [2] ++;
   key_wait = 7;

  if (key [KEY_ESC])

  if (menu_command(MC_SELECT))
   if (option_select == OPT_EXIT)

  if (menu_command(MC_SELECT) || menu_command(MC_LEFT) || menu_command(MC_RIGHT))
   if (option_select == OPT_MODE)
    options.windowed ^= 1;
    key_wait = 7;
   if (option_select == OPT_VSYNC)
    options.run_vsync ^= 1;
    key_wait = 7;

/*   if (menu_select == MENU_KEYS)
    key_wait = 10;
    key_wait = 10;

   if (menu_select == MENU_OPTIONS)
    key_wait = 10;
    key_wait = 10;

//  else
   key_wait --;

        thing ++;
    } while (ticked == 0);
    ticked = 0;

 blit(display, screen, 0, 0, 100, 0, 600, 600);


 set_config_int("Misc", "sfx_volume", options.sfx_volume);
 set_config_int("Misc", "ambience_volume", options.ambience_volume);
 if (options.joystick)
  set_config_int("Misc", "joy_button_1", options.joy_button [0]);
  set_config_int("Misc", "joy_button_2", options.joy_button [1]);
  set_config_int("Misc", "joy_button_slow", options.joy_button [2]);
  set_config_int("Misc", "joy_button_3", options.joy_button [3]);
 set_config_int("Misc", "vsync", options.run_vsync);
 set_config_int("Misc", "Windowed", options.windowed);

Beispiel #3
void startup_menu(void)


 menu_select = 0;
 key_wait = 30;

// int counter;

 menu_counter = 0;
 counter2 = 0;

 arena.difficulty = 0;

 int y1 = 170;
 int y2 = 190 + menu_select * 30;
 int y3 = 218 + menu_select * 30;
 int y4 = 218 + menu_select * 30;

 int anykey = 0;

 int i;

//#define TEST_MUSIC


 arena.level = 3;




 while (TRUE)



 clear_to_color(display, COL_BACK1);


 menu_counter += 4;
 if (menu_counter >= 40)
  menu_counter = 0;

 counter2 ++;
 if (counter2 >= 256)
  counter2 = 0;

// textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 300, 190, -1, -1, "W H I T E   B U T T E R F L Y");
 draw_rle_sprite(display, white_RLE, 150, 150);

 int my = 300;

 y1 = my - 23;
 y2 = my - 10 + menu_select * 30;
 y3 = my + 19 + menu_select * 30;
 y4 = my + 150;

// rectfill(display, 370, y1, 600, y2, COL_COL1);
 rectfill(display, 370, y2 + 9, 640, y3 - 2, TRANS_BLUE3);
 rect(display, 368, y2 + 7, 641, y3 - 0, TRANS_BLUE3);
// rectfill(display, 370, y3, 600, y4, TRANS_DGREEN);

 textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my, -1, -1, "START GAME");
      case 0: textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 30, -1, -1, "DIFFICULTY - NORMAL"); break;
      case 1: textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 30, -1, -1, "DIFFICULTY - HARD"); break;
      case 2: textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 30, -1, -1, "DIFFICULTY - PUNISHMENT"); break;
// textprintf_ex(display [2], font, 400, 260, -1, -1, "STAGE - %i", arena.starting_level);
 textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 90, -1, -1, "SET  KEYS");
 textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 120, -1, -1, "OPTIONS");
 textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 150, -1, -1, "EXIT");

// textprintf_ex(display, font, 40, 10, -1, -1, "%i", joy[0].stick[options.joy_stick].axis[0].pos);
// textprintf_ex(display, font, 40, 30, -1, -1, "%i", joy[0].stick[options.joy_stick].axis[1].pos);

 if (options.joystick)
  textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 120, -1, -1, "CALIBRATE JOYSTICK");
    textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 120, -1, -1, "NO JOYSTICK");
    drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, NULL, 0, 0);
    rectfill(display, 399, my + 110, 530, my + 135, CONVERT_WHITE_TO_GREY);
    drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_SOLID, NULL, 0, 0);
 if (options.joystick)
  if (options.key_or_joy == 1)
  textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 60, -1, -1, "CONTROLS - JOYSTICK");
    textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 60, -1, -1, "CONTROLS - KEYBOARD");
   textprintf_ex(display, font, 400, my + 60, -1, -1, "NO JOYSTICK");
   drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, NULL, 0, 0);
   rectfill(display, 399, my + 50, 530, my + 75, CONVERT_WHITE_TO_GREY);
   drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_SOLID, NULL, 0, 0);


// textprintf_ex(display, font, 5, 5, -1, -1, "%i", any_joystick_input());

 my = 330;

 y2 = my + 7 + arena.just_got_highscore * 30;
 y3 = my + 29 + arena.just_got_highscore * 30;

 if (arena.just_got_highscore > 0)
   rectfill(display, 0, y2 - 5, 250, y3, COL_COL3);
   rect(display, -1, y2 - 5 - 2, 250 + 2, y3 + 2, COL_COL4);

// textprintf_right_ex(display, font, 137, my, -1, -1, "HIGH");
// textprintf_ex(display, font, 157, my, -1, -1, "SCORES");

 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 147, my, -1, -1, "HIGHSCORES");

 textprintf_right_ex(display, font, 137, my + 40, -1, -1, "NORMAL");
 textprintf_ex(display, font, 157, my + 40, -1, -1, "%i", options.highscore [0]);

 textprintf_right_ex(display, font, 137, my + 70, -1, -1, "HARD");
 textprintf_ex(display, font, 157, my + 70, -1, -1, "%i", options.highscore [1]);

 textprintf_right_ex(display, font, 137, my + 100, -1, -1, "PUNISHMENT");
 textprintf_ex(display, font, 157, my + 100, -1, -1, "%i", options.highscore [2]);

 textprintf_right_ex(display, font, 600, 570, -1, -1, "COPYRIGHT 2009 LINLEY HENZELL");

// should print last score here...

 anykey = 0;

  for (i = KEY_A; i < KEY_CAPSLOCK + 1; i ++)
   if (key [i])
    anykey = 1;

  if (anykey == 0 && (options.joystick == 0 || any_joystick_input() == 0))
   key_wait = 0;

 if (key_wait == 0)
  if (menu_command(MC_UP))
   menu_select --;
   if (menu_select < 0)
    menu_select = MENU_EXIT;
   if (menu_select == MENU_JOY_OR_KEYS && options.joystick == 0)
    menu_select = MENU_JOY_OR_KEYS - 1;
   key_wait = 7;
  if (menu_command(MC_DOWN))
   menu_select ++;
   if (menu_select > MENU_EXIT)
    menu_select = 0;
   if (menu_select == MENU_JOY_OR_KEYS && options.joystick == 0)
    menu_select = MENU_KEYS;
   key_wait = 7;
  if (menu_command(MC_LEFT))
//   if (menu_select == 2)
//    arena.starting_level = 1;
   if (menu_select == MENU_JOY_OR_KEYS)
    if (options.key_or_joy == 0)
     options.key_or_joy = 1;
       options.key_or_joy = 0;
   if (menu_select == MENU_DIFFICULTY)
    arena.difficulty --;
    if (arena.difficulty < 0)
     arena.difficulty = 0;
   key_wait = 7;
  if (menu_command(MC_RIGHT))
//   if (menu_select == 2)
//    arena.starting_level = 2;
   if (menu_select == MENU_JOY_OR_KEYS)
    if (options.key_or_joy == 0)
     options.key_or_joy = 1;
       options.key_or_joy = 0;
   if (menu_select == MENU_DIFFICULTY)
    arena.difficulty ++;
    if (arena.difficulty > 2)
     arena.difficulty = 2;
   key_wait = 7;

//  if (key [KEY_ESC])
//   exit(0);
  if (menu_command(MC_SELECT))
   if (menu_select == MENU_EXIT)

   if (menu_select == MENU_KEYS)
    key_wait = 10;
    key_wait = 10;

   if (menu_select == MENU_OPTIONS)
    key_wait = 10;
    key_wait = 10;

/*   if (menu_select == MENU_CALIBRATE)
    key_wait = 20;
    ticked = 0;

   if (menu_select == MENU_START)
    arena.level = 1;//arena.starting_level;
    ticked = 0;
    key_wait = 30;
    if (ship_select() == 1)
//     clear_bitmap(screen);
//     clear_bitmap(display);
     player.type = PTYPE_BASIC;
//     player.type = PTYPE_BOMBER;
//     player.type = PTYPE_ANENOME;
//     player.type = PTYPE_HAND;
     player.weapon_level = 0;
     int ship_select = select_a_ship();
     if (ship_select != -1)
       case 0: player.type = PTYPE_BASIC; break;
       case 1: player.type = PTYPE_ANENOME; break;
       case 2: player.type = PTYPE_BOMBER; break;
       case 3: player.type = PTYPE_HAND; break;
       case 4: player.type = PTYPE_SQUID; break;
      if (arena.level == 1)
       arena.from_start = 1;
         arena.from_start = 0;
      arena.cleared = 0;
      arena.unlocked = 0;
      menu_counter = 0;
      if (arena.level == 4)
      arena.target_palette = PAL_MENU;
      arena.shift_palette = 2;
//     reset_menu_palette();
      key_wait = 10; // was 1
//      flower_dir *= -1;
      ticked = 0;
     else key_wait = 20;
     key_wait = 20;
   key_wait --;

        thing ++;
    } while (ticked == 0);
    ticked = 0;

 if (arena.shift_palette > 0 && menu_counter % 12 == 0)
  build_new_palette(0, 0, 0, 0);
  if (arena.shift_palette == 1)
   arena.shift_palette = 0;

 blit(display, screen, 0, 0, 100, 0, 600, 600);


Beispiel #4
int select_a_ship(void)

 int ship_box [8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

 int sbox2;

 int ship_chosen = 0;

 int level_chosen = 1;

 int max_level, wpixels;

 menu_counter = 0;
 counter2 = 0;

 int anykey = 0;

 int i, x, y, k;

 int holding_key = 1;

 while (TRUE)
     menu_counter ++;

 clear_to_color(display, COL_BACK1);

 x = 30;
 y = 40;

#define Y_INTERVAL 100
#define Y_BASE 45

// stages

 aabox(200, 50, 550, 250);
 rectfill(display, 375 - 80, 70, 375 + 80, 100, TRANS_BLUE2);
 rect(display, 375 - 80, 70 - 0, 375 + 80, 100, TRANS_BLUE3);
 rect(display, 375 - 81, 70 - 1, 375 + 81, 100 + 1, TRANS_BLUE2);

 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 375, 80, -1, -1, "select stage");

      case 0: textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 375, 115, -1, -1, "NORMAL"); break;
      case 1: textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 375, 115, -1, -1, "HARD"); break;
      case 2: textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 375, 115, -1, -1, "PUNISHMENT"); break;

 for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++)
  if (i == 0)
   aabox(230 + i * 70, 140 + i * 25, 270 + i * 70, 180 + i * 25);
   textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 250 + i * 70, 152 + i * 25, -1, -1, "%i", i + 1);
   rect(display, 276 + i * 70, 141 + i * 25, 302 + i * 70, 152 + i * 25, TRANS_BLUE3);
    if (options.stage_power [ship_chosen] [i - 1] [arena.difficulty] != 0 || options.stage_power_bar [ship_chosen] [i - 1] [arena.difficulty] != 0)
     aabox(230 + i * 70, 140 + i * 25, 270 + i * 70, 180 + i * 25);
     if (options.stage_power [ship_chosen] [i - 1] [arena.difficulty] < 0 || options.stage_power [ship_chosen] [i - 1] [arena.difficulty] > 9)
      options.stage_power [ship_chosen] [i - 1] [arena.difficulty] = 0; // sanity check

     textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 250 + i * 70, 152 + i * 25, -1, -1, "%i", i + 1);
     for (k = 0; k < options.stage_power [ship_chosen] [i - 1] [arena.difficulty]; k ++)
      rectfill(display, 305 + i * 70 + k * 4, 143 + i * 25, 307 + i * 70 + k * 4, 150 + i * 25, TRANS_RED1);
      rect(display, 305 + i * 70 + k * 4, 143 + i * 25, 307 + i * 70 + k * 4, 150 + i * 25, TRANS_RED4);

//     rect(display, 275 + i * 70, 143 + i * 25, 303 + i * 70, 152 + i * 25, COL_OUTLINE);
//     rect(display, 276 + i * 70, 144 + i * 25, 302 + i * 70, 151 + i * 25, COL_LGREY);
     rect(display, 276 + i * 70, 141 + i * 25, 302 + i * 70, 152 + i * 25, TRANS_BLUE3);

#define LEVEL_CALC2 (3500 + (1100 * options.stage_power [ship_chosen] [i - 1] [arena.difficulty]))
// duplicated in enemy.c and level.c

     wpixels = ((float) (options.stage_power_bar [ship_chosen] [i - 1] [arena.difficulty] * 20) / LEVEL_CALC2);
     if (wpixels >= 20 || wpixels < 0)
      wpixels = 19;

     if (wpixels > 0)
      rectfill(display, 279 + i * 70, 143 + i * 25, 279 + i * 70 + wpixels, 150 + i * 25, TRANS_RED1);
      rect(display, 278 + i * 70, 143 + i * 25, 278 + wpixels + i * 70, 150 + i * 25, TRANS_RED5);



  if (level_chosen - 1 == i)
    rectfill(display, 230 + i * 70, 140 + i * 25, 270 + i * 70, 180 + i * 25, TRANS_BLUE2);


 if (options.clear [ship_chosen] [arena.difficulty])
  rectfill(display, 207, 236, 214, 243, TRANS_BLUE4);

  textprintf_ex(display, font, 219, 231, -1, -1, "cleared");

   if (options.finished [ship_chosen] [arena.difficulty])
    rectfill(display, 207, 236, 214, 243, TRANS_RED4);

    textprintf_ex(display, font, 219, 231, -1, -1, "finished");


// ships

 draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER1_1], x + 25 - 16, y + Y_BASE - 20 + 7);
 draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER2_1], x + 25 - 19, y + Y_INTERVAL + Y_BASE - 8 - 5);
 draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER3_1], x + 25 - 22, y + Y_INTERVAL * 2 + Y_BASE - 7 - 6);
 draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER4_1], x + 25 - 16, y + Y_INTERVAL * 3 + Y_BASE - 9 - 4);
 draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER4_1L], x + 25 - 16, y + Y_INTERVAL * 3 + Y_BASE - 4 + 3);
 draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER5_1], x + 25 - 17, y + Y_INTERVAL * 4 + Y_BASE - 21);
// draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER6_1], x + 25 - 16, y + Y_INTERVAL * 5 + 25 - 16);
 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 100, 32, -1, -1, "g");
 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 100, 44, -1, -1, "g");
 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 100, 56, -1, -1, "g");
 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 100, 68, -1, -1, "g");
 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 100, 80, -1, -1, "g");

 for (i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
  rectfill(display, x, y - 25 + Y_BASE + i * Y_INTERVAL, x + 50, y + 25 + Y_BASE + i * Y_INTERVAL, TRANS_BLUE1);
  rect(display, x - 1, y - 25 + Y_BASE + i * Y_INTERVAL - 1, x + 50 + 1, y + 25 + Y_BASE + i * Y_INTERVAL + 1, TRANS_BLUE2);
  rect(display, x - 2, y - 25 + Y_BASE + i * Y_INTERVAL - 2, x + 50 + 2, y + 25 + Y_BASE + i * Y_INTERVAL + 2, TRANS_BLUE3);
  rect(display, x - 3, y - 25 + Y_BASE + i * Y_INTERVAL - 3, x + 50 + 3, y + 25 + Y_BASE + i * Y_INTERVAL + 3, TRANS_BLUE1);
  if (ship_chosen == i)
    switch((menu_counter / 4) % 4)
        case 0:
         rectfill(display, x - 1, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 1 - 25 + Y_BASE, x + 50 + 1, y + 25 + Y_BASE + i * Y_INTERVAL + 1, TRANS_BLUE2);
/*        case 1:
         rectfill(display, x - 1, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 1, x + 50 + 1, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL + 1, TRANS_BLUE3);
        case 2:
         rectfill(display, x - 1, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 1, x + 50 + 1, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL + 1, TRANS_BLUE2);
        case 3:
         rectfill(display, x - 1, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 1, x + 50 + 1, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL + 1, TRANS_BLUE1);

  if (ship_box [i] > 0)
   sbox2 = ship_box [i];
//   if (ship_box [ship_chosen] > 12 + xpart(menu_counter * 8, 5))
//    sbox2 = 12 + xpart(menu_counter * 8, 5);
   rect(display, x - 3 - sbox2, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 3 - sbox2 - 25 + Y_BASE, x + 50 + 3 + sbox2, y + 25 + Y_BASE + i * Y_INTERVAL + 3 + sbox2, TRANS_BLUE3);
   ship_box [i] --;


 ship_box [ship_chosen] += 2;
 if (ship_box [ship_chosen] > 15)// + xpart(menu_counter * 8, 5))
  ship_box [ship_chosen] = 15;

#define TITLE_X 375
#define TITLE_Y 320

#define LINE_X 220

#define LINE1_Y 350
#define LINE2_Y 365
#define LINE3_Y 380
#define LINE4_Y 395

 rectfill(display, 200, 300, 550, 550, TRANS_BLUE1);
 rect(display, 200 - 1, 300 - 1, 550 + 1, 550 + 1, TRANS_BLUE2);
 rect(display, 200 - 2, 300 - 2, 550 + 2, 550 + 2, TRANS_BLUE3);
 rect(display, 200 - 3, 300 - 3, 550 + 3, 550 + 3, TRANS_BLUE2);
 rect(display, 200 - 4, 300 - 4, 550 + 4, 550 + 4, TRANS_BLUE1);

 sbox2 = ship_box [ship_chosen];

 rect(display, 200 - sbox2 - 0, 300 - sbox2 - 0, 550 + sbox2 + 0, 550 + sbox2 + 0, TRANS_BLUE1);
 rect(display, 200 - sbox2 - 1, 300 - sbox2 - 1, 550 + sbox2 + 1, 550 + sbox2 + 1, TRANS_BLUE2);
 rect(display, 200 - sbox2 - 2, 300 - sbox2 - 2, 550 + sbox2 + 2, 550 + sbox2 + 2, TRANS_BLUE3);
 rect(display, 200 - sbox2 - 3, 300 - sbox2 - 3, 550 + sbox2 + 3, 550 + sbox2 + 3, TRANS_BLUE2);
 rect(display, 200 - sbox2 - 4, 300 - sbox2 - 4, 550 + sbox2 + 4, 550 + sbox2 + 4, TRANS_BLUE1);

 vline(display, TITLE_X, 550 + sbox2 + 2, 590, TRANS_BLUE3);
 hline(display, 5, 590, TITLE_X, TRANS_BLUE3);
 vline(display, 5, 40 + 25 + ship_chosen * Y_INTERVAL, 590, TRANS_BLUE3);
 hline(display, 5, 40 + 25 + ship_chosen * Y_INTERVAL, 30 - sbox2 - 3, TRANS_BLUE3);


char ftext [8] [9] [150] =
   "white butterfly",
   "1 - autocannon",
   "2 - heavy cannon",
   "3 - seekers",
   "fire1 - autocannon",
   "fire2 - charge heavy cannon",
   "fire1 while charging - seekers",
   "1 - single cannon",
   "2 - strong, short-range blade",
   "3 - weak, long-range blade",
   "fire1 - single cannon",
   "fire2 - blade slash",
   "fire1 + fire2 - blade swing",
   " hold blade buttons for full circle",
   "1 - orb beams",
   "2 - orb scatter fire",
   "3 - bomb launcher",
   "fire1 - orb beams",
   "fire1 + fire2 - orb fire",
   "fire2 - bomb launcher",
   "hand of xom",
   "1 - multi-cannon",
   "2 - closed hand",
   "3 - open hand",
   "fire1 - multi-cannon",
   "fire2 - open up hand"
   "chaos squid",
   "1 - chaos droplets",
   "2 - chaos swarm",
   "3 - orb field",
   "fire1 while orb docked - fire droplets",
   "fire1 while orb loose - fire swarm",
   "fire2 - control orb",
   "fire1 + fire2 - repel orb"


#define TEXT_X 230

 rectfill(display, TITLE_X - 80, TITLE_Y - 0, TITLE_X + 80, TITLE_Y + 30, TRANS_BLUE2);
 rect(display, TITLE_X - 80, TITLE_Y - 0, TITLE_X + 80, TITLE_Y + 30, TRANS_BLUE3);
 rect(display, TITLE_X - 81, TITLE_Y - 1, TITLE_X + 81, TITLE_Y + 31, TRANS_BLUE2);

 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, TITLE_X, TITLE_Y + 10, -1, -1, ftext [ship_chosen] [0]);

 if (ship_chosen == 4 && options.unlock [arena.difficulty] == 0)

  textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, TITLE_X, TITLE_Y + 80, -1, -1, "finish stage 3 to unlock");

 hline(display, 198, LINE1_Y + 30, 320, TRANS_BLUE3);
 textprintf_ex(display, font, TEXT_X - 5, LINE1_Y + 20, -1, -1, "weapons");

 textprintf_ex(display, font, TEXT_X, LINE1_Y + 40, -1, -1, ftext [ship_chosen] [1]);
 textprintf_ex(display, font, TEXT_X, LINE1_Y + 55, -1, -1, ftext [ship_chosen] [2]);
 textprintf_ex(display, font, TEXT_X, LINE1_Y + 70, -1, -1, ftext [ship_chosen] [3]);
// textprintf_ex(display, font, TEXT_X, LINE1_Y + 60, -1, -1, ftext [ship_chosen] [4]);

 hline(display, 198, LINE1_Y + 110, 320, TRANS_BLUE3);
 textprintf_ex(display, font, TEXT_X - 5, LINE1_Y + 100, -1, -1, "controls");

 textprintf_ex(display, font, TEXT_X, LINE1_Y + 120, -1, -1, ftext [ship_chosen] [4]);
 textprintf_ex(display, font, TEXT_X, LINE1_Y + 135, -1, -1, ftext [ship_chosen] [5]);
 textprintf_ex(display, font, TEXT_X, LINE1_Y + 150, -1, -1, ftext [ship_chosen] [6]);
 textprintf_ex(display, font, TEXT_X, LINE1_Y + 165, -1, -1, ftext [ship_chosen] [7]);


//  ship_box [ship_chosen] = 15 + xpart(menu_counter * 8, 5);

 draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER1_1], x + 25 - 16, y + 25 - 20 + 7);
 draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER2_1], x + 90 + 25 - 19, y + 25 - 8 - 5);
 draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER3_1], x + 25 - 22, y + Y_INTERVAL + 25 - 7 - 6);
 draw_rle_sprite(display, eRLE_player [S_PLAYER4_1], x + 90 + 25 - 16, y + Y_INTERVAL + 25 - 9 - 4);

 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 30, 102, -1, -1, "g");
 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 30, 114, -1, -1, "g");
 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 30, 126, -1, -1, "g");
 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 30, 138, -1, -1, "g");
 textprintf_centre_ex(display, font, 30, 150, -1, -1, "g");

 for (i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
  rectfill(display, x, y + i * Y_INTERVAL, x + 50, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL, TRANS_BLUE1);
  rect(display, x - 1, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 1, x + 50 + 1, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL + 1, TRANS_BLUE2);
  rect(display, x - 2, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 2, x + 50 + 2, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL + 2, TRANS_BLUE3);
  rect(display, x - 3, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 3, x + 50 + 3, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL + 3, TRANS_BLUE1);

  rectfill(display, x + 90, y + i * Y_INTERVAL, x + 140, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL, TRANS_BLUE1);
  rect(display, x + 90 - 1, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 1, x + 140 + 1, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL + 1, TRANS_BLUE2);
  rect(display, x + 90 - 2, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 2, x + 140 + 2, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL + 2, TRANS_BLUE3);
  rect(display, x + 90 - 3, y + i * Y_INTERVAL - 3, x + 140 + 3, y + 50 + i * Y_INTERVAL + 3, TRANS_BLUE1);


 if (key [KEY_ESC])
  return -1;

  anykey = 0;

  for (i = KEY_A; i < KEY_CAPSLOCK + 1; i ++)
   if (key [i])
    anykey = 1;

  if (anykey == 0 && (options.joystick == 0 || any_joystick_input() == 0))
   key_wait = 0;
   holding_key = 0;

/*  if (anykey == 0)
   key_wait = 0;
   holding_key = 0;

 max_level = 1;

 if (options.stage_power [ship_chosen] [0] [arena.difficulty] > 0 || options.stage_power_bar [ship_chosen] [0] [arena.difficulty] > 0)
  max_level = 2;
 if (options.stage_power [ship_chosen] [1] [arena.difficulty] > 0 || options.stage_power_bar [ship_chosen] [1] [arena.difficulty] > 0)
  max_level = 3;

// if (key_wait <= 0 && holding_key == 0)
if (holding_key == 0)

   if (key [player.key [CKEY_UP]] || menu_command(MC_UP))
    ship_chosen --;
    if (ship_chosen < 0)
     ship_chosen = 4;
    holding_key = 1;
    key_wait = 7;
    level_chosen = 1;

   if (key [player.key [CKEY_DOWN]] || menu_command(MC_DOWN))
    ship_chosen ++;
    if (ship_chosen > 4)
     ship_chosen = 0;
    holding_key = 1;
    key_wait = 7;
    level_chosen = 1;

   if (key [player.key [CKEY_LEFT]] || menu_command(MC_LEFT))
    level_chosen --;
    if (level_chosen < 1)
     level_chosen = max_level;
    holding_key = 1;
    key_wait = 7;

   if (key [player.key [CKEY_RIGHT]] || menu_command(MC_RIGHT))
    level_chosen ++;
    if (level_chosen > max_level)
     level_chosen = 1;
    holding_key = 1;
    key_wait = 7;

   if (key [player.key [CKEY_FIRE1]] || key [KEY_ENTER] || key [KEY_SPACE] || key [KEY_Z] || menu_command(MC_SELECT))
     if (ship_chosen != 4 || options.unlock [arena.difficulty] == 1)
       arena.level = level_chosen;
       return ship_chosen;

//  if (key [KEY_UP] || key [KEY_8_PAD])

/*  if (key [KEY_UP] || key [KEY_8_PAD])
   menu_select --;
   if (menu_select < 0)
    menu_select = MENU_EXIT;
   if (menu_select == MENU_CALIBRATE && options.joystick == 0)
    menu_select = MENU_KEYS;
   if (menu_select == MENU_JOY_OR_KEYS && options.joystick == 0)
    menu_select = MENU_JOY_OR_KEYS - 1;
//   key_wait = 7;
   holding_key = 1;
  if (key [KEY_DOWN] || key [KEY_2_PAD])
   menu_select ++;
   if (menu_select > MENU_EXIT)
    menu_select = 0;
   if (menu_select == MENU_CALIBRATE && options.joystick == 0)
    menu_select = MENU_EXIT;
   if (menu_select == MENU_JOY_OR_KEYS && options.joystick == 0)
    menu_select = MENU_KEYS;
//   key_wait = 7;
    holding_key = 1;
/*  if (key [KEY_LEFT] || key [KEY_4_PAD])
//   if (menu_select == 2)
//    arena.starting_level = 1;
   key_wait = 7;
   holding_key = 1;

// }
   key_wait --;

        thing ++;
    } while (ticked == 0);
    ticked = 0;

 if (arena.shift_palette > 0 && menu_counter % 12 == 0)
  build_new_palette(0, 0, 0, 0);
  if (arena.shift_palette == 1)
   arena.shift_palette = 0;

 blit(display, screen, 0, 0, 100, 0, 600, 600);
