static void
mex_search_plugin_search_cb (MexSearchPlugin *self)
  MexSearchPluginPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  const gchar *search = mx_entry_get_text (MX_ENTRY (priv->search_entry));

  /* don't run a search if the search entry was empty */
  if (!search || search[0] == '\0')

  /* Stop the suggestions search */
  if (priv->suggest_timeout)
      g_source_remove (priv->suggest_timeout);
      priv->suggest_timeout = 0;

  /* Start a new search */
  mex_search_plugin_search (self, search);

  /* Update the history list */
  mex_search_plugin_update_history (self, search);

  /* Present the search model */
  mex_model_provider_present_model (MEX_MODEL_PROVIDER (self),

  /* Hide the search page, if it was visible */
  if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (priv->search_page))
    mex_tool_provider_remove_actor (MEX_TOOL_PROVIDER (self),

  /* TODO: Maybe use weak references to stop the search if the application
   *       didn't use it?
Beispiel #2
static void
mex_search_plugin_search_cb (MexSearchPlugin *self)
  MexModelInfo *info;
  MexSearchPluginPrivate *priv = self->priv;

  const gchar *search = mx_entry_get_text (MX_ENTRY (priv->search_entry));

  /* Stop the suggestions search */
  if (priv->suggest_timeout)
      g_source_remove (priv->suggest_timeout);
      priv->suggest_timeout = 0;

  /* Start a new search */
  mex_search_plugin_search (self, search);

  /* Update the history list */
  mex_search_plugin_update_history (self, search);

  /* Present the search model */
  info = mex_model_info_new_with_sort_funcs (priv->search_model,
                                             "search-results", 0);
  mex_model_provider_present_model (MEX_MODEL_PROVIDER (self), info);
  mex_model_info_free (info);

  /* Hide the search page, if it was visible */
  if (CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_VISIBLE (priv->search_page))
    mex_tool_provider_remove_actor (MEX_TOOL_PROVIDER (self),

  /* TODO: Maybe use weak references to stop the search if the application
   *       didn't use it?
Beispiel #3
static void
mex_search_plugin_init (MexSearchPlugin *self)
  MexProxy *suggest_proxy;
  ClutterActor *icon, *header, *text, *frame, *box, *hbox;
  MexSearchPluginPrivate *priv = self->priv = SEARCH_PLUGIN_PRIVATE (self);

  /* Load style data */
  mx_style_load_from_file (mx_style_get_default (),
                           PLUGIN_DATA_DIR "/style.css", NULL);

  /* Create the history model and models list */
  priv->history_model = mex_feed_new (_("Search"), _("Search"));

  priv->model_info =
    mex_model_info_new_with_sort_funcs (MEX_MODEL (priv->history_model),
                                        "search", 0);
  g_object_unref (priv->history_model);
  priv->models = g_list_append (NULL, priv->model_info);

  /* Create the actions list */
  memset (&priv->action_info, 0, sizeof (MexActionInfo));
  priv->action_info.action =
    mx_action_new_full ("x-mex/search",
                        G_CALLBACK (mex_search_plugin_history_cb),
  priv->action_info.mime_types = (gchar **)search_mimetypes;
  priv->actions = g_list_append (NULL, &priv->action_info);

  /* Create the suggestions model */
  priv->suggest_model =
    mex_feed_new (_("Suggestions"), _("Google Suggestions"));

  /* Create the search page */

  /* Create header */
  icon = mx_icon_new ();
  mx_stylable_set_style_class (MX_STYLABLE (icon), "Search");

  header = mx_box_layout_new ();
  mx_box_layout_set_spacing (MX_BOX_LAYOUT (header), 5);
  clutter_actor_set_name (header, "search-header");

  /* Create search entry */
  frame = mx_table_new ();
  clutter_actor_set_name (frame, "search-entry-frame");
  priv->search_entry = mx_entry_new ();
  priv->spinner = mx_spinner_new ();

  mx_table_add_actor (MX_TABLE (frame), priv->search_entry, 0, 0);
  mx_table_add_actor (MX_TABLE (frame), priv->spinner, 0, 1);
  mx_table_child_set_x_fill (MX_TABLE (frame), priv->spinner, FALSE);
  mx_table_child_set_x_expand (MX_TABLE (frame), priv->spinner, FALSE);
  mx_table_child_set_y_fill (MX_TABLE (frame), priv->spinner, FALSE);

  mx_spinner_set_animating (MX_SPINNER (priv->spinner), FALSE);
  clutter_actor_hide (priv->spinner);

  clutter_container_add (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (header), icon, frame, NULL);
  clutter_container_child_set (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (header), icon,
                               "x-fill", FALSE, "y-fill", FALSE, NULL);
  clutter_container_child_set (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (header), frame,
                               "expand", TRUE, "x-fill", TRUE, NULL);

  text = mx_entry_get_clutter_text (MX_ENTRY (priv->search_entry));
  g_signal_connect_swapped (text, "activate",
                            G_CALLBACK (mex_search_plugin_search_cb), self);
  g_signal_connect (priv->search_entry, "notify::text",
                    G_CALLBACK (mex_search_text_changed_cb), self);
  g_signal_connect (priv->search_entry, "notify::style-pseudo-class",
                    G_CALLBACK (mex_search_text_style_changed), header);

  /* Create the suggestions column */
  priv->suggest_column = mx_box_layout_new ();
  clutter_actor_set_name (priv->suggest_column, "suggest-column");
  mx_box_layout_set_orientation (MX_BOX_LAYOUT (priv->suggest_column),
  suggest_proxy = mex_generic_proxy_new (MEX_MODEL (priv->suggest_model),
  mex_generic_proxy_bind (MEX_GENERIC_PROXY (suggest_proxy),
                          mex_enum_to_string (MEX_TYPE_CONTENT_METADATA,
  g_signal_connect (suggest_proxy, "object-created",
                    G_CALLBACK (mex_search_proxy_add_cb),
  g_signal_connect (suggest_proxy, "object-removed",
                    G_CALLBACK (mex_search_proxy_remove_cb),
  g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (priv->suggest_column),
                     (GWeakNotify)g_object_unref, suggest_proxy);

  /* Pack the search page */
  priv->search_page = mx_frame_new ();
  clutter_actor_set_name (priv->search_page, "search-page");
  mx_bin_set_fill (MX_BIN (priv->search_page), FALSE, TRUE);
  mx_bin_set_alignment (MX_BIN (priv->search_page), MX_ALIGN_START,
  hbox = mex_resizing_hbox_new ();
  mex_resizing_hbox_set_resizing_enabled (MEX_RESIZING_HBOX (hbox), FALSE);
  box = mx_box_layout_new ();
  clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (priv->search_page), hbox);
  clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (hbox), box);
  mx_box_layout_set_orientation (MX_BOX_LAYOUT (box),
  clutter_container_add (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (box),
                         header, priv->suggest_column, NULL);
  mx_box_layout_child_set_expand (MX_BOX_LAYOUT (box),
                                  priv->suggest_column, TRUE);
  clutter_container_child_set (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (box), header,
                               "x-fill", TRUE,
                               "x-align", MX_ALIGN_START, NULL);
  clutter_container_child_set (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (box),
                               "x-fill", TRUE,
                               "x-align", MX_ALIGN_START, NULL);
  clutter_actor_set_width (box, 426.0);

  /* Update the history list */
  mex_search_plugin_update_history (self, NULL);

  /* Start the history list and suggestions proxy */
  mex_proxy_start (suggest_proxy);