LeoTEGlyphBlt (DrawablePtr pDrawable, GCPtr pGC, int x, int y,
		   unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr *ppci, pointer pGlyphBase)
	LeoPtr pLeo = LeoGetScreenPrivate (pGC->pScreen);
	LeoCommand0 *lc0 = pLeo->lc0;
	LeoDraw *ld0 = pLeo->ld0;
	RegionPtr clip;
	int h, hTmp;
	int widthGlyph, widthGlyphs;
	BoxRec bbox;
	FontPtr pfont = pGC->font;
	int curw = -1;
	unsigned int *fbf;
	unsigned char *fb;
	int height, width;

	widthGlyph = FONTMAXBOUNDS(pfont,characterWidth);
	h = FONTASCENT(pfont) + FONTDESCENT(pfont);
	clip = cfbGetCompositeClip(pGC);
	bbox.x1 = x + pDrawable->x;
	bbox.x2 = bbox.x1 + (widthGlyph * nglyph);
	bbox.y1 = y + pDrawable->y - FONTASCENT(pfont);
	bbox.y2 = bbox.y1 + h;

	/* If fully out of range, and we have no chance of getting back
	 * in range, no work to do.
	y = y + pDrawable->y - FONTASCENT(pfont);
	x += pDrawable->x;
	height = pLeo->height;
	width = pLeo->width;
	if (x >= width)

	switch (RECT_IN_REGION(pGC->pScreen, clip, &bbox)) {
	case rgnPART: 
		if (REGION_NUM_RECTS(clip) == 1) {
			ld0->vclipmin = (clip->extents.y1 << 16) | clip->extents.x1;
			ld0->vclipmax = ((clip->extents.y2 - 1) << 16) | (clip->extents.x2 - 1);
		x -= pDrawable->x;
		y = y - pDrawable->y + FONTASCENT(pfont);
		if (pGlyphBase)
			cfbPolyGlyphBlt8 (pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci, NULL);
			miImageGlyphBlt(pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci, pGlyphBase);
	case rgnOUT:
		clip = NULL;
	lc0->addrspace = LEO_ADDRSPC_FONT_OBGR;
	ld0->fg = pGC->fgPixel;
	if (pGC->alu != GXcopy)
		ld0->rop = leoRopTable[pGC->alu];
	if (pGC->planemask != 0xffffff)
		ld0->planemask = pGC->planemask;
	fb = (unsigned char *)pLeo->fb;

		lc0->fontt = 1;
	else {
		lc0->fontt = 0;
		ld0->bg = pGC->bgPixel;

#define LoopIt(count, w, loadup, fetch) \
	if (w != curw) { \
		curw = w; \
		lc0->fontmsk = 0xffffffff << (32 - w); \
	} \
	while (nglyph >= count) { \
		loadup \
		nglyph -= count; \
		fbf = (unsigned *)(fb + (y << 13) + (x << 2)); \
		hTmp = h; \
		if (y + h <= height) \
			while (hTmp--) { \
				*fbf = fetch; \
				fbf += 2048; \
			} \
		else \
			for (hTmp = 0; hTmp < h && y + hTmp < height; hTmp++) { \
				*fbf = fetch; \
				fbf += 2048; \
			} \
		x += w; \
		if(x >= width) \
			goto out; \

	if (widthGlyph <= 8) {
		widthGlyphs = widthGlyph << 2;
		LoopIt(4, widthGlyphs,
		       unsigned int *char1 = (unsigned int *) (*ppci++)->bits;
		       unsigned int *char2 = (unsigned int *) (*ppci++)->bits;
		       unsigned int *char3 = (unsigned int *) (*ppci++)->bits;
		       unsigned int *char4 = (unsigned int *) (*ppci++)->bits;,
xf4bppImageGlyphBlt(DrawablePtr pDrawable, GC *pGC, int x, int y,
		    unsigned int nglyph, CharInfoPtr *ppci, pointer pglyphBase)
    ExtentInfoRec info;	/* used by QueryGlyphExtents() */
    xRectangle backrect;/* backing rectangle to paint.
			   in the general case, NOT necessarily
			   the same as the string's bounding box
    /* GJA -- I agree, this ALL should be moved to GC validation. */
    if ( (pDrawable->type != DRAWABLE_WINDOW) || (pGC->alu != GXcopy) ||
         !xf86Screens[pDrawable->pScreen->myNum]->vtSema ||
         ((pGC->font) &&
	    (FONTMAXBOUNDS(pGC->font,rightSideBearing) -
	     FONTMINBOUNDS(pGC->font,leftSideBearing) > 32 ||
	     FONTMINBOUNDS(pGC->font,characterWidth) < 0)) ) {
       miImageGlyphBlt(pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci, pglyphBase);
    } else {
       ppcPrivGC *pPrivGC;
       int oldfillStyle, oldfg, oldalu;

       if (!(pGC->planemask & 0x0F))

       QueryGlyphExtents(pGC->font, ppci, (unsigned long)nglyph, &info);

       backrect.x = x;
       backrect.y = y - FONTASCENT(pGC->font);
       backrect.width = info.overallWidth;
       backrect.height = FONTASCENT(pGC->font) + FONTDESCENT(pGC->font);

       pPrivGC = pGC->devPrivates[mfbGCPrivateIndex].ptr;
       oldfillStyle = pPrivGC->colorRrop.fillStyle; /* GJA */
       oldfg = pPrivGC->colorRrop.fgPixel; /* GJA */
       oldalu = pPrivGC->colorRrop.alu; /* GJA */

       pPrivGC->colorRrop.fillStyle = FillSolid; /* GJA */
       pPrivGC->colorRrop.fgPixel = pGC->bgPixel; /* GJA */
       pGC->fgPixel = pGC->bgPixel;
       pPrivGC->colorRrop.alu = GXcopy; /* GJA */
       pGC->alu = GXcopy;

       /* Required fields:
        * colorRrop.alu, colorRrop.planemask, colorRrop.fgPixel
       xf4bppPolyFillRect(pDrawable, pGC, 1, &backrect);

       pPrivGC->colorRrop.fgPixel = oldfg; /* GJA */
       pGC->fgPixel = oldfg;

       /* the faint-hearted can open their eyes now */

       DO_WM3(pGC,doImageGlyphBlt(pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci,

       pPrivGC->colorRrop.fillStyle = oldfillStyle; /* GJA */
       pPrivGC->colorRrop.alu = oldalu; /* GJA */
       pGC->alu = oldalu;
