Beispiel #1
void mitk::PicFileReader::ConvertHandedness(mitkIpPicDescriptor* pic)
  //left to right handed conversion
      mitkIpPicDescriptor* slice=mitkIpPicCopyHeader(pic, NULL);
      size_t size=_mitkIpPicSize(slice);

      size_t v, volumes = (pic->dim>3? pic->n[3] : 1);
      size_t volume_size = size*pic->n[2];

      for(v=0; v<volumes; ++v)
        unsigned char *p_first=(unsigned char *)pic->data;
        unsigned char *p_last=(unsigned char *)pic->data;

        size_t i, smid=pic->n[2]/2;
        for(i=0; i<smid;++i,p_last-=size, p_first+=size)
            memcpy(slice->data, p_last, size);
            memcpy(p_last, p_first, size);
            memcpy(p_first, slice->data, size);
void mitk::PicFileReader::FillImage(Image::Pointer output)
  mitkIpPicDescriptor *outputPic = mitkIpPicNew();
  outputPic = CastToIpPicDescriptor(output, nullptr, outputPic);
  mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic = mitkIpPicGet(const_cast<char *>(this->GetLocalFileName().c_str()), outputPic);
  // comes upside-down (in MITK coordinates) from PIC file

  mitkIpPicTSV_t *tsv;
  if ((tsv = mitkIpPicQueryTag(pic, "SOURCE HEADER")) != NULL)
    if (tsv->n[0] > 1e+06)
      mitkIpPicTSV_t *tsvSH;
      tsvSH = mitkIpPicDelTag(pic, "SOURCE HEADER");
  if ((tsv = mitkIpPicQueryTag(pic, "ICON80x80")) != NULL)
    mitkIpPicTSV_t *tsvSH;
    tsvSH = mitkIpPicDelTag(pic, "ICON80x80");
  if ((tsv = mitkIpPicQueryTag(pic, "VELOCITY")) != NULL)
    mitkIpPicDescriptor *header = mitkIpPicCopyHeader(pic, NULL);
    header->data = tsv->value;
    output->SetChannel(header->data, 1);
    header->data = NULL;
    mitkIpPicDelTag(pic, "VELOCITY");

  // Copy the memory to avoid mismatches of malloc() and delete[].
  // mitkIpPicGet will always allocate a new memory block with malloc(),
  // but MITK Images delete the data via delete[].
  output->SetImportChannel(pic->data, 0, Image::CopyMemory);
  pic->data = nullptr;
Beispiel #3
mitkIpPicDescriptor *mitkIpFuncRank ( mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic_old,
                              mitkIpUInt4_t       rank,
                              mitkIpUInt4_t       mask_dim,
                              mitkIpUInt4_t       mask_size,
                              mitkIpFuncFlagI_t   border )
  mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic_new;            /* pointer to transformed image            */
  mitkIpInt4_t       i;                    /* loop index                              */
  mitkIpInt4_t       offset;               /* offset of image                         */
  mitkIpInt4_t       ind[_mitkIpPicNDIM];      /* loop index vector                       */
  mitkIpInt4_t       *off_vekt;            /* pointer to offset vector                */
  mitkIpInt4_t       begin;                /* 0.5 * mask_size                         */
  mitkIpUInt4_t      size[_mitkIpPicNDIM];     /*                                         */
  mitkIpInt4_t       n[_mitkIpPicNDIM];        /* size of each dimension                  */
  mitkIpUInt4_t      no_elem;              /* number of elements in mask              */
  mitkIpUInt4_t      len;                  /* length of offset vector                 */

  /* calculate number of elements in mask                                         */

  no_elem = mask_size;
  for ( i = 1; i < mask_dim; i++ )
    no_elem = no_elem * mask_size;

  /* check whether data are correct                                               */

  if ( _mitkIpFuncError ( pic_old ) != mitkIpFuncOK ) return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
  if ( mask_dim < 1 || mask_dim > pic_old->dim )  
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncDIMMASC_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
  if ( rank > no_elem ) 
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncDATA_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
  if ( mask_size % 2 != 1 ) 
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncSIZE_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* initialize vectors and variables                                             */

  size[0] = 1;
  for ( i = 1; i < _mitkIpPicNDIM; i++ )
    size[i] = size[i-1] * pic_old->n[i-1];

  len = 0;
  begin = mask_size / 2;

  for ( i = 0; i < mask_dim; i++ )
    n[i] = begin + 1;
  for ( i = mask_dim; i < _mitkIpPicNDIM; i++ )
    n[i] = 1 - begin;
  /* allocate image structure                                                     */

  if ( border == mitkIpFuncBorderOld )
    pic_new = mitkIpPicClone ( pic_old );
  else if ( border == mitkIpFuncBorderZero )
       pic_new = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_old, 0 );
       pic_new->data = calloc ( _mitkIpPicElements ( pic_new ), pic_new->bpe/8  );
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncFLAG_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  if ( pic_new == NULL )
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncPICNEW_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* allocate offset vector                                                       */

  off_vekt = malloc ( no_elem * sizeof ( mitkIpUInt4_t ) );
  if ( off_vekt == NULL )
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncMALLOC_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* calculate offset vector                                                      */

  for ( ind[0] = -begin; ind[0] < n[0]; ind[0]++ )
    for ( ind[7] = -begin; ind[7] < n[7]; ind[7]++ )
      for ( ind[6] = -begin; ind[6] < n[6]; ind[6]++ )
        for ( ind[5] = -begin; ind[5] < n[5]; ind[5]++ )
          for ( ind[4] = -begin; ind[4] < n[4]; ind[4]++ )
            for ( ind[3] = -begin; ind[3] < n[3]; ind[3]++ )
              for ( ind[2] = -begin; ind[2] < n[2]; ind[2]++ )
                for ( ind[1] = -begin; ind[1] < n[1]; ind[1]++ )
                     offset = 0;
                     for ( i = 0; i < pic_old->dim; i++ )
                       offset = offset + ind[i] * size[i]; 
                     off_vekt[len] = offset;
  if ( rank == 0 ) rank = no_elem / 2 + 1;
  mitkIpPicFORALL_4 ( RANK, pic_old, begin, no_elem, size, rank );
  free ( off_vekt );

  /* Copy Tags */

  mitkIpFuncCopyTags(pic_new, pic_old);
  return ( pic_new );
Beispiel #4
void mitk::PicFileReader::GenerateData()
    Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput();

    // Check to see if we can read the file given the name or prefix
    if ( m_FileName == "" && m_FilePrefix == "" )
        throw itk::ImageFileReaderException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "One of FileName or FilePrefix must be non-empty");

    if( m_FileName != "")
        mitkIpPicDescriptor* outputPic = mitkIpPicNew();
        outputPic = CastToIpPicDescriptor(output, outputPic);
        mitkIpPicDescriptor* pic=MITKipPicGet(const_cast<char *>(m_FileName.c_str()),
        // comes upside-down (in MITK coordinates) from PIC file

        mitkIpPicTSV_t *tsv;
        if ( (tsv = mitkIpPicQueryTag( pic, "SOURCE HEADER" )) != NULL)
            mitkIpPicTSV_t *tsvSH;
            tsvSH = mitkIpPicDelTag( pic, "SOURCE HEADER" );
        if ( (tsv = mitkIpPicQueryTag( pic, "ICON80x80" )) != NULL)
          mitkIpPicTSV_t *tsvSH;
          tsvSH = mitkIpPicDelTag( pic, "ICON80x80" );
        if ( (tsv = mitkIpPicQueryTag( pic, "VELOCITY" )) != NULL)
          mitkIpPicDescriptor* header = mitkIpPicCopyHeader(pic, NULL);
          header->data = tsv->value;
          output->SetChannel(header->data, 1);
          header->data = NULL;
          mitkIpPicDelTag( pic, "VELOCITY" );

        //slice-wise reading
        //currently much too slow.
        //  int sstart, smax;
        //  int tstart, tmax;

        //  sstart=output->GetRequestedRegion().GetIndex(2);
        //  smax=sstart+output->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(2);

        //  tstart=output->GetRequestedRegion().GetIndex(3);
        //  tmax=tstart+output->GetRequestedRegion().GetSize(3);

        //  int s,t;
        //  for(s=sstart; s<smax; ++s)
        //  {
        //    for(t=tstart; t<tmax; ++t)
        //    {
        //      mitkIpPicDescriptor* pic=mitkIpPicGetSlice(const_cast<char *>(m_FileName.c_str()), NULL, t*smax+s+1);
        //      output->SetPicSlice(pic,s,t);
        //    }
        //  }
        int position;
        mitkIpPicDescriptor*  pic=NULL;

        int zDim=(output->GetDimension()>2?output->GetDimensions()[2]:1);
        printf("\n zdim is %u \n",zDim);

        for (position = 0; position < zDim; ++position) 
            char fullName[1024];

            sprintf(fullName, m_FilePattern.c_str(), m_FilePrefix.c_str(), m_StartFileIndex+position);

            pic=MITKipPicGet(fullName, pic);
                itkDebugMacro("Pic file '" << fullName << "' does not exist."); 
            /* FIXME else
            if(output->SetPicSlice(pic, position)==false)
                itkDebugMacro("Image '" << fullName << "' could not be added to Image."); 
void mitk::CylindricToCartesianFilter::GenerateData()
  mitk::Image::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput();
  mitk::Image::Pointer output = this->GetOutput();

  mitk::ImageTimeSelector::Pointer timeSelector=mitk::ImageTimeSelector::New();

  mitkIpPicDescriptor* pic_transformed=NULL;
  pic_transformed = mitkIpPicNew();
  pic_transformed->bpe  = output->GetPixelType().GetBpe();
  //pic_transformed->type = output->GetPixelType().GetType();
  pic_transformed->n[0] = output->GetDimension(0);
  pic_transformed->n[1] = output->GetDimension(1);
  pic_transformed->n[2] = output->GetDimension(2);

  int nstart, nmax;
  int tstart, tmax;




    buildTransformShortCuts(input->GetDimension(0),input->GetDimension(1), input->GetDimension(2), output->GetDimension(0), rt_pic, phit_pic, fr_pic, fphi_pic, zt, fz);

    // query the line limiting the sector
    mitk::FloatProperty::Pointer prop;

    prop = dynamic_cast<mitk::FloatProperty*>(input->GetProperty("SECTOR LIMITING LINE SLOPE").GetPointer());
    if (prop.IsNotNull() )
      a = prop->GetValue();
    prop = dynamic_cast<mitk::FloatProperty*>(input->GetProperty("SECTOR LIMITING LINE OFFSET").GetPointer());
    if (prop.IsNotNull() )
      b = prop->GetValue();

    buildConeCutOffShortCut(input->GetDimension(0),input->GetDimension(1), rt_pic, fr_pic, a, b, coneCutOff_pic);
    //    mitkIpPicPut("C:\\temp\\rt_90.pic",rt_pic);
    //mitkIpPicPut("C:\\temp\\coneCutOff.pic", coneCutOff_pic);

  int n,t;



      // Cast to pic descriptor for the timeSelector image
      mitkIpPicDescriptor* timeSelectorPic = mitkIpPicNew();
      CastToIpPicDescriptor( timeSelector->GetOutput(), timeSelectorPic );

      pic_transformed->info->tags_head = _mitkIpPicCloneTags(timeSelectorPic->info->tags_head);

        mitkIpPicTypeMultiplex9(_transform, timeSelectorPic , pic_transformed, m_OutsideValue, (float*)fr_pic->data, (float*)fphi_pic->data, fz, (short *)rt_pic->data, (unsigned int *)phit_pic->data, zt, coneCutOff_pic);
        //  mitkIpPicPut("1trf.pic",pic_transformed);  
        mitkIpPicDescriptor *doubleSlice = mitkIpPicCopyHeader( timeSelectorPic , NULL);
        memcpy(doubleSlice->data, timeSelectorPic->data, _mitkIpPicSize(doubleSlice)/2);
        mitkIpPicTypeMultiplex9(_transform, doubleSlice, pic_transformed, m_OutsideValue, (float*)fr_pic->data, (float*)fphi_pic->data, fz, (short *)rt_pic->data, (unsigned int *)phit_pic->data, zt, coneCutOff_pic);
      output->SetVolume(pic_transformed->data, t, n);

Beispiel #6
mitkIpPicDescriptor *mitkIpFuncScale ( mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic_old,
                               mitkIpFloat8_t      sc_fact[_mitkIpPicNDIM],
                               mitkIpFuncFlagI_t   sc_kind ) 

  mitkIpUInt4_t        i;             /* loop index               */
  mitkIpPicDescriptor  *pic_new;      /* pointer to scaled image  */

  char            is_color=0;

  /* check whether data are correct                                     */


  if ( _mitkIpFuncError ( pic_old ) != mitkIpFuncOK ) return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* allocate pic_new                                         */

  pic_new = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_old, NULL );
  if ( pic_new == NULL )
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncPICNEW_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* copy scaling information to header of pic_new            */

  pic_new->dim = pic_old->dim;
  for ( i = 0; i < pic_old->dim; i++ )
    pic_new->n[i] = 
       ( sc_fact[i] == 0 ) ?
         pic_old->n[i] :
         ( mitkIpUInt4_t ) ( sc_fact[i] * pic_old->n[i] );
  /* call scaling routines                                    */

  if ( sc_kind == mitkIpFuncScaleNN )
    pic_new = _mitkIpFuncScNN ( pic_old, pic_new );
  else if ( sc_kind == mitkIpFuncScaleBl ) {
    pic_new = _mitkIpFuncScBL ( pic_old, pic_new ); 
    /*printf("using NN due to error in _mitkIpFuncScaleBL ... ");
      pic_new = _mitkIpFuncScNN ( pic_old, pic_new );*/
      mitkIpPicFree ( pic_new );
      _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncFLAG_ERROR );
      return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* Copy Tags */

  mitkIpFuncCopyTags(pic_new, pic_old);
  return( pic_new );
Beispiel #7
mitkIpPicDescriptor *mitkIpFuncSubC ( mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic_old,
                              mitkIpFloat8_t      value, 
                              mitkIpFuncFlagI_t   keep,
                              mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic_return )

  mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic_new;         /* pointer to new image             */
  mitkIpFloat8_t      max_gv;           /* max. possible greyvalue          */
  mitkIpFloat8_t      min_gv;           /* min. possible greyvalue          */
  mitkIpFloat8_t      min1, max1;       /* extreme greyvalues of 1. image   */ 
  mitkIpFloat8_t      smin, smax;       /* product of extreme greyvalues    */

  /* check image data                                                   */

  if ( _mitkIpFuncError ( pic_old ) != mitkIpFuncOK ) return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* check value                                                        */

  if ( value == 0. ) return ( pic_old );
  else if ( value == 0. )
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncDATA_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
  /* calculate max. and min. possible greyvalues for data type of images*/

  if ( _mitkIpFuncExtT ( pic_old->type, pic_old->bpe, &min_gv, &max_gv ) != mitkIpFuncOK )
    return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* find out data type of new iamge                                    */

  if ( keep == mitkIpFuncKeep )
       pic_new = _mitkIpFuncMalloc ( pic_old, pic_return, mitkIpOVERWRITE );
       if ( pic_new == NULL ) return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
  else if ( keep == mitkIpFuncNoKeep )
       /* calculate max. and min. greyvalues of both images             */

       if ( mitkIpFuncExtr ( pic_old, &min1, &max1 ) != mitkIpFuncOK ) return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

       smax      = max1 - value;
       smin      = min1 - value;

       /* change image type of images of type mitkIpPicInt                  */

       if ( pic_old->type == mitkIpPicInt )
           if ( smax < max_gv && smin > min_gv ) 
                pic_new = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_old, NULL );
                pic_new       = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_old, NULL );
                pic_new->type = mitkIpPicFloat;
                pic_new->bpe  = 64;
                _mitkIpFuncExtT ( pic_new->type, pic_new->bpe, &min_gv, &max_gv );

       /* change image type of images of type mitkIpPicUInt                 */

       else if ( pic_old->type == mitkIpPicUInt )
           if ( smax < max_gv && smin > min_gv )
                pic_new = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_old, NULL );
                pic_new = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_old, NULL );
                pic_new->type = mitkIpPicInt;
                pic_new->bpe  = 16;
                _mitkIpFuncExtT ( pic_new->type, pic_new->bpe, &min_gv, &max_gv );
                if ( smax > max_gv || smin < min_gv )
                     pic_new->type = mitkIpPicFloat;
                     pic_new->bpe  = 64;
                     _mitkIpFuncExtT ( pic_new->type, pic_new->bpe, &min_gv, &max_gv );

       /* change image type of images of type mitkIpPicUInt                 */
       else if ( pic_old->type == mitkIpPicFloat )
            pic_new = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_old, NULL );
            _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncTYPE_ERROR );
            return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncFLAG_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  if ( pic_new == NULL )
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncPICNEW_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
  if ( keep == mitkIpFuncNoKeep )
    pic_new->data = malloc ( _mitkIpPicSize  ( pic_new ) );
  if ( pic_new->data == NULL )
       mitkIpPicFree ( pic_new );
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncMALLOC_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* macro to invert the picture (for all data types)                   */

  if ( keep == mitkIpFuncNoKeep )
    mitkIpPicFORALL_2 ( SUBC, pic_old, pic_new, value )
  if ( keep == mitkIpFuncKeep )
    mitkIpPicFORALL_2 ( SUBC3, pic_old, pic_new, value )

  /* Copy Tags */

  mitkIpFuncCopyTags(pic_new, pic_old);
  return pic_new;
ipMITKSegmentationCreateGrowerHistory( mitkIpPicDescriptor *seg, int startOfs, mitkIpPicDescriptor *histBuffer )
  std::queue<int> ofsQueue;

  if (!seg) return 0;
  if (!histBuffer) {
    histBuffer = mitkIpPicCopyHeader( seg, histBuffer );
    histBuffer->type = mitkIpPicUInt;
    histBuffer->bpe = 16; 
    mitkIpUInt4_t size = _mitkIpPicSize( histBuffer );
    histBuffer->data = malloc( size );
    memset( histBuffer->data, 0, size );  // clear buffer
  else {
    // check if dimension of histBuffer is valid, if not: change it!
    if (histBuffer->n[0] != seg->n[0] || histBuffer->n[1] != seg->n[1]) {
      histBuffer->n[0] = seg->n[0];
      histBuffer->n[1] = seg->n[1];
      mitkIpUInt4_t size = _mitkIpPicSize( histBuffer );
      histBuffer->data = realloc( histBuffer->data, size );
      if (histBuffer->data == 0) return 0;
      memset( histBuffer->data, 0, size );  // clear buffer

  // create a clear buffer to check wether a point has already been visited
  // (seg cannot be modifier and histBuffer can contain any value)
  mitkIpPicDescriptor *flagBuffer = mitkIpPicCopyHeader( seg, 0 );
  mitkIpUInt4_t size = _mitkIpPicSize( flagBuffer );
  flagBuffer->data = malloc( size );
  memset( flagBuffer->data, 0, size );
  *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)flagBuffer->data+startOfs) = 1;    // flag pixel as visited
  int line = seg->n[0];
  int maxOfs = (int)(line * seg->n[1]);
  int testOfs;
  mitkIpUInt1_t segVal, flagVal;
  int iteration = 0;
  int currentWave = 1;
  int nextWave = 0;
  ofsQueue.push( startOfs );

  while (!ofsQueue.empty()) {
    int nextOfs = ofsQueue.front();
    *((mitkIpUInt2_t*)histBuffer->data+nextOfs) = (mitkIpUInt2_t)(iteration+1);  // seed point should get history = 1

    // check right:
    testOfs = nextOfs+1;
    if (testOfs%line!=0) {
      segVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)seg->data+testOfs);
      flagVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)flagBuffer->data+testOfs);
      if ( segVal != 0 && flagVal == 0) {
        ofsQueue.push( testOfs );
        *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)flagBuffer->data+testOfs) = 1;    // flag pixel as visited
    // check top:
    testOfs = nextOfs-line;
    if (testOfs > 0) {
      segVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)seg->data+testOfs);
      flagVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)flagBuffer->data+testOfs);
      if ( segVal != 0 && flagVal == 0) {
        ofsQueue.push( testOfs );
        *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)flagBuffer->data+testOfs) = 1;    // flag pixel as visited
    // check left:
    testOfs = nextOfs-1;
    if (nextOfs%line!=0) {
      segVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)seg->data+testOfs);
      flagVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)flagBuffer->data+testOfs);
      if ( segVal != 0 && flagVal == 0) {
        ofsQueue.push( testOfs );
        *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)flagBuffer->data+testOfs) = 1;    // flag pixel as visited
    // check bottom:
    testOfs = nextOfs+line;
    if (testOfs < maxOfs) {
      segVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)seg->data+testOfs);
      flagVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)flagBuffer->data+testOfs);
      if ( segVal != 0 && flagVal == 0) {
        ofsQueue.push( testOfs );
        *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)flagBuffer->data+testOfs) = 1;    // flag pixel as visited
    // check for number of iterations:
    if (currentWave == 0) {
      currentWave = nextWave;
      nextWave = 0;

  mitkIpPicFree( flagBuffer );
  return histBuffer;
tmGrowRegion4N( mitkIpPicDescriptor *src, int startOfs, bool relativeBounds, float lowerBoundFlt, float upperBoundFlt, int maxIterations, mitkIpPicDescriptor *segBuffer, int &contourOfs, float &startCol, mitkIpPicDescriptor *histBuffer )
  PicType lowerBound = static_cast<PicType>(lowerBoundFlt);
  PicType upperBound = static_cast<PicType>(upperBoundFlt);
  std::queue<int> ofsQueue;

  if (maxIterations <= 0) maxIterations = 32000;
  if (!src) return 0;
  if (!segBuffer) {
    segBuffer = mitkIpPicCopyHeader( src, segBuffer );
    segBuffer->type = mitkIpPicUInt;
    segBuffer->bpe = 8; 
    mitkIpUInt4_t size = _mitkIpPicSize( segBuffer );
    segBuffer->data = malloc( size );
  else {
    // check if dimension of segBuffer is valid, if not: change it!
    if (segBuffer->n[0] != src->n[0] || segBuffer->n[1] != src->n[1]) {
      segBuffer->n[0] = src->n[0];
      segBuffer->n[1] = src->n[1];
      mitkIpUInt4_t size = _mitkIpPicSize( segBuffer );
      segBuffer->data = realloc( segBuffer->data, size );
      if (segBuffer->data == 0) return 0;
  if (histBuffer) {
    // check if dimension of histBuffer is valid, if not: change it!
    if (histBuffer->n[0] != src->n[0] || histBuffer->n[1] != src->n[1]) {
      histBuffer->n[0] = src->n[0];
      histBuffer->n[1] = src->n[1];
      mitkIpUInt4_t size = _mitkIpPicSize( histBuffer );
      histBuffer->data = realloc( histBuffer->data, size );
      if (histBuffer->data == 0) return 0;
      memset( histBuffer->data, 0, size );  // clear buffer
  int line = segBuffer->n[0];
  int maxOfs = (int)(line * segBuffer->n[1]);
  //PicType *start = ((PicType*)src->data) + startOfs;
  // init borders:
  PicType lowest, highest;
  if (relativeBounds) {
    // average base color from 3x3 block:
    // check for edges of image
    int offset;
    int numberOfValidOffsets = 0;
    int baseCol = 0;
    offset = startOfs;           if ( (offset >= 0) && (offset < (int)(src->n[0] * src->n[1])) ) { baseCol += *((PicType*)(src->data)+offset); ++numberOfValidOffsets; }
    offset = startOfs+1;         if ( (offset >= 0) && (offset < (int)(src->n[0] * src->n[1])) ) { baseCol += *((PicType*)(src->data)+offset); ++numberOfValidOffsets; }
    offset = startOfs+1-line;    if ( (offset >= 0) && (offset < (int)(src->n[0] * src->n[1])) ) { baseCol += *((PicType*)(src->data)+offset); ++numberOfValidOffsets; }
    offset = startOfs-line;      if ( (offset >= 0) && (offset < (int)(src->n[0] * src->n[1])) ) { baseCol += *((PicType*)(src->data)+offset); ++numberOfValidOffsets; }
    offset = startOfs-1-line;    if ( (offset >= 0) && (offset < (int)(src->n[0] * src->n[1])) ) { baseCol += *((PicType*)(src->data)+offset); ++numberOfValidOffsets; }
    offset = startOfs-1;         if ( (offset >= 0) && (offset < (int)(src->n[0] * src->n[1])) ) { baseCol += *((PicType*)(src->data)+offset); ++numberOfValidOffsets; }
    offset = startOfs-1+line;    if ( (offset >= 0) && (offset < (int)(src->n[0] * src->n[1])) ) { baseCol += *((PicType*)(src->data)+offset); ++numberOfValidOffsets; }
    offset = startOfs+line;      if ( (offset >= 0) && (offset < (int)(src->n[0] * src->n[1])) ) { baseCol += *((PicType*)(src->data)+offset); ++numberOfValidOffsets; }
    offset = startOfs+1+line;    if ( (offset >= 0) && (offset < (int)(src->n[0] * src->n[1])) ) { baseCol += *((PicType*)(src->data)+offset); ++numberOfValidOffsets; }

    if ( numberOfValidOffsets > 0 )
      baseCol = (PicType)( (float)baseCol / (float)numberOfValidOffsets );

    lowest = baseCol - lowerBound;
    highest = baseCol + upperBound;
    startCol = (float)baseCol;
  else {
    lowest = lowerBound;
    highest = upperBound;
    startCol = 0.0f;

  memset( segBuffer->data, 0, _mitkIpPicSize(segBuffer) );  // clear buffer
  PicType value = *((PicType*)src->data+startOfs);
  if ( value >=lowest && value <=highest ) {
    ofsQueue.push( startOfs );

  contourOfs = -1;
  int testOfs;
  mitkIpUInt1_t segVal;
  int iteration = 0;
  int currentWave = 1;
  int nextWave = 0;

  while (!ofsQueue.empty() && iteration<=maxIterations) {
    int nextOfs = ofsQueue.front();
    *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)segBuffer->data+nextOfs) = 1;
    if (histBuffer) {
      *((mitkIpUInt2_t*)histBuffer->data+nextOfs) = (mitkIpUInt2_t)(iteration+1);  // seed point should get history = 1
    if (nextOfs > contourOfs) contourOfs = nextOfs;
    // check right:
    testOfs = nextOfs+1;
    if (testOfs%line!=0) {
      segVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)segBuffer->data+testOfs);
      if ( segVal == 0 ) {
        value = *((PicType*)src->data+testOfs);
        if ( value >=lowest && value <=highest ) {
          ofsQueue.push( testOfs );
          *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)segBuffer->data+testOfs) = 2;
    // check top:
    testOfs = nextOfs-line;
    if (testOfs > 0) {
      segVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)segBuffer->data+testOfs);
      if ( segVal == 0 ) {
        value = *((PicType*)src->data+testOfs);
        if ( value >=lowest && value <=highest ) {
          ofsQueue.push( testOfs );
          *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)segBuffer->data+testOfs) = 2;
    // check left:
    testOfs = nextOfs-1;
    if (nextOfs%line!=0) {
      segVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)segBuffer->data+testOfs);
      if ( segVal == 0 ) {
        value = *((PicType*)src->data+testOfs);
        if ( value >=lowest && value <=highest ) {
          ofsQueue.push( testOfs );
          *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)segBuffer->data+testOfs) = 2;
    // check bottom:
    testOfs = nextOfs+line;
    if (testOfs < maxOfs) {
      segVal = *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)segBuffer->data+testOfs);
      if ( segVal == 0 ) {
        value = *((PicType*)src->data+testOfs);
        if ( value >=lowest && value <=highest ) {
          ofsQueue.push( testOfs );
          *((mitkIpUInt1_t*)segBuffer->data+testOfs) = 2;
    // check for number of iterations:
    if (currentWave == 0) {
      currentWave = nextWave;
      nextWave = 0;

  return segBuffer;
Beispiel #10
mitkIpPicDescriptor *mitkIpFuncSubI ( mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic_1,
                              mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic_2,
                              mitkIpFuncFlagI_t   keep,
                              mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic_return )

  mitkIpPicDescriptor *pic_new;         /* pointer to new image             */
  mitkIpUInt4_t       i;                /* loop index                       */
  mitkIpFloat8_t      max_gv;           /* max. possible greyvalue          */
  mitkIpFloat8_t      min_gv;           /* min. possible greyvalue          */
  mitkIpFloat8_t      min1, max1;       /* extreme greyvalues of 1. image   */ 
  mitkIpFloat8_t      min2, max2;       /* extreme greyvalues of 2. image   */
  mitkIpFloat8_t      smin, smax;       /* product of extreme greyvalues    */

  /* ckeck whether data are correct                                     */

  if ( _mitkIpFuncError ( pic_1 ) != mitkIpFuncOK ) return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
  if ( _mitkIpFuncError ( pic_2 ) != mitkIpFuncOK ) return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* check whether images have the same size                            */

  if ( ( pic_1->type != pic_2->type ) || ( pic_1->bpe != pic_2->bpe ) )
      _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncUNFIT_ERROR );
      return NULL;
  if ( pic_1->dim == pic_2->dim )
    for ( i = 0; i < _mitkIpPicNDIM; i++ )
        if ( pic_1->n[i] != pic_2->n[i] )
             _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncUNFIT_ERROR );
             return NULL;
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncUNFIT_ERROR );
       return NULL;

  /* calculate max. and min. possible greyvalues for data type of images*/

  if ( _mitkIpFuncExtT ( pic_1->type, pic_1->bpe, &min_gv, &max_gv ) != mitkIpFuncOK )
    return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* find out data type of new iamge                                    */

  if ( keep == mitkIpFuncKeep )
       pic_new = _mitkIpFuncMalloc ( pic_1, pic_return, mitkIpOVERWRITE );
       if ( pic_new == NULL ) return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
  else if ( keep == mitkIpFuncNoKeep )
       /* calculate max. and min. greyvalues of both images                  */

       if ( mitkIpFuncExtr ( pic_1, &min1, &max1 ) != mitkIpFuncOK ) return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
       if ( mitkIpFuncExtr ( pic_2, &min2, &max2 ) != mitkIpFuncOK ) return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

       smax      = max1 - max2;
       smin      = min1 - min2;

       /* change image type of images of type mitkIpPicInt                  */

       if ( pic_1->type == mitkIpPicInt )
           if ( smax < max_gv && smin > min_gv ) 
                pic_new = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_1, NULL );
                pic_new       = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_1, NULL );
                pic_new->type = mitkIpPicFloat;
                pic_new->bpe  = 64;
                _mitkIpFuncExtT ( pic_new->type, pic_new->bpe, &min_gv, &max_gv );

       /* change image type of images of type mitkIpPicUInt                 */

       else if ( pic_1->type == mitkIpPicUInt )
           if ( smax < max_gv && smin > min_gv )
                pic_new = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_1, NULL );
                pic_new = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_1, NULL );
                pic_new->type = mitkIpPicInt;
                pic_new->bpe  = 16;
                _mitkIpFuncExtT ( pic_new->type, pic_new->bpe, &min_gv, &max_gv );
                if ( smax > max_gv || smin < min_gv )
                     pic_new->type = mitkIpPicFloat;
                     pic_new->bpe  = 64;
                     _mitkIpFuncExtT ( pic_new->type, pic_new->bpe, &min_gv, &max_gv );

       /* change image type of images of type mitkIpPicUInt                 */
       else if ( pic_1->type == mitkIpPicFloat )
            pic_new = mitkIpPicCopyHeader ( pic_1, NULL );
           _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncTYPE_ERROR );
           return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncFLAG_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR ); 

  if ( pic_new == NULL )
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncPICNEW_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  if ( keep == mitkIpFuncNoKeep )
    pic_new->data = malloc ( _mitkIpPicSize  ( pic_new ) );
  if ( pic_new->data == NULL )
       mitkIpPicFree ( pic_new );
       _mitkIpFuncSetErrno ( mitkIpFuncMALLOC_ERROR );
       return ( mitkIpFuncERROR );

  /* macro to invert the picture (for all data types)                   */

  if ( keep == mitkIpFuncNoKeep )
    mitkIpPicFORALL_2 ( SUBI, pic_1, pic_2, pic_new )
  else if ( keep == mitkIpFuncKeep )
    mitkIpPicFORALL_2 ( SUBI3, pic_1, pic_2, pic_new )

  /* Copy Tags */

  mitkIpFuncCopyTags(pic_new, pic_1);
  return pic_new;