Beispiel #1
void WebController::PrintInfo(){

  struct mg_connection *c = NULL;
  int websockets = 0;
  int connections = 0;
  // Iterate over all connections, and push current time message to websocket ones.
  for (c = mg_next(server, c); c != NULL; c = mg_next(server, c)) {
    if (c->is_websocket) {
    } else {

  fprintf(stdout, "Websockets   :%d\n", websockets);
  fprintf(stdout, "Connections  :%d\n", connections);
  fprintf(stdout, "State        :%s\n", this->interpreting ? "Interpreting" : "Stopped");
  fprintf(stdout, "Config       :%s\n", this->settings_file_);
  fprintf(stdout, "File         :%s\n", this->current_gcode_file_);
  fprintf(stdout, "Line         :%d\n", this->currentLine);
  fprintf(stdout, "FeedHold     :%d\n", this->main_status.StopImmediateState);
  fprintf(stdout, "Simulating   :%d\n", this->simulate);
Beispiel #2
void RestServ::websocketBroadcast(mg_connection& nc, const char* msg, size_t len) 
    mg_connection* iter;

    for (iter = mg_next(nc.mgr, nullptr); iter != nullptr; iter = mg_next(nc.mgr, iter))
      mg_send_websocket_frame(iter, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT, msg, len);
Beispiel #3
static void push_data_to_all_websocket_connections(struct mg_mgr *m) {
  struct mg_connection *c;
  int memory_usage = (double) rand() / RAND_MAX * 100.0;

  for (c = mg_next(m, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(m, c)) {
    if (c->flags & MG_F_IS_WEBSOCKET) {
      mg_printf_websocket_frame(c, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT, "%d", memory_usage);
Beispiel #4
static struct mg_connection *sj_find_timer(sj_timer_id id) {
  struct mg_connection *c;
  for (c = mg_next(&sj_mgr, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(&sj_mgr, c)) {
    if (c->handler == sj_timer_handler) {
      struct timer_info *ti = (struct timer_info *) c->user_data;
      if (ti != NULL && ti->id == id) return c;
  return NULL;
Beispiel #5
 * Forwards API payload to the device, by scanning through
 * all the connections to find those that are tagged as WebSocket.
static void send_command_to_the_device(struct mg_mgr *mgr,
                                       const struct mg_str *cmd) {
  struct mg_connection *nc;
  for (nc = mg_next(mgr, NULL); nc != NULL; nc = mg_next(mgr, nc)) {
    if (!(nc->flags & MG_F_IS_WEBSOCKET))
      continue;  // Ignore non-websocket requests

    mg_send_websocket_frame(nc, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT, cmd->p, cmd->len);
    printf("Sent API command [%.*s] to %p\n", (int) cmd->len, cmd->p, nc);
Beispiel #6
void web_engine::push_message(const char *message)
	struct mg_connection *c;
	if (m_server!=NULL) {
		// Iterate over all connections, and push current time message to websocket ones.
		for (c = mg_next(m_server, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(m_server, c)) {
			if (c->is_websocket) {
				mg_websocket_write(c, 1, message, strlen(message));
static void push_message(struct mg_server *server, time_t current_time) {
  struct mg_connection *c;
  char buf[20];
  int len = sprintf(buf, "%lu", (unsigned long) current_time);

  // Iterate over all connections, and push current time message to websocket ones.
  for (c = mg_next(server, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(server, c)) {
    if (c->is_websocket) {
      mg_websocket_write(c, 1, buf, len);
Beispiel #8
int WebController::PushClientData(int opCode, const char *data , size_t data_len){
  struct mg_connection *c = NULL;
  int nrOfClients = 0;
  // Iterate over all connections, and push current time message to websocket ones.

  for (c = mg_next(server, c); c != NULL; c = mg_next(server, c)) {
    if (c->is_websocket) {
      mg_websocket_write(c, opCode, data, data_len);
  return nrOfClients;
Beispiel #9
static void broadcast(struct mg_connection *nc, const struct mg_str msg) {
  struct mg_connection *c;
  char buf[500];
  char addr[32];
  mg_sock_addr_to_str(&nc->sa, addr, sizeof(addr),

  snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %.*s", addr, (int) msg.len, msg.p);
  printf("%s\n", buf); /* Local echo. */
  for (c = mg_next(nc->mgr, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(nc->mgr, c)) {
    if (c == nc) continue; /* Don't send to the sender. */
    mg_send_websocket_frame(c, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT, buf, strlen(buf));
Beispiel #10
static void mg_mgr_handle_ctl_sock(struct mg_mgr *mgr) {
  struct ctl_msg ctl_msg;
  int len =
      (int) MG_RECV_FUNC(mgr->ctl[1], (char *) &ctl_msg, sizeof(ctl_msg), 0);
  size_t dummy = MG_SEND_FUNC(mgr->ctl[1], ctl_msg.message, 1, 0);
  DBG(("read %d from ctl socket", len));
  (void) dummy; /* */
  if (len >= (int) sizeof(ctl_msg.callback) && ctl_msg.callback != NULL) {
    struct mg_connection *nc;
    for (nc = mg_next(mgr, NULL); nc != NULL; nc = mg_next(mgr, nc)) {
      ctl_msg.callback(nc, MG_EV_POLL,
                       ctl_msg.message MG_UD_ARG(nc->user_data));
Beispiel #11
static int ws_send(lua_State *L)
    struct mg_context *ctx = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, MONGOOSE_LUA);
    const char* key = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
    size_t len;
    const char* data = luaL_tolstring(L, 3, &len);

    struct mg_connection *c = NULL;
    for (c = mg_next(ctx->server, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(ctx->server, c))
        if (c->is_websocket && !strncmp(c->connection_param, key, 24))
            mg_websocket_printf(c, WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_TEXT, data);
    return MG_TRUE;
Beispiel #12
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
**  V4L2 processing
** -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void v4l2processing(struct mg_server *server, V4l2Capture* dev, int width, int height)
	if (dev->isReady())
		int fd = dev->getFd();
		struct timeval tv;
		fd_set read_set;
		if (select(fd+1, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &tv) >0)
			if (FD_ISSET(fd,&read_set))
				// update format informations
				// read image
				char buf[dev->getBufferSize()];
				ssize_t size = dev->read(buf, dev->getBufferSize());
				LOG(DEBUG) << "read size:" << size << " buffersize:" << dev->getBufferSize();
				// compress 
				if ( (size>0) && (dev->getFormat() == V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV) )
					size = yuyv2jpeg(buf, width, height, 95);							
				// post to subscribers
				if (size>0)
					for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(server, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(server, c)) 
						const url_handler* url = find_url(c->uri);
						if (url && url->handle_notify)
							LOG(DEBUG) << "notify:" << c->uri << " size:" << size;
							url->handle_notify(c, buf, size);
Beispiel #13
static void server_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *p) {
  (void) p;
  if (ev == MG_EV_RECV) {
    // Push received message to all ncections
    struct mbuf *io = &nc->recv_mbuf;
    struct mg_connection *c;

    for (c = mg_next(nc->mgr, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(nc->mgr, c)) {
      if (!(c->flags |= MG_F_USER_2)) continue;  // Skip non-client connections
      mg_send(c, io->buf, io->len);
    mbuf_remove(io, io->len);
  } else if (ev == MG_EV_ACCEPT) {
    char addr[32];
    mg_sock_addr_to_str(p, addr, sizeof(addr),
    printf("New client connected from %s\n", addr);
Beispiel #14
 * Forwards the jpeg frame data to all open mjpeg connections.
 * Incoming messages follow a very simple binary frame format:
 * 4 bytes: timestamp (in network byte order)
 * n bytes: jpeg payload
 * The timestamp is used to compute a lag.
 * It's done in a quite stupid way as it requires the device clock
 * to be synchronized with the cloud endpoint.
static void push_frame_to_clients(struct mg_mgr *mgr,
                                  const struct websocket_message *wm) {
  struct mg_connection *nc;
   * mjpeg connections are tagged with the MG_F_USER_2 flag so we can find them
   * my scanning the connection list provided by the mongoose manager.
  for (nc = mg_next(mgr, NULL); nc != NULL; nc = mg_next(mgr, nc)) {
    if (!(nc->flags & MG_F_USER_2)) continue;  // Ignore un-marked requests

              "--w00t\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n"
              "Content-Length: %lu\r\n\r\n",
              (unsigned long) wm->size);
    mg_send(nc, wm->data, wm->size);
    mg_send(nc, "\r\n", 2);
    printf("Image pushed to %p\n", nc);
Beispiel #15
uint32_t mg_lwip_get_poll_delay_ms(struct mg_mgr *mgr) {
  struct mg_connection *nc;
  double now;
  double min_timer = 0;
  int num_timers = 0;
  for (nc = mg_next(mgr, NULL); nc != NULL; nc = mg_next(mgr, nc)) {
    struct mg_lwip_conn_state *cs = (struct mg_lwip_conn_state *) nc->sock;
    if (nc->ev_timer_time > 0) {
      if (num_timers == 0 || nc->ev_timer_time < min_timer) {
        min_timer = nc->ev_timer_time;
    if (nc->send_mbuf.len > 0
        || (nc->flags & MG_F_WANT_WRITE)
            ) {
      int can_send = 0;
      /* We have stuff to send, but can we? */
      if (nc->flags & MG_F_UDP) {
        /* UDP is always ready for sending. */
        can_send = (cs->pcb.udp != NULL);
      } else {
        can_send = (cs->pcb.tcp != NULL && cs->pcb.tcp->snd_buf > 0);
      /* We want and can send, request a poll immediately. */
      if (can_send) return 0;
  uint32_t timeout_ms = ~0;
  now = mg_time();
  if (num_timers > 0) {
    /* If we have a timer that is past due, do a poll ASAP. */
    if (min_timer < now) return 0;
    double timer_timeout_ms = (min_timer - now) * 1000 + 1 /* rounding */;
    if (timer_timeout_ms < timeout_ms) {
      timeout_ms = timer_timeout_ms;
  return timeout_ms;
Beispiel #16
static void handle_websocket_message(struct mg_connection *conn) {
  struct conn_data *d = (struct conn_data *) conn->connection_param;
  struct mg_connection *c;

  printf("[%.*s]\n", (int) conn->content_len, conn->content);
  if (conn->content_len > 5 && !memcmp(conn->content, "join ", 5)) {
    // Client joined new room
    d->room = conn->content[5];
  } else if (conn->content_len > 4 && !memcmp(conn->content, "msg ", 4) &&
             d->room != 0 && d->room != '?') {
    // Client has sent a message. Push this message to all clients
    // that are subscribed to the same room as client
    for (c = mg_next(s_server, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s_server, c)) {
      struct conn_data *d2 = (struct conn_data *) c->connection_param;
      if (!c->is_websocket || d2->room != d->room) continue;
      mg_websocket_printf(c, WEBSOCKET_OPCODE_TEXT, "msg %c %p %.*s",
                          (char) d->room, conn,
                          conn->content_len - 4, conn->content + 4);
Beispiel #17
uint32_t mg_lwip_get_poll_delay_ms(struct mg_mgr *mgr) {
  struct mg_connection *nc;
  double now = mg_time();
  double min_timer = 0;
  int num_timers = 0;
  for (nc = mg_next(mgr, NULL); nc != NULL; nc = mg_next(mgr, nc)) {
    if (nc->ev_timer_time > 0) {
      if (num_timers == 0 || nc->ev_timer_time < min_timer) {
        min_timer = nc->ev_timer_time;
  uint32_t timeout_ms = ~0;
  if (num_timers > 0) {
    double timer_timeout_ms = (min_timer - now) * 1000 + 1 /* rounding */;
    if (timer_timeout_ms < timeout_ms) {
      timeout_ms = timer_timeout_ms;
  return timeout_ms;
Beispiel #18
void mpd_poll(struct mg_server *s)
    switch (mpd.conn_state) {
        case MPD_DISCONNECTED:
            /* Try to connect */
            fprintf(stdout, "MPD Connecting to %s:%d\n",, mpd.port);
            mpd.conn = mpd_connection_new(, mpd.port, 3000);
            if (mpd.conn == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.");
                mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE;

            if (mpd_connection_get_error(mpd.conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) {
                fprintf(stderr, "MPD connection: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn));
                for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c))
                    c->callback_param = (void *)mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn);
                    mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL);
                mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE;

            if(mpd.password && !mpd_run_password(mpd.conn, mpd.password))
                fprintf(stderr, "MPD connection: %s\n", mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn));
                for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c))
                    c->callback_param = (void *)mpd_connection_get_error_message(mpd.conn);
                    mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL);
                mpd.conn_state = MPD_FAILURE;

            fprintf(stderr, "MPD connected.\n");
            mpd_connection_set_timeout(mpd.conn, 10000);
            mpd.conn_state = MPD_CONNECTED;
            /* write outputs */
            mpd.buf_size = mpd_put_outputs(mpd.buf, 1);
            for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c))
                c->callback_param = NULL;
                mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL);

        case MPD_FAILURE:
            fprintf(stderr, "MPD connection failed.\n");

        case MPD_DISCONNECT:
        case MPD_RECONNECT:
            if(mpd.conn != NULL)
            mpd.conn = NULL;
            mpd.conn_state = MPD_DISCONNECTED;

        case MPD_CONNECTED:
            mpd.buf_size = mpd_put_state(mpd.buf, &mpd.song_id, &mpd.queue_version);
            for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c))
                c->callback_param = NULL;
                mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL);
            mpd.buf_size = mpd_put_outputs(mpd.buf, 0);
            for (struct mg_connection *c = mg_next(s, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(s, c))
                c->callback_param = NULL;
                mpd_notify_callback(c, MG_POLL);
Beispiel #19
void http_ws_push_json(struct mg_server *server, JsonNode *obj)
    struct mg_connection *c;
    JsonNode *j;
    int len;
    char *js, *u = NULL, *d = NULL;

    if (!obj || obj->tag != JSON_OBJECT)

     * Iterate over connections and push message to the WS connections.

    for (c = mg_next(server, NULL); c != NULL; c = mg_next(server, c)) {
        if (c->is_websocket) {
#if 0
                int n;
                for (n = 0; n < c->num_headers; n++) {
                    struct mg_header *hh;

                    hh = &c->http_headers[n];
                    if (*hh->name == 'X') {
                        fprintf(stderr, "WEBSOCKET-HEADER: %s=%s\n", hh->name, hh->value);
            puts(json_stringify(obj, NULL));

            u = field(c, "user");
            d = field(c, "device");

            if (u) {
                if ((j = json_find_member(obj, "user")) != NULL) {
                    if (strcasecmp(u, j->string_) != 0) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "not for %s; skip\n", u);

                if (d) {
                    if ((j = json_find_member(obj, "device")) != NULL) {
                        if (strcasecmp(d, j->string_) != 0) {
                            fprintf(stderr, "not for %s/%s; skip\n", u, d);

                if (d) free(d);

            if ((js = json_stringify(obj, NULL)) != NULL) {
                len = strlen(js);
                mg_websocket_write(c, 1, js, len);