Beispiel #1
mlt_profile mlt_profile_load_string( const char *string )
	mlt_properties properties = mlt_properties_new();
	mlt_profile profile = NULL;

	if ( properties )
		const char *p = string;
		while ( p )
			if ( strcmp( p, "" ) && p[ 0 ] != '#' )
				mlt_properties_parse( properties, p );
			p = strchr( p, '\n' );
			if ( p ) p++;
		profile = mlt_profile_load_properties( properties );
		mlt_properties_close( properties );
	return profile;
Beispiel #2
static void load_consumer( mlt_consumer *consumer, mlt_profile profile, int argc, char **argv )
    int i;
    int multi = 0;
    int qglsl = 0;

    for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ ) {
        // See if we need multi consumer.
        multi += !strcmp( argv[i], "-consumer" );
        // Seee if we need the qglsl variant of multi consumer.
        if ( !strncmp( argv[i], "glsl.", 5 ) || !strncmp( argv[i], "movit.", 6 ) )
            qglsl = 1;
    // Disable qglsl if xgl is being used!
    for ( i = 1; qglsl && i < argc; i ++ )
        if ( !strcmp( argv[i], "xgl" ) )
            qglsl = 0;

    if ( multi > 1 || qglsl )
        // If there is more than one -consumer use the 'multi' consumer.
        int k = 0;
        char key[20];

        if ( *consumer )
            mlt_consumer_close( *consumer );
        *consumer = create_consumer( profile, ( qglsl? "qglsl" : "multi" ) );
        mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( *consumer );
        for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
            if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-consumer" ) && argv[ i + 1 ])
                // Create a properties object for each sub-consumer
                mlt_properties new_props = mlt_properties_new();
                snprintf( key, sizeof(key), "%d", k++ );
                mlt_properties_set_data( properties, key, new_props, 0,
                                         (mlt_destructor) mlt_properties_close, NULL );
                if ( strchr( argv[i + 1], ':' ) )
                    char *temp = strdup( argv[++i] );
                    char *service = temp;
                    char *target = strchr( temp, ':' );
                    *target++ = 0;
                    mlt_properties_set( new_props, "mlt_service", service );
                    mlt_properties_set( new_props, "target", target );
                    mlt_properties_set( new_props, "mlt_service", argv[ ++i ] );
                while ( argv[ i + 1 ] && strchr( argv[ i + 1 ], '=' ) )
                    mlt_properties_parse( new_props, argv[ ++ i ] );
    else for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
            if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-consumer" ) )
                if ( *consumer )
                    mlt_consumer_close( *consumer );
                *consumer = create_consumer( profile, argv[ ++ i ] );
                if ( *consumer )
                    mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( *consumer );
                    while ( argv[ i + 1 ] != NULL && strchr( argv[ i + 1 ], '=' ) )
                        mlt_properties_parse( properties, argv[ ++ i ] );
Beispiel #3
void set_properties( mlt_service service, char *namevalue )
	mlt_properties properties = mlt_service_properties( service );
	mlt_properties_parse( properties, namevalue );
Beispiel #4
int inigo( int argc, char **argv )
	int i;
	mlt_consumer consumer = NULL;
	mlt_producer melt = NULL;
	FILE *store = NULL;
	char *name = NULL;
	mlt_profile profile = NULL;
	int is_progress = 0;
	int is_silent = 0;

	// Construct the factory
	mlt_repository repo = mlt_factory_init( NULL );

	for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
//		fprintf(stderr, "argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
		// Check for serialisation switch
		if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-serialise" ) )
			name = argv[ ++ i ];
			if ( name != NULL && strstr( name, ".melt" ) )
				store = fopen( name, "w" );
				if ( name == NULL || name[0] == '-' )
					store = stdout;
				name = NULL;
		// Look for the profile option
		else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-profile" ) )
			const char *pname = argv[ ++ i ];
			if ( pname && pname[0] != '-' )
				profile = mlt_profile_init( pname );
		else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-progress" ) )
			is_progress = 1;
		// Look for the query option
		else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-query" ) )
			const char *pname = argv[ ++ i ];
			if ( pname && pname[0] != '-' )
				if ( !strcmp( pname, "consumers" ) || !strcmp( pname, "consumer" ) )
					query_services( repo, consumer_type );
				else if ( !strcmp( pname, "filters" ) || !strcmp( pname, "filter" ) )
					query_services( repo, filter_type );
				else if ( !strcmp( pname, "producers" ) || !strcmp( pname, "producer" ) )
					query_services( repo, producer_type );
				else if ( !strcmp( pname, "transitions" ) || !strcmp( pname, "transition" ) )
					query_services( repo, transition_type );
				else if ( !strncmp( pname, "consumer=", 9 ) )
					query_metadata( repo, consumer_type, "consumer", strchr( pname, '=' ) + 1 );
				else if ( !strncmp( pname, "filter=", 7 ) )
					query_metadata( repo, filter_type, "filter", strchr( pname, '=' ) + 1 );
				else if ( !strncmp( pname, "producer=", 9 ) )
					query_metadata( repo, producer_type, "producer", strchr( pname, '=' ) + 1 );
				else if ( !strncmp( pname, "transition=", 11 ) )
					query_metadata( repo, transition_type, "transition", strchr( pname, '=' ) + 1 );
					goto query_all;
				query_services( repo, consumer_type );
				query_services( repo, filter_type );
				query_services( repo, producer_type );
				query_services( repo, transition_type );
				fprintf( stderr, "# You can query the metadata for a specific service using:\n"
					"# -query <type>=<identifer>\n"
					"# where <type> is one of: consumer, filter, producer, or transition.\n" );
			goto exit_factory;
		else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-silent" ) )
			is_silent = 1;
		else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-verbose" ) )
			mlt_log_set_level( MLT_LOG_VERBOSE );
		else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-version" ) || !strcmp( argv[ i ], "--version" ) )
			fprintf( stderr, "MLT %s 0.5\n"
				"Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Ushodaya Enterprises Limited\n"
				"This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO\n"
				basename( argv[0] ) );
			goto exit_factory;
		else if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-debug" ) )
			mlt_log_set_level( MLT_LOG_DEBUG );

	// Create profile if not set explicitly
	if ( profile == NULL )
		profile = mlt_profile_init( NULL );

	// Look for the consumer option
	for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
		if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-consumer" ) )
			consumer = create_consumer( profile, argv[ ++ i ] );
			if ( consumer )
				mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );
				while ( argv[ i + 1 ] != NULL && strstr( argv[ i + 1 ], "=" ) )
					mlt_properties_parse( properties, argv[ ++ i ] );

	// If we have no consumer, default to sdl
	if ( store == NULL && consumer == NULL )
		consumer = create_consumer( profile, NULL );

	// Get melt producer
	if ( argc > 1 )
		melt = mlt_factory_producer( profile, "melt", &argv[ 1 ] );

	// Set transport properties on consumer and produder
	if ( consumer != NULL && melt != NULL )
		mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer ), "transport_producer", melt, 0, NULL, NULL );
		mlt_properties_set_data( MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( melt ), "transport_consumer", consumer, 0, NULL, NULL );
		if ( is_progress )
			mlt_properties_set_int(  MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer ), "progress", is_progress );
		if ( is_silent )
			mlt_properties_set_int(  MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer ), "silent", is_silent );

	if ( argc > 1 && melt != NULL && mlt_producer_get_length( melt ) > 0 )
		// Parse the arguments
		for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
			if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-serialise" ) )
				if ( store != stdout )
					i ++;
				if ( store != NULL )
					fprintf( store, "%s\n", argv[ i ] );

				i ++;

				while ( argv[ i ] != NULL && argv[ i ][ 0 ] != '-' )
					if ( store != NULL )
						fprintf( store, "%s\n", argv[ i ] );
					i += 1;

				i --;

		if ( consumer != NULL && store == NULL )
			// Get melt's properties
			mlt_properties melt_props = MLT_PRODUCER_PROPERTIES( melt );
			// Get the last group
			mlt_properties group = mlt_properties_get_data( melt_props, "group", 0 );
			// Apply group settings
			mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( consumer );
			mlt_properties_inherit( properties, group );

			// Connect consumer to melt
			mlt_consumer_connect( consumer, MLT_PRODUCER_SERVICE( melt ) );

			// Start the consumer
			mlt_consumer_start( consumer );

			// Transport functionality
			transport( melt, consumer );

			// Stop the consumer
			mlt_consumer_stop( consumer );
		else if ( store != NULL && store != stdout && name != NULL )
			fprintf( stderr, "Project saved as %s.\n", name );
			fclose( store );
		fprintf( stderr,
"Usage: %s [options] [producer [name=value]* ]+\n"
"  -attach filter[:arg] [name=value]*       Attach a filter to the output\n"
"  -attach-cut filter[:arg] [name=value]*   Attach a filter to a cut\n"
"  -attach-track filter[:arg] [name=value]* Attach a filter to a track\n"
"  -attach-clip filter[:arg] [name=value]*  Attach a filter to a producer\n"
"  -audio-track | -hide-video               Add an audio-only track\n"
"  -blank frames                            Add blank silence to a track\n"
"  -consumer id[:arg] [name=value]*         Set the consumer (sink)\n"
"  -debug                                   Set the logging level to debug\n"
"  -filter filter[:arg] [name=value]*       Add a filter to the current track\n"
"  -group [name=value]*                     Apply properties repeatedly\n"
"  -help                                    Show this message\n"
"  -join clips                              Join multiple clips into one cut\n"
"  -mix length                              Add a mix between the last two cuts\n"
"  -mixer transition                        Add a transition to the mix\n"
"  -null-track | -hide-track                Add a hidden track\n"
"  -profile name                            Set the processing settings\n"
"  -progress                                Display progress along with position\n"
"  -remove                                  Remove the most recent cut\n"
"  -repeat times                            Repeat the last cut\n"
"  -query                                   List all of the registered services\n"
"  -query \"consumers\" | \"consumer\"=id       List consumers or show info about one\n"
"  -query \"filters\" | \"filter\"=id           List filters or show info about one\n"
"  -query \"producers\" | \"producer\"=id       List producers or show info about one\n"
"  -query \"transitions\" | \"transition\"=id   List transitions, show info about one\n"
"  -serialise [filename]                    Write the commands to a text file\n"
"  -silent                                  Do not display position/transport\n"
"  -split relative-frame                    Split the last cut into two cuts\n"
"  -swap                                    Rearrange the last two cuts\n"
"  -track                                   Add a track\n"
"  -transition id[:arg] [name=value]*       Add a transition\n"
"  -verbose                                 Set the logging level to verbose\n"
"  -version                                 Show the version and copyright\n"
"  -video-track | -hide-audio               Add a video-only track\n"
"For more help: <>\n",
		basename( argv[0] ) );

	// Close the producer
	if ( melt != NULL )
		mlt_producer_close( melt );

	// Close the consumer
	if ( consumer != NULL )
		mlt_consumer_close( consumer );

	// Close the factory
	mlt_profile_close( profile );

	mlt_factory_close( );

	return 0;
Beispiel #5
static void load_consumer( mlt_consumer *consumer, mlt_profile profile, int argc, char **argv )
	int i;
	int multi = 0;

	for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
		multi += !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-consumer" );

	if ( multi > 1 )
		// If there is more than one -consumer use the 'multi' consumer.
		int k = 0;
		char key[20];

		if ( *consumer )
			mlt_consumer_close( *consumer );
		*consumer = create_consumer( profile, "multi" );
		mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( *consumer );
		for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
			if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-consumer" ) && argv[ i + 1 ])
				// Create a properties object for each sub-consumer
				mlt_properties new_props = mlt_properties_new();
				snprintf( key, sizeof(key), "%d", k++ );
				mlt_properties_set_data( properties, key, new_props, 0,
					(mlt_destructor) mlt_properties_close, NULL );
				if ( strchr( argv[i + 1], ':' ) )
					char *temp = strdup( argv[++i] );
					char *service = temp;
					char *target = strchr( temp, ':' );
					*target++ = 0;
					mlt_properties_set( new_props, "mlt_service", service );
					mlt_properties_set( new_props, "target", target );
					mlt_properties_set( new_props, "mlt_service", argv[ ++i ] );
				while ( argv[ i + 1 ] && strchr( argv[ i + 1 ], '=' ) )
					mlt_properties_parse( new_props, argv[ ++ i ] );
	else for ( i = 1; i < argc; i ++ )
		if ( !strcmp( argv[ i ], "-consumer" ) )
			if ( *consumer )
				mlt_consumer_close( *consumer );
			*consumer = create_consumer( profile, argv[ ++ i ] );
			if ( *consumer )
				mlt_properties properties = MLT_CONSUMER_PROPERTIES( *consumer );
				while ( argv[ i + 1 ] != NULL && strchr( argv[ i + 1 ], '=' ) )
					mlt_properties_parse( properties, argv[ ++ i ] );