Beispiel #1
int main()
	int data[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
	int size = 10;
	//int *data = malloc(sizeof(int)*size);
	struct heap *h;
	int new_data = 30;

	h = build_max_heap(data, size);

	h = build_min_heap(data, size/2, size);
	printf("extract min=%d\n", min_heap_extract(h));
	printf("insert %d\n", new_data);
	min_heap_insert(h, new_data);


	return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Receive pairs of ints input to this program, save into struct array
    int numSymbols = 0;
    while ( scanf("%d", &s[numSymbols].freq) == 1 )
        s[numSymbols].letter = numSymbols;
        t[numSymbols].freq   = s[numSymbols].freq; // Store into hufftree, too.


    // these will be incremented/decremented at various times,
    // but 'originalSize' shall not be changed.
    int originalSize = numSymbols;
    int heapSize     = numSymbols;
      printf("This is how we received all the numbers:\n");
      int i;
      for (i=0; i<numSymbols ; i++)
        printf("%5d ", s[i].freq);
        printf("is the freq of letter: %d\n", s[i].letter);

    build_min_heap(s, heapSize-1);
      printf("This is the heap:\n");
      //int i;
      for (i=0; i<numSymbols ; i++)
        printf("%5ld ", s[i].freq);
        printf("%d\n", s[i].letter);
    // watch out: heapSize will shrink
    // ---------  numSymbols with grow
    // ...but they start out equal.
    //printf("heapSize: %d\n", heapSize);
    while (heapSize>=2)
        symbol thing1 = min_heap_extract(s, &heapSize);
        //printf("AFTER EXTRACT heapSize: %d\n", heapSize);
        //printf("thing1.letter: %d\n", thing1.letter);
        //printf("thing1.freq: %d\n", thing1.freq);
        symbol thing2 = min_heap_extract(s, &heapSize);
        //printf("AFTER EXTRACT heapSize: %d\n", heapSize);
        //printf("thing2.letter: %d\n", thing2.letter);
        //printf("thing2.freq: %d\n", thing2.freq);
        symbol new_thing;
        new_thing.letter = numSymbols;
        new_thing.freq   = thing1.freq + thing2.freq;
        //printf("new_thing.letter: %d\n", new_thing.letter);
        //printf("new_thing.freq: %d\n", new_thing.freq);

        //printf("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^fidlin' with the t tree^^^^^^^^^^^^\n");
        t[thing1.letter].parent      = numSymbols;
        //printf("t[%d].parent: %d\n", thing1.letter, t[thing1.letter].parent);
        t[thing1.letter].zero_or_one = 0;
        //printf("t[%d].zero_or_one: %d\n", thing1.letter, t[thing1.letter].zero_or_one);
        t[thing2.letter].parent      = numSymbols;
        //printf("t[%d].parent: %d\n", thing2.letter, t[thing2.letter].parent);
        t[thing2.letter].zero_or_one = 1;
        //printf("t[%d].zero_or_one: %d\n", thing2.letter, t[thing2.letter].zero_or_one);
        t[numSymbols].parent         = -1;
        //printf("t[%d].parent: %d\n", numSymbols, t[numSymbols].parent);
        heapSize++; // doesn't get modified by insert function, do it manually here
        min_heap_insert(s, heapSize-1, new_thing);
        //printf("AFTER INSERT heapSize: %d\n", heapSize);
            printf("This is the heap:\n");
            //int i;
            for (i=0; i<heapSize ; i++)
              printf("%5ld ", s[i].freq);
              printf("%d\n", s[i].letter);

    /* If the given frequencies of letters were actually used,
       print the number of bits needed to huffman-encode the whole thing. */
    int i;
    int tally = 0;
    for (i=0; i<originalSize; i++)
        t[i].numBits = getBits(i);
        tally = tally + t[i].numBits * t[i].freq;
    printf("%d\n", tally);

    // print the huffman codes of each given letter
    for (i=0; i<originalSize; i++)
        printf("%c ", i+'A');

      symbol x = min_heap_extract(s, &numSymbols);
      printf("the min node has value: %d\n", x.freq);

      printf("numSymbols is now %d\n", numSymbols);
      printf("This is the heap after extracting:\n");
      //int i;
      for (i=0; i<numSymbols ; i++)
        printf("%5ld ", s[i].freq);
        printf("%d\n", s[i].letter);

      x = min_heap_extract(s, &numSymbols);
      printf("the min node has value: %d\n", x.freq);

      printf("numSymbols is now %d\n", numSymbols);
      printf("This is the heap after extracting again:\n");
      //int i;
      for (i=0; i<numSymbols ; i++)
        printf("%5ld ", s[i].freq);
        printf("%d\n", s[i].letter);

      symbol woof;
      woof.freq = 17;
      woof.letter = 17;
      min_heap_insert(s, numSymbols, woof);
      printf("===================does INSERT work?====================\n");
      x = min_heap_minimum(s);
      printf("woof node has value: %d\n", woof.freq);
      printf("the min node has value: %d\n", x.freq);
      printf("numSymbols is now %d\n", numSymbols);
      printf("This is the heap after inserting:\n");
      //int i;
      for (i=0; i<numSymbols ; i++)
        printf("%5ld ", s[i].freq);
        printf("%d\n", s[i].letter);


      //  heapSort(s, numSymbols-1);
      min_heapSort(s, numSymbols-1);

      printf("This is how how it looks after sorting:\n");
      for (i=0; i<numSymbols ; i++)
        printf("%5d ", s[i].freq);
        printf("for letter %d\n", s[i].letter);


