Beispiel #1
FILE* PlumedMain::fopen(const char *path, const char *mode){
  std::string mmode(mode);
  std::string ppath(path);
  std::string suffix(getSuffix());
  std::string ppathsuf=ppath+suffix;
  if(!fp) fp=std::fopen(const_cast<char*>(ppath.c_str()),const_cast<char*>(mmode.c_str()));
  plumed_massert(fp,"file " + ppath + " cannot be found");
  return fp;
Beispiel #2
 * Draw a volumetric rendering of the grid for timestep it and variable ip.
 * Input: it - timestep
 *        ip - variable
void draw_volume( Context ctx, int it, int ip, unsigned int *ctable )
   float *data;
   static int prev_it[VIS5D_MAX_CONTEXTS];
   static int prev_ip[VIS5D_MAX_CONTEXTS];
   static int do_once = 1;
   int dir;
   float x, y, z, ax, ay, az;
   MATRIX ctm, proj;
   Display_Context dtx;

   dtx = ctx->dpy_ctx;
   if (do_once){
      int yo;
      for (yo=0; yo<VIS5D_MAX_CONTEXTS; yo++){
         prev_it[yo] = -1;
         prev_ip[yo] = -1;
      do_once = 0;

   /* Get 3rd column values from transformation matrix */
#if defined (HAVE_SGI_GL) || defined (DENALI)
   /* Compute orientation of 3-D box with respect to current matrices */
   /* with no assumptions about the location of the camera.  This was */
   /* done for the CAVE. */
   mmode( MPROJECTION );
   getmatrix( proj );
   mmode( MVIEWING );
   getmatrix( ctm );
#if defined(HAVE_OPENGL)
   glGetFloatv( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, (GLfloat *) proj );
   glGetFloatv( GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, (GLfloat *) ctm );
   check_gl_error( "draw_volume" );

   /* compute third column values in the product of ctm*proj */
   x = ctm[0][0]*proj[0][2] + ctm[0][1]*proj[1][2]
     + ctm[0][2]*proj[2][2] + ctm[0][3]*proj[3][2];
   y = ctm[1][0]*proj[0][2] + ctm[1][1]*proj[1][2]
     + ctm[1][2]*proj[2][2] + ctm[1][3]*proj[3][2];
   z = ctm[2][0]*proj[0][2] + ctm[2][1]*proj[1][2]
     + ctm[2][2]*proj[2][2] + ctm[2][3]*proj[3][2];

   /* examine values to determine how to draw slices */
   ax = ABS(x);
   ay = ABS(y);
   az = ABS(z);
   if (ax>=ay && ax>=az) {
      /* draw x-axis slices */
      dir = (x<0.0) ? WEST_TO_EAST : EAST_TO_WEST;
   else if (ay>=ax && ay>=az) {
      /* draw y-axis slices */
      dir = (y<0.0) ? SOUTH_TO_NORTH : NORTH_TO_SOUTH;
   else {
      /* draw z-axis slices */
      dir = (z<0.0) ? BOTTOM_TO_TOP : TOP_TO_BOTTOM;

   /* If this is a new time step or variable then invalidate old volumes */
   if (it!=prev_it[ctx->context_index] || ip!=prev_ip[ctx->context_index]) {
      ctx->Volume->valid = 0;
      prev_it[ctx->context_index] = it;
      prev_ip[ctx->context_index] = ip;

   /* Determine if we have to compute a set of slices for the direction. */
   if (ctx->Volume->dir!=dir || ctx->Volume->valid==0) {
      data = get_grid( ctx, it, ip );
      if (data) {
         if (ctx->GridSameAsGridPRIME){
            compute_volume( ctx, data, it, ip, ctx->Nr, ctx->Nc, ctx->Nl[ip],
                            ctx->Variable[ip]->LowLev, ctx->Variable[ip]->MinVal, ctx->Variable[ip]->MaxVal,
                            dir, ctx->Volume );
            compute_volumePRIME( ctx, data, it, ip, dtx->Nr, dtx->Nc, dtx->Nl,
                            dtx->LowLev, ctx->Variable[ip]->MinVal, ctx->Variable[ip]->MaxVal,
                            dir, ctx->Volume );
         release_grid( ctx, it, ip, data );

   render_volume( ctx, ctx->Volume, ctable );
Beispiel #3
    float ship[XY];
    long org[XY];
    long size[XY];
    Device dev;
    short val;
    Device mdev[XY];
    short mval[XY];
    long nhits;
    short buffer[BUFSIZE];
    Boolean run;

    prefsize(400, 400);
    getorigin(&org[X], &org[Y]);
    getsize(&size[X], &size[Y]);
    ortho2(-0.5, size[X] - 0.5, -0.5, size[Y] - 0.5);
    mdev[X] = MOUSEX;
    mdev[Y] = MOUSEY;

    run = TRUE;
    while (run) {
	dev = qread(&val);
	if (val == 0) {				/* on upstroke */
	    switch (dev) {
	    case LEFTMOUSE:
		getdev(XY, mdev, mval);
		ship[X] = mval[X] - org[X];
		ship[Y] = mval[Y] - org[Y];
		sbox(ship[X], ship[Y], 
		     ship[X] + SHIPWIDTH, ship[Y] + SHIPHEIGHT);

		 * specify the selecting region to be a box surrounding the
		 * rocket ship 
		ortho2(ship[X], ship[X] + SHIPWIDTH, 
		       ship[Y], ship[Y] + SHIPHEIGHT);

		gselect(buffer, BUFSIZE);
		    /* no actual drawing takes place */
		nhits = endselect(buffer);

		 * restore the Projection matrix; NB. can't use push/popmatrix 
		 * since they only work for the ModelView matrix stack 
		 * when in MVIEWING mode
		ortho2(-0.5, size[X] - 0.5, -0.5, size[Y] - 0.5);

		 * check to see if PLANET was selected; NB. nhits is NOT the
		 * number of buffer elements written
		if (nhits < 0) {
		    fprintf(stderr, "gselect buffer overflow\n");
		    run = FALSE;
		else if (nhits >= 1 && buffer[0] == 1 && buffer[1] == PLANET)
	    case ESCKEY:
		run = FALSE;
    return 0;