Beispiel #1
 * If requested via GET, serves the login page.
 * If requested via POST (form submission), checks password and logs user in.
static void login_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *p) {
  struct http_message *hm = (struct http_message *) p;
  if (mg_vcmp(&hm->method, "POST") != 0) {
    /* Serve login.html */
    mg_serve_http(nc, (struct http_message *) p, s_http_server_opts);
  } else {
    /* Perform password check. */
    char user[50], pass[50];
    int ul = mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "user", user, sizeof(user));
    int pl = mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "pass", pass, sizeof(pass));
    if (ul > 0 && pl > 0) {
      if (check_pass(user, pass)) {
        struct session *s = create_session(user, hm);
        mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.0 302 Found\r\n");
        set_session_cookie(nc, s);
        mg_printf(nc, "Location: /\r\n");
        mg_printf(nc, "\r\nHello, %s!\r\n", s->user);
        fprintf(stderr, "%s logged in, sid %" INT64_X_FMT "\n", s->user, s->id);
      } else {
        mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.0 403 Unauthorized\r\n\r\nWrong password.\r\n");
    } else {
      mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\nuser, pass required.\r\n");
    nc->flags |= MG_F_SEND_AND_CLOSE;
  (void) ev;
Beispiel #2
static void handle_save(struct mg_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm) {
  // Get form variables and store settings values
  mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "setting1", s_settings.setting1,
  mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "setting2", s_settings.setting2,

  // Send response
  mg_printf(nc, "%s", "HTTP/1.1 302 OK\r\nLocation: /\r\n\r\n");
Beispiel #3
static void handle_save(struct mg_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm) {
  // Get form variables and store settings values
  mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "setting1", s_settings.setting1,
  mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "setting2", s_settings.setting2,

  // Send response
  mg_http_send_redirect(nc, 302, mg_mk_str("/"), mg_mk_str(NULL));
Beispiel #4
static void handle_sum_call(struct mg_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm) {
  char n1[100], n2[100];
  double result;

  /* Get form variables */
  mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "n1", n1, sizeof(n1));
  mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "n2", n2, sizeof(n2));

  /* Send headers */
  mg_printf(nc, "%s", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n");

  /* Compute the result and send it back as a JSON object */
  result = strtod(n1, NULL) + strtod(n2, NULL);
  mg_printf_http_chunk(nc, "{ \"result\": %lf }", result);
  mg_send_http_chunk(nc, "", 0); /* Send empty chunk, the end of response */
Beispiel #5
static std::string get_http_var(const struct http_message *hm, const char *name) {
	char data[4096];
	data[0] = '\0';

	mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, name, data, sizeof(data));
	if (data[0] != '\0') {
		return data;

	mg_get_http_var(&hm->query_string, name, data, sizeof(data));
	if (data[0] != '\0') {
		return data;

	return "";
bool ccMongooseWebServerRequest::DoHasVarInConnection(const std::string& name) const
    if (_pMgHttpMessage == NULL)
        return false;

    char outbuf[CV_MAXGETSIZE];

    return mg_get_http_var(&_pMgHttpMessage->body, name.c_str(), &outbuf[0], CV_MAXGETSIZE) > 0;
Beispiel #7
bool RestServ::user_auth(mg_connection& nc, HttpMessage data)
    char user[64]{0x00}, pass[64]{0x00};
    auto ul = mg_get_http_var(&(data.get()->body), "user", user, sizeof(user));
    auto pl = mg_get_http_var(&(data.get()->body), "pass", pass, sizeof(pass));

        if (ul > 0 && pl > 0){
            //TODO Check valid

    } catch(std::exception& e){
        out_ << e.what();
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #8
std::shared_ptr<Session> RestServ::push_session(HttpMessage data)
    char user[64]{0x00}, pass[64]{0x00};
    auto ul = mg_get_http_var(&(data.get()->body), "user", user, sizeof(user));
    auto pl = mg_get_http_var(&(data.get()->body), "pass", pass, sizeof(pass));

    auto s = std::make_shared<Session>();

    s->created = s->last_used = mg_time();
    s->user = std::string(user, ul);
    s->pass = std::string(pass, pl);

    s->id = std::hash<std::shared_ptr<Session>>()(s);
    std::string&& seed = std::string(user) + std::to_string(s->id);
    s->id = std::hash<std::string>()(seed);


    return s;
Beispiel #9
static void handle_switch_call(struct mg_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm) {
    int val;
    char *http_status;

    char type[BUF_SIZE];
    char housecode[BUF_SIZE];
    char code[BUF_SIZE];
    char status[BUF_SIZE];
    char tone[BUF_SIZE];

    mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "type", type, sizeof(type));
    mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "housecode", housecode, sizeof(housecode));
    mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "code", code, sizeof(code));
    mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "status", status, sizeof(status));
    mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "tone", tone, sizeof(tone));

    if ((val = usbfunk_init()) != USBFUNK_SUCCESS) {
        http_status = HTTP_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ;
    } else if (mg_casecmp(type, "pt0") == 0 && (val = usbfunk_switch_0(atoi(code)) == USBFUNK_SUCCESS)) {
        http_status = HTTP_200_OK;
    } else if (mg_casecmp(type, "pt2") == 0 && (val = usbfunk_switch_2(atoi(housecode), code[0], mg_casecmp(status, "off") == 0 ? 0 : 1) == USBFUNK_SUCCESS)) {
        http_status = HTTP_200_OK;
    } else if (mg_casecmp(type, "pt4") == 0 && (val = usbfunk_switch_4(atoi(housecode), code[0], mg_casecmp(status, "off") == 0 ? 0 : 1) == USBFUNK_SUCCESS)) {
        http_status = HTTP_200_OK;
    } else if (mg_casecmp(type, "he") == 0 && (val = usbfunk_switch_he(atoi(code), mg_casecmp(status, "off") == 0 ? 0 : 1) == USBFUNK_SUCCESS)) {
        http_status = HTTP_200_OK;
    } else if (mg_casecmp(type, "raw") == 0 && (val = usbfunk_switch_raw(code) == USBFUNK_SUCCESS)) {
        http_status = HTTP_200_OK;
    } else if (mg_casecmp(type, "hx") == 0 && (val = usbfunk_bell(atoi(code), atoi(tone)) == USBFUNK_SUCCESS)) {
        http_status = HTTP_200_OK;
    } else {
        http_status = HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST;

    mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.1 %s\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n", http_status);
    mg_printf_http_chunk(nc, "%s", http_status);
    mg_send_http_chunk(nc, "", 0);
Beispiel #10
static void op_set(struct mg_connection *nc, const struct http_message *hm,
                   const struct mg_str *key, void *db) {
  sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
  char value[200];
  const struct mg_str *body = hm->query_string.len > 0 ?
    &hm->query_string : &hm->body;

  mg_get_http_var(body, "value", value, sizeof(value));
  if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO kv VALUES (?, ?);",
      -1, &stmt, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) {
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, key->p, key->len, SQLITE_STATIC);
    sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 2, value, strlen(value), SQLITE_STATIC);
  mg_printf(nc, "%s", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n");
std::string ccMongooseWebServerRequest::DoGetVarInConnection(const std::string& name)
    std::string strGetData;


    int sz = -1;

    if (_pMgHttpMessage != NULL)
        sz = mg_get_http_var(&_pMgHttpMessage->query_string, name.c_str(), &strGetData[0], strGetData.size());

    if (sz == -1)
        return _strNullData;


    return strGetData;
Beispiel #12
static void handle_setled_call(struct mg_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm) {
    int val;
    char *http_status;

    char inverse[BUF_SIZE];
    mg_get_http_var(&hm->body, "inverse", inverse, sizeof(inverse));

    if ((val = usbfunk_init()) != USBFUNK_SUCCESS) {
        http_status = HTTP_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE ;
    } else if ((val = usbfunk_setled(atoi(inverse)) == USBFUNK_SUCCESS)) {
        http_status = HTTP_200_OK;
    } else {
        http_status = HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST;

    mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.1 %s\r\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n\r\n", http_status);
    mg_printf_http_chunk(nc, "%s", http_status);
    mg_send_http_chunk(nc, "", 0);
Beispiel #13
static void handle_play(struct mg_connection *con, struct http_message *msg) {
  char stream_uri[200];
  mg_get_http_var(&msg->body, "streamURI", stream_uri, sizeof(stream_uri));
  mg_printf(con, "%s", "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n");
Beispiel #14
 * Handle mongoose events.  These are mostly requests to process incoming
 * browser requests.  The ones we handle are:
 * GET / - Send the enter details page.
 * GET /set - Set the connection info (REST request).
 * POST /ssidSelected - Set the connection info (HTML FORM).
static void mongoose_event_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *evData) {
	ESP_LOGD(tag, "- Event: %s", mongoose_eventToString(ev));
	switch (ev) {
			struct http_message *message = (struct http_message *) evData;
			char *uri = mgStrToStr(message->uri);
			ESP_LOGD(tag, " - uri: %s", uri);

			if (strcmp(uri, "/set") ==0 ) {
				connection_info_t connectionInfo;
				ESP_LOGD(tag, "- Set the new connection info to ssid: %s, password: %s",
					connectionInfo.ssid, connectionInfo.password);
				mg_send_head(nc, 200, 0, "Content-Type: text/plain");
			} if (strcmp(uri, "/") == 0) {
				mg_send_head(nc, 200, sizeof(selectAP_html), "Content-Type: text/html");
				mg_send(nc, selectAP_html, sizeof(selectAP_html));
			// Handle /ssidSelected
			// This is an incoming form with properties:
			// * ssid - The ssid of the network to connect against.
			// * password - the password to use to connect.
			// * ip - Static IP address ... may be empty
			// * gw - Static GW address ... may be empty
			// * netmask - Static netmask ... may be empty
			if(strcmp(uri, "/ssidSelected") == 0) {
				// We have received a form page containing the details.  The form body will
				// contain:
				// ssid=<value>&password=<value>
				ESP_LOGD(tag, "- body: %.*s", message->body.len, message->body.p);
				connection_info_t connectionInfo;
				mg_get_http_var(&message->body, "ssid",	connectionInfo.ssid, SSID_SIZE);
				mg_get_http_var(&message->body, "password", connectionInfo.password, PASSWORD_SIZE);

				char ipBuf[20];
				if (mg_get_http_var(&message->body, "ip", ipBuf, sizeof(ipBuf)) > 0) {
					inet_pton(AF_INET, ipBuf, &connectionInfo.ipInfo.ip);
				} else {
					connectionInfo.ipInfo.ip.addr = 0;

				if (mg_get_http_var(&message->body, "gw", ipBuf, sizeof(ipBuf)) > 0) {
					inet_pton(AF_INET, ipBuf, &;
				else { = 0;

				if (mg_get_http_var(&message->body, "netmask", ipBuf, sizeof(ipBuf)) > 0) {
					inet_pton(AF_INET, ipBuf, &connectionInfo.ipInfo.netmask);
				else {
					connectionInfo.ipInfo.netmask.addr = 0;

				ESP_LOGD(tag, "ssid: %s, password: %s", connectionInfo.ssid, connectionInfo.password);

				mg_send_head(nc, 200, 0, "Content-Type: text/plain");
			} // url is "/ssidSelected"
			// Else ... unknown URL
			else {
				mg_send_head(nc, 404, 0, "Content-Type: text/plain");
			nc->flags |= MG_F_SEND_AND_CLOSE;
	} // End of switch
} // End of mongoose_event_handler