/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : save_volume_slice
@INPUT      : icvid - id of icv to write
              volume_info - volume information (minimum and maximum are
              slice_num - number of slice to write
              image - image to write
              slice_min - minimum real value for slice
              slice_max - maximum real value for slice
@OUTPUT     : (nothing)
@RETURNS    : (nothing)
@DESCRIPTION: Routine to write out a slice.
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : August 26, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void save_volume_slice(int icvid, Volume_Info *volume_info, 
                              int slice_num, unsigned char *image,
                              double slice_min, double slice_max)
   int mincid;
   long start[MAX_VAR_DIMS], count[MAX_VAR_DIMS];

   /* Get the minc file id */
   (void) miicv_inqint(icvid, MI_ICV_CDFID, &mincid);

   /* Set up the start and count variables for writinging the volume */
   (void) miset_coords(3, 0, start);
   start[0] = slice_num;
   count[0] = 1;
   count[1] = volume_info->nrows;
   count[2] = volume_info->ncolumns;

   /* Write out the slice min and max */
   (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimagemin), start, NC_DOUBLE,
                    NULL, &slice_min);
   (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimagemax), start, NC_DOUBLE,
                    NULL, &slice_max);

   /* Write out the volume */
   (void) miicv_put(icvid, start, count, image);

Beispiel #2
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : save_volume_slice
@INPUT      : icvid - id of icv to write
              volume_info - volume information (minimum and maximum are
              slice_num - number of slice to write
              image - image to write
              slice_min - minimum real value for slice
              slice_max - maximum real value for slice
@OUTPUT     : (nothing)
@RETURNS    : (nothing)
@DESCRIPTION: Routine to write out a slice.
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : August 26, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void save_volume_slice(int icvid, Volume_Info *volume_info, 
                              int slice_num[], unsigned char *image,
                              double slice_min, double slice_max)
   int mincid;
   long start[MAX_VAR_DIMS], count[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
   int  idim, ndims;

   /* Get the minc file id */
   (void) miicv_inqint(icvid, MI_ICV_CDFID, &mincid);
   ndims = volume_info->number_of_dimensions;

   /* Set up the start and count variables for writing the volume */
   (void) miset_coords(MAX_VAR_DIMS, 0, start);

   for(idim=0; idim<ndims-2; idim++){
      start[idim] = slice_num[idim];
      count[idim] = 1;
   count[ndims-2] = volume_info->length[ndims-2];
   count[ndims-1] = volume_info->length[ndims-1];  

   /* Write out the slice min and max */
   (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimagemin), start, NC_DOUBLE,
                    NULL, &slice_min);
   (void) mivarput1(mincid, ncvarid(mincid, MIimagemax), start, NC_DOUBLE,
                    NULL, &slice_max);

   /* Write out the volume */
   (void) miicv_put(icvid, start, count, image);

Beispiel #3
test2(struct testinfo *ip, struct dimdef *dims, int ndims)
    int i, j, k;
    int stat;
    long coords[3];
    float flt;

    stat = miattputdbl(ip->fd, ip->imgid, MIvalid_max, (XSIZE * 10000.0));
    if (stat < 0) {

    stat = miattputdbl(ip->fd, ip->imgid, MIvalid_min, -(XSIZE * 10000.0));
    if (stat < 0) {

    ncendef(ip->fd);		/* End definition mode. */

    coords[0] = 0;

    flt = -(XSIZE * 100000.0);
    stat = mivarput1(ip->fd, ip->minid, coords, NC_FLOAT, MI_SIGNED, &flt);
    if (stat < 0) {

    flt = XSIZE * 100000.0;
    stat = mivarput1(ip->fd, ip->maxid, coords, NC_FLOAT, MI_SIGNED, &flt);
    if (stat < 0) {

    for (i = 0; i < dims[TST_X].length; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < dims[TST_Y].length; j++) {
            for (k = 0; k < dims[TST_Z].length; k++) {
                int tmp = (i * 10000) + (j * 100) + k;

                coords[TST_X] = i;
                coords[TST_Y] = j;
                coords[TST_Z] = k;

                stat = mivarput1(ip->fd, ip->imgid, coords, NC_INT, MI_SIGNED, &tmp);
                if (stat < 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "At (%d,%d,%d), status %d: ", i,j,k,stat);

    return (0);
Beispiel #4
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : handle_normalization
@INPUT      : reshape_info - information for reshaping volume
              block_start - start of current block
              block_count - count for current block
              minmax_buffer - buffer space for getting min and max
@OUTPUT     : fillvalue - pixel fill value to use for this block
@RETURNS    : (none)
@DESCRIPTION: Sets up icv for normalization to ensure that block is
              internally normalized. Output image-max and min are set.
              The appropriate pixel fill value is calculated for this
              min and max (applies to the whole block).
@METHOD     :
@CALLS      :
@CREATED    : October 25, 1994 (Peter Neelin)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void handle_normalization(Reshape_info *reshape_info,
                                 long *block_start,
                                 long *block_count,
                                 double *minmax_buffer,
                                 double *fillvalue)
   int iloop;
   int inmincid, inimgid, varid, icvid;
   long minmax_start[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
   double minimum, maximum, *extreme, valid_min, valid_max, denom;
   char *varname;

   /* Get input minc id, image id and icv id*/
   inmincid = reshape_info->inmincid;
   inimgid = ncvarid(inmincid, MIimage);
   icvid = reshape_info->icvid;

   /* Get input min and max for block */
   get_block_min_and_max(reshape_info, block_start, block_count,
                         minmax_buffer, &minimum, &maximum);

   /* Modify the icv if necessary */
   if (reshape_info->do_block_normalization) {
      (void) miicv_detach(icvid);
      (void) miicv_setdbl(icvid, MI_ICV_IMAGE_MIN, minimum);
      (void) miicv_setdbl(icvid, MI_ICV_IMAGE_MAX, maximum);
      (void) miicv_setint(icvid, MI_ICV_USER_NORM, TRUE);
      (void) miicv_setint(icvid, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, TRUE);
      (void) miicv_attach(icvid, inmincid, inimgid);

   /* Save the image max and min for the block */
   for (iloop=0; iloop < 2; iloop++) {

      /* Get varid and pointer to min or max value */
      switch (iloop) {
      case 0: 
         varname = MIimagemin;
         extreme = &minimum;
      case 1: 
         varname = MIimagemax;
         extreme = &maximum;

      /* Save the value */
      ncopts = 0;
      varid = ncvarid(reshape_info->outmincid, varname);
      ncopts = NCOPTS_DEFAULT;
      if (varid != MI_ERROR) {
         (void) mitranslate_coords(reshape_info->outmincid, 
                                   reshape_info->outimgid, block_start,
                                   varid, minmax_start);
         (void) mivarput1(reshape_info->outmincid, varid, 
                          minmax_start, NC_DOUBLE, NULL, extreme);

   /* Calculate the pixel fill value */
   *fillvalue = ((reshape_info->fillvalue == NOFILL) ? 0.0 :
   if ((reshape_info->output_datatype != NC_FLOAT) &&
       (reshape_info->output_datatype != NC_DOUBLE) &&
       (*fillvalue != FILL)) {
      (void) miicv_inqdbl(icvid, MI_ICV_VALID_MIN, &valid_min);
      (void) miicv_inqdbl(icvid, MI_ICV_VALID_MAX, &valid_max);
      denom = maximum - minimum;
      if (denom == 0.0) {
         *fillvalue = valid_min;
      else {
         *fillvalue = (*fillvalue - minimum) * 
            (valid_max - valid_min) / denom + valid_min;

Beispiel #5
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : PutMaxMin
@INPUT      : ImInfo - pointer to struct describing the image variable
              ImVals - pointer to array of doubles containing the image data
              SliceNum, FrameNum - needed to correctly place the max and min
                values into the MIimagemax and MIimagemin variables
              DoFrames - whether or not there is a time dimension in this file
@OUTPUT     : (none)
@RETURNS    : (void)
@DESCRIPTION: Finds the max and min values of an image, and puts them
              into the MIimagemax and MIimagemin variables associated
              with the specified image variable.  Note: the caller must
              make sure that MIimagemax and MIimagemin exist in the
              file, and ensure that ImInfo->MaxID and ImInfo->MinID contain
              their variable ID's.
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : 93-6-3, Greg Ward
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PutMaxMin (ImageInfoRec *ImInfo, double *ImVals, 
                long SliceNum, long FrameNum, 
                Boolean DoSlices, Boolean DoFrames)
   int      i;
   double   Max, Min;
   long     Coord [2];          /* might use 0, 1 or 2 elements */
   int      old_ncopts;
   int      ret;
   nc_type  range_type;
   int      range_len;
   int      update_vr;
   double   valid_range[2];
   double   vr_max;

#ifdef DEBUG
   int      NumDims;            /* number of dimensions in imagemax/imagemin */
   int      Dims [4];           /* dimension ID's of imagemax/imagemin */

   printf ("Slice dimension is %d\n", ImInfo->SliceDim);
   printf ("Frame dimension is %d\n", ImInfo->FrameDim);

   ncvarinq (ImInfo->CDF, ImInfo->MaxID, NULL, NULL, &NumDims, Dims, NULL);
   printf ("MIimagemax has %d dimensions: ", NumDims);
   for (i = 0; i < NumDims; i++)
      printf ("%5d", Dims [i]);
   putchar ('\n');

   ncvarinq (ImInfo->CDF, ImInfo->MinID, NULL, NULL, &NumDims, Dims, NULL);
   printf ("MIimagemin has %d dimensions: ", NumDims);
   for (i = 0; i < NumDims; i++)
      printf ("%5d", Dims [i]);
   putchar ('\n');

   Max = - DBL_MAX;
   Min = DBL_MAX;

    * Find the actual max and min values in the buffer

   for (i = 0; i < ImInfo->ImageSize; i++)
      if (ImVals [i] > Max)
         Max = ImVals [i];

      if (ImVals [i] < Min)
         Min = ImVals [i];
   }     /* for i */

    * Now figure out the Coord vector (where to put the max and min
    * within the MIimagemax and MIimagemin variables), and put 'em there

   if (DoFrames)        /* i.e. some frame was specified */
      Coord [ImInfo->FrameDim] = FrameNum;

   if (DoSlices)
      Coord [ImInfo->SliceDim] = SliceNum;

#ifdef DEBUG
   printf ("Slice %ld, frame %ld: max is %lg, min is %lg\n", 
           (DoSlices) ? (SliceNum) : -1,
           (DoFrames) ? (FrameNum) : -1,
           Max, Min);
   if (DoSlices && DoFrames)
      printf ("Coord vector is: %ld %ld\n", Coord [0], Coord [1]);

   mivarput1 (ImInfo->CDF, ImInfo->MaxID, Coord, NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &Max);
   mivarput1 (ImInfo->CDF, ImInfo->MinID, Coord, NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &Min);

    * Update the image valid_range attribute for floating-point volumes
   if ((ImInfo->DataType == NC_FLOAT) || (ImInfo->DataType == NC_DOUBLE)) {

      /* Get type and length of valid_range attribute */
      old_ncopts = ncopts; ncopts = 0;
      ret = ncattinq(ImInfo->CDF, ImInfo->ID, MIvalid_range, 
                     &range_type, &range_len);
      ncopts = old_ncopts;

      /* If type and length are okay, then read in old value and update */
      if ((ret != MI_ERROR) && 
          (range_type == NC_DOUBLE) && (range_len == 2)) {

         (void) ncattget(ImInfo->CDF, ImInfo->ID, MIvalid_range, valid_range);

         /* Test for first write of valid range */
         vr_max = (ImInfo->DataType == NC_DOUBLE ? 
                   1.79769313e+308 : 3.402e+38);
         update_vr = ((valid_range[0] < -vr_max) && (valid_range[1] > vr_max));

         /* Check the range */
         if ((Min < valid_range[0]) || update_vr)
            valid_range[0] = Min;
         if ((Max > valid_range[1]) || update_vr)
            valid_range[1] = Max;

         /* Check for whether float rounding is needed */
         if (ImInfo->DataType == NC_FLOAT) {
            valid_range[0] = (float) valid_range[0];
            valid_range[1] = (float) valid_range[1];

         /* Write it out */
         (void) ncattput(ImInfo->CDF, ImInfo->ID, MIvalid_range, 
                         NC_DOUBLE, 2, valid_range);


   }     /* if DataType is floating-point */

}     /* PutMaxMin */
Beispiel #6
minc_save_data(int fd, void *dataptr, int datatype,
               long st, long sz, long sy, long sx,
               long ct, long cz, long cy, long cx)
    nc_type nctype;
    char *signstr;
    int i;
    int var_id;
    int var_ndims;
    int var_dims[MAX_NC_DIMS];
    int icv;
    long start[MI_S_NDIMS];
    long count[MI_S_NDIMS];
    int old_ncopts;
    int r;
    double min, max;
    long slice_size;
    long index;
    int dtbytes;                /* Length of datatype in bytes */

    old_ncopts =get_ncopts();

    var_id = ncvarid(fd, MIimage);

    ncvarinq(fd, var_id, NULL, NULL, &var_ndims, var_dims, NULL);

    if (var_ndims < 2 || var_ndims > 4) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);
    r = minc_simple_to_nc_type(datatype, &nctype, &signstr);
    if (r == MINC_STATUS_ERROR) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    dtbytes = nctypelen(nctype);

    /* Update the image-min and image-max values */
    if (ct > 0) {
        slice_size = cz * cy * cx;
        index = st;

        for (i = 0; i < ct; i++) {
            find_minmax((char *) dataptr + (dtbytes * slice_size * i), 
                        slice_size, datatype, &min, &max);
            mivarput1(fd, ncvarid(fd, MIimagemin), &index, 
                      NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &min);
            mivarput1(fd, ncvarid(fd, MIimagemax), &index, 
                      NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &max);
    else {
        slice_size = cy * cx;
        index = sz;

        for (i = 0; i < cz; i++) {
            find_minmax((char *) dataptr + (dtbytes * slice_size * i), 
                        slice_size, datatype, &min, &max);
            mivarput1(fd, ncvarid(fd, MIimagemin), &index, 
                      NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &min);
            mivarput1(fd, ncvarid(fd, MIimagemax), &index, 
                      NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, &max);

    /* We want the data to wind up in t, x, y, z order. */

    icv = miicv_create();
    if (icv < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    r = miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_TYPE, nctype);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    r = miicv_setstr(icv, MI_ICV_SIGN, signstr);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    r = miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, 1);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    r = miicv_setint(icv, MI_ICV_DO_FILLVALUE, 1);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    r = miicv_attach(icv, fd, var_id);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    i = 0;
    switch (var_ndims) {
    case 4:
        count[i] = ct;
        start[i] = st;
        /* fall through */
    case 3:
        count[i] = cz;
        start[i] = sz;
        /* fall through */
    case 2:
        count[i] = cy;
        start[i] = sy;
        count[i] = cx;
        start[i] = sx;

    r = miicv_put(icv, start, count, dataptr);
    if (r < 0) {
        return (MINC_STATUS_ERROR);

    return (MINC_STATUS_OK);