int create_applications (MifareTag tag)
    int res = 0;
    MifareDESFireKey key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new_with_version (initial_key);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);
    if (res < 0)
        errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Authentication to master application failed");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    printf ("Creating Application #1...\n");
    MifareDESFireAID aid = mifare_desfire_aid_new (0x1);
    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid, 0x0f, 0x2);
    if (res < 0)
        errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Application #1 creation failed, try erasing the card before retrying.");

    printf ("Creating Application #2...\n");
    aid = mifare_desfire_aid_new (0x2);
    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid, 0x0f, 0x2);
    if (res < 0)
        errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Application #2 creation failed, try erasing the card before retrying.");

    return res;
test_mifare_desfire_des_macing (void)
    int res;

    mifare_desfire_auto_authenticate (tag, 0);

    MifareDESFireKey key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new_with_version (key_data_null);
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 0, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");

    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");

    MifareDESFireAID aid = mifare_desfire_aid_new (0x00123456);
    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid, 0xFF, 1);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_application()");

    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, aid);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application");
    free (aid);

    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");

    res = mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file (tag, 1, MDCM_MACED, 0x0000, 20);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file()");

    char *s= "Hello World";
    res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tag, 1, 0, strlen (s), s);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_data()");

    char buffer[50];
    res = mifare_desfire_read_data (tag, 1, 0, 0, buffer);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_data()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (20, res, cut_message ("retval"));
    cut_assert_equal_string (s, buffer, cut_message ("value"));

    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application");
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");

    /* Wipeout the card */
    res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tag);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_format_picc()");

    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);
Beispiel #3
static int
application_setup (MifareTag tag, const MifareDESFireAID aid, MifareDESFireKey access_key)
    int res;

    MifareDESFireKey master_key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new_with_version (master_key_data);
    MifareDESFireKey public_key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new_with_version (public_key_data);

    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid, 0x0f, 2);
    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, aid);
    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, public_key);
    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, COUNTER_RW_KEYNO, master_key, NULL);
    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, COUNTER_RW_KEYNO, master_key);
    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_create_value_file (tag, COUNTER_FILENO, MDCM_PLAIN, 0x1000, 0, 12, 0, 0);
    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 1, access_key, NULL);

    mifare_desfire_key_free (master_key);
    mifare_desfire_key_free (public_key);

    return res;
Beispiel #4
test_mifare_desfire_get_many_application_ids (void)
    int res;

    MifareDESFireKey key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new_with_version (key_data_null);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    /* Wipeout the card */
    res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tag);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_format_picc()");

    for (int i = 0; i < NAID; i++) {
	MadAid mad_aid = { i, i };
	MifareDESFireAID aid = mifare_desfire_aid_new_with_mad_aid ( mad_aid, i % 0x10);

	res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid, 0xff, 0);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_application()");

	free (aid);

    MifareDESFireAID *aids;
    size_t aid_count;

    res = mifare_desfire_get_application_ids (tag, &aids, &aid_count);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_application_ids()");

    cut_assert_equal_int (NAID, aid_count, cut_message ("count"));

    mifare_desfire_free_application_ids (aids);

    /* Wipeout the card */
    res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tag);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_format_picc()");
test_mifare_desfire_ev1_aes2 (void)
    int res;
    MifareDESFireKey  key;

    mifare_desfire_auto_authenticate (tag, 0);

    // Setup the AES key
    key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new_with_version (key_data_aes, key_data_aes_version);
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 0x80, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    // Authenticate with the AES key
    key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new_with_version (key_data_aes, key_data_aes_version);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tag);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_format_picc()");

    key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new_with_version (key_data_aes, key_data_aes_version);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    uint32_t size;
    res = mifare_desfire_free_mem (tag, &size);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_free_mem");

    // Do some commands to check CMAC is properly handled
    res = mifare_desfire_free_mem (tag, &size);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_free_mem");

    struct mifare_desfire_version_info info;
    res = mifare_desfire_get_version (tag, &info);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_version");

    res = mifare_desfire_change_key_settings (tag, 0x0F);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key_settings");

    res = mifare_desfire_free_mem (tag, &size);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_free_mem");

    MifareDESFireAID aid = mifare_desfire_aid_new (0x112233);

    mifare_desfire_delete_application (tag, aid);

    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid, 0xff, 0x81);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_application");

    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, aid);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application");

    key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new (key_data_aes);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate");
    free (key);

    key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new_with_version (key_data_aes, key_data_aes_version);
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 0x00, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new (key_data_aes);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate");
    free (key);

    res = mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file (tag, 1, MDCM_MACED, 0x0000, 512);
    if ((mifare_desfire_last_picc_error (tag) != DUPLICATE_ERROR) && (mifare_desfire_last_picc_error(tag) != OPERATION_OK))
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file");

    char sample_data[] = "Hello World!  I'm a string that is probably too long "
	"to feet in a single frame.  For this reason, it will be split and like"
	"ly, some failure in the algorirthm should trigger an error in this uni"
	"t test.";
    res = mifare_desfire_write_data_ex (tag, 1, 0, strlen (sample_data), sample_data, MDCM_MACED);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_data");

    char buffer[1024];

    res = mifare_desfire_read_data_ex (tag, 1, 0, 27, buffer, MDCM_MACED);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_data");
    cut_assert_equal_memory (buffer, res, sample_data, 27, cut_message ("AES crypto failed"));

    uint8_t s, c;
    res = mifare_desfire_get_key_settings (tag, &s, &c);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get__key_settings");

    res = mifare_desfire_read_data_ex (tag, 1, 27, 27, buffer, MDCM_MACED);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_data");
    cut_assert_equal_memory (buffer, res, sample_data + 27, 27, cut_message ("AES crypto failed"));

    res = mifare_desfire_read_data_ex (tag, 1, 0, 0, buffer, MDCM_MACED);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_data");
    cut_assert_equal_memory (buffer, strlen (buffer), sample_data, strlen (sample_data), cut_message ("AES crypto failed"));

    // Revert to the default DES key
    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application");

    key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new_with_version (key_data_aes, key_data_aes_version);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new (key_data_null);
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 0x00, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int error = EXIT_SUCCESS;
    nfc_device *device = NULL;
    MifareTag *tags = NULL;

    if (argc > 1)
	errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "usage: %s", argv[0]);

    nfc_connstring devices[8];
    size_t device_count;

    nfc_context *context;
    nfc_init (&context);
    if (context == NULL)
	errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to init libnfc (malloc)");

    device_count = nfc_list_devices (context, devices, 8);
    if (device_count <= 0)
	errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "No NFC device found.");

    for (size_t d = 0; d < device_count; d++) {
        device = nfc_open (context, devices[d]);
        if (!device) {
            warnx ("nfc_open() failed.");
            error = EXIT_FAILURE;

	tags = freefare_get_tags (device);
	if (!tags) {
	    nfc_close (device);
	    errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Error listing tags.");

	for (int i = 0; (!error) && tags[i]; i++) {
	    if (DESFIRE != freefare_get_tag_type (tags[i]))

	    int res;
	    // This is hex-encoded see the on how to access the raw data
	    char *tag_uid = freefare_get_tag_uid (tags[i]);

	    res = mifare_desfire_connect (tags[i]);
	    if (res < 0) {
		warnx ("Can't connect to Mifare DESFire target.");
		error = EXIT_FAILURE;

	    MifareDESFireKey key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new_with_version (key_data_null);
	    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tags[i], 0, key);
	    if (res < 0)
		errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Authentication on master application failed");

	    MadAid mad_aid = { 0x12, 0x34 };
	    MifareDESFireAID aid = mifare_desfire_aid_new_with_mad_aid (mad_aid, 0x5);
	    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tags[i], aid, 0xFF, 0x1);
	    if (res < 0)
		errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Application creation failed");

	    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tags[i], aid);
	    if (res < 0)
		errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Application selection failed");

	    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tags[i], 0, key);
	    if (res < 0)
		errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Authentication on application failed");

	    res = mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file (tags[i], 1, MDCM_ENCIPHERED, 0x0000, 20);
	    if (res < 0)
		errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "File creation failed");

	    const char *s= "Hello World";
	    res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tags[i], 1, 0, strlen (s), s);
	    if (res < 0)
		errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "File write failed");

	    char buffer[20];
	    res = mifare_desfire_read_data (tags[i], 1, 0, 0, buffer);
	    if (res < 0)
		errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "File read failed");

	    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tags[i], NULL);
	    if (res < 0)
		errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Master application selection failed");

	    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tags[i], 0, key);
	    if (res < 0)
		errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Authentication on master application failed");

	    res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tags[i]);
	    if (res < 0)
		errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "PICC format failed");

	    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);
	    free (tag_uid);
	    free (aid);

	    mifare_desfire_disconnect (tags[i]);

	freefare_free_tags (tags);
	nfc_close (device);
    nfc_exit (context);
    exit (error);
} /* main() */
test_mifare_desfire_ev1_3des (void)
    int res;

    /* Select the master application */
    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application()");

    /* Get version information */
    struct mifare_desfire_version_info version_info;
    res = mifare_desfire_get_version (tag, &version_info);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_version()");

     mifare_desfire_auto_authenticate (tag, 0);

     * This unit test change key settings to more restrictive ones, so reset
     * them to factory defaults in case the previous run failed unexpectedly.
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key_settings (tag, 0xF);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key_settings()");
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key_settings (tag, 0xF);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key_settings()");

    /* Change master key to AES */
    MifareDESFireKey key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new_with_version (key_data_3des);
    mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 0, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");

    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    /* Wipeout the card */
    res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tag);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_format_picc()");

    /* Create 3 applications */
    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application()");

    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new_with_version (key_data_3des);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    uint8_t key_version;
    res = mifare_desfire_get_key_version (tag, 0, &key_version);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_key_version()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (0x55, 0x55, cut_message ("Wrong key_version value."));

    uint32_t size;
    res = mifare_desfire_free_mem (tag, &size);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_free_mem()");

    MifareDESFireAID aid_a = mifare_desfire_aid_new (0x00AAAAAA);
    //cut_assert_not_null (aid_a, cut_message ("Cannot allocate AID"));
    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid_a, 0xFF, 0);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_application()");

    MifareDESFireAID aid_b = mifare_desfire_aid_new (0x00BBBBBB);
    cut_assert_not_null (aid_b, cut_message ("Cannot allocate AID"));
    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid_b, 0xEF, 6);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_application()");

    MifareDESFireAID aid_c = mifare_desfire_aid_new (0x00CCCCCC);
    cut_assert_not_null (aid_c, cut_message ("Cannot allocate AID"));
    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid_c, 0xC2, 14);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_application()");

    // Ensure we can find the created applications
    MifareDESFireAID *aids = NULL;
    size_t aid_count;
    res = mifare_desfire_get_application_ids (tag, &aids, &aid_count);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_application_ids()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (3, aid_count, cut_message ("Wrong application count"));
    mifare_desfire_free_application_ids (aids);

    // Create files in the application A
    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, aid_a);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application()");

    uint8_t std_data_file_id = 15;

    res = mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file (tag, std_data_file_id, MDCM_PLAIN, 0xEEEE, 100);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file()");

    res = mifare_desfire_create_backup_data_file (tag, 5, MDCM_PLAIN, 0xEEEE, 64);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_backup_data_file()");

    res = mifare_desfire_create_value_file (tag, 4, MDCM_PLAIN, 0xEEEE, 0, 1000, 0, 0);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_value_file()");

    res = mifare_desfire_create_cyclic_record_file (tag, 0, MDCM_PLAIN, 0xEEEE, 4, 10);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_cyclic_record_file()");

    // Write some data in the standard data file
    res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tag, std_data_file_id, 0, 30, (uint8_t *)"Some data to write to the card");
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_data()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (30, res, cut_message ("Wrong number of bytes writen"));

    res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tag, std_data_file_id, 34, 22, (uint8_t *)"Another block of data.");
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_data()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (22, res, cut_message ("Wrong number of bytes writen"));

    // Make the file read-only
    res = mifare_desfire_change_file_settings (tag, std_data_file_id, MDCM_PLAIN, 0xEFFF);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_file_settings()");

    // Read a part of the file
    uint8_t buffer[120];
    res = mifare_desfire_read_data (tag, std_data_file_id, 10, 50, &buffer);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_data()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (50, res, cut_message ("Wrong number of bytes read"));
    cut_assert_equal_memory ("to write to the card\0\0\0\0Another block of data.\0\0\0\0", 50, buffer, 50, cut_message ("Wrong data"));

    // Read all the file at once
    res = mifare_desfire_read_data (tag, std_data_file_id, 0, 0, &buffer);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_data()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (100, res, cut_message ("Wrong number of bytes read"));
    cut_assert_equal_memory ("Some data to write to the"
			     " card\0\0\0\0Another block of"
			     " data.\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
			     "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 100, buffer, 100, cut_message ("Wrong data"));

    // Try to overwrute the file
    res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tag, std_data_file_id, 20, 5, (char *)"Test!");
    cut_assert_equal_int (-1, res, cut_message ("Wrong return value"));
    cut_assert_equal_int (PERMISSION_ERROR, mifare_desfire_last_picc_error (tag), cut_message ("Wrong PICC error"));

    int32_t expected_value = 0;
    for (int transaction = 0; transaction < 15; transaction++) {

	char data_buffer[3];

	sprintf (data_buffer, "%02d", transaction);

	// Write to the backup file
	res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tag, 5, 3*transaction, 3, data_buffer);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_data()");

	// Manipulate the value file
	res = mifare_desfire_credit (tag, 4, 100);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_credit()");

	res = mifare_desfire_debit (tag, 4, 97);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_debit()");

	// Write to the cyclic record file
	res = mifare_desfire_write_record (tag, 0, 2, 2, data_buffer);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_record()");

	// Overwrite the cyclic record file
	res = mifare_desfire_write_record (tag, 0, 0, 2, (char *)"r.");

	// Ensure that no content was changed yet
	char ref_buffer[64];
	memset (ref_buffer, 0, sizeof (ref_buffer));
	for (int n = 0; n < transaction; n++) {
	    sprintf (ref_buffer + 3 * n, "%02d", n);

	res = mifare_desfire_read_data (tag, 5, 0, 0, buffer);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_data()");
	cut_assert_equal_int (64, res, cut_message ("Wrong number of bytes read"));
	cut_assert_equal_memory (buffer, 64, ref_buffer, 64, cut_message ("Wrong data"));

	int32_t value;
	res = mifare_desfire_get_value (tag, 4, &value);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_value()");
	cut_assert_equal_int (expected_value, value, cut_message ("Wrong value"));

	// Reading records from an empty file would abort the transaction
	if (0 != transaction) {
	    // Get the latest record
	    res = mifare_desfire_read_records (tag, 0, 0, 1, buffer);
	    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_records()");
	    sprintf (ref_buffer, "r.%02d", transaction);
	    cut_assert_not_equal_memory (ref_buffer, 4, buffer, res, cut_message ("Wrong data"));

	// Commit !
	res = mifare_desfire_commit_transaction (tag);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_commit_transaction()");

	res = mifare_desfire_read_data (tag, 5, 3*transaction, 3, buffer);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_data()");
	cut_assert_equal_memory (data_buffer, 3, buffer, res, cut_message ("Wrong data"));

	expected_value += 3;

	res = mifare_desfire_get_value (tag, 4, &value);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_value()");
	cut_assert_equal_int (expected_value, value, cut_message ("Wrong value"));

	res = mifare_desfire_read_records (tag, 0, 0, 1, buffer);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_records()");
	sprintf (ref_buffer, "r.%02d", transaction);
	cut_assert_equal_memory (ref_buffer, 4, buffer, res, cut_message ("Wrong data"));

    // Ensure limited credit is disabled
    res = mifare_desfire_limited_credit (tag, 4, 20);
    cut_assert_equal_int (-1, res, cut_message ("mifare_desfire_limited_credit() should fail"));

    // Get all files
    uint8_t *files;
    size_t file_count;
    res = mifare_desfire_get_file_ids (tag, &files, &file_count);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_file_ids()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (4, file_count, cut_message ("Wrong number of files"));

    for (size_t i=0; i<file_count;i++) {
	if ((files[i] != 0) && (files[i] != 4) &&
	    (files[i] != 5) && (files[i] != 15)) {
	    cut_fail ("File %d should not exist.", files[i]);

	struct mifare_desfire_file_settings settings;
	res = mifare_desfire_get_file_settings (tag, files[i], &settings);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_file_settings()");

	switch (files[i]) {
	case 0:
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDFT_CYCLIC_RECORD_FILE_WITH_BACKUP, settings.file_type, cut_message ("Wrong file type"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDCM_PLAIN, settings.communication_settings, cut_message ("Wrong communication settings"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (4, settings.settings.linear_record_file.record_size, cut_message ("Wrong record size"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (10, settings.settings.linear_record_file.max_number_of_records, cut_message ("Wrong max number of records"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (9, settings.settings.linear_record_file.current_number_of_records, cut_message ("Wrong current number of records"));
	case 4:
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDFT_VALUE_FILE_WITH_BACKUP, settings.file_type, cut_message ("Wrong file type"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDCM_PLAIN, settings.communication_settings, cut_message ("Wrong communication settings"));

	    cut_assert_equal_int (0, settings.settings.value_file.lower_limit, cut_message ("Wrong lower limit"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (1000, settings.settings.value_file.upper_limit, cut_message ("Wrong upper limit"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (97, settings.settings.value_file.limited_credit_value, cut_message ("Wrong limited_credit value"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (0, settings.settings.value_file.limited_credit_enabled, cut_message ("Wrong limited_credit enable state"));
	case 5:
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDFT_BACKUP_DATA_FILE, settings.file_type, cut_message ("Wrong file type"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDCM_PLAIN, settings.communication_settings, cut_message ("Wrong communication settings"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (64, settings.settings.standard_file.file_size, cut_message ("Wrong file size"));
	case 15:
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDFT_STANDARD_DATA_FILE, settings.file_type, cut_message ("Wrong file type"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDCM_PLAIN, settings.communication_settings, cut_message ("Wrong communication settings"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (100, settings.settings.standard_file.file_size, cut_message ("Wrong file size"));
	    cut_fail ("Wow!  Cosmic ray!");

	res = mifare_desfire_delete_file (tag, files[i]);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_delete_file()");

    free (files);

    // All files should have been removed
    res = mifare_desfire_get_file_ids (tag, &files, &file_count);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_file_ids()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (0, file_count, cut_message ("Wrong number of files"));

    // Delete application A
    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, 0);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application()");

    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new (key_data_3des);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    res = mifare_desfire_delete_application (tag, aid_a);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_delete_application()");

    // Ensure application A was deleted
    res = mifare_desfire_get_application_ids (tag, &aids, &aid_count);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_application_ids()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (2, aid_count, cut_message ("Wrong application count"));
    mifare_desfire_free_application_ids (aids);

    // Change application B keys
    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, aid_b);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application()");

    key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new (key_data_null);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    // Use an AES application master key
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new_with_version ((uint8_t *) "App.B Master Key12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 0, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    /* Authenticate with the new master key */
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "App.B Master Key12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    res = mifare_desfire_get_key_version (tag, 0, &key_version);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_key_version()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (0x83, key_version, cut_message ("Wrong key version"));

    /* Change key #1 */
    key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new (key_data_null);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 1, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "Another AES key!12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 1, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    /* Change key #5 */
    key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new (key_data_null);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 5, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "B's Chg Keys Key12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 5, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    /* Set key #5 as the change key */
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "App.B Master Key12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    res = mifare_desfire_change_key_settings (tag, 0x5F);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key_settings()");

    uint8_t key_settings;
    uint8_t max_keys;
    res = mifare_desfire_get_key_settings (tag, &key_settings, &max_keys);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_key_settings()");

    cut_assert_equal_int (0x5F, key_settings, cut_message ("Wrong key settings"));
    cut_assert_equal_int (6, max_keys, cut_message ("Wrong maximum number of keys"));

    /* Change key #1 to #4 using the three key procedure. */
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "B's Chg Keys Key12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 5, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *)"App.B Key #1.   12345678");
    MifareDESFireKey key1 = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "Another AES key!12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 1, key, key1);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key1);
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *)"App.B Key #2..  12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 2, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *)"App.B Key #3... 12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 3, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *)"App.B Key #4....12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 4, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);


    res = mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file (tag, std_data_file_id, MDCM_PLAIN, 0x1234, 100);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file()");
    expected_value = -1000000;
    res = mifare_desfire_create_value_file (tag, 4, 0, 0x1324, -987654321, -1000, expected_value, 1);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_value_file()");
    res = mifare_desfire_create_linear_record_file (tag, 1, 0, 0x1324, 25, 4);

    int nr = 0;
    for (int transaction = 0; transaction < 7; transaction++) {
	uint8_t cs = transaction % 3;
	if (cs == 2) cs++;

	key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "App.B Key #4....12345678");
	res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 4, key);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
	mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

	res = mifare_desfire_change_file_settings (tag, std_data_file_id, cs, 0x1234);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_file_settings()");
	res = mifare_desfire_change_file_settings (tag, 4, cs, 0x1324);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_file_settings()");
	res = mifare_desfire_change_file_settings (tag, 1, cs, 0x1324);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_file_settings()");

	// Authenticate witht he write key
	key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "App.B Key #2..  12345678");
	res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 2, key);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
	mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

	char data_buffer[100];
	char data_buffer2[100];
	char data_buffer3[100];
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
	    data_buffer[i] = transaction + i;

	res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tag, std_data_file_id, 0, 100, data_buffer);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_data()");

	sprintf (data_buffer2, "Transaction #%d", transaction);

	res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tag, std_data_file_id, 5, strlen (data_buffer2), data_buffer2);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_data()");

	memcpy (data_buffer + 5, data_buffer2, strlen (data_buffer2));

	// Write to the linear record.  When it's full, erase it and restart.
	for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
	    if ((transaction % 2 == 1) && (i == 1)) {
		res = mifare_desfire_clear_record_file (tag, 1);
		cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_clear_record_file()");

		sprintf (data_buffer3, "Test invalid write");
		res = mifare_desfire_write_record (tag, 1, 0, strlen (data_buffer3), data_buffer3);
		cut_assert_equal_int (-1, res, cut_message ("error code"));
		cut_assert_equal_int (PERMISSION_ERROR, mifare_desfire_last_picc_error (tag), cut_message ("PICC error"));

		// The previous failure has aborted the transaction, so
		// re-authenticate, then clear record again.
		key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "App.B Key #2..  12345678");
		res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 2, key);
		cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso");
		mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

		res = mifare_desfire_clear_record_file (tag, 1);
		cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_clear_record_file()");

		res = mifare_desfire_commit_transaction (tag);
		cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_commit_transaction()");
		nr = 0;

	    res = mifare_desfire_write_record (tag, 1, 0, 25, "0123456789012345678901234");
	    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_record()");

	    res = mifare_desfire_write_record (tag, 1, 5, strlen (data_buffer2), data_buffer2);
	    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_record()");

	// Modify the value file
	res = mifare_desfire_debit (tag, 4, 1300);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_debit()");
	expected_value -= 1300;
	res = mifare_desfire_credit (tag, 4, 20);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_credit()");
	expected_value += 20;
	res = mifare_desfire_debit (tag, 4, 1700);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_debit()");
	expected_value -= 1700;

	// Commit
	res = mifare_desfire_commit_transaction (tag);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_commit_transaction()");

	// Refund the whole debited amount
	res = mifare_desfire_limited_credit (tag, 4, 3000);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_limited_credit()");
	expected_value += 3000;

	// Commit
	res = mifare_desfire_commit_transaction (tag);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_commit_transaction()");

	// Authenticate with the key that allows reading
	key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "App.B Key #1.   12345678");
	res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 1, key);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
	mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

	// Read first half of the file
	res = mifare_desfire_read_data (tag, std_data_file_id, 0, 50, data_buffer3);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_data()");
	cut_assert_equal_int (50, res, cut_message ("length"));
	cut_assert_equal_memory (data_buffer, 50, data_buffer3, res, cut_message ("data"));

	// Read second half of the file
	res = mifare_desfire_read_data (tag, std_data_file_id, 50, 0, data_buffer3);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_data()");
	cut_assert_equal_int (50, res, cut_message ("length"));
	cut_assert_equal_memory (data_buffer + 50, 50, data_buffer3, res, cut_message ("data"));

	// Get the value file current balance
	int32_t value;
	res = mifare_desfire_get_value (tag, 4, &value);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_value()");
	cut_assert_equal_int (expected_value, value, cut_message ("value"));

	// Get the number of records in the linear record file
	struct mifare_desfire_file_settings settings;
	res = mifare_desfire_get_file_settings (tag, 1, &settings);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_file_settings()");
	cut_assert_equal_int (MDFT_LINEAR_RECORD_FILE_WITH_BACKUP, settings.file_type, cut_message ("settings"));
	cut_assert_equal_int (nr, settings.settings.linear_record_file.current_number_of_records, cut_message ("settings"));

	// Read the oldest record
	res = mifare_desfire_read_records (tag, 1, nr - 1, 1, data_buffer3);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_records()");
	cut_assert_equal_int (25, res, cut_message ("length"));

	sprintf (data_buffer, "0123456789012345678901234");
	sprintf (data_buffer2, "Transaction #%d", transaction - nr + 1);
	memcpy ((uint8_t *)data_buffer + 5, data_buffer2, strlen (data_buffer2));
	cut_assert_equal_memory (data_buffer, strlen (data_buffer), data_buffer3, res, cut_message ("data"));

	// Read all records
	res = mifare_desfire_read_records (tag, 1, 0, 0, data_buffer3);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_records()");
	cut_assert_equal_int (25 * nr, res, cut_message ("length"));

    res = mifare_desfire_get_file_ids (tag, &files, &file_count);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_file_ids");
    cut_assert_equal_int (3, file_count, cut_message ("count"));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < file_count; i++) {
	struct mifare_desfire_file_settings settings;
	res = mifare_desfire_get_file_settings (tag, files[i], &settings);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_file_settings()");

	switch (files[i]) {
	case 1:
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDFT_LINEAR_RECORD_FILE_WITH_BACKUP, settings.file_type, cut_message ("type"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDCM_PLAIN, settings.communication_settings, cut_message ("cs"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (0x1324, settings.access_rights, cut_message ("access_rights"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (25, settings.settings.linear_record_file.record_size, cut_message ("record_size"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (4, settings.settings.linear_record_file.max_number_of_records, cut_message ("max_number_of_records"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (2, settings.settings.linear_record_file.current_number_of_records, cut_message ("current_number_of_records"));
	case 4:
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDFT_VALUE_FILE_WITH_BACKUP , settings.file_type, cut_message ("type"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDCM_PLAIN, settings.communication_settings, cut_message ("cs"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (0x1324, settings.access_rights, cut_message ("access_rights"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (-987654321, settings.settings.value_file.lower_limit, cut_message ("lower_limit"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (-1000, settings.settings.value_file.upper_limit, cut_message ("upper_limit"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (0, settings.settings.value_file.limited_credit_value, cut_message ("limited_credit_value"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (1, settings.settings.value_file.limited_credit_enabled, cut_message ("limited_credit_enabled"));
	case 14: /* std_data_file_id */
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDFT_STANDARD_DATA_FILE, settings.file_type, cut_message ("type"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (MDCM_PLAIN, settings.communication_settings, cut_message ("cs"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (0x1234, settings.access_rights, cut_message ("access_rights"));
	    cut_assert_equal_int (100, settings.settings.standard_file.file_size, cut_message ("size"));
	    cut_fail ("file_no");


	res = mifare_desfire_delete_file (tag, files[i]);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_delete_file()");
    free (files);

    // Check there are no files anymore
    res = mifare_desfire_get_file_ids (tag, &files, &file_count);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_file_ids");
    cut_assert_equal_int (0, file_count, cut_message ("count"));

    /* Delete application B */
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "App.B Master Key12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    res = mifare_desfire_delete_application (tag, aid_b);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_delete_application()");

    res = mifare_desfire_get_application_ids (tag, &aids, &aid_count);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_application_ids()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (1, aid_count, cut_message ("Wrong AID count"));
    mifare_desfire_free_application_ids (aids);

    /* Tests using application C */

    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, aid_c);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application()");

    key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new (key_data_null);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 12, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");

    MifareDESFireKey new_key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *)"App.C Key #1.   12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 1, new_key, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (new_key);

    new_key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *)"App.C Key #2..  12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 2, new_key, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (new_key);

    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    res = mifare_desfire_create_cyclic_record_file (tag, 6, MDCM_PLAIN, 0x12E0, 100, 22);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_cyclic_record_file()");

    for (int transaction = 0; transaction < 50; transaction++) {
	char data_buffer[100];
	char read_buffer[100];

	uint8_t cs = transaction % 3;
	if (cs == 2) cs++;

	key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new (key_data_null);
	res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");
	mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

	res = mifare_desfire_change_file_settings (tag, 6, cs, 0x12E0);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_file_settings()");

	if (transaction & 4) {
	    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "App.C Key #2..  12345678");
	    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 2, key);
	    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
	    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);
	} else {
	    cs = 0;

	memset (data_buffer, '_', 100);
	data_buffer[0]  = transaction;
	data_buffer[99] = transaction;
	sprintf (data_buffer + 5, " Transaction #%d ", transaction);
	res = mifare_desfire_write_record (tag, 6, 0, 100, data_buffer);
	cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_record()");

	if (transaction & 4) {
	    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "App.C Key #1.   12345678");
	    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 1, key);
	    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
	    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

	if (transaction % 7 == 0) {
	    res = mifare_desfire_abort_transaction (tag);
	    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_abort_transaction()");

	    ssize_t n = mifare_desfire_read_records (tag, 6, 0, 1, read_buffer);
	    if (transaction == 0) {
		cut_assert_equal_int (-1, n, cut_message ("Wrong return value"));
	    } else {
		cut_assert_equal_int (100, n, cut_message ("Wrong return value"));
		cut_assert_not_equal_memory (data_buffer, sizeof (data_buffer), read_buffer, sizeof (read_buffer), cut_message ("Wrong data"));
	} else {
	    res = mifare_desfire_commit_transaction (tag);
	    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_commit_transaction()");

	    ssize_t n = mifare_desfire_read_records (tag, 6, 0, 1, read_buffer);
	    cut_assert_equal_int (100, n, cut_message ("Wrong return value"));
	    cut_assert_equal_memory (data_buffer, sizeof (data_buffer), read_buffer, sizeof (read_buffer), cut_message ("Wrong data"));

    // Read each record
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new ((uint8_t *) "App.C Key #1.   12345678");
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 1, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    int t = 49;
    for (int i = 0; i < 22; i++) {
	char data_buffer[100];
	char ref_data_buffer[100];

	if (0 == (t % 7))

	memset (ref_data_buffer, '_', 100);
	ref_data_buffer[0]  = t;
	ref_data_buffer[99] = t;
	sprintf (ref_data_buffer + 5, " Transaction #%d ", t);
	res = mifare_desfire_read_records (tag, 6, i, 1, data_buffer);
	if (i == 21) {
	    cut_assert_equal_int (-1, res, cut_message ("return value"));
	} else {
	    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_read_records()");
	    cut_assert_equal_memory (ref_data_buffer, 100, data_buffer, res, cut_message ("data"));


     * Change master key settings to require master key authentication for all
     * card operations.  Only allow to revert this.

    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, 0);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application()");

    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new (key_data_3des);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    res = mifare_desfire_change_key_settings (tag, 0x08);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key_settings()");

    /* Clear authentication */
    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, 0);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application()");

    /* We should not be able to list applications now */
    res = mifare_desfire_get_application_ids (tag, &aids, &aid_count);
    cut_assert_equal_int (-1, res, cut_message ("Wrong return value"));
    cut_assert_equal_int (AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, mifare_desfire_last_picc_error (tag), cut_message ("Wrong PICC error"));

    /* Deleting an application should not be possible */
    res = mifare_desfire_delete_application (tag, aid_c);
    cut_assert_equal_int (-1, res, cut_message ("Wrong return value"));
    cut_assert_equal_int (AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, mifare_desfire_last_picc_error (tag), cut_message ("Wrong PICC error"));

    /* Creating an application should also be forbidden */
    MifareDESFireAID aid_d = mifare_desfire_aid_new (0x00DDDDDD);
    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid_d, 0xEF, 0);
    cut_assert_equal_int (-1, res, cut_message ("Wrong return value"));
    cut_assert_equal_int (AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, mifare_desfire_last_picc_error (tag), cut_message ("Wrong PICC error"));

     * Now we retry authenticated with the master key.
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new (key_data_3des);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    /* We should be able to list applications again */
    res = mifare_desfire_get_application_ids (tag, &aids, &aid_count);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_get_application_ids()");
    cut_assert_equal_int (1, aid_count, cut_message ("Wrong AID count"));
    mifare_desfire_free_application_ids (aids);

    /* Deleting an application should be possible again */
    res = mifare_desfire_delete_application (tag, aid_c);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_delete_application()");

    /* Creating an application should also be possible */
    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid_d, 0xEF, 0);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_application()");

    /* Revert master key settings to default */
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key_settings (tag, 0xF);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key_settings()");

    /* Change the master key back to the default one */
    key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new (key_data_3des);
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate_iso()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new_with_version (key_data_null);
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 0, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");

     * Delete everything from the card

    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");
    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);

    res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tag);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_format_picc()");

    free (aid_a);
    free (aid_b);
    free (aid_c);
    free (aid_d);
Beispiel #8
main (int argc, char *argv[])
     * Collect information

    bool f_flag = false;
    char *p;

    char ch;
    while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "f")) != -1) {
	switch (ch) {
	case 'f':
	    f_flag = true;
	    usage (argv[0]);
	    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

    char issuer_address[BUFSIZ];
    fprintf (stderr, "Card issuer address: ");
    fgets (issuer_address, BUFSIZ, stdin);
    if ((p = strchr (issuer_address, '\n')))
	*p = '\0';

    char issuer_password[BUFSIZ];
    read_password ("Issuer password", issuer_password, BUFSIZ);
    fprintf (stderr, "\n");
    uint8_t issuer_password_data[16];
    ucard_derivate_password (issuer_password, strlen (issuer_password), 16, issuer_password_data);
    memset (issuer_password, '\0', strlen (issuer_password));
    MifareDESFireKey card_issuer_key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new (issuer_password_data);

    char owner_full_name[BUFSIZ];
    fprintf (stderr, "Card owner full user name: ");
    fgets (owner_full_name, BUFSIZ, stdin);
    if ((p = strchr (owner_full_name, '\n')))
	*p = '\0';

    char user_password[BUFSIZ];
    read_password ("User password", user_password, BUFSIZ);
    fprintf (stderr, "\n");
    uint8_t user_key_data[16];
    ucard_derivate_password (user_password, strlen (user_password), 16, user_key_data);
    memset (user_password, '\0', strlen (user_password));
    MifareDESFireKey user_key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new_with_version (user_key_data, UCARD_AES_KEY_VERSION);

    char admin_password[BUFSIZ];
    read_password ("Admin password", admin_password, BUFSIZ);
    fprintf (stderr, "\n");
    uint8_t admin_key_data[16];
    ucard_derivate_password (admin_password, strlen (admin_password), 16, admin_key_data);
    memset (admin_password, '\0', strlen (admin_password));

    MifareDESFireKey admin_key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new_with_version (admin_key_data, UCARD_AES_KEY_VERSION);

    uint8_t null_key_data[16] = {
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
	0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
    MifareDESFireKey null_des_key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new (null_key_data);
    MifareDESFireKey null_aes_key = mifare_desfire_aes_key_new (null_key_data);

    nfc_connstring nfc_devices[8];
    size_t nfc_device_count;

    nfc_device_count = nfc_list_devices (NULL, nfc_devices, 8);

    for (size_t n = 0; n < nfc_device_count; n++) {
	nfc_device *nfc_device = nfc_open(NULL, nfc_devices[n]);

	MifareTag *tags = freefare_get_tags (nfc_device);
	for (int i = 0; tags[i]; i++) {
	    MifareTag tag = tags[i];
	    if (DESFIRE == freefare_get_tag_type (tag)) {

		/* Actually setup the card */

		printf ("Fond Mifare DESFire with UID: %s\n", freefare_get_tag_uid (tag));

		 * Master Application
		 * Key  0: Card owner 'user' private key

		MifareDESFireAID ucard_info_aid = mifare_desfire_aid_new (UCARD_INFO_AID);

		int res = mifare_desfire_connect (tag);
		if (f_flag) {
		    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes (tag, 0, user_key);
		    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tag);
		} else {
		    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, null_des_key);
		    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 0, user_key, NULL);
		    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes (tag, 0, user_key);
		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, ucard_info_aid, 0x0F, 0x83);
		if (!f_flag) {
		    if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_change_key_settings (tag, 0x01);

		 * Card information application
		 * Key  0: Card owner 'admin' private key
		 * Key  1: Card issuer private key
		 * Key  2: Anonymous access public key
		 * File  9: Card issuer information
		 * File 10: Card owner information
		 * File 11: Keyring

		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, ucard_info_aid);
		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes (tag, 0, null_aes_key);
		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 0, admin_key, NULL);
		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_authenticate_aes (tag, 0, admin_key);
		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 1, card_issuer_key, NULL);

		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file (tag, 9, MDCM_ENCIPHERED, 0x0000, strlen (issuer_address));
		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tag, 9, 0, strlen (issuer_address), issuer_address);
		if (strlen (issuer_address) ==  (size_t) res) res = mifare_desfire_change_file_settings (tag, 9, MDCM_ENCIPHERED, 0x2F11);

		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file (tag, 10, MDCM_ENCIPHERED, 0x0000, strlen (owner_full_name));
		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tag, 10, 0, strlen (owner_full_name), owner_full_name);
		if (strlen (owner_full_name) == (size_t) res) res = mifare_desfire_change_file_settings (tag, 10, MDCM_ENCIPHERED, 0x0F11);

		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_create_linear_record_file (tag, 11, MDCM_ENCIPHERED, 0xF20F, 3 + 16, 24);

		if (0 == res) res = mifare_desfire_change_key_settings (tag, 0x01);

		if (res < 0) {
		    fprintf (stderr, "Oops, something went wrong! (%s)\n", freefare_strerror (tag));

		mifare_desfire_disconnect (tag);

		free (ucard_info_aid);

	nfc_close (nfc_device);

    mifare_desfire_key_free (admin_key);
    mifare_desfire_key_free (user_key);
    mifare_desfire_key_free (card_issuer_key);
    mifare_desfire_key_free (null_aes_key);
    mifare_desfire_key_free (null_des_key);

Beispiel #9
int writeRSA(RSA *rsa)
  nfc_device *device = NULL;
  MifareTag *tag = NULL;
  MifareDESFireAID aid;
  uint8_t key_data_null[8] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
  MifareDESFireKey defaultKey = mifare_desfire_des_key_new_with_version (key_data_null);

  device = getRfidDevice();

  if (!device)
    return -1;

  tag = freefare_get_tags(device);

  mifare_desfire_connect (tag[0]);

  aid = mifare_desfire_aid_new(AID_NUMBER);


  if (mifare_desfire_select_application (tag[0], aid) < 0)
    return -1;

  MifareDESFireKey key = mifare_desfire_3des_key_new(createDesKey(makePinpad(),"des-ede"));

  if (mifare_desfire_authenticate(tag[0],0 , defaultKey) == 0 )
    if (mifare_desfire_change_key(tag[0], 0, key, defaultKey) < 0)
      fprintf(stderr,"Change defaultKey to key failed\n");
      return -1;

  if (mifare_desfire_authenticate(tag[0],0 , key) < 0 )
    fprintf(stderr,"Falscher Key\n");
    return -1;

  if (writeBignum(tag[0],aid,rsa->n,0) < 0)
    fprintf(stderr,"writeBignum %d failed\n",0);
    return -1;

  if (writeBignum(tag[0],aid,rsa->d,5) < 0)
    fprintf(stderr,"writeBignum %d failed\n",5);
    return -1;

  if (writeBignum(tag[0],aid,rsa->e,10) < 0)
    fprintf(stderr,"writeBignum %d failed\n",10);
    return -1;

  printf("Key Geschrieben\n");


  return 0;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ch;
    int error = EXIT_SUCCESS;
    nfc_device *device = NULL;
    FreefareTag *tags = NULL;

    while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "hy")) != -1) {
	switch (ch) {
	case 'h':
	    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
	case 'y':
	    configure_options.interactive = false;
	    exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    // Remaining args, if any, are in argv[optind .. (argc-1)]

    nfc_connstring devices[8];
    size_t device_count;

    nfc_context *context;
    nfc_init (&context);
    if (context == NULL)
	errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to init libnfc (malloc)");

    device_count = nfc_list_devices (context, devices, 8);
    if (device_count <= 0)
	errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "No NFC device found.");

    for (size_t d = 0; (!error) && (d < device_count); d++) {
        device = nfc_open (context, devices[d]);
        if (!device) {
            warnx ("nfc_open() failed.");
            error = EXIT_FAILURE;

	tags = freefare_get_tags (device);
	if (!tags) {
	    nfc_close (device);
	    errx (EXIT_FAILURE, "Error listing Mifare DESFire tags.");

	for (int i = 0; (!error) && tags[i]; i++) {
	    if (MIFARE_DESFIRE != freefare_get_tag_type (tags[i]))

	    char *tag_uid = freefare_get_tag_uid (tags[i]);
	    char buffer[BUFSIZ];

	    int res;

	    res = mifare_desfire_connect (tags[i]);
	    if (res < 0) {
		warnx ("Can't connect to Mifare DESFire target.");
		error = EXIT_FAILURE;

	    // Make sure we've at least an EV1 version
	    struct mifare_desfire_version_info info;
	    res = mifare_desfire_get_version (tags[i], &info);
	    if (res < 0) {
		freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_get_version");
		error = 1;
	    if ( < 1) {
		warnx ("Found old DESFire, skipping");

	    printf ("Found %s with UID %s. ", freefare_get_tag_friendly_name (tags[i]), tag_uid);
	    bool do_it = true;

	    if (configure_options.interactive) {
		printf ("Change default key? [yN] ");
		fgets (buffer, BUFSIZ, stdin);
		do_it = ((buffer[0] == 'y') || (buffer[0] == 'Y'));
	    } else {
		printf ("\n");

	    if (do_it) {

		MifareDESFireKey default_key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new_with_version (null_key_data);
		res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tags[i], 0, default_key);
		if (res < 0) {
		    freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_authenticate");
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;
		mifare_desfire_key_free (default_key);

		MifareDESFireKey new_key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new (new_key_data);
		mifare_desfire_key_set_version (new_key, NEW_KEY_VERSION);
		res = mifare_desfire_set_default_key (tags[i], new_key);
		free (new_key);
		if (res < 0) {
		    freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_set_default_key");
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;

		 * Perform some tests to ensure the function actually worked
		 * (it's hard to create a unit-test to do so).

		MifareDESFireAID aid = mifare_desfire_aid_new (0x112233);
		res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tags[i], aid, 0xFF, 1);

		if (res < 0) {
		    freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_create_application");
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;

		res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tags[i], aid);
		if (res < 0) {
		    freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_select_application");
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;

		uint8_t version;
		res = mifare_desfire_get_key_version (tags[i], 0, &version);
		if (res < 0) {
		    freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_get_key_version");
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;

		if (version != NEW_KEY_VERSION) {
		    fprintf (stderr, "Wrong key version: %02x (expected %02x).\n", version, NEW_KEY_VERSION);
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;
		    /* continue */

		new_key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new (new_key_data);
		res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tags[i], 0, new_key);
		free (new_key);
		if (res < 0) {
		    freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_authenticate");
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;

		free (aid);

		/* Resetdefault settings */

		res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tags[i], NULL);
		if (res < 0) {
		    freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_select_application");
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;

		default_key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new (null_key_data);

		res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tags[i], 0, default_key);
		if (res < 0) {
		    freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_authenticate");
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;

		res = mifare_desfire_set_default_key (tags[i], default_key);
		if (res < 0) {
		    freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_set_default_key");
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;

		mifare_desfire_key_free (default_key);

		/* Wipeout the card */

		res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tags[i]);
		if (res < 0) {
		    freefare_perror (tags[i], "mifare_desfire_format_picc");
		    error = EXIT_FAILURE;


	    mifare_desfire_disconnect (tags[i]);
	    free (tag_uid);

	freefare_free_tags (tags);
	nfc_close (device);
    nfc_exit (context);
    exit (error);
test_mifare_desfire_free_read (void)
    int res;

    mifare_desfire_auto_authenticate (tag, 0);

    /* Wipeout the card */
    res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tag);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_format_picc()");

    mifare_desfire_auto_authenticate (tag, 0);

    MifareDESFireKey key = mifare_desfire_des_key_new_with_version (key_data_null);
    res = mifare_desfire_change_key (tag, 0, key, NULL);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_key()");

    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");

    MifareDESFireAID aid = mifare_desfire_aid_new (0x00123456);
    res = mifare_desfire_create_application (tag, aid, 0xFF, 2);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_application()");

    res = mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, aid);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_select_application");
    free (aid);

    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_authenticate()");

    res = mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file (tag, 1, MDCM_MACED, 0x0000, 20);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_create_std_data_file()");

    char *s= "Hello World";
    res = mifare_desfire_write_data (tag, 1, 0, strlen (s), s);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_write_data()");

    res = mifare_desfire_change_file_settings (tag, 1, MDCM_ENCIPHERED, 0xEFFF);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_change_file_settings");

    char buffer[20];
    res = mifare_desfire_read_data (tag, 1, 0, 0, buffer);
    cut_assert_equal_int (sizeof (buffer), res, cut_message ("Data with free access should be read in PLAIN mode only."));
    cut_assert_equal_int (OPERATION_OK, mifare_desfire_last_pcd_error (tag), cut_message ("Wrong PCD error"));

    res = mifare_desfire_read_data_ex (tag, 1, 0, 0, buffer, MDCM_MACED);
    cut_assert_equal_int (-1, res, cut_message ("Data with free access should be read in PLAIN mode only."));
    cut_assert_equal_int (CRYPTO_ERROR, mifare_desfire_last_pcd_error (tag), cut_message ("Wrong PCD error"));

    res = mifare_desfire_read_data_ex (tag, 1, 0, 0, buffer, MDCM_ENCIPHERED);
    cut_assert_equal_int (-1, res, cut_message ("Data with free access should be read in PLAIN mode only."));
    cut_assert_equal_int (CRYPTO_ERROR, mifare_desfire_last_pcd_error (tag), cut_message ("Wrong PCD error"));

    /* Wipeout the card */
    mifare_desfire_select_application (tag, NULL);
    cut_assert_equal_int (OPERATION_OK, mifare_desfire_last_pcd_error (tag), cut_message ("Wrong PCD error"));
    res = mifare_desfire_authenticate (tag, 0, key);

    res = mifare_desfire_format_picc (tag);
    cut_assert_success ("mifare_desfire_format_picc()");

    mifare_desfire_key_free (key);