Beispiel #1
/* Create the directory that will be needed for the cache file for \key.
 * Obviously, the implementation here must closely match
 * _get_cache_file above.
static void
make_cache_file_directory(struct program_cache *cache, cache_key key)
   char *dir;
   char buf[41];

   _mesa_sha1_format(buf, key);

   dir = ralloc_asprintf(cache, "%s/%c%c", cache->path, buf[0], buf[1]);


Beispiel #2
/* Concatenate an existing path and a new name to form a new path.  If the new
 * path does not exist as a directory, create it then return the resulting
 * name of the new path (ralloc'ed off of 'ctx').
 * Returns NULL on any error, such as:
 *      <path> does not exist or is not a directory
 *      <path>/<name> exists but is not a directory
 *      <path>/<name> cannot be created as a directory
static char *
concatenate_and_mkdir(void *ctx, char *path, char *name)
   char *new_path;
   struct stat sb;

   if (stat(path, &sb) != 0 || ! S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
      return NULL;

   new_path = ralloc_asprintf(ctx, "%s/%s", path, name);

   if (mkdir_if_needed(new_path) == 0)
      return new_path;
      return NULL;
Beispiel #3
/* routine via which the dot file is written */
void write_dot(const char * prefix, int id, const char *fmt, ...)
	static int flag = 0;
	static FILE * dotf[MAX_DOTF_NR];
	static char dotfilename[MAX_DOTF_NR][FILENAME_MAX];
	char cmd[CMD_MAX];
	char * fig_folder = "fig";

	va_list args;
	va_start(args, fmt);

	assert(id >= 0 && id < MAX_DOTF_NR);
	if (id < LOWEST_DOT_ID)

	if (!flag) {
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_DOTF_NR; i++)
			dotf[i] = 0;
		flag = 1;
	if (!dotf[id]) {
		sprintf(dotfilename[id], "%s/%s (%03d).%s",
			fig_folder, prefix, id, GRAPHVIZ_FILE_EXT);

		if (flag == 1) {
			flag = 2;
		fprintf(stderr, "%sdot file: %s%s\n", INFO_COLOR,
			dotfilename[id], NOCOLOR);

		dotf[id] = fopen(dotfilename[id], "w");
		if (dotf[id] == 0)
			F_ERR(dotf[id], "failed to open file ``%s%s%s''",
			      ERR_EMPH_COLOR, dotfilename[id], ERR_COLOR);

		fprintf(dotf[id], "graph sort {\n");

			"\tnode [shape=circle"
			", fontname=Courier New"
			", penwidth=0.5"
			", fixedsize=true"
			", width=0.6"
			/* ", height=0.7" */
			", splines=\"compound\""

	assert(dotf[id] != 0);

	/* if the dot file becomes big, something must be wrong */
	int dot_f_max_size = 32*1024;
	if (ftell(dotf[id]) > dot_f_max_size) {
			"%sdot file too big: %s"
			"%s, something must be wrong.\n%s",
			RED, dotfilename[id], NOCOLOR,
		assert(ftell(dotf[id]) <= dot_f_max_size);

	if (!fmt[0]) {
		fprintf(dotf[id], "}\n");
		dotf[id] = 0;
		snprintf(cmd, (size_t)CMD_MAX, "%s -T%s \"%s\" -o "
			 "\"%s/%s (%03d).%s\"",
			 GRAPHVIZ_CMD, GRAPHVIZ_FIG_TYPE, dotfilename[id],
			 fig_folder, prefix, id, GRAPHVIZ_FIG_TYPE);
		printf("%s$ %s%s%s\n", WHITE, WHITE, cmd, NOCOLOR);
		/* printf("%s$ %s%s%s\n", WHITE, GREEN, cmd, NOCOLOR); */
		assert(system(cmd) == 0);
	} else {
		fprintf(dotf[id], "\t");
		vfprintf(dotf[id], fmt, args);

Beispiel #4
struct program_cache *
   void *local;
   struct program_cache *cache = NULL;
   char *path, *max_size_str;
   uint64_t max_size;
   int fd = -1;
   struct stat sb;
   size_t size;

   /* A ralloc context for transient data during this invocation. */
   local = ralloc_context(NULL);
   if (local == NULL)
      goto fail;

   /* At user request, disable shader cache entirely. */
   if (getenv("MESA_GLSL_CACHE_DISABLE"))
      goto fail;

   /* Determine path for cache based on the first defined name as follows:
    *   $XDG_CACHE_HOME/mesa
    *   <pwd.pw_dir>/.cache/mesa
   path = getenv("MESA_GLSL_CACHE_DIR");
   if (path && mkdir_if_needed(path) == -1) {
      goto fail;

   if (path == NULL) {
      char *xdg_cache_home = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME");

      if (xdg_cache_home) {
         if (mkdir_if_needed(xdg_cache_home) == -1)
            goto fail;

         path = concatenate_and_mkdir(local, xdg_cache_home, "mesa");
         if (path == NULL)
            goto fail;

   if (path == NULL) {
      char *buf;
      size_t buf_size;
      struct passwd pwd, *result;

      buf_size = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX);
      if (buf_size == -1)
         buf_size = 512;

      /* Loop until buf_size is large enough to query the directory */
      while (1) {
         buf = ralloc_size(local, buf_size);

         getpwuid_r(getuid(), &pwd, buf, buf_size, &result);
         if (result)

         if (errno == ERANGE) {
            buf = NULL;
            buf_size *= 2;
         } else {
            goto fail;

      path = concatenate_and_mkdir(local, pwd.pw_dir, ".cache");
      if (path == NULL)
         goto fail;

      path = concatenate_and_mkdir(local, path, "mesa");
      if (path == NULL)
         goto fail;

   cache = ralloc(NULL, struct program_cache);
   if (cache == NULL)
      goto fail;

   cache->path = ralloc_strdup(cache, path);
   if (cache->path == NULL)
      goto fail;

   path = ralloc_asprintf(local, "%s/index", cache->path);
   if (path == NULL)
      goto fail;

   fd = open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0644);
   if (fd == -1)
      goto fail;

   if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1)
      goto fail;

   /* Force the index file to be the expected size. */
   size = sizeof(*cache->size) + CACHE_INDEX_MAX_KEYS * CACHE_KEY_SIZE;
   if (sb.st_size != size) {
      if (ftruncate(fd, size) == -1)
         goto fail;

   /* We map this shared so that other processes see updates that we
    * make.
    * Note: We do use atomic addition to ensure that multiple
    * processes don't scramble the cache size recorded in the
    * index. But we don't use any locking to prevent multiple
    * processes from updating the same entry simultaneously. The idea
    * is that if either result lands entirely in the index, then
    * that's equivalent to a well-ordered write followed by an
    * eviction and a write. On the other hand, if the simultaneous
    * writes result in a corrupt entry, that's not really any
    * different than both entries being evicted, (since within the
    * guarantees of the cryptographic hash, a corrupt entry is
    * unlikely to ever match a real cache key).
   cache->index_mmap = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                            MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
   if (cache->index_mmap == MAP_FAILED)
      goto fail;
   cache->index_mmap_size = size;


   cache->size = (uint64_t *) cache->index_mmap;
   cache->stored_keys = cache->index_mmap + sizeof(uint64_t);

   max_size = 0;

   max_size_str = getenv("MESA_GLSL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE");
   if (max_size_str) {
      char *end;
      max_size = strtoul(max_size_str, &end, 10);
      if (end == max_size_str) {
         max_size = 0;
      } else {
         while (*end && isspace(*end))
         switch (*end) {
         case 'K':
         case 'k':
            max_size *= 1024;
         case 'M':
         case 'm':
            max_size *= 1024*1024;
         case '\0':
         case 'G':
         case 'g':
            max_size *= 1024*1024*1024;

   /* Default to 1GB for maximum cache size. */
   if (max_size == 0)
      max_size = 1024*1024*1024;

   cache->max_size = max_size;


   return cache;

   if (fd != -1)
   if (cache)

   return NULL;